
Also called metal detection door
zero Useful+1
synonym Metal detection door (Metal detection door) generally refers to security gate
Walk through metal detector is a detection device for detecting whether personnel carry metal objects, also known as Metal detection door (Archway metal detector)。
Chinese name
Foreign name
Archway metal detector
One of the safety checks
Place of use
Stations, docks, prisons, courts, museums
Check the metal objects carried by personnel
usage method
Pass through the door under normal working condition!
Strong sensitivity, simple installation, convenient and practical
Location display
The national standard is gate post six position LED alarm display

brief introduction

Security door is a detection device to detect whether personnel carry metal objects, also known as metal detection door. walk-through metal detector It is mainly used in airports, stations, large conferences and other public places with large crowds to check metal objects hidden on people's bodies, such as guns, Control tool Etc. A few high-end security gates on the market can be used as quilts Inspectors When passing through the security gate, the metal carried on the human body exceeds the preset value according to the weight, quantity or shape Parameter value The security gate will immediately give an alarm and display the location of the metal causing the alarm, so that the security personnel can find the metal objects carried by the person in time. Most of the factory dedicated security gates only identify whether metal objects are carried, locate and alarm to prevent products from being taken out of the factory in violation of regulations. The security gate with the best performance can detect paper clip Large and small items.

application area


Applicable fields

Applicable to production enterprises: including electronics (such as hard disk, mobile phone, MP3, Yiyitong Recording pen electronic device Etc.) Wire and cable , electrical appliances, gold and silver jewelry, cigarettes, drugs Ink cartridge , industry and mining Hardware products , electroplating, die casting, plumbing equipment, precious metals (copper, aluminum, etc.) and their processing industries.
Applicable government departments: including bureau of public security , Procuratorate, Court Trial court , prison Detention facility Reeducation through labour camp Drug rehabilitation center Etc.
Applicable public places: including stadiums and entertainment places( discotheque , dance halls, etc.), airports, railway stations, bus stations, ports, exhibition halls, museums, banks, oil depots, power stations, etc.

Product demand

Application Scheme of Security Gate
Productive enterprises: prevent the theft of precious metals (such as copper, aluminum, tin, nickel) and other raw materials from rising sharply, resulting in related industries such as hardware, electroplating Electronic appliances The cost of finished products, semi-finished products and spare parts of wire and cable, mechanical casting and other production enterprises has risen sharply. Because these precious metals are so expensive and there are many recycling points, some ill intentioned employees have an opportunity to take advantage of them. In order to prevent the loss of precious metals of the company, the enterprise has designed ways to prevent and reduce Metallic materials Loss. Practical proof The application of the security gate in the factory can be scientific, objective, humanized, and effectively play the role of prevention and deterrence. This is because the security gate has the following features: high detection accuracy, adjustable, objective, and no human factor Disturbance, no body search, respect for employees, fast speed, easy control and other characteristics.
Public places, discos, dance halls Public procuratorate law : Improve security check In these places, there are many people, often Outlaw Carry knives and guns contraband Seize the opportunity to commit crimes, resulting in heavy casualties and property loss , causing extremely bad negative effect In order to put an end to such terrorist events, scientific management should be accompanied by scientific and effective management tool be imperative. And the security gate is one of its most effective tools, which has been widely used in airports and other important Safety facilities In order to prevent terrorist attack , after a long time Practical test , one of the most effective security tools.

Common sense


matters needing attention

1. Except for the full rain proof security door, other types of security doors cannot be exposed to rain, and must be covered with a canopy when used in the open.
2. There should be no large metal objects within 1m around the security gate, such as large iron doors, elevators, large iron pillars, etc.
3. The security gate must be firmly installed to avoid shaking caused by strong wind or collision.
4. Stay away from objects that generate magnetic fields, such as Power Distribution Box , motor equipment, etc.

Adoption of regulations

1. Line up to pass in turn, do not crowd, do not deliberately slow down.
2. In case of no alarm, the first person can walk out the door and the second person can pass through; In case of alarm, it is required to wait for the alarm sound to stop before passing.
3. Do not collide the door body when passing.
4. When passing through the door panel, no person carrying metal objects shall pass through.


1. Door body surface stain Wipe with a damp cloth.
2、 oil stains And stains that are difficult to clean Tianna water , alcohol Wiping water clean.
3. The machine needs to be shut down for more than 2 hours every day to prevent the performance from being degraded due to overheating of components in long-term operation.

working principle

The principle of the security gate is Crystal oscillator Generate 3.5-4.95M sinusoidal oscillation frequency division The divider is about 7.6K sine wave After power amplification by triode and coil, it is input to the large coil of the door panel (zone 7) for electromagnetic wave Transmit and receive by the coils in the 1-6 areas of the door. After receiving, compare the received signal with the reference signal, and change the Acquisition card Output level CPU Scan the data of 6 location acquisition cards within 280 milliseconds, judge the location of metal and output the display.
2、 Structure 1. Door panel structure: composed of 1 large coil, 6 small coils, compensation coil and graphite. 2、 Chassis structure safety-check
3、 During detection Workflow CPU detection → one set of infrared is blocked → detect whether the data of each acquisition card changes → alarm → detect another set of infrared → reset and re detect.

Radiation problems

Any electronic product has certain electromagnetic radiation There is also a lot of electromagnetic radiation around us. Such as radio, television, mobile phone tower, High voltage line , computer, TV, Microwave Oven Electromagnetic furnace , mobile phones, etc.
Compared with these electronic products, the electromagnetic radiation of the security gate is minimal. The reason is that the security gate is a weak magnetic field induction technology, and its power is very small, many times less than the power of mobile phone calls! than graphoscope The radiation is also small. So the electromagnetic radiation of the security gate is safe.

Overall dimension

Overall dimension : (mm) 2220 (H) x 820 (W) x 522 (D)
Channel size: (mm) 2000 (H) x 700 (W) x 522 (D)
The size of the security gate is strictly limited. On the basis of standard size, the error cannot be greater than 50mm, so the security gate cannot be customized to non-standard size

Shopping essentials


content validity

1. High level security check function
Through type security gate
The demand for high security inspection of metal detection doors includes the following factors:
⑴ The uniformity of magnetic field is the key to 100% detection rate;
⑵、 security check The detection force must be sufficient to detect any hazardous metal objects, regardless of their entry position and angle;
(3) The security detection force must be sufficient to detect people passing at any speed;
⑷ Simultaneous detection is required Ferrous metal and Nonferrous metal Ability.
2. High level of identifiability
It is required to be able to distinguish a small amount of harmfulness Metal items (e.g. small arms).
Resolution Based on the following factors:
⑴、 Magnetic field distribution The uniformity of;
(2) Various metal substances Analytical capability
⑶ For external motors noise interference Of Immunity
⑷ Immunity to external mechanical interference;
3. Excellent immunity (noise interference)
Noise interference is an important reason that affects the performance of metal detection gate. Noise interference can be divided into the following types:
(1) Transient noise: noise generated by the common load of motor, electric control lock and power line;
(2) Intermittent noise: Power supply equipment Generated on voltage RF noise
(3) Noise generated by other adjacent metal detectors;
(4) Noise generated by moving or vibrating metal quality.
4. Equipment adequacy rate
To consider the adequacy of equipment, two points can be observed:
(1) Whether to adopt SMD Technology assembly electronic substrate;
⑵、 Control panel Whether the host performs function test.
In addition to the above characteristics, metal detection doors with high efficiency also have different requirements in terms of safety, ease of operation, product practicability, etc.
What kind of products are suitable for very high flow security inspection?
Today, some advanced metal detection doors also have their own advantages in terms of functions. Taking the civil aviation airport as an example, civil aviation units in various countries have developed new security standards for metal detection doors. These standards require the ability to detect micro shaped weapons, including magnetic, non-magnetic and mixed alloy materials. In the door type channel, 100% of the covered space is not allowed to have dead corner detection. As weapons and personal metal objects are often carried on the human body, false alarms are not allowed. This is a major challenge for metal security detection technology. Moreover, some companies have developed metal detection doors that can display multiple sections, which are recognized as better products. Such products can generally achieve the following in terms of security inspection, detection and operation functions:
(1) High visibility Of Warning light No., which can be displayed in both directions, and can detect weapons passing in both directions;
⑵ The card setting system can directly select international security standards and security levels;
⑶. High identification for individual characters;
⑷ Firm and durable structure;
(5) Local or remote programmable input;
(6) Convenience for the disabled.

Identify the security gate

How to identify the quality of security gate
Metal detection door (security gate) is the first line equipment and facilities for security in the control area, which is used to check and filter harmful and offensive metals such as knives, guns, bombs, etc. In addition to being essential for each airport Security equipment In addition, Jufan prisons, large sports venues, exhibition halls, banks, courts Mint Treasury, government agencies, embassies, military and police units Telecommunications room , various precious metal industries Electronics , entertainment places, etc., where people and places need to be protected, are widely used to avoid hijacking, security threats and theft.
The early security gates introduced from abroad in China were mainly used in airport security. Due to the high price and high maintenance costs of importing from abroad, many security gates were limited enterprises and institutions Purchase of. In 1993, China successfully developed and put it on the market, and its production and sales increased continuously. In order to standardize production, the Ministry of Public Security has issued GB 15210-1994 and GB15210-2003 Inspection standard The latter is a supplement to the former, and also a supplement to the quality Detection capability magnetic induction yes human health More stringent and detailed requirements have been proposed for safety impact degree restrictions to meet modern public occasions The need of security inspection.
Because of this Product market It is very imaginative and attractive, so Chinese security gate manufacturers are booming. At present, there are more than a dozen security gate manufacturers in China, Product sales To all parts of the country. Due to the security gate manufacturers Production technology Cause: there is a big gap in product quality, some Enterprise products It can only pass the old national test standard GB15210-1994, but cannot pass the new national test standard GB15210-2003. This is mainly due to the production technology, raw material quality and Production process It is inferior, so it is not available locally Public Security Department Issued Production license That is to say, it has become what the public said“ Three None ”Products. However, this low-grade product is flooding the market with extremely low prices Sales process It deliberately exaggerates the functions of the equipment and the functions that are difficult to verify, causing misunderstanding to users, so that users cannot really choose safe, qualified, appropriate and effective products. Why is the quality of most domestic security gates such a situation? The following is a brief analysis and comparison of the technology, performance and process of such products, which can be used as a reference for enterprises and institutions that need security gates.
1、 Alarm principle of security gate
The security gate can give an alarm to the metal objects passing through, because the door panels on both sides are equipped with transmitting and receiving devices Alternating electromagnetic field Sensor for. Metal Conductor When excited by the alternating electromagnetic field, eddy current is generated in the metal conductor, and this current emits a magnetic field with the same frequency but opposite direction as the original magnetic field, metal detector It is to detect whether there are metal objects nearby by detecting whether the eddy current signal exists. The transmitter emits the excitation electromagnetic wave, and the receiving sensor receives the signal of the metal object. The receiving sensor detects the signal generated by the eddy current, and then through a series of amplification processing of the circuit, when Semaphore achieve Set value The alarm will be generated in the form of sound and light.
nowadays international market There are two popular types of security gates electromagnetic field Transmit signal pattern:
1. Sine wave: sine wave Launch mode The advantages of signal processing Simple, low cost, high sensitivity; The disadvantage is that it is easily disturbed.
2、 Pulse wave The pulse transmission mode is opposite to the sine wave transmission mode, and the signal processing is complex and costly; The advantages are Anti interference capability Strong.
present domestic market The technology of the multi location security gate is not done in time from the earliest one or two Intellectual property protection The original sine wave transmission mode is adopted because of the plagiarism of the R&D manufacturers. In terms of principle and signal processing mode, the basic production technologies, processes and materials of each company tend to Homogenization Looking at the entire domestic production security gate enterprises, only a few enterprises have real product development Some production enterprises are only Imitation product , did not really grasp the launch and Receiving coil (receiving sensor) Precision The process of core parts, such as fixed firmness, does not know which segment of pulse and sine transmission signal to collect, and also uses the original manual winding method, the winding tightness and winding of the coil Turns All of them do not meet the industrial standards, so the users' under reporting and mis reporting are particularly serious in the process of using the products of these enterprises. Therefore, it is almost unimaginable to balance the relationship between sensitivity and anti-interference ability without exquisite production process, technology and long-term experience.
Whether the "digital technology" mentioned by users has really been applied metal detector Manufacturing technology? In fact, generally speaking, digital is the digital coding of signals, and all signals processed by digital equipment are digital signals. The signal passes through some Arithmetic operation After processing, it is transmitted to terminal equipment , then the terminal device demodulates and restores the original signal, and uses the signal to do the corresponding work or Analyze signal conduct Special functions handle. Since the working characteristics of the metal detector are sine wave or pulse wave emission, there is no other Component signal The signal processing mode is also analog signal processing, which is only used for sensitivity control singlechip It is only used for digital display (such as sensitivity 80, number of passengers 10, number of alarms 2... such so-called "digital technology").
2、 When purchasing security gates, users can test the functions of security gates according to the following points to identify the quality:
1. Security gate Stability test
The stability of the security gate is crucial, [1] This is the first condition for customers to purchase security gates. Unstable security gate will cause disorderly alarm and Missing alarm The phenomenon makes the staff at a loss, and the security gate cannot play a real role. Since the sensors of the security check door (i.e. the two side plates of the door body) are open to the outside, they can not only emit electromagnetic waves to the external environment, but also receive electromagnetic waves generated by the external environment. There are many devices that generate electromagnetic waves in the external environment, such as high-voltage lines, large motors Electric welding machine kgps walkie-talkie ... will radiate the fusion electromagnetic field, which will interfere with and affect the normal detection of the security gate; Therefore, all security gates will be more or less disturbed by the external environment. Manufacturers with technical strength can handle external interference while solving the stability of the security gate itself, so as to minimize the interference of the security gate.
General security gate Should be Designed with Real time signal intensity indicator light , can display the size and interference signal Strength. The real-time signal indicator plays a very important role in the initial installation and use. During initial installation and use Signal lamp Adjust the appropriate detection parameters of the security gate according to the indicated conditions to minimize the interference caused by the external environment, so as to improve the detection accuracy of the security gate. Some manufacturers cancel the signal light in order to hide the eyes and ears, or turn it off when no one passes, making users think that the security door works normally; However, at this time, the security gate has been in an unstable state, whether you carry metal or not will alarm. The security gate with signal strength indicator can adjust the working parameters according to the interference intensity during installation to eliminate the impact of external interference on the security gate and ensure the normal operation of the security gate. Security gate with environment Self check function , effectively achieve anti-interference and noise elimination.
Select the same environment (including power supply and external environment) electromagnetic interference Test under the same condition): power on and start, block infrared Shooting device to remove the function of infrared limit alarm. Set the alarm sensitivity to a more sensitive (higher) level, so that the security gate is in alarm waiting. At this time, observe the number of signal lights flashing. If there are many lights, or even a random alarm, try to change the security gate's working frequency And avoid interference from adjacent frequencies until the signal light is on at least. If the working frequency is changed, the security gate is still unstable or even alarms randomly, which indicates that the security gate has poor stability and anti-interference ability. It is necessary to compare various types of security gates one by one, and select the best one with the same detection capability (detecting the same metal object).
2. Detection ability test for metal objects
Select the same metal sample to detect the security gate, and the smaller the missing report, the better.
The conventional security gate shall be able to detect all metals (except for the specially designed detector) and pass the strict inspection of the "sensitivity" standard in the national standard GB15210-2003. The metal samples we choose to detect should preferably be included in national standard Within the range.
Metal signal detection Ability is the expression of metal detector The mark of the technical strength of the manufacturer. The manufacturer with good technology ferrous metal They can all carry out the same detection, and can detect smaller metals under the condition of good stability. The sensitivity control is very clear. However, if the sensitivity of the poor quality security gate is slightly raised, it will alarm if nothing passes through. If the sensitivity is slightly lowered, it will alarm only if a large metal object passes through. This type of security gate cannot be used because of the poor design performance of the internal circuit and the non-linear control.
In addition, due to the existence of electromagnetic waves directional Therefore, there is also directionality in the detection of metal objects. The signal generated on the surface with the most cutting electromagnetic waves is correspondingly strong, and the signal generated on the surface with the least cutting electromagnetic waves is correspondingly weak. The production enterprises with excellent technology can homogenize the directionality of the magnetic field, so the effect of detecting metal objects in all directions in the same detection area of the security gate is not different; If the difference is large, the greater the omission, so the user should choose the product with good directional detection and homogenization effect.
The same kind of metal object is carried by the tester through various locations of the security gate, and the metal objects are passed in different directions in various locations, so as to select the products with less missing reports. To exclude small metals, it is necessary to adjust the sensitivity to an appropriate position when detecting large metals. The test method is the same as above.
3. Shell of security inspection door
The door frame material is also one of the important links that affect the quality of the security gate. Because the amount of signal generated by the detected metal in the safe electromagnetic field environment is very small, the signal processing usually needs to be amplified tens of thousands of times to meet the circuit driving requirements. Even if there is only a small displacement change of the front sensor, it can cause alarm after the circuit is amplified, Therefore, it is required that the deformation of the security door shell should be as small as possible during long-term use.
The security doors are designed as independent frames. The door panels with sensors are thin and long, with a thickness of only five to six centimeters (5cm-6cm) and a length of more than 220 centimeters (220cm). Due to the installation environment and long-term working relationship, the door panel is easy to deform, which makes the difference between the sensor parameters and the factory delivery time too large, affecting the detection effect and unable to work for a long time. At that time, most domestic production enterprises used wood bran board or high-density Of Wood fibre board Make the shell of the security check door; As we all know, wood bran board or high-density wood fiber board is easy to absorb moisture, and will deform, disperse and disintegrate after several months; especially coastal areas Because the air is humid and the rainy season is long, the products cannot be used within a short time after purchasing these security gates. Good security gate manufacturers attach great importance to product quality, for example, the shell adopts high-strength PVC material Only for door frames aluminium alloy This kind of material is not easy to deform and will not be affected with damp, which ensures that the product can be used normally for a long time, and its product carrier can be used for ten years without maintenance.
In addition, some enterprises adopt a large number of Metal decorative materials To decorate the enclosure. Because the security gate is specially used to detect metal objects, such as a large number of metal decorative materials, it is a very unstable factor. Sometimes when people pass through the security gate, the wind resistance causes the door panel to vibrate, and the metal on the door frame and the receiving sensor have displacement, resulting in random alarm. These enterprises are unable to make breakthroughs in metal detection technology, so they make efforts in appearance and fancy functions to Low price strategy Seize the lower market. With strong Seismic capacity When it is shocked by external force, it will not report indiscriminately like other security gates LCD The words "Vibration protection" will be clearly displayed on the. High level users still focus on quality, performance and safety when purchasing, and the price is Secondary factors
4. Verification of electromagnetic field radiation safety
Many household appliances, such as mobile phones walkie-talkie , microwave ovens, induction cookers, TV sets, etc Space radiation Similar situations also exist for electromagnetic waves and through metal detection doors. The strength of electromagnetic wave is electricity Magnetic induction When the magnetic induction intensity exceeds a certain value, it will cause personal injury.
In order to ensure the safety of the inspected personnel and operators Chinese National Standard In GB15210-2003 General Technical Specification for Through Type Metal Detection Doors, the magnetic induction intensity of through type metal detection doors is strictly limited. For relevant technical parameters, please refer to 4.6.6 "Limit of magnetic induction intensity in the detection area" in the national standard. "The magnetic induction intensity at any point shall not exceed 30 μ T in the area formed by 150 mm in the left and right boundary directions of the detection area". Only when the value specified in the standard is not exceeded, can personal health be protected. Therefore, the security gates produced by any enterprise must strictly comply with national standards, and“ Quality Testing Center for Security and Police Electronic Products of the Ministry of Public Security ”After passing the inspection, the safety of its electromagnetic radiation shall be approved and a certificate shall be issued, and the local public security department shall issue a production license accordingly. Therefore, the magnetic induction intensity must be lower than the national standard warning value to ensure the health and safety of the inspected personnel and operators.
Security inspection is a responsible cause and also a combination of ideas and technology. This field is extensive and requires professional and professional Social responsibility And employees. The products and use of the security gate market in China quality of personnel It is not synchronized yet, and the users are mostly non professionals, with little understanding of the equipment principle and use skills. Moreover, the security gate products have been widely used in various public places, enterprises and public institutions. If they are used on the public in such a large, centralized and regular manner, if they are used again, they do not conform to the product safety and quality requirement The inferior products, which are just a few, will be used to check the safety of the public Public safety This is the shame and worry of the security gate industry.
Therefore, we must strengthen and speed up Industry standards To strengthen market supervision Conformity assessment With compulsory certification, not only the traditional safety certification, but also the certification of product specific performance (such as metal detection magnetic induction radiation intensity Impact on personal health and safety, and waterproof performance). Raise the threshold for production and market entry, standardize product publicity, and crack down sham publicity To form an orderly market competition And reflect the social responsibility of the employees.

Model parameters

Model parameters
Rain proof security gate
LED display rain proof security door
Special security gate for public security inspection and law enforcement
Special security gate for electronic hardware
Security gate for special passage of station and wharf
Special airport security gate
Detection channel
2000 mm high ×
700 mm wide × 550 mm
2000 mm high ×
700 mm wide × 550 mm
2000 mm high ×
700 mm wide × 550 mm
2000 mm high ×
700 mm wide × 550 mm
2000 mm high ×
700 mm wide × 550 mm
2000 mm high ×
700 mm wide × 550 mm

Specific classification

From the functional classification: plate type, folding type and portable type. Folding type is less used than plate type, but folding type is easy to move, which is mostly found in various major venues.
20 Location security gate 02PN20 (portable)
PMD3 Elliptic Mobile metal detection door (column type)
MCD single zone security gate, through metal detection gate
CLASSIC column type security gate (portable column type)
Multi location security gate 8-24 GG- LCD X (plate type)
33 Detection location security gate
45 zone intelligent security gate GG-4500 (45 zone plate type)
Column type security gate GG-ELLIPSE
Folding security gate GG-FOLD
HI-PE Multi Zone Multi zone High performance Metal Detection Door (Plate)
CEIA Security Gate Multi functional metal detection door and radiation detection door (portable panel)
Folding security gate
It can be folded and has wheels at the bottom