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Stories in Greek myths and legends
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synonym Twelve Achievements of Heracles (Greek mythology) generally refers to the twelve trials (stories in Greek mythology and legends)
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The Twelve Trials are in Greek mythology story Heracles The greatest heroes in ancient Greece were the main gods Zeus and Alkmene His son, Alcmene, is Perseus 's granddaughter Amphitryon 's wife.
Chinese name
god hand
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The 12 Labours
Foreign name
Labours of Hercules
Greek myths and legends
dominating figure
Story Introduction
Zeus Wife of Hera She hated that Alcmene had become her husband's mistress. Of course, she also hated Heracles, because Zeus predicted to the gods that his son would have a bright future. When Alcmene gave birth to Hercules, she worried that his safety in the palace was not guaranteed, so she put him in a basket, covered with straw, and then put him in a place, which was later called Hercules Field. Of course, if it was not for a magical opportunity to get Athena and Hera to that place, the child would certainly not survive. Athena saw that the baby was beautiful and liked it very much. She felt sorry for him and persuaded Hera to nurse the baby. He bit Hera's nipples and greedily sucked her milk, which made her nipples ache. Hera angrily threw the child to the ground. Athena compassionately picked up the child, took it back to the city, and gave it to the Queen Alkmeneide for her care. Alkmene At a glance, she recognized this was her son, and she happily put the child in the cradle. She abandoned her child because she was afraid of Hera. Unexpectedly, her jealous stepmother saved her rival's son with milk. Not only that, Heracles sucked Hera's milk and was separated from the mortal. But Hera soon understood who the child was. Then she sent two terrible poisonous snakes to climb into the palace to kill the child, but they were killed by Heracles. Of course, Hera would not stop there. Later, under his curse, Heracles He killed his own children in a frenzy, and then served for Eurythmus, King of Mycenae, for more than ten years because he was ashamed of his wife. Hercules rejected the temptation of the Goddess "Evil Virtue", followed the advice of the Goddess "Virtue", and determined to benefit the world.
He has accomplished 12 heroic deeds in 12 years (actually Eurysmex Is more appropriate):
1. Peel off Nemea The skin of a giant lion;
2. Kill Haidera (Hydra Hydra);
3. Capture the doe on the Kervnia Mountain alive;
4. Catch Erlemantos wild boar alive;
5. Put Oguas The cowshed was cleaned (not cleaned in 30 years);
6. Drive away the strange birds in Steenfalos Lake;
7. Taming Crete Bull on the ground;
8 Diomedes A group of mares brought back McKinny;
9. Capture the Amazon Queen Hippolyte Belt;
10. Bring back the giant Geryon Of cattle;
11. Extract Hesperides Of Golden apple
12. The evil dog brought back to hell Cerberus (The keeper dog of Hades, Hell's three headed dog )。
River god Nessus (NESSUS) tried to molest his later wife, Deianira, and was shot to death by him. Before he died, Nezos asked Ianila to hide his blood. If Heracles wanted to have another love, he would give the blood stained tights to Heracles You can change your mind if you let him wear it. Ianila believes it. In fact, Nezos' blood is poisonous, and as a result, a generation of heroes will be promoted to heaven. Of course, this is not a bad thing. Heracles lived on Olympus Mountain and married the goddess of youth Herb.