communication engineering

Undergraduate major of China's ordinary colleges and universities
zero Useful+1
Communications Engineering is an undergraduate major of ordinary colleges and universities, which belongs to electronic information specialty. The basic length of schooling is four years Engineering baccalaureate.
This major is characterized by integration of science and engineering, mainly involving Electronic Science and Technology Information and Communication Engineering and Optical Engineering The basic theory, engineering design and system realization technology in the discipline field, based on mathematics, physics and information theory, with electronics, photons, information and related components, electronic systems, and information networks as the research object, are widely used and rapidly developed, and are the backbone majors that promote the development of the information industry and promote traditional industries. [1]
Chinese name
communication engineering
Foreign name
Communications Engineering
award a degree
Bachelor of Engineering
Professional category
Electronic information
Major code
Professional level
Length of schooling
Four years

Set Background

The major of communication engineering was established with the development of China's communication industry, and developed from the mutual penetration and complementation of wired telecommunications, wireless communications, electronic technology, post and telecommunications and other majors. Since the 21st century, with the rapid rise of information superhighway, communication technology has become more and more important in the national economic development. Under the background that the country attaches great importance to sustainable development, the continuous progress of communication technology and the urgent need for communication personnel training, major universities have begun to add communication engineering majors in succession. [2]

development history

The embryonic form of communication engineering originates from Shanghai Jiaotong University The wireless switch set up in 1917 in the electrical engineering discipline, and the wired communication and wireless communication door set up in 1921. In 1934, Tsinghua University Set up a telecommunications unit in the electrical system. In the early 1930s, Zhejiang University In the Department of Electrical Engineering, a discipline group - Telecom Group (or Telecom Gate) was set up, which was the original form of the communication engineering major of Zhejiang University.
In 1952, China began to adjust its colleges and departments on the basis of Soviet higher education, and the professional model was gradually finalized. Tsinghua University Peking University The Department of Radio Engineering of Tsinghua University and the Department of Telecommunications of Shanghai Jiaotong University were established after the combination of the two electrical engineering departments. In 1957, communication majors were set up in the introduction of the major of college enrollment guidance, including telephone and telegraph communication, radio communication and broadcasting, and post and telecommunications economy and composition. In 1962, the specialty introduction of enrollment of colleges and universities added the specialty of design and manufacturing of wired electrical equipment to the category of communication, and separated the radio technology and electronics related to communication engineering from the category of motor manufacturing and electrical equipment manufacturing, specifically setting up the category of radio technology and electronics.
In the 1960s and 1970s, the major of communication engineering changed greatly. For example, in 1969, most of the Department of Electronic Engineering of Tsinghua University moved to Mianyang, Sichuan, and established the Mianyang Branch of Tsinghua University. In 1978, he moved back to Beijing and resumed the establishment of the Department of Radio Electronics. In order to broaden the specialty and meet the needs of scientific and technological development, the specialty setting was adjusted, and three undergraduate majors were added, namely, radio technology and information system, physical electronics and optoelectronics technology, and microelectronics.
In 1979, Tongji University It began to enroll the first batch of undergraduates majoring in communication engineering. In 1980, North China Electric Power University The original communication telecontrol specialty was renamed as the communication engineering specialty, which is subordinate to the Department of Electronic Engineering. It is the first university in the power industry to establish the communication engineering specialty.
In 1984, the Ministry of Education standardized the undergraduate majors of colleges and universities, officially promulgated the general catalog of engineering undergraduate majors of colleges and universities, and set up the communication engineering specialty in engineering, with the specialty code of engineering 1001. Since then, communication engineering has been established as a formal specialty name.
In 1986, in the catalogue of specialty setting and graduate orientation introduction of national ordinary colleges and universities, the communication category was set up as a separate discipline category, the original communication engineering, telecommunications engineering, power system communication, communication system engineering, telecommunications technology, ground communication equipment maintenance, digital communication, railway digital communication, sports and communication The meteorological communication specialty has been unified into the communication engineering specialty.
In 1993, in the undergraduate specialty catalogue and specialty introduction of ordinary colleges and universities issued by the Ministry of Education, the specialty related to electricity in the engineering category was divided into two branches: electrical engineering and electronics and information. Communication engineering belongs to electronics and information specialty, with specialty code of 080712, and was designated as weak current specialty. The original communication engineering, wireless, multi-channel communication Computer communication specialty is classified as communication engineering specialty.
In 1998, the Ministry of Education issued《 Catalog of Undergraduate Specialties in Ordinary Colleges and Universities (issued in 1998) 》The two branches of electrical engineering, electronics and information are merged into electrical information. The communication engineering discipline belongs to the electrical information discipline, and the discipline code is changed to 080604. The original communication engineering and computer communication disciplines are collectively referred to as the communication engineering discipline. [2-3]
In 2012, the Ministry of Education issued《 Undergraduate Specialty Catalog of Ordinary Colleges and Universities (2012) 》In, the original communication engineering discipline and information and communication engineering discipline were merged into communication engineering discipline, which belongs to electronic information discipline, and the discipline code was changed to 080703. [4]
In 2020, the Ministry of Education issued《 Undergraduate Specialty Catalog of Ordinary Colleges and Universities (2020 Edition) 》Communication Engineering is an engineering discipline with the specialty code of 080703. It belongs to the electronic information discipline and is awarded the bachelor's degree of engineering. [5]

Training objectives

Cultivate the ability to adapt to the needs of social and economic development, have moral and cultural literacy, sense of social responsibility, innovative spirit and entrepreneurial awareness, master the necessary basic knowledge of mathematics and natural science and corresponding professional knowledge, have good learning ability, practical ability, professional ability and certain innovation and entrepreneurship ability, be physically and mentally healthy, and be able to engage in electronic information and related fields systematically High quality professionals engaged in the research, design, development, manufacturing, application, maintenance and management of equipment and devices. [1]

Cultivation specification

  • Length of schooling and degree
Length of schooling
Four years
award a degree
Total reference credits
140~180 credits. [1]
  • Basic business requirements
(1) Basic knowledge of mathematics and natural science required for scientific research, engineering development and design in the field of electronic information;
(2) Master the basic theory and technology related to communication engineering, and have basic computer theory, application and development capabilities; Have systematic engineering practice or scientific research training experience related to the communication engineering specialty, understand the production process, equipment and manufacturing system, and understand the development status and trend of the specialty;
(3) Be able to skillfully use common electronic instruments, preliminarily have the ability to design and implement engineering experiments in the field of electronic information, and be able to analyze the experimental results; Have the basic ability to analyze, propose solutions and solve theoretical or practical engineering problems in the field of electronic information, and can participate in the design, operation and maintenance of related systems;
(4) Have the spirit of innovation and entrepreneurial awareness, and master the basic methods of innovation and entrepreneurship; Have the ability of comprehensive practice, independent experimental design, analysis and debugging in the field of electronic information, and the ability to solve practical engineering problems such as product development and design, technical transformation and innovation, engineering design and analysis; In the process of design or research, economic, environmental, legal, safety, health, ethics and other constraints can be comprehensively considered;
(5) Master the basic methods of literature retrieval, data query and using modern information technology to obtain relevant information, and have the basic ability to write scientific papers;
(6) Understand the technical standards, guidelines, policies, laws, regulations and economic management knowledge of production, design, research, development, environmental protection and sustainable development in industries related to communication engineering, and be able to correctly understand the impact of electronic information technology on the objective world and society, with good quality, safety, efficiency, environmental protection Occupational health and service awareness;
(7) Have certain organizational management ability, expression ability, interpersonal skills and good team spirit;
(8) Master a foreign language, be able to read professional foreign language materials, have a certain international vision and cross-cultural communication and cooperation ability;
(9) Develop good learning habits, have a correct understanding of lifelong learning, and have the ability to constantly learn and adapt to development. [1]

Curriculum system


Overall framework

The knowledge system of communication engineering specialty includes general knowledge, basic discipline knowledge, professional knowledge, practical teaching, etc. The curriculum should support the achievement of training objectives, and the curriculum system should support the effective achievement of graduation requirements.
General education credits account for about 40% of the total credits. It mainly includes: credits for ideological and political education and humanities and social sciences, mathematics and natural science, economic management, foreign language, computer information technology, innovation and entrepreneurship, and physical education. All colleges and universities can adjust credits appropriately according to the actual situation.
Professional education credits account for about 50% of the total credits, among which disciplinary foundation and professional courses account for about 30% of the total credits.
Comprehensive education credits account for about 10% of the total credits. It mainly includes: psychological and health education, academic science and technology and entrepreneurial activities, cultural and sports activities, interdisciplinary elective courses, social practice and optional activities.
In the total credits, the proportion of practice and training teaching credits (including course experiment converted credits) should not be less than 25%. Colleges and universities can determine according to the characteristics of specific majors. Professional practice links should reflect the cultivation of the ability to carry out product development and design, technological transformation and innovation and entrepreneurship, engineering design and analysis, and solve practical engineering problems in the field of electronic information. [1]

Theoretical courses

  • General knowledge
In addition to the teaching contents specified by the state, the humanities and social sciences, foreign languages, computer culture foundation, sports, arts and other contents are determined by colleges and universities according to the school running orientation and talent training objectives, among which the humanities and social sciences knowledge includes the basic contents of economy, environment, law, ethics and so on.
Mathematics and natural science include advanced mathematics, engineering mathematics, college physics and other basic contents. Colleges and universities can improve the teaching requirements of mathematics and physics (including experiments) according to their own talent training orientation to strengthen students' mathematical and physical foundation.
All colleges and universities should set up innovation and entrepreneurship general education courses that integrate professional development and social science content in combination with the orientation of their talent training objectives and the actual situation of their majors. [1]
  • Basic knowledge of discipline
Basic knowledge of disciplines and specialties must cover the core contents of circuit and electronic technology, computer systems and applications, signals and systems, electromagnetic fields and waves and other knowledge fields. The teaching content can refer to the basic requirements formulated by the relevant curriculum teaching steering committee of the Ministry of Education. When teaching the basic knowledge fields and professional knowledge of the corresponding specialty, the history and current situation of the development of the relevant specialty should be taught.
In addition to the basic knowledge of the above disciplines and specialties, it should also include basic professional knowledge, which should include the core content of at least four knowledge fields in communication principles, digital signal processing, communication circuits and systems, information theory basis, information network, and engineering graphics. [1]
  • professional knowledge
Professional knowledge courses shall include digital communication, theoretical basis of communication network, modern switching technology, multimedia communication, wireless communication, broadband access and Internet communication, antenna and radio wave propagation, optical communication and optical network, mobile Internet and terminal, radio frequency technology, satellite communication, mobile communication and other knowledge fields, which can be selected and supplemented appropriately according to the situation of the school.
The core courses are combined according to the contents of the above core knowledge fields, and the name, credit, class hours, teaching requirements and course sequence of the core courses are determined by each university independently. The following is an example of the core curriculum system (the number in brackets is the recommended class hours):
Example 1: Fundamentals of Circuit Analysis (32), Analog Electronic Technology (48), Communication Electronic Circuit (32), Digital Electronic Technology (48) C ++ high-level language programming (48), data structure (48), microprocessor and interface technology (64), signal and system (64), random signal analysis (32), digital signal processing (64), communication principle (64), electromagnetic field and wave (48), communication network theory basis (32), modern communication technology (64);
Example 2: Fundamentals of Circuit Analysis (72), Analog Electronic Technology (72), High Frequency Electronic Circuit (64), Digital Electronic Technology (64), Fundamentals of Computer Software Technology (64), Computer Communication and Network (32), Microcomputer Principles and Interface Technology (72), Signals and Systems (72), Digital Signal Processing (56), Communication Principles (72), Electromagnetic Fields and Waves (64) Communication Network (32), Introduction to Communication (32), Mobile Communication (32), Optical Fiber Communication (32), Communication System Integrated Circuit Design (32);
Example 3: Fundamentals of Circuit Analysis (64), Analog Electronic Technology (64), Communication Electronic Circuit (48), Digital Electronic Technology (64), Advanced Language Programming (56), Object Oriented Programming and C++(32), Data Structure (40), Microprocessor and Interface Technology (64), Signals and Systems (64), Digital Signal Processing (56), Communication Principles (80) Electromagnetic field and transmission theory (64), communication network foundation (56), wireless communication principle (32), optical fiber communication and digital transmission (56). [1]

Practical teaching

It has a complete practical teaching system to meet teaching needs, mainly including experimental courses, curriculum design, practice, graduation design (thesis), scientific and technological innovation, social practice and other forms of experimental practice activities.
Experimental courses: A certain number of experiments must be included in the basic courses and professional courses of circuit, signal, computer foundation and application, and electromagnetic fields.
Course design: Complete the design and development of at least two systems with a certain scale.
internship: Carry out necessary engineering technology training (including compulsory electronic process practice, metalworking practice or other related practice options), professional related production practice, production practice, etc.
Graduation design (thesis): The topic selection should meet the requirements of the training objectives. Generally, it should be combined with the practical engineering problems of the specialty, have a clear application background, and cultivate students' engineering awareness, cooperation spirit and ability to comprehensively apply the knowledge learned to solve practical problems. [1]

Teaching conditions


Teaching staff

  • Number and structure of teaching staff
The number and structure of full-time teachers meet the teaching needs. The student teacher ratio is not higher than 25:1, and the number of full-time teachers is not less than 10. There should be at least 10 full-time teachers for the newly opened majors. On the basis of 120 students at school, one full-time teacher shall be added for every 20 students added.
The proportion of full-time teachers with a master's degree or above is not less than 60%, and the proportion of full-time teachers with a doctor's degree is not less than 30%. Full time teachers under 35 years old must have a master's degree or above.
The proportion of full-time teachers with senior professional titles shall not be less than 30%; The proportion of teachers with enterprise or relevant engineering practice experience shall not be less than 20% (the proportion of majors awarded bachelor of science degree can be appropriately reduced); The experimental teaching must be equipped with full-time experimental technicians. The experimental technicians under 35 years of age should have a bachelor's degree or above in related majors; There are teachers engaged in innovation and entrepreneurship education. [1]
  • Teacher background and level requirements
Teachers should abide by the Code of Professional Ethics for Teachers in Institutions of Higher Learning, be patriotic and law-abiding, be dedicated to their work and students, teach and educate people, study rigorously, serve the society and be teachers.
The person in charge of the specialty should have a senior professional and technical position, have high academic attainments in the professional field, be familiar with and undertake the teaching work of the specialty.
Teachers engaged in teaching should have educational background in electronic information or related disciplines, and should meet one of the following conditions: (1) Bachelor degree in electronic information, or master's or doctoral degree in information and communication engineering, electronic science and technology, optical engineering, physics; (2) Have been engaged in professional teaching and scientific research for more than 5 years; (3) It has obtained national or international qualification or certification in electronic information related industries.
Teachers should have sufficient teaching ability to carry out scientific research, technological development, engineering practice, participate in academic exchanges, and meet the needs of professional teaching. All full-time teachers must obtain a teacher's certificate of higher education. Teachers should be familiar with the teaching content of the course, be able to design the teaching process reasonably according to the talent training objectives, the teaching content and characteristics of the course, the characteristics and learning of students, and combine modern teaching concepts and educational technology, so as to teach students in accordance with their aptitude and pay attention to the results.
Teachers should undertake at least one basic course or professional course for undergraduates, guide graduation design (thesis) or professional practice, etc., and provide necessary guidance for students' career development. [1]

Device resources

  • Requirements for teaching facilities
1. Teaching laboratory
(1) It has a physical laboratory, an electrical and electronic laboratory, a basic laboratory and a professional laboratory for electronic information. The experimental equipment is in good condition and sufficient to meet the teaching needs in quantity and function. The average value of experimental teaching instruments and equipment per student is not less than 5000 yuan;
(2) There is a good equipment management, maintenance and update mechanism. The annual average value of updated instruments and equipment in the past five years is not less than 10%, and the serviceability rate of existing instruments and equipment is not less than 95%, meeting the needs of experimental teaching;
(3) The experiment of basic courses and professional basic courses advocates one person for one group, and under special circumstances, each group shall not exceed 2 persons; There are no more than 4 people in each group for comprehensive experiment and large-scale instrument experiment to improve students' independent thinking and independent operation ability;
(4) The laboratory should provide open services to meet students' learning requirements in and out of class and improve the utilization rate of equipment;
(5) The management of experimental teaching process is standardized, and the experimental teaching plan, syllabus, experimental instructions and other materials are complete. The laboratory construction has a long-term construction plan and a short-term work plan. We should not only focus on professional basic experiments, but also pay attention to the development of new directions and new technologies. We should also combine professional expertise and local economic development needs to build professional laboratories;
(6) The number of experimental technicians is sufficient, and they can skillfully manage and maintain the experimental equipment, so as to ensure the effective use of the experimental environment and the smooth progress of the students' experiments. [1]
2. Practice base
(1) The campus practice base should be built according to local conditions, which can provide sufficient equipment use time for students to participate in the practice teaching link, and a special instructor should be set to track and guide students' practice content, practice process, etc. comprehensively;
(2) According to the characteristics of the discipline and the employment destination of students, and based on the principle of "local proximity, mutual benefit, specialty alignment, and relative stability", strengthen cooperation with scientific research institutes, schools, industries, and enterprises, and establish distinctive off campus practice education bases and innovation and entrepreneurship bases. Personnel involved in teaching activities should understand the goals and requirements of practice teaching, Off campus practical teaching instructors should have experience in project development and management, provide a stable platform and environment for all students to participate in engineering practice, and meet the needs of relevant professional personnel training. [1]
  • Information resource requirements
Strengthen the construction of library service facilities according to the needs of specialty construction, curriculum construction and discipline development. Pay attention to system construction and standardized management, ensure the input of books and materials purchase funds, and make them better serve teaching and scientific research. Books and materials include Chinese and foreign literature and materials on various carriers such as text, CD, audio and video.
It has a certain number of professional related books and materials (including e-books) and commonly used databases at home and abroad, which meet the needs of teaching and scientific research.
Make full use of the computer network to strengthen the information construction of the library. It has a perfect service system of book circulation, book reading, electronic reading, reference consulting, document copying, etc. based on computer network. It can facilitate students to learn online courses and high-quality shared resource courses, and meet the needs of students' learning and teachers' daily teaching and scientific research.
The information resource management is standardized and the sharing degree is high. [1]

Teaching funds

The newly established majors shall guarantee sufficient funds for specialty establishment. The total value of professional teaching and scientific research instruments and equipment shall not be less than 3 million yuan, and the average value of teaching and scientific research instruments and equipment per student shall not be less than 5000 yuan; The total value of teaching and scientific research instruments updated annually in recent five years is not less than 10% of the total value of equipment; There is sufficient operation and maintenance cost of instruments and equipment to meet the daily experimental teaching needs.
In addition to the normal teaching operation funds, the established majors should have stable professional construction funds to meet the needs of teacher team construction, laboratory maintenance and updating, books and materials, and practice base construction. [1]

Quality assurance

  • Requirements for quality monitoring mechanism of teaching process
All colleges and universities should have management regulations for developing training programs, curriculum syllabus (including experimental syllabus), and teaching plans, and a mechanism for regularly revising the training program. Generally, the training program is discussed and comprehensively adjusted every four years. The revision work involves graduates, employers, and outside experts, and comprehensively considers feedback from all parties and professional development, Ensure that the orientation and specification of professional training meet the needs of students and social development.
All colleges and universities should establish a quality monitoring mechanism for the main teaching links (including theoretical courses, experimental courses, etc.) to effectively monitor the implementation process of the main teaching links, and have clear quality requirements for classroom teaching, course assessment, experiment and practice, graduation design (thesis) and other major teaching links.
Each university should establish a regular evaluation mechanism for the curriculum system and the teaching quality of the main teaching links, and pay attention to the opinions of students and experts inside and outside the school. Establish a sound system of teaching evaluation and learning evaluation, have a hierarchical teaching supervision team to check, supervise and guide the daily teaching work, have a professional learning investigation and analysis evaluation mechanism, and can effectively evaluate the learning process, learning effect and comprehensive development of students.
  • Requirements for graduate tracking and feedback mechanism
All colleges and universities should establish a tracking and feedback mechanism for graduates, so as to timely grasp the employment whereabouts and quality of graduates, graduates' job satisfaction and sense of job achievement, and employers' satisfaction with graduates.
All colleges and universities should adopt scientific methods to conduct statistical analysis of graduates' tracking feedback information, draw opinions and suggestions on talent training, including training objectives, curriculum system, theoretical and practical course teaching, as well as the evaluation of graduates' knowledge, quality and ability, and form an analysis report as the main basis for quality improvement, So that the feedback information can be effectively used to guide the continuous improvement of professional training quality.
  • Professional continuous improvement mechanism requirements
All colleges and universities should establish a continuous improvement mechanism. In view of the problems and weak links in teaching quality, they should regularly carry out the internal evaluation of the teaching quality of the specialty with the joint participation of employers, teachers and students, and take effective corrective and preventive measures, so that the quality monitoring results and graduate tracking feedback results can be timely used for the improvement of talent training. Analyze, evaluate and summarize the achievements of talent training quality and further improvement measures every year, form undergraduate teaching quality reports for each specialty, make continuous improvement, and constantly improve teaching quality. [1]

Cultivation mode

  • Training Mode for New Engineering and Engineering Certification
Aiming at the implementation of OBE concept in engineering certification and the connotation construction of new engineering courses of communication engineering specialty, high-quality courses are constructed for professional core courses, interdisciplinary integration and cutting-edge courses under the guidance of golden course construction; Facing the construction of new engineering courses, reform teaching methods and contents, and deepen the cross integration of disciplines; Establish an innovative experiment and practice teaching system guided by student learning outcomes (OBE) to promote the integration of production and teaching; With the implementation of engineering certification concept as the core, build an evaluation mechanism based on students' learning achievements. [6]
  • The training mode based on the cooperation of industry, university and research
Strengthen practical teaching, attach importance to the second classroom education, fully mobilize the enthusiasm of students to learn, and implement the industry university research cooperation in running schools in all teaching links.
First, transfer the theoretical classroom to the scene. For example, Digital Mobile Communication, Program Control Switching and other courses that need to be taught in combination with on-site equipment and environment to achieve the desired effect, part of the courses involving on-site equipment and environment will be transferred to the enterprise site, and the enterprise engineers will conduct on-site explanation, guidance and assessment.
Second, transfer the scene to the theoretical classroom. Enterprise engineers are invited to teach in the school, and advanced technologies, design concepts, and engineering ideas of communication specialty are taught to students to stimulate students' enthusiasm for learning.
Third, transfer the theoretical classroom to the laboratory. Professional courses are taught in the laboratory and operated while explaining, which can not only improve the teaching effect, but also enhance students' hands-on ability.
Fourth, change the visiting practice to on-site practice. Through practical training, students can fully understand the communication equipment and construction technology, optical fiber equipment, microwave equipment and other specific equipment and technologies that are not exposed in the classroom, and carry out training under the guidance of engineers. It not only enhances the students' awareness of the work position, but also effectively cultivates the students' engineering awareness. [7]
  • Training mode based on the concept of "Internet+CDIO"
The concept of CDIO (Conceive Design Implementation Operate), namely "conception design implementation operation", is a new engineering education model proposed by MIT, which requires close connection with practice and focuses on the combination of theory and practice. "Internet+" requires students to "establish advanced innovation and entrepreneurship concepts", and requires higher education to "combine majors and strengthen practice", which is consistent with CDIO's concepts of "learning by doing" and "project-based education and learning".
On this basis, in combination with the social needs of the Internet+era for communication talents, the courses of communication engineering specialty are classified into general education courses, basic courses of disciplines (specialties), core courses of specialties, and elective courses of specialties, and the practice links are divided into three categories: engineering basic practice and curriculum design, production practice, and graduation design. Cultivate students' team spirit and communication ability through practice, and employ enterprise engineers as student mentors, so that students can fully understand the actual needs of society, enterprise operation, product conception, design, and implementation process, and have an overall understanding of the project.
In addition, in the link of scientific and technological innovation, it provides students with scientific and technological innovation platforms such as the Undergraduate Innovation and Entrepreneurship Competition, the "Internet+" Competition, and the electronic competition. Through the communication engineering specialty, teachers are required to combine the actual innovation and entrepreneurship projects in the daily teaching process of professional courses to teach the relevant knowledge of the course, so as to improve the innovation and entrepreneurship awareness of students. [8-9]

Development prospect


Talent demand

Since the 21st century, communication technology is developing rapidly, and will develop towards digital, broadband, intelligent, personalized integrated services digital network technology. Communication technology and senior professionals who master communication technology play an extremely important role in ensuring the smooth development of digitalization and informatization. All walks of life also need more and more communication engineering undergraduates as the basic force of digitalization and informatization production management. [10]

Postgraduate Entrance Examination Direction

Can apply for an examination Information and Communication Engineering Master and doctoral students with academic degrees, and master students with electronic information degrees. [2]

Employment direction

After graduation, students are suitable to engage in scientific research, technology development, operation and management in various post and telecommunications administrations and companies affiliated to the Ministry of Posts and Telecommunications. They can be employed as mobile application product managers, value-added product development engineers, digital signal processing engineers, communication technology engineers, cable transmission engineers, wireless communication engineers, telecommunications exchange engineers, data communication engineers Mobile communication engineer, telecommunication network engineer, etc. [10]
The main enterprises employed in the communication industry are China Mobile China Telecom China Unicom And other operators; Huawei ZTE Fenghuo Technology Lucent Siemens? Fujitsu And other equipment manufacturers; Huawei Apple Samsung , Xiaomi, VIVO, OPPO and other smart phone manufacturers. [2]

Opening colleges and universities

List of colleges and universities
Armored Corps Engineering College of the Chinese People's Liberation Army
North China University of Technology
North China Electric Power University
Central University for Nationalities
Communication University of China
Beijing University of Posts and Telecommunications
Beijing University of Chemical Technology
Beijing University of Science and Technology
Beijing University of Technology
Beijing University of Aeronautics and Astronautics
Beijing University of Technology
Beijing Jiaotong University
Beijing Institute of Electronic Science and Technology
Beijing University of Information Technology
Century College of Beijing University of Posts and Telecommunications
Tianjin Sino German University of Applied Technology
Tianjin University of Technology and Education
Tianjin University of Commerce
Tianjin Normal University
Tianjin University of Technology
Tianjin University of Science and Technology
Tianjin Polytechnic University
Civil Aviation University of China
Tianjin University
Nankai University
Tianjin Ren'ai University
Tianjin Tianshi University
Fudan University
Shanghai Maritime University
Shanghai Institute of Electrical Engineering
Shanghai University of Technology
Shanghai Normal University
Shanghai Electric Power University
Shanghai Second University of Technology
Shanghai University
Tongji University
Donghua University
East China Normal University
Chongqing Three Gorges University
Changjiang Normal University
Chongqing University of Technology
Chongqing University of Posts and Telecommunications
chongqing jiaotong university
Southwest University
Chongqing University
Chongqing Yitong University
Chongqing Institute of Engineering
Chongqing University of Humanities and Technology
North China University of Technology
Hebei University of Technology
Hebei University of Water Resources and Electric Power
Handan College
Hebei North University
tangshan college
Shijiazhuang University
Langfang Teachers College
Xingtai University
Shijiazhuang Tiedao University
North China University of Science and Technology
College of Disaster Prevention Science and Technology
Hebei Engineering University
Hebei University
cangzhou normal university
Hebei University of Geosciences
Beihua Institute of Aerospace Technology
Hebei University of Science and Technology
Yanjing Institute of Technology
Hebei Institute of Engineering Technology
Liren College of Yanshan University
Light Industry College of North China University of Technology
Henan College of Animal Husbandry Economics
Henan Institute of Technology
Zhengzhou University
Luoyang Institute of Technology
Pingdingshan University
Huanghuai University
Henan University of Science and Technology
Luoyang Normal University
shangqiu normal university
Zhengzhou University of Light Industry
North China University of Water Resources and Hydropower
Henan Normal University
Henan University of Technology
Henan University of Technology
Henan University of Science and Technology
Zhengzhou Institute of Aviation Industry Management
Nanyang Institute of Technology
Anyang Institute of Technology
Zhongyuan University of Technology
Xinxiang Engineering College
Zhengzhou Sias University
Shangqiu College
Shangqiu Institute of Technology
Zhengzhou Business University
Zhengzhou University of Science and Technology
Zhengzhou Institute of Industrial Application Technology
Huanghe University of Science and Technology
Linyi University
Shandong Normal University
Taishan University
Zaozhuang University
Shandong Business University
Weifang University
Qilu University of Technology
Qingdao University
China University of Petroleum (East China)
Ocean University of China
Qingdao Agricultural University
qufu normal university
Shandong Agricultural University
Jinan University
qingdao technological university
Qingdao University of Science and Technology
Yantai University
liaocheng university
Shandong University of Technology
Shandong University of Science and Technology
Shandong University
Taishan University of Science and Technology
Qingdao Institute of Technology
Qilu Institute of Technology
Shandong Yingcai University
Weifang University of Science and Technology
Yantai Institute of Technology
Shanxi Institute of Technology
Shanxi University of Science and Technology
xinzhou teachers college
yuncheng university
Taiyuan Institute of Technology
Taiyuan University of Science and Technology
Central North University
Taiyuan University of Technology
Shanxi Jinzhong Institute of Technology
Anhui University
University of Science and Technology of China
Hefei Polytechnic University
Anhui University of Technology
Anhui Agricultural University
hefei university
Tongling University
Chuzhou University
West Anhui University
suzhou university
huainan normal university
Anqing Normal University
Fuyang Normal University
Hefei Normal University
Anhui Jianzhu University
Huaibei normal university
Anhui University of Engineering
Anhui Normal University
Anhui University of Science and Technology
Wanjiang Institute of Technology
Hefei University of Economics
Huaibei Institute of Technology
Anhui Wenda Information Engineering College
Anhui Institute of Information Engineering
anhui xinhua university
ANHUI SANLIAN university
Jianghuai College of Anhui University
yichun university
Gandong University
Gannan University of Science and Technology
Xinyu University
Jinggangshan University
Nanchang Engineering College
Nanchang Hangkong University
Jiangxi Normal University
East China Jiaotong University
East China University of Technology
Nanchang Jiaotong University
Jiangxi Institute of Engineering
Jiangxi University of Science and Technology
Nanchang Institute of Technology
Nanchang Institute of Technology
College of Science and Technology, Nanchang University
Nanjing University
Xi'an Jiaotong Liverpool University
Suzhou City University
Wuxi University
Suzhou University of Science and Technology
Nanjing Xiaozhuang University
Jiangsu Institute of Technology
Nanjing Institute of Technology
Jinling University of Science and Technology
Huaiyin Institute of Technology
Nanjing University of Information Engineering
Nantong University
Nanjing University of Technology
Jiangsu University of Science and Technology
Nanjing University of Posts and Telecommunications
jiangsu university
yangzhou university
Suzhou University
Nanjing University of Technology
Suqian College
Changzhou Institute of Technology
Jiangsu Ocean University
Wuxi Taihu University
Sanjiang University
Huaide College of Changzhou University
Suzhou Institute of Technology, Jiangsu University of Science and Technology
Pujiang College of Nanjing University of Technology
Tianping College of Suzhou University of Science and Technology
Zhejiang University of Science and Technology
China Metrology University
Jiaxing University
Zhejiang Gongshang University
Zhejiang Normal University
Zhejiang University of Technology
Hangzhou University of Electronic Science and Technology
Zhejiang University of Technology
Ningbo University
City College of Zhejiang University
Zhejiang Shuren University
zhejiang wanli university
College of Science, Technology and Arts, Zhejiang University of Technology
School of Information Engineering, Hangzhou University of Electronic Science and Technology
tongji zhejiang college
WuHan University
Huazhong University of Science and Technology
China University of Geosciences (Wuhan)
Wuhan University of Technology
Hubei Institute of Technology
Wuhan Polytechnic University
Wuhan Textile University
Wuhan University of Engineering
Hubei University of Technology
Wuhan University of Science and Technology
Three Gorges University
Changjiang University
Hubei University
Central South University for Nationalities
Central China Normal University
Hubei Normal University
Jingzhou University
Wuhan Huaxia University of Technology
Wuhan Qingchuan University
Wenhua College
Wuhan University of Technology and Business
Wuhan Donghu University
Hankou University
Wuchang Institute of Technology
Wuchang Shouyi College
Hubei Institute of Technology
Hubei University of Arts and Sciences
School of Posts and Telecommunications and Information Engineering, Wuhan University of Technology
College of Science and Technology of Three Gorges University
Hunan University
Central South University
Hunan Normal University
National University of Defense Technology
Hunan University of Humanities and Technology
Hunan First Normal University
Hunan Institute of Technology
shaoyang university
Hunan University of Science and Technology
Huaihua University
Hunan University of Arts and Sciences
Hunan Institute of Technology
Hunan Institute of Engineering
hunan city university
changsha university
Central South Forestry University
Hunan University of Technology
Nanhua University
Jishou University
Xiangtan University
Hunan University of Science and Technology
Hunan Institute of Information Technology
Hunan University of Foreign Economics
Furong College of Hunan University of Arts and Sciences
Shuda College of Hunan Normal University
Dongguan Institute of Technology
South China Normal University
Jinan University
Guangzhou Maritime College
Guangzhou University
Guangdong Ocean University
South China Agricultural University
Guangdong University of Technology
Wuyi University
Shenzhen University
Shantou University
Sun Yat-sen University
Southern University of Science and Technology
Guangdong Normal University of Technology
shaoguan university
Jiaying University
ZhaoQing University
Guangzhou Institute of Applied Science and Technology
Guangzhou City Institute of Technology
Guangzhou Software College
Zhuhai University of Science and Technology
Guangzhou Nanfang University
Guangzhou Industrial and Commercial University
Guangdong Institute of Technology
Guangdong Baiyun University
Guangdong University of Science and Technology
Zhuhai College of Beijing University of Technology
Sun Yat sen University of Electronic Science and Technology
wuzhou university
Guilin Institute of Aerospace Technology
Guangxi Normal University for Nationalities
Hezhou University
baise university
Guangxi University of Science and Technology
Guilin University of Technology
Guangxi University for Nationalities
Guangxi Normal University
Guilin University of Electronic Science and Technology
Guangxi University
Nanning Normal University
Guilin Institute of Information Technology
Nanning University
Nanning Institute of Technology
Yunnan University
Kunming University of Science and Technology
Southwest Forestry University
yunnan normal university
Dali University
yuxi normal university
Honghe University
Yunnan University of Economics and Management
Jinqiao College of Kunming University of Technology
guiyang university
Guizhou Institute of Engineering Application Technology
Guizhou University
Guizhou Qiannan University of Science and Technology
Guiyang Institute of Information Technology
Xihua University
Chengdu Technological University
Sichuan University
Southwest Jiaotong University
Chengdu University
neijiang normal university
Chengdu University of Information Engineering
Sichuan University of Light Chemical Industry
Southwest Petroleum University
Sichuan Normal University
Southwest University of Science and Technology
Chengdu University of Technology
Southwest University for Nationalities
University of Electronic Science and Technology
Mianyang City University
Chengdu Jincheng University
Sichuan Business University
Sichuan University Jinjiang College
Chang'an University
Xi'an Aviation University
Northwestern University
Northwestern Polytechnical University
Xi'an University of Electronic Science and Technology
Xi'an Technological University
Xi'an University of Engineering
Xi'an Shiyou University
Xi'an University of Science and Technology
Xi'an University of Architecture and Technology
Xi'an University of Technology
Yan'an University
Shaanxi University of Science and Technology
Xi'an University of Posts and Telecommunications
Second Artillery Force Engineering College
Air Force Engineering University
Xi'an Mingde Institute of Technology
Xi'an Traffic Engineering College
xi'an eurasia university
xi'an peihua university
Huaqing College of Xi'an University of Architecture and Technology
City College of Xi'an Jiaotong University
Qinghai University for Nationalities
Northern University for Nationalities
Ningxia University
Yinchuan Energy College
Harbin Institute of Technology
Harbin Engineering University
Northeast Forestry University
Heilongjiang University
heihe university
Heilongjiang University of Science and Technology
Northeast Petroleum University
Harbin University of Science and Technology
Qiqihar university
jiamusi university
heilongjiang bayi agricultural university
Harbin Institute of Petroleum
Jilin University
Yanbian University
Beihua University
Northeast Electric Power University
Changchun University of Technology
changchun university
Changchun Institute of Electronic Science and Technology
Changchun Institute of Architecture
Dalian Maritime University
Bohai University
Dalian Nationalities University
Shenyang Aerospace University
Dalian Polytechnic University
Liaoning University of Technology
Liaoning University of Science and Technology
Dalian Jiaotong University
liaoning shihua university
Shenyang Jianzhu University
Shenyang University of Technology
Liaoning University of Engineering and Technology
Shenyang Ligong University
Liaoning University
Northeastern University
Liaoning University of Science and Technology
Shenyang Institute of Engineering
Shenyang University
Shenyang Institute of Technology
Dalian University of Science and Technology
Shenyang City Construction College
Dalian Neusoft Information Institute
Tibet University for Nationalities
Tibet University
Kashgar University
Tarim University
Xinjiang University
Xinjiang Institute of Technology
Xinjiang Institute of Engineering
changji university
Inner Mongolia
Inner Mongolia University
Inner Mongolia University of Technology
Inner Mongolia University of Science and Technology
Hainan Institute of Tropical Oceanography
Hainan University
Sanya University
Haikou University of Economics
Xiamen University
Fuzhou University
Fujian Normal University
Wuyi University
Minjiang University
Putian University
Quanzhou Normal University
Fujian Institute of Engineering
Xiamen Institute of Technology
Jimei University
Huaqiao University
Fujian Business School
Xiamen Institute of Technology
Fuzhou Institute of Technology
Quanzhou Institute of Information Engineering
Minnan Institute of Technology
Minnan University of Science and Technology
Xiamen Huasha University
Zhicheng College of Fuzhou University
Chengyi College of Jimei University
Lanzhou University
Lanzhou University of Technology
Lanzhou Jiaotong University
Lanzhou University of Arts and Sciences
Lanzhou Institute of Technology
Lanzhou City University
Lanzhou Institute of Information Technology
Lanzhou Bowen University of Science and Technology
(Reference source of table content: Window of Chinese Universities; date of extract: June 29, 2023 [11]