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Organometallic chemical vapor deposition

Method of vapor phase epitaxial growth by thermal decomposition of organometallic compounds
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Metal organic chemical vapor deposition (MOCVD) is a method of vapor phase epitaxy growth by thermal decomposition of metal organic compounds.
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Organometallic chemical vapor deposition
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Method of vapor phase epitaxial growth by thermal decomposition of organometallic compounds
The basic principle is to transport the metal organic compound gas containing epitaxial material components to the reaction chamber through the carrier gas, and epitaxial growth is carried out at a certain temperature. MOCVD technology The main safety should be less "in Class I,. U-VT compound semiconductor superlattice quantum well and other low dimensional material growth and the growth of multilayer heterostructure materials of multi-component solid solution, can also be used to prepare high-temperature superconducting films, ferroelectric films, sensor films, solar cell films and other metal films; this technology has the advantages of controllable process, simple operation and is suitable for large-scale production: its lack of [1] The point is that the reaction gas and reaction by-products are mostly flammable and highly toxic substances.