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Hubei-Henan-Shaanxi Revolutionary Base Area

Second domestic revolutionary base
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In December 1934, Red 25th Army from Hubei Henan Anhui They moved to Shangluo, Shaanxi. The CPC Hubei Henan Shaanxi Provincial Committee decided to create a new Soviet area on the border of Hubei, Henan and Shaanxi, and opened up Shangluo Is the central area, including the Yun County Yunxi , from Henan Province Lushi Xixia Xichuan , Shaanxi Luonan Shangnan Danfeng Shangxian County Shanyang Zhen'an Zhashui Lantian Chang'an Ningshan Foping Yangxian County Xunyang Hubei Henan Shaanxi revolutionary base area in the central area or border area of Hubei, Henan and Shaanxi. [1]
Chinese name
Hubei-Henan-Shaanxi Revolutionary Base Area
Main force
The 25th Red Army and the 74th Red Division

Establishment and development of base areas

The Long March of the Red Army was a forced strategic shift under the "encirclement and suppression" of the Kuomintang army. Where to turn and where to end up are the problems that the Red Army must face and solve on the Long March. Therefore, the Red Army tried to establish base areas during the Long March, and gave up because of the strength of the enemy, changes in the international situation, and changes in our strategic objectives. The only base established during the Long March was the Hubei Henan Shaanxi base established by the 25th Red Army.

Fight all the way and select the site all the way

In the winter of 1934, more than 40 Kuomintang regiments Hubei Henan Anhui Soviet Area Carry out "encirclement and suppression". On November 16, the CPC Hubei Henan Anhui Provincial Committee led more than 2900 members of the 25th Red Army from He Jiachong, Luoshan County, Henan Province, to leave Hubei Henan Anhui Soviet Area to start the Long March, and to find suitable areas to establish new revolutionary bases.
The 25th Army of the Red Army had planned to establish a base here after entering the Tongbai Mountain near Hubei and Henan, but it was close to the Pinghan Railway and was vulnerable to heavy enemy siege. At the end of November, the 25th Army of the Red Army entered Funiu Mountain, where the reactionary rule was tight, the landlords surrounded many villages, and it was difficult to establish a base area. So they decided to turn to southern Shaanxi.   
In early December, the 25th Red Army entered Yujiahe (now Danfeng County), Luonan (now Luonan) County, Shaanxi Province through Lushi County, Henan Province. This is the Shaanxi Army Yang Hucheng The force's sphere of influence. At that time, on the one hand, Yang Hucheng was busy attacking the Shaanxi Gansu Soviet Area, on the other hand, he divided his troops into the Red Fourth Front Army, which was fighting in the south against the Sichuan Shaanxi border, and on the west, he had to guard against Chiang Kai shek's central army, so he had no time to care about the southeast of Shaanxi. The 25th Red Army took advantage of this opportunity and decided to establish a base here.

Create base areas and carry out the struggle against "encirclement and suppression"

On December 10, 1934, the CPC Hubei Henan Anhui Provincial Committee held a standing committee meeting in Yujiahe, Luonan County, and decided to create a Soviet area on the border between Hubei, Henan and Shaanxi, and changed the CPC Hubei Henan Anhui Provincial Committee into the CPC Hubei Henan Shaanxi Provincial Committee. The 25th Army of the Red Army defeated the enemy one by one in the campaign. By May 1935, it had won the battles of Cai Yuyao, Wengong Ridge, Shita Temple, Jiujianfang, etc., and captured five counties, achieving the first victory against "encirclement and suppression".   
At the same time, they widely mobilized and armed the masses, distributed land, and established political power in the area between Yunxi, Lushi, Luonan, and Zhen'an on the border of Hubei, Henan, and Shaanxi. They successively established the Soviet regime in 2 counties, 13 districts, more than 40 townships, and more than 300 villages, and the Soviet government in the border of Hubei, Shaanxi, and Hubei. At this time, the Red Army had grown to more than 3700 people, the local armed guerrilla division and the anti donation army had grown to more than 2000 people, and the Hubei Henan Shaanxi Soviet Area had taken shape, with a population of nearly 500000. The CPC Special Committee for Hubei and Shaanxi and the Special Committee for Henan and Shaanxi were established successively.
In mid May 1935, more than 30 regiments of the Kuomintang Army launched the second "encirclement and suppression" campaign against the 25th Red Army. The Hubei Henan Shaanxi Provincial Party Committee decided to use guerrillas to persist in the struggle on the spot, use the main force of the Red Army to go north to find and annihilate a Kuomintang army, and then adopt the policy of luring the enemy deep into the ground to fight for the annihilation of the enemy, so as to break the enemy's "encirclement and suppression". From the beginning of June to the beginning of July, the 25th Army of the Red Army successively won the battles in Yecun Village, Fushui Pass, Jingzi Pass, Xichuan County, Yuanjiagou Pass, Shanyang County, and so on. On July 13, it went out of Zhongnan Mountain in the north, and destroyed the militia groups in some areas south of Xi'an. The Kuomintang army was forced to stop its second "encirclement and suppression" campaign.

Another Long March

At this time, the Red 25th Army learned that the Central Red Army and the Fourth Front Army of the Red Army were meeting in western Sichuan and might move north. In order to cooperate with the Central Red Army and the Fourth Front Army of the Red Army to move north, the CPC Hubei Henan Shaanxi Provincial Committee decided to lead the Red 25 Army to leave the Hubei Henan Shaanxi Soviet Area on its own initiative to march west and prepare to meet the main Red Army. [2]
On July 15, 1935, the CPC Hubei Henan Shaanxi Provincial Committee held a meeting in Fengyukou, Chang'an County, and decided to lead the 25th Red Army westward to the north, cooperate with the main Red Army's northward movement, join the Shaanxi Gansu border Red Army, and jointly develop the revolutionary forces in the northwest. The meeting also decided to merge the two special committees of the CPC in Hubei, Shaanxi and Henan, and form a new special committee. The troops left by the leadership will continue to adhere to the guerrilla war in the Hubei, Henan and Shaanxi revolutionary base areas. [4] Later, Wu Huanxian, acting secretary of the Provincial Party Committee and political commissar of the Red 25th Army, gave the standing members and executive members of the Provincial Party Committee who stayed in southern Shaanxi in the name of the Provincial Party Committee on the way to the west Zheng Weisan Li Longgui, Chen Xianrui and the CPC Special Committee for Hubei Shaanxi and Henan Shaanxi sent work instruction letters. The instruction letter was handed over by the plainclothes team to Li Zhiying, Political Commissar of the 3rd Route Guerrilla Division, who was entrusted to hand it over to two special commissioners. However, on the way of Li Zhiying leading the guerrilla secret service team to find the special agents, the leader of the secret service team defected. After shooting Li Zhiying and several soldiers, he defected with a letter from the provincial party committee and a few people, resulting in the failure of the instructions of the provincial party committee to be conveyed to the two special agents.  
On July 16, 1935, the 25th Red Army set out from Fengyukou, Chang'an County, Shaanxi Province, continued the Long March, and then turned to the Shaanxi Gansu Soviet Area. They arrived at Yongping Town, Yanchuan County, Shaanxi Province on September 15 and joined the Shaanxi Gansu Red Army the next day. After the main force of the 25th Red Army marched westward and northward, the Red Army remaining in the base area continued to fight. [2]
After learning the news that the main force of the 25th Red Army had left southern Shaanxi and entered Gansu, the Kuomintang Shaanxi Provincial Appeasement Office issued an order on July 17 to concentrate the forces of more than 20 regiments on the Hubei Henan Shaanxi base area, in an attempt to completely destroy the base area by means of "division and encirclement" and "individual attack".   
The leaders of the two special commissions who stayed in the base areas did not know that the main force of the 25th Red Army had left, nor did they know the deployment and arrangement of the Hubei Henan Shaanxi Provincial Party Committee for sticking to the base areas. They still carried out guerrilla activities on a small scale according to the tasks originally assigned to them by the provincial Party Committee. At that time, all guerrilla divisions and guerrilla brigades were scattered in different places, and the two special commissions in Hubei, Shaanxi and Henan were also in parallel relations, and the struggle in the entire base area lost unified leadership. Under the sudden heavy enemy "encirclement and suppression" campaign, the base areas were severely damaged and the guerrilla divisions in all directions suffered heavy losses.
After the initial confusion and confusion, the two special commissioners began to make every effort to find out the trends of the Hubei Henan Shaanxi Provincial Party Committee and the 25th Red Army in order to decide on the next course of action. At the beginning of September, the Special Commission of Hubei and Shaanxi seized one《 Xijing Daily 》It was learned that the main force of the 25th Red Army had arrived in Liangdang and Jingchuan, Gansu, and Wu Huanxian, the military political commissar, had died. On this basis, the Hubei Shaanxi Special Committee analyzed and believed that the 25th Red Army had left southern Shaanxi and headed for northern Shaanxi, so it held a meeting to study and decide: gather all guerrilla divisions as soon as possible, try to jump out of the enemy's encirclement and avoid being defeated by the enemy one by one; After the concentration, we searched for the Henan Shaanxi Special Committee to the east to discuss the future action policy, the centralized leadership of the two special committees and the reorganization of the army. After the meeting, the Hubei Shaanxi Special Committee led the headquarters combat battalion to join up with the 6th guerrilla division and the guerrilla brigade in the western area of Shanyang, looking for the 3rd, 4th, 5th, 7th and 9th guerrilla divisions, and went east to seek to join up with the Henan Shaanxi Special Committee. Almost at the same time, the Henan Shaanxi Special Committee also learned from the press that the 25th Red Army was moving westward and northward, and took the same measures as the Hubei Shaanxi Special Committee, which compiled the 8th company of the main force as the 1st Guerrilla Brigade. Together with the original three brigades, they all gathered to look westward for the Hubei Shaanxi Special Committee. Soon, the two special commissioners met in Liangjiafen Village, Shangnan County. After exchanging information with each other, the two special committees preliminarily agreed to return to the original guerrilla areas, arrange the work in the base areas, take in the sick and wounded, find the remaining guerrilla divisions, and then meet together to study the next step. But soon, an accident happened: the two special agents were attacked by the enemy in Xuewo and Fushanping respectively shortly after they broke up. Therefore, the two special commissioners had to fight and retreat at the same time. After getting rid of the enemy, they returned to the Liang Family Tomb to meet again. [4]

Stick to the base area

Once again, they suffered setbacks, which exacerbated the chaos in the army. Some comrades were depressed, and they were even less confident in sticking to the struggle in the base areas. It was an urgent problem for the two Special Commissions to unify their thoughts as soon as possible, encourage their morale, and clarify their next action guidelines and strategies.  
On September 9, the heads of the two special commissioners held a joint meeting in Liangjiafen, Shangnan County. Zheng Weisan and Chen Xianrui, leaders of the special commissioners in Hubei and Shaanxi, Li Longgui, Fang Shengpu, Zeng Kun, leaders of the special commissioners in Henan and Shaanxi, and others attended the meeting. The meeting finally made the following decisions: establish the idea of independence and persevering in struggle, take southern Shaanxi as the center, and widely carry out guerrilla warfare; The two special committees of Hubei, Henan and Shaanxi were merged to form the Southern Shaanxi Special Committee (later renamed as the Hubei, Henan and Shaanxi Special Committee according to the instructions of the Central Committee) to lead the revolutionary struggle along the border of Hubei, Henan and Shaanxi. The new special committee of Hubei, Henan and Shaanxi took Zheng Weisan as the secretary, and Chen Xianrui, Li Longgui, Fang Shengpu and Zeng Kun as the standing members; Cooperate with the guerrilla forces to form the Red 74th Division as the main force to defend the base area; Determine that the operational policy is guerrilla warfare, adopt the method of "circling around" with the enemy, be flexible and mobile, develop strengths and avoid weaknesses, touch different strong enemies head-on, avoid hard battles, concentrate forces, and attack scattered, weak and isolated enemies and local reactionary militia forces; Rely closely on the masses, widely mobilize and publicize the masses, and expand the Red Army; The army should unite, make up its mind, persevere in the struggle, and live and die together.
1935 in Southern Shaanxi [6]
The Liangjiafen Meeting was held at a critical moment of life and death in the Hubei Henan Shaanxi base area. The decision made at the meeting to independently adhere to the struggle in the base area and the realistic struggle strategy were independently made by the Special Commissions of Hubei, Shaanxi and Henan under the condition that the contact with the provincial party committee of Hubei, Henan and Shaanxi was interrupted and no instructions were received. It not only conforms to the reality of the struggle in the base area, but also highly conforms to the spirit of the provincial party committee's instruction letter, showing a mature sense of the overall situation and superb strategic decision-making ability.
On October 6, the Red 74th Division was officially established, with Chen Xianrui as the division commander, Li Longgui as the political commissar, Fang Shengpu as the deputy division commander and chief of staff, Zeng Kun as the director of the political department. The army has two battalions, a pistol regiment, a guard company, a communication platoon, and a guard platoon, with a total of about 700 people. Under the leadership of the Hubei Henan Shaanxi Special Committee, the Red 74th Division moved to more than 20 counties along the Hubei Henan Shaanxi border, united and led the broad masses of the people, broke the enemy's siege several times, saved the crisis, preserved the strength, and kept the revolutionary fire and the red flag in the Hubei Henan Shaanxi base area alive; At the same time, it effectively curbed the enemy, cooperated with the Long March of the main Red Army, such as the 25th Red Army and the Second Red Army, and left a significant mark in the history of Chinese revolutionary war. [4]
When the CPC Hubei Henan Shaanxi Special Committee led the army and people in the base area to fight successfully, on December 12, 1936, the Xi'an Incident shocked the Chinese and foreign countries. The Central Committee of the Communist Party of China comprehensively analyzed the nature and development prospects of the Xi'an Incident, and independently formulated the policy of peaceful settlement of the Xi'an Incident. According to the plan agreed by Zhou Enlai, Zhang Xueliang and Yang Hucheng, on December 21, the 15th Red Army, consisting of the 25th Red Army, the 26th Red Army and other departments, was transferred to the south of Shangluo to cooperate with the Northeast Army and the 17th Route Army to resist the Kuomintang pro Japanese attack. On December 24, according to the spirit of the Central Committee's instructions, the 74th Red Division was reorganized into the South Anti Japanese Army (still called the 74th Red Division domestically), and the commander was Chen Xianrui.
In January 1937, according to Zhou Enlai's instructions, the Anti Japanese South Route Army marched eastward to Tongguan and Lingbao, fulfilling the battle plan drawn up by the tripartite coalition army and preventing the Kuomintang pro Japanese troops from entering Shaanxi. On January 15, Zhou Enlai telegraphed the Anti Japanese South Army to return to Shangxian County and join the 15th Red Army Corps.
After the peaceful settlement of the Xi'an Incident, on February 5, 1937, the 15th Red Army Corps was ordered to leave Shangxian County. On February 8, the South Anti Japanese Army reused the designation of the 74th Red Division and also withdrew from Shangxian County to move to Zhen'an and Zhashui. In April, the 74th Red Division was ordered to move to Dayukou, Chang'an County for training. At this time, the whole division has grown to more than 2100 people. In June, Zheng Weisanfeng was transferred back to Yan'an, and the CPC Special Committee for Hubei, Henan and Shaanxi was revoked. After the Lugouqiao Incident broke out on July 7, the 74th Red Division was ordered to go to Sanyuan, reorganized as the remaining place of the 115th Division of the Eighth Route Army, and participated in the great national war of resistance. [5]

Construction of base areas


Political, economic and military construction led by the Party

The construction of base areas is the initial practice of the Party to create a new society, and there is a myriad of work in the Party's construction, armed construction, political power construction, agrarian revolution, and economic construction. The Hubei Henan Shaanxi Provincial Party Committee first established and improved Party organizations at all levels and local armed forces led by the Party. In late December 1934, the CPC Shangluo Special Committee and the First Army of the Anti donation Army were established. At the end of the same month, the CPC's Hubei Shaanxi Special Committee and the Hubei Shaanxi Guerrilla Headquarters were established, with six guerrilla divisions under their jurisdiction. In mid May 1935, the CPC Henan Shaanxi Special Committee and the Henan Shaanxi Guerrilla Division were established. At the same time, the provincial party committee also established the Shanyang West District Committee of the Communist Party of China, and set up guerrillas such as Huayang and Maoping. These guerrilla divisions, the Red Guards, the anti donation army and other local armed forces have effectively cooperated with the guerrilla warfare of the main Red Army.
As the Red 25th Army broke through the two "encirclement and suppression" campaigns of the Kuomintang Army, the base area expanded rapidly, and the Soviet regime was established in various places. By May 1935, the base area had a population of nearly 500000 and a cultivated land area of 900000 mu. The Soviet government of the Hubei Shaanxi Border Region and the Soviet regime of 10 districts, 46 townships and 314 villages had been established. At the same time, the Hubei Henan Shaanxi Provincial Party Committee has taken a series of powerful measures to vigorously carry out the agrarian revolution, fight local tyrants, divide farmland, and strictly implement the Soviet land laws, labor laws, and economic policies. On December 10, 1934, the political leaflet "What is the Red Army" was released, which stated the nature and task of the Red Army. On December 20, the announcement of the "Issues on Commercial Policy" was issued, stating that the principles of the Soviet government's commercial policy were to ensure free trade, protect the legitimate rights and interests of individual traders and small traders, and promote the circulation of goods and materials. On January 9, 1935, the 25th Army of the Chinese Workers' and Peasants' Red Army issued the Letter of Appeal to the Masses for Occupying Zhen'an County, calling on the masses to organize their own government - the Revolutionary Committee, establish their own armed forces - the Anti donation Army, and distribute the land of local tyrants and evil gentry to the poor. These political leaflets, bulletins and letters to the masses reflect the policies and guidelines of the government of the Hubei Henan Shaanxi Base Area
In the arduous struggle to stick to the base area, the Southern Shaanxi Special Committee inherited and carried forward many policies of the Hubei Henan Shaanxi Provincial Committee. At the same time, according to the actual situation and the needs of the struggle, it formulated and implemented some policies and strategies that conform to the Party's line and guidelines [3]
Strive for allies. With regard to the Dadao Club led by Song Dengxian, and the He Zhenya Department from the Second Brigade of Shaanxi Military and Police, the CPC Hubei Henan Shaanxi Special Committee all adopted the attitude of trust and help, providing ideological guidance, material support, and cooperation in action to fight against the common enemy. For caves and stone stockaded villages that cannot be opened at the moment, we should not fight hard, and we should conclude a non aggression treaty with the armed forces of some caves and stone stockaded villages. If you do not fight me, I will not fight you, and we should strive for peace with them under certain conditions. This is not only beneficial to us militarily, but also conducive to the relative stability of the lives and production of the people in the base area.
No indiscriminate killing, no killing of prisoners, no killing of tyrants, regimental leaders, security chiefs, detectives, except those who have committed heinous crimes. All the captured soldiers and junior officers who were not guilty enough were sent back to their hometown after education, except those who were willing to join our army, which broke up the enemy forces.
Carry out united front work. After the end of 1935, the Hubei Henan Shaanxi Special Committee of the Communist Party of China adjusted the Party's policy towards landlords and rich peasants. In particular, in guerrilla areas and enemy occupied areas, only their floating property was generally confiscated and distributed to the masses. For those that were available to us, even the floating property was not confiscated, but was used to cover the wounded and sick of the Red Army or collect shopping money for the Red Army to avoid making too many enemies. For example, the land master Shi Laoba in Shangnan County and the head of Lianghekou District in Ningshan County Song Chengyi did not confiscate their property and ensure their life safety. In this way, they not only covered some of the wounded and sick in our army, but also bought a batch of medicines and cloth for our army. Newspapers and other articles have done something beneficial to us.
Protect urban commerce. Do not confiscate the property of petty capitalists, do not interfere with merchants' business, and keep the shops open as usual to calm people's minds. For example, Panjiahe Street, on the road from Xunyang County to Xi'an, has been visited by the 74th Red Division many times. Every time they come here, they do not "bump" the business on the street and protect the business.
Protect the postal service. After opening the Longju Stronghold, the 74th Red Division posted a notice on the post office door, announcing that the post office was "not a treasurer" and "not allowed to tamper with its property". For intercepted mails, except for confiscating the letters and letters of reactionary governments and officials, the rest shall be returned, and a "receipt" shall be issued to allow the postal service personnel to walk freely in the base area for delivery. Since our army protects the postal service personnel, they also know what they want and don't want to send our army, so they often send official documents of the reactionary government and letters of reactionary officials to our army on their own initiative, and we pay them a high price. This practice not only obtained a lot of valuable information, but also protected the freedom of communication of the people in the base areas. The Hubei Henan Shaanxi Special Committee also pays great attention to protecting the school, does not interfere in the normal activities of the school, respects teachers, and does not confiscate school correspondence.
The implementation of these policies has united the forces that can be united, isolated the enemy, strengthened ourselves, and played an extremely important role in the struggle to adhere to the Hubei Henan Shaanxi revolutionary base area. [7]

The people actively participate in the construction of base areas

"The poor people are happy to fight against the local tyrants and the old and rich; the old world has been turned over to celebrate the establishment of the Soviet Union." This folk song, which is popular in the Hubei Henan Shaanxi base area, expresses the support and love of the poor people for the base area. The Red Army came to the border of Hubei, Henan and Shaanxi. Wherever they went, they suppressed local tyrants and bullies and distributed a large amount of confiscated property to poor farmers. Some poor people who "eat, take pictures, sleep and watch the stars" get their clothes, food and housing. Helping the Red Army, being a Red Army, fighting local tyrants, and distributing land have become the conscious actions of the people in the base areas. Many moving scenes have emerged, such as father giving up his son, wife giving up his husband, brothers fighting for enlistment, and father and son joining the army together. While actively participating in the main Red Army, the people in the base area also actively participate in the local armed forces to fight against the local militia and Baojia forces. In addition to cooperating with the main Red Army to participate in major battles, these local armed forces are mainly scattered throughout the country. When encountering the enemy, they will "swarm" and fight, making the enemy impossible to defend, impossible to suppress, and vulnerable to attacks everywhere. [3]
The people in the base areas regard joining the Red Army as the most glorious task and actively join the army. In more than two years, about 5000 people in the base area participated in the Red Army, and many moving scenes emerged, such as father sending children, wife sending husband, brothers fighting, and father and son joining the army together. Zeng Zhaowen and Zeng Zhaoxiang, brothers from Yuanjiagoukou, Shanyang County, joined the Red Army together; In the Hongyansi District of Zhashui County, which has a population of only 15000, more than 300 people have become the Red Army; Twenty seven people from Shengjia River and other places in Xunyang County joined the Red Army; In Dongyu, Shangxian County, more than 20 long-term workers went to work as Red Army soldiers at one time; Mingdaohe, the wounded of the Fourth Red Front Army, who was left behind in the Shangluo Mountain Area, negotiated with more than ten "cowherd boys" to join the Red Army; Nine Hui peasants in Baita District of Zhen'an County became Red Army. With the active participation of the broad masses of the people, the Red Army has continued to develop and grow. When the Twenty fifth Red Army entered Shaanxi in December 1934, there were only more than 2900 people. Although it was reduced in the brutal war, by July 1935, when it was reorganized in Xijiangkou, Liuba County, it had grown to 4000 people (excluding 300 people left in the base area); Before the formation of the 74th Red Division, there were only more than 300 Red Army members. When the 74th Red Division finally left the Soviet area, it grew to 2100. As the Provincial Party Committee pointed out in the Draft Resolution on Creating New Revolutionary Bases in New Soviet Areas, "expanding the Red Army is the most important and fundamental task in creating new Soviet areas. The achievements of this work are the yardstick for the development of our revolutionary cause.". The source of troops of the Red Army lies in the people. The continuous development of the 25th Red Army and the 74th Red Division has played an extremely important role in creating and developing the Hubei Henan Shaanxi revolutionary base.
The people in the base area actively participate in the main Red Army while actively participating in the local armed forces, so that the base area has both a main Red Army that can fight with the regular forces of the Kuomintang and a local armed force that can fight with the Red Army. The Third, Fourth, Fifth, Sixth, Seventh, and Ninth Route Guerrilla Divisions along the border of Hubei and Shaanxi, the First Anti Japanese Army and the First, Second, Third, and Fourth Guerrilla Battalions along the border of Henan and Shaanxi, as well as the guerrillas in Huayang and Maoping, are mainly composed of local farmers. The guerrillas, Red Guards, and Anti Japanese Army of the district and township Soviet governments are more "green" local peasant armed organizations. In addition to cooperating with the main Red Army to participate in some major battles, these local armed forces are mainly scattered throughout the country, fighting whenever the opportunity arises, making the enemy defenseless, overwhelmed and exposed everywhere. The 9th Hubei Shaanxi Guerrilla Division and the First Shaanxi Military Police Brigade fought fiercely in Gaoshanzhai, Tiankengliang and other places and fought bravely. Tang Sitong, the enemy brigade commander, said in a telegram to the Xi'an Appeasement Office that the soldiers of the Ninth Route Guerrilla Division "threw out their guns naked, and several times the Manshan Shout came straight at them". "They were firmly garrisoned, and the guns and stones were all down, so that they failed, and there were casualties among the officers and soldiers." The commander of the regiment had to order Shen Yinzhang to "increase one battalion and one company of rifles, and go to command the suppression". The combat battalion of the Hubei Shaanxi Guerrilla Headquarters and the Yunxi Guerrilla Team wiped out the civilian groups in the Guanfangpu and other strongholds, destroyed the old nest of the "Yunxi Anti G Volunteer Army" in Santianmen, and the Hubei Shaanxi Fourth Route Guerrilla Division wiped out the tax police and civilian groups in Niuerchuan, Eryu River, and Jinjing River, defeated the Shanyang County security team, captured more than 40 enemies, and captured more than 30 pieces of various weapons, The fifth guerrilla division of Hubei Shaanxi destroyed Panjiahe Township Office in Xunyang County, confiscated the property of twelve bully landlords and distributed it to poor farmers. When the main Red Army raided Jingzi Pass, the Henan Shaanxi guerrilla division led four guerrilla brigades, killed and wounded more than 150 regular enemy troops, and annihilated the Jingcun United Guard and the Wuguan Security Corps. Huayang guerrillas beat down the old county town of Foping twice and intercepted and captured more than 30 loads of military supplies on the road from Xi'an to Hanzhong. The guerrillas of the Soviet government in Sunjiashan District, Danfeng County defeated the two civilian groups stationed in Jieling and Andi, killing two members of the group. The active guerrilla activities of the local armed forces have restrained the enemy's forces, played a very good role in coordinating the main Red Army in fighting with the enemy's regular forces, made the guerrilla war in the base area really become a widespread people's war, and made an important contribution to the establishment of the Hubei Henan Shaanxi Soviet Area.
The poor peasants were the sworn enemies of the feudal landlord class and active supporters of the agrarian revolution. They fought irreconcilably with the landlord gentry under the organization of the Soviet government. Peasants in Huashuihe, Baita District, Zhen'an County burned the landlord's contracts and bonds; Farmers in three villages, namely, Huashuihe, Erliwan and Shiyuanzi, confiscated more than 420 mu of land and 57 houses of the landlords and temples. Thirty five poor farmers and farm labourers shared land and thirty-nine poor people shared houses. Farmers in Hongyansi District, Zhashui County confiscated more than 530 mu of land from more than 20 landlords, and 58 poor farmers shared their land. They also confiscated more than 42000 jin of grain, more than 3100 jin of bacon, 13 fat pigs, and more than 1200 jin of paint oil. Most of them were distributed to the masses, and a small part of them supported the Red Army and the guerrillas. The peasants in Yuanjiagoukou District of Shanyang County distributed the land of the landlords in the whole district, who rented the land to whom, and planted boundary stones after distribution. The crops planted in the land were harvested by the peasants who shared the land, and the peasants happily harvested the first crop after distribution. Farmers in Yitianmen, Ertianmen, Santianmen, Dingjiaping, Caijiachang and Miaochuan of Yunxi County confiscated and distributed land, grain and other objects to the landlords. More than 1000 poor farmers in Yitianmen, Ertianmen and Santianmen alone shared the fruits of victory. The peasants in Xunyang County confiscated and distributed food and clothing to 66 local tyrants and evil gentry. The peasants in Huayang District, Yangxian County confiscated and distributed more than 3200 mu of land and more than 600 stone grains to 60 bully landlords. More than 1000 poor peasants shared land and more than 200 poor peasants shared food. Farmers in Liujiahuawu District, Shangnan County confiscated and allocated land from 27 landlords who received 1355 stone rents, and more than 500 poor farmers shared the land and harvested a crop. While attacking the feudal landlord class economically, the Soviet government also mobilized the peasants to suppress a number of local tyrants and evil gentry with great popular anger. Under the fierce attack of the revolutionary movement of the peasant masses, the local tyrants and evil gentry in the countryside lost their prestige, the reactionary regimes at the grass-roots level collapsed one after another, and the new political situation of "all power goes to the Soviet" emerged in the consolidation area of the base area.
In the harsh environment at that time, the logistics department of the Red Army itself was not perfect, and in fact, it was difficult to perfect it. Therefore, the service work of the Red Army mainly depended on the local government and various mass organizations to organize farmers to undertake, and many moving deeds that could be sung and cried emerged. After the battle in Yujiahe, many wounded Red Army soldiers were scattered in farmers' homes in villages around Yujiahe to recuperate. In order to make the wounded recover and return to the army as soon as possible, village doctors Yang Chunrong, Luo Jinwen and others went around day and night for nursing treatment. Without western medicine, they used herbs. If the herbs were not complete, they went up the mountain to dig medicine. They also risked their lives to get western medicine from the city, so that the wounded were treated in a more timely manner. After the 25th Red Army set up a rear hospital in Yuanjiagou, Shanyang County, many farmers' families became the "wards" of the hospital, and many aunts and sister-in-law became the "nurses" of the hospital. Aunt Cong, the "Red Army Godmother", nursed four wounded alone, and the masses suffered a lot for nursing the wounded. Zhang Bo, a Red Army cadre, was recuperating at the fifth home of He Laowu, a teacher of Caichuan Primary School in Danfeng County. When the enemy learned about it, he captured He and tortured him severely, forcing He to hand over the wounded Red Army soldiers. However, He would rather die than reveal his true feelings, and kept protecting Zhang until he recovered. Wang Kuixian, a Red Army cadre, was left at Aunt Qin's home in Zhen'an County due to serious illness. When the enemy learned of this, they went to the Qin's home to hunt Wang Kuixian. Aunt Qin, who was over half a century old and small footed, was desperate to hide Wang on the wheat field at the foot of the mountain, and cleverly led the captured bandits to other places; After the bandits left, Aunt Qin forced her husband to endure the agony of being tortured by the bandits, and asked her son to carry Wang Kui back on the mountain, and then covered until Wang Kui returned to the team after his illness. When the 74th Red Division was fighting with the enemy in Tongmu Valley, Xunyang County, a soldier's right leg was seriously injured. Liu Ying, the senior worker, carried his back to the village in the dark night. Afraid of being found by the enemy, he carried his back to the cave in the mountains and forests. He asked the doctor Xu Guangrun to treat him with herbs. When the 74th Red Division opened Foping County for the second time, the masses took the initiative to carry vegetables to the Red Army. Zhai Den'e and many other women also took the initiative to wash pulp, sew clothes, and rush to make shoes and socks for the Red Army. The people in the base area not only did a lot of work in the rear service work, but also made important contributions in the field mobilization and service work. Before the war, the people stood firm and cleared the country, scouted the enemy, blocked the news, and organized stretcher teams and rescue teams; During the battle, the masses of the people "swarmed" into the battle, which greatly increased the number of combatants in our army and trapped the enemy in the military and civilian encirclement. When the first brigade of Shaanxi military police was completely annihilated, more than 2000 local armed forces and the masses participated in the war; After the war, the people took an active part in rescuing and transferring the wounded. Many old women, known as "Red Army Godmothers", took the initiative to send the wounded to their homes for care, and beat the gong and drum to carry consolation gifts to the Red Army. The people's active participation in field mobilization and field service work has played an important role in winning the battle.
The revolutionary base area is hard won. It was bought by the people with blood. In the struggle to create and develop the Hubei Henan Shaanxi revolutionary base area, the people in the base area made great contributions and sacrifices. Where the bandit army went, more than 1000 cadres and masses in the base area were killed by the enemy in the enemy's "clearing the countryside". According to the investigation and registration of eight counties in Shangxian County, Danfeng, Shanyang, Zhen'an, Zhashui, Luonan, Shangnan and Yunxi County, Hubei Province in Shangluo Prefecture, Shaanxi Province, more than 770 Red Army soldiers, Soviet cadres and the masses were killed by the enemy in this period. [7]

historical significance

The Hubei Henan Shaanxi Revolutionary Base was independently established and persisted under the leadership of the Hubei Henan Shaanxi Provincial Party Committee and the Southern Shaanxi Special Committee, radiating and affecting the three provinces of Hubei, Henan and Shaanxi, forming a tripod with the Sichuan Shaanxi and Shaanxi Gansu Revolutionary Base Areas, supporting Shaanxi and Gansu, holding back the enemies attacking Sichuan and Shaanxi, and effectively cooperating with the main forces of the Red Army in the Long March in strategy. The Red 25th Army, which grew up in this red land, went north to Shaanxi and played an important role in laying the foundation of the Chinese revolutionary base camp in the northwest. The arduous and brilliant fighting course of the Hubei Henan Shaanxi revolutionary base left a heavy chapter in the history of Chinese revolution. [3]