
Netherlands Overseas Territories
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Aruba (Aruba) is a Caribbean An island in a region South America country Venezuela Northerly Gulf of Venezuela The open sea is only about 25km away from the Paraguana Peninsula. Aruba is Netherlands An autonomous country of the Kingdom whose relationship with the Netherlands is similar to a Commonwealth system. Common due to dry climate Tropical plant The number is small, and the scene on the island is different from that of ordinary people Caribbean The existing impression held by him is quite different from his interest.
Chinese name
Foreign name
major city
National Day
March 18, 1986
National anthem
Aruba, our country
Country code
official language
Aruba Florin
Time zone
Political system
Parliamentary republic
National leaders
William Alexander, Freddie Lefanchol, Mike Eman
population size
105264 (2017) [1]
Population density
584.8 people/km2 (2017) [1]
Major ethnic groups
African blacks, aborigines
Major religions
land area
193 km²
Total GDP
US $2.584 billion (2011) [1]
International telephone area code
two hundred and ninety-seven
Abbreviation of international domain name
Largest city
Geographic highest point
Queen Beatrix International Airport
Main attractions
Palm Beach on the west bank of Aruba

Country Profile

Nationality code: ABW
Current form of government: Overseas territories of the Netherlands, [2] Unicameral system (Parliament)
Head of State: Governor (on behalf of the Dutch monarch)
Head of Government : Prime Minister
Capital: Oranjestad
State Education: nothing
Area: 193 square kilometers
Population: 100000 (2016) [1]
national emblem
Monetary unit Aruba Florin (Af.)



topographic features

An island in the Caribbean Sea southwest of the Little Antilles. be located curacao (Curacao) Island West NATO 80 km (50 miles) and Venezuela 29 kilometers (18 miles) north of the Paraguana Peninsula. It was part of the Netherlands Antilles before 1986, and Aruba became a separate autonomous territory of the Netherlands in 1986.
Aruba Delegation in Beijing
Aruba is located in Caribbean south Lesser Antilles The westernmost Netherlands overseas possessions 80% are mixed descendants of Caribbean Indians and European whites. official language by Dutch , Pabimando (a Spanish Based on Portuguese, Dutch English vocabulary Of Creole ), also speaks Spanish and English. 80.8% of residents believe in Catholicism , 9% believe in Christianity protestantism capital Oraniestad
Aruba is a limestone island with flat terrain and no river at all. It is famous for the white sand beaches around it. Due to the fact that all the year round Atlantic Of northeast trades Blowing, although located tropic However, Aruba can maintain a stable climate of 27 degrees Celsius all year round, which is conducive to the development of tourism. The highest point of the island, Mount Jamanota, can be seen from sea level It is only 188 meters. Compared with the barren east bank, the vegetation and population of the west bank are much richer.
Since Aruba is an independent autonomous region, there is no smaller sub administrative division under Aruba, but in its east, two adjacent regions are Netherlands Territory , Cura ç ao, an island belonging to the Netherlands Antilles, and Bonaire (Bonaire), the three islands are often collectively referred to as "ABC islands".

Climatic conditions

It is 25 kilometers away from the Venezuelan coast in the south Bonaire Island Curacao Island Collectively known as the ABC Islands. The island is 31.5 kilometers long and 9.6 kilometers wide. The terrain is low and flat, with only Hoyberg Mountain at 165 meters above sea level. No river. genus Tropical climate , the temperature difference is small, Average temperature The hottest month (August to September) is 28.8 ℃, and the coldest month (January to February) is 26.1 ℃. The climate is extremely dry, the precipitation is scarce, and the average Annual precipitation Not more than 508mm. Most of the drinking water on the island needs to be provided by seawater desalination.


Diorite in the interior of Aruba, with Mount Huyibao in the background.
The whole island is composed of igneous rock With coral reef on the edge; The terrain is low and flat. Mount Jamanota, 189 meters (620 feet) high, is the highest point of the island. Mount Hooiberg, 171 meters (560 feet) high, is the most distinctive hill. There are countless places Diorite The boulders are piled up one by one. Aruba has poor soil with little or no natural irrigation. Most of the drinking water must be supplied by seawater desalination, and the distillery on the island is one of the largest in the world. Annual average temperature 27 ℃ (81 ℉), little change, affected by northeast trades Adjust. The rainfall is small and variable, with an average annual rainfall of about 430 mm (17 inches). The island is outside the range of the hurricane. Natural vegetation There are various drought resistant cactus , shrubs and tree


2008 Olympic Games
A high proportion of Aruba's population belongs to Africa People of African descent are mainly the descendants of Africans who were forced to immigrate here as slaves between the 17th and 19th centuries, but they also often aborigines Of Indian mixed race. In addition, there are also some descendants of Europeans and Asians.


Linguistically, based on its original Dutch colony Aruba is based on Nederlands As an official language, all official documents are recorded and circulated in Dutch. But the native language of the local residents is a kind of language called Papimando [3] Creole dialect of Papiamento, including Portuguese Spanish Language elements such as English, Dutch, Arawa Indian and even African are mainly popular on ABC Island. In addition, in order to international environment In line with most of the surrounding countries that use Spanish, English and Spanish are also used by many people in Aruba and are included in the official education curriculum.

Development history

In 1499, Aruba was discovered and occupied by Spain; It was seized by the Netherlands in 1636 and occupied by the Dutch West India Company. stay Napoleonic Wars During this period, he was briefly ruled by Britain and returned to the Netherlands in 1816. The economy was always weak, and it was not until a petroleum refinery was built in 1920 that the living standard on the island was rapidly improved. Immigrants from other parts of the Caribbean, the United States, Venezuela and Europe have increased Aruba's population dramatically. Although it has new economic strength, it is still subordinate in politics curacao Island. The autonomous status obtained in 1986 was for getting rid of the rule of Curacao (not the Netherlands) Mass movement result. In 1994, the Aruba government negotiated with the Dutch and Netherlands Antilles governments and decided to extend it indefinitely period of transition To be completely independent.
The Caquetios Indians belonging to the Arawak tribe are Aruba The earliest inhabitants can trace their history back to about 1000 A.D., while the Spanish explorer Alonso de Ojeda, who set foot on the island in 1499, believed that he was the first European to come here.
Aruba was incorporated into the Kingdom of the Netherlands in 1636, and it lasted for about 200 years under the rule of the Dutch until 1805, when the Netherlands gradually lost control of Aruba due to the influence of the Napoleonic War, and was taken over by Britain, but returned to the Netherlands in 1816.
Since the colonial era, the main economy of Aruba has undergone three stages of changes Gold rush In 1924, it was replaced by the discovery of oil fields and the establishment of oil refineries. Since the 1990s, tourism on the island has gradually risen, becoming one of the important economic sources of the island.
Aruba, formerly part of the Netherlands Antilles and the richest island among the islands, won a war in March 1983 between the Netherlands and the Netherlands Antilles central government At the meeting jointly attended by the governments of all the Netherlands Antilles, including Aruba, the resolution was upgraded to an independent autonomous country in the Netherlands. Aruba officially separated from the Netherlands Antilles on January 1, 1986. Since then, the entire Kingdom of the Netherlands has become composed of the Netherlands, the Netherlands Antilles and Aruba. Although Aruba's complete independence as a single country was originally on the agenda and was expected to become independent in 1996, it was stopped in 1994 after the Dutch government, Aruba and the Netherlands Antilles communicated with each other due to the opposition of residents. The Dutch government is mainly concerned about the security of the island and is worried that it will become a transit place for drugs produced in Central and South America, while the Aruba government is worried that independence will lead to increased unemployment and economic instability.


The Aruba delegation raises the flag at the 2008 Olympic Games
Most of the residents are of mixed race, mainly descendants of Indians and white Europeans. [3] A considerable part of them are descendants of Arawak Indian, often mixed with Dutch, Spanish and African ancestry. Because it never developed Plantation economy , seldom in the past Black slaves Was sent to Aruba. Official language Dutch; And the everyday language is Papiamento (Papiamento, in Curacao and Bonaire Island Bonaire), which is based on Portuguese A mixed language based on Spanish and Dutch. English and Spanish are also widely used. The main religion is Catholicism. birth rate and mortality Both are relatively low, and the natural growth rate is less than West Indies Of average



executive summary

The governor appointed by the Dutch government is the official head of government and the representative of the reigning monarch of the Netherlands. executive power The Council of Ministers headed by the Prime Minister was conferred. The committee's Unicameral system Of legislature That is, the Staten elected by universal adult suffrage is responsible. Most residents are literate. There are schools at all levels, including colleges. The sanitary standard is very high.


Aruba is Netherlands One in the kingdom Unidimensional (Separate entity) or autonomous country with complete internal affairs autonomy Only national defense, diplomacy and the highest jurisdiction The Kingdom of the Netherlands central government be responsible for. In 1986, the Constitution was promulgated, giving the local people the right to elect a Prime Minister of their own to lead an 18 member cabinet, while the Governor was directly appointed by the Dutch monarch for a six-year term. The Prime Minister is elected indirectly by the 21 member parliament elected by the people, whether Deputy Prime Minister The term of office of members of Parliament is four years.

National institutions

Aruba is overseas to the Netherlands territory , full autonomy in internal affairs, defense and foreign affairs The Netherlands is responsible. King of the Netherlands As its head of state, the governor appointed by the king is the representative of the king. governor Freddie Lefanjoel He took office in 2004. The unicameral parliament is Legislature , by general election 21 members will be elected for a four-year term. In the general election held on January 8, 1993, the Aruba People's Election Movement won 9 seats, the Aruba People's Party 9 seats, the Aruba Patriotic Party, the National Democratic Action New Patriotic Party 1 seat for each. The government said Council of Ministers , usually composed of political parties that hold the majority of seats in Parliament. The government was formed in March 1993 (after a slight reorganization). The Prime Minister and Minister of General Affairs are N. Audubel, Vice Prime Minister M. Franigin and Minister of Economy and Tourism E. Brissen. There are seven political parties on the island. The Aruba People's Election Movement was founded in 1971 Socialist International Member and leader N. Audubel. The Aruba People's Party, as the main opposition party, was established in 1942, once in power and led by H. Eman.


Oil refining and tourism are the main industries. [3]
Before the end of the 18th century, Aruba was used for breeding by the colonial authorities horse The local and mainland Indians acted as herders. Only from the beginning of the 19th century did land be sold to individual immigrants. Although people try to grow medicine aloe However, agriculture has not improved. Gold mining began in 1824, but ended at the beginning of the 20th century.
By the 1920s Saint Nicholas When the port of (SanNicolas) began to refine oil, Aruba's economy began to improve; Crude oil mainly comes from Venezuela Imported. 1985 Refinery The closure of economic crisis So far, the crisis has been greatly promoted and expanded by the tourism industry (including Pastoral poetry And build luxury hotels and casinos). There are some attempts to diversify Aruba's economy, and some want to build it free trade area , some plan to build it into an international Overseas financial center Aruba mainly cooperates with the United States, Venezuela and Netherlands Conduct foreign trade. There are international airport , which can be further used steamer And cruise ship business and External world Contact.
About half of Aruba's gross national product( GNP )Is it from tourism or Related industries , most tourists come from America In other countries, American tourists account for the majority. besides Oil refining industry And shipping still contributes a lot to Aruba's income, while the proportion of agriculture and production is very small. So far, the Netherlands still injects a considerable amount of development assistance to Aruba every year Business services The development of is also worth paying attention to.
Aruba The most important economic source in the past, the oil refinery, was once closed in 1985, but resumed operation after 1993. It is the only one on the island Representativeness Of industrial production It also provides a lot of foreign trade income and job opportunities.
Aruba Beach
When upgraded to Netherlands Before the kingdom's autonomy, Aruba originally adopted the same Monetary unit The "shield" is called Aruban Guilder (AWG). But after becoming an autonomous country in the Netherlands in 1986, Aruba set up its own central bank and issued new monetary units, Aruba Florin (Aruban Florin, whose international currency The code is still called AWG, although it is also often referred to as Afl). Aruba Florin takes dollar Lock exchange rate Each dollar can be exchanged for 1.79 aruba florin. Since its inception, this exchange rate has not changed. Perennial high inflation It is a hidden worry for Aruba's economy, but only 1% of the island is extremely low unemployment rate Compare the surrounding Caribbean Countries are still rare to see.
Major events in 2005 economic data As follows:
gross domestic product : US $2.258 billion
GDP per capita : $21800 (2004)
gross domestic product growth rate :2.4%
Unemployment rate: 6.9%

Teaching Science



The Cultural Center in Oraniestad provides concerts Ballet , folktales and Art Exhibition The city also has history museum Archaeological Museum and Coinage Museum The carnival and New Year in February have extremely colorful celebrations.
The complex ethnic mix in Aruba means that the culture is also diverse. In addition to the influence of the Netherlands, the home country, many other European countries and even African cultures can also be seen here. Because a large number of American tourists come here for vacation (accounting for about six out of 700000 tourists every year), it has brought the influence of American culture. However, some people are worried that the excessive expansion of the number of tourists will cause an impact on the island. Therefore, measures to limit the number of tourists have been discussed.
West coast of Aruba Palm Beach Palm Beach is the main tourist center on the island. It is famous for its 10km long continuous white beach and seaside resort, and also known as Turquoise Coast.
Queen Beatrice in the suburb of Oranjestad, the capital international airport (Queen Beatrix International Airport) has multiple flights East Coast of the United States International routes to major cities are the most convenient way to Aruba.


Aruba practices non compulsory education primary education From the age of 6, the schooling period is 6 years. secondary education The length of schooling is 5 years. Government expenditure on education accounts for about 25 per cent of the budget. No university. There are 6 newspapers in the island, mainly the Aruba Friend (Dutch) and the News (English). Aruba Television is a commercial television station. Of the six radio stations, except one for religious and cultural stations, the rest are commercial stations.


In 1988, Aruba participated for the first time Olympic Games , has never been absent from previous Olympic Games, but has not Olympic medals Revenue. The main advantage of Aruba is taekwondo. [4]


In religion, about 80% of Aruba people believe in Catholicism.


The beautiful natural scenery of the island is unique in the world, and luxury and laziness are its synonyms. The island is built with Las Vegas Comparable casinos, top luxury hotels, luxury high-end shopping centers. All kinds of water sports enrich the leisure time of indulgence and entertainment in addition to red and white. [5]
The complex ethnic mix in Aruba means that the culture is also diverse. In addition to the influence of the Netherlands, the home country, many other European countries and even Africa You can also see our culture here. In recent years, because a large number of American tourists come here for vacation (accounting for about six out of 700000 tourists every year), it has brought the influence of American culture. However, some people are worried that the excessive expansion of the number of tourists will cause an impact on the island, so they began to discuss measures to limit the number of tourists.
Aruba West Bank Palm Beach Palm Beach is the main tourist center on the island, with 10 kilometers of continuous white sand beach and Vacation House Famous, but also Turquoise Turquoise Coast.
Located on the outskirts of the capital city of Oraniestad Queen Beatrix International Airport , with multiple flights East Coast of the United States Of major cities International routes Is the most convenient way to Aruba.