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Venus Express

Venus probe
Venus Express is Europe Venus The first task of. The launch date was 9 November 2005. The launcher is the Soyuz spacecraft manufactured by the European/Russian joint company Starsem. The orbiter equipment of Venus Express includes: Venus surveillance camera, space plasma, active atom analyzer, etc. The spacecraft was operated by the European Space Control Center in Darmstadt, Germany.
Chinese name
Venus Express
Date of launch
November 9, 2005
Launching unit
European/Russian joint company Starison
Equipment includes
Venus surveillance camera, space plasma
Emission quality
1.5 m × 1.8 m × 1.4 m

brief introduction

Venus Express
Venus Express It was Europe's first mission to Venus. The name comes from the short time it took to define, prepare and launch the mission. The main contractor is Izz Astrim in Toulouse, France. The launch date was 9 November 2005. The design life of the detector shall be at least 4 years.
The launcher is the Soyuz spacecraft manufactured by the European/Russian joint company Starsem. The launch mass is 1270kg, including 93kg of orbiter payload and 570kg of fuel.
Orbiter equipment includes Venus surveillance camera, space plasma, active atom analyzer, etc.
The spacecraft was operated by the European Space Control Center in Darmstadt, Germany.

job content

Venus Express
On April 11, 2006, the European Space Agency announced that at 8:07 GMT, the Venus Express completed its deceleration process and successfully entered the elliptical orbit around Venus for the first time.
Venus Express
On April 14, 2006, the European Space Agency released the first images of Venus sent back by the Venus Express. These pictures of the south pole of Venus were taken by the "ultraviolet, visible and near-infrared imaging spectrometer" and the "Venus monitoring camera" on April 12 in the elliptical orbit around Venus, 200000 kilometers away from Venus.
On June 27, 2006, the European Space Agency announced that after analyzing the data sent back by the Venus Express, scientists confirmed that there was a strange double vortex in the atmosphere over the south pole of Venus. A pair of huge and strange "snake eyes" with two black spots were found at the south pole of Venus. Venus Express also observed a strange triple vortex shaped like a triangle. Scientists of the Venus Express project estimated that the instability of Venus' atmosphere caused the vortex to have different shapes.
Before the end of 2014, "Venus Express" will continue to collect data. At some time in the middle of 2015, it will fall into the Venus toxic cloud.

Purpose of launch

Purpose of launch
Solve the future greenhouse effect of the earth
Venus and Earth have many similarities, such as shape, mass and size. However, the climate on Venus is very different from that on Earth - its thick atmosphere is corrosive, and the greenhouse effect is also extremely serious. The huge pressure and purgatory high temperature also made the former Soviet probe flee here. The mission of this "Venus Express" exploration is to uncover the mystery of why Venus has such a cruel environment.
On October 26, 2005, the European Space Agency's Venus Express probe will be launched from Baikonur Space Launch Site Depart for Venus. This exploration mission will help scientists solve the problems about the future greenhouse effect of the earth.
The main purpose of Venus Express to explore Venus is to obtain the latest information about Venus' extremely serious greenhouse effect.
According to scientists' calculations, the two meter Venus Express will take five months to fly 40 million kilometers to the target after lift off. Venus is the closest planet to the Earth, its size is similar to the Earth, but its atmospheric environment is extremely bad. Venus's dense clouds contain a lot of carbon dioxide As a result, the surface temperature of Venus is as high as 450 degrees Celsius and is constantly baptized by acid rain.
According to Professor Fred Taylor of Oxford University, "In the future, although the Earth's greenhouse effect will not become as scary as Venus, it is still developing in this direction. Global greenhouse effect The growing culprit is carbon dioxide, Venusian greenhouse effect Of course, the culprit is also this gas ".
In addition, Andrew Kutz, a scientist engaged in this research, said: "This exploration mission will explain how Venus' dense atmosphere works, how it interacts with Venus' surface and how it affects its surrounding space. By studying Venus' unstoppable temperature chamber effect, it will help scientists solve the problem of greenhouse effect in the future of the earth".

Main tasks

The main task of the Venus Express is to scan the surface of Venus in the air, study the composition of Venus' atmosphere, and study the volcanic activity on Venus. Scientists said that Venus has violent volcanic eruptions, which caused nearly 90% of the surface of Venus to be submerged in volcanic lava. Venus Express will also study the whirlwinds in the polar regions of Venus. It is expected that the probe will detect Venus for at least two years.

Detection plan

Detection plan
It was originally planned to start from Baikonur Space Launch Site Due to technical reasons, the launch of the European Space Agency's Venus Express probe, which set off for Venus, the nearest neighbor of the Earth, to carry out the exploration mission, was postponed to November 9. This is the first time that Europe has sent a probe to Venus to study the brightest and nearest planet.
In addition, according to Professor Keith Mason of the Primitive Particles and Astrophysics Research Association, the earth's atmosphere is constantly being polluted and heated. Studying Venus will help scientists better understand the evolution process of the Earth's climate.
The Venus Express mission inherits the achievements of the European Space Agency's Mars Express and Rosetta missions. The project costs 140 million pounds (100 million euros), and the design life of the detector is at least 4 years.
Venus Express
British scientists and business people as well as the scientific research team of Oxford University actively participated in this exploration mission. The Space Science Laboratory of the University of London and other famous scientific research institutions have also developed the plasma analyzer ASPERA-4 for the detector, which will be used to study the interaction between the solar wind and the atmosphere of Venus.
Imperial College and Sheffield University The scientists of. In addition, some instruments will be used to study the possible Venus volcanic activity and other problems.
In addition, the "Venus Express" is also equipped with a Venus monitoring camera (which takes pictures in different colors according to the temperature changes on the surface of Venus), Venus radio scientific experimental instruments, infrared and ultraviolet rays Spectrum analyzer The instrument, the visible infrared imager, and the spectral analyzer that can measure the temperature of Venus' atmosphere and detect volcanic activity.
According to the current plan, the "Venus Express" will enter Venus orbit in April 2006 after five months of 41 million km long flight. It is expected to work in Venus orbit for 500 days (2 Venus days).
The total weight of "Venus Express" is 1270kg (93kg payload, 570kg fuel). Its overall specification is 1.5 х 1.8 х 1.4m (excluding the Solar panel )。
Venus Express
Venus goes on a date with the Earth every nine months. The "Venus Express" has chosen such a time period to launch. After 162 days of flight, the "Venus Express" will enter the elliptical polar orbit of Venus, 250-6600 kilometers away from the surface of Venus. The exploration mission will last for two Venus star days (about 500 Earth days). If possible, the "Venus Express" will have another 500 day shift.
History of Venus Exploration
2. Astrologers say that Venus will not only affect people's love, but also affect businessmen's business.
3. Other planets in the solar system rotate in the same direction, while Venus rotates in the opposite direction.
4. The "Venus - 7" probe launched by the former Soviet Union in 1970 was the first human probe to land on Venus, and also the first human probe to launch on other planets except the moon. It "survived" on the surface of Venus for only 23 minutes, and then was broken down by the huge atmospheric pressure of Venus.
5. The orbits of other planets in the solar system are elliptical, except for Venus, which is nearly circular.
6. The statue of the goddess of beauty and love bought by the French from Turkey in 1821 was named after Venus, probably because Venus was the brightest known planet at that time.

Relevant knowledge

Venus's orbit is located between the orbits of Mercury and Earth, which is the second one close to the sun terrestrial planet It is also the only planet in the solar system that has no magnetic field. stay Nine planets Venus is the closest to the circle, and its eccentricity is the smallest. Some people say Venus is the twin sister of the earth. Indeed, from the structural point of view, Venus and the earth have many similarities. Venus has a radius of about 6073 kilometers, only 300 kilometers smaller than the radius of the Earth, 0.88 times the volume of the Earth, and 4/5 the mass of the Earth; The average density is slightly smaller than that of the Earth. However, the environment of the two is very different. Some of the characteristics of Venus are even difficult to understand. Therefore, Venus and Earth are just a pair of "seemingly compatible" sisters.
The thick clouds of Venus reflect most of the sunlight back into space, so the surface of Venus receives less sunlight, and most of the sunlight cannot reach the surface of Venus directly. Without the greenhouse effect, the surface temperature of Venus would be very close to that of the Earth.