
The protein portion of plasma lipoproteins
zero Useful+1
Apolipoproteins are Plasma Lipoprotein In protein Some can combine and transport blood lipids to various tissues of the body metabolize And utilized proteins. A large number of studies have found that apolipoprotein gene mutations, forming different Allele type Polymorphism And further form apolipoproteins with different phenotypes, which can affect the metabolism and utilization of blood lipids, thus affecting Hyperlipidemia atherosclerosis Cardiovascular and cerebrovascular diseases The occurrence and development of. [1]
Chinese name
Latin name
The protein portion of plasma lipoproteins
Synthetic site
Mainly in the liver (partially in the small intestine)

Composition information

Plasma Lipoprotein In protein Some are called apolipoproteins.
load Lipoprotein It is the protein component of plasma lipoproteins, mainly divided into five categories: A, B, C, D and E. basic function Is carrying lipid Structure of substances and stable lipoproteins, some apolipoproteins and activated lipoproteins Metabolic enzyme , receptor recognition and other functions. It is mainly synthesized in the liver (partially in the small intestine), named according to the ABC system, and can be divided into several subclasses Roman numerals express.
Apolipoproteins are important components of plasma lipoproteins lipid In soluble form, it plays an important role in plasma lipoprotein metabolism: (1) promoting lipid transport; (2) Adjustment enzymatic activity (3) Guiding plasma lipoprotein Cell surface receptor combination. It is a group of extremely active functions Plasma protein
Reference: Apolipoprotein B
Human apolipoproteins are expressed in two forms: apoB-48 and apob-100. The sequence of this gene is in the liver and intestine Histiocyte Is the same, but the product is different. stay Hepatocyte 4536 products Amino acid residue Peptide: apoB-100; However, in intestinal cells, the product is apoB-48, which only contains 2152 amino acid residues and lacks apoB-100 C-end with LDL receptor Combined Domain The reason is that mRNA Horizontally, 2153 bit glutamine Of Codon C in CAA is edited as U, forming a Termination codon - UAA, which results in early termination of protein synthesis and synthesis of a new relative molecular mass About 250kDa protein.

About Apolipoprotein A1

[Reference value]
Male: 0.92~2.36g/L
Female: 0.8 ~ 2.10g/L
Methodology Variation]
The analysis coefficient of variation of immunoelectrophoresis diffusion method is 5%
[Biological variation]
1. For lifting antiepileptic Increase by about 20% ethanol It increased by about 20%, and hyperlipidemia increased by about 15%. In women Oral contraceptives It increased by about 10%, menopause by about 4%, and estrogen by about 3%.
2. Reduced use Luteinizing hormone About 3%.
[Pathological variation]
atherosclerosis Diabetes Hyperlipoproteinemia liver function Deficiency can lead to Apolipoprotein A Reduction of.
[Medical decisive level]
0.5g/L: lower than this value indicates the existence of lipid metabolism disorder and the observation for diet treatment.

Family A classification

Apolipoprotein A family Apolipoprotein A (ApoA) can be divided into ApoA Ⅰ, ApoA Ⅱ and ApoA Ⅳ. ApoA Ⅰ and ApoA Ⅱ are mostly distributed in HDL It is the main apolipoprotein of HDL.
1、 ApoA Ⅰ
ApoA Ⅰ is the largest component of ApoA family and the main apolipoprotein in HDL. Shore is equal to the first person from HDL in 1968 Separation and purification ApoA Ⅰ was obtained. In the mid-1970s, Brewer clarified the amino acid And predicted its Secondary structure Key points of. stay molecular biology In the 1980s, Karathanasis and others successively reported human ApoA Ⅰ cDNA and Chromosome DNA Sequence. Human mature ApoA Ⅰ consists of 243 Amino acid residue Composition is single Polypeptide chain , molecular weight is 28300D. People and Rat ApoA Ⅰ from monkeys, rabbits, cattle, ducks, mice and other animals has been isolated and purified. ApoA Ⅰ of human and other species Amino terminal Is Asp, Carboxyl terminal It is Gln, and its molecule does not contain Cysteine and isoleucine through Isofocal electrophoresis It is confirmed that ApoA Ⅰ of human and animal is heterogeneous, with 10 different sub components, at least six Polymorphism through Isoelectric focusing And the systematic naming in two-phase electrophoresis, ApoA Ⅰ polypeptide is called Apoa Ⅰ 0, ApoA Ⅰ - 1, ApoA Ⅰ - 2, ApoA Ⅰ+1, ApoA Ⅰ+2, in which ApoA Ⅰ 0 is the most abundant.
2、 ApoA Ⅱ
ApoA Ⅱ is the second high content apolipoprotein in HDL, accounting for 15% of apolipoprotein in HDL2 and 25% of apolipoprotein in HDL3. 7%~10% of total apolipoproteins in CM and a small amount in VLDL. Until 1985, the amino acid sequence, cDNA sequence and gene sequence of ApoA Ⅱ protein All have Clarification. ApoA Ⅱ is composed of 77 polypeptide chains Amino acid residue form. ApoA Ⅱ is not added reducing agent Of SDS-PAGE The molecular weight is 17000D measured in Dimer Form exists. The monomer molecular weight of ApoA Ⅱ is 8700D. The C-terminal amino acid residue of human ApoA Ⅱ protein is glutamate , N end is Pyrrolidine Keto acid , lacking histidine Arginine and Tryptophan ApoA Ⅱ has polymorphism, the main polymorphism Isoelectric point 4.9, while the isoelectric points of polymorphic type with less content are 5.17, 4.68, 4.42 and 4.20.
ApoA Ⅱ physiological function Yes: ① Maintain HDL structure, ApoA Ⅱ peptide 12-31 and peptide 50-77 have phospholipid The combination ability of structural analysis It is believed that, Residue Duality formed by 17-30 and 51-62 Helical structure People ApoA Ⅱ and lipid Molecular basis of binding; ② activation Hepatic lipase , used to hydrolyze TG And PL. It is also reported that ApoA Ⅱ can inhibit LCAT Activity. ApoA Ⅱ is synthesized by the liver and small intestine. ApoA Ⅱ in human plasma Biological half-life 4.4 days.
3、 ApoA Ⅳ
ApoA Ⅳ is an apolipoprotein first found in rat HDL and CM. In 1979, Beisiegel et al confirmed that ApoA Ⅳ also exists in human plasma, mainly distributed in the part with density greater than 1.211g/ml. There are 376 mature ApoA Ⅳ Amino acid residue form. SDS-PAGE confirmed that the molecular weights of rat and human ApoA Ⅳ were 44000 and 46000 Da. Human and rat amino acid composition Similar is a kind of glycoprotein , containing 6% carbohydrate , where mannose 1.8%, Galactose 1.55%, N-acetylglucosamine 1.55% and sialic acid Accounting for 1.1%. ApoA Ⅳ protein has polymorphism, and the biological half-life is 10h. The physiological function of ApoA Ⅳ is still unclear, and it is speculated that it is in HDL Reverse transshipment It plays an important role in the process. In 1985, Steinmetz et al reported that ApoA Ⅳ could promote LCAT cholesterol esterification Goldberg reported that ApoA Ⅳ has been regulated Lipoprotein lipase Of Activation And presumably promote the release of ApoA Ⅳ from HDL and VLDL. ApoA Ⅳ is synthesized by the liver and small intestine. [2]

Reasons for low

Apolipoproteins are Plasma Lipoprotein The important components of apolipoprotein a1 can be divided into five categories: a, b, c, d and e, and each category can be subdivided into several subclasses. Apolipoprotein a1 is a classification type of apolipoprotein. Apolipoprotein a1 is mainly used to carry lipids and stabilize the structure of lipoproteins. It also plays a role in promoting the transport of lipids, regulating enzyme activities, and guiding plasma lipoproteins to interact with Cell surface receptor Combination and other important roles.
The reason of low apolipoprotein a1
The main reason for the low level of apolipoprotein a1 is the impairment of liver function. The decrease of apolipoprotein a1 synthesis by hepatocytes results in the low level of apolipoprotein a1 in the blood. Low apolipoprotein a1 is common in patients with atherosclerosis , diabetes Hyperlipoproteinemia And other diseases.

Reasons for high

1. Take some Antiepileptic drugs It will cause high apolipoprotein a1. If the drug is stopped, it will return to normal;
2. Long term excessive drinking will lead to high apolipoprotein a1. At this time, you must stop drinking. If you do not drink in the future, apolipoprotein a1 will Return to normal
3. During pregnancy, apolipoprotein a1 is also higher, which is a normal physiological phenomenon;
4. Abnormal liver, with chronic hepatitis It will cause high apolipoprotein a1, which is easy to be converted into cirrhosis [3]

Apolipoprotein B

[Legal dose reference value
Male: 0.42 ~ 1.14g/L
Female: 0.42 ~ 1.26g/L
[Analysis of variation]
[Biological variation]
The age of 20-60 years old increases by about 20%, and obesity (weight overload) increases Luteinizing hormone It can increase the result by about 19%.
Reduce exercise by about 2%, vegetarian diet by about 2%, and hypolipidemia by about 10% estrogen At that time, it was reduced by about 6% (some people also reported that it was reduced by 30%). Many therapeutic drugs, such as: Cholagogue (No impact VLDL ), antomin nicotinic acid , Dextrothyroxine Asparaginase Can lead to Apolipoprotein B Reduction of.
Pathology Change]
2. Decrease is seen in myocardium Local ischemia And incomplete liver function.
[Medical decisive level]
1.60g/L: grease exists above this limit Metabolic disorder It is also used for observation of diet treatment.