Golden wool

Rare Treasures in Ancient Greek Mythology
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Golden Fleece is Ancient Greek mythology For a long time, the Greeks have been talking about it. many hero and king All want it. It is not only a symbol of wealth, but also a symbol of adventure and indomitable will, as well as ideals and the pursuit of happiness.
Chinese name
Golden wool
Foreign name
Golden Fleece
Rara Avis
Holy Forest in Memory of Ares
The Protector



Phryksos was the king of Boethia Atamas He was abused by his father's favorite concubine, Ino. In order to save her son, his biological mother Nefel, with the help of his sister Hele, quietly carried her son out of the palace. Nefel is a Cloud God She let her son and daughter ride on the winged Ram On the back. The ram's hair is pure gold. That's how she received the gods from the messengers of the gods and the dead Hermes Gifts from there. The sister and brother rode the magic sheep to fly in the air, and flew over the land and sea. On the way, my sister Heller dizzy , fell off the sheep's back and drowned in the sea. Since then, the sea has been called the Hele Sea, also known as Helesponto. Friksos arrived safely Black Sea Korcas along the coast was warmly received by King Aeetes, who betrothed his daughter, Karcheobe, to him. Friksos slaughtered the golden sheep for sacrifice Zeus , thank him for helping him escape. He presented the golden fleece to King Aeetes as a gift. The king gave it to the god of war Ares He ordered people to nail it in the holy forest in memory of Ares, and sent a fire dragon to guard it, because Oracle Tell him that his life is closely linked with the Golden Fleece. If the Golden Fleece exists, he will exist. If the Golden Fleece dies, he will die.


Legend is leaving Greece Far, far away from the Black Coast, there is a place called Colgas (today Caucasus )There is a rare treasure - golden wool. Many heroes have embarked on a difficult and dangerous journey to get it, but none of them can succeed. Many people have fallen on a long journey without even seeing the shadow of the treasure.
Even so, some people are still unwilling, hero jason Just scratch your fists and be eager to try. However, his idea is different. It turned out that Jason was the son of King Jason. Essong was a wise monarch. He managed the country in order and the people lived and worked in peace and contentment. But it doesn't last long, his brother Pelias The plot usurped the throne and drove the two sons out of the country. Egson had to wander around with his young son and seek revenge. Later, he finally found chiron Karong in ancient times MYTHOS China is famous educator Many outstanding people come from his family. The heroism in young Jason's eyes and his unfortunate experience deeply moved the elder. Charon resolutely agreed to his pleas and determined to do his best to cultivate Jason into a talent.
Twenty years of hard study! fancies of men of letters, Poems and Songs , riding a horse to shoot arrows, Charon trained Jason strictly according to the hero image in the eyes of the Greeks. Jason also lived up to expectations. In 20 years, the teenager grew up to be young and naughty princeling Became a brave warrior. Holding two spears leopard fur With long hair hanging down on the shoulders, the audience was moved by the heroic demeanor.
Pelias was even more shocked by his handsome and calm appearance. "This is really a tough guy! Fortunately, he is just a wet behind the ears child after all."
A vicious idea was generated in his mind.
"My dear nephew, you know the Golden Fleece Story How many people who call themselves heroes die for it, and none of them can succeed. It seems that there are no heroes in the world! However, my child, if you can take back the Golden Sheep Hair, I am willing to sacrifice the holy throne for it.
However, the art expert was brave, and Jason accepted the challenge bravely and calmly. Pelias was overjoyed. He knew that Jason was a man of great promise, and he just waited to see his good end.
In order to accomplish this feat, Iasong invited many of his classmates and friends when he was studying at Charon. These people are all heroes who stand up to the heaven and earth. Everyone has a peerless kung fu.
With the help of Athena, the goddess of wisdom, the best shipwright in Greece Argo A big ship was built for them. This ship is made of wood that never rots in the sea. The carved beams and painted buildings on the ship set off the flying spirits of heroes. It can accommodate 50 oarsmen and is named "Argo" after the shipbuilder, which means "light ship". It is said that this is the first ship that the Greeks sailed to the sea.
On a sunny morning, the heroes took their places. along with Commander in Chief At the order of Jason, the Argo pulled out the anchor and set sail. Fifty oarsmen rowed hard, and the ship soon disappeared from people's view.
The hardships along the way are really hard to describe. They are like《 Journey to the West 》In Tang Monk He has gone through a lot of difficulties and dangers. Until one day, the helmsman excitedly shouted to everyone: "Look, there is Kolkath ahead!"
The heroes came to Kolkath and decided to meet King Aeetes first. Jason asked everyone to put down their weapons. He and some of his companions held Olive branch Go into the palace. Jason didn't hide it. He told the king exactly what he had come for. The king could not help laughing at his words, "Young man, I admire your honesty. But the golden fleece is our national treasure, how can it be easily spread? If you really want to get this treasure, you must do two things before I will agree to your request."
"Tell me, I will do anything for revenge and my vows!"
"First of all, you must be able to do one thing I often do. I have two divine cows. They have copper hooves and fire spouting nostrils. They are extremely fierce. At dawn, I drove them to cultivate four acres of barren land. When the soil was plowed, I sowed a terrible Duron Teeth. At night, the harvest is full of vicious warriors. They come to me from all directions. I will stab them with my sword. Secondly, in the forest with golden fleece, there is a poisonous dragon waiting day and night. You must find a way to subdue it to achieve final success. "
Hearing these creepy descriptions, the heroes were shocked. The king smiled in his heart, and he knew that no one could do it. Otherwise, how could the treasure of the country be stable as a rock? Jason also had no answer in his heart, but the matter had come to this point, so he had to agree to it.
When they returned to their homes, everyone was worried, and no one wanted to say a word more. At this time, the king's daughter Medea A sudden visit. It turned out that she was present when the king met the heroes just now. Cupid The arrow of Eros of Love in the heart , she decided to help her sweetheart at all costs.
The next morning, Jason covered his whole body with the magic medicine Medea had given him. At once, a magical force filled every part of his body. His grip was also painted ointment Our swords and shields stood majestically in the dawn to welcome the arrival of a fierce battle. The king and his subjects came, with gloating smiles on their faces [1]
Jason looked around and found that there were huge yokes and plows on the ground not far away. They were all made of iron. I don't know how heavy they were. He was not allowed to look closely. Suddenly, there were two earth shaking roars. The golden light flashed in the cave in the distance. In a twinkling of an eye, two divine bulls had run to him. Their nostrils Spray Flames, eight copper hoofs on the ground, the distant fields are shaking with them.
Most of the people who watched the battle fled, and the heroes were also shocked. Only Jason calmly and skillfully circled between two cows. The horn could not touch him, the copper hoof could not kick him, and the magic medicine could not make the fire burn him. After a while, the attack of Shenniu slowed down. Taking advantage of their breathing, he pounced on them, grabbed the horn and forced Iron plow Drag it away. The two oxen struggled desperately, but Jason was so powerful that he could only Watch He was dragged to the iron plow. In the Song Dynasty, they kicked their feet and knelt on the ground when their two heads were Newton. Needless to say, Jason forcefully lifted up the iron plow and yoke on them. Then he took his spear and whipped it on the cow like a whip. Two oxen walked forward in a rage, and a deep plough came out behind them Furrow Jason followed with great strides, planting the teeth of the poisonous dragon at the same time. Soon, four mu of land was completely cultivated. Jason took down the iron plow and yoke, and the two oxen fled without a trace in a twinkling of an eye.
time lapse The sun soon set and the crops in the fields grew up. What kind of crops are these? They are all ferocious warriors, all wearing armor, and the shield and spear in their hands shine with dazzling light. Jason raised a huge stone and threw it at them from a distance. Then he knelt on the ground and covered himself with a shield. The huge stone fell from the sky, and the guys who were formed by the teeth of the poisonous dragon thought that there were traitors among them. They were so excited that they started to kill each other. Suddenly, the roar on the field shook the sky, flying sand and rolling stones, and the sun and moon were without light. When the battle became white hot, Jason flew into the array like a meteor. He saw a sharp sword flying up and down, which really swept the army like a roll. Finally, the blood flowed into a river in the field, and the corpses were everywhere. None of the warriors survived. Jason finally accomplished the first thing the king said.
The heroes were elated. They surrounded Jason and prepared to celebrate. However, from the eyes of the king when he left, Jason could see that he would not give up. Later, he would change. He decided to steal the Golden Fleece that night. The long-awaited battle finally came, and the heroes asked for battle one after another. "This is different from fighting a war. We can only win by cleverness, but not by force. We just need Medea, Orpheus and I to go, and the rest of you stay to prepare for the return voyage." Hearing the words of Jason, everyone was convinced and went to prepare separately.
Jason is carrying a sword, and Orpheus is holding his magic Seven string zither With Medea we set out. Three people walked along the rugged path, through the maze like bushes Finally came to a tall oak tree. The golden light on the top of the oak tree is just the golden wool that countless people are attracted to. Under the tree, the huge poisonous dragon looked around warily with a pair of never closed eyes. Seeing someone coming, it screamed, stuck out its tongue like a steel fork, and jumped at it with open teeth and claws.
"Orpheus, play your lyre!"
Hearing Medea's call, Orpheus did not dare to ignore it, and quickly turned the spindle to pluck the string. So the melodious piano sound and his loud song floated among the trees. For a moment, it seemed that everything was frozen. Even the ferocious poisonous dragon lowered its mottled head and neck, and the eyes that never closed, shining with cold light, closed sleepily.
When the time came, Jason rushed up quickly, climbed the treetop on the dragon's body, and took down the golden fleece. As soon as they got the hang of it, they rushed to the beach. The heroes had already set up their sails and paddles, waiting silently for their return. As soon as the three got on the boat, Jason cut the rope at once. With the sound of the oars, the Argo successfully returned!
On the way back, they escaped the pursuers sent by the king (Medea betrayed her father Aeetes for love, helped Jason get the Golden Fleece, and killed his brother who came to kill him). After experiencing many difficulties, they finally returned to Greece safely - this haunting homeland.
Zeus was also moved by the earth shaking feats of the heroes. He raised the Golden Fleece and the Argo to the heaven, which is Aries and South seat After the Golden Fleece was taken away by Jason, the poisonous dragon had nothing to do. Zeus felt that he was responsible for his own work, so he lifted it to the sky. This is the dragon
Jason successfully retrieved the Golden Fleece, but Pelias refused to admit it no matter how he argued. Although Jason is a hero who stands tall and upright, he has no way to deal with such scoundrels.
indicating contrast Medea Be ruthless. One day, Pelias' daughters went for a walk in the woods. When they came to a tree, they saw Medea sitting there. Medea had a big bowl in front of her. The fire was burning under the bowl, and the water in the bowl was boiling. After a while, Medea brought a sheep. The sheep was old and sick, and it was so wobbly that it could hardly stand. Medea killed the sheep with one stroke, cut them into many pieces and put them into the bowl. After cooking for a while, Medea closed her eyes and murmured. Then she suddenly lifted the lid of the bowl, and a miracle happened. A live lamb jumped out of it!
Pelias' daughters were stunned by what they saw. They thought of their old and sick father. If only he could turn back to his old age! So they asked Medea whether this bowl could also make people younger. Medea knew that they had been taken in, so she answered them definitely and encouraged them sweetly. Hearing Medea's words, the innocent girls ran home happily and cut their father into pieces while he was asleep. But no matter how the pieces were boiled in the bowl, the young father could not get out of it. Only then did the girls know that they had been poisoned, but it was too late. They could only hold their heads together and cry!
Pelias certainly deserved his punishment, but Medea's method was too cruel. Zeus could not see it. He was afraid that Medea would use this magic bowl to harm people, so he promoted it to the heaven. This is Grand Duchess [2]
Golden Fleece in English