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Modern Physical Concepts
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Quantum is Modern Physics Important concepts of. That is, if a physical quantity has the smallest indivisible basic unit, it is quantized, and the smallest unit is called quantum.
The word "quantum" comes from the Latin word quantus, meaning "how much", which stands for "a certain amount of substance". It was originally created by Germany physical scientist M. Planck It was proposed in 1900. He assumed Blackbody radiation In Radiant energy It is discontinuous and can only take energy Basic unit Of integer Therefore, the experimental phenomenon of blackbody radiation is well explained.
Later research shows that not only does the energy show this discontinuous separation property, but also physical quantity such as angular momentum spin , electric charge, etc quantization Phenomenon. This is the same as Newtonian mechanics Represented by Classical physics There are fundamental differences. Quantization is mainly shown in microcosmic The physical world. Describe the micro physical world Our physical theory is quantum mechanics.
Since Planck put forward the concept of quantum, a complete theory of quantum mechanics has been initially established in the first half of the 20th century through the improvement of Einstein, Bohr, de Broglie, Heisenberg, Schrodinger, Dirac, Bohn and others. Most physicists regard quantum mechanics as the basic theory to understand and describe nature.
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Scope of application
Microphysical world


If a physical quantity exists least Indivisible Basic unit , then this physical quantity is quantized, and the smallest unit is called quantum. The English name of quantum comes from the Latin quantus, meaning "there is How many? ”, stands for "a considerable amount of certain substance". In physics, we often use the concept of quantum, which means that division The basic individual of. For example, "quantum of light"( photon )It's a certain frequency light The basic unit of energy. And extended quantum mechanics quantum optics And become different professional research fields. Its basic concept is that all tangible properties are "quantifiable". "Quantization" refers to the numerical value Is discrete, rather than continuous arbitrary value. For example, in atom Medium, electronic energy It is quantizable. This determines the general problems of atomic stability and emission spectrum. Most physicists regard quantum mechanics as understanding and describe Nature's Basics theory
popular In other words, quantum is the smallest that can show the characteristics of a certain substance or physical quantity unit

Development history


Proposing concepts

stay Classical physics Medium, according to Equipartition theorem of energy : Energy is continuity Any value can be taken if it changes. In the late 19th century, scientists found many physical phenomenon It cannot be explained by classical theory. At that time, the German physics community focusing to Blackbody radiation Research on the problem. Around 1900, M· Plonk Trying to solve the problem of blackbody radiation, he boldly put forward the quantum hypothesis and obtained Planck radiation law , still used today. Planck proposed that, like the atom as the constituent unit of all substances“ Energon ”( quantum Is the smallest unit of energy Objects can only absorb or emit electromagnetic radiation in the form of energy quantum. Planck first presented energy quantization at the meeting of the German Physical Society on December 14, 1900 numerical value , a molecule mole (mol) and elementary charge Etc. Its value is more accurate than before, and the proposed theory has also successfully solved the problem of blackbody radiation, marking that quantum mechanics The birth of.
In 1905, a Swiss physicist Einstein Introducing quantum concepts into the optical Communication process , proposed "light quanta"( photon )And proposed that light has wave and particle The nature of light Of“ Wave particle duality ”。
In the 1920s, French physicist De Broglie Propose“ Matter wave ”Concept, that is, all material particles have Wave particle duality German physicist heisenberg Et al. established quantum Matrix mechanics Austrian physicist Schrodinger Established quantum Wave dynamics Quantum Theory Its development has entered the stage of quantum mechanics.
In 1928, British physicist dirac Completed the mathematical equivalence proof between matrix mechanics and wave dynamics, systematically summarized the theory of quantum mechanics, and integrated the two theoretical systems—— relativity And quantum mechanics Quantum field theory The prologue of. Quantum theory is Modern Physics One of the two cornerstones of microcosmic The theoretical basis is provided for understanding macro phenomena.
The proposal of the quantum hypothesis forcefully to attack Has Classical physics , promote physics to enter the micro level and lay the foundation Modern Physics However, until now, some of the physicists' assumptions about quantum mechanics have not been fully proved, and there is still much to study.

Theory establishment

Quantum physics Is research Microparticle The discipline of motion law is research atom molecule so that Nucleus and Elementary particle Basic theory of structure and properties of [1]
Quantum Theory The breakthrough of Blackbody radiation energy density along with frequency On the distribution law of [1] In October 1900, due to Plonk explain Blackbody radiation phenomenon , Wien's Law is improved, and Boltzmann entropy The formula is reinterpreted, and a formula is obtained that is completely consistent with the experimental data Planck formula To describe blackbody radiation.
Planck proposed a simple formula that can be well consistent with the observation results, experimental physicist I believe that there must be a scientific principle that has not yet been revealed. [2]
Planck found that the blackbody radiation formula can be derived theoretically if the following assumptions are made: radiation , objects can only absorb or launch It, h, is called Planck constant In other words, objects absorb or emit electromagnetic radiation It can only be carried out in a quantum way. The energy of each quantum is E=h ν, which is called action quantum.
from classical mechanics The concept of energy discontinuity is absolutely not allowed [2] But when interpreting this formula, we can treat atoms in objects as tiny quanta Harmonic oscillator , we have to assume these Quantum harmonic oscillator The total energy of is not continuous, that is, the total energy can only be discrete values( Classical physics Is the opposite). Planck further assumed that the radiation energy absorbed and emitted by a single quantum harmonic oscillator was quantized, which seriously impacted classical physics. Quantum theory involve Form of material movement And fundamental changes in the laws of motion.
First of all, note that Quantum hypothesis It is possible to solve other problems encountered in classical physics Einstein He tried to explain it with quantum hypothesis photoelectric effect The problems encountered in Light quanta Concept radiation field It is composed of light quanta. The relationship between the energy E of each light quantum and the frequency ν of radiation is E=h ν. After the concept of light quanta is adopted, the problems in photoelectric effect will be solved immediately.
Only then did Planck's concept of energy discontinuity gradually attract physicists' attention [2] So, a cautious physicist Plonk Set off the quantum in the early 20th century Physics revolution The curtain of.

quantum mechanics

quantum mechanics It was founded in overcoming the difficulties and limitations of early quantum theory. Inspired by Planck Einstein's light quantum theory and Bohr's atomic theory, French physicist L De Broglie The particle theory of light and Fluctuation theory And noted that geometrical optics Similarity with classical particle mechanics. Assume the physical object (static mass) according to the analogy method m ≠ 0) particle Like light, it has Wave particle duality , and these two aspects must have similar relations, and Planck constant must appear in them. He assumed that Physical particle Associated waves (called“ Matter wave ”)Frequency and wavelength They are ν=E/h, λ=h/p, which are called de Broglie relations. On the one hand, he proposed this assumption as an attempt to regard light and m ≠ 0); On the other hand, it is also to better understand the discontinuity of microscopic particle energy to overcome Bohr theory Defects with artificial nature. De Broglie put the atom Stationary state And standing wave That is to say, to bind the energy of moving physical particles quantization And standing wave in finite space wavelength (or frequency )Is connected with the discreteness of [2]
Austria Physicist E Schrodinger Taking note of de Broglie's work, he proposed a wave equation —— Schrodinger equation , is a pair of wave functions Spatial coordinates Second order of wechat Business Of partial differential equation Schrodinger discrete the atom energy level And differential equations under certain boundary conditions Eigenvalue The problems are connected, and the success shows that hydrogen atom Harmonic oscillator Energy level sum of spectrum The law of. Almost at the same time, W. Heisenberg and M Born And E. Jordan established matrix mechanics. The proposition of matrix mechanics, and Bohr Of Quantum theory It has a very close relationship, especially Bohr's correspondence principle thought has an important influence on Heisenberg (see Correspondence principle )。 It inherits the reasonable core of quantum theory (such as discrete energy levels and stationary states of atoms Quantum transition , frequency condition, etc.), while abandoning some traditional concepts without experimental basis (such as the concept of particle orbital motion). Heisenberg especially emphasized that in any physical theory, only observation Of physical quantity (such as wavelength, spectral term, quantum number, spectral line intensity, etc.). In matrix mechanics, every physical quantity (such as coordinate momentum , energy, etc.) matrix , their Algebraic operation The rule is different from the classical physical quantity product Generally not satisfied Commutative law Soon Schrodinger discovered that Matrix mechanics and Wave dynamics Is completely equivalence Of. Followed by P dirac And E. Jordan proposed a method called Transformation theory It is pointed out that matrix mechanics and wave dynamics are just two of the infinite expressions of the laws of quantum mechanics [2]
quantum mechanics Is to study atoms, molecules and even Nucleus The basic theory of the structure and properties of elementary particles is one of the basic theories of modern physics. The classical physics before the 20th century was only suitable for describing the motion of matter under general macro conditions Microcosm (Atoms and Subatomic Some macroscopic phenomena under certain conditions can only be explained on the basis of quantum mechanics. On the other hand, material properties and Microstructure It can only be explained on the basis of quantum mechanics [2] All problems involving material properties and microstructure are based on quantum mechanics [2]
Black radiation quantum equation
The successful interpretation of blackbody radiation is the first trial since the birth of the concept of quantization.
When an object is heated to electromagnetic wave In the form of infrared radiation. When the object becomes hot, the red wavelength part begins to become visible. majority thermal radiation It is infrared, unless the object becomes as hot as the surface of the sun, but this condition could not be achieved in the laboratory at that time, and only measurement part Blackbody spectrum
Energy E radiation The frequency f and temperature T can be written as:
h Is Planck's constant and k yes Boltzmann constant Both are the basis of physics. The quantum of basic energy is hf. However, this unit does not normally exist and does not need quantization.
Microparticle Of Quantum theory Interpretation. Corporeal Particle property By energy E and momentum P, and the characteristics of the wave are determined by the frequency f and its wavelength λ expression, both groups physical quantity from Planck constant h(h=6.626×10 -34 J · s).
From E=hv, E=mc two In the case of simultaneous two forms:
m=hv/c two (This is photon And p=mc, then p=hv/c (p is momentum
De Broglie relationship λ=h/p, And quantum E=hv Volatility And Particle property Unification of. Matter wave yes Microparticle , such as fluctuations of photons, electrons, etc., with Wave particle duality

Quantum communication

The basic idea of quantum communication was proposed by Bennett in the 1980s and 1990s, including quantum key distribution (QKD) and quantum teleportation. Quantum key distribution A secure communication password can be established, and the point-to-point secure classical communication can be achieved through one-time encryption. The security here has been strictly proved mathematically, which is beyond the reach of classical communication so far. The existing quantum key distribution technology can realize the quantum key distribution of the order of one hundred kilometers, supplemented by optical switch and other technologies, and can also realize the quantum key distribution network. Quantum state teleportation is based on Quantum entanglement The distribution and quantum joint measurement of can realize the spatial transfer of quantum state (quantum information) without moving the physical carrier of quantum state, which is like transferring the contents of sealed letters from one envelope to another without moving any information carrier itself. This is unimaginable in classical communication. be based on Teleportation of quantum states and Quantum storage technology Of quantum repeater It can realize quantum key distribution and network at any distance.
The realization of quantum communication is based on Quantum state transmission In order to facilitate the transmission, the existing quantum communication experiments generally use photons as the carrier of quantum states, which is expressed in the form of photon state transmission. The encoding space of quantum information is mainly light polarization. [3]

scientific research

In September 2022, American scientists showed that the magnon in the magnetic semiconductor chromium bromide could pair with the exciton, and the exciton quasiparticle would emit light. This result can be regarded as quantum transduction, that is, converting one "quantum" energy into another. [4]
In October 2022, The first quantum scalable algorithm comes out [5]
In July 2023, researchers from the University of Science and Technology of China and other institutions successfully realized the preparation and verification of 51 superconducting quantum bits, set a new world record for the number of truly entangled bits in all quantum systems, and demonstrated the measurement based variational quantum algorithm for the first time. Relevant research results were published online in Nature on July 12. [6]