Drunken Fish Grass

[zuì yú cǎo]
Plants of genus inebrio in scrophulariaceae
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Drunken Fish Grass( Buddleja lindleyana Fortune), Scrophulariaceae inebrium shrub [5] Stem bark brown; Branchlets have four edges, slightly narrow wings on the edge; Petiole densely covered with stellate short villi and glandular hairs; Leaves ovate, elliptic to oblong lanceolate; Capsule oblong or elliptic, glabrous, scaly; Flowering from April to October; Fruit period: August to next April [6] The name "Drunken Fish Grass" comes from Compendium of Materia Medica. It says that its flowers and leaves are smashed into the water, and all the fish that eat them float on the water. It seems that they are drunk and allow themselves to be caught, so it is called "Drunken Fish" Grass. [7]
Drunkenness is produced in Jiangsu, Anhui, Zhejiang, Yunnan and other provinces and regions, and grows in mountain roadside, riverside shrub or forest edge at an altitude of 200-2700 meters. It is also cultivated in Malaysia, Japan, America and Africa [6] It likes to grow in dry and well drained places. The plant has strong sprouting power, is resistant to trimming, cold, drought, barren and extensive management. The propagation methods include sowing, cutting and branch [8] In the Red List of Endangered Species of the World Conservation Union, it is classified as non endangered (LC) [6]
According to the Compendium of Materia Medica, the stems and leaves of inebrians can be used as medicine. They are bitter and bitter in taste, warm in nature, and toxic. They can dispel wind, detoxify insects, and remove bone jams Effectiveness. [9] Flowers and leaves contain a variety of flavonoids, such as inebrioside, salicin, locustin, etc. The whole plant can be used as pesticide to kill wheat midges, borers and larvae. The flowers are fragrant and beautiful, which are common excellent ornamental plants in the park Things. [6]
Chinese name
Drunken Fish Grass
Latin name
Buddleja lindleyana Fortune [4]
Drunken Fish Grass
Named by and date

History of botany

The name "Drunken Fish Grass" comes from Compendium of Materia Medica. It says that its flowers and leaves are smashed into the water, and all the fish that eat them float on the water. It seems that they are drunk and allow themselves to be caught, so it is called "Drunken Fish" Grass. [7]

morphological character

Shrub, 1-3 meters high. Stem bark brown; Branchlets with four edges, slightly narrow wing on the edge; Under young branches and leaves petiole Inflorescence, bracts and bracteoles are densely covered with stellate short villi and glandular hairs.
The leaves are opposite, the leaves on the budding branches are alternate or nearly whorled, the leaves are membranous, oval, oval to oblong lanceolate, 3-11cm long and 1-5cm wide, the top is gradually pointed, the base is wide cuneate to round, the edge is whole or has wavy teeth, the top is dark green, when young, it is stellate pubescent, then becomes hairless, and the bottom is grayish yellow green; Lateral veins 6-8 on each side, flat on the top, sunken after drying, slightly raised below; The petiole is 2-15mm long.
 Drunkenness - branches and leaves Drunkenness - branches and leaves Drunkenness - branches and leaves Drunkenness - branches and leaves Drunkenness - branches and leaves
Branches and leaves of inebriate
Spicate cyme inflorescence Terminal, 4-40 cm long, 2-4 cm wide; Bracts linear, up to 10 mm; Bracteoles linear lanceolate, 2-3.5 mm long; The flowers are purple and fragrant; Calyx campanulate, about 4 mm long, covered with stellate hairs and scales outside the corolla, glabrous inside, calyx lobes broadly triangular, about 1 mm long and wide; Corolla is 13-20 mm long, the inner surface is pilose, the corolla tube is curved, 11-17 mm long, the upper diameter is 2.5-4 mm, the lower diameter is 1-1.5 mm, the corolla lobes are broadly ovate or suborbicular, 3.5 mm long and 3 mm wide; stamen It is inserted at the lower part of corolla tube or near the base, the filament is extremely short, the anther is ovoid, the top is pointed, and the base is ear shaped; Ovary ovoid, 1.5-2.2 mm long, 1-1.5 mm in diameter, glabrous, style 0.5-1 mm long, stigma ovoid, about 1.5 mm long.
Infructescence Spike; Capsule is oblong or elliptic, 5-6 mm long, 1.5-2 mm in diameter, glabrous, scaly, with persistent calyx at the base; Seeds pale brown, small, wingless. The flowering period is from April to October, and the fruiting period is from August to April of the next year. [1] [11]
 Drunkenness - Flower Drunkenness - Flower Drunkenness - Flower Drunkenness - Flower Drunkenness - Flower Drunkenness - Flower Drunkenness - Flower Drunkenness - Flower Drunkenness - Fruit Drunkenness - Fruit Drunken Fish Grass - Flower and Fruit Ink Line Diagram
Drunkenness flower and fruit

Distinction of recent species

Drunken Fish Grass
Buddleja curviflora
Erect shrub, up to 3m high.
Shrub, 1-1.5m high.
Leaves are opposite (sprouting leaves are alternate or nearly whorled), membranous, ovoid, elliptic or oblong lanceolate, 3-11cm long, apex acuminate or tail tip, base broadly cuneate or round, whole or with wavy teeth.
Leaves opposite, membranous, ovate to oblong lanceolate, 5-16 cm long and 2-7 cm wide, acuminate or acute at the top, round, obtuse or cuneate at the base, entire or with inconspicuous sparse teeth.
Drunken Fish Grass
Taiwan drunken fish grass


Drunken fish are distributed in Jiangsu, Anhui, Zhejiang, Jiangxi, Fujian, Hubei, Hunan, Guangdong, Guangxi, Sichuan, Guizhou, Yunnan and other provinces and regions in China. It is cultivated in Malaysia, Japan, America and Africa. At an altitude of 200-2700 meters, the mountain road, the riverside bushes or the forest edge. [1]
Buddleja lindleyana

Growth habit

It likes to grow in dry and well drained places. The plant has strong sprouting power, is resistant to trimming, cold, drought, barren and extensive management. [8]

Reproductive methods

The propagation methods of hedyotis inebrians include sowing, cutting and branch [8]
Seed reproduction: Drunkenness has a high seed setting rate and can produce a large number of seeds, which can be propagated by sowing. Generally, the seeds mature 2-3 months after flowering. The fruit of inebrians is the Ru fruit, which will crack after ripening, and then the seeds will be scattered. Therefore, the seeds should be harvested in time after maturity, sown immediately after harvest, and germinated in 3-5 days at 20-25 ℃. The germination rate is generally above 70%, and the seedlings emerge neatly. One year old seedlings can reach 80-100 cm in height.
Cutting propagation: The branches of most species of the genus Euphorbia are easy to take root and can be used for cutting propagation. Generally, the current year semi lignified branches or twigs are taken as cutting materials, the grass carbon soil, perlite or river sand are taken as cutting substrate, and the cuttings are soaked in 200-300x10 naphthylacetic acid solution before cutting, and the rooting rate is more than 70% at 20-25 ℃. This method is easy to obtain materials, easy to operate, and has large reproduction coefficient, which is suitable for large-scale reproduction.
Branch propagation: Drunkenness is a tufted shrub, which can be propagated by branch method. Large seedlings can be obtained by this method, but the reproduction coefficient is small, which can not be used for large-scale production, and is suitable for small family reproduction. [2]
 Drunken Fish Grass Drunken Fish Grass Drunken Fish Grass Drunken Fish Grass Drunken Fish Grass Drunken Fish Grass Drunken Fish Grass Drunken Fish Grass Drunken Fish Grass
Drunken Fish Grass

cultivation techniques

Drunkenness has strong adaptability, strong growth, few pests and diseases, easy cultivation and maintenance, and extensive management. The following three links should be paid attention to in the cultivation and application: ⑴ Drunkenness is a positive plant, likes dry soil, and is afraid of flooding, so it must be planted in a sunny and high dry place; Don't water too much, and pay attention to waterlogging prevention in rainy season. ⑵ Drunkenness has a strong ability to sprout sunflowers. During flowering, the remaining flowers should be cut off in time for the sake of beauty; After all the flowers on the plant wither, cut off the branches from the base. When the temperature is appropriate, a large number of new branches can germinate from the base to complete plant regeneration. Many kinds of current year branches can blossom. ⑶ The branches and leaves of Drunken Fish Grass are poisonous to fish, so it is not suitable to plant such plants near the water for fish farming. [2]

Key values



The flowers are fragrant and beautiful, which are common excellent ornamental plants in the park Things. [6]
Potted plants: The shorter inflorescence type can be potted for viewing after trimming and shaping, and can be freely placed in the garden, square, balcony and roof.
Cut flowers: Many varieties can be used as cut flowers and flower arranging materials. As a basic requirement for cutting flowers, the flower branches and inflorescences are long, the florets on the inflorescences blossom neatly, and the corolla is not easy to fall off. Many varieties of inebrians can be used as excellent cut flowers. [2]
It is used for the greening of separate greenbelts on expressways and urban roads: the plants of Drunkenness are not high, resistant to trimming, good group viewing effect, and strong dust retention capacity, so it is very suitable for road greening.
Combine with forestry ecological construction to create a large area of ecological garden landscape. Because of its strong ecological adaptability, fast growth and high ornamental value, the plant of Drunkenness can quickly form a beautiful ecological garden landscape.
Decoration mode: natural configuration should be adopted in the courtyard, park and residential green space, which can be isolated or clustered on the roadside, lawn, corner or beside the rocks. It can also be arranged into flower beds and flower borders.
Flower viewing hedge: This kind of plant has strong sprouting power, is resistant to pruning, has dense branches and leaves, and grows rapidly. It can be used as a natural or regular hedge.
Roof greening: this kind of plant can be used for roof greening because of its drought resistance and barren tolerance.
Establish a special kind of garden: the plants of this genus not only have rich flowers and pleasant fragrance, but also have flowering types all the year round. Therefore, different kinds and products can be planted together to form a special kind of garden with flowers to enjoy all the year round. Because of its colorful colors and aroma, it is easy to attract small insects such as butterflies and bees, which can form a vibrant ecological garden. [2]
 Drunken Fish Grass Drunken Fish Grass Drunken Fish Grass Drunken Fish Grass Drunken Fish Grass Drunken Fish Grass Drunken Fish Grass Drunken Fish Grass
Drunken Fish Grass


Ingredient of "Drunkenness" [12]
According to the Compendium of Materia Medica, the stems and leaves of inebrians can be used as medicine. They are bitter and bitter in taste, warm in nature, and toxic. They can dispel wind, detoxify insects, and remove bone jams Effectiveness. [9]
[Nature and taste] pungent; Bitterness; Sexual temperature; Toxic. [3]
【 Functions 】 It can dispel wind, detoxify, expel insects, and harden bones. It is mainly used for mumps, carbuncle, scrofula, ascariasis, hookworm disease, and various fish bone sticks. [3]
[Usage and dosage] Internal use: 10 - 15g decoction, 15 - 30g fresh; Or mash the juice. External use: appropriate amount, tamping. [3]


The flowers and leaves of inebrians contain inebrioside, salicin, locust and other flavonoids. It is slightly toxic. Smash it into the pond to numb the fish. The whole plant can be used as pesticide to kill wheat midges, borers, larvae, etc [6] [13 ]

Protection status

Drunkenness is classified as non dangerous (LC) in the Red List of Endangered Species of the World Conservation Union [6]