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Tongwei Xiaoqu Opera

Local Traditional Drama in Tongwei County, Gansu Province
Tongwei Xiaoqu Opera, Gansu Province Tongwei County Local traditional drama is one of the national intangible cultural heritage.
Tongwei Xiaoqu Opera is a kind of folk opera in Qupai style popular in Tongwei County, Gansu Province. It was developed on the basis of the tune of the Ming and Qing Dynasties and the folk songs of the south and the north. During its spread, it formed a unique regional style due to the "misuse of local language". Tongwei Xiaoqu Opera is sung in Tongwei dialect. The lyrics are simple and understandable, the story is simple, and it is full of local flavor. It has strong affinity in the society of Tongwei County. The singing form of Tongwei Xiaoqu Opera can be divided into two types: one is Qingqu Qingchang, which requires no accompaniment and entertains oneself; One is opera performance, acting in different roles according to the script, performing in disguise, telling stories and singing emotions. Although they sing the same tunes, the former does not endorse the latter. [1]
On September 30, 2006, Tongwei Xiaoqu Opera People's Government of Gansu Province Approved to be included in the first batch of intangible cultural heritage list of Gansu Province. On May 23, 2011, Tongwei Xiaoqu Drama Classics State Council of the PRC It was approved to be included in the third batch of national intangible cultural heritage list, with heritage number of IV-152. [2-3]
Chinese name
Tongwei Xiaoqu Opera
Approval time
May 23, 2011
Intangible Cultural Heritage Level
national level
Declaration area
Tongwei County, Gansu Province
Heritage number
Heritage category
Traditional Drama
Protection unit
Tongwei County Cultural Center

historical origin

Tongwei is the hometown and cradle of local operas in Longzhong. As a folk art form, Tongwei Xiaoqu Opera has a long history of formation and development.
Tongwei Xiaoqu Opera was popular as early as the Ming Dynasty. At that time, Shaanxi and Gansu (now Gansu, Qinghai and Ningxia) were established as one province. Kang Hai (1475-1540), a Shaanxi martial arts scholar, and Wang Jiusi (1468-1551), a good friend of Huxian Jinshi, were good at singing and playing songs and lyrics, creating music, comparing themselves with haiyou, and compiling plays for entertainment, There are plays that are popular in the world (Note: These two Jinshi are the epitaphs written by Wang Zan, a Jinshi in Tongwei and a former prefect of Kaifeng). Kang and Wang both failed in their official career and shared the same ideals. They were famous at that time. They made great contributions to the operas in the Guanyuan area. There are also folk legends about the two of them organizing theatrical troupes. Their influence has a bearing on the formation and development of Meihu and Xiaoqu. Tang Xianzu, a dramatist of the Ming Dynasty, once wrote a poem praising his counterparts in Long's opera: "The disciples in the middle of Qin Dynasty are the most intelligent, so why should they lean on Long's voice? If you don't make a sound in half time, you will be dead first, and pity the white head for being sentimental". This shows the prevalence and influence of opera in Guanlong area at that time.
In the middle of the Qing Dynasty, the local folk art form of Tongwei County was relatively simple, which was in the middle stage before the Qin Opera was introduced to Tongwei and the Qin Opera was introduced to Tongwei. However, the fledgling ditty music often played on the stage of the "temple fair" in the form of stage accompaniment, starting the makeup performance. Later, with the vigorous rise of Qin Opera, the old artists often use Qin Opera music and small tune music together in a play, and use Qin Opera singing and small tune singing interactively, and call it "wind stirs snow" or "stirs San Fan" vividly.
After the Jiaqing era of the Qing Dynasty, with the increasing enrichment and perfection of the singing and accompaniment music of the Qin Opera, the artists of the Qin Opera no longer used a combination of two tunes, but instead used the Qin Opera to replace the ditty music on the "temple fair" for many years. From then on, the ditty has returned to its original form of existence - singing or accompaniment singing, which is active in the daily life of the people.
During the period of the Republic of China, there was an amateur class club specialized in singing small songs in Maying Town, Tongwei County. As a folk art, Xiaoqu has a large audience and tenacious vitality.
After the founding of the People's Republic of China, Tongwei Xiaoqu Opera is still the main cultural and entertainment content of people's activities in squares, courtyards and villages after dinner and after festivities.
In the 1960s, Tongwei County Cultural Center organized professionals to start collecting and sorting out Tongwei Xiaoqu. It has collected 90 tunes, 20 Qupai music and 72 scripts in a volume.
During the Cultural Revolution, Tongwei Xiaoqu Opera was severely hit, its artists were disbanded, and its troupes were disintegrated. It gradually disappeared from people's vision in the past 10 years.
After the reform and opening up, the Central Committee of the Communist Party of China put forward the policy of "saving the national folk cultural heritage as soon as possible", so that folk songs were saved and protected, and Tongwei opera was no exception.
At the beginning of the 21st century, Tongwei Xiaoqu Opera, taking advantage of the protection of China's national intangible cultural heritage, began to usher in the spring of "great prosperity and development". [4-5]

Cultural characteristics


primary coverage

Tongwei Xiaoqu Opera is mainly composed of three parts: tune, qupai and script.
(1) Melody
Tongwei Xiaoqu Opera is rich in tunes. According to folk artists, there are more than 100, mainly "carrying the palace". "Wugengbird", "Gangdiao", "Tight Narration", "Slow Narration", "Wujingzi" and other tunes are represented.
A complete libretto of divertimento, from "Moon Tune" to "Back Palace", then to "Tight Narration", "Gang Tune" and other songs to reach the climax, and then to "Falling Back Palace" to the end, and to "Moon End" to close the song. According to the plot and lyrics, the middle is matched with the appropriate tune, and the music card is used to properly connect together to form a complete "divertimento". Sometimes, "Single" And "divertimento" can be used as reference, playing the role of long words and short words without words, and using them properly. For example, the combination of "divertimento" and "single" in "Brother and Sister Watching the Lamp" (also known as "Lower Sichuan") is full of enthusiasm from beginning to end. The plot of the script is simple (mostly showing the life of the working people), the performance style is sentimental, never tired of hearing, and never tired of seeing, which makes people happy, angry, sad, and happy.
(2) Qupai
Qupai is a transitional instrumental music segment caused by the change of different tunes. Before singing, it can be played as a starting piece to prepare the singer for the atmosphere, master the pitch, and accompany if there is any recitation in the play. More than 20 tunes have been collected and sorted out. It is mainly represented by songs such as "Liu Qing", "Da Hong Pao", "Man Tian Xing" and "Qian Qian", which are transitional pieces of music used to connect tunes. It is also used as the prologue and introduction before the oratorio.
(3) Script
The singing script of Tongwei Xiaoqu Opera is rich in content. Some are the transcripts of other operas transplanted from Tongwei, and some are folk artists adapted from local folk tales, highlighting the nature of simple, honest and kind working people and the true love between men and women. Some also use myths and legends to express people's yearnings and aspirations in a romantic way. According to incomplete textual research, there are more than 100 singing plays spread among the people. [4]

Accompaniment instrument

(1) Stringed instrument
2017 Tongwei Xiaoqu Opera Rehearsal Performance Photos
The accompaniment instruments of Tongwei Xiaoqu Opera mainly include Sanxian, Banhu, Erhu, flute and dulcimer, which are commonly called Xiansuo. Among them, the main instrument is the three stringed instrument. The three stringed instrument has four playing methods: "flat", "off" and "over". The flat stringed instrument (5, 1, 5), the off stringed instrument (2, 5, 1), the off stringed instrument (2, 5, 2), and the over stringed instrument (1, 5, 1) are most commonly used, followed by the off stringed instrument. The flat stringed instrument and the off stringed instrument are rarely used.
Banhu: There are mainly negative banhu and peaceful banhu. The anti tune banhu is the same as the qin tune banhu, with clear pronunciation. It is the leading instrument in the ditty. Set the chord (1-5). The flat tone banhu has a large shell and a deep pronunciation. Set the chord (5-2). Two Banhu can be played at the same time, and the effect will be better.
Erhu: Erhu and Dihu are auxiliary instruments in accompaniment, and the tuning is (5-2).
Flute: The simple tone of the flute is 5, and the pitch is F or E.
(2) Percussion instrument
Xiaoqu is usually composed of four pieces of tiles and chime bowls.
Four pieces of tiles: two hands are used separately. One beat, two knocks and one beat, four knocks are used together. The right hand knocks the first half of the beat, and the left hand knocks the second half of the beat. Sometimes one hand repeatedly knocks, like a "rolling hammer" effect.
Chime bowl: One beat and one knock play the role of mastering the rhythm. When a song ends, it is often used to repeatedly knock to show the end of the song.
Tongwei Xiaoqu Opera has roughly formed four different pedigrees according to different regions, vocals, performances, etc. Zhang Xinggui in Sanyuan Village, Maying Town, Wang Youde in Chenjiapo Village, Wang Yuexi in Xiguan Village, Pingxiang Town, and Xing Weirong in Zhonglin Village have great influence. Different genealogy forms different styles of Xiaoqu. [4]

Singing Features

(1) Diversity of singing forms and tunes
Tongwei ditty is mainly sung in the form of "stalls" and "farmhouses in the courtyard", which can not only be sung by sitting, but also can be performed on the stage with makeup and "clothes" and "sticks". 5、 Six people are enough, and more than ten people are not limited. They often sing in dialect for self entertainment.
Tongwei Xiaoqu Opera has rich tunes. According to the collection and arrangement, about 90 have been sorted out. Mainly represented by "Beigong", "Wugengbird" and "Gangdiao".
(2) Differences in singing style and libretto
Because there is no version of oral teaching, there must be differences between the cavity and the libretto in the teaching from generation to generation; The same tone, different lyrics and different singing methods; Even if it is the same aria, the same libretto, different regions, and different singing methods, it is more arbitrary. As long as "seeking common ground and preserving minor differences" is completely feasible. It is this kind of difference that allows people to learn to sing, enriches folk creation, and forms different school systems.
(3) It has the characteristics of "helping voice"
The so-called "gang tune" is to create a happy and grand atmosphere, requiring the accompanist and the lead singer to sing together. This feature is particularly unique in ditty music, which strongly sets off a cheerful and enthusiastic singing atmosphere. It is euphemistic and moving.
(4) Tone
Tongwei Xiaoqu Opera belongs to the fine-tuning style of Chinese national seven tones. In the seven tone fine tuning Qing music system, the main tone "5", the dominant tone and the subordinate tone form a pure five and pure four interval relationship respectively. With the instability and sharp tendency of "Qingjiao 4" and "Biangong 7", the stability effect of I, VI and V tones is enhanced, so that the tune shows a clear and pleasant tonal color, with folk characteristics and tonal F. [4] [6]

Representative repertoire

According to incomplete textual research, there are more than 100 singing operas circulating among the people, of which 72 are sorted into volumes, and their representative works mainly include "Water Selling", "Nao Shu Guan", "Ming Yue Lou", "Top Brick", "The Whole Family Is Valuable", "Xing Yuan He Fan", "Persuading the Eyes", "Wang Xiang Lies on Ice", and "Brother and Sister Watching the Lantern"《 Li Yangui sells water 》Boya Playing the Qin, Remembering the Good Party Secretary - Comrade Zhu Zhengqing, etc. [1] [7]

Inheritance and protection


Inheritance value

Tongwei Xiaoqu Opera is a part of the new voice of Yan music in the Sui and Tang Dynasties that was lost among the local people. It is a representative work of national folk cultural heritage and flourished in the Qing Dynasty. Its existence has important reference value, historical value, cultural and artistic value, social value and practical value for the study of Yan music in the Sui and Tang dynasties, folk music in the south and north, and tune in the Ming and Qing dynasties. [4] [8]

Inheritance status

With the rapid impact of economic globalization and the diversification of media in the 21st century, the lack of inheritance figures, the shortage of inheritance protection funds and other reasons, Tongwei Xiaoqu Opera is on the brink of extinction, which urgently needs the support of governments at all levels to take effective protection measures. [1] [4]

protective measures

Performer of Tongwei Xiaoqu Opera
In 1995, Xing Zhengzhong and Xu Kejian's research on small operas in Tongwei was included in the Annals of Chinese Opera, Gansu Volume.
In 1998, 36 Tongwei Xiaoqu dramas collected and sorted by Xu Kejian and others organized by Tongwei County Cultural Museum were included in the "Integration of Chinese Quyi Music, Gansu Volume", one of the ten integrations of Chinese folk culture and art.
In 2014, 21 intangible cultural heritage projects, such as Tongwei Xiaoqu Opera, were named and licensed by Dingxi Municipal Bureau of Culture, Radio, Film and Television, and Xushu Park in Qinjia, Tongwei County, and were identified as the first batch of municipal intangible cultural heritage institutions. In May of the same year, Dingxi Municipal Government, according to regulations, allocates special funds from the cultural industry development fund to each representative inheritor at the municipal level with a subsidy of 1000 yuan per year. [9-10]
In October 2015, Tongwei County 1+17 Targeted Poverty Alleviation Policy Publicity and Training Collection of New Songs compiled by the Publicity Department of Tongwei County Party Committee and other departments, and Tongwei Xiaoqu Drama New Playlist compiled by the County Cultural Center became important materials for promoting the policy of targeted poverty alleviation. During the tour in Tongwei County, 18 towns and remote villages were sung. [11]
In November 2019, the List of National Intangible Cultural Heritage Representative Project Protection Units was announced, and Tongwei County Cultural Center was awarded the qualification of Tongwei Xiaoqu Opera Project Protection Unit. [12]
In June 2020, Tongwei Xiaoqu Opera was made into a teaching video of Intangible Cultural Heritage Microclass. In addition, the dramas of Tongwei Xiaoqu Opera, such as "Pingxiang Poetic Soul", "Persuading the Eyes", "Farewell to the Eighteen Miles", "Lintong Mountain", "Plum Blossom Snow", "Farewell to the Shili Pavilion", "Big Protection Media" and "Aunt Wang Hooping Jar", were also made into videos for easy learning and dissemination. [13-14]
On October 31, 2023, the List of National Intangible Cultural Heritage Representative Project Protection Units was announced, and Tongwei County Cultural Center, the protection unit of Tongwei Xiaoqu Opera Project, passed the assessment. [19]

social influence


Important activities

In September 2015, a small opera called "Pingxiang Poetic Soul", created and arranged by authentic folk artists in Maying Town, Tongwei County, Gansu Province, was reported and performed in the first theater in Jincheng, Lanzhou. [15]
In July 2016, the "Tongwei Trivia" drama square of "Popularization of Law into Thousands of Families" saw a performance, which won the applause of the masses. In addition, Tongwei County has compiled 18 "Tongwei Xiaoqu" and other programs for popularizing the law, and performed 1280 times during the popularization of the law. [16]
In November 2017, the "Tongwei Xiaoqu Opera" in Dingxi, Gansu Province, was staged at the China Institute of Labor Relations. The repertoire of this performance included "Great Blessing", "Li Yangui Selling Water" and "Old Lady Tears", aiming to publicize and carry forward the traditional culture of Dingxi, while promoting the protection and inheritance of the precious intangible cultural heritage projects, and promoting the construction of Gansu Huaxia Civilization Protection and Inheritance Demonstration Area. [17]

Honor recognition

In August 2009, the modern ditty "Fighting Drought and Laying Film" created and arranged by the Maying ditty association of Tongwei County participated in the farmers' art performance in Gansu Province to celebrate the 60th anniversary of the founding of New China, and won the second prize for performance and the third prize for creation. [11]
In September 2013, Xu Kejian, a composer of Tongwei County, and Zhang Xiaohong, a lyricist, participated in the "2013 Beautiful China · Large Music Exhibition" held in Beijing and won the silver medal in the lyric category. [18]
In 2015, Tongwei County won 6 program awards for such dramas as "Happy Singing of New Changes in Rural Areas", "Five Singing Village to Village", "Rural Happiness", and "Sweet Potato in Longyuan". [11]