
[jiē céng]
Different levels in the class
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Class, Chinese vocabulary. Pinyin: Jie c é ng stratum refers to the hierarchy formed by the relative differences in status, power, wealth, etc. between different groups in society. This system usually reflects the unequal relationship between different groups in society, and can be classified and divided according to different standards.
Chinese name
Foreign name
jiē céng
words whose meaning is similar
class [3]
Phonetic transcription
ㄐㄧㄝ ㄘㄥˊ


1. [state]: Point out the difference class A social group formed by the same characteristics, such as intellectuals who mainly engage in mental labor
2. [stratum]: because of society in the same class Economics The levels divided by different status. [2]


Sun Li Xiulu Collection: The Road to Literature and Life: life And also want to know about the life of other classes. " [3]

example sentence

Coling Preface: "From Intellectual class Extend to Citizen class , from guerrilla amateur performance to specialized 's long-term performance, this turning point It started with 'isolated island'. " [2-3]

Basic meaning

People based on similar social position , occupation, income, etc social groups It usually refers to the social groups in the same class differentiated by different property status, social status or different ways of making a living.
social stratum (English: social stratification or class division), or Social stratification , a term in sociology, refers to a society through Social class , wealth, etc Class system This stratification is often formed according to the characteristics of individual society, and may not have a fixed law.
Good social stratification helps social mobility , reached Wealth Redistribution And reduce social resentment; Bad social stratification will lead to a backlog of discontent among those who cannot benefit from the system, causing social unrest.
Social stratification is not artificially divided, but naturally formed. Every stratum has a general sense of self-identity, and social stratification should maintain mobility.

Association with class

The stratum appears with the emergence and development of the class, and different classes and their different social strata formed at different stages of development. as slave society Of Slave owner class Distinguish between aristocratic slave owners and Industry and commerce Slave owners; The landlord class in feudal society was divided into big, medium and small landlords; capitalist society The bourgeoisie is divided into the big, middle and small bourgeoisie, while the proletariat is divided into industrial workers, handicraft workers and shop assistants; China Semi feudal and semi colonial society The bourgeoisie of Bureaucrat bourgeoisie National bourgeoisie , farmers are divided into Upper middle peasants lower-middle peasant poor peasant And farm labourers.
The division of class and the division of class are interrelated. The division of class is a further analysis of the class, and cannot replace the division of class with the division of class. Some bourgeois sociologists melt the concept of class into the concept of stratum to cover up capitalist society The essence of class antagonism. Different strata of the same class have different political attitudes. The division of classes can give a detailed understanding of the different social groups within each class and the relationship between them, and make a clear understanding of the development, changes and class struggle It can provide a basis for formulating correct strategies and strategies.