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Zheng Yonghuang

Chief Engineer of Jiuquan Satellite Launch Center
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Zheng Yonghuang, Chief Engineer of Jiuquan Satellite Launch Center, [2] Deputy Chief Designer of Manned Space Launch Site System, [1] Born in August 1969 Dehua County Chishui Town. 1981-1987 Dehua No.1 Middle School Junior high school and senior high school; In 1991, when he went from National University of Defense Technology When graduating from the major of aerospace dynamics in the Department of Automatic Control, I chose Jiuquan Satellite Launch Center Work. In 1993, he was selected to join our country Manned Space Engineering Initial demonstration and construction of. He took advantage of all available time and opportunities to learn and study business, enrich himself, and aim at the topics urgently needed by manned spaceflight to tackle key problems. In recent years, he has won one first prize and several second and third prizes for scientific and technological progress of weapons and equipment of the whole army, and has made many contributions; The "astronaut emergency rescue technology system for the departure section" he developed has reached the world's advanced level, providing a strong guarantee for the safety of astronauts. In the "Shenzhou VI" flight, he was appointed as the escape commander of the waiting section, code named "Avant Garde".
Chinese name
Zheng Yonghuang
date of birth
August 1969
University one is graduated from
National University of Defense Technology
one's native heath
Dehua County Chishui Town



Zheng Yonghuang
Due to strict discipline, Zheng Yonghuang declined the interview. In order to let readers know more about Zheng Yonghuang, the author interviewed his high school classmates and head teacher. Xu Guirong, Zheng Yonghuang's classmate in high school, said that he and Zheng Yonghuang had been classmates in junior high school and high school for six years, and Zheng Yonghuang had always been the monitor, and also served as a part-time student in the school president of student union At that time, Zheng Yonghuang was able to play a leading role in learning and dealing with people. He had a wide range of interests. He participated in the aviation model interest group and showed great interest in exploring the mysteries of space.
and Dehua No.1 Middle School Chen Qipu, the teacher, is the class teacher of Zheng Yonghuang from the first year of the junior high school to the third year of the senior high school. According to him, when Zheng Yonghuang was the monitor, his class was rated as the provincial excellent class, and he himself was also rated as the provincial three good student. Chen Qipu praised Zheng Yonghuang highly, and thought that Zheng Yonghuang was the best student he had met in decades of teaching, the pride of Dehua No. 1 Middle School, and the pride of Dehua.


Representative of the 20th CPC National Congress [3-4]


We will remember our original mission, inherit the aerospace spirit, and strive to build Dongfeng Space City into the most reliable, safest, and warmest space port for Chinese astronauts to enter and leave space. [2]