
[yí zhǐ]
Archaeological concepts
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Sites, from the perspective of history, aesthetics ethnology Or anthropology Outstanding universal value And archaeological sites. Site refers to human activity Remains of archaeology Concept, field. The site is characterized by incomplete remains with a certain regional scope. Many prehistoric sites and ancient sites are buried deep below the surface. Such as Wuyang, Henan Jiahu Site (8000 years ago), Mianchi, Henan Yangshao (7000 years ago) Baoji Beishouling Site (7100_+140 years ago), Xi'an Banpo Site (6000 years ago), known as the earliest China Luoyang Yanshi Erlitou Site , beacon tower, etc.
On December 1, 2017《 Standard of English translation and writing in public service field 》Officially implemented, the standard English name of the site is Ruins. [1]
Chinese name
Foreign name
Ruins [1]
Relics of human activities
Archaeological history of cultural relics

brief introduction

Site refers to the remains of human activities, belonging to the archaeological concept, which includes not only the building groups built by human for different purposes, but also human natural environment Some places left by utilization and processing. The site is characterized by incomplete remains with a certain regional scope. Many prehistoric sites and ancient sites are buried deep below the surface.
The discovery of buried sites is mostly related to human activities, such as: agricultural production Construction site Construction, etc; Many ancient sites belong to exploration discoveries. Ancient cities Ancient architecture Most of the sites are broken walls, and various articles of daily use are broken and incomplete, but we can find human beings through archaeological and anthropological research Life trajectory Many sites belong to the remains after wars and disasters. The site is a cultural relic. Therefore, much attention has been paid to the protection of cultural relics and archaeological research.
The remains of human life in prehistory are called "prehistoric sites";
human civilization Later, the remains with a long history are called "ancient sites";
Most of the relics of a short history are of special cultural significance Memorial
The site is a cultural relic.
Used to name the entire Prehistoric culture The site of Naming Site


Headword : Site Pinyin :yízhǐ

Basic explanation

Castle, village or temple left by the ancients Building base
English: runs; relics


It is also called "Yi". It refers to the place where the buildings that have been destroyed for a long time are located.
Wang Jia of the Jin Dynasty, "Records of the Relics of the Former Han Dynasty": "There are no ruins on this platform, and the ditch is flat."
Tang Dynasty Liu Yuxi Preface to Ode to Shanyang City:“ Shanyang Ancient City There are several pheasants in the ruins, and the fortune of four hundred people will end up here. "
Song Mei Yaochen《 He and Liu Yuan's father lay down people to enjoy suburban poetry 》: "The old pool is deteriorating, and the ruins are uneven."
clear Chen Kangqi Lang Qian's Notes 》Volume III: "Jingshi Guang'anmen Neici Benevolence Temple, ancient Shuangsong Temple I will leave you with a message. "
Liu Qing history of an undertaking 》Part I, Chapter II: "Beside a stream in Beimoshicha, there is the site of a thatched shed."

give an example

Banpo Site is located in Shaanxi province Xi'an East Suburb Baqiao District On the east bank of Xihe River Yellow River Basin A typical Primitive society Matriarchal clan commune Village site, belonging to Neolithic Age Yangshao culture, about 6000 years ago.
Discovered in 1952, excavated from 1954 to 1957, covering an area of about 50000 square meters, 45 houses, more than 200 pits, and 6 Pottery kiln Site, 250 tombs, unearthed tool of production And about 10000 articles for daily use, as well as millet Rapeseed remains. Among them, the houses have round, square, semi cave and ground Timbering Construction. Banpo Site is a Neolithic village site that was first exposed on a large scale in China. It was built as a museum in 1957.
The giant silicified wood in Changshanling is buried in the sandstone at the bottom of the Lower Shaximiao Formation in the Middle Jurassic, 160 million years ago. Its origin is adjacent to the Dashanpu dinosaur fossil group, belonging to the same geological structural unit. It has important scientific value for the study of the paleogeography, paleoclimate and crustal changes in Zigong area in the Middle Jurassic period. [3]


(by year)
Human beings originated at the end of the Tertiary in the geological age Paleolithic Age It is equivalent to the Pleistocene period. There are more than 200 known places of origin and paleolithic sites of human fossils in China, except Xinjiang Hainan Outside the two provinces (autonomous regions), there are discoveries all over the country, especially the late Paleolithic remains are widely distributed. There are three main types of stratigraphic accumulation in these locations:
① River lake facies accumulation. Yuanmou Ape Man Site Is a typical site, and the sediment Silty sand Loam And clay, ape man fossils and stone tools from Sedimentary layer The lower part of the. Ding Village Site and Shuidonggou Site Human fossils and stone tools were found in the gravel layer at the bottom of loess.
② Soil accumulation. In the north, human fossils and stone tools were found in the red soil layer under the loess layer, Site where Lantian Man Gongzhuling and Chenjiawo Village are the same. In the south Laterite layer Stone tools or fossils are found in.
Cave deposit Most Representativeness Of Zhoukoudian Ancient Site The first place (the origin of Peking Man) is a huge cave about 140 meters long and 20 meters wide, Breccia The accumulation thickness is more than 30 meters. Jinniushan Site Hexian Ape Man Site Chuandong Site And other places are also typical cave deposits. In addition, Dayao Site Is widely distributed on hillsides Gully Stone tools workshop of, Site of Lamarckian Fossils Is found in the Tertiary lignite ape fossil [1]
Neolithic Age Settlement site
neolithic sites Including residence and burial place. Vast plain area Ancient ruins , often located at the turning of a river or the intersection of two rivers. northwest The Loess Plateau Because of River bed scouring The relationship of subsidence is mostly on the secondary platform higher from the current riverbed and villages. Yangtze and Huai rivers etc. river network The ancient ruins in the zone are often found in the high terrain Mound (stack). The ancient ruins near the seashore and the banks of rivers and lakes Accumulation Contains a large number of shellfish Shells, known in archaeology as“ Baiqiu ”Site.
At present, there are about 10000 Neolithic sites known in China, of which nearly 1000 have been excavated. The representative Neolithic sites can be roughly divided into two categories:
① Neolithic major Archaeological culture Where they were found. For example: Hebei Wu'an Of Cishan Site by Cishan Culture Discovered in Henan Mianchi Of Yangshao by Yangshao Culture Discovered in Xi'an Banpo Site It is the discovery site of Banpo type of Yangshao culture, Gansu Lintao Of Majiayao Site by majiayao culture And the discovery place of Majiayao type, Minhe, Qinghai Machangyuan Site It is the discovery place of Majiayao culture horse factory type, Shandong Tai'an Of Dawenkou Site by dawenkou culture Discovered in Shandong Zhangqiu Of Chengziya Site by Longshan Culture The place of discovery, Xiangfen, Shanxi Of Taosi Site by Central Plains Longshan Culture Tao Temple Type discovery place, Hubei Jingshan Of Qujialing Site by qujialing culture Location of discovery.
② A well preserved residence or burial place. neolithic sites The area is often large, covering tens of thousands, hundreds of thousands or even millions of square meters. Banpo Site and Lintong Jiangzhai Site , both by Residential area , pottery workshop area and tomb area. The houses in the residential area are arranged around the central square, and there are manually excavated trenches around. Gansu Dadiwan Site, Qin'an As many as 240 houses were excavated Yangshao In the early and middle stages of Yangshao culture and Yangshao culture, semi underground buildings were built, while in the late stage of Yangshao culture, ground buildings were built. Yuyao, Zhejiang Hemudu site adapt south of the lower reaches of the Yangtze River Of geographical conditions , mainly wood structure Dry railing building Liaoning Lingyuan Niuheliang Site The central area of Cumulate Group, with a distribution area of more than 2 million square meters. Henan Huaiyang Pingliangtai Ancient City Site And others Longshan Culture The late city site is the earliest urban relic in China.
Xia Shang Zhou Capital location
Xia Shang He Western Zhou Dynasty The ruling centers of the dynasty are Yellow River Middle reaches. Yanshi Ruins of Shixianggou Shopping Mall and Zhengzhou Site of Shang Dynasty , both belong to the early Shang Dynasty, and the city walls with a length of more than 1000 meters and a width of more than 1000 meters were found Group Of Palace site And other important relics. Anyang in the Late Shang Dynasty Yin ruins , including Palace Zongmiao District, Wang Ling District handicraft industry Workshop area, civilian residence and burial area, with a total area of about 30 square kilometre Huangpi, Hubei Panlong City Site , Sanxingdui Ruins in Guanghan, Sichuan and other Shang Dynasty sites feudal princes who pay allegiance to a common sovereign Remains with existing cultural features Central Plains Culture It also has obvious local characteristics. Western Zhou zhouyuan site and Fenghao Site They have excavated large building sites, many tombs, and bronze cellars. It should be at the beginning of the week Yan State Where the capital is located Beijing Liulihe Site , including small city sites and Aristocratic cemetery Some large tombs unearthed bronze objects with inscriptions recording the early historical facts of the State of Yan.
Site of Capital Cities of Eastern Zhou Dynasty
Almost all are built near the big river Alluvial plain First, the preservation is generally good: the ancient city of Qi in Linzi, the ancient city of Lu in Qufu, the site of Houma Jin State Yuwangcheng Site (Early Wei Dynasty) The Old City of Zheng and Han Site The Old City of Zhaohandan Yanxiadu Site Qin Yongcheng Site Ancient City of Chu Jinan as well as Zhongshan Ancient City Site Xuecheng Site Etc. The average week is more than 10 kilometers, including Ramming The city wall is double, and the plane is irregular. The palace is concentrated in a certain area, and a palace city is built. The layout can be divided into two types:
① The palace area is surrounded by Guo City, for example Qufu Xue Cheng , Yuwang City, etc;
② Most of the palace areas in the city are located in one corner or one side of the city, and there are various handicraft workshop sites in or around the city.
Qin and Han Dynasties And later urban sites
The most concentrated capitals in the Qin and Han Dynasties and later periods: Qin Xianyang City Site Han Chang'an City Site The old city of Luoyang in the Han and Wei Dynasties (Eastern Han Dynasty the Wei state of the Three-Kingdoms Period Western Jin Dynasty Northern Wei Dynasty) Yecheng Site (Cao Wei the Sixteen Kingdoms Eastern Wei Dynasty Beiqi ), Ruins of Chang'an City in Sui Daxing Tang Dynasty Ruins of Luoyang City in Sui and Tang Dynasties Site of Tokyo City in Northern Song Dynasty site of the Upper Capital of Liao Dynasty Liaozhongjing Site Ruins of Huining Mansion in Beijing of Jin Dynasty Jinzhongdu Site Site of Xanadu Dadu Site of the Yuan Dynasty Etc. According to the survey, the gate position, main road, palace area neighborhood And other important sites. Han Dynasty Chang'an and Luoyang, the palace city accounts for about one-third or one-half of the whole city, and basically belongs to the exclusive city of emperors and nobles.
About from the Cao Wei Dynasty Yecheng At the beginning, the layout of the capital city changed significantly. The eastern and western capitals of the Tang Dynasty, with the palace city and imperial city accounting for about one tenth of the whole city, have become the political, economic and cultural center of the country. The capital city evolved from the palace city and the outer city into the palace city, the imperial city and the outer city. The palace city has evolved from many places and distributed in the south of the city to the north and middle of the city, with the south gate as the main gate and the street in front of the gate as the whole city Central axis residence community And the business district is located in the south of the city instead of the north of the city, and the zoning and arrangement are also from irregular to regular. Many important sites in and around the capital cities of past dynasties have been excavated on a large scale, such as Qin Dynasty Xianyang Palace ruins, Chang'an, Han Dynasty Weiyang Palace Site , arsenal site and Wangmang Nine Temples Ruins, Luoyang Lingtai Site of the Eastern Han Dynasty Northern Wei Dynasty Yongning Temple Site , Tang Chang'an's Daming Palace Site Site of Xingqing Palace Qinglong Temple Site And Xishi Ruins.
Qin and Han Dynasties And later places cities and towns The sites spread all over the country, especially the cities in remote areas, the Great Wall and the beacon towers along it, which played an important role in historical and archaeological research Xihaijun Ancient City Site Ruins of the Old City of Loulan as well as Juyan Site Yumen Pass and Great Wall Beacon Ruins In the Tang Dynasty, as in the northwest Beiting Ancient City Site Gaochang Old City and The Old City of Ya'er Lake , Southwest Taihe City Site Nanzhao Site of Longquan Mansion, Shangjing, Bohai Sea also Northeast China After the Han Dynasty Goguryeo Wangdu in early stage Marudu Mountain City , Jin Dynasty Puhe Road Ancient City Site Etc. They are either important towns in the border areas or capitals of other countries, and they are establishing a unified Multi-ethnic country It has played an important role in the process of development and played an important role in history. Tibet Ali region Of Site of Guge Kingdom The number of remains of the existing buildings and the preservation of all kinds of relics are rare among known ancient sites.
Ancient handicraft sites
Almost all of the ancient city sites in the early s have found handicraft sites such as pottery, copper, iron, and money making, but the large handicraft sites far away from the city are mostly kiln sites for firing porcelain. Kiln sites are often distributed in a large range, and a large number of Kiln furniture And defective porcelain, some of which also found raw materials for processing, blank forming Glazing The remains of the workshop. Porcelain industry appeared in the late Eastern Han Dynasty. At the early stage, it was mainly concentrated in the northeast of Zhejiang. With the further development of the Wei, Jin, Southern and Northern Dynasties, many provinces and regions in the south (Jiangsu, Zhejiang, Jiangxi, Fujian, Hunan, Sichuan, etc.) found that Porcelain kiln site Sui and Tang Dynasties During the period, the porcelain industry developed rapidly in the north, found many porcelain kiln sites, and formed“ South Green North White ”Characteristics of. The porcelain industry in the Song Dynasty reached a prosperous period. The discovered porcelain kiln sites were distributed in more than ten provinces and districts, with hundreds of them Kiln system And a number of famous kilns appeared. After the Ming Dynasty, private kilns proliferated almost all over the country, and most famous kilns of various kiln families declined gradually Jingdezhen Become a famous porcelain capital. The representative kiln sites investigated and excavated mainly include: Cixi, Zhejiang Province, which has fired celadon in the Eastern Han Dynasty Shanglin Lake Yue Kiln Site Zhejiang among several famous kilns in the Song Dynasty Longquan Dayao Longquan Kiln Site Henan Yu County Juntai Jun Kiln Site Baofeng Qingliang Temple Ru Kiln Site Dingyao Site, Jianci Village, Quyang, Hebei , Hangzhou Wugui Mountain Southern Song Guan kiln Ruins, as well as burn Shadow celadon Famous Jingdezhen Hutian Kiln Site Important folk kilns are: Shaanxi Yaoxian County Huangbao Town Yaozhou Kiln Site Changsha Tongguan Kiln Site Sichuan Qionglai Shifang Tang Qiong Kiln Site Fujian Dehua Qudou Palace Dehua Kiln Site Jianyang Shuiji Township Jianyao Site Jiangxi Ji'an Yonghe Town Jizhou Kiln Site Hebei Handan Guantai Town Cizhou Kiln Site And other folk kiln sites.
The Beacon Tower Site
What is beacon tower?
It is also called beacon tower, commonly known as beacon houhou and yandun. In ancient times, it was used to light fireworks to convey important news. It was an important military defense facility in ancient times, and the oldest but effective local telegraph. The beacon tower is built to prevent the enemy from invading. In case of an enemy situation, smoke will be used during the day, fire will be lit at night, and the towers will be connected to deliver messages.
"Beacon fire", two signals of ancient frontier defense alarm, is called "beacon" when smoking in the daytime and "Sui" when raising fire at night.
The beacon towers were built earlier than the Great Wall, but since the appearance of the Great Wall, the beacon towers along the Great Wall have been closely integrated with the Great Wall, becoming the Great Wall defense system Some of them were even built on the Great Wall. Especially in the Han Dynasty, the court attached great importance to the construction of beacon towers.
The beacon fire, also known as beacon fire, was a measure of the ancient military information alarm, that is, when the enemy invaded in the daytime, they would burn smoke (beacon), and when the enemy attacked at night, they would fire (beacon fire) to warn all parties and superiors with visible smoke and light. The beacon tower was called Fenghou (beacon), Tingsui, which was called beacon tower in the Tang and Song Dynasties, and the word "beacon tower" was also extended to beacon tower. In the Ming Dynasty, it was generally called Yandun or pier (The piers and abutments of the Ming Dynasty in the northwest of China, the big ones also have the function of defending the enemy, and the small ones only have the function of looking at the enemy rather than lighting beacon fire). The beacon towers are generally about 10 miles apart, and the Ming Dynasty also has a distance of about 5 miles. When the soldiers guarding the tower find the enemy coming, they immediately ignite the beacon on the tower, and the neighboring towers follow suit when they see it, so that the enemy's situation can be quickly transmitted to the military center.
The shape of beacon towers varies from time to place, generally square and round.
The beacon towers were built earlier than the Great Wall, but since the appearance of the Great Wall, the beacon towers along the Great Wall have been closely integrated with the Great Wall and become an important part of the defense system of the Great Wall. Some were even built on the Great Wall, especially in the Han Dynasty. The court attached great importance to the construction of beacon towers. In some areas, the connected beacon towers even replaced the Great Wall buildings. The beacon towers along the Great Wall, like the Great Wall, are built according to local conditions and local materials rammed earth It is also useful to build Adobe Building; Most of the mountains are built with stones; Since the Ming Dynasty, the eastern part of China has been built with bricks and stones or wrapped with bricks. In addition to being built on the early trunk lines of the Great Wall, beacon towers are generally divided into three types: one is to extend beyond the Great Wall along the passage to monitor the enemy's movements; The other is within the wall of the Great Wall, connected with passes, towns, prefectures and counties, so as to organize counterattacks and clean up the countryside in time; Another is on both sides of the Great Wall( Qin and Han Dynasties It is sometimes built on the Great Wall), so as to quickly mobilize the border guards along the whole line to meet the enemy. In the early days, there were beacon towers connected with the capital so as to report to the imperial court as soon as possible.
Discovered in Chengdu Tang Dynasty Gardens Site (picture)
[2] Photographed by Liu Chenping (People's Vision)
According to Xinhua News Agency Chengdu July 13 (Reporter Li Qianwei) On July 13, the reporter learned from the Chengdu Cultural Relics and Archaeology Team that: Chengdu 1st Ring Road In Tongjin Road, a man-made garden site built in the flourishing Tang Dynasty was found. Archaeological researchers believe that the site may be the garden of the thousand year old temple Wanfo Temple.
The excavation began in March and ended in early July. A total of 2500 square meters of ruins were excavated, of which the most important discovery was a 90 meter long brick ditch of the Tang Dynasty and an artificial pond. The shape of the canal is winding, Bifurcation There are two roads, the widest is nearly 6 meters, the narrowest is less than 1 meter, and the depth is 1.6 meters. The bricks are mainly Tang bricks, with patterns of the Northern and Southern Dynasties interspersed. In the north of the excavation area, there is a brick pool with a nearly circular plane, a diameter of 19 meters and a depth of 1.7 meters.
A large amount of domestic use was also unearthed at the site Ceramic ware And a small number of Buddhist related stone statues and Building components These porcelains are mainly bowls, plates, pots, pots, etc., mainly local Qingyang Palace Kiln Liulichang Kiln and Qiong Kiln Products and a small number of foreign products Kiln mouth Of Celadon ware and Tricolor glaze Pottery.
Yi Li, the leader of the site archaeological team, introduced that the main body of the site should belong to a garden style site in the Tang and Five Dynasties Man-made Tourist Site Buildings. The site is adjacent to the famous Wanfo Temple site in history. On the northeast side of the site, a large number of stone statues of Wanfo Temple were unearthed. The unearthed remains of Buddha statues and porcelain also show that relevance These porcelains are simple, practical and of low grade. Yi Li said:“ Sui, Tang and Five Dynasties The garden of Royal garden , temple gardens and Private garden There are three types. The porcelain used in royal and private gardens should have higher specifications. " Therefore, it is more likely to be a temple garden here.