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Venera 3

The Soviet probe launched on November 16, 1965
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On November 16, 1965, the Soviet Union launched Venus 3, which was the first probe to successfully land Venus.
Chinese name
Venera 3
Foreign name
Venera 3
The first probe successfully landed on Venus
Launch time
November 16, 1965
Soviet Union

brief introduction

Venera 3
Venus 3 was made in the Soviet Union and launched on November 16, 1965. It was equipped with radio communication facilities, scientific instruments and power source units. It successfully landed on Venus and became the first spacecraft to land on other planets, but the communication system failed to send back any information.

Landing process

Commemorative items of Venus 3
Venus 3, launched on November 16, 1965, carried a 334kg lander and successfully entered orbit on December 16, 1965. On March 1, 1966, its lander was launched to Venus, but no data was returned. It is estimated that it was crashed during landing. It carries the national emblem of the Soviet Union and the Earth model. Venus 3 became the first man-made object to reach Venus.


Affiliated organization: Soviet Union
Main manufacturer NPOAlmaz, VitalyShabanov Design Bureau
Satellite platform Venus 3
Task Type Flies Venus
Launched on November 12, 1965
Launch vehicle Lightning launch vehicle serial number
Launch site Gagarin's StartSite1/5, Baikonur Space Launch Site
Orbital attenuation March 1, 1966
Mass 960 kg (2100 lb)