
[ā méng]
The main god of Thebes in ancient Egypt
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Amun Egyptian : ἰἰ mn, which means "hidden person", also spelled "Amon"), is one of the Eight Gods (Ogload), and his wife Mut , Son Coons And called the Three Pillars God [1] When Thebes became whole Egypt He became the capital of Egypt New Kingdom Of National deity And new Helios Later, Amun and PULL Blended into Amon-Ra
Chinese name
Foreign name
Amun God
Mythological system
Egyptian mythology
The main god, the sun
Goose and ram
Hela merged into Amulla

brief introduction

Amun is Ancient Egypt -Theban Main God Because of the rise of Thebes, he became the main god of the country. The name means "The Hidden One". The sacred animals are geese and Ram
Amun and PULL God is also the sun god. Different from Ra Shen, Amun God Generally, she appears as a handsome and dignified man, but she appears as a kind old man.
Combined with the original Ra Shen Atum (Atum) Different, Amun did not integrate Nine Pillars of God System. When Amun was the local god of Thebes, he had his own incomplete family system Egypt The common characteristic of the Lord God in many places is that he has his own wife and son. After becoming the main god of all Egypt, this system is still accompanied by Amun. Amun's wife is a beautiful goddess named Mut, and his son is Coons (Chons) is the moon god. Amon lived in Thebes with his wife and son Temple of Karnak
There is another story between Amun and his son:
Amun has never revealed his true image to others Coons It is no exception. Kong Si asked Amun to show his real image in front of him, but Amun was unwilling to make an exception, but could not bear to refuse his son's request. So he wrapped himself in the skin and head of a ram and appeared before his son. Confucius thought he saw the truth of his father and told everyone the secret. Egypt never killed rams. Only one ram was killed every year on Amun's birthday, and Amun's gods were wrapped with its skin.

Development history

At first Amun was only the local god of Thebes. Thebes was just the Nile A small town on the east bank, located in Temple of Karnak The surrounding area. The Eleventh Dynasty A family that originated in the state of Hermentet (or perhaps in the local area of Thebes), worshipped Amun and elaborately decorated his temple with statues. Later, Amun's name was incorporated into the name of the founder of the Twelfth Dynasty—— Amenemhat I The name was then inherited by three of his heirs. In addition, Middle Kingdom The same name was adopted by several kings of. And from Thebes The Seventeenth Dynasty After driving away the Hiksos, Amun was revered again as the god of the royal city.
Amun sometimes has blue skin in murals
However, until Eighteenth Dynasty Amun really became Egypt Generally recognized God, and more than other gods in Egypt, and even out of Egypt to become the god of the universe. The pharaohs attributed all their victories to Amun and spent a lot of wealth and labor on Amun's temple.
Amun is depicted as a human, wearing a Headband , two parallel Feather decoration , which may represent the tail feather of the eagle. Amun has two common images: one is sitting on the throne; The other is standing, holding a whip, very like the god Min of Coptos and Zimisc. The latter may be his original image - the god of fertility. The king solemnly plowed the land to be sown or reaped the ripe grain in front of him.
Amun's spouse is sometimes called Amaunet, but usually called Mut (Amaunt is not the same god as mut, and Amaunt is more regarded as Amon's Feminization , which rises to Amon and sets to Amaunt). She has a human head Upper and Lower Egypt Double crown. Their son is Coons
Helios PULL His name is sometimes combined with Amun's name, especially when he is the "king of gods". In Egypt, heavenly Dominion It belongs to the sun god, and Amun is the highest god, so logically speaking, Amun is La. Amun is called "the throne and the king of the two lands", or more proudly called "the king of the gods".