
A subclass of chordate
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synonym Chondrichthyes (Chondrichthyes) generally refers to Chondrichthyes
Chondrichthyes (scientific name: Chondrichthyes), evolved from Oxytropidae Vertebrate An outline of.
This class has 2 subclasses, 13 orders, 45 families, 170 genera, about 846 species in the world; There are 217 species in 90 genera, 44 families, 13 orders, 13 subclasses, accounting for about 1/4 of the total. Endoskeleton Completely composed of cartilage, often calcified, but without any real bone tissue Exoskeleton Undeveloped or degraded, often Shield scale Cranium It is the original skull, and the upper jaw is composed of Palatine cartilage The mandible is composed of Meier's cartilage. Gill aperture 5~7 on each side, respectively opened in vitro; Or 1 pair of gill holes, covered with a pellicle. Male fish pelvic fin Inside Peduncle by Copulator Short intestine, with Spiral valve heart Conus arteriosus There are several rows of valves. No swim bladder. No large otolith. Cloaca with or without. The egg is large, rich in yolk, discoid, In vivo fertilization Oogenesis Egg viviparity Or viviparous. [1]
Chinese name
Latin name
Distribution area
Low latitude ocean

History of Zoology

Fish is Vertebrate The most primitive and lowest group of vertebrates are those that live in water for a long time, breathe with gills, and use fins to assist body balance and movement. Generally, it can be divided into two categories: jawed and jawed. The feeding habits of fish are generally divided into four types: filter feeding, herbivorous, carnivorous and omnivorous. Fish is rich in animal protein and phosphorus, rich in nutrition, delicious in taste, easy to be digested and absorbed by the human body, and plays a significant role in the development of human physical strength and intelligence. Other parts of the fish body can be made into cod liver oil, fish gelatin, fish meal, etc. Some fish, such as goldfish and tropical fish, are of high ornamental value because of their colorful bodies. Some fish, such as mosquito eating fish, can eliminate malaria, yellow fever and other infectious vectors, which is beneficial to human health. Chondrichthys is a class of vertebrates. It is mainly distributed in the ocean at low latitudes, and occasionally inhabits fresh water. This kind of organism does not have any real bone tissue, the exoskeleton is underdeveloped or degenerated, and the body is often covered with peltate scales. The cerebrum is the original skull, the maxilla is composed of palatine cartilage, and the mandible is composed of Meier's cartilage. There are 5-7 gill holes on each side, which are respectively opened in the body, or one pair of gill holes are covered with a membrane. The inner fin foot of the male's pelvic fin is the mating organ. The intestine is short with spiral valve. The conus arteriosus of the heart has several valves. No swim bladder. No large otolith. Cloaca with or without. The eggs are large, rich in yolk, discoid, and fertilized in vivo. Oviparous, oviparous, or viviparous. There are about 800 species in the world, and more than 200 known species in China [2]
Because the bones of Chondrichthyes are cartilage, except for teeth and spines Fossil It is extremely rare, and teeth are mostly preserved in a decentralized state, so it is difficult to understand their arrangement and combination forms. Many Paleozoic genera and species are only represented by individual teeth or fragments, and are classified morphologically, so the development history of some major groups and their genetic relationships are still unclear. [3]
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Chondrichthyes Raja
Fossils of Chondrichthyes occur in Early Devonian Late, thriving in Carboniferous , which has continued to modern times. Common in Carboniferous and Early Permian freshwater sediments Heterospinous shark Costal spiny shark )Class, with well preserved individuals. It represents a branch that invades fresh water from sea water. Present-day Red ray Traceable Xijiang River Arrive at Nanning. since the paleozoic era Since Chondrichthyes appeared in freshwater sediments, there are many cases, so where Chondrichthyes originated is still a question.
The evolution of Chondrichthyes can also be divided into two directions, namely, branchia and holocephala, and they have long developed separately. Generally Lamellibranchia Its history can be divided into three stages: ① primitive Cladoselache The main stage is devonian , continued to the late Paleozoic. ② Hybodus The stage starts from the Early Carboniferous to the triassic period 。③ From the modern stage jurassic period Since then, sharks and their relatives have developed. However, the three stages are not directly related to cohesion.
The second evolutionary route of Chondrichthyes is represented by holocephala. This can be done from the modern Chimaeras Mesozoic Polychaenoids trace back to Buccal chimaeras They are almost all benthic, with slow replacement Toothed plate , basically eat food with shells, and grind it with tooth plates. Holocephala It reached its peak in the Carboniferous Period and occupied the original Scutellaria Class and replace it. There are two types of teeth in holocephala: "shark" type and "tooth plate" type. In the "shark" shape Lamellibranchia Continuous teeth that are so separated; In the "tooth plate" type, the more synthetic the teeth are, the slower the grinding tooth plate is replaced [4]

morphological character

The body of Chondrichthyes consists of head, trunk and tail. Their bones and bones are all cartilage, Vertebral body Double concave, notochord Residual, rosary. Both the upper and lower jaw have teeth, which become weapons of prey and attack. All kinds of fins exist, which are flexible. Caudal fin Most of them are crooked Tail type Some of them are whip shaped. The branchial fissure is exposed separately, only existing Holocephala The chimaeras chimaeras have a total pellicle covering all 4 pairs of gill slits. The skin surface is covered with wood Shield scale Its morphology and structure are completely different from Teleost fish Of Scleroderma and Bone squama Wooden Shield Scale It is a primitive scale. Its base is a plate of bone, with a medullary cavity connected with the dermis. The base plate is buried in the skin, with the dentine spines on it, leaning backward and exposed outside the skin. Chondrichthyes has developed true paired fins, namely pectoral fin and ventral fin, whose structures are respectively composed of shoulder girdle and waistband and their connected basal fin cartilage, radial fin cartilage and cortical fin strips.
Cartilaginous fish have no swim bladder, and use a fat liver to regulate body weight.
The skeleton is divided into three parts: skull, spine and appendage. The skull is divided into skull and Pharyngeal bone Two parts. The skull is a piece of cartilage formed by the fusion of several cartilage elements, which is called the protocranium or Soft cranium The pharyngeal bone is composed of palatal cartilage of the upper jaw and Meier's cartilage of the lower jaw. The second is the lingual jaw cartilage, which is used to connect the pharynx and skull, and the second is used to connect the gill arc.
Chondrichthyes developed complete mandible and upper jaw. There are three types of connection between the maxilla and the skull: one is that the maxilla has two joints connected to the skull, one is the retroorbital joint, close to the back of the orbit, and the other joint is at the back of the skull. In the joint area at the back of the skull, the lingual jaw forms a connecting rod between the back of the maxilla and the skull. This connection is called Double connection type (amphistyly), which is an original connection mode; The second is the lingual type. The maxilla is connected to the back of the skull by the lingual jaw. The suspension mode of this type of jaw increases the mobility of the jaw, which is more advanced than the double connection type; Third Self connected type (autostyly), maxilla and skull fused together, Chondroichthyes Holocephala And higher vertebrate This connection mode is available.

Subordinate classification

Chondrichthyes is divided into Lamellibranchia and Holocephala. Elasmobranchia is divided into 2 general orders, 12 orders, and holocephala has only 1 order of chimaeras.
I Lamellibranchia Elasmobranchii
Ⅰ. Side hole general Pleurotremata ( Squalioidea Selachomorpha)
Ⅱ. Superorder Hypotremata Hypotremata( Rajoidea Batomorpha) [5]
II Holocephala Holocephali