Iron meteorite

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Meteorite iron , iron meteorite, mainly composed of iron Nickel meteorite.
Mainly by Ferruginous stone and Nickelolite Two mineral compositions, followed by a small amount of graphite , meteorite Ferrophosphate Nickel ore , meteorite sulfur Chromite Meteorite carbonaceous iron Chromite and Meteorite pyrite Etc. In chemical composition, besides Ni and Fe, it also contains elements such as Co, S, P, Cu, Cr, Ga, Ge and Ir. A few iron meteorites also contain silicate inclusions. The iron meteorites are classified into 13 groups according to the contents of Ni, Ga, Ge and Ir and their structural characteristics.
Chinese name
Iron meteorite
Foreign name
iron meteorite
Making tools and weapons
Ni element
Hexahedron, octahedron, etc


The iron meteorite with a Ni content of about 6-14% has an image composed of taenite and taenite lamellae, which is called Weiss Taideng structure. More than 80% of the iron meteorites have this image. The iron meteorites with lamellae of taenite and nickel taenite arranged in octahedron are named octahedral iron meteorites.
Iron meteorites with Ni content less than 6%, without Westerden structure, are mainly large Ferruginous stone Monocrystalline, these iron meteorites have hexahedron cleavage , called hexahedral iron meteorite.
When the Ni content exceeds about 14%, the Westeden structure of the fine octahedral iron meteorite disappears, and only the fine grained iron grain and nickel grain can be seen Breccia Mottled intercropping.
When Ni content reaches 25~65%, unstructured iron meteorite is formed, which is mainly composed of Nickelolite It is composed of some small ferrite inclusions and a few other minerals. Most iron meteorites show the characteristics of shock effect. [1]


There are two classifications used, the earlier Structural taxonomy Based on the percentage or Weidmann pattern, it can be evaluated from the cross stripes on the polished surface after acid etching. This classification is associated with the relative abundance of iron and nickel, and is classified as [2]
  • Hexahedral meteorite: low nickel content, no Weidmann pattern.
  • Octahedral Meteorite: usually with high nickel content and Weidmann pattern, it is the most common.
  • Rippless meteorite iron: nickel content is very high, without Weidmann pattern, which is very rare.
Octahedral meteorite It can be further divided into rough secondary , and careful Octahedral meteorite.
Newer Chemical classification The classification is based on the traceable contents of gallium, cadmium, indium and other elements in iron meteorites and corresponding to different asteroid parent bodies:
  • IAB type
  • IC type
  • Type IIAB
  • Type IIC
  • Type IID
  • Type IIE
  • Type IIG
  • Type IIF
  • Type IIIAB
  • Type IIICD
  • Type IIIE
  • Type IIIF
  • IVA type
  • IVB type
  • Meteorites that cannot be classified: In fact, a large proportion of meteorites (15%) have been collected, more than 100 meteorites come from about 50 parent rocks with different properties, which cannot match the types listed above.


Iron nickel alloy It was used by many cultures to make tools and weapons, for example, some of which were used by the Inuit York Cape Meteorite [3]

Find cases



The largest iron meteorite in China
In 1898, the world's third largest and China's first largest iron meteorite was found in Altay, Xinjiang Qinghe County In the northwest, the iron meteorite named "Silver Camel". The surface of these meteorites shows iron luster; And the surface is full of holes and scars. According to the analysis of fracture surface, its composition is black and white iron nickel metal. Its shape is irregular cone; The volume is 2.42m × 1.85m × 1.37m=3.5m3, and the weight is about 30t. The iron meteorite contains 88.67% iron and 9.27% nickel. In particular, it contains six minerals not found on the earth: Pyramidal stone Nickelolite , variable nickel grain stone Rhyolite Meteorite pyrite and Ferrophosphate Nickel, etc Cosmic mineral
Historically, Qinghe County has Meteorite rain Big fall. No matter the area, scale and quantity of meteorites scattered, they are the most in the world. The meteorite is stored in Xinjiang Geology and Mineral Resources Museum It is now on display in Xinjiang Exhibition Hall, China.
The second largest iron meteorite in China
Also called Lingshi Lingshi County In the Luzu Temple outside the north gate of the old city. The stone is covered with holes, like iron rather than iron, like stone rather than stone, with pale color and clanking sound. The exposed part is 1.6 meters high, 1.5 meters in diameter, 2.4 cubic meters in volume and 7 tons in weight. Enclose with railings. According to the Records of Lingshi County, this stone was obtained by digging a river channel in the tenth year of Kaihuang of the Sui Dynasty (590 years). At that time, "Emperor Wen drove to Taiyuan and opened a road along the Fen River to obtain this stone. The stone was said to be 'Yongji Avenue' above. Because he thought it was lucky, he built a county in its place". In the old days, the villagers nearby regarded this as a sacred stone. They came to burn incense and pray for peace every spring and autumn festival, when they were old and young. In recent years, scientists have conducted scientific analysis on the "Lingshi" and found that it is a meteorite flying from the sky, with an iron content of 96.17%? It is 1.8 meters high, 1.55 meters wide at the bottom, 1.3 meters wide at the top, and weighs about 6.8 tons, ranking the second largest iron meteorite in China. Later generations wrote in praise: "Emperor Wen made an inspection tour and opened the emperor in the Sui Dynasty. When he opened a road near the river, the strange stones were auspicious. It was not stone or iron, but the sound was clanking and the color was green. The county was famous for its stones, which have gone through thousands of years."
The third largest iron meteorite in China
In 2000, the archaeologists of Xinjiang Museum were in northern Xinjiang Qinghe County An iron meteorite group covering several square kilometers has also been found in a gully in the northwest. According to the composition, density and volume of meteorites, it is preliminarily estimated that some meteorites weigh more than 100 tons. The meteorite group discovered this time is also located in the Altay region of Xinjiang, with the number of thousands.


Martian iron meteorite
NASA, July 18, 2014 Curiosity Mars Rover One has been completed Mars Year Investigation of. NASA announced the latest discovery of Curiosity, and took pictures of Martian iron meteorite. This iron meteorite has a unique shape and surface gloss. Scientists named it "Lebanon" iron meteorite, which is about 2 meters wide. "Lebanon" is a larger meteorite in the back, while a small one in the front is named "Lebanon B". [4]
The iron meteorite seems to be a huge burning object, and its surface is full of angular cavity structure, which scientists think may be the edge of the rock Metallic crystal Another possible explanation is that these hollow cavity structures and olivine Specifically, this material can be used in rare Meteorite It is found that the formation process of the latter is relatively complex. Generally, scientists believe that it was formed near the core and mantle of the planet boundary layer It is obvious that meteorite is a relatively rare material. [4]