Gold ingot

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gold Yuanbao (gold coin), which means gold coin in foreign language, refers to ancient times made of precious gold Currency in circulation stay History of Chinese Currency In the Yuan Dynasty, gold and silver were officially called "Yuanbao".
However, as early as the early Tang Dynasty Kaiyuan reign When he was in the world, the people had the idea of taking it as huge and valuable“ Open Yuanbao ”Of. In the Yuan Dynasty, gold and silver coins were called "Yuanbao", which means the treasure of the Yuan Dynasty.
Chinese name
Gold ingot
Foreign name
gold coin
By precious gold or silver make
Foreign Meaning
Similar to gold coins, it was circulated in ancient times currency
Tang Dynasty Tongbao years in the early Kaiyuan period“ Open Yuanbao
End time

Currency Introduction

In the history of Chinese currency, gold and silver are officially called“ Yuanbao ”, which began in the Yuan Dynasty. However, as early as the early Tang Dynasty Kaiyuan reign During the reign of the Qing Dynasty, people had the meaning of taking it as huge and valuable“ Open Yuanbao ”Of. In the Yuan Dynasty, gold and silver coins were called "yuan bao", which means the treasure of the Yuan Dynasty. Gold was called gold yuan bao, and silver was called silver yuan bao, which has both political meaning and the common name for gold and silver coins.
In the 13th year of the Yuan Dynasty (1276), the Yuan army was destroyed Southern Song Dynasty Later, he returned to Yangzhou, the prime minister Bayan The soldiers plundered without restraint, ordered to search the luggage of the troops, and sold all the silver they got as ingots, which were presented to the court. The money selling officer in charge of this matter, Yi Jin Dai Silver collar As an example, it is made into 52 silver ingot , named“ Yangzhou Yuanbao ”, presented to the Shizu Kublai Khan. The gold ingots cast at that time were in the shape of saddle, with arc at both ends and middle Corset In shape, it is very similar to the silver collars of the Southern Song Dynasty and the Jin Dynasty. The "Yangzhou Yuanbao" was mostly unearthed in later generations, with a length of about 14.5 cm and a thickness of 3 cm. "Yuanbao" engraved on the back Yin script Large type.
In the history of Chinese currency, silver was discovered and used later than gold. Experts believe that this is Silver ore Often combined with copper, lead, etc. for smelting Decomposition technique Difficult to grasp. Therefore, silver acts as Coin material yes Martial Emperor Later, as weighed money Melting and casting into various shapes for payment began in the Tang and Song Dynasties.
Know silver as early as Genghis Khan's time, when Mongolia and the Mediterranean coast turkey Stan and other traders have close trade relations, and caravans also have frequent exchanges. The current Khwarazm silver coins are used in the transaction; After becoming the master of the Central Plains, the silver level has been improved Monetary function In the early Yuan Dynasty, the imperial court explicitly prohibited the private circulation and trading of gold and silver, but the borrowing, daily transactions and even Labor remuneration It has become a common practice to pay in silver. The importance of silver money is reflected in the fact that after the government established the paper money system, it is guaranteed to issue paper money based on silver. One obvious phenomenon is that it was initially used Bao Chao At that time, it was also calculated in terms of silver ingots. Later, it was simply measured in terms of ingots. It can be seen that the Yuan Empire loved silver very much. [1]

Development history


Kaiyuan reign

money A great calligrapher in the early Tang Dynasty Ouyang Xun The word making and book writing are solemn, meaningful, and straight, which is called "work" at that time. The characters are between the seal script and the official script, and the Qian text is the first Rear lower , secondary right Left reading Of. Read it from the top and right, and its meaning is also clear. Circulation is called the opening yuan coin. It is recorded in Longchuan Brief Discussion that, Su Zhe Go to Beijing to learn about politics Wang Jiefu ask coin He said, "It is best to open money in Tang Dynasty, but it is difficult to reach it today.". Kaiyuan currency The emergence of Kaiyuanbao and Tongbao Square hole round coin It was the first to announce that Baht two currency End of. Since then, the square hole round coins in China are mostly called Tongbao and Yuanbao, which is the beginning of Baowen coins. Its characters, weight and shape have all become models for later generations to cast money. As in the Five Dynasties Zhou Yuan Tongbao , Song Dynasty Song Yuan Tongbao They all imitate the characters of Kaiyuan Tongbao. Japan Vietnam? The Korean money system was also influenced by Kaiyuan Tongbao, and the title of Tongbao has been extended to modern times.
Kaiyuan Tongbao coins have an epoch-making position in the history of Chinese coins. "Kaiyuan" means opening up new era currency ”, meaning passing Treasure goods Kai yuan The epoch-making position of
Yuanbao bottom
(1) Coins before the Tang Dynasty were mostly named after shape or weight, such as Knife coin Five baht coins After the yuan coin was opened, it was renamed "Bao", "Tongbao", "Yuanbao", etc.
(2) In ancient China, the weight was counted by Face text In terms of weight, 24 baht is taken as one or two. Since the circulation of Kaiyuan Tongbao with two baht and four silk threads Balance system One or two dozen coins in this series, the twenty-four digit baht Two systems It ends. numismatic Actual weight It is no longer measured in steroids and baht, but in liang, qian, fen and li Decimal Method of measurement. The Kaiyuan Tongbao coin is eight cents in diameter (about 2.4 cm). It weighs two baht and four silk threads (about 4 grams). Every ten wen weighs one or two. A thousand wen weighs six jin and four liang. This new scale system is convenient for conversion and suitable for commodities economic development Needs.
(3) In terms of the shape and weight of the coins, Kaiyuan coins became the standard of copper coins in the later Tang Dynasty.
In the 13th year of Tongzhi, in 1874 AD, Muzong died, Cixi The empress dowager welcomes her own Younger sister (Prince Alcoholic Fujin )His son became emperor and changed the yuan Guangxu reign period , cast successively“ Guangxu Yuanbao ”、“ Guangxu treasures ”And“ Guangxu Tongbao ”, Tongbao standard copper coins It was cast between 1875-1908. The weight of the coin gradually decreased from one cent at the beginning to eight cents, and finally to six cents. The calligraphy of the coin is regular script Baofu Bureau It has also cast seal script money. The back of Guangxu Tongbao money is the name of a bureau in Manchu Star Moon Pattern The characters include Baohe, Baozhen, Baojin, Baoyun, Baoqian, etc“ The Thousand Character Classic ”Those (that is to say, one word in the "thousand word text" can be seen on the back, which means Yu, Zhou, Sun, Moon, Tongxiang, etc.). In addition Wu Zi In 1888 (A.D. 1888), there was a kind of money with the word "Wu Zi" on the left and the word "He" on the right. Guangxu reign period Fifteen years, Governor of Huguang Zhang Zhidong The machines purchased from Britain in Guangdong were the first batch in China's history Mechanism currency , no longer Square hole round coin Since then, it has been popularized in various provinces and replaced the "square hole round coin".

Guangxu Yuanbao

Yuanbao bottom
1. Money: Bead circle "Guangxu Yuanbao" in Chinese inside and Shanghuan outside“ Mint ”, Lower ring "Kuping Seven dollars and two cents ”, one star on both sides. Money back: inside the bead circle Panlong Picture, "Made in Guangxu" on the outer ring, and the rest are in English.
Background: Tianjin in 1908, the 34th year of Emperor Dezong Guangxu of the Qing Dynasty Degree branch Mint Casting. With Kuping Seven dollars and two cents A quarter of a coin, a quarter of a coin, a quarter of a coin, a quarter of a coin, a quarter of a coin, a quarter of a coin, a quarter of a coin, a quarter of a coin, a quarter of a coin, a quarter of a coin, a quarter of a coin, a quarter of a coin, a quarter of a coin, and a quarter of a coin. It is widely circulated.
2. Money noodles: "Guangxu Yuanbao" in Chinese inside the pearl circle, and the upper ring four outside the circle Manchu script , the lower ring is "Kuping Yiliang", the left and right are "Hu", "Bu", and a circle of stars.
Qian Bei: The dragon in the center, the outer ring in English, leaning to the left Arabic numerals “29”。
Background: Tianjin during the 29-30 years (1903-1904) of the Guangxu period of the Qing Dynasty Ministry of Household It was minted by the Mint. Tianjin Hubu Mint was opened in 1901, the 27th year of the reign of Emperor Guangxu. It was formally minted in 1904, the 29th year of the reign of Emperor Guangxu, Monetary Value There are ten liang, one two, five yuan, two yuan, one yuan and five cents in total.
3. Money surface: the bead circle is filled with four characters of "Guangxu Yuanbao" in Chinese, and the outer circle is surrounded by the upper ring“ Mint ”In the lower ring, "Kuping is a quarter of a penny", and there is a star on the left and right.
Money back: the dragon pattern inside the bead circle, the upper ring outside the circle "made in Guangxu year", and the lower ring in English.
Background: In the 34th year of Guangxu's reign (1908), the Mint General in Tianjin recast two units of "Guangxu Yuanbao", including Seven dollars and two cents , one dollar, four cents, seven cents, two cents, three cents, etc. This is the official coinage of the Mint General, which is widely circulated.
4. Coin surface: the Chinese characters "Guangxu Yuanbao" in the pearl circle, the upper ring "Mint" outside the circle, and the lower ring "Kuping 7.2cm", with a star on the left and right.
Money back: the dragon pattern inside the bead circle, the upper ring outside the circle "made in Guangxu year", and the lower ring in English.

Rust event


How did it get rusty

The consumer Mr. Shen bought the gold at the China Gold Counter in 2010 Gold products But two years later, on December 18, 2012, Mr. Shen found rust on the gold ingot. Therefore, Mr. Shen requested China Gold Group Party A will pay 3-5 times of compensation, Compensation amount About 500000 yuan. Mr. Shen's purchase invoice shows that Jin Yuanbao purchased Daxing District Shuang'an Shopping Mall company with limited liability Huangcun Wangfujing Department Store branch office China Gold Counter, the purchase price is 14900 yuan.
China Gold Group said in this statement that it proposed two solutions to Mr. Shen, namely, after the company confirmed that it was the company's product, it would replace it with a new product of the same specification and quality as required, or buy it back at the real-time gold price, but Mr. Shen refused. "Mr. Shen has repeatedly rejected our solution of going to the national authoritative quality inspection institution for inspection." China Gold Group Marketing Co., Ltd Jiang Yuntao, the chairman of the board of directors, said that if there was a problem with the product, the company would solve the problem in accordance with the relevant laws and regulations, but the premise was that the authority should be asked to check and find out the reason for the "rust". [2]

Erythema origin

National gold and silver products Quality supervision and inspection Yang Pei, director of the (Nanjing) Center, said that gold itself is an inert metal, which is very stable, Impossible chemical reaction , spots and rust are contaminated Base metal , mostly iron, formed by long-term oxidation.
Although gold itself is not corroded sulfide The chemical affinity of hydrogen sulfide class Acid gas The surface may appear dark colors, such as orange, brownish red, etc. From the perspective of modern manufacturing technology, the production of gold products in Chengdu requires many complex processes. with bullion Gold coin seals, for example, have to be smelted, pressed, cut into blanks, held in blanks, quenched, fried, polished Calender , flame fading, acid frying, polishing, pressing, edge holding, etc Process The working environment of Vacuum environment In each link, dust and impurities in the air may be adhered to the blank of the product, and these impurities may become erythema after a period of storage without flame fading and pickling.
Judging from the modern market situation, there are more red spots on gold coins and bars, especially those that have been laminated. At the same time, do not touch gold products directly with your hands during daily appreciation. In case of erythema, professionals can be invited to burn the gold products on the fire, which can solve the problem without affecting the quality of gold products.
"Although the purity of AU9999 is high, there are still 1/10000 impurities, which is usually not enough to cause color change. However, during processing and handling, the gold surface may be contaminated with other metals residue 。” Yang Pei, for example Casting mould The main component contains iron. When workers wear gloves to carry gold bars, if they contact other tools with iron as the main component, iron may remain on the gloves. These residues attach to the gold surface, which cannot be seen at that time. After long-term exposure to the air, they will become red and rust.
In addition to erythema, if the gold surface is contaminated during storage mercury Elements will also produce white spots. "The chemical reaction between mercury and gold will produce a very unstable alloy Amalgam , appears white. " Yang Pei said that some cosmetics contain trace amounts of mercury, which may also be caused by mercury on gold. [2]

Weight reduction

If it is not cleaned thoroughly, there may still be residues on the surface of the gold ware. But cheap metallic element Only the surface of the attached gold affects the appearance, not the fineness and weight of the gold. Consumers can go to professional quality inspection institutions and use diluted hydrochloric acid or nitric acid Clean and reuse purified water Wash and blow dry. For gold products contaminated with mercury, high temperature heating can be used to volatilize the amalgam, and then dilute acid and pure water can be used to clean the gold surface and air dry, so that the gold will return to its golden shine.
Due to the high price of gold products, consumers have a Mystery It is only when such stable and precious metals have "deteriorated" that tension arises. China Gold Group Marketing Co., Ltd. said that the company always attaches great importance to product quality, regards quality as life, and regards service as the source. The products sold are in line with national standard And sincerely accept the supervision from all walks of life. [2]

Irrelevant fineness

In the event of gold ingot "rusting", the most puzzling thing is why gold still has rust in the bank. In fact, this is called Black spot This has a lot to do with the shape of Jin Yuanbao.
Black spots appear, which is due to the fact that in order to make the "gold material" easier to reach the boiling point, the green cake is often added active agent If the borax that is not easily observed by the naked eye becomes hard after high temperature and rubs with the mold, it will produce scratches and spots Production process It is not easy to be found by the naked eye. After a period of time, it is possible to "reveal the original shape", especially for non coin shaped products such as pots, bowls, cups, etc., including gold ingots. The residual quartz rod used for smelting and stirring may also have the above conditions, which are not directly related to the quality of the color.

Preservation and maintenance

In addition to red and black spots, gold products sometimes have white spots, especially Gold jewelry This is mainly because consumers tend to Gold jewelry Put it in the drawer at random, in case of Mercury In particular, when women use mercury containing cosmetics, long-term contact will also produce white spot gold products Platinum , silver jewelry wearing at the same time will also produce white spots after long-term friction [3]