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Postal Savings Bank of China

Six major banks in China
synonym Postal Savings (Postal savings) generally refers to Postal Savings Bank of China
Postal Savings Bank of China, or Postal Savings Bank for short, is a state-owned bank with its head office located in Xicheng District, Beijing A large commercial bank. [65]
Postal Savings Bank of China can be traced back to the postal savings business opened in 1919. In March 2007, on the basis of reforming the original postal savings management system, China Postal Savings Bank Co., Ltd. was established. In January 2012, the Postal Savings Bank of China was restructured as a joint stock company. The Postal Savings Bank of China was listed on the Hong Kong Stock Exchange in September 2016 and on the Shanghai Stock Exchange in December 2019. [160]
According to the official website of the bank in May 2024, Postal Savings Bank of China has 36 regional branches [15] It has nearly 40000 business outlets and serves more than 650 million individual customers. [159]
On May 26, 2024, the third batch of new generation credit card core system of Postal Savings Bank of China was officially put into production. [183]

essential information

corporate name
Postal Savings Bank of China
Foreign name
Postal Savings Bank of China
Date of establishment
March 2007
Headquarters location
3 Financial St, Xicheng District, Beijing
Business scope
Financial industry, monetary and financial services
Company type
limited company
Annual turnover
334.956 billion yuan [158]
Net profit
85.224 billion yuan [156]
Total assets
14.07 trillion yuan [157]
Type of organization
Large state-owned commercial banks [65]

Head office position

No. 3, Financial Street, Xicheng District, Beijing.
Postal Savings Bank of China Head Office

Profile of Postal Savings

China Postal Savings can be traced back to its establishment in 1919 Postal deposit business It has a history of 100 years. In March 2007, on the basis of reforming the original postal savings management system, China Postal Savings Bank Co., Ltd. was established. In January 2012, Postal Savings Bank of China was restructured as limited company Postal Savings Bank of China was listed on the Hong Kong Stock Exchange in September 2016 and on the Shanghai Stock Exchange in December 2019.
Postal Savings Bank of China has nearly 40000 business outlets, serving more than 650 million individual customers. It is positioned to serve "agriculture, rural areas and farmers", urban and rural residents, and small and medium-sized enterprises. Relying on the unique model of "self operation+agency" and resource endowment, it is committed to providing services to the most dynamic customer groups in China's economic transformation, and accelerating data driven, channel synergy, wholesale and retail linkage Operational efficiency of new retail banking transformation. Postal Savings Bank of China is a leading large retail bank in China with excellent asset quality and significant growth potential.
Postal Savings Bank of China insists on serving the real economy, actively implementing the national strategy and actively fulfilling its social responsibilities. Adhere to customer-centric, build an online and offline interconnected and integrated financial service system, and provide customers with high-quality, convenient and efficient comprehensive financial services. Adhere to risk orientation, uphold prudent and prudent risk appetite, comprehensively improve risk leadership, and continue to improve the construction of a comprehensive risk management system that is "comprehensive, full process, and full staff". Adhere to the business philosophy of "understanding the market, taking the first step", have the courage to innovate and change, deepen capacity building, and achieve self height and quality development.
Since its establishment 16 years ago, the market position and influence of Postal Savings Bank of China have become increasingly prominent. Fitch and Moody's respectively gave the Bank A+and A1 ratings consistent with China's sovereignty, S&P Global gave the Bank A rating, S&P Credit Rating gave the Bank AAAspc rating, and China Integrity International gave the Bank AAA rating. The outlook is stable. In 2022《 banker 》(The Banker) Postal Savings Bank of China in the ranking of "Top 1000 Global Banks" Tier 1 capital Ranked 13th.
In the face of new strategic opportunities for China's development, Postal Savings Bank of China has thoroughly implemented the new development concept, adhered to the theme of high-quality development, adhered to the general tone of work of seeking progress while maintaining stability, comprehensively deepened reform and innovation, accelerated the transformation of development into characteristic, comprehensive, light, digital and intensive development, and firmly fulfilled the economic responsibilities of state-owned banks political responsibility and social responsibility , continue to improve the quality and efficiency of serving the real economy, focus on improving customer service capabilities, and strive to build a first-class large-scale retail bank with customer trust, distinctive features, stability, security, innovation driven, and outstanding value.
Reference source: [154]

corporate governance


Overview of corporate governance

Postal Savings Bank of China regards good corporate governance as the key to the sound operation and sustainable development of commercial banks. Adhering to the governance concept of modern commercial banks, it optimizes and improves the corporate governance structure, improves the corporate governance mechanism, and continuously improves the standardization and effectiveness of corporate governance, so as to further improve the level of corporate governance.
Corporate governance structure
In 2015, Postal Savings Bank of China successfully introduced 10 domestic and foreign strategic investors, optimized the equity structure, and laid a solid foundation for continuous improvement of corporate governance; We have revised and improved the Articles of Association, the rules of procedure of the General Meeting of Shareholders, the rules of procedure of the Board of Directors, formulated the working system of the Secretary of the Board of Directors, the management method of senior management information report, the working rules of independent directors and other systems, and established a set of scientific and complete corporate governance system; In 2016, the Social Responsibility Committee was added, and the composition of the special committees under the Board of Directors was optimized. In 2018, the Social Responsibility Committee was renamed the Social Responsibility and Consumer Protection Committee, and the relevant responsibilities of the Social Responsibility and Consumer Protection Committee on consumer protection were enriched and improved, The special committee of the Board of Directors has further played its role as a consultant and support for the decision-making of the Board of Directors; Carry out performance evaluation of the Board of Directors, senior management and their members; Strengthen the construction of information disclosure mechanism, strengthen comprehensive risk management, strengthen the construction of internal control and compliance management, and promote the standardized operation of corporate governance mechanism.
In September 2016, Postal Savings Bank of China was listed on the Stock Exchange of Hong Kong Limited. In December 2019, Postal Savings Bank of China was listed on the Shanghai Stock Exchange. On the basis of the previous improvement of corporate governance, the composition of the Bank's board of directors, board of supervisors and special committees was further adjusted in accordance with the relevant provisions of the securities regulatory authorities in both places, and the Articles of Association, the rules of procedure of the shareholders' meeting, the rules of procedure of the board of directors The rules of procedure of the board of supervisors and other corporate governance documents further improved the corporate governance structure.
Reference source: [155]

Directors and their positions

Executive Director, President
Liu Jianjun (Acting as Chairman and Chairman of the Strategic Planning Committee of the Board of Directors) [112]
Executive Director, Vice President, Chief Risk Officer
Non executive director
Non executive director
Non executive director
Non executive director
Non executive director
Independent non-executive director
Independent non-executive director
Independent non-executive director
Independent non-executive director
Independent non-executive director
Reference source: [168]

Personnel and positions of the Board of Supervisors

Chief Supervisor, Shareholder Representative Supervisor
Shareholder Representative Supervisor
External supervisor
Bai Jianjun
External supervisor
Employee supervisor
Li Yue
Employee supervisor
Reference source: [169]

Senior management personnel and positions

Executive Director, President
Executive Director, Vice President, Chief Risk Officer
Vice President
Vice President, Secretary of the Board of Directors, Joint Company Secretary
Vice President, Chief Information Officer
Secretary of Discipline Inspection Commission
Wang Fei
Retail Business Director
Reference source: [176]

Corporate culture

On June 19, 2023, Postal Savings Bank of China launched the theme MV of "Green makes life better - embracing change and continuous innovation", which explains the spirit of innovation and forge ahead in the face of the rapidly changing financial market, The MV was sung by four employees of the Postal Savings Bank. They sang innovation with their voices, and delivered vitality with their songs. The Postal Savings Bank let the spark of eternal innovation light up every moment of hope, and green makes life better and forward. [170]
Embrace change and continue to innovate

Local branches

North China: Beijing Branch, Tianjin Branch, Hebei Branch, Shanxi Branch, Inner Mongolia Autonomous Region Branch
Northeast China: Liaoning Province Branch, Jilin Province Branch, Heilongjiang Province Branch
East China: Shanghai Branch, Jiangsu Branch, Zhejiang Branch, Anhui Branch, Fujian Branch, Jiangxi Branch, Shandong Branch
Central China: Henan Branch, Hubei Branch, Hunan Branch
South China: Guangdong Branch, Guangxi Zhuang Autonomous Region Branch, Hainan Branch
Southwest China: Chongqing Branch, Sichuan Branch, Guizhou Branch, Yunnan Branch, Tibet Autonomous Region Branch
Northwest China: Shaanxi Branch, Gansu Branch, Qinghai Branch, Ningxia Hui Autonomous Region Branch, Xinjiang Uygur Autonomous Region Branch
Cities specifically listed in the plan: Dalian Branch, Ningbo Branch, Xiamen Branch, Qingdao Branch, Shenzhen Branch
Source [15]

Strategic positioning


Strategic positioning

Adhere to the positioning of serving "agriculture, rural areas and farmers", urban and rural residents and small and medium-sized enterprises, rely on the unique model of "self operation+agency" and resource endowment, adhere to the retail banking strategy, and promote inclusive finance.

Core competitiveness

Clear retail banking strategy, unique "self operation+agency" operation mode, unique personal finance, breakthrough corporate finance, commercial sustainable inclusive finance, deeply rooted capital and asset management business, accelerated improvement of information technology capabilities, and sound and effective comprehensive risk management.

Major events

In 1919, the Postal Savings Bureau, the predecessor of China's postal savings, was established to start postal savings business.
In 1930, the General Administration of Postal Savings and Remittance was established. At the beginning of the postal savings business, it proposed the business policy of "people dislike small things, but we prefer complicated things; not strive for big profits, but seek stability", which was once known as the "public bank".
In 1949, the People's Post took over the Postal Savings and Remittance Bureau and worked under the unified guidance of the People's Bank of China.
In 1950, the Postal Savings and Remittance Bureau was abolished, and postal savings was changed to agency business, collecting and depositing personal deposits and non business mass organization deposits on behalf of banks.
In 1953, postal savings was suspended, and the post office continued to handle remittance business.
In 1986, postal savings resumed its operation, making use of the advantages of numerous postal outlets to widely collect and store private sporadic funds and gather more funds for national construction.
In 1993, Postal Savings began to build a green card project.
In 2001, postal savings realized nationwide networking.
In 2007, the Postal Savings Bank of China was officially established to serve "agriculture, rural areas and farmers", urban and rural residents and small and medium-sized enterprises. Relying on the agency network of China Post Group Corporation, establish the only "self operation+agency" operation mode in China's banking industry.
In 2012, Postal Savings Bank of China was restructured as a joint stock company.
In 2015, ten domestic and foreign strategic investors were introduced.
In 2016, it was successfully listed on the main board of the Stock Exchange of Hong Kong and officially landed in the international capital market.
In 2019, it was officially listed as a "large state-owned commercial bank" and successfully listed on the Shanghai Stock Exchange.
Recently, Postal Savings Bank of China launched the Anti money Laundering Publicity Month. The activity of this publicity month is themed "Please provide basic identity information in accordance with the law to fulfill the obligation of anti money laundering", to cooperate with the development of customer identity information governance, to publicize customer identity recognition and other anti money laundering related knowledge to the public, to further enhance the public's awareness of anti money laundering, and to help create a good financial market order. [81]
On January 13, 2020, Postal Savings Bank of China and China Construction Bank completed the first cross block chain platform Forfaiting transaction. This is another new breakthrough in blockchain application innovation made by Postal Savings Bank since it realized cross bank transactions of blockchain forfaiting in 2018. [60]
On January 26, 2020, China Post quickly implemented the latest directive spirit of the CPC Central Committee on the prevention and control of pneumonia caused by new coronavirus infection, studied and deployed the prevention and control of the epidemic throughout the system again, and helped to win the battle of epidemic prevention, control and resistance. China Post Group Co., Ltd. and Postal Savings Bank of China decided to donate 50 million yuan to Wuhan to support Wuhan in combating the pneumonia epidemic caused by the new coronavirus. Among them, Postal Group donated 20 million yuan and Postal Savings Bank donated 30 million yuan. [82]
On January 28, 2020, Postal Savings Bank of China held a party committee to study and implement the important speech and instructions of General Secretary Xi Jinping on the prevention and control of the new coronavirus infected pneumonia epidemic, resolutely implement the decisions and deployment of the Party Central Committee and the State Council, fully support the fight against the epidemic, and fully do a good job in the financial service guarantee of epidemic prevention and control. On the basis of relevant deployment arrangements in the early stage, the Postal Savings Bank actively implemented the relevant notice requirements of the CBRC, and further introduced a number of measures to do a good job in financial services for epidemic prevention and control, Measures include: 1. Do a good job in fund payment and settlement services; 2. Do a good job in outlet financial services; 3. Increase online financial services; 4. Strengthen credit support for epidemic prevention and control; 5. Do a good job in financial services for trapped enterprises; 6. Provide diversified financial support; 7. Open green channels for financial services; 8. Implement differentiated credit policies for individuals affected by the epidemic; 9. Strengthen financial services related to epidemic prevention and control in rural areas; 10. Provide Relevant tariff reduction and exemption support 11. Cooperate with the local government to do a good job in epidemic prevention and control. [83]
Since the outbreak of the new coronavirus infected pneumonia, Postal Savings Bank of China has launched a number of measures to do a good job in the financial services for epidemic prevention and control, precisely docking, strengthening the credit support for anti epidemic enterprises, giving play to the advantages of online small and micro loan products, "speeding up" the special credit services, and fighting the "epidemic" for the production of emergency prevention and control materials and other related anti epidemic Enterprise credit will open up a green channel, so that enterprises suffering from temporary difficulties due to the epidemic will not blindly draw loans, cut off loans and squeeze loans, and will resolutely help to win the battle against epidemic prevention and control. [84]
Since the outbreak of the new coronavirus infected pneumonia, Postal Savings Bank of China has actively implemented the responsibility of state-owned banks. While doing well in the prevention and control of the epidemic, it has made every effort to do a good job in the financial services of "agriculture, rural areas and farmers", injecting financial vitality into rural revitalization. Postal Savings Bank has effectively strengthened financial services related to the prevention and control of the epidemic in rural areas, and vigorously guided customers to use online loans to "speed loans" And "E Jiedai", strengthen the agricultural loan, and fully support the production of agricultural and sideline products and the supply of agricultural materials for spring plowing; Give full play to the advantages of network and do a good job in basic financial services for farmers; Optimize business processes, open green approval channels, and help troubled customers overcome difficulties through extension and loan renewal and other support policies; Taking advantage of the characteristics of the outlets close to the countryside and farmers, we strengthened the popularization of science for epidemic prevention and control, and helped grass-roots organizations to publicize policies and prevent and control the epidemic. [85]
In 2020, China News Network, February 11, recently, the Ministry of Science and Technology and Postal Savings Bank of China jointly issued the Notice on Strengthening the Work of Science, Technology and Finance Cooperation to establish a multi-level contact and cooperation mechanism, improve science and technology innovation investment and science and technology finance policies, and further promote the deep integration of science, technology and finance. [58-59]
On February 15, 2020, Postal Savings Bank of China innovated and launched the "home customer service" business, easing the pressure of centralized on-site wiring in remote banking centers during the epidemic, ensuring that customers' financial service consultation can be effectively accepted, and providing strong support for meeting customers' demands for manual answering on the basis of intelligent services and self-service. [57]
The Women's Working Committee of the Labor Union of the Postal Savings Bank was awarded the "March 8th Red Flag Collective" by the central and state organs. [109]
On March 17, 2020, Postal Savings Bank of China Limited announced on the China Bond Information Network that it would complete the issuance of 2020 open-ended capital bonds on March 16, with the issuance scale of 80 billion yuan and the coupon rate of 3.69% at the time of issuance. [102]
On March 22, 2021, Postal Savings Bank of China announced on the China Bond Information Network that the first issue of open-ended capital bonds in 2021 would be completed on March 19. The current issue of bonds would amount to 30 billion yuan, with a coupon rate of 4.42%. [101]
On March 23, 2020, the first day of interest rate option trading in the national inter-bank market, Postal Savings Bank of China successfully concluded a number of transactions, becoming one of the first institutions to participate in transactions. In order to better play the role of inter-bank interest rate derivatives market in supporting the real economy, meet the interest rate risk management needs of market members, and improve the interest rate risk pricing mechanism, The National Interbank Funding Center began trial operation of interest rate option trading and related services on March 23. [61]
On March 25, 2020, Postal Savings Bank of China Limited released the 2019 Social Responsibility (Environment, Society and Governance) Report. This is the first social responsibility report issued by Postal Savings Bank A and H after their listing, which comprehensively demonstrates the practice and effectiveness of social responsibility work of Postal Savings Bank in 2019. [107]
In 2020, it was approved to establish China Post Huiwanjia Bank Co., Ltd., becoming the first institution among large state-owned commercial banks to participate in the pilot of direct selling banks; It was approved to establish a franchise organization of credit card center.
In June 2020, in accordance with the unified deployment of the China Banking and Insurance Regulatory Commission, Postal Savings Bank of China organized and carried out a publicity month for preventing illegal fund-raising throughout the bank. With the theme of "Keep the Money Bag and Protect the Happy Home", this activity popularized the financial knowledge of preventing illegal fund-raising to the public through online and offline publicity, and guided the public to consciously stay away from illegal fund-raising. [86]
On June 1, 2020, Shanghai Stock Exchange and China Securities Index Co., Ltd. announced the adjustment of sample shares of relevant indexes. Postal Savings Bank of China A shares were officially included in the Shanghai Stock Exchange 50 Index, Shanghai Shenzhen 300 Index and China Securities 100 Index, and will take effect on June 15. [56]
On June 4, 2020, Postal Savings Bank of China and Guotai Jun'an Securities Co., Ltd. held a signing ceremony for strategic cooperation in Beijing. The signing of this strategic cooperation agreement aims to consolidate and deepen the all-round strategic partnership between Postal Savings Bank of China and Guotai Jun'an Securities Co., Ltd., help both sides continuously strengthen their financial service capacity for the real economy, and better serve the national strategy, Create a full value chain business model, focus on building a digital financial ecosystem, and provide customers with better products and services. [62]
On August 30, 2020, Postal Savings Bank of China Limited released its semi annual report for 2020. In the first half of 2020, the Postal Savings Bank will resolutely implement the decisions and arrangements of the Party Central Committee and the State Council, strictly implement the requirements of financial supervision, adhere to the general tone of progress while maintaining stability, make overall plans to promote the prevention and control of COVID-19 epidemic and business development, focus on responding to the impact of the epidemic and supporting the real economy, effectively prevent and resolve risks, comprehensively consolidate the management foundation, and make progress while maintaining stability in business development The situation of stability and quality improvement. [87]
On August 31, 2020, Postal Savings Bank of China held the 2020 mid-term performance conference. Zhang Jinliang, Chairman of Postal Savings Bank, Guo Xinshuang, President, Zhang Xuewen, Shao Zhibao, Du Chunye, Vice President, and some directors and supervisors attended the conference. [88]
The results of the 20th National Youth Civilization Collective Selection were announced, 1881 founding collectives were identified as National Youth Civilization, and 6 collectives of Postal Savings Bank of China were listed. [103]
From September 4 to September 9, the 2020 China International Trade in Services Fair was held in Beijing National Convention Center. Postal Savings Bank of China, as one of the representatives of the financial industry, participated in the Fair. It is reported that in this exhibition, the Postal Savings Bank has built a financial service exhibition area from "inclusive finance", "technology empowerment", "100 year Postal Savings" and other aspects with the theme of "getting through the 'last mile' of financial services", and highlighted the use of big data, cloud computing, artificial intelligence The latest achievements, products, solutions and application trend cases of FinTech realized by AR and other cutting-edge technologies. At the same time, the "Postal Savings Life" APP was officially unveiled in this exhibition, becoming a highlight. At the service trade fair, the "Postal Savings Canteen" customer value-added service platform of the Postal Savings Bank was selected as a demonstration case of business innovation by virtue of innovation in ideas, methods and ways. [80]
On October 29, 2020, Postal Savings Bank of China Limited released the third quarter report of 2020. With the improvement of prevention and control of COVID-19 epidemic and the steady recovery of economic operation, the Postal Savings Bank continued to promote transformation and development in the third quarter, and continuously improved the quality and efficiency of serving the real economy. The business performance rebounded significantly, the asset quality continued to be excellent, and the bank wide business development showed a steady and good trend. [89]
The Postal Savings Bank of China recently launched the Postal Savings Bank UnionPay Infinite Credit Card, which has realized the whole process of digital card application and fast card issuance, providing a fast, smooth and safe card use experience for cardholders. [79]
With the construction of "credit village" as the starting point, Postal Savings Bank of China has increased credit support for "agriculture, rural areas and farmers", made every effort to break the financing bottleneck of agriculture, rural areas and farmers, opened the "last mile" of inclusive finance, and contributed to the postal savings force for rural revitalization. [76]
The "2020 China SME Financing Summit Forum" with the theme of "digital empowerment of industry finance cooperation and promoting SME financing" was held in Beijing. Guo Xinshuang, President of Postal Savings Bank of China, was invited to attend and deliver a speech. [90]
On December 11, 2020, the first data modeling contest of Postal Savings Bank of China was successfully held in Hefei, Anhui Province. Guo Xinshuang, President of Postal Savings Bank, Qu Jiawen, Vice President, Liu Min, Chairman of the Labor Union, and Xu Chaohui, Chief Engineer attended and presented the awards. [77]
On December 24, 2020, the 266th regular press conference on banking and insurance was held in Beijing. Guo Xinshuang, President of Postal Savings Bank of China, introduced the practice and next step plan of Postal Savings Bank of China in supporting coordinated development of urban and rural areas and regions with the theme of "giving play to the unique advantages of Postal Savings Bank of China and supporting coordinated development of urban and rural areas and regions". [92]
Recently, the Postal Savings Bank of China printed and distributed the action plan to support the integrated development of the Yangtze River Delta, further implementing the CPC Central Committee the state council Relevant decision-making and deployment, increased financial support, and helped the integrated development of the Yangtze River Delta. [78]
Postal Savings Bank of China was invited to the 6th China Smart City International Expo. With the theme of "People's City - Integration, Growth, Cooperation and Sharing", the Expo demonstrated the integrated application of 5G, AI, blockchain and other technologies in cities, and promoted the interaction and development of cities in informatization, digitalization, intelligence, resources, industries, talents and other aspects. [91]
Ministry of Industry and Information Technology National Development and Reform Commission Ministry of Commerce State Administration CBRC National Energy Administration Six departments jointly announced the list of "National Green Data Centers" in 2020, and Hefei Data Center of Postal Savings Bank of China became one of the 60 national green data centers on the list. [55]
The Postal Savings Bank built the "4321" small and micro financial service model. [54]
2021, according to《 Evaluation method of systemically important banks 》, People's Bank of China Based on the data of 2020, the CBRC assessed Postal Savings Bank of China as a systemically important bank and included it in the second group of banks. [39]
On January 15, 2021, the China Banking Association announced the list of "Good News of China's Banking Industry in 2020" and "Experts with Outstanding Contributions to China's Banking News Publicity in 2020". The series of "We Are Together" anti epidemic reports launched by Postal Savings Bank of China on the official WeChat official account "Postal Savings Bank+" won the "Outstanding Good News" award of the financial institution group of "Good News of China's Banking Industry in 2020", and Lou Feipeng, a researcher of Postal Savings Bank, was selected as the "Expert with Outstanding Contribution to China's Banking Industry News Publicity in 2020". [93]
On February 25, 2021, the National Poverty Alleviation Summary and Commendation Conference was held in the Great Hall of the People in Beijing. The conference commended the advanced individuals and collectives in poverty alleviation throughout the country. 3 people from Postal Savings Bank of China were awarded“ National Advanced Individual in Poverty Alleviation ”Title. [94]
On March 5, 2021, Postal Savings Bank of China held a commendation meeting for outstanding projects and advanced individuals in the 2020 informatization construction to commend outstanding engineering projects and technical and business personnel emerging in the 2020 informatization construction. Zhang Jinliang, Chairman of Postal Savings Bank, attended the meeting and delivered a speech. Zhang Xuewen, Vice President, read out the commendation decision, and Qu Jiawen, Vice President, presided over the meeting. The leaders of the Bank will award trophies and certificates of honor to the outstanding engineering projects and advanced personal representatives who have been commended. [95]
On March 24, 2021, Postal Savings Bank of China successfully underwritten the first carbon neutral ultra short term financing bond in the market - the second green ultra short term financing bond of China Three Gorges Corporation in 2021. The issuance scale of this bond is 4 billion yuan, the term is 270 days, and the coupon rate is 2.75%. [96]
On April 18, 2021, more than 120 people from the head office of Postal Savings Bank of China went to Luxi Park, Fangshan, Beijing to carry out the voluntary tree planting activity of "inheriting red genes and sowing green hope" in 2021. [106]
On April 28, 2021, the Chongqing Summit of the Bank Cooperation and Development Forum of "Postal Union" sponsored by Postal Savings Bank of China and co organized by Guangfa Fund Management Co., Ltd. was successfully held. Xu Xueming, Vice President of Postal Savings Bank, and Wang Fan, General Manager of Guangfa Fund attended the summit and delivered speeches. Nearly 60 banking financial institutions from the southwest and northwest regions attended the summit. The guests had in-depth exchanges around the current macroeconomic situation, the opportunities and challenges faced, and the cooperation model of interbank business, and discussed how to jointly build a high-quality interbank ecosystem under the new development pattern. [75]
On April 29, 2021, Postal Savings Bank of China released the first quarter report of 2021. Data shows that the operating revenue of Postal Savings Bank was 77.33 billion yuan, up 7.15% year on year; The net profit was 21.327 billion yuan, up 6.08% year on year; Total assets amounted to 11.96 trillion yuan, an increase of 5.36% over the end of the previous year, and total liabilities amounted to 11.21 trillion yuan, an increase of 4.97% over the end of the previous year; The income from intermediary business was 6.51 billion yuan, up 51.61% year on year; Continue to improve the level of refined cost management, and the cost income decreased by 0.04 percentage points over the same period last year; The net interest margin and net interest margin reached 2.40% and 2.34% respectively, both of which increased by 2 BP month on month. [97]
May 8, 2021, by Ministry of Industry and Information Technology Renmin University of China The "National Institute of Small and Medium Enterprises of Renmin University of China" jointly established with Postal Savings Bank of China was officially inaugurated. [52]
In June 2021, in accordance with the relevant work deployment of the China Banking Insurance Regulatory Commission and the China Banking Association, Postal Savings Bank of China carried out a publicity month campaign against illegal fund-raising throughout the bank. The theme of this activity is "learning the law, using the law, protecting the family, and preventing and dealing with illegal fund-raising is not up to everyone". The focus of this activity is on popularizing the law, strengthening risk warning, and enhancing the public's awareness and ability to prevent illegal fund-raising. [73]
On June 17, 2021, the industry customer exchange meeting of "Mail You Peer" financial companies sponsored by Postal Savings Bank of China and co organized by China Post Venture Capital Management Co., Ltd. was held in Beijing. Xu Xueming, Vice President of Postal Savings Bank, and Bi Jinsong, Chairman of China Post Fund attended and delivered speeches. 24 finance companies from Beijing attended the exchange meeting. [74]
On June 25, 2021, Postal Savings Bank of China and Sichuan Yibin Wuliangye Group Co., Ltd Sign the strategic cooperation framework agreement. Zhang Xuewen, Vice President of Postal Savings Bank, General Manager of Wuliangye Group Zeng Congqin Attend the signing ceremony. According to the agreement, the two sides will carry out all-round strategic cooperation in basic financial business, industrial chain financing business, brand promotion services, etc., to jointly serve the rural revitalization strategy and boost the development of the real economy. [105]
On July 16, 2021, the launch ceremony of the national carbon emission trading market was held in Beijing Shanghai Hubei It will be held in three places at the same time. Deputy Secretary of the Party Committee and Proposed President of Postal Savings Bank of China Liu Jianjun Attended the launching ceremony at the Shanghai branch venue and delivered a speech at the China Carbon Exchange Market Forum as a representative of financial institutions. Vice President of Postal Savings Bank Xu Xueming Attended the launching ceremony of Hubei branch venue and the first 30.60 International Conference. [72]
On August 5, 2021, Postal Savings Bank of China helped the rural revitalization online special discount product "Xiangnong e-paste" to be officially launched, and it was piloted in four branches in Jiangsu, Fujian, Shandong and Shaanxi. It successfully lent 29.1 million yuan to 10 enterprises, including Fujian Yuancheng Bean Industry and Xi'an Zaihui Commerce and Trade, and invested in agricultural and sideline product processing, grain wholesale and retail, pesticide and fertilizer, etc, It has met the bill financing needs of customers in key industries and fields of rural revitalization. [51]
Postal Savings Bank of China has actively complied with the trend of digital transformation, and since 2021, it has promoted the scenario based and intelligent online bill discount product - "Post e-sticker" nationwide. Relying on this product, the Postal Savings Bank integrated financial resources, reshaped the bill business operation model, realized the online processing of the whole process of bill discount business, effectively improved the intelligent service level of bill business, and provided an important starting point for supporting the development of manufacturing industry, deepening the cultivation of small and micro financial fields, and promoting the construction of agriculture supporting ecology. [69]
On August 19, 2021, Postal Savings Bank of China successfully issued 60 billion yuan of secondary capital bonds in the national inter-bank bond market. Among them, the scale of 5+5 year varieties is 50 billion yuan, and the issuing interest rate is 3.44%; The scale of 10+5 year varieties is 10 billion yuan, and the issuing interest rate is 3.75%. [100]
On September 11, 2021, the 13th China ASEAN Financial Cooperation and Development Leaders Forum with the theme of "promoting the integration of financial services in the new land sea channel" was held in Nanning, Guangxi. Zhang Xuewen, Vice President of Postal Savings Bank of China, attended the forum and delivered a keynote speech. [104]
On September 23, 2021, China National Railway Group Co., Ltd. signed strategic cooperation agreements with nine major cooperative banks, including Postal Savings Bank of China. Liu Jianjun, President of Postal Savings Bank, and Zhang Xuewen, Vice President of Postal Savings Bank attended the signing ceremony. According to the agreement, the two sides reached intentional cooperation opinions on investment and financing, electronic payment, cash management, capital settlement, etc, We will strive to expand the pragmatic and open cooperation model of "railway+finance", constantly improve the ability of railway and finance to provide inclusive services, provide high-quality and efficient financial security for the transportation power railway in advance, and provide transportation support for the implementation of major national strategies. [66]
The first SME Case Contest of the National Institute of Small and Medium Enterprises of Renmin University of China, supported by the research of Postal Savings Bank of China, came to a successful conclusion. The contest lasted for two months and came from Tsinghua University Peking University Renmin University of China Central University of Finance and Economics Beijing Foreign Studies University More than 100 undergraduate, master and doctoral students from more than 10 colleges and universities actively signed up to participate, and the cases of participation covered small and medium-sized enterprises in all walks of life in more than 10 provinces (autonomous regions, municipalities directly under the Central Government). After several rounds of review by relevant experts, 2 first prizes, 6 second prizes, 8 third prizes and 5 excellent prizes were selected. [71]
On October 12, 2021, the Changchun Summit of the Inter industry Cooperation and Development Forum of "Mail Your Peer" sponsored by Postal Savings Bank of China and co organized by Zhongrong Fund Management Co., Ltd. was successfully held. Liu Jianjun, President of Postal Savings Bank, Xu Xueming, Vice President, Han Wenbo, Director, and Wang Yao, Chairman of Zhongrong Fund attended the meeting. With the theme of "Creating a new pattern of interbank cooperation in the era of big asset management", the summit was attended by 40 banking institutions and nearly 20 national securities and insurance companies from North China and Northeast China to jointly discuss the construction of high-quality interbank ecology under the new development pattern. [70]
On October 18, 2021, Postal Savings Bank of China and DBS Bank (Hong Kong) Co., Ltd. respectively completed the filing of the People's Bank of China Guangzhou Branch, Shenzhen Central Sub branch, Hong Kong Monetary Authority and other institutions, becoming pilot participating banks in the "cross-border wealth management link" business. [53]
In November 2021, Postal Savings Bank of China set up the first carbon neutral branch in the bank - Changpo Carbon Neutral Sub branch, Gaozhou City, Guangdong Province. [40]
In 2022, Postal Savings Bank of China signed a strategic cooperation agreement with Torch High tech Industry Development Center of the Ministry of Science and Technology, which will increase financial support for the development of national high-tech zones, high-tech enterprises and high-tech industries, and promote a virtuous cycle of science, technology, industry and finance. Zhang Xuewen, Vice President of Postal Savings Bank, and Jia Jingdun, Director of the Torch Center of the Ministry of Science and Technology attended the signing ceremony. [42]
Postal Savings Bank of China launched an open payment platform in 2019 to provide one-stop services for enterprises and institutions with capital collection and bill management needs, and provide online and offline convenient experience for payment users. Data shows that in 2021, the transaction amount of the open payment platform of the Postal Savings Bank will exceed 100 billion yuan. [43]
Postal Savings Bank of China signed a strategic cooperation agreement with National Equities Exchange and Quotations Co., Ltd. and Beijing Stock Exchange to better support the growth of innovative SMEs such as "specialized, refined and innovative", serve the construction of multi-level capital markets, and help implement the national innovation driven development strategy. [45]
Postal Savings Bank of China "100% successful implementation of the trial operation case of the international remittance business function of the new generation personal business core system". This marks the official launch of the first batch of business functions of the "new generation of personal business core system" built by Postal Savings Bank with the strength of the whole bank, investment of more than 1500 technology and business backbones over the past three years, and the official landing of enterprise level modeling, IT design process and development framework with Postal Savings Bank characteristics. [46]
On January 17, 2022, Postal Savings Bank of China announced on the China Bond Information Network that the first issue of open-ended capital bonds in 2022 would be completed on January 14, with the issuance scale of 30 billion yuan and the coupon rate of 3.46%. [99]
On March 2, 2022, Postal Savings Bank of China, China Post Wealth Management Co., Ltd., Deutsche Exchange Group and its index company Qontigo jointly held the Postal Savings Bank Green Finance Forum and the "STOXX Postal Bank ESG Index" conference in Beijing. At the meeting, the Postal Savings Bank and the German Exchange jointly released the STOXX Postal Savings Bank of China A-share ESG Index, which boosted the high-quality development of China's ESG market. [49]
On March 4, 2022, Postal Savings Bank of China successfully issued 40 billion yuan of secondary capital bonds in the national inter-bank bond market. The issuance scale of 5+5 year bonds is 35 billion yuan, and the issuance interest rate is 3.54%; The issuance scale of 10+5 year varieties is 5 billion yuan, and the issuance interest rate is 3.74%. [98]
Recently, Postal Savings Bank of China held the award ceremony of the second data modeling contest and the first IT skills contest through the combination of online and offline. The competition further stimulated the enthusiasm of technological innovation and new technology application of Postal Savings Bank, promoted the integration and exchange of technology and business, improved the IT technology level and product innovation capability of the whole bank, and promoted data empowerment to a new level. [50]
As of March 23, 2022, the scale of microfinance of Postal Savings Bank of China has exceeded 1 trillion yuan. [67]
Source [22]
On March 25, 2022, it was reported that the Information Disclosure Form of Administrative Penalties of the China Banking and Insurance Regulatory Commission showed that the Postal Savings Bank was fined 3.7 million yuan by the CBRC due to a series of violations of laws and regulations in the data quality and data submission of the regulatory standardized data (EAST) system. [108]
On March 30, 2022, Postal Savings Bank of China released its annual report for 2021. The annual report shows that in 2021, Postal Savings Bank will achieve an operating revenue of 318.762 billion yuan (China Accounting Standards for Business Enterprises), an increase of 11.38% year on year; The net profit was 76.532 billion yuan, up 18.99% year on year; The income from intermediary business was 22.007 billion yuan, up 33.42% year on year. By the end of 2021, the non-performing loan ratio of the Postal Savings Bank was 0.82%, down 0.06 percentage points from the end of the previous year; The provision coverage rate was 418.61%, up 10.55 percentage points from the end of last year. [110]
On March 30, 2022, Postal Savings Bank of China released《 2021 Social Responsibility (Environment, Society and Governance) Report 》。 The report comprehensively demonstrated the vivid practice and achievements of the Postal Savings Bank in 2021, which conscientiously implemented the decisions and deployment of the CPC Central Committee and the State Council, adhered to the positioning of serving "agriculture, rural areas and farmers", urban and rural residents, and small and medium-sized enterprises, and used financial power to help economic, social and environmental sustainable development. [111]
From May 21 to 28, 2022, Postal Savings Bank of China organized the "Financial Science and Technology Week" with the theme of "Walking into Science and Technology, You and Me". [151]
On August 3, 2022, Postal Savings Bank of China announced that our bank will, Suspend the "associated repayment" function of WeChat official account of "Postal Savings Bank Credit Card" And optimize and improve. [118]
In 2022, China (Beijing) Digital Finance Forum will open in Beijing. As one of the sponsors, Postal Savings Bank of China released the "Lize Digital Coin Card" with digital RMB hardware wallet as the carrier on the forum, creating an innovative digital RMB application model of "finance+work+life". [141]
On October 26, 2022, Postal Savings Bank of China Limited (601658. SH, 1658. HK; hereinafter referred to as "Postal Savings Bank") released the third quarter report of 2022. The third quarter report shows that by the end of September, the total assets of the Postal Savings Bank had amounted to 13.52 trillion yuan, an increase of 7.43% over the end of the previous year, of which the total loans to customers exceeded 7 trillion yuan, 7.15 trillion yuan, an increase of 10.81% over the end of the previous year, and 697.770 billion yuan over the end of the previous year, a record high increase over the same period. [120]
On November 18, 2022, the Bank Insurance Regulatory Commission released the list of the first batch of institutions to start personal pension business, and the Postal Savings Bank was selected. [121]
Morgan Stanley Capital International ("MSCI" for short) announced the environmental, social and governance (ESG for short) rating results in 2022. Postal Savings Bank of China was rated A again after being rated A in 2021, which is at the leading level in the industry. [123]
On January 31, 2023, Postal Savings Bank of China officially released the new version of mobile banking 8.0 at the "Postal Savings Bank of China runs out of the digital financial 'acceleration' - Financial Science and Technology Innovation Achievement Conference", committed to building mobile banking into a "one-stop comprehensive service platform" and a "personalized interactive companion platform" to provide customers with new experience of digital smart services. Data shows that by the end of 2022, the number of mobile banking customers of Postal Savings Bank has exceeded 344 million. [124]
On February 16, 2023, Postal Savings Bank of China announced access to Baidu“ A word of Wenxin ”Through the ability of "Postal Savings Brain" to access and apply "Wenxin Yiyan", it will create more rich and personalized intelligent financial products and provide more intelligent and warm inclusive financial services. This is the first time that Baidu "Wenxin Yiyan" has landed in a large state-owned commercial bank. [125]
On February 16, 2023, Postal Savings Bank of China launched the innovative discount product "green G sticker" of "green bills+digital RMB", aiming to further enrich the green financial product system of Postal Savings Bank of China and improve the intelligent service level of bill business of green industry customer groups. On the first day of the product launch, Postal Savings Bank successfully lent money to five green enterprises in Shanghai, Zhejiang and Anhui, among which Shanghai and Zhejiang achieved digital RMB lending for the first time. [135]
On March 8, 2023, on the occasion of the International Women's Day, Postal Savings Bank of China held a press conference in Beijing to release the first female themed credit card of Postal Savings Bank - Fangfei Credit Card. [126]
Postal Savings Bank of China signed the United Nations Sustainable Blue Economy and Finance Initiative, becoming the first large state-owned commercial bank in China to sign the Initiative. [130]
On March 20, 2023, "Postal Love Public Welfare" will celebrate its sixth anniversary. [131]
On March 28, 2023, Postal Savings Bank of China successfully issued and listed 10 billion yuan of non capital financial bonds in the national inter-bank bond market. [147]
In the evaluation activity of "2022 China Digital Finance Gold List Award" held by China Financial Certification Center (CFCA), Postal Savings Bank of China Enterprise Online Banking 3.0 won the "Best Enterprise Online Silver Award" and "Best Digital Inclusion Award for Enterprise Online Banking" in the comprehensive evaluation of service functions, user scale, security control, customer experience, and business innovation dimensions. [148]
On March 30, 2023, Postal Savings Bank of China Limited released its 2022 annual report, which shows that by the end of 2022, the total assets of Postal Savings Bank had exceeded 14 trillion yuan, an increase of 11.75% over the end of the previous year; Total liabilities reached 13.24 trillion yuan, an increase of 12.29% over the end of the previous year; Net profit attributable to bank shareholders was 85.224 billion yuan, up 11.89% year on year; The non-performing loan ratio was 0.84%, the provision coverage rate was 385.51%, and the asset quality and risk compensation ability continued to be excellent. [152]
On March 31, 2023, Postal Savings Bank of China Limited released the 2022 Social Responsibility (Environment, Society and Governance) Report. The Postal Savings Bank clearly stated in the ESG report that it will increase the credit supply in key subjects and fields of rural revitalization. [161]
On June 8, 2023, Postal Savings Bank of China lowered the interest rate of RMB current deposits by 5 basis points to 0.20%, the interest rate of two-year RMB fixed deposits by 10 basis points to 2.05%, and the three-year and five-year listing interest rates by 15 basis points to 2.45% and 2.5% respectively. So far, six major state-owned banks have announced to reduce the listing interest rate of RMB deposits. [165]
On June 12, 2023, Postal Savings Bank of China lowered the interest rate of demand deposits and fixed deposits. After the adjustment, the annualized interest rate of RMB demand deposits of joint-stock banks was 0.2%, which was the same as that of six state-owned banks; For three-month, six-month, one-year, two-year, three-year and five-year fixed deposits, the interest rate of other joint-stock banks is slightly higher than that of the six major banks, except that the interest rate of China Merchants Bank is the same as that of the six major banks. [167]
On September 1, 2023, Postal Savings Bank of China announced that it would adjust the listing interest rate of RMB deposits from September 1, 2023. [177]
Postal Savings Bank of China adjusts the listing interest rate of RMB deposits (September 1, 2023) [177]
In September 2023, it was recognized as a systemically important bank. [178]
On January 15, 2024, the Postal Savings Bank announced that it decided to optimize some corporate business service projects. First, the "corporate product package" service project was added to meet customers' demand for corporate settlement service portfolio; Second, the "inter-bank cash withdrawal" service content of corporate settlement card was added and incorporated into the corporate settlement card ATM service items. [180] On January 24, Postal Savings Bank announced that it had completed the development of Hongmeng native application beta version. [181]
On May 13, 2024, the Postal Savings Bank issued the Announcement on the Change of the Automatic Redeposit Function of Stock Call Deposits, stating that in order to implement the relevant regulatory requirements and further maintain the market competition order, the function of automatic redeposit of stock call deposits was adjusted.
From May 15, 2024, the individual call deposit (including Dreammail Station) products that can be automatically redeposited will no longer be automatically redeposited. The expiration date of the call deposit products is the expiration date of the last redeposit cycle, and the account will not be automatically closed after expiration. [182]
On May 26, 2024, the third batch of new generation credit card core system of Postal Savings Bank of China was officially put into production. The core system of the new generation credit card of Postal Savings Bank was put into production in four batches in accordance with the construction strategy of "step-by-step implementation, small steps and fast walking". [183]
In June 2024, Postal Savings Bank of China participated in the investment and establishment of National Integrated Circuit Industry Investment Fund Phase III Co., Ltd., which was approved by the State Financial Supervision and Administration. The Postal Savings Bank invested 8 billion yuan, with a shareholding ratio of 2.33%. [184]

"Postal Love Public Welfare Platform"

On March 20, 2017, the Postal Savings Bank announced on the occasion of its tenth anniversary that the "Postal Love Public Welfare Platform" was officially launched. This is an important measure to further exert its advantages, integrate internal and external resources and online and offline resources, and systematically and continuously carry out public welfare undertakings.
The vision of "Postlove Public Welfare Platform": adhering to the concept of inclusive finance, gathering social forces, awakening public welfare awareness, delivering humanistic care, promoting the development of China's public welfare undertakings in a normalized, diversified and sustainable way, and striving to become an innovator and practitioner of China's public welfare undertakings.
After the establishment of the "Youai Public Welfare Platform", the first four initiatives were launched: the establishment of the "Youai Public Welfare Fund", the implementation of the "Youai Growth Plan", the establishment of the "Public Welfare Volunteer Association" and the establishment of the "Youai Public Welfare Day".
"Postal Love Public Welfare Fund": In March 2017, Postal Savings Bank and China Foundation for Poverty Alleviation signed the "Postal Love Public Welfare Fund Cooperation Agreement", officially establishing the "Postal Love Public Welfare Fund", and opened the "Postal Love Public Welfare Fund" donation portal in mobile banking, personal online banking, WeChat banking and other online channels as well as Tencent public welfare platform to actively raise funds from employees and the public. The funds raised will be used for projects in the fields of education equity, health, community development, disaster relief, internationalization, public advocacy and other related poverty alleviation.
"Youai Growth Plan": Education poverty alleviation is an important part of targeted poverty alleviation, and senior high school students are also weak links, so at the beginning of the establishment of Youai Public Welfare Fund, priority was given to supporting outstanding senior high school students with poor family conditions. The "You'ai Growth Plan" is mainly aimed at outstanding high school students with poor family conditions. With the help of the "You'ai Public Welfare Fund", it connects nine-year compulsory education through projects such as "You'ai Self improvement Class" to achieve assistance and support for outstanding students with poor family conditions at the core growth stage.
"Postal Love Self improvement Class": relying on the "New Great Wall Self improvement Class" project of the China Foundation for Poverty Alleviation, through the "Postal Love Public Welfare Fund", with the help of the Postal Savings Bank network, implement financial targeted poverty alleviation, and directly subsidize poor high school students from registered card households to help them complete their studies; It will also provide continuous assistance to poor students who have entered the university by means of one-time donation, work study program and employment assistance. Since its establishment four years ago, the "Postal Love Public Welfare Fund" has received more than 32 million yuan in donations. It has opened "Postal Love Self improvement Classes" in 43 high schools in poverty free counties across the country, and granted "Postal Love Scholarships" to outstanding high school graduates who have entered universities, benefiting more than 6200 students.
"Postal Love Volunteer Association": On March 16, 2017, the Postal Savings Bank officially established a volunteer association for public welfare. According to the principle of voluntary participation, the Bank widely recruited employees from all over the bank as volunteers, encouraged employees to actively participate, and started from small things to jointly promote the development of public welfare undertakings.
"Philanthropy Public Welfare Day": The Postal Savings Bank will designate March 20 every year as "Philanthropy Public Welfare Day", on which the whole bank will hold various forms of public welfare activities, advocate public welfare culture in the society, and sing the social public welfare slogan of "benefiting all families and realizing the dream of Philanthropy".
As an active practitioner of inclusive finance, building the "Postal Love Public Welfare Platform" is an important measure for the Postal Savings Bank to respond to the call of the CPC Central Committee and support the fight against poverty from another level while implementing financial poverty alleviation and targeted poverty alleviation. The "Postal Love Public Welfare Platform" has changed the previous public welfare model of simple donation and short-term assistance. It is an active innovation for Postal Savings Bank to fulfill its social responsibilities and support public welfare undertakings, and embodies the social responsibility and corporate responsibility of Postal Savings Bank as a large retail bank.
On March 20, 2020, Postal Savings Bank of China ushered in the third anniversary of the establishment of "Postal Love Public Welfare Platform", and also ushered in another year of "Postal Love Public Welfare Day". On the same day, the Postal Savings Bank, together with the China Foundation for Poverty Alleviation and Tencent Public Welfare, launched a public welfare fund-raising campaign to raise funds for the "Postal Love Public Welfare Fund", and launched a special public welfare fund-raising campaign against the epidemic in Hubei to help poor students in Hubei who face difficulties due to the epidemic. For three years, the Postal Savings Bank has relied on the "Postal Love Public Welfare Platform", Actively participate in public welfare undertakings, and help to win the battle against poverty through education and poverty alleviation. Up to now, the "Postal Love Public Welfare Fund" has raised more than 28 million yuan in total. The "Postal Love Self improvement Class" opened in 33 high schools in 18 provinces across the country has funded more than 2900 poor high school students to realize their dream of becoming talents. [64] [63]
March 20, 2023 is the sixth anniversary of the establishment of the "Postal Love Public Welfare Platform". Over the past six years, "Postal Love Public Welfare" has accompanied students through high school and into a broader world. Up to now, "Youai Public Welfare" has received more than 50 million yuan in donations. It has opened "Youai Self improvement Class" in 44 high schools across the country, providing growth support for more than 8500 high school students. Since the establishment of "Youai Public Welfare Platform", the Postal Savings Bank has been awarded the "2017 Outstanding Public Welfare Medal" by the China Enterprise Public Welfare Development Organization Committee, Xinhuanet The "2020 China Social Responsibility Outstanding Case Award" issued by the China Enterprise Reform and Development Research Association《 Bank of China Insurance News 》The annual top ten social responsibility organizations《 China News Weekly 》The annual awards for responsible enterprises and other awards have highlighted the responsibility and responsibility of state-owned enterprises. [132]
Source [17]

Honors won

In the selection of "2015 Top 1000 Global Banks" by British Banker magazine, Postal Savings Bank ranked 23rd in terms of total assets and 54th in terms of tier one capital.
In 2019, won the Bank Science and Technology Development Award issued by the People's Bank of China
In 2019, it was awarded as the excellent organization unit of financial joint education and publicity activities by the Consumer Protection Bureau of the China Banking and Insurance Regulatory Commission
In 2019, it won the honor of "March 15" Consumer Protection Education Week for Banking and Insurance issued by the Bureau of Consumer Protection of the China Banking and Insurance Regulatory Commission
In 2019, won the Best Inclusive Finance Achievement Award issued by the China Banking Association
In 2019, it won the "three major battles" achievement award issued by the China Banking Association
In 2019, won the Innovation Practice Award issued by China Payment and Clearing Association
In 2019, it won the Convenient Service Award issued by China Payment and Clearing Association
In 2019, it won the Outstanding Institution Award for Savings National Debt (Electronic) issued by the Central Government Securities Depository Trust and Clearing Co., Ltd
In 2019, it was awarded the title of the core dealer in the inter-bank local currency market issued by the National Interbank Funding Center
In 2019, it won the title of Top 100 Hong Kong Stocks Comprehensive Strength issued by the Research Center of Top 100 Hong Kong Stocks
In 2019, the company was awarded the most valuable brand by the organizing committee of China Securities Golden Bauhinia Award
In 2019, it was awarded the Best Retail Bank by Global Finance
In 2019, won the Best Inclusive Financial Practice Award issued by Asian Currency
In 2019, won the Best Listed Company Award issued by China Financing
In 2019, it was awarded as one of the top ten financial institutions for financial innovation to serve the real economy by the Hong Kong Business Daily
In 2019, won the outstanding contribution award of financial technology innovation issued by Financial Electronics
In 2019, won the Top Ten Financial Technology Innovation Award issued by The Banker (China)
In 2019, it was awarded the Best Commercial Bank of the Year by the Financial Times
In 2019, the Bank was awarded the Best Risk Management Bank of the Year by the Financial Times
In 2019, won the "Golden Wealth" Annual Asset Management Excellence Award issued by Shanghai Securities News
In 2019, won the Mobile Banking Tianji Award issued by the Securities Times
In 2019, won the honor of serving the real economy excellence issued by Securities Daily
In 2019, it was awarded the title of the most promising new retail bank of the year by Caijing
In 2019, it was awarded the title of Asia's Outstanding Retail Bank of the Year by 21st Century Media
In 2019, it was awarded the annual outstanding green financial practice bank by the Economic Observer
In 2019, it was awarded the Excellent Case of Chinese Financial Enterprises Performing Social Responsibility by the Daily Economic News
In 2019, it won the China Economic and Social Prosperity Award issued by China Business Daily
In 2019, the Bank was awarded the annual Small and Micro Financial Service Bank by the Huaxia Times
In 2019, won the annual poverty alleviation award issued by People's Daily Online
In 2019, it was awarded the title of Financial Poverty Alleviation Pioneer Institution by
In 2019, it won the annual credit card issued by Pengpai News
In 2019, it was awarded the annual state-owned commercial bank issued by Interface News
In 2019, it won the title of the most socially responsible bank awarded by Oriental Fortune
In 2019, won the Outstanding Smart Outlet Innovation Award issued by the financial sector
In 2019, won the Outstanding Asset Custodian Bank Award issued by the financial sector
On December 18, 2019, the People's Daily ranked No. 75 in the "China Brand Development Index" 100 list. [1]
Postal Savings Bank of China won the "Annual Market Influence Award" and "Market Innovation Award" in the 2021 Inter bank Local Currency Market Award [162]
On January 3, 2020, it was listed among the top 500 listed companies in 2019, ranking 17th. [2]
On January 3, 2020, Standard&Poor's Credit Rating (China) Co., Ltd. (hereinafter referred to as "Standard&Poor's Credit Rating") issued a credit rating report, which rated the main credit rating of Postal Savings Bank of China (hereinafter referred to as "Postal Savings Bank") as the highest "AAAspc", with a stable outlook. [23]
On January 4, 2020, it won the "Green Award for Sustainable Development" of the 2020 "Finance" Evergreen Award. [3]
In January 2020, the list of the world's most valuable 500 brands in 2020 was released, and Postal Savings Bank of China ranked 137th. [4]
In February 2020, the 2020 "Global Top 500 Banks in Brand Value" was released, and Postal Savings Bank of China ranked 18th. [5]
On March 9, 2020, the "2019 Top 100 List of China's Banking Industry" was released, and Postal Savings Bank of China ranked ninth. [6]
On May 13, 2020, Postal Savings Bank of China ranked 30th in the 2020 Forbes Global 2000. [7-8]
On July 2, 2020, it was listed as the 23rd in the general list of the semi annual top 500 Chinese enterprises by market value in 2020. [9]
In July 2020, it won the "Three Difficult Battles" Achievement Award in 2019 China Banking Top 100 Social Responsibility Assessment. [10]
In November 2020, it was rated as the National Advanced Collective of Internal Audit from 2017 to 2019 by the China Association of Internal Audit. [24]
On January 29, 2021, the head office of Postal Savings Bank of China was awarded the title of "Advanced Unit for Central and State Organs to Create Model Organs". [25]
In May 2021, ranked No. 1 in "2021 Forbes Global 2000" 28 bits. [18]
In July 2021, Postal Savings Bank ranked 15th in the list of top 1000 global banks. [26]
In July 2021, the General Branch Committee of Shanghai Qingpu District Branch of Postal Savings Bank of China Co., Ltd. was rated as "Shanghai Advanced Grass roots Party Organization". [68]
In July 2021, Postal Savings Bank of China Limited ranked 38th in the Fortune China 500 list in 2021. [27]
In October 2021, it was assessed as a domestic systemically important bank. [38]
In May 2022, Forbes released the 2022 Top 2000 Global Enterprises, and Postal Savings Bank of China ranked 30th. [114]
Postal Savings Bank won the "Global Green Finance Award - Innovation Award" of the International Financial Forum (IFF) [44]
Six collectives of Postal Savings Bank of China Co., Ltd. were awarded the National Youth Civilization Number. [47]
The China Banking Association recently announced the list of "good news of the banking industry in 2021". The representative works of the "poverty alleviation stamp" series of reports launched by Postal Savings Bank of China on the official WeChat official account "Postal Savings Bank+" won the "good news of the banking industry in 2021" award of "good news of serving agriculture, rural areas and farmers" in the banking financial institution group. [48]
In July 2022, the High Quality Development of the Enabling Business of the Unified Credit Management System Based on Intelligent Risk Control submitted by Postal Savings Bank of China was rated as "Excellent Case" by the Association of Listed Companies of China. [115]
In 2022, it was selected into the list of "Top 1000 Global Banks in 2022" published by the British Banker magazine, ranking 13th. [116]
The results of the 8th China Asset Securitization Forum "Annual Reward Selection" were announced, and Postal Savings Bank of China was awarded the "Annual Innovation Institution Reward" [144]
On September 9, 2022, it was selected into the list of China's systemically important banks in 2022 issued by the People's Bank of China and the CBRC. [119]
In December 2022, the Postal Savings Bank obtained MSCI ESG rating of "A" for two consecutive years. [127]
On October 18, 2022, Moody's announced to maintain the long-term local and foreign currency deposit rating of Postal Savings Bank "A1", with a stable rating outlook. [138]
On November 22, 2022, Fitch announced to maintain the long-term issuer default rating of Postal Savings Bank "A+", with a stable rating outlook. [139]
On December 1, 2022, S&P announced to maintain the long-term issuer credit rating of Postal Savings Bank "A", with a stable rating outlook. [140]
On February 24, 2023, the China Banking Association announced the "Good News of the Banking Industry in 2022" at the "Ten Major Events Conference of the Banking Industry in 2022", and the "Praise Postal Savings Bank" series of reports launched by Postal Savings Bank of China on the official WeChat official account "Postal Savings Bank+" won the "Good News of the Banking Industry in 2022" award of "Good News of Safeguarding People's Livelihood" in the banking financial institution group. [150]
On April 18, 2023, the 2022 "Gold Medal List of Chinese Financial Institutions · Golden Dragon Award" was announced, and Postal Savings Bank of China won the award of "Best Commercial Bank of the Year". [164]
In June 2023, it was selected into the list of Fortune Global 2000 Companies in 2023 released by Forbes, ranking 27th First name. [166]
Source [16]

social activities

  On July 13, 2019, the "Empowering Small and Micro Enterprises to Promote Economic Development" Small and Micro Economic Development Forum jointly sponsored by Postal Savings Bank of China and Renmin University of China was held in Beijing. At present, Postal Savings Bank has constructed the "four three two" characteristic model of small and micro financial services, which enables Postal Savings Bank to do a good job of financial services for small and micro enterprises in a sustainable environment. [143]
On January 26, 2020, China Post quickly implemented the latest directive spirit of the CPC Central Committee on the prevention and control of pneumonia caused by new coronavirus infection, studied and deployed the prevention and control of the epidemic throughout the system again, and helped win the battle of epidemic prevention, control and resistance. China Post Group Co., Ltd. and Postal Savings Bank of China decided to donate 50 million yuan to Wuhan to support Wuhan in combating the pneumonia epidemic caused by the new coronavirus. Among them, Postal Group donated 20 million yuan and Postal Savings Bank donated 30 million yuan. [11]
On March 20, 2020, Postal Savings Bank of China ushered in the third anniversary of the establishment of "Postal Love Public Welfare Platform", and also ushered in another year of "Postal Love Public Welfare Day". On the same day, the Postal Savings Bank, together with the China Foundation for Poverty Alleviation and Tencent Public Welfare, launched a public welfare fund-raising campaign to raise funds for the "Postal Love Public Welfare Fund", and launched a special public welfare fund-raising campaign against the epidemic in Hubei, helping poor students in Hubei who are facing difficulties due to the epidemic to tide over the difficulties. Over the past three years, the Postal Savings Bank, relying on the "Postal Love Public Welfare Platform", has actively engaged in public welfare undertakings and helped to win the battle against poverty through education and poverty alleviation. The "Postal Love Public Welfare Fund" has raised more than 28 million yuan in total. The "Postal Love Self improvement Class" opened in 33 high schools in 18 provinces across the country has funded more than 2900 poor high school students to realize their dreams of becoming talents. [153]
In July 2021, many places in Henan Province suffered from heavy rainfall, which affected the hearts of the people all over the country. Postal Savings Bank of China, on the basis of its own flood control work, fully supports flood control and disaster relief. In order to support the flood control and disaster relief work in Henan, Postal Savings Bank of China decided to donate 20 million yuan to Henan to support local disaster relief and post disaster reconstruction. [21]
The second "Jinhui Cup" photo contest of Postal Savings Bank of China has been successfully concluded. This customer cultural activity received 7338 entries and more than 5.8 million votes. In recent years, the Postal Savings Bank has continuously enriched financial products and non-financial rights and interests to serve middle-aged and elderly customers, and continuously improved the aging level of financial services. In terms of channel construction, the Postal Savings Bank launched its mobile banking online in the "Enjoying Jinhui" zone, and demonstrated financial products and non-financial service content suitable for middle-aged and elderly customers through the "Jinhui has money, Jinhui has happiness, Jinhui has love" section; The big print version of Postal Savings Bank mobile banking not only provides customers with products and services with larger font size, simpler page, simpler process and more convenient operation, but also supports voice search, voice transfer and other functions, which is simple in operation process and is very suitable for middle-aged and elderly customers. In terms of financial products and rights and interests, the Postal Savings Bank launched Jinhui exclusive large deposit receipts for middle-aged and elderly customers (to support customers aged 50 and above or holding the Postal Savings Bank Jinhui card to purchase), and cooperated with the designated stores of some chain supermarkets to carry out debit card consumption reduction activities, actively meeting the needs of middle-aged and elderly customers for supermarket consumption concessions. [146]
June 2022 is the tenth national publicity month for preventing illegal fund-raising. According to the deployment requirements of the China Banking Insurance Regulatory Commission and the China Banking Association, the Postal Savings Bank of China actively organized and carried out the 2022 Anti illegal Fund Raising Publicity Month with the theme of "Keep the Money Bag and Protect the Happy Home" to help create a harmonious and stable financial development environment. [133]
On June 16, 2022, Postal Savings Bank of China, China Post Securities Co., Ltd., and Guangdong Small and Medium sized Enterprise Service Center jointly held the first national "specialized, special and new" enterprise investment and financing special docking activity with the theme of "Guangdong enterprises make a new journey to the future" in Guangzhou. At present, it is with 80 national "small giant" enterprises and provincial "specialized, special and new" enterprises Small and medium-sized enterprises signed a letter of intent for investment and financing cooperation, actively built a bank securities enterprise cooperation platform, and provided long-term financial support for "specialized, special and new" enterprises to return to production, innovate and develop, and enter the capital market for financing. [142]
  On February 8, 2023, the Postal Savings Bank Interbank Cooperation Forum and the "Win Win with You" Interbank Ecological Platform Conference sponsored by Postal Savings Bank of China and co organized by Bosera Fund was successfully held in Shenzhen. The "Win Win with You" Interbank Ecological Platform created by Postal Savings Bank, relying on financial scenarios such as asset allocation, information distribution, investment and research exchanges, and using digital technology to break the time and space constraints, To facilitate the rapid flow of resource elements and create a high-quality peer cooperation environment in the digital economy. [136]
On February 18, 2023, the first annual conference for the protection of China's intangible cultural heritage was opened in Yulin, Shaanxi Province. The annual meeting is guided by the Ministry of Culture and Tourism, hosted by the China Intangible Cultural Heritage Protection Association, and jointly hosted by the Shaanxi Provincial Department of Culture and Tourism, Yulin Municipal Party Committee and Yulin Municipal Government. At the opening ceremony, Chen Ji, Vice President of the China Intangible Cultural Heritage Protection Association, and Liang Shidong, Chief Risk Officer of Postal Savings Bank of China, jointly released the financial support project of the "Ten Million Ten Thousand" plan for intangible cultural heritage. [128]

Related events

On March 20, 2020, Postal Savings Bank of China ushered in the third anniversary of the establishment of "Postal Love Public Welfare Platform", and also ushered in another year of "Postal Love Public Welfare Day". On the same day, the Postal Savings Bank, together with the China Foundation for Poverty Alleviation and Tencent Public Welfare, launched a public welfare fund-raising campaign to raise funds for the "Postal Love Public Welfare Fund", and launched a special public welfare fund-raising campaign against the epidemic in Hubei, helping poor students in Hubei who are facing difficulties due to the epidemic to tide over the difficulties. Over the past three years, the Postal Savings Bank, relying on the "Postal Love Public Welfare Platform", has actively engaged in public welfare undertakings and helped to win the battle against poverty through education and poverty alleviation. The "Postal Love Public Welfare Fund" has raised more than 28 million yuan in total. The "Postal Love Self improvement Class" opened in 33 high schools in 18 provinces across the country has funded more than 2900 poor high school students to realize their dreams of becoming talents. [28]
In December 2020, the Bank of China Insurance Regulatory Commission fined 45.5 million yuan in accordance with the law for a number of violations such as the issuance of principal guaranteed commitments for non principal guaranteed financial products by some branches of Postal Savings Bank, and the issuance of financial investment lists inconsistent with the facts [14]
In December 2020, the Consumer Rights Protection Bureau of the China Banking Insurance Regulatory Commission (CBRC) issued the Circular on Consumer Complaints in the Banking Industry in the Third Quarter of 2020 (No. 13 of 2020) (hereinafter referred to as the Circular). Postal Savings Bank, Industrial and Commercial Bank of China and China Construction Bank ranked among the top three major commercial banks in the world in terms of complaints about financial management business. [12]
The decision on administrative punishment issued by the CBRC on March 18, 2020 shows that the Postal Savings Bank has some behaviors, such as the implementation of the traceability system is not in place, the management of the traceability foundation is not in place, the traceable video data is not transmitted or missing, and the unqualified quality inspection business accounts for a relatively high proportion. For this, the CBRC decided to impose a fine of 500000 yuan on the head office of the Postal Savings Bank. [13]
On March 20, 2021, on the annual "Postal Love Public Welfare Day", Postal Savings Bank of China launched the "Looking Back a Century, Forging Ahead" 3.20 Postal Love Public Welfare Walk Activity in Baise, Guangxi. With the lighting of the torch, a walking team composed of employees of the Postal Savings Bank shouted loud slogans, waved the flag of the Postal Savings Bank Public Welfare Volunteers Association, and launched a walking activity in the Baise Uprising Memorial Hall Square to promote "public welfare of postal love" to the society and deliver the spirit of public welfare. Now, after four years of accumulation, the "Postal Love Public Welfare Platform" has yielded fruitful results, and the concept of "Postal Love Public Welfare" has become increasingly popular. According to statistics, over the past four years, the "Postal Love Public Welfare Fund" has raised more than 32 million yuan in total, opened "Postal Love Self improvement Classes" in senior high schools in 43 counties across the country, and granted "Postal Love Scholarships" to outstanding senior high school graduates admitted to universities, benefiting more than 6200 students. [30]
On April 18, 2021, more than 120 people from the head office of Postal Savings Bank of China went to Luxi Garden, Fangshan, Beijing to carry out the voluntary tree planting activity of "inheriting red genes and sowing green hope" in 2021. Since 2019, the Postal Savings Bank has actively participated in the voluntary tree planting activity of "planting a tree by hand and greening the sky" of China Post Group Co., Ltd. for three consecutive years, calling on all employees to actively participate in green economy and ecological environment protection to help the country's green development. By the end of 2020, the Bank had carried out 583 offline tree planting activities, built 149 tree planting bases, participated in 10500 voluntary tree planting, and planted more than 146000 trees. [29]
On June 22, 2021, under the leadership of the lobby manager Liu Chang, the staff of Xiangshan Sub branch of Postal Savings Bank collectively practiced the "six steps of sign language" created by themselves. [19]
On July 5, 2021, according to the Information Disclosure Form of Administrative Penalties of the China Banking and Insurance Regulatory Commission, Postal Savings Bank of China Co., Ltd. has the following major violations: 1. Illegal collection of annual fees and small account management fees from some customers; 2、 Handling SMS charging business in violation of regulations without the consent of customers; 3、 There are defects and deficiencies in the development, commissioning, maintenance, post evaluation and other aspects of information system related functions; 4、 The materials submitted to the regulatory authority are not true; 5、 Failing to submit materials within the time limit required by the supervision; 6、 Failing to provide relevant vouchers for keeping business according to regulatory requirements. The CBRC decided to confiscate the illegal income of 11401116 million yuan, impose a fine of 437677425 million yuan, and confiscate a total of 449078541 million yuan. [20]
On the evening of July 20, 2021, in the heavy rain, the head of Zhongyi West Road Sub branch of the Postal Savings Bank in Zhengzhou City, Henan Province and several staff members provided hot water, towels and other items for dozens of people who had just been evacuated and urgently coordinated with the property company to transfer some of the staff to nearby hotels. With the help of the staff of the Postal Savings Bank, everyone ate hot meals and slowly recovered their physical strength. [31]
On the morning of July 21, 2021, the staff of Jinshui East Road Sub branch of the Postal Savings Bank in Zhengzhou City, Henan Province invited the stranded passengers to enter the outlet to rest and provide tea. They saw a pair of twins who had just reached the full moon wrapped in a thin blanket and were crying all the time. The staff quickly found several quilts, paved them layer by layer, and set up a temporary "crib" for the twins, At the same time, we kindly sent umbrellas to the passengers who were in a hurry. [31]
On July 28, 2021, Postal Savings Bank of China successfully underwritten the third debt financing plan of Shanxi International Power Group Co., Ltd. in 2021 at Beijing Financial Assets Exchange, with a scale of 500 million yuan and a term of 1+1+1 years. This product is the first sustainable development linked debt financing plan in China. The successful implementation of this business is an active attempt by the Postal Savings Bank to actively explore transformation finance and vigorously support green low-carbon transformation development. [32]
On July 30, 2021, the new generation distributed core system operation and maintenance platform of Postal Savings Bank of China was successfully put into production and launched online, which is another important phased achievement after the launch of the new generation distributed core system technology platform of Postal Savings Bank, marking a new chapter in intelligent operation and maintenance of Postal Savings Bank. [33]
On August 5, 2021, Postal Savings Bank of China helped the rural revitalization online special discount product "Xiangnong e-paste" to be officially launched, and it was piloted in four branches in Jiangsu, Fujian, Shandong and Shaanxi. It successfully lent 29.1 million yuan to 10 enterprises, including Fujian Yuancheng Bean Industry and Xi'an Zaihui Commerce and Trade, and invested in agricultural and sideline product processing, grain wholesale and retail, pesticide and fertilizer, etc, It has met the bill financing needs of customers in key industries and fields of rural revitalization. [34]
On August 27, 2021, Postal Savings Bank of China issued the Outline of the 14th Five Year Plan of Postal Savings Bank of China. The planning outline clearly states that the strategic goal of Postal Savings Bank during the "14th Five Year Plan" period is to enable high-quality development with financial technology, accelerate the transformation of business model, build an intelligent risk control system, enhance the ability to create value, and build a leading digital ecological bank serving rural revitalization and new urbanization. [35]
On the afternoon of September 10, 2021, the Postal Savings Bank, together with the People's Bank of China, the Insurance Regulatory Commission of the Bank of China, the China Securities Regulatory Commission, the State Administration of Foreign Exchange, the People's Government of Guangdong Province, the Government of Hong Kong Special Administrative Region and the Government of Macao Special Administrative Region, jointly held the launching ceremony of the pilot business of "cross-border wealth management" through video link, At the same time, the three regions of Guangdong, Hong Kong and Macao issued the Implementation Rules for the Pilot Business of "Cross border Financial Connect" in the Greater Bay Area of Guangdong, Hong Kong and Macao. The Postal Savings Bank is actively preparing for the "cross-border wealth management link" business, committed to providing investors with more abundant investment products and serving the construction of the Guangdong Hong Kong Macao Greater Bay Area. [36]
On September 23, 2021, the Postal Savings Bank signed a strategic cooperation agreement with China Railway Group. The two sides reached an intentional cooperation agreement in investment and financing, electronic payment, cash management, capital settlement and other aspects. They focused on expanding the pragmatic and open "railway+finance" cooperation model, constantly improving the ability of railway and financial inclusive services, and providing high-quality and efficient financial security for the transportation power railway in advance, Provide transportation support for the implementation of major national strategies. [37]
Picture information
On January 25, 2022, according to the news of Postal Savings Bank of China, it is planned to add the preferential policy of the fat tiger card of Postal Savings Bank of China, and adjust the name and content of the special card types and preferential policies of the farmer's harvest card and the service card of retired soldiers. [41]
In May 2022, the new generation personal business core system of Postal Savings Bank of China will be put into full operation go online. [113]
On July 14, 2022, the Postal Savings Bank announced that it would pay close attention to the suspension and delay of construction in some areas and the failure to deliver buildings on time, and carry out in-depth investigation. The initially identified shutdown projects involved a housing loan overdue amount of 127 million yuan, with small scale and proportion, and controllable risks. [117]
The Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Affairs announced the eight innovative models and ten typical cases of financial support for agriculture in 2021. The "agricultural industry chain finance" model of Postal Savings Bank of China was selected as one of the eight innovative models of financial support for agriculture. By the end of August 2022, the "agricultural industry chain finance" model of Postal Savings Bank had been applied in 30 provinces (districts and cities). Branches have successively launched "aquatic feed loan" and "grain purchase loan" "Beef cattle breeding loan" and other nearly one hundred characteristic industrial loan financial service schemes, serving tens of thousands of agricultural operation entities, and financing nearly 10 billion yuan. [145]
On January 4, 2023, the Postal Savings Bank held the first version of the data assets white paper conference and the third data modeling contest award ceremony in Beijing, released the bank's first white paper with data assets as the theme - the Postal Savings Bank of China Data Assets White Paper (2022), and awarded four first prizes, eight second prizes There were 14 third prizes, 40 application scenario business value creation prizes, 10 best demeanor prizes, and 10 best organization prizes. [163]
Postal Savings Bank of China, as the sole leader and sustainable development coordinator of the syndicate, took the lead in issuing sustainable development linked syndicated loans in the market. [134]
On February 16, 2023, Postal Savings Bank of China announced the access to Baidu's "Wenxin Yiyan". Through the "Postal Savings Brain" access and application of the "Wenxin Yiyan" capability, it will create more rich and personalized intelligent financial products and provide more intelligent and warm inclusive financial services. This is the first time that Baidu "Wenxin Yiyan" has landed in a large state-owned commercial bank. [122]
On February 20, 2023, the China Association for Science and Technology announced the official launch of the "Science and Technology Innovation China" financial partnership program at the 2023 "Science and Technology Innovation China" annual conference. The financial partners such as Postal Savings Bank of China will rely on the "Science and Technology Innovation China" platform to provide exclusive financial products and comprehensive financial services for science and technology innovation enterprises, and boost the high-quality development of pilot cities (parks). [129]
  On January 4, 2023, the Postal Savings Bank held the first version of the data assets white paper conference and the third data modeling contest award ceremony in Beijing, released the bank's first white paper with data assets as the theme - the Postal Savings Bank of China Data Assets White Paper (2022), and awarded four first prizes, eight second prizes There were 14 third prizes, 40 application scenario business value creation prizes, 10 best demeanor prizes, and 10 best organization prizes. [137]
On March 29, 2023, Postal Savings Bank of China announced that it had completed the non-public issuance of A shares. The non-public issuance raised about 45 billion yuan, which was fully subscribed by China Mobile Communications Group Co., Ltd. in cash. [149]
On July 7, 2023, the People's Bank of China announced the administrative punishment on the Postal Savings Bank for the problems found in previous law enforcement inspections. The Postal Savings Bank was fined 31.86 million yuan for 10 types of illegal acts, including: violation of anti counterfeit currency business management regulations; Occupying financial deposits or funds; Violation of regulations on the establishment and use of treasury accounts; Violation of credit information collection, provision, inquiry and relevant management regulations; Failing to perform the obligation of customer identification as required; Failing to keep customer identity information and transaction records as required; Failing to submit large sum transaction report or suspicious transaction report as required; Dealing with unidentified customers. [171]
On May 11, 2023, Postal Savings Bank of China successfully issued the second tier capital bonds in 2023 in the national inter-bank bond market. This bond is a 10+5 year bond with an issue scale of 20 billion yuan and an issue interest rate of 3.39%. [172]
On June 28, 2023, Postal Savings Bank of China and China UnionPay jointly held a press conference in Beijing to launch the new Postal Savings Credit Card APP 5.0 (cloud flash payment version), create a new consumer experience for customers and stimulate new vitality of the consumer market. [173]
The first batch of 25 green branch demonstration outlets of Postal Savings Bank of China were listed, which indicates that the Postal Savings Bank has made preliminary achievements in promoting the construction of green branches. [174]
From June 20 to 21, 2023, the Postal Savings Bank of China will hold the 2023 Capital Market Opening Day in Anhui with the theme of "Deepening the Blue Ocean of Agriculture, Rural Areas and Farmers Finance and Creating a Differentiated Growth Pole". come from China Mobile Chinese ships Shanggang Group American Capital Group , BlackRock, Fidelity International e fund management Fuguo Fund, PICC Asset, Taikang Asset Freshwater spring More than 50 well-known domestic and foreign institutional investors, including S&P, Moody's, Morgan Stanley, JPMorgan Chase, CICC, CITIC Securities and other institutions, more than 30 domestic and foreign analysts, as well as representatives from China Securities SME Service Center and China Association of Listed Companies attended the event. [175]

Current interest rate

In the early morning of December 23, 2023, Postal Savings Bank of China announced that it would adjust the listing interest of RMB deposits from December 23, 2023 Rate. [179]
Listing interest rate of deposit