Jingzhou District

District of Jingzhou City, Hubei Province
zero Useful+1
synonym Yingdu (The capital of Chu during the Spring and Autumn Period and the Warring States Period) generally refers to Jingzhou District
Jingzhou District, part of Hubei province Jingzhou City is located in the south central part of Hubei Province, Jianghan Plain Hinterland, Jingzhou The west end of the city, east and Shashi District Neighboring, Beijiao Jingmen City Boundary, northwest and west Dangyang Zhijiang City boundary, south side Gong'an County and Songzi City With a total area of 1045.8 square kilometers, accounting for 7.4% of the city's land area [20] By the end of 2022, Jingzhou District has 579200 permanent residents. [30]
Jingzhou District is the political, economic, cultural, science and education and information center of Jingzhou City, one of the first 24 famous historical and cultural cities announced in China, an excellent tourist city in China, the site of the King of Chu Mausoleum, "Terracotta Warriors in the north, Xiongjiazhong in the south", the manufacturing base of China's petroleum machinery, the national grain and cotton production base, the national livestock and poultry aquaculture base The largest paper packaging production base in central and southern China enjoys the reputation of "the hometown of the Three Kingdoms Culture of China", "the hometown of Chinese poetry", "the hometown of Chinese camphor", etc. The territory has the core area of Jingzhou area under the protection of the great ruins in southern China - Chu Ji Nan City, the only and most complete Jingzhou ancient city wall in southern China, "Jingzhou Three Outlooks" (Xuanmiao Temple, Taihui Temple, Kaiyuan Temple) And Yangtze University, a comprehensive university. [25]
In 2022, Jingzhou District will achieve a regional GDP of 41.213 billion yuan, of which the primary industry will achieve an added value of 5.8 billion yuan, the secondary industry will achieve an added value of 11.685 billion yuan, and the tertiary industry will achieve an added value of 23.728 billion yuan. The structure ratio of the three industries is 14.1:28.3:57.6. The per capita GDP is 71155 yuan. [30]
Chinese name
Jingzhou District
Jiangling Yingdu
area number
four hundred and twenty-one thousand and three
Administrative Region Category
Municipal district
geographical position
Central and southern Hubei Province, Jingzhou West end of urban area
1045.8 km²
Area under jurisdiction
4 streets and 7 towns
Government residence
Xicheng Street
Area Code
Postal Code
four hundred and thirty-four thousand and twenty
climatic conditions
Subtropical monsoon climate
population size
579200 (Permanent population in 2022)
Famous scenic spot
The ancient city of Jingzhou Xiongjiazhong Guangong Temple Zhanghua Temple Jiulongyuan, Jingzhou Museum
train station
Jingzhou Station
License plate code
41.213 billion yuan (2022)

Historical evolution

spring and autumn
For Chu Yingdu
Set Jiangling County , for Sundgau Governance.
Ying County Incorporated into Nanjun.
Concurrent Jingzhou Governance.
Liang and Five Dynasties in the Southern Dynasty
Nanping State Ten emperors built their capital in Jiangling.
Song Dynasty
by Jingzhou Mansion Governance.
by Zhongxing Road Governance.
Ming and Qing Dynasties
It is governed by Jingzhou Prefecture.
Republic of China
In the third year of the Republic of China (1914), Jingzhou District was under the jurisdiction of Jingnan Road
In the 10th year of the Republic of China (1921) Jingyi Road
Jingzhou District
In the 25th year of the Republic of China (1936), it belonged to the fourth administrative supervision area.
The People's Republic of China
1949, belonging to Jingzhou District
1970, belonging to Jingzhou
On September 29, 1994, the State Council approved the revocation of Jingzhou District Shashi City and Jiangling County , set up Jingsha City (prefecture level) and Shashi District Jingzhou District, Jiangling District.
In October 1994, Jingzhou District was separated from the original Jiangling County. [2]

administrative division


Division evolution

In October 1994, at the beginning of the establishment of Jingzhou District, Jingzhou District had jurisdiction over five towns of Jingzhou, Chuandian, Mashan, Libu and Mishi in the original Jiangling County, and two townships of Balingshan and Jinan.
In February 1995, with the approval of the superior, Jingzhou Town was revoked and divided into four streets, namely, Dongcheng, Xicheng, Chengnan and Jingbei. The Chengnan street was hung with the sign of Jingzhou Chengnan Economic and Technological Development Zone. Two signs were put in place and one team worked together.
In August and December 1995, Jinan and Balingshan Townships were successively removed from the township and built into towns upon the approval of the superior. In June 1998, with the approval of the superior, Jingbei Street was reconstructed into Yingcheng Town.
In September 2004, Hubei Province carried out the reform of farm management system, and put the two farms of Lingjiao Lake and Taihu Port under the management of Jingzhou District.
In July 2014, in order to accelerate the development of cultural tourism industry, Jinan Town, Jingzhou District, 18 villages including Dongchang Village, Jiudian Village, Zaolin Village and 1 neighborhood committee under its jurisdiction, and 7 administrative villages including Haihu Village, Penghu Village, Huangshan Village, Gaolu Village, Yueshan Village, Yingcheng Village and Yingbei Village of Yingcheng Town, with a total population of 58000, were approved by the higher authorities in accordance with the principle of "unchanged zoning and entrusted management", It is entrusted by Jingzhou Jinan Ecological and Cultural Tourism Zone Management Committee. [2-3]
On February 21, 2022, Taihugang Street in Jingzhou District was established with the approval of Jingzhou Municipal People's Government, and on July 8, 2022, Hubei Provincial People's Government approved the establishment of Taihugang Street. Taihugang Sub district governs 9 communities, namely, Myshiqiao, Taidong, Qili Garden, Taihugang, Pengjiachang, Xinfeng, Luotan, Meihuai and Longshan. The sub district office is located at No. 127 Taihu Road, Pengjiachang Community, Jingzhou District, with the administrative division code of 421003005. [26]

Zoning status

As of October 2022, Jingzhou District has jurisdiction over 5 streets, 7 towns and another management area [27] People's Government of Jingzhou District Xicheng Street 80 Jingzhou Middle Road. [4] [26]
Division code for statistics
four hundred and twenty-one billion three million and one thousand
Xicheng Street
four hundred and twenty-one billion three million and two thousand
Dongcheng Street
four hundred and twenty-one billion three million and three thousand
Chengnan Street
four hundred and twenty-one billion three million and four thousand
Fenghuang Street
four hundred and twenty-one billion three million and five thousand
Taihugang Street
four hundred and twenty-one billion three million and one hundred thousand
Jinan Town
four hundred and twenty-one billion three million one hundred and one thousand
Chuandian Town
four hundred and twenty-one billion three million one hundred and two thousand
Mashan Town
four hundred and twenty-one billion three million one hundred and three thousand
Balingshan Town
four hundred and twenty-one billion three million one hundred and four thousand
Libu Town
four hundred and twenty-one billion three million one hundred and five thousand
Mishi Town
four hundred and twenty-one billion three million one hundred and six thousand
Yingcheng Town
four hundred and twenty-one billion three million four hundred and fifty-one thousand
Lingjiao Lake Management Area

geographical environment


Location context

Jingzhou District is located in the west of the central urban area of Jingzhou Jingjiang River North South, East and Shashi District Neighboring, Beijiao Jingmen City Boundary, northwest and west Dangyang Zhijiang City boundary, south side Gong'an County and Songzi City It is between 111 ° 54 ′ 11 ″ - 112 ° 19 ′ 21 ″ east longitude and 30 ° 6 ′ 51 ″ - 30 ° 39 ′ 44 ″ north latitude, with a north-south length of 60.83 kilometers and an east-west width of 40.52 kilometers [5] The total area is 1045.8 square kilometers, accounting for 7.4% of the land area of Jingzhou City. [20]
Jingzhou District People's Government

topographic features

Jingzhou District is high in the northwest and low in the southeast. Gangling Mountains in the northwest are winding, belonging to the extension of Jingshan Mountain. Entering from Chuandian in the north, it winds southward. The west branch is Baling Mountain, and the east branch is Jishan Mountain. Thus, four towns in the northwest, namely Chuandian, Mashan, Baling Mountain, Jinan, and Baling Mountain branch in the management area of Taihu Port Farm, as well as Hongqi Forest Farm, Baling Mountain Forest Farm, and Babao Tea Farm, form a hilly flat land with ridges and ridges, with an altitude of 30-45 meters, A few of them are over 60 meters, and the highest point is Huanmao Tomb, the main peak of Baling Mountain. The altitude is 103.29 meters, the relative height is 10-25 meters, and the slope is mostly 2-10 degrees. It is the highest area in the region. Mishi, Libu, Jingzhou urban area, Yingcheng Town, Taihugang Farm Management Area and Lingjiao Lake Farm Management Area on both sides of the river in the south are alluvial plains along the river, with an altitude of 28.6-79.7 meters. [5]

Climatic characteristics

Jingzhou District has a subtropical monsoon climate. The annual sunshine hours are 1500-1900 hours, the annual extreme maximum temperature is 38.6 ℃, the annual extreme minimum temperature is - 14.9 ℃, the annual average temperature is 16.5 ℃, and the frost free period is 242 to 263 days. With sufficient light energy and long frost free period, it is suitable for the growth of various crops. The maximum annual rainfall is 1854.3 mm, and the minimum annual rainfall is 641.8 mm. In most years, the rainfall is between 1100 mm and 1300 mm, and the average annual rainfall is 1094.5 mm. [5]

Soil type

Jingzhou District has various soil types, deep soil layers, fertile soil, clay in the northwest and sand in the southwest. There are three soil types in the region, namely paddy soil, fluvo aquic soil and yellow brown soil, with good natural fertility. [25]

Vegetation conditions

The main tree species of forest community vegetation in Jingzhou District include Masson pine, slash pine, loblolly pine, camphor tree, Luan tree, Chinese fir, metasequoia, Chi shan, poplar, chinaberry, Chinese wolfberry, elm, mulberry, oak and various economic forest species. The shrub community vegetation mainly includes vitex, wild prickly ash, compressed wood, Lespedeza, etc; Herbal vegetation mainly includes white thatch, grass, etc. The Lingjiao Lake wetland under construction has been successfully declared as a national wetland park.
Taihu Port

natural resources


water resource

Jingzhou District comes from natural rainfall, transit rivers, lakes and deep groundwater; The total amount of surface runoff generated by natural rainfall throughout the year is 339 million cubic meters in wet years (50%), 238 million cubic meters in normal dry years (75%), and 114 million cubic meters in extreme dry years (95%). The transit passenger water mainly comes from the Yangtze River, Juzhang River and Hudu River, which have sufficient water. The total transit volume of the three rivers is 321.14 billion cubic meters in dry years, including 320.6 billion cubic meters of the Yangtze River, 540 million cubic meters of the Juzhang River, and 12.43 billion cubic meters of the Hudu River from the Yangtze River. There are 6 lakes, including Changhu Lake, Beihu Lake and Nanhu Lake. Under normal water level, the corresponding total water surface area is 33.02 square kilometers, and the water storage capacity is 68.95 million cubic meters. The annual exploitable volume of groundwater is 156 million cubic meters. [5]

land resource

In 2018, Jingzhou District has 525600 mu of common cultivated land. Of which, 31.12 mu is paddy field and 21.44 mu is dry field. [1]

Biological resources

Jingzhou District is rich in biological resources, most of which are plants, followed by animals. It is characterized by many species, wide distribution, and both north and south.
There are 648 kinds of plant resources in the region, including 12 ancient ginkgo trees over 300 years old, 1 ancient pine tree over 400 years old, and 1 ancient simple tree in the Qing Dynasty.
The animal resources in the region include wild animals, poultry and livestock, aquatic animals, etc. There are 10 orders and more than 140 kinds of wild animals. The wild animals mainly include badger, badger, yellow bellied weasel, otter, South China rabbit, etc; The birds mainly include mallard duck, common sand duck, red breasted frog, black water chicken, pearl necked turtle dove, swallow, sparrow, starling, magpie, quail, egret, etc; Reptiles mainly include snakes, frogs, toads, centipedes, ants, geckos, turtles, leeches, termites, etc.
There are 12 orders, 24 families and 82 species of fish in aquatic animals. The main economic fish are green, grass, silver carp, bighead carp, carp, crucian carp, bream, mandarin fish, black fish, etc. The other aquatic animals with high economic value include shrimp, crab, turtle, turtle, etc.
In addition, there are more than 10 kinds of rare aquatic animals, such as Chinese sturgeon, baiji dolphin and cochineal fish, which are the first class protected animals in the region. [25]

mineral resources

The proven mineral resources in Jingzhou District mainly include oil, basalt, bentonite, clay ore and mineral water, of which oil is mainly composed of Jianghan Oilfield exploitation. [5]


By the end of 2022, Jingzhou District has 579200 permanent residents, with an urbanization rate of 80.02%. The birth population is 1150, and the birth rate is 1.99 ‰; There were 2125 deaths, the mortality rate was 3.68 ‰, and the natural population growth rate was -1.69 ‰. The sex ratio at birth is 128.63. [30]
Jingzhou District




In 2022, Jingzhou District will achieve a regional GDP of 41.213 billion yuan, up 3.0% year on year. Among them, the primary industry achieved an added value of 5.8 billion yuan, up 4.3% year on year, the secondary industry achieved an added value of 11.685 billion yuan, up 6.6% year on year, and the tertiary industry achieved an added value of 23.728 billion yuan, up 1.2% year on year. The structure ratio of the three industries is 14.1:28.3:57.6. The per capita GDP was 71155 yuan, an increase of 4.73%. There are 56161 market entities in the district. Among them, there are 12444 private enterprises, 981 farmers' professional cooperatives, and 42736 self-employed businesses. [30]
Investment in fixed assets
In 2022, Jingzhou District, including two functional areas, will see a year-on-year growth of 8.5% in the completed investment in fixed assets. Industrial investment increased by 31.2% year on year, accounting for 11.7% of fixed asset investment; The completed investment in industrial technological transformation increased by 10.8% year on year, and the investment in industrial technological transformation accounted for 34.6% of industrial investment; Private investment increased by 8.8% year on year; The reconstruction and technical transformation increased by 26.5% year on year. [30]
Finance and tax revenue and expenditure
In 2022, the total local fiscal revenue will reach 2.366 billion yuan, down 16.4% year on year, accounting for 5.74% of GDP. Local general public budget revenue reached 1.455 billion yuan, down 4.2% year on year. Local tax revenue reached 1.244 billion yuan, down 8.2% year on year, accounting for 85.50% of local general public budget revenue. [30]

primary industry

In 2022, Jingzhou District will achieve a total agricultural output value of 10.455 billion yuan, up 5.1% year on year. The agricultural added value was 6.253 billion yuan, up 4.9% year on year. [30]
In 2022, the total grain output of Jingzhou District will be 284900 tons, a decrease of 3900 tons or 1.34% over the previous year. The grain sown area was 707700 mu, an increase of 600 mu over the previous year; The per mu yield of grain crops in the region is 402.57 kg/mu, higher than the national average, and the per mu yield is 5.89 kg lower than the previous year, or 1.44% lower. [30]
Animal Husbandry
By the end of 2022, Jingzhou District has 73400 pigs on hand, 66000 less than the previous year, 47.3% less than the previous year; 219100 pigs were sold, an increase of 12900 over the previous year, or 6.3% over the previous year; The poultry population in the whole year was 4.299 million, a year-on-year decrease of 239500, or 5.3%; The number of poultry sold was 14.9999 million, 1.3612 million less than that of the previous year, 8.3% less than that of the previous year. [30]
In 2022, the output of aquatic products in Jingzhou District will reach 118800 tons, with a year-on-year growth of 3.60%. [30]

the secondary industry

By the end of 2022, there are 148 industrial enterprises above designated size in Jingzhou District. The industry above designated size realized a total output value of 28 billion yuan, up 15.3% year on year, of which the total output value of paper and printing industry was 2.569 billion yuan, up 17.1% year on year; The food and feed processing industry was 6.193 billion yuan, up 16.4% year on year; Building materials and other industries reached 4.139 billion yuan, up 11.6% year on year; The machinery manufacturing industry was 12.526 billion yuan, up 17.2% year on year; The chemical and pharmaceutical industry was 899 million yuan, up 12.2% year on year; The textile printing and dyeing industry was 1.674 billion yuan, up 7.2% year on year. The output value of industrial agricultural products processing above designated size was 10.113 billion yuan, up 14.8% year on year, of which the output value of agricultural and sideline food processing industry was 5.129 billion yuan. The industrial added value above designated size increased by 10.1% year on year, realizing an operating revenue of 23.620 billion yuan, up 10.6% year on year, and taxes of 454 million yuan, up 62.7% year on year; The profit was 478 million yuan, down 20.1% year on year; The sales rate of industrial products was 91.7%. Industrial power consumption was 472.63 million kWh, down 0.2% year on year. [30]
construction business
In 2022, there will be 118 qualified construction enterprises in Jingzhou District, with a total output value of 6.701 billion yuan, up 9.4% year on year,; VAT on construction services was 226 million yuan, down 18.7% year on year. [30]

the service sector; the tertiary industry

Domestic and foreign trade
In 2022, the total retail sales of consumer goods in the whole society will reach 25.412 billion yuan, up 3.6% year on year, including 19.772 billion yuan of wholesale sales, up 13.2% year on year; Retail sales reached 23.389 billion yuan, up 4.3% year on year; The turnover of accommodation industry reached 940 million yuan, up 6.9% year on year; The turnover of catering industry reached 5.559 billion yuan, up 6.5% year on year. Enterprises (individuals) above designated size realized a total retail sales of social consumer goods of 8.932 billion yuan, up 9.4% year on year. [30]
Foreign economy
In 2022, the total import and export volume of Jingzhou District will be USD 140.835 million, with a year-on-year growth of 50.6%. Among them, the export was 92.911 million US dollars, up 35.3% year on year; Imports reached US $47.923 million, up 93.0% year on year. [30]
In 2022, the real estate investment in Jingzhou District will decline by 15.5% year on year, and the real estate sales area will be 527400 square meters, down by 21.5% year on year. [30]
In 2022, the number of tourists in Jingzhou District will be 24.57 million, and the tourism revenue will be 13.979 billion yuan. [30]
Water saving irrigation in Mishi Town, Jingzhou District


Jingzhou Ancient City is located at the intersection of the first level axis (Yangtze River) and the second level axis (Beijing Guangzhou Railway and Jiaozhou Liuzhou Railway) of national land development, with the location advantage of connecting the east and west, and connecting the north and south. Yihuang Expressway, Jingdong Expressway, Jingxiang Expressway, National Highway 318 and National Highway 207 run through the territory. Shanghai Chengdu Wuhan High speed Passenger Railway and Jingsha Railway meet here. In 2015, the construction of Inner Mongolia China Railway has started.
Jingzhou Station was put into operation on July 1, 2012, located in Jingzhou District Yingcheng Town , it's the first class station [19] The railway is the Shanghai Wuhan Chengdu Express Passenger Corridor. The annual passenger volume can reach 4 million person times, and the daily average passenger volume can reach 12055 person times.
By the end of 2022, the total mileage of roads in Jingzhou District is 2166.5 kilometers, including 2059.3 kilometers of classified roads, 107.2 kilometers of substandard roads, 100% of the roads accessible to administrative villages, and 2.07 kilometers/square kilometers of comprehensive traffic density. [30]

social undertakings


Science and technology

In 2022, the added value of full caliber high-tech industries in Jingzhou District will be 4.465 billion yuan, accounting for 10.8% of GDP. There are 71 high-tech industrial units above designated size, including 14 new ones this year, and 49 high-tech enterprise units above designated size, including 12 new ones this year. In 2022, 32 high-tech enterprises will be identified, including 25 for the first time. The number of high-tech enterprises will increase by 24 in the whole year, and the number of high-tech enterprises in the whole district will reach 70; 206 technology-based small and medium-sized enterprises have entered the stock market, and the turnover of registered technology contracts in the region is 1.18 billion yuan; 7 municipal "Star Creation World" and 4 municipal enterprise school joint innovation centers were added; In the whole year, 5 provincial science and technology projects were won, with a project amount of 3.2 million yuan, and 10 municipal science and technology projects with a project amount of 1.85 million yuan; The establishment of innovative counties (cities and districts) in Hubei Province has been promoted in an orderly manner. The provincial Jingzhou petroleum equipment intelligent manufacturing innovative industrial cluster was successfully declared, and the national major complete equipment manufacturing innovative industrial cluster is being publicized. [30]


By the end of 2022, Jingzhou District has a total of 57 schools (excluding provincial and municipal schools), including 1 secondary vocational school, 27 ordinary secondary schools and 29 primary education schools. There are 46170 students in school and 3038 full-time teachers, including 273 students in secondary vocational schools and 31 full-time teachers; There are 19447 students and 2037 full-time teachers in ordinary secondary schools; The primary education school has 26450 students and 970 full-time teachers. There are 89 kindergartens with 12512 children in the kindergarten. The enrollment rate of school-age children is 100%, and the gross enrollment rate of preschool three years is 95.8%. [30]

Cultural and sports undertakings

By the end of 2022, there is one public library in Jingzhou District, with a total collection of 230000 books (including e-books) in the public library; One museum and three stadiums. [30]

public health

In 2022, Jingzhou District will have 15 medical and health institutions (excluding municipal hospitals), including 3 hospitals, 10 township hospitals, 1 disease prevention and control center (epidemic prevention station), and 1 maternal and child health care center. It has 2050 beds, including 934 in hospitals and 1066 in health centers; There are 1497 licensed doctors and licensed assistant doctors, and 1290 registered nurses. There are 3.59 beds in medical and health institutions per thousand people, the utilization rate of hospital beds is 123.79%, and there are 2.65 doctors per thousand people. [30]

social security

By the end of 2022, 339900 people in Jingzhou District had participated in basic endowment insurance, including 150500 people who participated in basic endowment insurance for urban enterprise employees and 189400 people who participated in endowment insurance for urban and rural residents. 443939 people participated in medical insurance, including 65099 people who participated in basic medical insurance for urban employees and 378840 people who participated in basic medical insurance for urban and rural residents. There are 23000 urban unemployment insurance participants. 3865 professional and technical personnel, including 2573 people with intermediate technical titles and above, and 47 agricultural technicians.
In 2022, there will be 7271 urban and rural residents in Jingzhou District with minimum living security, including 1416 urban residents with minimum living security and 5855 rural residents with minimum living security. 951 people were supported in special poverty, 13 orphans were rescued, and 13714 people were granted old-age allowance. By the end of 2022, there are 8 public pension institutions in Jingzhou District, 770 beds in public pension institutions, and 389 adoptions in public pension institutions; There are 6 private pension institutions, 1072 beds in private pension institutions, and 394 adoptions in private pension institutions.
By the end of 2022, there were 1057 divorces and 2755 marriages in Jingzhou District. [30]

Historical culture



Jingzhou District is the center of Daxi Culture and Chu Culture, the first batch of famous historical and cultural cities in China, and the tenth largest ancient capital in China. From Xiong Caidu, King of Chu Wen, to the death of Jingnan, 34 emperors of six dynasties successively established their capitals here, which lasted about 500 years. In addition to building the capital, Jingzhou City (also known as Jiangling City) has always been a prefecture, state, road and government office for generations. In the Western Han Dynasty, it was one of the top ten commercial capitals in China. In the Three Kingdoms period, it was an important place contested by Wei, Shu and Wu. In the Northern and Southern Dynasties, it was as famous as Yangzhou and was the capital of Liang Yuan Emperor; In the Sui Dynasty, Jingzhou was the general administration office; in the Tang Dynasty, it was twice promoted to the southern capital; in the Five Dynasties, it was the capital of the southern Jingzhou; in the Song Dynasty, Jinghu North Road was set here; in the Yuan Dynasty, it was Zhongxing Road; in the Ming Dynasty, it was the Jingzhou government; and in the Qing Dynasty, it was the Jingzhou general's office. During the Republic of China, it was successively the seat of the seventh and fourth administrative supervision district commissioner offices in Hubei Province. Since July 1949, it has been the residence of the former Jingzhou District, Jiangling County Party, government and military organs, Jingzhou Municipal Committee of the Communist Party of China and Jingzhou Municipal Committee of the CPPCC. In 1978, it became a tourist city open to the outside world. In 1982, it was among the first batch of historical and cultural cities announced by the State Council. In 1996, Jingzhou Ancient City Wall was announced as a national key cultural relics protection unit. [5]

cultural relics and historic sites

In Jingzhou District, there are 5 proven sites of Chu City, 73 sites of Chu culture, and more than 800 large ancient tombs; The national key cultural relics protection units in the region include the ancient city of Chu Jinan, the tomb group of Tianxing Temple, the ancient tomb group of Yutai Mountain, the ancient tomb group of Baling Mountain, the city wall of Jingzhou, and the three temples of Jingzhou (Taihui Temple, Kaiyuan Temple, Xuanmiao Temple).
In 1982, Jingzhou Ancient City, also known as Jiangling City, was approved by the State Council as one of the first batch of 24 famous historical and cultural cities in China. It is composed of three major parts, namely, Old Jinan City, Jingzhou Ancient City Wall, and Baling Mountain Ancient Tombs. Since Chu State established its capital here (Ying) in the Spring and Autumn Period and the Warring States Period, and until Nanping (Jingnan) State established its capital Jingzhou City in the Five Dynasties and Ten Kingdoms Period, a total of 36 emperors have successively established their capitals here. In 1998, it was approved by the State Council as a key cultural relics protection unit. The existing Jingzhou city wall maintains the pattern of the Ming and Qing dynasties, with six city gates, including Yinbin Gate (East Gate), Anlan Gate (West Gate), Nanji Gate (South Gate), Yuan'an Gate (Small North Gate), Gong'an Gate (Small East Gate), and Dabei Gate (Gongji Gate). Jingzhou City is 3.75 kilometers long in the east and west, 1.2 kilometers wide in the south and north. The total area of the brick city site is 4.5 square kilometers, and the perimeter of the brick city wall is 11.28 kilometers. The original city wall has 5127 battlements, 4 Tibetan soldier caves, 3 enemy towers (watchtowers), 21 forts, and a moat around it.
Located in the north of the ancient city of Jingzhou, the southern city of Chu Ji gets its name from "the city is in the south of Ji Mountain". It is one of the few complete ancient city sites in China during the Spring and Autumn Period and the Warring States Period. It is the most well preserved and largest ancient city site found in the south of China. The King of Chu of the 20th generation established its capital here for 411 years. On March 4, 2010, the State Administration of Cultural Heritage and the People's Government of Hubei Province signed the Framework Agreement on Jointly Building the Jingzhou Area for the Protection of Great Heritage Sites in Beijing; In November of the same year, the People's Government of Hubei Province decided to set up the Jingzhou Chu Dynasty Nancheng Great Site Protection Area, and requested that it be built into a demonstration area for the protection of the great sites in southern China and a demonstration area for the ecological and cultural tourism circle in western Hubei.
Xiongjiazhong Chu Tomb, a provincial key cultural relics protection unit, is located in the northwest of the site of Jinan City, the former capital of Chu, and at the junction of Jingzhou City, Dangyang City, and Jingmen City. It is 45 kilometers away from the ancient city of Jingzhou. Its scale is larger than the Qin Cemetery at Luojiakeng found in Shaanxi Province. It is the largest and most complete layout of the Warring States Period that has been excavated so far, The super large aristocratic cemetery in the State of Chu, which has the most abundant relics, is also an outstanding representative of the highest level of Chu culture in the Spring and Autumn Period and the Warring States Period. The whole Xiongjia Tomb Cemetery is composed of the main tomb (i.e. Xiongjia Tomb), Yizhong Tomb, burial tomb, chariot pit, sacrificial pit, etc. By 2012, 92 burial tombs (more than 30 have been excavated), more than 1000 fine cultural relics such as jade, crystal and agate have been unearthed, and a large cart and horse pit with a length of 131.4 meters and a width of 12 meters and more than 30 small cart and horse pits arranged in an orderly manner have been excavated. In 2007, when Qiao Yu, a lyricist, inspected the Xiong Family Tomb for the second time, he made a grand statement that "there are terracotta warriors in the north and Xiong Family Tomb in the south".
Jingzhou Museum, located in the Kaiyuan Temple of the ancient city of Jingzhou and covering an area of 50000 square meters, is a local comprehensive museum integrating exhibition, cultural relics protection, field archaeology, cultural relics collection and scientific research. It is famous at home and abroad for its beautiful environment, rich cultural relics, unique cultural relics display and rich achievements in archaeological research. In 1994, the museum was selected by experts from the State Administration of Cultural Heritage and won the reputation of "the first of the top ten museums" at the municipal level. There are more than 130000 cultural relics in the museum, of which 553 are national level cultural relics (sets): there are all kinds of jade ornaments of prehistoric exquisite workmanship, which are unique and can be called the most silk in China during the Warring States Period, there are four generations of King Yue's sword and King Fu Chai's spear of Wu, there are colorful and exquisite lacquerware of the Warring States Period, Qin and Han Dynasties, and there are so far in China, It is also the earliest mathematical monograph in the world, "Suanshu", and Xiao He's "Two Year Laws" and other bamboo slips in the early Han Dynasty. There are the oldest and best preserved male corpses of the Western Han Dynasty. These rare treasures attract many Chinese and foreign tourists every year, so the museum has become the "first window" for tourism in Jingzhou City.
The Guandi Temple, located in the south gate of Jingzhou City, was built in the 29th year of Hongwu in the Ming Dynasty (1396), and rebuilt in the 10th year of Yongzheng in the Qing Dynasty (1732). The next year, the emperor granted the temple of "heaven and earth righteousness", which is a temple dedicated to Guan Yu, the general of Shu. It, together with the Xiezhou Pass Temple in Shanxi, serves as the Yangguan Mausoleum, and Luoyang Pass Mausoleum, is one of the four sacred sites for Guan Gong in China.
The former residence of Zhang Juzheng, located on the west side of the Inner Ring Road in the east corner of Jingzhou City, was formerly called "Zhang Da Scholar's Mansion", changed to "Zhang Wenzhong Ancestral Temple" in the late Ming Dynasty, and called "Zhang Xiang's Old Mansion" in the early Qing Dynasty. It was destroyed during the Republic of China, and was rebuilt from 1989 to 1991. The former residence is a collection of ancient and modern Chinese and foreign famous poetry and calligraphy works, including the handwriting of Sun Yat sen, the revolutionary forerunner, and Mao Zedong, Zhou Enlai, Ye Jianying, the proletarian revolutionaries of the older generation. [28]

Intangible Cultural Heritage Project

By 2022, Jingzhou District has 1 national directory project, 4 provincial directory projects, 4 municipal directory projects and 12 district directory projects. There are 1 national level inheritor of intangible cultural heritage, 6 provincial level inheritors of intangible cultural heritage, and 10 municipal level inheritors of intangible cultural heritage, forming a relatively complete intangible cultural heritage list protection system. Mashan Town (Mashan Folk Song) has been named as the "Hometown of Chinese Folk Culture and Art" for three consecutive times, and "Hometown of Folk Culture and Art in Hubei Province" for five consecutive times. [29]

famous scenery

By the end of 2022, Jingzhou District has 2 star rated hotels, 8 A-level tourist attractions and 15 rural tourist spots.
The ancient city of Jingzhou
The ancient city of Jingzhou
The ancient city of Jingzhou There are 6 original city gates around the wall, namely the East Gate and the Small East Gate (also called Public Security Department ), North Gate, Small North Gate, West Gate, South Gate. Each city gate is equipped with "double insurance", and there are two doors at the front and back, and there are Barbican City , so that“ a sure catch ”And kill the enemies who attack the city. In order to ease the traffic in the city, three new city gates were opened after the founding of the People's Republic of China, namely, the New East Gate, the New South Gate and the New North Gate. None of the newly opened gates has a barbican. The six ancient city gates were originally built with towers, but now only the East Gate and the Great North Gate have towers. Therefore, the best places to visit the ancient city wall are the East Gate and the Great North Gate. The East Gate is also called“ Yin Bin Men ”。 The city tower is the "Binyang Tower", which was built in the Ming Dynasty and was rebuilt in 1988.
As a large military fortification in ancient times, Jingzhou Ancient City Wall, apart from the tall and solid walls and Barbican City In addition to other buildings, there are many supporting military facilities on the city wall. Today, there are four hidden soldier caves, one in the east, one in the west, one in the south, one in the east, one in the west, one in the south, one in the east, one in the east, one in the west, one in the south, one in the east, one in the west, one in the north, one in the west, one in the west, one in the west, one in the north, one in the west, one in the west, one in the. There are also small Tibetan soldier holes on each floor, each hole can accommodate 2 people, and there are perforations in the holes. The wall where the Tibetan Army Cave is located is rectangular and protrudes outward. You can shoot concealed arrows from three sides to surprise the enemy who is attacking the city. Jingzhou Ancient City Wall has a diameter of 3.75 kilometers from east to west, 1.2 kilometers from north to south, and a total area of 4.6 square kilometers. Jingzhou moat, also known as water area, is the first defense line of the ancient city. The moat is 10500 meters long, 30 meters wide and 4 meters deep. The moat connects Taihu Lake in the west, Changhu Lake in the east, and the ancient canal. You can take a boat from the inland river to Wuhan. [6]
Jingzhou Museum
Jingzhou Museum
Jingzhou Museum Its predecessor was the Jingzhou Working Group of Hubei Provincial Museum of Culture and History, which was established in the early 1950s. In October 1958, it was renamed the Jingzhou Regional Museum. In October 1969, it was handed over to Jiangling County for management, known as the Jiangling County Exhibition Hall. In October 1971, it was returned to the Jingzhou Administration Bureau of Culture for management, still known as the Jingzhou Regional Museum. In December 1994, Jingsha was merged and renamed the Jingzhou Museum.
Jingzhou Museum is a local comprehensive museum. It is a national AAAA tourist attraction, covering 48000 square meters. In 1994, it was selected by experts of the State Administration of Cultural Heritage and won the reputation of "the first of the top ten museums" at the municipal level in China. Jingzhou Museum has excavated more than 120000 precious cultural relics in cooperation with various projects. Among them, there are Warring States silk; Fu Chai spear, king of Wu; There are lacquer wares in the Warring States, Qin and Han Dynasties; There are bamboo slips in the early Han Dynasty, such as Suanshu, the earliest mathematical monograph in China and the world, and the Two Year Laws of Xiao He, who made laws in two years; There are the oldest and best preserved male corpses of the Western Han Dynasty. The museum has excavated more than 7000 ancient tombs and nearly 200000 square meters of ancient cultural sites in coordination with various basic construction. [7]
Former Residence of Zhang Juzheng
Former Residence of Zhang Juzheng
Former Residence of Zhang Juzheng It is a national AAA tourist attraction, located in the east corner of Jingzhou City, formerly known as "Zhang Da Scholars' Mansion". In 1572, the sixth year of Longqing in the Ming Dynasty, Zhang Juzheng built it to honor and collect the calligraphy praised by Emperor Wanli. At the end of the Ming Dynasty, it was renamed "Zhang Wenzhong Ancestral Temple", and at the beginning of the Qing Dynasty, it was called "Zhang Juzheng's Old Mansion". After several years of development and abolishment, Jingzhou was severely damaged when it was occupied during the Anti Japanese War. At the beginning of the 1980s, Jingzhou City built Zhang Juzheng Street during the transformation of the old city. In 2008, the former residence of Zhang Juzheng was restored and opened to the outside world.
Zhang Juzheng, a native of Jiangling, Hubei Province, was a famous reformer and politician in ancient China. He served as the head assistant of the cabinet during the Wanli period of the Ming Dynasty. The plaque "Zhang Juzheng's Former Residence" was inscribed by Comrade Li Ruihuan, former member of the Standing Committee of the Political Bureau of the Central Committee and secretary of the Secretariat of the Central Committee. [8]
Guandi Temple in Jingzhou
Guandi Temple in Jingzhou
Guandi Temple in Jingzhou Located in the old south gate of Jingzhou Ancient City, it is a national AAA tourist attraction. It was originally Guji, the residence of Guan Yu who guarded Jingzhou for more than 10 years during the Three Kingdoms Period, and later was guarded by his son Guan Ping's descendants. It is the earliest Guangong Temple in China, and is one of the four sacred places for commemorating Guangong in China, along with the Temple of Guandi in Jiezhou, Shanxi, the Mausoleum of Dangyang, Hubei, and the Guanlin in Luoyang, Henan.
Guandi Temple was built in the 29th year of Hongwu (1396) of the Ming Dynasty, rebuilt in Wanli of the Ming Dynasty, and rebuilt and expanded twice in the 7th year of Shunzhi (1650) and the 10th year of Yongzheng (1732) of the Qing Dynasty. There are two male and female ginkgo trees planted in the Wanli period of the Ming Dynasty (about 600 years ago), Guanyu Qinglong Yanyue Knife, Chitu manger and other rare cultural relics in the temple. Jingzhou Guandi Temple has been listed as the key scenic spot of the National Three Kingdoms Tourist Route. [8-9]
Haizi Lake
Haizi Lake is located in the northern suburb of Jingzhou City, close to National Highway 318 and Yichang Huangshi Expressway, only 7 kilometers away from the railway station. The existing water area is 10300 mu, with beautiful scenery and unique advantages in developing tourism. The construction of Haizi Lake tourist destination has been included in the "Eleventh Five Year Plan" of Jingzhou City, and is also one of the important projects in the "Eleventh Five Year Plan" of Hubei Province. According to the plan, the tourist destination of Haizi Lake is divided into three areas: Chu Culture Theme Park, Tourism and Leisure Supporting Area, and Jingchu Folk Custom Area. The Chu Culture Theme Park covers an area of 1.8 square kilometers, and the area is mainly for reconstruction of the ancient Ji Nancheng The city gates, city walls, palaces, folk houses, handicraft workshops, commercial streets and so on built by the State of Chu strive to reproduce the magnificent capital scene of the State of Chu.

Local specialty

White Gourd and Turtle Skirt Soup
Traditional food of Han nationality in Jingzhou, Hubei. It is a kind of soup made by boiling the skirt of turtle (also called turtle, trout and foot fish) and tender winter melon together. The turtle skirt is soft and tender, the soup is pure, the winter melon is fragrant, and the original soup is original. Slaughter the turtle and wash it, put it in a boiling water pot and scald it for 2 minutes, remove the black skin, remove the shell and viscera, remove the turtle skirt, and chop the turtle into 3 cm square pieces; Peel the wax gourd and cut the flesh into 28 wax gourd balls the size of litchi; Put the frying pan on the high heat, add the cooked lard and heat it to 60% heat. First put the turtle in the pan to lubricate the oil, decant the oil, stir fry it, then add the winter melon balls, add 150ml chicken soup and 5g refined salt, and move the pan to low heat for 15 minutes for standby; Put a turtle skirt on the bottom of the bowl, then put fried turtle meat and eggs on it, add ginger, scallions, refined salt, cooking wine, white vinegar, chicken soup, and steam it until the skirt is soft and sticky, and the meat is crisp and rotten; After getting out of the cage, take out the whole onion and ginger, add MSG, buckle them in the soup pot, and place the winter melon balls. [10]
Flavored Buckwheat Bun
Buckwheat, also known as triangle wheat, black wheat and flower buckwheat, is the most nutritious food among all cereals, rich in starch, protein, amino acids, vitamin P, vitamin B1, B2, rutin, magnesium, total flavonoids, etc. And buckwheat contains essential amino acids for human body. The edible fiber is rich, which is a favorite food for patients with diabetes and stomach diseases, and has the function of cleaning up the waste deposited in the intestinal tract. Jingzhou buckwheat bag is a kind of natural green coarse grain food, which is developed with a unique formula process. The product has the characteristics of delicate taste, fragrance, glutinous, pure, etc. It is convenient to eat, suitable for various restaurants to eat with various dishes, and can also be eaten directly as a snack or staple food. [11]
A thousand pieces of meat
It is made from pork streaky meat. The traditional famous dish in Jingzhou, Hubei, is also one of the "three bowls" on Jingzhou's traditional feast. It is said that there was a prime minister named Duan Wenchang in the Tang Dynasty, who was a famous gourmet far and near. He often tasted all kinds of food and studied Chinese food culture. At the same time, he is also a master cook. The dishes he cooks are simple, ordinary, colorful and delicious. After years of practice, he has compiled several volumes of his own recipes. The famous dish of "thousand pieces of meat" was created by him. [12]
Jingzhou Fishes
Jingzhou boiled fish is a special food in Jingzhou District, Jingzhou City, Hubei Province. Jingzhou boiled fish is mainly made of black fish, which is nutritious and delicious. It is one of the ten famous dishes in Jingzhou. [13]
Striped eel
The practice is particular, especially the fire skill. After the live eels are slaughtered and washed, they are cut into strips, smeared with essence paste and starched, fried in three courses of oil at different temperatures until the skin is crisp, and then hung with sweet and sour yellow juice. The skin eel thus made looks like a wrinkled snake strip, golden yellow and transparent in color, crisp outside, tender inside, and sweet and mellow in taste. [14]

Famous people

During the Spring and Autumn Period in Jingzhou District, there was a King of Chu who was ranked among the five hegemons in the Spring and Autumn Period Bear couple The governor of Chu who was praised by historians as an ancient "honest official" Sun Shuao , the famous actor who created all kinds of dramas in the Chu Palace Youmeng Etc. During the Warring States Period, there were patriotic poets Qu Yuan And also known as the great ci fu writer Song Yu In the Tang Dynasty, five people entered the imperial court as ministers; Tang Taizong Liu Ji Cen text , Tang Gaozong, Wu Zetian Cen Changqian , of the Tang Zhongzong and Ruizong dynasties Cen Xi , of the Muzong Dynasty of the Tang Dynasty Duan Wenchang In the Song Dynasty Tang Jie He is the deputy minister of the Shenzong Dynasty. In the Ming Dynasty, those who successively assisted Muzong and Shenzong and were called "the outstanding prime ministers" Zhang Juzheng Famous figures in modern times mainly include litterateurs Ouyang Mountain Beijing Opera Performing Artist Guan Su frost Dermatology experts Hu Chuankui , Mycologist Dai Fanglan Jurist Zhang Yingnan , literary critics Wang Yuanhua Expert in CPC history Shi Zhongquan Etc. [5]

Honorary title

In March 2019, Jingzhou District was included in the first batch of counties in western Hunan and Hubei for the protection and utilization of revolutionary cultural relics. [15]
In January 2020, Jingzhou District was ranked 99 in the Top 100 Cultural Consumption Counties of China in 2020 [16]
In February 2020, Jingzhou District was selected as one of the top 100 counties and cities for 2020 Chinese snacks. [17]
In June 2020, Jingzhou District was selected into the second batch of "Hubei Food Safety Demonstration Counties". [18]
In September 2021, Jingzhou District was selected as a pilot county for roof distributed photovoltaic development. [21]
On December 9, 2021, Jingzhou District was selected into the third batch of innovative counties in Hubei Province. [22]
On December 22, 2021, Jingzhou District was identified as the sixth batch of demonstration counties (cities and districts) that basically realized the mechanization of the whole process of main crop production. [23]
In February 2022, it was selected into the list of national youth campus football pilot counties (districts) in 2021. [24]