
[hōng zhà jī]
The main aircraft for air assault
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Bomber is one of the military aircraft, which can throw conventional bombs Nuclear bomb Nuclear cruise missile Or launch Air to ground missile Bombers can be divided into Tactical bomber , campaign bombers and strategic bomber Three types. Tactical bombers can generally load 3-5 tons of bombs, campaign bombers can load 5-10 tons of bombs, and strategic bombers can load 10-30 tons of bombs. Now the more advanced bombers in the world are Russian Fig-160 Strategic bomber , the US B-2 stealth strategic bomber. If the aircraft carrier is the representative of the navy, then the bomber is synonymous with the characteristics of the air force. Bombers are an indispensable part of the "Trinity" strategic nuclear force.
The bomber is characterized by strong assault force, long range, large bomb load and high mobility Aviation The main aircraft carrying out air assault. The weapon system includes various bomb , aerial bomb Air to ground missile Air to ship missile cruise missile Depth charge Etc. Fire control system It can ensure that the bomber has all-weather bombing capability and high hit accuracy. The bomber's electronic equipment includes Autopilot Terrain tracking radar , navigation equipment, electronic jamming system and omnidirectional surveillance radar, etc., to ensure their long-range flight and low altitude penetration. Modern bombers are also equipped with fuel receiving equipment to refuel in the air. Bombers can be roughly divided into tactical, campaign and strategic bombers according to takeoff weight, bomb load and range. Tactical bombers carry no more than 5 tons of ammunition, with a range of less than 3000 kilometers and a maximum takeoff weight of no more than 20 tons. They have been comprehensively replaced by fighter bombers and attack aircraft. The strategic bomber can carry 10 to 30 tons of ammunition, with a range of 8000 to 12000 to 13000 kilometers. The maximum takeoff weight exceeds 100 tons. It is also called a long-range bomber. The campaign bomber is between the above two, and there are only a few models in service. Since modern attack aircraft have reached quite high combat performance, it is possible to replace the campaign bomber.
Chinese name
Foreign name
Famous bomber
B-1 , Figure-95M Draw-160 B- two
General engine
Turbojet/turbofan engine
application area
development direction

classification method


By weapon

Bombers can be divided into nuclear bombers, cruise missile carriers and conventional bombers.

By voyage

It can be divided into short range, medium range and long range bombers. But how far is "remote". The definitions are different in different periods. Early bombers had a combat radius of only about 150 kilometers; During World War II, those with a range of more than 3000 kilometers were considered long-range bombers. For example, the TB3 of the Soviet Union is 3225 kilometers, the "Lancaster" MK Ⅱ of the United Kingdom is 3620 kilometers, the B-24 "liberator" of the United States is 3380 kilometers, the B-17 "air fortress" is 3200 kilometers, and the B-29 "super fortress" even reaches 5200 kilometers. Their operational radius is generally 30%~40% of the flight range, which varies depending on the amount of ammunition and operational flight mode. As for the long-range bombers after the 1980s, such as the B-1 and B2 of the United States, and the Tu-95M and 160 of the former Soviet Union, they all have a range of about 12000 to 13000 kilometers. If we still allow (or have conditions) giant tankers to refuel in the air, it is impossible to say. The factors limiting the voyage also include the internal lubricating oil capacity, the total oxygen supply time or people's endurance. Bombers with a fuel range of less than 8000 kilometers can no longer be regarded as long-range bombers. What is the physical concept of 8000 km distance. It is 8000 kilometers from Beijing to Moscow, 8193 kilometers from London and 9495 kilometers from San Francisco. It is generally believed that short distance is less than 3000 km, medium distance is about 3000-8000 km, and long distance is about 8000-10000 km.

According to ammunition load

According to weight, it can be roughly divided into Tactical bomber Campaign bomber And strategic bomber However, there is no certain standard for distinguishing these three types of bombers.
Tactical bomber
  • One or two engines, with hanging bomb weight not more than 1 Metric ton (or 2000 pound ), close to fighter Some tactical bombers can also be used as fighters, most of them are fighter bombers.
Campaign bomber
strategic bomber
  • Two or more engines, with a hanging weight of at least 2 Metric ton (or 4000 pound )Some strategic bombers can also be used as transport aircraft, most of which are strategic bomber

By Operational Task

Tactical bomber
It refers to a smaller bomber used for Tactical bombing , attack the armed forces and baggage. After the end of World War II, the size and ammunition load of fighter and attack aircraft gradually increased, Aerial refueling technology As tactical bombers gradually lose their technical advantages, they are gradually replaced by fighters and attack aircraft. The development of tactical bombers has gradually stopped in countries all over the world. Since the mid-1950s, all countries have stopped developing tactical bombers and have been Fighter bomber replace.
strategic bomber
It is generally used to execute Strategic bombing Medium and long range bombers. It is an important part of the strategic nuclear force and one of the main means of delivery of large yield nuclear weapons. It can bring Nuclear bomb , can also carry conventional bombs; It can be launched at close range Nuclear bomb , and can be launched from a long distance cruise missile It can not only be used as strategic offensive weapons, but also carry out tactical bombing missions when necessary to support land and naval operations.
In addition, with the increasing characteristics of bombers, they can also be divided into stealth and non stealth, supersonic and subsonic Hypersonic And non hypersonic, variable swept wing and non variable swept wing, etc.
Persian Gulf War and Kosovo War After that, Russia's military strategic thinking has undergone major changes: in the future war, air power has risen from the status of auxiliary support to the main means of air attack. At the beginning of the war, the initial attack is crucial, and it will play a vital role in the success or failure of later military operations. By implementing a strong initial strike, the opponent can be paralyzed and difficult to recover. However, due to economic reasons, it is impossible for Russia to establish all the conventional forces needed to win this modern war in a short period of time. Therefore, Russia has made it clear that bombers are essential and important weapons and equipment combat platforms for both conventional strikes and nuclear retaliation.

Classification supplement

Dive bomber
The concept of dive bombing is that the bomber flies down from high altitude at an angle of more than 45 degrees with the ground, and throws the bomb after reaching a certain altitude. This bombing method can effectively improve the bomb hit rate. The United States was the first country to develop and use dive bombers. This concept later spread to Germany, making it the most famous country in World War II Stuka dive bomber However, during World War II, only a small amount of symbolic use of American army aviation was changed from P-51 fighter Of A-36 And changed from SB2C Of A-25 Only the Navy used dive bombers extensively.
After World War II, because the speed of the jet was much higher, the large angle dive was not suitable and dangerous, so the full-time dive bomber became a historical term.
Torpedo bomber
torpedo It is an important weapon for attacking surface ships. Many countries' navies have bombers specially carrying torpedoes for such missions. Some countries also try to modify existing combat aircraft to carry torpedoes, but the combat effect may not be similar to specially designed aircraft. Torpedo bomber The risk of the mission is very high. Before throwing a torpedo, it is necessary to maintain a fixed altitude at low altitude and fly at a heading and speed for a period of time, which makes the torpedo bomber a very obvious and easy target to target. Midway Campaign There were 12 US Navy aircraft at the time Douglas TBD Destroyer Torpedo bombers were quickly taken by the Japanese fleet without fighter escorts Zero fighter Only one person was saved after being shot down.
At the end of World War II Grumman TBF Avenger Torpedo Bomber Almost all of them turned to carrying bombs. After the war, the important role of torpedo against surface ships gradually changed to Anti ship missile Submarines are the main targets of torpedoes, so torpedo bombers are gradually transformed into Antisubmarine aircraft Instead of a specially designed model.
Horizontal bombers are actually a description of dive bombers. Most bombers bomb in a horizontal or shallow angle dive. When dive bombers disappear, this classification does not need to continue to exist.

Development history


be born

aircraft As the military starts from reconnaissance, the role of aerial reconnaissance is unquestionable. Throw a few grenades or Mortar shell It became the beginning of "bomber".
Shortly after aircraft were used for military purposes, people began to test bombing ground targets with aircraft. In October 1911, a war broke out between Italy and Turkey for the colonial interests of Libya in North Africa. On November 1, Italian Lieutenant Gafferty flew a "Rappelo Dobby" monoplane to throw four 2kg grenades at the Turkish army. Although the results were very small, this was the first aerial bombing in the world.
This bombing mission was carried out by modified reconnaissance aircraft. Bombs or shells are vertically suspended on both sides of the cockpit. When approaching the target, the pilot will take down the bomb by hand and throw it at the target, and its hit accuracy can be imagined. On February 25, 1913, the world's first special bomber designed by Igor Sikorski, a Russian, successfully flew for the first time. The bomber named "Iria Murometz" is equipped with eight ground machine guns, which can carry up to 800 kg of ammunition. There is a bomb compartment in the fuselage, and for the first time, it uses electric projectors, bombing sights, driving and navigation instruments.


In December 1914, used by Russia“ Iria Murometz ”The world's first strategic bomber force was formed. On February 15, 1915, the first air strike was carried out against German targets in Poland. the First World War During this period, bombers were rapidly developed and widely used. At that time, the speed of bombers was less than 200 kilometers per hour, and the bomb carrying capacity was about 1 ton. Most of them were biplane aircraft. the Second World War During this period, there was a new development of bombers. The strategic bombers equipped with four engines marked the development of bombers to a new level, with a bomb carrying capacity of 8-9 tons and a range of 2600-7000 kilometers, especially the U.S B-29 The most outstanding, it is not only to invest in Hiroshima , Nagasaki two Atomic bomb A large number of incendiary bombs were dropped from the carrier aircraft of the B-29, which caused the famous Tokyo fire, and hundreds of thousands of Japanese civilian casualties were also the "great achievements" of the B-29.
During World War I, Germany used“ zeppelin ”Type airship Belgium Poland Warsaw , Paris, France and Britain carried out bombing, which started Strategic bombing The prologue of. Since then, bombers have gradually stepped onto the air battlefield stage. Although everyone believed that aircraft was more suitable for bombing than airships, at that time, there was disagreement among countries on whether to use airships or aircraft for bombing. Due to the different understandings among countries, some have made early, some have made late, some have made fast progress, and some have made slow progress in developing bombers. As early as before the First World War, the Russians had realized that aircraft would eventually replace airships. Therefore, Russia became the most advanced country in the world at that time in developing bombers. The Russians took the lead in developing bombers and made remarkable achievements. In the middle of the First World War (1915), there appeared a specially developed bomber. It was a strategic four shot bomber of the former Soviet Union, called Ilya Murometz II, which was developed by the Baltic Railway Factory. The aircraft has a take-off weight of 4590kg, a bomb carrying capacity of 520kg, 7 passengers, and an engine power of 110kW (150hp). The other is the Italian "Caproni Ca32" three engine bomber, developed by Caproni Aeronautical Engineering Co., Ltd., with a takeoff weight of 3300kg, a bomb carrying capacity of 850kg, four passengers, and an engine power of 73.5kW (100 horsepower). But it was the Germans who really began to bomb specific targets with aircraft. In 1917, Germany's continuous bombing of London and southern England, especially the bombing at night, set a precedent for brutal killing of civilians and caused later retaliation by Britain. Since then, it has been called "strategic bomber".
On the eve of World War II, the importance attached to long-range bombers varies from country to country. Britain has always attached great importance to the development of long-range bombers, so it has successively participated in the war with "Halifax", "Lancaster" and other outstanding models. At the beginning of World War II, the performance of military aircraft in the United States was backward. Due to the strong industrial and technological foundation, a large number of first-class combat aircraft appeared in the later period. The most famous American long-range bomber is B-17 B-24 B-25 and B-29 B29 bomber It was a US bomber that bombed Hiroshima and Nagasaki in Japan. German He series: He-177A-3 He-177A-4、He-177A-5、He-177A-7、He-177B、He-177B-0、He-117B-5、He-117B-7。 The Soviet Union has different views on the role of long-range bombers. In addition to the relationship between the industrial base, it is appropriate to give priority to the development of fighter aircraft. There were 818 TB-3 models produced from 1932 to 1937. In 1949, the Bie-8 four bombers, with a takeoff weight of 32 tons, a payload of 2 tons and a voyage of 4700 kilometers, produced only 79. Germany has always attached great importance to Tactical bomber , especially "superstition" Dive bomber There is no position of long-range bomber in the series of bombers produced in batch, nor does it support development. So when it was necessary to attack Britain and the Soviet Union from the air after conquering most of Europe, especially when it was necessary to bomb the Soviet military factories that had moved to the Ural Mountains, it was too late to find that there were no usable weapons. During World War II, Germany produced and used only He 177 One paragraph. Japan also has a similar situation, but it does not want to develop but is limited by technical strength and financial resources. The G8N1 "Lianshan" four shot bomber developed in 1943 is similar to the B17 in size, performance and layout, with a range of 3950 kilometers and a payload of 2-3 tons. Only four bombers had been trial produced by the time of surrender, and they have not yet been fully trial flown.


From modern jet strategic bomber In the more than 50 years since its inception, its development has gone through three obvious stages:
The first stage was the Soviet Union, which served in the 1960s and 1970s Miya-4 , UK Three V bomber ("Victory", "Vulcan", "Warriors"), the United States B-47 B-52 Etc. During this period, jet powered bombers replaced propeller powered bombers solve The problem is the engine. As the jet engine technology of the former Soviet Union was not up to standard, the range of the Miya-4 bomber could not meet the design requirements, so it was quickly retired and replaced with an air tanker. Its strategic bombing mission was mainly driven by propeller Fig-95 To serve. It is particularly pointed out that although Figure-95 is propeller Power, but its speed is almost the same as that of contemporary jet bombers. Figure-95 can be used today, with its NK-12 Turboprop engine Your success has a lot to do with it. Supersonic undoubtedly has more advantages in strategic and tactical use. It can make the bomber reach the target quickly, reduce the probability of being intercepted and attacked depending on speed, and greatly enhance the penetration ability. because Jet engine With rapid development, aircraft design has also broken through some technical bottlenecks. Soon after the advent of subsonic bombers, the Soviet Union and the United States began to develop supersonic strategic bombers. But in this period Supersonic bomber It is just a flash in the pan. The main reason is that the strategic bomber designed at supersonic speed cannot solve the contradiction between speed and range: if you want to reach supersonic speed, you cannot meet the requirements of range, and if you want to meet the requirements of range, you cannot reach supersonic speed. U.S.A B-58 This problem exists, so we have to carry a super large fuel tank in the belly of the aircraft, which limits the tactical use ability.
The second stage was in the 1980s. The supersonic strategic bomber solved the contradiction between speed and range because of the variable swept wing design. The representative of this stage was the Soviet Union Draw-160 (NATO calls it a "pirate flag" bomber) Figure-22M And the United States B-1B (Lancers), etc. The emergence of supersonic strategic bombers has greatly enhanced the penetration capability of strategic bombers and their strike capability. However, due to the high cost and the current situation, these bombers have not been fully developed.
The third stage is the end of last century invisible The emergence of strategic bombers. In the 1980s, the stealth concept was first applied to the design of combat aircraft by the ATF program of the US Air Force and the ATA program of the Navy. Stealth or low detectability can reduce the probability of being found and attacked, achieve the suddenness in strategic campaigns, and significantly improve the survivability of combat aircraft. The emergence of stealth technology has created a new technical field, changed the combat mode of fighter, attacker and bomber, and brought combat aircraft into a new era. The only stealth strategic bomber is the United States B-2 For one, it is said that its radar reflection cross section (RCS) is only 0.3 square meters, while the RCS value of B-52 reaches 100 square meters.
Modern high subsonic bombers mostly use large Aspect ratio To ensure that the aircraft has a high cruise speed and Lift drag ratio The upper single wing layout can make the wing pass through the upper part of the fuselage only, so that bombs can be placed in the fuselage near the center of gravity of the aircraft. The bottom of the bomb compartment has a hatch that can be opened in the air. Since the bomb is arranged near the center of gravity, the center of gravity will not change greatly after aerial bombing, which is convenient for maintaining the balance of the aircraft. The fuel carrying capacity of jet bombers is large. In addition to some fuel placed in the wings, many fuel tanks are symmetrically arranged in front of and behind the bomb compartments in the fuselage.
The aircraft is equipped with perfect communication Navigation equipment , Bombing Sighting device and Electronic jamming Equipment, etc. to ensure that the aircraft can accurately arrive at the predetermined target area and complete the bombing mission. Usually, in addition to the first and second pilots, there are bombing pilots, radio operators, shooters, etc. In order to resist the attack of enemy fighters, bombers designed before the 1950s were generally equipped with rotating turret After the 1960s, due to air-to-air missile The development of turret self-defense has lost its significance. Modern bombers mostly rely on improving low altitude penetration performance and adopting stealth technology To improve our ability to defend ourselves.

Obstacles encountered

After the 1960s, various guided weapon The air defense capability of the target has been greatly improved, so the task of tactical bombing is more Fighter bomber To complete. Tactical bombers with poor self-defense capability are no longer developed. With the improvement of the range and bomb carrying capacity of the fighter bomber, even the task of the campaign bomber can be completed by it. Since appearing long-range missile Since then, the focus of strategic strike force has shifted to missiles, and the position of strategic bombers has declined significantly. After the 1970s, only the Soviet Union and the United States continued to develop long-range supersonic bombers, such as the U.S B-1 And Soviet Figure-22M , both Variable swept wing aircraft , equipped with advanced automatic navigation system, terrain tracking system and electronic countermeasure Equipment, attack weapons to Air to ground missile And cruise missiles, which can covertly conduct ultra-low altitude penetration under complex weather and terrain conditions, and carry out long-range attacks on targets. Long range supersonic bombers are easy to disperse and hide, and are not vulnerable to enemies Nuclear missile Destroy, use flexibly at the same time, easy to attack mobile targets, has become ballistic missile It is an important supplement to the strike force.

National models


Strategic bombers in World War II

  • TB-3
  • Pe-8
  • Lancaster
  • Stirling
  • Halifax
  • He 177
  • Fw 200

Strategic bombers after World War II

Tactical bombers in World War II

  • Wellington
  • Mosquito
  • blenheim
  • Beaufort
  • Beaufighter
  • Skua
  • Tube nosed shearwater
  • Dapeng
  • DB-7
  • Swordfish torpedo bomber
  • Blue and white fish torpedo bomber
  • Barracuda torpedo bomber
  • Hampden
  • Do 17
  • Do 217
  • He 111
  • Ju 87
  • Ju 88
  • Z.1007
  • Attack by land
  • Flying Dragon
  • Ki-49
  • meteor
  • G3M

Tactical bombers after World War II

  • Canberra

Modern bomber

  • Figure-22M3M (modern upgraded version, upgraded from prototype Figure-22M3)
  • Figure-95MSM (modernized and upgraded version, expected to continue in service until 2040)
  • Figure-160M2 (modern upgraded version, bomber performance is 2.5 times of the prototype)
  • Su-34 bomber (Su-34 is a plane that really blurs the boundary between a campaign bomber and a strategic bomber. With an internal fuel carrying capacity of 12000 to 15000 liters, plus up to 9000 liters of auxiliary fuel tank fuel, its range can reach 4000 kilometers, and theoretically it can add n times of fuel. There was a record of pilots staying in the air for 8 hours. This ability makes it have the strike radius of strategic bombers)
  • Yu-71
  • Il-76 hypersonic vehicle
  • H-5, China's first light tactical bomber, the first subsonic light jet tactical bomber designed and produced by China's state-owned Weijian Machinery Factory (now Aviation Industry Hafei) with the Soviet Il-28 bomber as the prototype aircraft. [8]
  • The H-6 is a medium-sized twin engine jet strategic bomber developed and produced by Xi'an Aircraft Factory of China on the basis of the Tupolev Tu-16 bomber introduced from the Soviet Union in the 1950s. It is one of the aircraft with the longest service life of the Chinese People's Liberation Army Air Force. It is still improving production and will continue to serve in the short term. [9]
  • H-20, a new generation of Chinese bombers, to be announced.
  • Tu-22M3 (backfire), the Indian government purchased three Tu-22M3 bombers in 2006.
  • Tu-142M3, a naval derivative of the former Soviet Union Tu95 bomber, can be modified into Tu-95MS.
  • Su-30MKI
  • Mig-27
Strategic bombers are the main part of a country's "trinity" nuclear strike force. Only three countries in the world have strategic aviation: Russia, the United States and China.

Future development

Cold War After the end, the confrontation between the two great powers and their affiliated forces no longer existed, and the position of bombers as nuclear force projectors changed greatly. When ballistic missile When it appeared, it once threatened the demand and status of bombers cruise missile After maturity, the strategic bombers of the United States and Russia have basically become missile delivery vehicles, and the traditional nuclear bombs are not applicable, but also become more symbolic threats than in the past.
Russia and the United States have no obvious plans for the next generation of strategic bombers, while Britain and France have given up related development. Other countries also show no signs of following up. add Aerial refueling With the popularization of technology and long-range airborne missiles, large and expensive strategic bombers will gradually be replaced by small and medium-sized models and missiles.
Specialized tactical bombers are gradually being used as multi-purpose fighters or new generation Attack aircraft Replace with precision guided weapons. After the Cold War, air strikes put great emphasis on reducing the damage of non combatants and materials. Countries have developed new bombs with higher accuracy. However, new bombs with reduced warhead weight have made the bombing efficiency of smaller aircraft much higher than that of unguided bombs used by medium and large bombers in the past.
Reducing the detectability of bombers, that is, reducing the various electromagnetic signals emitted by bombers, is the mainstream of design. Due to the technology, production process capacity and applicable costs owned by various countries, the actual effects can be very different. In order to achieve this goal, high-speed flight capability will no longer be the focus of design. In addition to the large amount of infrared signals emitted by the friction of the airframe at high speed, material and manufacturing problems will also limit the demand in this regard.
with UAV Replacing manned bombers will be another trend of future development. In addition to reducing operating costs and casualties, the airframe can be shrunk and the movement ability can be improved, which will also help reduce the distance and probability of detection. It only takes a long time for purely automated unmanned bombers to reach the mature stage of the system.

development direction



There are three ways: first, let the bomber fly higher and faster -- the operational characteristics of the hypersonic weapon/aerospace bomber launch platform can be briefly summarized as "three high, one far and one enhanced", that is, high flight speed (1500 m/s~4000 m/s), high endurance flight height (20 km~50 km), high penetration capability (difficult to intercept), and long-range (launch) Range (1 000 km~15 000 km), can use kinetic energy to enhance destruction. Therefore, it is not only a highly effective combat weapon, but also a high-tech deterrent weapon.
The second stealth route is difficult for opponents to find and lock, similar to B2;
Finally, the route of launching weapons outside the joint defense area (JSOW-ER missile) can complete the attack and disengagement before entering the other side's air defense circle. This option can be combined with any of the above two options, such as AGM-129 stealth cruise missile (special for bombers) SLAM-ER, JASSM-ER, SMACM, AGM-154, AGM-158 stealth cruise missiles (common to the fifth generation fighter), new long-range stealth anti-ship missiles (LRASM, common to the fifth generation fighter), SDB precision guided stealth small diameter bombs (common to the fifth generation fighter), B61-12 earth penetrating nuclear bombs (common to the fifth generation fighter); Norway and the United States: JSM stealth cruise missile (NSM stealth anti-ship missile modification, Fifth generation fighter General); Germany, South Korea: Taurus stealth cruise missile (common to the fifth generation fighter); Germany, Turkey: SOM stealth cruise missile (common to the fifth generation fighter); UK, France, Italy: Storm Shadow Cruise Missile (Common to the fifth generation fighter); Soviet Union/Russia: M25 "Meteor" hypersonic stealth strategic cruise missile, Kh-101 stealth cruise missile (special for bombers), KH59MK2 stealth cruise missile (common for the fifth generation fighter).
Although the United States has mastered the most advanced bomber technology, it still spends a lot of money on developing new bombers. The new bomber will continue to be developed by Northrop Grumman. Although this is highly confidential, the media can still find some clues from the patents applied by the company.
1. Coating. Most invisible coatings contain one Radar absorbing material They are generally some form of iron suspended in the paint. However, this will lead to heavy coating, thus reducing fuel efficiency; The surface also needs to be continuously recoated; In addition, they cannot absorb all radar frequencies. San Nuo Network Technology Co., Ltd., founded in San Jose, California in 1999, is a particle science company. The company has developed a lighter and more durable coating, which is called Hollow microsphere Made of hollow ceramic balls. Because this ceramic ball can completely cover carbon, silver or other materials that absorb radar of different wavelengths, this coating can be customized to specific radar systems that are deceptive.
2. Air inlet, B2 has air intake vents, and the hard edge of the vents will reflect the radar. In a design patented by Northrop Grumman, the new bomber will have four small vents instead of two large vents. Smaller ventilation holes will cause the wings to be buried deeper, thus reducing the possibility of radar echoes.
three . The new generation bomber will probably only have one weapon cabin, while the B2 stealth bomber will have two weapon cabins. The new generation of bombers can still carry the traditional "Joint Guided Attack Weapon" (JDAM, an all-weather, automatic enemy seeking conventional bomb) guided by the Global Positioning System (GPS), nuclear warheads and even a new 30000 pound giant earth penetrating bomb. Having a weapon cabin will also reduce the manufacturing cost. In the case of increasingly tight budget, this is also a key issue for bomber designers to consider.
four . In a design of Northrop Grumman, engineers put a canard on the nose of the aircraft. When the aircraft takes off and flies, the canard will provide additional thrust for the aircraft, so that smaller bombers can carry heavier weapons.

Unmanned bomber

7th Fleet Commander Buscock recently revealed that the US X-47B "sea based" unmanned bomber under development will become the "trump card" of the fleet. In February this year, the first flight of this UAV was successful. According to the Pentagon, this type of aircraft will eventually take off and land on aircraft carriers and will effectively improve the combat effectiveness of American aviation.
The X-47B is not only the first "tailless, jet drone" in human history that is completely controlled by a computer without human intervention, but also the first stealth bomber that can take off from an aircraft carrier and fall back on its own, known as the stealth killer on the aircraft carrier of the future.
The X-47B "sea based" unmanned bomber is different from some other UAVs, which can take off from the aircraft carrier. An aircraft carrier is a floating maritime territory. It can take off from any area close to the conflict zone with the aircraft carrier as the forward base, which greatly shortens the reaction radius and seizes the opportunity of attack.
The X-47B has high flight performance and a long operational radius. It can take off and land automatically on the aircraft carrier, and has independent air refueling capability. In addition, it has excellent stealth performance. Compared with all kinds of active combat aircraft of the U.S. military, the X-47B has a longer time to stay in the air. Its 800 nautical mile operational radius can not only put the aircraft carrier battle group in a safer position, but also carry out strike missions more deeply inland. In addition, the biggest advantage of the X-47B is stealth penetration. It has excellent radar and infrared low detectability, which ensures that it can break through the enemy's air defense circle and open the way for subsequent manned combat aircraft [5]

Global quick strike

Under the condition of high technology, air combat has become the main pattern that determines the outcome of war. Among all air combat aircraft, strategic bombers are the most powerful. In order to dominate the sky in the future war, the US military's vision for the development of the strategic bomber known as the "God of Air Warfare" is to achieve global stealth attack at any time.
Among them, Hypersonic bomber It can cross the Atlantic Ocean in one hour and bomb any place in the world in a few hours. With the development of the X-51A "wave rider" in the United States high supersonic speed plane The test was successful, and the United States accelerated the pace of building an integrated defense system. This kind of defense, which combines "rapid global strike" with aerospace and anti missile technology, can disrupt other countries' nuclear weapons and make them lose their deterrent effectiveness. [6]
It is reported that American aircraft development experts are elaborately designing a hypersonic stealth strategic bomber that can fly at five times the speed of sound B-3 bomber , replacing the current B-2 stealth bomber around 2030, dominating the sky in the new century. In design B-3 stealth strategic bomber The combat capability of "" will be extraordinary, mainly in three aspects: amazing hypersonic long-range flight capability, which can bomb anywhere in the world within one hour; ""; Strive for the best invisibility effect; With strong attack capability, its payload will reach or exceed the level of B-52, so it will become the "big brother" of bombers.
In addition, the thrust system of "wave rider" can operate in two modes. At low speed, use aerobic fuel; At high speed, use oxygen free fuel. After the handover technology is mature, the aviation and aerospace capabilities will achieve seamless docking. At that time, in addition to the breakthrough in material heat resistance technology during high-speed flight, aerospace aircraft will no longer be a dream. It can not only fly freely inside and outside the atmosphere, but also be reused. Except for the US military , currently Russia France Australia and other countries also continue to Carry out similar tests. What they value is its attractive prospect. This time, the "wave rider" seized its last chance. But human exploration hypersonic vehicle The pace of development has just begun.

Introduction to fighter

Tu-95, Tu-160 and Tu-22M are the main bombing aircraft in Russia at present. In January 2007, B. Mikhailov, the commander in chief of the Russian air force, pointed out that in the global containment mission, the long-range aviation forces equipped with Tu-95MS, Tu-160 strategic bombers and Tu-22M3 long-range bombers played a leading role. Current equipment of Russian air force- 95MS strategic bomber It is a highly economical subsonic aircraft, capable of intercontinental flight, carrying long-range nuclear cruise missiles, and equipped with intelligent navigation and information assurance systems. After modernization, the combat effectiveness of Figure 95MS will be improved in the future; The Tu-160 strategic bomber is the future development mode of Tu-95MS military technology concept. Tu-160 has unique subsonic, supersonic and low altitude flight capabilities. It is more flexible, adaptable and stable when carrying out various strike missions in nuclear war. Fig-160 The focus of future modernization is to develop the operational performance when using conventional weapons to complete combat tasks, including the use of high-precision weapons; There is no Tu-22M3 long-range bomber of the same kind in the world, which is developed within the conceptual framework of containing the threat of war and large-scale regional conflicts. Figure-22M3 long-range bomber's high-level flight and technical performance enables it to attack ground and surface targets in various flight states. The modernization of Tu-22M3 in the future is first to update the airborne system, and to supplement and equip high-precision weapons on the basis of air surface guided bombs and missiles. Together, they formed the only strategic air force in the world other than the United States, the Russian strategic air force. Public data shows that Figure 22M3 (NATO code name "Backfire" C-type) is a supersonic, variable wing long-range strategic bomber, which has nuclear attack, conventional attack and anti-ship capabilities. Its good low altitude penetration performance makes its viability much higher than that of previous bombers in the former Soviet Union. In fact, the speed performance of the - 22M3 shown in the figure above has reached the advanced level of modern bombers, as shown in Figure 160 and FB-111 not much difference between. Because of its supersonic flight capability and variable wing design, the Figure 22M3 bomber is still one of the main models of the Russian bomber force. Figure 22M3 supersonic long-range strategic bomber can attack all European countries except Portugal and Norway. If it is refueled in the air, it can also take off from the former Soviet Union via the Arctic base and fly back to the domestic base after attacking the local targets of the United States. It is also the fastest bomber in the world. As the latest improved version of the Figure 22 bomber family, the Figure 22M3 has great advantages that other aircraft do not have. Even though the production of the Figure 22 bomber has stopped after the disintegration of the Soviet Union, as one of the most powerful strategic bombers in the world today, it also has incomparable deterrent power.
At present, the Russian Air Force has a total of about 160 Figure22M3 bombers in service, and it is the only country that has this aircraft in service. The aircraft is 42.46 meters long, 11.08 meters high, 34.30 meters of maximum wing span, 54 tons of fuel weight, 24 tons of maximum weapon load, 126 tons of maximum total takeoff weight, 2.3 Mach of maximum horizontal speed, 18000 meters of practical ceiling, and more than 2410 kilometers of operational radius, The practical range is more than 7000 km, and the maximum range is about 12000 km. Figure 22M3 is modified with a NK-321 (i.e“ Pirate flag ”The installed) engine, the afterburner thrust can reach 2226 kN, a GSh-23L 23mm rear remote control machine gun, three Kh-22 air to ground missiles can be mounted under the wing and belly, the fuselage weapon compartment has a rotating launcher, which can be mounted with six RKV-500B (AS-16) short-range attack missiles, and can also be mounted with various types of precision guided bombs, such as 69 FAB-250 bombs or 8 FAB-1500 bombs.
It can be seen from the relevant data that the operational performance of Figure 22M3 bomber is no less than that of Figure 95 and Figure 160, and thanks to its two NK-321 turbofan engines with a single thrust of 2226kN and excellent aerodynamic shape, the aircraft has supersonic penetration and attack combat capability, as a professional maritime anti-ship combat platform, Figure 22M3 is one of the most feared weapons of the US Navy's aircraft carrier fleet. Therefore, during the US Soviet summit in Vienna in 1982, the US insisted on the Soviet Union's development plan to reduce the number of Figure 22M series bombers. Only in the end, the Soviet Union insisted that the aircraft was a medium range bomber, so that it could continue to develop. Today, the Russian Air Force used this platform to bomb IS extremist organizations, Although it feels like killing chickens with an ox knife, from its battlefield performance, the power of the Figure 22M3 bomber still exists. Figure-22M3 can carry out both strategic nuclear bombing and tactical bombing especially with great power Anti ship missile , long-distance fast attack, attack American aircraft carrier Formation. The Figure 22M3 bomber is a strategic weapon that threatens the national security of the United States, because the deployment of the Figure 22M3 bomber anywhere will be a huge deterrent to the strategic space of the United States. Therefore, Tu-22M was once one of the main focuses of disarmament negotiations between the United States and the Soviet Union. At present, Tu-22M3 is one of the core components of Russia's strategic bombing and anti-ship ship operations.
Vladimir Derek, spokesman of the Russian Air Force, announced the plan to upgrade 30 Tu-22M3 as early as January 31. It is reported that the Tu-22M3 bomber will be equipped with powerful weapon systems and advanced supporting equipment after upgrading to the M3M standard, and the cockpit will be more in line with ergonomic principles. It is said that the Russian Air Force has at least 141 Tu-22M3 bombers, which are mainly deployed in the areas near Central Asia and the Black Sea on the southern border of Russia to perform patrol missions. After upgrading, Tu-22M series bombers can not only perform daily patrol tasks better, but also may be given new combat missions, and their position in the strategic aviation force of the Russian Air Force will be consolidated accordingly.
It is reported that the Russian Air Force will upgrade 30 active Tu-22M3 "backfire" bombers to the standard of M3M by 2020. At the same time, Russia will also upgrade Tu-160 and Tu-95MC strategic bombers.
Long range bombers are considered to be the most flexible means of nuclear strike, because they can not only strike multiple targets, but also change the target after takeoff. However, different from the Cold War era, the Russian military today increasingly values the conventional strike capability of bomber forces. Of course, bombers are just platforms. Whether to carry out nuclear strike missions or conventional combat missions depends mainly on the choice of supporting weapons.
In fact, the supporting weapons of Russian bombers are very diversified. It is reported that the Kh-55 cruise missile is the standard weapon for Tu-160 and Tu-95MC bombers designed in the 1980s. It is equipped with a nuclear warhead, with a range of 2500 kilometers, a circular error probability of less than 20 meters, and can destroy targets with high protection levels. The Kh-65 is a conventional derivative of the Kh-55 missile. It is equipped with a 400 kg high explosive warhead, mainly used for combat missions other than nuclear strikes. The more advanced Kh-101 missile is also equipped with conventional warheads. Because its circular error probability is only 10 meters, it is also called "high-precision missile". It is said that the test work of the Kh-101 missile has been completed and a small number of troops have been equipped, but the improvement work continues. Recent signs indicate that the Russian Air Force is paying more and more attention to the strategic bomber force, which will undoubtedly be boosted by various advanced matching missiles.
Long range bombers used to be one of the main equipment of the former Soviet Union against American aircraft carriers, and now the Russian army naturally inherits the old tradition. According to the report, Russian long-range bombers are usually used to destroy the sea based platforms of potential rivals. "The primary target is the American aircraft carrier". According to the report, it is natural for Russian bombers to focus on American aircraft carriers. These aircraft carriers, which can carry 30 to 50 carrier based aircraft, often cruise near the Russian sea border. Therefore, "in case of conflict, (destroying American aircraft carriers) is the most important task". Among the active bombers of the Russian army, the Tu-22M3 is undoubtedly the most powerful equipment to deter American aircraft carriers.
As early as the 1960s, the Soviet Union developed the Kh-22 missile as a long-range anti-ship weapon for the Tu-22M3 bomber. At present, Russia is developing a more advanced Kh-32 anti-ship missile based on this missile. It is said that the Kh-32 anti-ship missile is smaller, but its range is about twice that of the basic model. It is expected to be put into service in 2020. A series of actions, such as improving active bombers and making full efforts to develop supporting new weapons, show that the Russian army still values the role of bomber troops. Some experts pointed out that with the gradual progress of the upgrading work and the gradual maturity of new missiles, the Russian military's ability to "control the sea by air" will also be gradually improved, and the American aircraft carrier may have to converge in the future. India is also equipped with this aircraft.
On October 22, 2016, it was reported on the website of the US Next Generation Future that Russia's next generation strategic bomber, PAK DA, will fly for the first time in 2021 and begin delivery in 2023. The weapon load is expected to reach 30 tons, and the voyage can reach 6740 nautical miles (nearly 12500 kilometers). Part of the technology used by the aircraft will come from existing aircraft. For example, the current power unit is Fig-160 Bomber The equipped NK-321 is non afterburner type; Some avionics equipment such as radar will be based on products developed by Russia for the fifth generation fighter PAK FA. Russia also claimed that the PAK DA project has made sufficient progress and is believed to have started the manufacturing of a prototype. In addition, Russia also claimed that it might develop unmanned strategic bombers after 2040. The Russian side also disclosed on August 30, 2013 that PAK DA will be subsonic and can be equipped with various advanced precision guided weapons, including hypersonic weapons. Russia is currently developing hypersonic missiles, but at present they can only fly for a few seconds.
Comment on Aerospace Defense Observation: judging from our long-term concern, two points should be noted about the situation of Russia's PAK DA.
First, the PAK DA time node announced by Russia has been tight "pinching" the node of the US military's next-generation long-range bomber B-21. Whether it is to complete the development of tactical and technical indicators, transfer to experimental design (engineering development), or the planned first flight of prototype aircraft, the time of train loading is very close (the difference is not more than 2 years), and it always follows the progress announced by the United States, reflecting Russia's emphasis on the role of strategic bombers in the game and its accurate control of American intelligence. Therefore, if Russia announces a certain PAK DA node in the future, However, the US side has not disclosed similar nodes of B-21, so it may be possible to reverse the position of this node of B-21.
Secondly, based on the current situation, PAK DA may be quite different from B-21. From the weapon load and voyage data provided by the trend in this article, combined with the data and demand differences of active bombers in the United States and Russia, we analyze that PAK DA will be a heavy long-range bomber with a maximum takeoff weight of no less than 180 tons, and the 30 ton weapon load mentioned in this article is likely to refer to the embedded weapon load. In contrast, B-21 is expected to be much smaller than PAK DA, and the ammunition load and operational radius of embedded weapons are also significantly smaller. Let's wait and see whether this will happen [1]

US model



On June 22, 2014, the US Air Force recently released rare photos of the B-2 stealth strategic bomber refueling in the air. [2]
The photo was taken by Griffith, a senior American pilot, on June 11, above the Cornish coast of England.
The B-2 stealth bomber is the only stealth strategic bomber in the world today. It was officially put into service in 1997.
Because of its long operational range, the United States rarely deploys the bomber outside its homeland. However, the US Air Force has deployed two aircraft at Fairford Air Force Base in the UK, which analysts say is to strengthen the alliance between the UK and the US. [2]
B-2 bomber


The B-3 bomber is US Secretary of Defense Gates disclosed at the annual meeting of the United States Air Force Association in Maryland on September 16, 2009 that he declared to support the new long-range (strategy) developed by the United States Air Force to strengthen the air long-range strike capability of the United States Army bomber Responsible for developing B-3 stealth bomber The retired US general revealed that the weapon equipped with the B-3 stealth bomber will not be a common bomb or missile, but a directed energy weapon -- specially used to attack the enemy's radar or missile launchers Microwave weapon Or laser weapons, which will carry out such tasks as long-distance raids on the enemy's tightly defended targets, sneak attacks on the enemy's biological and chemical weapons bases, and intercepts the enemy's attacking cruise missiles that are fired at the US air force base or at home.
The China Times reported that the US senior management's intention to develop the B-3 has always been vacillating. Gates pointed out at the annual meeting of the Air Force Association that China's network, anti satellite operations, coastal defense Air defense The United States must accelerate its pace and consolidate its strategic position in the Pacific.
Although Gates was very secretive about this new bomber model, public opinion generally believed that it should be called "B-3". According to the plan of the US Air Force, the new bomber will be produced as a prototype in 2018 and put into production as soon as possible after the comprehensive test, so the B-3 will become after 2040 US Air Force "Strategic fortress".
B-3 bomber


B-21 bomber
B-21( english : B-21) or( english Old name: Long Range Strike Bomber, LRS-B; chinese : Long range strike bomber) is a long range bomber developed by the US Air Force [2], which is used to replace the B-52 and B-1 [3]。 LRS-B pays more attention to cost than the "Next Generation Bomber" (NGB), another US bomber project. As a 21st century bomber, the B-21 is smaller than the B-2 in volume, which is mainly reflected in its bomb carrying capacity. According to US media reports, the ammunition load of B-21 in the future will not be higher than the normal ammunition load of B-2 in service by 18 tons and the maximum ammunition load by 23 tons. Although the B-21 has less ammunition load and smaller volume, this does not mean that the attack ability becomes weaker. To this end, the R&D personnel of Norge Corporation thought of a move: reduce the carrying capacity of weapons while maintaining the stealth ability, and use the small powerful ammunition SDB2 specially developed for stealth aircraft Small diameter bomb [3]
It is reported that the bomb is small and lightweight. It uses advanced anti-jamming global positioning system and inertial navigation system for guidance. Its range is about 65km, and it can carry out accurate air to ground attacks. Its hit accuracy reaches 1.2m. Its damage power is equivalent to the traditional 910kg bomb. It is suitable for all bombers of the US Air Force. If bombers mount such bombs, they can not only mount four times the number of bombs in the past, but also launch them from a longer distance. According to Forbes magazine website, the US Air Force has done simulation exercises, 24 B-21s can hit 1000 independent fixed targets in one day, and the strike effect is completely comparable to B-2 [3]
On December 2, 2022 local time, the US Air Force publicly displayed the B-21 "Raider" stealth strategic bomber for the first time. The unveiling ceremony was held at Northrop Grumman's factory in Palmdale, California. [7]
B-21 bomber (from the live screen of the video account of Edwards Air Force Base in the United States) [7]


Model: B-25J
Manufacturer: North America Company
Engine: 2 engines, Wright R-2600 Piston engine 1700 hp per engine
Range: 1350 miles (2173 km)
Cruise speed: 230 miles (370 km)/h
Maximum speed: 272 miles (438 km)/h
Ceiling: 25000 feet (7619 meters)
Total weight: 28460 pounds
Length: 16.13m
Wing span: 20.6m
Ammunition load: 3000 pounds+18 0.5 inch machine guns
Length: 52.1 feet (16.13 meters)
Wing span: 67.7 feet (20.6 meters)
5 passengers: pilot, copilot, and bomb thrower pilot Correspondent and machine gunner.
Strong in the United States Gears of War Before the shutdown, more than 9800 B-25s of all types were produced, which exceeded any American twin engine aircraft. As of 2003, out of more than 9800 B-25s FAA Only 75 are registered.
On May 12, 2001, 12 B-25s from all over the United States made a formation flight. A few of you made an air raid that year Tokyo The survivors of the operation are on the plane. People familiar with the matter said that this formation flight was the largest since the formation flight of 16 B-25 aircraft in 1969. [4]
B-25 bomber


During the Second World War, there was a bomber that went beyond the general meaning of being an aircraft. It is not only regarded as a strategic offensive weapon to defeat the enemy, but also has brought out many battles and saved only less than“ Manhattan Project ”The purpose of the plan is to build an airport and a base within its operational radius. This is America The Boeing Company B-29 "Superfortress".
At the beginning of June 1943, when the experimental type B 29 bomber had just been finalized, the US Army Aviation Can't wait to reduce the number of 58 strategic bombing companies to get into the familiar training stage in advance, and make use of the leap Qinghai Tibet Plateau The air route of the company provides a large amount of materials for b29. At that time, Chengdu Airport, which was behind China's anti Japanese war, had specially rebuilt the runway and became the first take-off base of b29 in Asia.
At the beginning of 1944, the US Navy was victorious on the Pacific battlefield. In order to coordinate with the development of the war situation, the aviation forces decided to use B29 to attack Japan directly, so as to speed up the demise of the Japanese Empire. On June 15 of the same year, 68 b29s took off from India and landed in China for refueling. After that, they flew directly to Kyushu, Japan, and bombed Japan's Bafan Iron Factory Doolittle Raid Later, the US military launched its first strategic offensive against Japan. In October of the same year, the air attack on Japan was upgraded again, forcing Japan to transfer more fighters for defense. Since November 24, the bombing range has expanded to Nagasaki, Sasebo and even Shenyang, Anshan and other places in China. However, there were too few b29 hanging bombs in this period, which affected the bombing effect to a certain extent.
In 1945, in order to give a final blow to the Japanese headquarters on the brink of extinction, on August 6 and 9, two b29s, nicknamed "Inola Gay" and "The Car of Bok", from the 509 of the 20th Air Force mixed into the 393 Squadron of the regiment, dropped the first and second atomic bombs - little boys and fat men - in Hiroshima and Nagasaki, Japan, marking the end of the Pacific battlefield. Only in the last year of the war, b29 dropped 177000 tons of bombs on Japan with minimal losses, realizing the dream of cross state attacks and making its own contribution to the victory of the war.
Design: January 1940, U.S. Army Air Force To cope with the future Large-scale war Just, to aviation industry The tender for giant bombers was issued, and Boeing's b32 and b29 were lucky to enter the development stage. The b29 can fly in the stratosphere, has a complete life maintenance system, and its total weight is twice that of the large bombers at that time, making it a formidable monster super weapon.
Impact: b29 was the world's largest at that time, with a range of 6000km, the ability to cruise at 10000 meters, and the maximum speed of 600km/h. The development of b29 was a major challenge to aviation technology at that time, and it was the first remotely controlled self-defense weapon and its application Fire control system And full supercharged production bomber. He was the most outstanding bomber in the whole World War II. He successfully completed "let the war be completed in the territory of the empire" and accelerated the demise of the Japanese empire.
Deficiency: no mobility, poor engine reliability.
Data: wingspan, 43.1 m Captain: 30.2m Aircraft height, 4.98m, maximum flight speed: 574km/h, practical ceiling, 10241m, main airborne weapons: 12 50 machine guns, 1 20mm gun , ordinary bomb, incendiary bomb, nuclear bomb, with a maximum load of 9000 kg.
B-29 bomber


The B-52 bomber is U.S.A The subsonic long-range strategic bomber with the longest service time in the air force is mainly used to carry out long-range conventional bombing and nuclear bombing missions. The design began in October 1948, and the first prototype flew in 1952. In June 1955, the production B-52B began to equip the army, and eight types, A, B, C, D, E, F, G and H, were successively developed. The B-52 stopped production in October 1962, and a total of 744 B-52 were produced. Now B-52 and B-1B B-2 bomber Together, they form the strategic bomber force of the US Air Force.
Wing span: 56.39m
Captain: 49.05m
Machine height: 12.40m
Crew: 6
Maximum flight speed: M0.95/1014 km/h (altitude 11000 meters)
Maximum allowable surface speed: 741 km/h
Maximum cruise speed: 909 km/h (altitude 11000 m)
Low altitude penetration speed: 652-676 km/h
Wing area: 371.60 square meters
Maximum climb rate: 17 m/s
Empty weight: 84000 kg
Practical ceiling: 13250m
Operational radius: 7400km
Transit voyage: 16100 km
Endurance: 19 hours
Maximum oil load: 125200 kg
Maximum ammunition load: 27200 kg
Maximum wing load: 616 kg/
Maximum use overload: 2.8g
Take off running distance: 2900 meters
Landing distance: 1615m
Power unit: 8 TF33-P-3 turbofan engines, single thrust 75.6 kN (7718 kg), thrust weight ratio 42.6 N/kg
Main equipment: AN/ABS-9A fire control system, long-distance communication, navigation equipment, electronic jamming equipment, radar warning system, etc
Weapon equipment: 20 AGM-69A air to ground missiles can be hung in the bomb compartment and under the wing, or conventional bombs or nuclear bombs can be hung. One 20mm M-61 six barrel machine gun.
B-52 bomber