
[yuè qiān]
Terminology of quantum mechanics
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transition , i.e quantum mechanics A process in which the state of a system changes by leaps and bounds. The atom jumps from the high (low) energy state to the low (high) energy state to emit (absorb) under the irradiation of light photon The process of Quantum transition Even if not exposed to light excited state The atoms of vacuum Under the action of zero field fluctuation, it can also jump to a lower energy state and emit photons( Spontaneous emission )。 In addition to the radiation process, other scattering processes and decay processes also belong to quantum transitions.
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typical Quantum transition
quantum mechanics Jumping change process of state
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Terminology of quantum mechanics
science and engineering



Transition is the abbreviation of quantum transition. The transition in quantum mechanics refers to the change process from one quantum state to another. Because the energy of these two states is different, the transition is accompanied by the release or absorption of energy. In many cases, this is achieved by emitting or absorbing a photon. [1]


The quantum transition is probability Sexual process, which is the fundamental feature of quantum law. With atoms Energy level transition For example, it is impossible to predict when an atom will transition Atomic transition It may occur early, and some atomic transitions may occur late, so the lifetime of atoms in the excited state is not uniform, but for a large number of atoms, the average lifetime of the excited state is certain, which can be measured experimentally and calculated theoretically. The rate of quantum transition is related to the interaction of the system and the state before and after the transition, and follows certain conservation laws. Atomic energy level Transition obeyed Selection rule Is the sum of angular momentum conservation Parity conservation Results.
Figure 1
The change of quantum state of microscopic particles, including from high energy state to low energy state and from low energy state to high energy state. When a particle obtains excitation energy equivalent to the difference between two energy levels due to heating, collision or radiation, it will transition from the initial state with lower energy to the excited state with higher energy, but it is unstable and has the tendency to return to the stable state spontaneously. After releasing the corresponding energy, the particles automatically return to the original state. These behaviors are called transitions and follow strict quantum rules. The energy it absorbs or emits is h Integer multiple of. If it is shown in the form of light, it will cause the separation of spectral lines. [2]