financial futures

Financial terms
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Financial futures refer to the financial futures financial market Go ahead, buy and sell certain products at the agreed time and price financial instruments Of has binding force Of standardized contract Financial instruments Subject matter Futures contracts. Financial futures are generally divided into three categories, currency future Interest rate futures and index futures As one of the futures, financial futures have the general characteristics of futures, but are different from commodity futures By comparison, the subject matter of the contract is not a physical commodity, but a traditional one Financial products , such as negotiable securities , currency, interest rate, etc. Financial futures came into being in the American market in the 1970s. Financial futures have been ahead of commodity futures in many aspects, accounting for the whole futures market Trading volume 80%, becoming the West financial innovation Examples of success. [1]
Chinese name
financial futures
Foreign name
Financial Futures
Buy or sell something financial instruments Standardized contract of
Currency futures interest rate Futures and index futures
Accounting for the whole futures market 80% of transaction volume
Main trading places
Chicago Futures, Chicago Mercantile Exchange, etc

Development prospect

On April 16, 2010, the first four CSI 300 Stock Index Futures Contract Listing transaction , which means that after nearly 15 years of silence, China's financial futures once again capital market stage.
For a long time, China stock market profit model Single, investors buy stocks only Stock price Rise, investors can make money. The lack of short selling mechanism also makes the domestic stock market manipulation prevalent. Makers and some large institutions use their own funds and Information advantages , driving up the stock price makes the stock price deviate from its normal value range for a long time, which will lead to the accumulation of systematic risk in the stock market, and increase Stock investors Risks faced. Stock index futures Enriching investors Portfolio At the same time, it also prevents the accumulation of systematic risks. Stock index futures provide an internal balance mechanism to promote share index Fluctuate within a more reasonable range.
Stock index futures Since the listing, the consistency of future and current index fluctuations and mature closing position ratio fully reflect Mature market Properties of. Investor account opening Participation rate From 50% at the beginning to 89% at present, the target index Volatility The month on month decline of was a record high. During this period, all contracts operated smoothly, and the due delivery date effect never occurred. All kinds of phenomena indicate that the domestic financial futures market is developing steadily.

Stock index futures

along with stock market index futures Market Trading Rules Information technology system, employee training and other details are gradually mature and improved, and the regulatory authorities are expected to relax the restrictions on participation in stock index futures in the future, similar to Public offering fund Trust financial products Sunshine Private Placement etc. institutional investor In the future Stock index futures In hedging and arbitrage transactions. Compared with international mature markets, the participation rate of institutional investors in domestic stock index futures is still very low. According to the data of China Financial Exchange, institutional investors account for only 3% of the investor structure of stock index futures. The United States CME Institutional legal person hedging transactions It accounts for 61.3% of the total trading volume of stock index futures and is not a hedge Large amount transaction Accounted for 7.5%, and small traders accounted for 20.6%, Spread Trading Accounting for 8.8%. With the deepening of investors' understanding of stock index futures, the size of future index positions and transactions will continue to expand on a stable basis. Stock index futures hedge risks, stabilize the market, and promote Price discovery And other functions will be better reflected.

Small and medium-sized index contracts

because CSI 300 Index Constituent stock China Financial Real Estate and other large market capitalization stocks account for half of the country, so stock index futures have played an effective role in the overall index since its listing Stabilization , market index The annualized volatility of. However, in Small disk Shares and GEM The volatility of is still very intense, and bubbles are growing rapidly. The bursting of bubbles in the future will inevitably cause the market to rise and fall, which has a negative effect on the stable development of the economy that cannot be ignored. At the same time, GEM and Small and medium-sized board The scale and speed of the issuance of economic transition The performance of traditional industries and listed companies will tend to be stable under the opportunity of the SME Board and GEM, and the influence of new forces represented by the SME Board and GEM on China's future financial market cannot be underestimated. according to international market Experience, usually in the launch Large cap stocks Subject index futures After the contract, the small and medium-sized target and industry index futures contracts are launched, which can achieve good results Complementary effect , can improve each Equity Index Futures Activity. Of course, the current SME board and GEM Market capacity Not big. The spot market is easy to be manipulated SME Board Index or GEM Index The introduction of stock index futures is easy to cause manipulation risks. Therefore, in terms of subject matter, contract size Trading rules Flexibility and other issues related to contract design need to be further improved.

Interest rate futures

From The 12th Five Year Plan It can be seen that the government is increasing bond market Attach importance to development and strive to build a bond with complete product series, complete functions and considerable scale Market system In order to achieve this goal, government departments will actively cooperate to reduce administrative control and encourage financial system And tool innovation, and will information disclosure credit rating , accounting, taxation, etc. At present, China's futures and bond markets are in a critical period of transformation from quantitative expansion to qualitative improvement Policy environment The conditions for carrying out interest rate futures trading are gradually forming.
first, Interest rate futures It can hedge systematic risks and maintain social and economic stability. Prophase cause Europe and America The overflow of national liquidity has led to the rapid rise of global inflation Emerging economies Cause great damage, and governments of all countries have repeatedly raised the benchmark interest rate And other monetary means to deal with inflation Interest rate fluctuation The increase is obvious, causing both lenders and borrowers to face great Interest rate risk , for enterprises Capital chain A lot of pressure is formed. stay domestic market The timely launch of interest rate futures can help the majority of institutions and The public Provide a tool to avoid interest rate risk, which can help enterprises to operate stably and improve Risk resistance It plays a huge role in promoting.
Secondly, the hedging function of interest rate futures can improve the activity of the bond market. Domestic bond market The investor structure is not reasonable enough, State-owned commercial bank And insurance companies hold most of the national debt and inter-bank bonds, which forms a certain Industrial monopoly In the absence of effective hedging tools, these institutional investors prefer to adopt the long-term holding strategy, so it is difficult to reach a deal when the market changes, resulting in the entire bond market mobility Poor. The introduction of interest rate futures can greatly improve this situation. Because the futures market adopts margin trading and introduces short selling mechanism, on the one hand, it enables existing investors to actively avoid risks when interest rates change, rather than adopting passive holding strategies; On the other hand, it can also attract more investors and speculators to enter the bond market, change the uneven distribution of investors in the bond spot market, expand bond demand, and improve Bond liquidity , promote Term structure of interest rate The bond market will continue to develop and mature.
Again, Interest rate futures Will drive Interest rate marketization Achieve the goal as soon as possible. The spot trading mode determines the following limitations of China's treasury bond trading: First transaction cost Compared with futures, the market's response to interest rates is not as sensitive as futures; Second, due to the spot market segmentation The treasury bond yield formed lacks authority and guidance; Third, the yield formed by spot transactions can only reflect the interest rate of different periods at the time point, and cannot reflect the interest rate of different periods at the future time point Interest rate level It is difficult to form a complete market with reasonable prediction Interest rate system If there is a centralized transaction Treasury bond futures Market, the yield formed in the transaction process is Market interest rate And promote the spot market to form a unified benchmark market interest rate through arbitrage activities between futures and spot, and gradually form a complete Treasury bond yield System, providing important Yield curve Signal, play a corresponding role in the process of interest rate marketization, and at the same time give the country a judgment on the financial situation and Financial macro-control Provide basis.
Finally, interest rate futures can also be effectively reduced Government macro-control Cost of. The forward-looking performance of interest rate futures price trend is the central bank monetary policy The operation and decision-making provide basis and reference, and the interest rate futures susceptibility And extensibility can be shortened central bank Influence through financial market Macroeconomy Running distance, which helps to improve market overt Operation effect of.

currency future

along with China's economy The continuous development of RMB Internationalization process On the one hand foreign exchange reserve Increasing, on the other hand Exchange rate reform Post RMB rate Increasing volatility is urgently needed in China effective management exchange-rate risks Of Financial derivatives Tools. International popular exchange rate hedging workers have foreign exchange Forward contract Swaps and Foreign exchange futures , while China's RMB exchange rate derivative There are only forwards and swaps. The listing of foreign exchange futures in the future is Time issues according to Monetary Policy Committee of the Central Bank committee member Li Daokui Speech at the Summer Davos Forum, RMB Free convertibility It is no longer a fantasy, if there is no big one Uncertainty Occurrence, RMB will basically become Convertible currency After the RMB is freely convertible, the exchange rate will be more stable, and Chinese assets will become more important financial instruments Foreign exchange futures The demand for.

Development and innovation

The pace of domestic financial innovation is faster than that of traditional financial innovation. The innovation of private version of financial futures innovation comes from behind. The innovation of private financial futures is mainly concentrated in the speculative trader market, with the focus on internal trading.
The innovative varieties mainly include Allocation of stock index futures and Treasury bond futures Capital allocation, that is, the day speculators realize the new bond The trading mode is enlarged again on the basis of the original leverage Leveraged transactions , through the margin tool financial market Trading varieties are again leveraged, and risks and returns are again leveraged. The allocation ratio of financial futures in the market is 1 -10 Speculative traders can choose the appropriate proportion according to their trading technology and investment trading mode.

Main varieties

There are three types of financial futures: currency future Interest rate futures and index futures. The varieties listed on each exchange mainly include:
1、 currency future : Mainly euro , GBP CHF Cad AUD NZD , Japanese yen, RMB and other futures contracts.
Main trading venues: Chicago Mercantile Exchange International Monetary Market Branch, China and the United States Commodity Exchange Philadelphia Futures exchanges, etc.
2. Interest rate futures: US short-term treasury bill futures, US medium-term Treasury bond futures U.S. long-term treasury bond futures Municipal bonds Mortgage guarantee securities Etc.
Main trading place: Chicago Board of Trade Chicago Mercantile Exchange International Monetary Market Branch, China US Commodity Exchange.
3. Stock index futures: S&P 500 kinds Stock price Composite index( S&P 500 ), New York stock exchange Stock price composite index (NYCE Composite), Major Market Index (MMI), Value line Value Line ComPosite Index Nikkei Index (NIKI), Hong Kong Hang Seng Index (Hong Kong Futures Exchange).
Main trading places: Chicago Futures Exchange, Chicago Mercantile Exchange, New York Stock Exchange, Kansas City Futures Exchange.

Product knowledge



financial futures
The so-called financial futures refer to financial instruments As Subject matter Futures contracts. Financial futures trading It means that the trader exchange adopt Open outcry Transaction by means of a promise to buy or sell a certain amount of certain products at a predetermined price on a specific date or period in the future Financial products Of transaction mode Financial futures trading has the general characteristics of futures trading, but commodity futures In contrast, the subject matter of the contract is not a physical commodity, but a financial commodity, such as foreign exchange, bonds share index Etc.
The price of basic financial products is mainly expressed in the form of exchange rate, interest rate, etc. financial market A variety of complex financial products together constitute the source of financial risk. All kinds of financial institutions have created objective requirements to avoid financial risks while innovating financial instruments. Early 1970s foreign exchange market The collapse of the upper fixed exchange rate system has increased financial risks unprecedentedly and directly triggered the emergence of financial futures.

historical background

In July 1944, 44 countries in the United States New Hampshire The Bretton Woods conference established Bretton Woods system , implement the fixed exchange rate system of double pegs, namely The dollar is directly linked to gold , currencies of other countries and dollar Press Fixed Price comparison a hook. The establishment of the Bretton Woods system has played an important role in the economic recovery and growth of Western European countries and the development of international trade after the war. At the same time, under the fixed exchange rate system Exchange rate fluctuations Limited to a very limited range( Currency parity ± 1% of), Foreign exchange risk Almost ignored by people, right Foreign exchange risk management Of course, the demand is not large.
financial futures
In the 1950s, especially after the 1960s, with the economic revival of Western European countries, their holdings of dollars increased day by day Home Currency It also tends to be firm, while the United States has Vietnam? Launch war, and a huge amount of money has been generated year after year trade deficit Balance of payments The situation continues to deteriorate and inflation remains high, resulting in frequent gold outflows and selling of dollars Dollar crisis
The United States announced the implementation on August 15, 1971 when the gold reserves of the United States were largely lost and the status of the dollar was in jeopardy“ new economic policy ”And stop fulfilling the obligation to exchange US dollars for gold. In order to save the fixed exchange rate system from collapse, at the end of December of the same year, Group of Ten Signed in Washington“ Smithsonian Institution The agreement announced that the US dollar depreciated by 7.89% against gold Currency pair USD exchange rate Of Fluctuation range It is expanded to ± 2.25% of the currency parity. In February 1973, the United States announced that the dollar was devalued by 10% again. The devaluation of the US dollar failed to prevent the continued occurrence of the US dollar crisis. Finally, in March 1973, in Western Europe and Japan foreign exchange market After 17 days of forced closure, major Western countries reached an agreement and began to implement Floating exchange rate system
stay Floating exchange rate system The exchange rate between currencies directly reflects the out-off-balance Status, reflected in international financial market On the other hand, the exchange rate between various currencies fluctuates frequently and violently, and the foreign exchange risk increases rapidly compared with that under the fixed exchange rate system. All kinds of financial products holder Faced with the threat of increasingly serious foreign exchange risk, Risk avoidance The market urgently needs a convenient and effective tool to prevent foreign exchange risks. In this context, Foreign exchange futures emerge as the times require.
In May 1972, the American Chicago Establishment of commercial exchanges International money market Branch, launched Foreign exchange futures trading Introduced at that time Foreign exchange futures contracts All are quoted in USD, and there are 7 kinds of currency targets, namely pound Canadian Dollar West Germany Mark Japanese yen CHF Mexican Peso And Italy lira Later, the exchange adjusted the contract according to the market demand, and successively stopped the trading of Italian lira and Mexican peso, increasing the Dutch guilders French Franc and Australian Dollar Futures contracts. Following the successful launch of foreign exchange futures trading in the international monetary market, exchanges in the United States and other countries have followed suit and launched their own foreign exchange futures contracts, greatly enriching the trading varieties of foreign exchange futures and triggering innovation in other financial futures. October 1975, Chicago, USA futures exchange Launched the first Interest rate futures contract ——Mortgage Receipt Futures Trading of the Government National Mortgage Association (GNMA), February 1982, Kansas Futures Exchange( KCBT )The opening of value line composite index futures trading marks the initial formation of the structure of the three major categories of financial futures.


In the world Financial futures market , actively traded Financial futures contracts There are dozens of them. According to the different nature of the subject matter of various contracts, financial futures can be divided into three categories: foreign exchange futures Interest rate futures And stock index futures The contracts with greater influence include the Chicago Board of Trade( CBOT )America Long term treasury bill Futures contracts. Tokyo International Financial Futures Exchange (TIFFE) 90 day European yen futures contracts and Hong Kong Futures Exchange (HKFE) HSI Futures Contract Etc.
Financial futures have a short history of more than 20 years, far less than commodity futures Development speed But much faster than commodity futures. Financial futures trading has become financial market In many important financial markets, financial futures Trading volume Even beyond its foundation financial products Transaction volume of. With the development of the global financial market, financial futures are increasingly characterized by internationalization. The interaction of the world's major financial futures markets is increasing, and the competition is becoming increasingly fierce.


The important function of financial futures trading is to provide Hedging Means. There are two types of hedging provided by financial futures trading:
The hedging is also called short position Futures hedging , which refers to the use of interest rate futures trading to avoid the future Interest rate rise Cause the value of the bonds held to decline or be predetermined Borrowing costs Rising risk; Or use foreign exchange futures trading to avoid the future Foreign exchange rate The decline causes the decline in the value of foreign currency assets held, and the future Foreign exchange income The risk of value reduction.
II buy hedge ( buy hedge)
Also called long futures hedging, it refers to the use of interest rate futures trading to avoid future interest rate decline Bond investment The risk of reducing the expected benefits (the purchase price of bonds increases); Or it refers to the use of foreign exchange futures trading to avoid the risk that the future rise in foreign exchange rates will cause an increase in the amount of scheduled foreign exchange payments denominated in local currency (that is, to pay more local currency).
3、 Direct hedge
It refers to the use of the same commodity as the spot to be hedged to avoid risks.
4、 Cross hedge
Means futures market If there is no commodity that is the same as the spot that needs to be hedged, the commodity with the closest linkage between interest rates will be used to avoid risks.
Due to the standardization of transactions in the futures market, the above functions are difficult to be fully realized in practice. Therefore, two kinds of risks must be paid attention to: first, basic risk. This is the risk arising from direct hedging and mutual hedging, but the former is less risky and the latter is more risky. Second, Yield curve Risk (yield curve). This is the risk caused by the inconsistent collection and payment periods and the change of the income curve.
It means that in an open, fair, efficient and competitive futures market Centralized bidding formation futures prices Function of.

Important features

1. The delivery of financial futures is very convenient
In futures trading, although the proportion of actual delivery is very small, once delivery is required, the delivery of ordinary commodity futures is relatively complex. Except for the delivery time delivery points delivery methods In addition to strict regulations Delivery Grade Carry out strict division. The inventory and transportation of physical goods are also quite complicated. In contrast, the delivery of financial futures is obviously much easier. Because in financial futures trading, like Stock index futures as well as Eurodollar Time deposit The delivery of such products is generally settled in cash, that is, when the futures contract expires, according to the price changes, the trading parties will settle the difference between the price changes. This cash settlement is naturally easier than physical settlement. In addition, even some financial futures (such as foreign exchange futures and various Bond futures )Physical delivery will also occur, but due to the homogeneity And basically non-existent transportation cost Its delivery is also much more convenient than ordinary commodity futures.
2. Financial futures Delivery price blind area Greatly reduced
In commodity futures, due to the existence of large delivery costs, these delivery costs will Both parties All bring certain losses. For example, the delivery price of soybeans is 2000 yuan/ton. Even though this price is consistent with the local spot price at that time, the seller at this price may actually only get 1970 yuan/ton, because the transportation, warehousing, inspection, delivery and other costs must be deducted; For the buyer, in fact, it may cost 2020 yuan when the transportation and delivery fees are added. The 50 yuan difference between the two is the price blind spot. In financial futures, because there is basically no transportation cost and warehousing and ex warehouse fees, this price blind spot is greatly reduced. For using Cash delivery In terms of varieties, the price blind spot has even disappeared.
3. Interim cash of financial futures Arbitrage transaction Easier
In commodity futures, speculator Arbitrage transactions are basically concentrated in Cross month arbitrage (Spread, also known as Spread arbitrage )In this form. The reason why arbitrage is seldom used is that it deals with spot commodities additional costs High, poor liquidity and difficult to carry out. In financial futures trading Spot market It has the characteristics of low additional costs, good liquidity and easy to carry out, which has attracted a number of powerful institutions specialized in futures and cash arbitrage transactions. Arbitrage is popular in financial futures. On the one hand, it promotes the liquidity of futures trading, and on the other hand, it also makes futures prices And spot price The difference between them is always kept within a reasonable range.
4. It is difficult to close positions in financial futures
In commodity futures, closing positions sometimes occur. In general, the performance of closing positions is that there is a large difference between the futures price and the spot price, which is far beyond the reasonable range, and the futures price does not converge to the spot price at or near the time of delivery. The more serious closing position market is the manipulator Simultaneous control Spot and futures, in the United States in 1980 Silver futures There was a round of soybeans in CBOT in 1989 Forced market However, in the history of world financial futures, the close position market has never occurred. The reason why it is difficult to squeeze positions in financial futures is that the financial spot market is a huge market and cannot be manipulated by the makers; Second, because of the powerful Future cash arbitrage With the existence of power, they will bury the makers who attempt to launch the closing market; Finally, for some financial futures that implement cash delivery, the final delivery price of the futures contract is the spot price at that time, which is equivalent to establishing a compulsory convergence guarantee system, completely eliminating the possibility of closing positions.

basic feature

As an activity of buying and selling standardized financial commodity futures contracts, financial futures transaction is carried out in a highly organized financial futures exchange with strict rules. The basic characteristics of financial futures trading can be summarized as follows:
1、 The subject matter of the transaction is a financial product
This kind of transaction object is mostly invisible and virtual securities, which does not include physical goods actually existing;
2、 Financial futures are standardized contract Transactions for
Financial products as trading partners Yield And quantity, such as currency, transaction amount Liquidation date , transaction time, etc. have been standardized, but it is uncertain whether Transaction price
3、 Financial futures trading adopts open bidding to determine the purchase and sale price
It can not only form an efficient trading market, but also be transparent reliability High;
4、 The membership system is implemented for financial futures trading
Non member To participate in the trading of financial futures, a member must act as an agent. Because direct trading is limited to the same members, and members are also settlement members who pay the deposit credit risks Small, high degree of security assurance;
5、 Normalization of delivery term
The delivery period of financial futures contracts is mostly three months, six months, nine months or twelve months, and the longest is two years. The delivery time within the delivery period depends on the trading partner;

Futures classification

financial futures
In the 1970s, the futures market had a breakthrough development. A large number of financial futures emerged and gradually occupied the futures market leading role The prosperity of financial futures is mainly due to the violent turbulence of the international financial market, and financial risks are more and more concerned by people. The introduction of financial futures meets people's need to avoid finance market risk Needs. With the success of many financial futures contracts, the futures market has been revitalized and made rapid development.
There are many futures contracts related to finance. The varieties that have been developed mainly fall into five categories:

Interest rate futures

Refers to the futures contract with the interest rate as the subject matter. The first interest rate futures in the world was launched by the United States in 1975 Chicago The American National Mortgage Association's mortgage-backed futures launched by commercial exchanges. Interest rate futures mainly include Long term treasury bonds Subject-matter Long term interest rate futures And in two months Deposit interest rate Subject-matter Short term interest rate futures

currency future

Refers to the futures contract with the exchange rate as the subject matter. Currency futures are created to meet the needs of countries engaged in foreign trade and financial business. The purpose is to avoid exchange rate risk International money market Launch the first picture Currency futures contracts And succeed. later. UK Australia And other countries have successively established currency futures trading markets, Currency futures trading It has become a worldwide trade product. The currencies involved in international currency futures contract transactions mainly include euro, pound, dollar Japanese yen , Swiss Franc Cad AUD , NZD, RMB, etc.

Stock index futures

Refers to share index A futures contract that is the subject matter. Stock index futures are Financial futures market The hottest and fastest growing futures trading. The stock index futures do not involve the delivery of the stock itself, and its price is based on the stock Index calculation The contract is delivered in the form of cash settlement.
It has a large influence in the world, with Representativeness There are several kinds of stock indexes.
1. Dow Jones price index
3. Financial Times Index
4. Hong Kong Hang Seng Index

Foreign exchange futures

financial futures
It refers to the standardized contract transaction in which both parties agree to exchange one currency for another at a certain time in the future according to the agreed proportion. It refers to the futures contract with the exchange rate as the subject matter, which is used to avoid the exchange rate risk. It is the earliest kind of financial futures. Since May 1972 Chicago Mercantile Exchange The International Monetary Market Branch of Foreign exchange futures contracts Since then, with the development of international trade and world economy integration process The acceleration of, Foreign exchange futures trading It has maintained a strong momentum of development. It is not only for investors and financial institutions Economic subject Provides effective Hedging Tools, but also for Arbitrageur And speculators provide new means of profit.

Treasury bond futures

It refers to the way of treasury bond derivative transaction in which the buying and selling price is determined in advance through an organized trading place and the money and securities are delivered in a specific time in the future. Treasury bond futures belong to a kind of financial futures, which is an advanced Financial derivatives It was in the 1970s American financial market Under the unstable background, it is generated to meet the demand of investors to avoid interest rate risk.

Trading system


Centralized transaction

Financial futures in the futures exchange or stock exchange Conduct centralized trading. The futures exchange is a place for trading futures contracts, is the core of futures, and undertakes the important functions of organizing and supervising futures transactions.
Standardized futures contracts and Hedging mechanism :
The futures contract is a standardized contract designed by the Exchange and published to the market after being approved by the competent authority. The futures contract is designed as a standardized contract in order to facilitate the trading parties to make an opposite transaction for hedging before the expiration of the contract, so as to avoid physical delivery.


In order to control the risk of futures trading and improve efficiency, member brokerage companies of futures exchanges must pay to the exchanges or clearing houses Clearing Margin , and both parties of futures trading must pay a certain amount of margin to the exchange or clearing house through brokers. Due to futures trading Margin level Very low, so high Leverage
Clearing House and Debt free settlement system :
Clearing houses are specialized clearing institutions for futures trading. The clearing house implements non liability Daily settlement system , also known as "mark to market system", that is, every futures contract Trading day Before closing Specified time Average within Transaction price by daily settlement price Compare with the price of each transaction. Calculate the Floating P/L , carry out market clearing. Since the daily timing system takes one trading day as the longest Settlement cycle , for all accounts Trading position It is calculated separately according to different maturity dates, and requires that all trading gains and losses can be settled in time, so that they can be adjusted in time Margin account , control market risk.

Limited warehouse system

Limited warehouse system It is the purpose of the Exchange to prevent excessive concentration and prevention of market risks manipulate the market A system that restricts the number of positions held by traders.

Large account report

Large household reporting system After the Exchange established the position restriction system open interest When reaching the quantity specified by the Exchange, it must declare to the Exchange the relevant account opening, trading Source of funds Transaction motivation And so on, so that the Exchange can examine whether there are Excessive speculation and Market manipulation , and judge Large account transactions Risk profile Risk Management System.
In order to prevent excessive irrational changes in futures prices, the exchange usually Trading period Maximum allowed Fluctuation range Make provisions. Once the price rises Decline Limit, the purchase price above or below the change price sell order Invalid.


The financial futures market has many economic functions, among which the most basic function is to avoid risks and find prices.

Risk avoidance

Since the 1970s, the frequent and substantial fluctuations of exchange rate and interest rate have comprehensively exacerbated the internal risks of financial products. Investors are facing increasingly influential financial liberalization Tide objectively requires avoiding interest rate risk, exchange rate risk and Stock price fluctuation Risk and a series of financial risks. The financial futures market is built and developed to meet this demand. Therefore, risk aversion is the primary function of the financial futures market.
By purchasing relevant financial futures contracts, investors establish positions opposite to the spot market in the financial futures market, and adopt the method of hedging and closing positions before the expiration of futures contracts or performing delivery at the expiration of futures contracts according to different market conditions to achieve the purpose of avoiding risks.
From the perspective of the whole financial futures market, there are three main reasons why its risk aversion function can be realized: first, many holders of physical financial products face different risks, and they can control the overall risk of the market by reaching transactions beneficial to each other. For example, importers are worried about the rise of foreign exchange rate, while exporter Worried about the decline of foreign exchange rate, they can realize risk hedging through reverse foreign exchange futures trading. The second is that the futures price and spot price of financial products generally change in the same direction. Investors have established a relationship with finance in the financial futures market Spot market After the opposite position, when the price of financial products changes, it is inevitable to make profits in one market, while it is damaged in another market. Its profits and losses can be offset in whole or in part, so as to avoid risks. Third, the financial futures market has standardized Floor trading A large number of speculators who are willing to take risks and make profits are concentrated. Through frequent and rapid trading hedging, they transferred the price risk So that the risk aversion function of the financial futures market can be realized.

Discovery price

Discovery of financial futures market Price function It means that the financial futures market can provide various financial products effectively price information
In the financial futures market, there are many buyers and sellers of various financial futures contracts. They determine the transaction price in a way similar to auction. This situation is close to Perfectly competitive market , which can reflect investors' financial commodity price The expectation of the trend and the supply and demand of financial commodities. Therefore, the transaction price of a financial futures contract can comprehensively reflect the impact of various factors in the financial market on the subject goods of the contract, which is open and transparent.
Thanks to modern electronics Communication technology The development of financial futures and the prices of major financial futures can generally be broadcast to all parts of the world in real time. Therefore, the price formed in the financial futures market not only has a direct impact on various investors in the market Guiding role , which is also related to other financial futures markets Market supply Useful reference information. Professional investors and holders of physical financial products in all relevant markets can form a financial commodity price Reasonable expectations , and then arrange in a planned way investment decision And production Business decision To help reduce Information search cost , improve Transaction efficiency And realize fair and reasonable competition with equal opportunities.
The main factors affecting financial futures are: national economic growth, Money supply Inflation rate Balance of payments , national currency, finance Foreign exchange policy international reserve psychological factor Etc.
We are analyzing a specific type of financial futures Development trend The above situations shall be combined for flexible judgment.


The most important thing is Holding costs , i.e. holding the subject matter of futures to Futures contract Required for expiration Cost The cost includes three items:
1、 Storage cost : including the cost of storing the subject matter and insurance; 2. Transportation cost;
3、 financing cost : Purchase of subject matter opportunity cost
All kinds of goods need to be stored in storage Storage expenses The subject matter of financial futures, whether the market is bonds, stocks or foreign currencies Storage costs Some, such as stock index futures, do not even need storage costs. In addition, the subject matter of these financial futures not only has low storage costs, but also has interest if it is deposited in financial institutions, such as stocks dividend Both bonds and foreign currencies have interest, which sometimes exceeds the deposit cost, resulting in holding interest. General merchandise Another big expense compared with financial products is Transportation expenses , such as turning corn from Iowa When it is transported to Chicago, the remittance fee is obviously higher than that of foreign currency or bonds, such as Stock index Even without freight.

Main differences

Differences between financial futures and commodity futures
Financial futures and commodity futures Transaction mechanism The contract characteristics and institutional arrangements are the same, but they are also different:
First, some financial futures have no real Underlying assets (e.g Stock index futures Etc.), while Commodity futures trading The object of "" is a commodity in physical form, such as agricultural products;
financial futures
Second, stock index futures are settled in cash on the delivery date, interest rate futures can be settled through the transfer of securities, and commodity futures can be settled through the transfer of physical ownership;
Third, financial futures contracts due date They are all standardized, and generally have maturity dates in March, June, September and December. The expiration date of a commodity futures contract varies according to the characteristics of the commodity;
Fourth, the maturity date applicable to financial futures is longer than that of commodity futures, U.S. government Long term treasury bill The term of validity of futures contracts can be as long as several years;
Fifth, the holding costs are different. The cost required to hold the futures contract to its maturity date is the holding cost, which includes three items: storage cost, transportation cost and financing cost. All kinds of commodities need to be stored, and storage costs are required. The storage costs required for the subject matter of financial futures contracts are low, and some, such as stock indexes, do not even need storage costs. If the subject matter of financial futures is deposited in a financial institution, there will also be interest, such as stock dividends, foreign exchange interest, etc. Sometimes these interests will exceed the deposit cost, resulting in Holding income (i.e. negative holding cost);
Sixth, the speculative performance is different. Because the financial futures market is more sensitive to external factors than commodity futures, and the volatility of futures prices is more frequent and larger, it is more speculative than commodity futures.
Difference between financial futures trading and financial spot trading
Financial spot, such as bonds and stocks, have property rights to certain special objects, while financial futures are derivatives of financial spot. The development and improvement of spot trading has laid the foundation for financial futures trading. At the same time, financial futures trading is also an extension and supplement of spot trading. The main differences between the two are as follows:
(1) Different transaction purposes
Financial spot trading belongs to Transfer of property rights While futures trading focuses on Risk transfer And obtain reasonable or Excess profit The purpose of most financial futures trading is not to actually obtain cash;
(2) Different price decisions
Spot transactions generally adopt One-on-one negotiation Decide the transaction price, and the futures trading must be concentrated in the exchange for disclosure Auction bidding To determine the transaction price;
(3) Different trading systems
There are mainly: cash can be held for a long time, while futures have time limit; Futures trading can buy short, while spot trading can only buy first and then sell; The spot transaction is a full amount transaction, while the futures transaction is a margin transaction, so the risk is high. In addition, the fluctuation of futures transaction price is limited by the maximum daily rise and fall;
(4) Different levels of organization of transactions
The place and time of spot trading are not strictly regulated, and futures trading is strictly limited to Trading hall Internally, the spot transaction information is scattered and the transparency is low. While futures trading is relatively concentrated, Information disclosure , high transparency; Futures trading has strict trading procedures and rules, and is more risk resistant than the spot market;
Financial futures trading and financial forward contract Difference of transaction
Financial futures trading financial forward contract It is developed on the basis of transaction. The biggest common point of the two is that they both adopt the transaction mode of "deal first, delivery later", but they also have great differences.
(1) Designated Exchange
Futures and Forward transaction The first difference is that futures must be traded in a designated exchange, which must be able to provide a specific centralized place. The Exchange must also be able to regulate the completion of customers' orders at fair and reasonable transaction prices. Futures contract Trading hall within Public transactions The exchange must also ensure that the buying and selling prices at that time can be timely and widely spread, so that futures can enjoy the advantages of trading from the transparency of trading. and forward market The organization is relatively loose, there is no exchange, no centralized trading place, and the trading mode is not centralized;
(2) Contract standardization
The financial futures contract is a standardized contract that conforms to the regulations of the Exchange. There are strict and detailed regulations on the quality, quantity, maturity date, trading time, and delivery level of the traded financial products Forward contract For the quality, quantity Closing Date Both parties to the transaction decide on their own, without fixed specifications and standards;
(3) Margin and daily settlement
Forward contract transaction Usually not paid bond The profit and loss will be settled after the contract expires. Futures trading is different. 5%~10% of the contract amount must be paid as the deposit before trading Liquidation company Daily settlement is carried out. If there is surplus, it can be withdrawn. If there is loss and the book margin is lower than the maintenance level, it must be supplemented in time. This is to avoid the exchange Credit crisis An extremely important Safety measures
(4) End of position
end Futures position There are three methods for the settlement of the original position: first, closing the original position by hedging or reverse operation, that is, buying and selling futures contracts with the same quantity and opposite direction as the original position; second, using cash or spot delivery; third, implementing EX change -- For -- Physics. In the futures to spot transaction, the two traders promise to exchange the spot and the futures contract with the spot as the subject. As the forward transaction is an agreement reached by both parties according to their own needs, the price, quantity and duration are not standardized. If one party breaches the contract halfway, it is usually difficult to find a third party to unconditionally take over the rights and obligations. Therefore, the defaulting party can only provide additional preferential conditions to request termination or find a third party to take over the original rights and obligations;
(5) Participants in the transaction
Most participants in forward contracts are professional manufacturers Traders And financial institutions, while futures trading is more popular, and the market liquidity and efficiency are very high. Banks, companies Financial institutions , individuals, etc;

Trading volume

Transaction volume and growth ratio in 88~89
Name of the facility
Trading volume in 1988
Trading volume in 1989
growth rate
Exchange name
growth rate
Chicago Board of Trade
one hundred and forty-three thousand and thirty-eight
one hundred and thirty-eight thousand three hundred and fifty-one
Chicago Mercantile Exchange
seventy-eight thousand and eleven
one hundred and four thousand three hundred and fifty-one
Tokyo Stock Exchange
twenty thousand six hundred and seven
twenty-seven thousand six hundred and forty-four
French International Business Exchange
sixteen thousand five hundred and eighty
twenty-six thousand and two
London International Financial Futures Exchange
fifteen thousand five hundred and forty-six
twenty-three thousand eight hundred and fifty-nine
Osaka Stock Exchange
two thousand four hundred and thirty-three
twelve thousand and fifty-three
seven thousand seven hundred and nine
eleven thousand eight hundred and twenty-one

influence factor


price level

The general price level and its change data represent the whole Economic vitality And it also reflects inflation An alternative indicator of stress levels. Generally speaking, inflation is closely related to changes in interest rates, and will also influence the government's monetary policy and change the market Long term funds Status. Specific performance will affect investors or dealer Investment return level. Therefore, securities, even futures and Option Market participants must pay close attention to changes in inflation indicators.

government policy

In the case of the United States, his monetary policy was formulated by the Federal Reserve Council and passed through Federal Reserve Bank System to implement its monetary policy and implementation management. Because the Federal Reserve Council can M1 and M2 Monitoring and Rediscount rate To control the circulation and growth of money, so its policy orientation and measures will have an impact on the interest rate level significant impact


In order to achieve Currency management In addition to using relaxation or Tighten monetary policy To control Money in circulation Outside the capacity of the central bank or the United States FED The market can still be temporarily changed in other ways circulating capital Supply. Therefore, in addition to observing the impact of policy measures on currencies and even general financial products, traders in the futures market also have a strong interest in market overt The intervention measures taken should also be mastered and understood so as to understand the possible Price fluctuation And make a more correct judgment.

Economic indicators

Industrial activities are related to the supply of all commodities and also affect the flow of market funds. Generally speaking, the prosperity of industrial activities Commercial funds And the increase in demand for loans will lead to the rise of interest rates; The decline of industrial activities, commercial loans and Fund demand The interest rate will also decrease. Therefore, government agencies pay close attention to changes in industrial activities and release various industries economic activity 's report as economic policy Basis for implementation; And private organizations Market participants , collect these data and reports to serve as the basis for economic and financial forecasting.

Market organization

The composition of the international monetary market of the Chicago Mercantile Exchange is used to illustrate the financial futures market organization structure The IMM consists of:


This is the place where members engage in financial futures trading. To ensure market order And fair trading, but also the market is subject to certain restrictions and supervision, and members operate in accordance with the rules of the Exchange.


The organizational form of the exchange is membership It is a member's natural right to engage in trading in the Exchange. Members can also participate through senior staff meetings Policy formulation And formulate various management rules of the Exchange. Members can be divided into futures commission merchants and f! Oor brokers according to their functions. There are also members with both identities. Futures commission merchants trade with non member customers, and then transfer orders to the floor brokers. The latter can not only handle transactions for customers, but also do transactions for their own accounts. Being a trader only in his own account is also called Floor Trader ( floor trader ), it has three types: ① Hat snatcher ( scalper ), this is to earn money from reselling Price difference Of Trader ;② The daily trader refers to the broker who focuses on the price change in a business day and earns the price difference; ③ Spreader refers to a dealer who earns a price difference from the price of a variety of traded commodities (rather than one). The floor trader shall determine whether to directly contact with Clearing institution Transactions can also be divided into Clearing Member (clearing member) and non clearing member, the former can directly trade with the clearing institution, while the latter can only be set up in the clearing member Trading account And settled through clearing members.

Clearing institution

This is an institution established and owned by clearing members, whose function is to ensure the performance of transactions and be responsible for settlement. It specifically includes Three roles First, guarantee performance. That is, the liquidation institution shall provide guarantee for the performance of the contract by the buyer and seller. Second, collect Original margin The margin is deposited by the clearing member entrusted by the parties to the transaction and deposited by the clearing member in the clearing institution. Third, settlement and maintenance Trade Kicker At the end of each day's transaction, the clearing institution shall use market value Settle unsettled contracts, and adjust (increase or decrease) the original deposit according to the settlement results (surplus or loss). That is, no matter what, the margin must be maintained at a certain level. The minimum margin balance that should be maintained is the trading margin. If the margin falls below the transaction margin, the buyer and seller must Additional margin


It has two types:
① Commercial dealers, including Securities firms , commercial banks and other financial institutions, pension funds, insurance companies and enterprises. Its purpose is to avoid risks arising from changes in interest rates and prices.
② Non commercial dealers, including futures commission merchants, investment trusts in the futures market Individual investors The main purpose is speculation.

Mode of sale

In the futures market Up division Besides price, other trading terms are standardized or scaled. The transaction price is determined by the exchange Public auction Determined. Those who participate in the transaction can freely look for the buying and selling object before the transaction starts, but the transaction method can only be public Auction mode , otherwise it is invalid.
See Figure 1 for the composition and trading flow of financial futures market.
Figure 1 Transaction Flow