Lu Jiaxi

Modern Chinese mathematicians
zero Useful+1
Lu Jiaxi (June 10, 1935 to October 31, 1983), Modern China Mathematician, first prize winner of National Natural Science Award.
Chinese name
Lu Jiaxi
Ethnic groups
one's native heath
date of birth
June 10, 1935
Date of death
October 31, 1983
University one is graduated from
Northeast Normal University
Representative works
Kirkman Quad Series
Key achievements
First Prize Winner of National Natural Science Award

Character evaluation

It has proved that the important "Steiner series" and "Cockman series" problems in the field of combinatorial computing are Modern China Mathematician, combinatorial mathematics expert, winner of the first prize of the National Natural Science Award. However, at the peak of his amateur research, he suddenly died early. His research achievements, his research spirit and his experience are impressive [1]
Mendelson, a famous Canadian mathematician and professor at the University of Toronto, once praised him: "This is one of the major achievements in combination design in more than 20 years." University of Toronto The President of Baotou No. 9 Middle School, Stegland Wei, wrote a letter to the President of Baotou No. 9 Middle School, suggesting that Lu Jiaxi be transferred to a university post. D.W. Stragway, president of the University of Toronto, Canada, said in his letter to the president of Baotou No. 9 Middle School: "Lu Jiaxi of Baotou No. 9 Middle School is a famous western mathematician engaged in combinatorial theory" [2]
The "Lujiaxi Academic Work Review Committee" composed of Chinese combinatorial mathematics experts evaluated that "Lujiaxi's achievements on the big collection can be comparable to the other two world-famous achievements in the block design theory, and will be recorded in the history of combinatorial mathematics together with them
World class mathematician, solving world problems such as the Cockman girl problem [2]

Character's Life

On June 10, 1935, Lu Jiaxi was born to a poor citizen in Shanghai. His father Lu Baoxiang was a "street runner" on the beach of Shanghai. He produced and sold some soy sauce essence and monosodium glutamate. If he didn't run away all day, his family would have no rice to cook. His mother Li Yuexian kept house and raised four children in succession. The first three died because they were ill and could not be cured. Only the fourth family had a big life, Grow up
Jia Xi was extremely intelligent and strong since he was young. He joined Shanghai at the age of 6 Nanxun Road As a student in Zhengde Primary School, he learned to cherish the hard won opportunity to study in his young mind, and his studies have always remained excellent. In 1948, when he was in Mailun Middle School When he was in the second grade of junior high school, his father suddenly fell seriously ill and died soon after he had no money to cure him. This was undoubtedly a heavy blow to his family. Jia Xi barely graduated from junior high school and was forced to drop out of school. In September 1950, he was introduced by someone. At the age of 15, he came to Shanghai to work as an apprentice in a hardware and materials shop. He shouldered the heavy burden of life prematurely and experienced the hardships of the world
1951 Northeast Electric Appliance Industrial management Bureau statistics training course completed
In November 1951, Jia Xi resolutely said goodbye to his family, left Shanghai, which had brought him joy and suffering, and came to the Northern Kingdom alone Shenyang , was admitted to the statistical training class run by Northeast Electric Appliance Industry Administration. Six months later, he finished the course with the first academic achievement and was assigned to Harbin Electric Machinery Factory Work
stay Harbin Electric Machinery Factory During more than five years of work, he worked hard in material, finance, planning, production and other departments, and was rated as the advanced producer twice. In 1956, Songhua River Overflow, directly threatening Harbin He actively participated in the safety of the city combat a flood and go to the rescue hurriedly The first line won the honorable title of second-class flood control model of the city
Jiaxi the ability to study independently Strong and persistent. No matter how tough the environment is, he Total energy system He arranges his study schedule carefully. He is very strict with his own requirements. He starts from every bit and studies hard. He takes all the high school courses by himself in his spare time, and loves some brochures about natural science Harbin It was very cold in winter, but in order to learn Russian, he insisted on walking a long way to night school every night. Yuan Maoyuan, who went to night school with him that year, recalled that six months later, Jia Xi could have a simple conversation with his teacher in Russian. In terms of language learning, he had a high talent. Under very poor conditions, he not only basically mastered Russian and English, And in the later years, because of the need to check the information, he learned Japanese by himself
Jia Xi lost his father at the age of 13, went out alone to make a living at the age of 16, and lost his mother at the age of 29. Due to the premature loss of family warmth, he was an introverted person who gradually became withdrawn and was willing to travel alone in the ocean of knowledge. However, he was also a person who could entertain himself and had a wide range of interests. In his spare time, he loved to sing Beijing Opera; Since his youth, he has loved chess and go; He also likes to appreciate literary masterpieces and is concerned about the latest achievements in science and technology. When sorting out his relics, he found Chinese and foreign literary masterpieces and books introducing the latest technology. Some books have him Circle the dots And simple Comments , question mark, etc. There are also some original foreign language books
Interesting Introduction to Mathematical Methods, which led Lu Jiaxi to the road of mathematics
One day in the summer of 1957, Jia Xi bought a copy Sun Zeying Written by《 Interesting Introduction to Mathematical Methods 》For many days in a row, he was deeply immersed in more than ten interesting world famous books Mathematical puzzle Chinese. Lu Jiaxi, who was in his prime at that time, might not have expected that a thin booklet would change his way of life in the future
Interesting Introduction to Mathematical Methods 》The "Cockman girl problem" among them attracted him most. As early as 1850, church of england T.P. Kirkman, one of the district teachers in Beijing, put forward such an interesting question in the annual journal of Diaries of Ladies and Gentlemen: a female teacher would lead her 15 girls to take a walk every afternoon. She divided the students into five groups, three in each group, and asked how to arrange it so that within a week, Every two students are in the same group one day. This interesting math game looks very simple at first glance, and Cockman himself is also in the Ask questions In the second year of, he gave an answer in the same journal. However, the instinct of mathematicians is to often generalize and abstract a simple game problem. For example, we can use N instead of 15 to divide N units into several groups, with three units in each group. One division forms a series, called the Cockman series. Suppose there are several series, ask: divide N into several series, Make each unit and any other unit in the same group exactly once necessary and sufficient condition What is it? How is the division of series formed? This is a problem of sufficient and necessary conditions for the existence of composite design, which has not been solved for more than 100 years Mathematical research The self-taught talents on the Mathematical puzzle It is called the "Cockman Girl Problem"
Jilin Normal University (now Northeast Normal University), where Lu Jiaxi studied
Lu Jiaxi, 22 years old, has been drunk for many days. He has a strong idea in his mind that he must overcome this problem. However Junior high school education In the eyes of others, Lu Jiaxi also deeply understood that science can not rely on temporary enthusiasm and impulse. He realized his lack of knowledge and was eager to further study
Things did not go smoothly. The leaders did not understand the ambitious young man in Shanghai and did not approve his application for further education. Lu Jiaxi was very stubborn and obstinate, and never hesitated after making up his mind. He resolutely gave up his monthly salary of 64 yuan and was admitted in the autumn of 1957 Jilin Normal University (Now Northeast Normal University )The Department of Physics started a hard university life with only a meager financial aid
In his four years of college, although his material life was much less than that of his work, his spiritual world was completely free, which was exactly the environment that Jia Xi dreamed of. During the four years, he worked hard in both physics and mathematics, read a lot of mathematical monographs, and took a considerable number of notes, Specialized courses He has been doing well all the time. From college to the end of his life, because his major is learning physics and teaching physics, he has always taken mathematical research as his hobby, and never delayed his own work. Later, he also told his relatives and friends that what he really likes is physics, and he is willing to take it as a lifelong major, With a view to making more direct contributions to mankind; But physics needs too many material conditions, so we can only do mathematics
Striking world famous Mathematical puzzle It's not easy. For a stubborn college student, it doesn't just mean a pen and a few pieces of calculation paper. It requires dedication. Every night when someone falls asleep in the dead of night, he quietly gets up, leaves the dormitory, walks around under the light at the stairway and talks with his "Cockman Girl". This "dialogue" It lasted for four years. At the end of his tense college life, he not only obtained his diploma with excellent grades, but also completely solved the "Cockman Girl Problem" that has plagued the mathematical world for more than 100 years
Silent struggle
Graduated in 1961 Northeast Normal University Department of Physics. Successive posts Inner Mongolia Baotou No. 24 Middle School Physics teacher of No. 9 Middle School. Baotou City Combinatorial mathematics Experts.
Lu Jiaxi has been engaged in combinatorial mathematics research for a long time. In 1961, he completed the paper "Kirkman Quad Series", and then specialized in "Steiner Series", creating a unique introduction prime number Factorial Recursive Construction method , and complete the general topic "Disjoint Steiner The collection of ternary system and other seven papers have solved the problems that have not been solved for many years in the international research of combination design theory.
1961 Jilin Normal University (Today Northeast Normal University )Graduated from physics department.
In the autumn of 1961, Lu Jiaxi graduated from University and was assigned to Inner Mongolia Grassland Steel City Baotou Iron and Steel Institute He is an assistant teacher. He is full of ambition and hopes for the future. On December 30 of the same year, he sent his first work, "The Construction Method of the Cockman Series and the Steiner Series", with five years of hard work, as the first child in spirit Institute of Mathematics, Chinese Academy of Sciences With a view to asking for advice, affirmation and publication. At the same time, another paper was sent, "Application portfolio series production" Orthogonal Latin Square From then on, he began the hard journey of life
In the early summer of 1962, Baotou Iron and Steel Institute dismounted and Jia Xi was transferred to Baotou City Education Bureau. In the first four years of the "Cultural Revolution", he successively worked in the Teaching and Research Section of the Education Bureau, including No. 8 Middle School, No. 5 Middle School Bao 24th Middle School He taught at the Administrative Cadre School of the Education Bureau for a period of time. Frequent transfers made him unable to take into account his marriage, but he continued to carry out mathematical research with tenacious perseverance
In February 1963, he received a reply from the Institute of Mathematics, in which he introduced some of the latest literature, hoped that he would verify the paper himself, and said that if the result was new, he could submit it directly to《 Journal of Mathematics 》So he used the Spring Festival period to rewrite the paper and sent it to《 Mathematical bulletin 》The Math Bulletin, by its nature, does not publish long articles, especially those written by Lu, who is highly professional. After a difficult year, the answer is: Mathematical tools It is suggested to publish other publications. "
It's a pity that he took a detour, but Lu Jiaxi was full of confidence in his paper. He rewrote the paper and named it“ Balanced incomplete block And the construction method of decomposable balance incomplete block ", sent to《 Journal of Mathematics 》The revision of this paper took more than a year and was carried out under extremely difficult conditions. On the one hand, in order to add new content to the paper, he went to almost all libraries in Baotou City and spent the summer vacation to Beijing Library Check the information, sometimes live in the railway station. On the other hand, frequently Job transfer It was also difficult for him to study with ease. In addition, because he worked alone and silently, he seldom interacted with others. When people around him did not understand, he was criticized, scoffed and ridiculed, which put a lot of pressure on his spirit. Once upon a time, when he was in college, he was burdened with "not asking politics" because of studying the "Koukeman girl problem". At this time, On the eve of the Cultural Revolution Ultra leftist trend of thought When the land of the motherland is increasingly permeated, wear a hat for him to take the "white professional road" and send him to the cadre school for training Labor reform It is natural
This paper was returned in February 1966. History is just and will not bury the pearl in the earth forever. In 1987, four years after the death of Lu Jiaxi, Chinese combinatorial mathematics experts reviewed and concluded that this paper announced the first solution of the "Cockman problem". Of course, due to historical reasons, this achievement is recognized in the mathematical world as belonging to R. Chaudhuri and Wilson (R.M. Wilson), because they first published this result in 1971. This is also justifiable. Here we quote a paragraph Inner Mongolia university Chen Jie Professor to Inner Mongolia Autonomous Region The report of the Science and Technology Commission: "According to the requirements of Lu Jiaxi's academic work review meeting in September 1984, I accepted the commission of the meeting to continue to invite experts to review Lu Jiaxi's posthumous works on Kirkman. We invited Suzhou University Wu Lisheng Zhu Lie Two professors and Hebei Normal University Kang Qingde Professors (they are experts in combination design) are responsible for this work. In the past year, they have carried out repeated reviews and discussions. They believe that Lu Jiaxi's 1965 posthumous work, "Structural Method of Balanced Incomplete Block and Decomposable Balanced Incomplete Block" (there is exact evidence to prove that this paper was actually written by Lu in 1965), is indeed prior to that of Chadhari and Wilson The famous Kirkman problem has been solved for at least six years. That is to say, Comrade Lu Jiaxi's work on the Kirkman problem is also leading in the world. "This conclusion was made 22 years later, making a landmark achievement in Chinese combinatorics less an opportunity to lead the world
Then, he made persistent efforts and continued to fight. In just half a year, he completed four more papers [5-8] as the development of the previous paper
In the summer of 1966, when the "Cultural Revolution" began, Lu Jiaxi was a little desperate in the face of disaster. After the "Cultural Revolution" ended, he wrote to a friend: "See《 Journal of Mathematics 》I gave up the idea of submitting papers for this work (referring to the Cockman problem). Soon it was the Cultural Revolution, and they all ran aground. "" These things seemed to sink in the depths of memory. "From the beginning of 1966 to the autumn of 1977, he had not submitted a paper for 11 years
A good marriage ends late
After the beginning of the "Cultural Revolution", Lu Jiaxi did not give up his research on combinatorial mathematics. Once, at the meeting of the critical fight against the so-called "capitalist roaders", he hid in a corner of the inconspicuous meeting place and calculated in a small book. At first, he was alert to the left and right, but soon entered the realm of forgetting himself. When the critical fight was about to end, people finally found out his behavior, At that time, it was a "standing on what class stand ”The good thing is that he family origin After he was saved, the radical rebels just wanted to pull out his "white flag" and make the son of the poor citizen return to the "revolutionary team". At night, he lay in bed, thinking about things, and almost couldn't sleep a night. The next day, a striking big character newspaper appeared on the campus. Lu Jiaxi, the typical representative of taking the "white professional road", took the lead to set up a "Haiyan Fighting Team", Serve as the commander in chief, and use fierce language to "land, rich, anti, bad, right and everything reactionaries ”Declare war. After that, others rebel faction The organization took a different view of him and stopped bothering him. As the days passed, people could no longer see Lu Jiaxi Not found What is the "revolutionary action" of the "Haiyan Fighting Team"? At last, the truth came to light. The so-called "Haiyan Fighting Team" was just a bare handed commander of him. This was also the countermeasure he was forced out of, so that he could hide in the single dormitory and quietly study the combination design. Because his family background was "poor in the city", and he would never offend anyone, So that this matter did not cause a major disturbance
As time went by, he was in his late thirties. He devoted himself to scientific research. He was slovenly at ordinary times, and didn't bother to take apart his cotton padded clothes. He really forgot to sleep and eat in the cold and summer, and he "didn't regret when his clothes became wider". But he was a human being after all, and sometimes he thought about his own life. However, he usually spoke little, had little contact with people, and had no relatives in Baotou, Although some enthusiastic colleagues introduced him, he was not satisfied and was politely rejected
"Love is the alias of understanding" (Tagore language), Lu Jiaxi finally met a bosom friend. In the Spring Festival of 1972, his friend Liu Ziyu led him to meet Zhang Shuqin, a doctor of Langshan Hospital who went back to Baotou to visit relatives. He, who has always been bad at speaking, has become more talkative, talking about work, science, and plans for the future. After a period of letters and books, the two people hit it off, He married in the summer vacation of the same year. At the age of 37, he finally had a warm home. Soon, Zhang was transferred to The First Affiliated Hospital of Baotou Medical College In March of the next year, he was transferred to Baotou No. 9 Middle School Teach (the two units are closer). From then on, he began a period of relatively stable life and work
Years of single life and heavy teaching and scientific research have made him a real layman in housework, so that he has made many jokes. But he is happy have a chance to Zhang Shuqin is a wise woman who understands and sympathizes with him. Although she doesn't know anything about "the problem of female students in Koukeman" or understand mathematical papers, she believes her husband's work is meaningful. She takes the initiative to undertake most of the housework, Create a quiet environment for her husband. Whenever there is an appropriate opportunity, she will publicize her husband's scientific research work and strive for the understanding and support of the school, colleagues, relatives and friends
Zhang Shuqin was married to Lu Jiaxi after divorce. When she married, she took a two-year-old daughter, Zhang Huizhong. Jiaxi loved children and was willing to play and amuse with her. The child soon became intimate with him, often asking him to hug and carry his back. Until Lu died, the children did not know that he was the stepfather. On February 7, 1976, they gave birth to a daughter, It was named Lu Deng. The birth of the youngest daughter not only added new joy to their family, but also made Lu's character gradually cheerful. He was no longer so reticent, and occasionally chatted with colleagues, joking. With the growth of his daughter, although he was very busy, he had to spare time to tease her, tell them stories, teach them singing, painting When playing Rubik's Cube, the wife said, "Home Xihe The daughter together is like a different person; In order to teach Deng Deng a children's song, he also asked the music teacher to learn the song film first. He is not rich, but he must buy a toy piano for his daughter. At the end of the Wuhan math conference, he was given a small bag of oranges, but he didn't eat any on the way. All of them brought back to the children. Lu Deng has graduated from high school, Continue to study. Huizhong graduated from Radio and TV University in 1989 and worked in the electrical classroom of Baojiu Middle School. Zhang Shuqin still works in Baotou Medical College and has been promoted to associate professor
Overcome the "Steiner Series" Large set theorem
The "Gang of Four" was smashed, ushering in the spring of science. Lu Jiaxi felt that the future was bright, so he resumed his career. On September 4, 1977, he sent a revised version of the article "K=5, λ=1, v=141, the balance is incomplete" to《 Journal of Mathematics 》In March of the next year, with the help of his comrades, he borrowed a 1976 edition of Hall's《 Combinatorial theory 》From it, I learned that the general solution of the "Koukeman girl problem" is still unknown. This is really good news for Lu Jiaxi, who has studied the problem for more than 20 years and believes that he has completely solved it. But he is the main force of Baotou No. 9 Middle School, one of the first key middle schools in Inner Mongolia Physics teacher Every week's class hours are excessive. In 1978, he crossed the junior high school and senior high school, with 7 teaching plans, 14 classes, and 3 Late self-study There is no time for scientific research! He usually worked hard, never picking and choosing, and never made any request to the leader. He only used holidays and evenings to do scientific research. At nearly 10 o'clock every night, he began "formal part-time work", even staying up all night. The next morning, he went to the podium as usual. From May 6 to July 2, 1978, in less than two months, He wrote four papers on the "Cockman Problem" in the spare time of busy teaching
In April 1979, he borrowed the Journal of Combinatorics, a publication on world combinatorial mathematics published in the United States in 1974 and 1975. From it, he unexpectedly found that the Cockman problem and its extension to Quaternion A series of problems were solved in 1971 and 1972 abroad. This fact hit him too hard. At that time, he wrote in his letter to Comrade Fang Yi, who came to Baotou to inspect the work, "... these times are 7 to 10 years later than me, and my manuscript is still not available. The original text has not been seen, and it is still not available Explain the method The advantages and disadvantages are different, but in any case, foreign countries are ahead in publishing time This also shows that my past work is meaningful. This period of history has 18 years. My first child, a spiritual child, is 18 years old. But her fate is really bad. 18 years is not short in a person's life, right modern science It will be a long time. Isn't there any lesson here? I love science, no matter what Public opinion environment Next, what Working conditions I have never wavered. What I worry about is what will happen if there are new works! "
The honor of climbing the world's mathematical peak was buried. Lu Jiaxi was distraught, but he did not fall down. Instead, he summoned more courage to attack another peak of combinatorial mathematics - "Steiner Series", which is his new work
As early as 1853, Switzerland mathematician Steiner (Steiner) is studying Quartic curve Of Double tangent Encountered a (v, 3, 1) Block group Design, this is the so-called Steiner ternary system Block design Research on digital communication theory, fast transformation Finite geometry The Steiner ternary system plays an important role in the block design theory. The set composed of Steiner ternary systems with a number of v-2 and satisfying a certain necessary and sufficient condition is called a large set. The so-called "large set problem" is the existence problem of a large set; The so-called "large set theorem" is to prove the necessary and sufficient conditions for its existence. For more than 30 years, many mathematicians have been attracted by this problem, and have racked their brains and worked hard for it, but the results are still piecemeal. An article in the May issue of the Journal of Combinatorics in 1981 said: "This problem is far from being completely solved."
After the Third Plenary Session of the 11th Central Committee, the spring breeze of reform and opening up blew to the steel city outside the Great Wall, and Lu Jiaxi began the most intense stage in his life. He taught in the day and engaged in scientific research in the evening. Opening his diary in December 1979, 21 of the 31 days recorded: "night work", "night make-up", "night writing papers", "night thinking Bays conjecture" and "night typing English manuscripts". Every Spring Festival, He always asked his wife to take the children to his mother-in-law's home for the New Year, while he was roaming in the mathematical kingdom amid the sound of firecrackers on the streets all night long
Although his wife supported his husband's scientific research, she was also worried about his health. She advised him to take a walk after dinner every day and stay up no later than 12 o'clock. But what he studied was Mathematical puzzle As soon as the train of thought started, it was difficult to end casually. Therefore, he often had to break his wife's rules and work hard. From February 24 to July 20, 1979, Lu Jiaxi successively《 Journal of Mathematics 》Three papers were posted, one of which“ Decomposable balanced incomplete block design His theory of existence was published in the fourth issue of the Journal of Mathematics in 1984. This was his first and last paper published in domestic journals. He had died for more than nine months when it was published
In October 1979, Lu Jiaxi made another major breakthrough in scientific research. In his letter to the Journal of Combinatorial Theory, he announced that he had basically solved the "disjoint Steiner trilogy". The reply of the magazine said: "If it is true, it will be an important result." He added: "Many experts in the world are studying this problem, but it is far from being completely solved." They did not expect that this problem was basically solved by a Chinese middle school physics teacher
Lu Jiaxi Solves the "Large Collection of Disjoint Steiner Ternary System"
Since September 18, 1981, the Journal of Combinatorial Theory has received Lu Jiaxi's title of "Discontinuity" Steiner The western combinatorial experts were surprised, Canada Famous mathematician University of Toronto Professor Mendelson said, "This is one of the major achievements in portfolio design over the past 20 years." D.W. Stragway, president of the University of Toronto, Canada The letter to the principal of Baotou No. 9 Middle School said: "Dear Sir, Professor Mendelssohn said that Lu Jiaxi of Bao Jiuzhong was a famous mathematician engaged in combinatorial theory in the West, and said that it was necessary to agree to transfer him to a university post. He asked me to tell you that such a transfer would play an important role in the development of mathematics in China, and hoped that the expressed will would be permitted. Your sincere D.W.Strangway. September 1983 On September 30, 1984, the "Lu Jiaxi Academic Work Review Committee" composed of Chinese combinatorial mathematics experts made the following evaluation on September 15, 1984:
"... Comrade Lu Jiaxi introduced AD, AD *, AD * *, LD and LD * and other auxiliary designs and related collections LAD1, LAD2 and LAD3, creatively used the results of previous generations, and ingeniously designed a series of recursion Structure, which strictly proves that the large set of the disjoint Steiner ternary system of order v exists for all v ∨ 1 or 3 (mod 6) v > 7 except for six values, thus declaring the overall solution of this problem (about Exception value , he has already written, but in Writing process China died, leaving only an outline and some results). As we all know, in 1960, Bosch( Bose )It is proved that when t>1 Euler Conjecture is not tenable; In 1961, Hanani gave and proved the necessary and sufficient conditions for the existence of (b, v, r, k, λ) designs of k=3 and 4, which are two world-famous achievements in block design theory. Lu Jiaxi's achievements on large collections can be comparable to the above two achievements, and will be recorded in the annals of combinatorial mathematics together with them. "
Looking at the proof of mathematical theorems in ancient and modern times, depending on the different objects, there are not only grand and grand works, but also short and pithy and refined works lemma It is rare to prove a theorem with 100 printed pages and 100000 words Large scale project Lu Jiaxi's proof is that Constructivity This is in line with the ancestral tradition of Chinese ancient mathematics, which is the feature and glory of Oriental mathematics
The last years
In October 1983, Lu Jiaxi, as a specially invited middle school teacher, attended the fourth session in Wuhan Chinese Mathematics Society At the annual meeting, the General Assembly fully recognized his achievements and commended his spirit of striving to reach the peak of science. He was very excited to report his work at the meeting and told everyone that he had found solutions to six of the exceptions and was working hard to sort them out
He succeeded, but was not intoxicated with the joy of victory. He was pregnant with a new plan. He wanted to advance to a new height. I remember that when he received the first three papers on the Journal of Combinatorics sent from the United States, How happy he was. Soon after, he would give the author a paper as a souvenir. The author said to him, "I don't understand your mathematical paper. There are still many people who want your paper, so you'd better give it to them. But can you give me a brief introduction to the origin, status quo and value of this mathematical problem?" He smiled, After a second thought, he said, "Your problem is too difficult for me to explain, but the mathematical problem I studied is both old and young. The research in this field is in the ascendant and will have a climax." The author said, "Laolu, what you studied Mathematical puzzle Now that it has been basically solved, you should take a good rest and pay attention to your health. "He replied:" I am almost 50 years old, and there is not much time left. I have to hurry up. "
After the Wuhan conference, in order to return to school for class, Lu Jiaxi waited only a few hours when transferring to Beijing, and then returned to Baotou by hard seat at about 6:00 p.m. on October 30. As soon as he entered the house, he excitedly said to his wife, "This time we can see the world." After dinner, he talked with his family for a while and said, "Too tired, too tired. Let's have a rest early." Long term fatigue and long-term latent diseases have far exceeded his physiological endurance. At about 1:00 am that night, heart disease He died suddenly without leaving a last word. He was only 48 years old
Lu Jiaxi was an ordinary person who worked silently all his life. His persistent pursuit of his career made him as crazy as a fan. Once upon a time, people counted him in his bed in a bachelor's dormitory ceiling The grid is just a few hours of action“ mental disease ”; After he sent his child to kindergarten, he came back in broad daylight and ran into the school's combined equipment, forehead It is regarded as a laughingstock that several stitches have been sewn on. His official occupation is a middle school physics teacher. His basic knowledge of physics is solid and systematic, and his mathematical knowledge is skilled. Solving physical problems is his favorite strength. The more senior students, the more capable students are, the more they like to listen to his lessons. What are the theoretical problems that the teaching and research team has in doubt, Please consult him. I remember once when I was preparing for a lesson on "rectification and filtering" Oscilloscope There was a lot of interference, and the normal waveform could not be displayed. Several physics teachers adjusted it for a long time, but they still couldn't adjust it well, and couldn't find the problem. Ask Lao Lu for help, but he still couldn't adjust it for a while. He said, "I will go back tonight to check the data." The next morning, he said that a high value resistor connected in parallel at the output terminal would probably be stable. After a try, it was successful
Lu Jiaxi engaged in scientific research in his spare time. People in his physics teaching and research group heard about him slowly. Slowly, he was admired and supported by the teachers. In 1980, Baotou City set up a physics association and asked Baojiu Middle School to appoint a director. Everyone agreed to recommend him. He joined Inner Mongolia Mathematics The whole group of comrades helped him to bind the papers of the annual meeting Teachers' help He revised his words and printed them. Unfortunately, when he got everyone's understanding and support and his career just entered the golden age, he died prematurely
After Lu Jiaxi died, Baotou Municipal Party Committee and Municipal Government called on the whole city scientific and technical worker Learn from him and give him a 2000 yuan special science award. On the first anniversary of Jia Xi's death, the Party Committee and the government of Inner Mongolia Autonomous Region held a "Commendation Conference for Learning from Outstanding Intellectuals Comrade Lu Jiaxi" in Baotou. They called on people of all ethnic groups in the region to learn from him and devote themselves to the "Four Modernizations". They also awarded him a "Special Teacher" and awarded him 5000 yuan Special Award
Lu Jiaxi's achievements and unfortunate death shook the society Wu Wenjun Cheng Minde Duan Xuefu Xu Lizhi , Chen Jie Zhang Dienzhou , Combinatorics Jiezhong Ji, Zhu Lie Wei Wandi Kang Qingde Wu Lisheng, Chen Ziqi, Gu Tongxin Luo Jianjin Mr. Zhu attached great importance to it. After Mr. Wu Wenjun learned the true situation of Lu Jiaxi, In his letter dated November 3, 1984, he wrote: "He is deeply touched by Lu's life experience, academic achievements and quality. Although the great contribution of the society to Lu has finally been recognized and confirmed recently, the loss has been irreparable. It is worth pondering that this matter should be brought to attention by foreign scholars (they are real international friends) Otherwise, Lu may still be poor and ill and end up in oblivion. How to avoid the recurrence of such events should be considered deeply "

Award record

In March 1989, Zhang Shuqin, on behalf of Lu Jiaxi, participated in the grand "1987 National Natural Science Award Award Ceremony ", which received the highest honor from the Chinese natural science community—— First prize of National Natural Science Award