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Diamond Head Hill

An extinct volcano in the Hawaiian Islands
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synonym Diamond Hill (Hawaiian Diamond Mountain in the United States) generally refers to the rock mountain
Diamond head volcano (Diamond Head Crater) located in hawaiian islands In Oahu Honolulu, 232 meters above sea level. Diamond Mountain State Nature Reserve is the symbol of Hawaii.
It is said that Captain Cook, the first Englishman who discovered the Hawaiian Islands, saw the whole mountain rise at night Blue light , glittering like sapphires. They thought they had found diamonds, so they called it the Diamond Mountain, while the local Chinese thought it was like a Wolong
Chinese name
Diamond Head Hill
Foreign name
Diamond Head Crater
geographical position
hawaiian islands Honolulu, Oahu, Central
232 m

Formation time

Diamond Mountain crater was formed more than 100000 years ago.

Location context

Diamond Head Crater is located in hawaiian islands Honolulu, Oahu.

geographical environment

Diamond Head Volcano is 232 meters above sea level. [3] The top of the mountain, like the diamond head of the lotus leaf, has long become the symbol of Hawaii. [2]

Historical culture


Related legends

Diamond Head Hill
About two million years ago Oahu After the formation, some small volcanoes on the island began to erupt, and the diamond head is one of them. During the eruption, the wind from the north blew the magma to the south of the sea, making the south of the crater towering. The Hawaiian name of the crater is "Laeahi", which means the forehead of tuna.
According to local folklore, the younger sister of the volcano goddess Peilei took this name when she noticed that the shape of the volcano was similar to tuna. The name "Diamond Head" dates back to the 19th century, when several British sailors found crystal stones on the mountain and mistook them for diamonds. Since then, the name of Diamond Head has spread, and its image has been widely spread as a symbol of Hawaii. [1]

Literary evaluation

When Mark Twain arrived at Oahu Island by boat at the beginning of 1866, the Diamond Head Volcano left a deep impression on him: "It was sunny and the morning was light. Suddenly, the distant island appeared in front of him, lying alone on the quiet sea. Everyone of us was excited to climb to the top of the deck to look out. The solemn Diamond Head Volcano rose from the sea, and then there were beaches, palm trees, cities... "

Tourism information

You can climb to the top of the mountain from the inside of the crater after 40 minutes' walk. At the top of the mountain, you can enjoy the scenery of Honolulu, where the sunset scenery is also unforgettable. Now it has become a landmark of Hawaii. Standing on the top of the volcano, you can overlook the panoramic view of the south coast of Waikiki and Oahu Island.
The residential area around the crater may be the most luxurious residential area for wealthy people in Hawaii or even the United States, with the house price reaching millions to tens of millions of dollars. In the 1960s, it was proposed to build an aerial cableway in the crater to pick up tourists who climbed the mountain. However, due to the death of the initiator, the plan of investing 500000 dollars ended. The Diamond Head Crater has become the symbol of Hawaii. [1]
From Waikiki to Diamond Mountain, it is very convenient to drive or take a bus. The walking path is a little challenging, requiring two groups of 175 steps, sometimes requiring flashlights to cross dark tunnels or old military bunkers.

Honors won

In 1968, Diamond Head Hill was named National Nature Reserve