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resource management

Human resource management, infrastructure management, work environment management, financial resource management, supplier and partner management, knowledge information and technology resource management
resource management There are six kinds. Human Resources Management , infrastructure management, work environment management, Financial resource management , supplier and partner management, knowledge information and technology resource management.
Chinese name
resource management
Applicable objects
Talents, energy level matching

Introduction to Enterprise Resource Management

The first is to update the management concept. Based on the existing personnel, we will continue to increase training efforts to give everyone a suitable position. Adhere to the principle of "matching talents' strengths and abilities", and open up a "fast lane" for all kinds of talents to emerge.
Second, optimization Human resource allocation Promote competitive employment, implement job rotation communication, pay attention to the optimization of combination and other forms, realize reasonable allocation, and give full play to the best benefits of human resources.
Third, improve Competitive incentives System. Carry out the management of comprehensive credit system for cadres, and highlight various assessments of cadres. To better understand and master the quality and talent of the staff, so as to find, use and motivate talents.
On the basis of improving the assessment method of post objective management, we will implement "coefficient assessment", link the assessment results with personal benefits and income, and urge the majority of cadres to focus on their own posts, devote their energy to their posts, and stimulate their vitality. Carry out evaluation of job performance. The combination of qualitative and quantitative methods has eliminated the phenomenon of "rough, rough, simple and false" in the current assessment.
Fourth, improve the effectiveness of education and training. All personnel are divided into three levels, and the training content is divided into three aspects: theoretical knowledge, to solve the "want to do" problem; Tax practice, to solve the problem of "can do"; Operating skills to solve the "can do" problem.
The personnel at all levels shall be managed dynamically, and the level of personnel shall be determined through examination to revitalize the management of talents. [1]


According to ISO9001 Quality Management System Requirements and ISO9004 The management ideas of standards such as Quality Management System Performance Improvement Guide involve the following contents for resource management in general organizations:
1. Human resource management: first, an organization needs to define its human resource capability requirements to achieve certain goals; Then, according to this ability requirement, realize the allocation of human resources; Third, the allocated resources should be evaluated accordingly. If they cannot meet the specified requirements, training or other measures should be taken to ensure that they meet the needs; Fourth, the measures taken need to be evaluated and recorded to verify the effectiveness of management; Fifth, the ability can be evaluated from education, training, skills and experience.
2. Infrastructure management: determine, provide and maintain the management of corresponding hardware, software and supporting equipment and facilities to ensure that the current and future needs are met;
3. Management of working environment: as a kind of resource management, the working environment includes working conditions, such as physical, environmental and other factors, temperature, noise, weather, etc;
4、 Financial resources Management of: including determining and obtaining corresponding financial resources; Monitor and report the use of financial resources, report the effect of the use of financial resources and how to improve them;
5. Management of supplier and partner resources: the survival and development of an organization is inseparable Value chain Of partners on the; The management of selection, evaluation and improvement is also required;
6. Knowledge, information and Technical resources Management of resources: consider the management of these resources from the perspective of current needs and future impacts, including identification, acquisition, maintenance, protection, use and evaluation;
7. Management of natural resources (including energy): management of risks and opportunities related to the availability and use of natural resources involves the whole process of organization operation.