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capitalist economy

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The capitalist economy is based on Capitalist private ownership And a few people exploiting the economy of vast numbers of workers.
Chinese name
capitalist economy
Foreign name
capitalistic economy

The relationship between new economy and market economy

new economy There is a logical "sublation" relationship to the market economy, that is, the new economy is both a negation of the market economy (that is, there are essential differences between them) and an inheritance of the market economy (that is, they have something in common).
1. Common ground between the two:
First, both the new economy and the market economy are based on Socialized mass production Based economy. but Market economy system It conflicts with the material basis of mass production, but the new social system We should not only take socialized mass production as the material basis, but also adapt to it. The socialist productive forces should be more than market economy It will develop faster and higher.
Second, both the new economy and the market economy are commodity economies. But behind the market economic activities, there are different socioeconomic relation In turn, different economic relations must endow market economy with different characteristics. The market economy under the new social conditions is a brand new market economy. In addition to having the same commonalities as the market economy under the market economy conditions, it must also have its own characteristics, including the operation mode Code of conduct , operation results, regulation and Management means And other aspects, including new social formation And reflect the specific national conditions of different countries.
2. The difference between the two lies in the society Basic economic system Is fundamentally different. The new economy is based on means of production Public ownership And the economy of distribution according to work; Market economy is the practice of private ownership of property and Assign by Element Economy.
However, both of them implement socialized mass production and commodity economy, and are established on this basis Market economy system Requirements, in Ownership The implementation form and allocation will also have the same or similar. For example, in the form of ownership, state-owned enterprises adopt Ownership of investors And Property right of enterprise legal person phase separation Based modern enterprise system , and state-owned small business and Collective enterprise implement Joint stock cooperative system , the government adopts economic means And so on, income distribution For reference and reference of distribution according to property rights of production factors market economy Some common ways of the country.

Labor commodity of market economy

(1) Labor refers to human Labor capacity The labor force becomes a commodity, which is the condition to solve the contradiction of the general formula of capital and the premise to convert money into capital.
(2) To make labor a commodity, two conditions must be met:
First, workers must have personal freedom;
Second, workers have Labor factors
(3) The price and utility of labor commodities.
The price of labor, like the price of other commodities, is determined by the labor consumed in producing such commodities.
The unique utility of labor commodity is that it can create new value in use, and it is more valuable than itself.

Production process of market economy

(1) Market economy Production process yes Labor process Unification with wealth appreciation process.
(2) market economy The labor process of Enterprise consumption The process of labor. It has two characteristics:
First, the labor of workers already belongs to enterprises. They work under the direction and supervision of entrepreneurs, and labor also represents the power of capital;
Second, since the production factors are owned by the enterprise owners, Labor products It is also owned by the enterprise owner.
(3) In terms of social essence, the production process of market economy is a process of increasing capital wealth (it is a special Value formation process )。 After enterprises purchase production factors and labor, they combine them. In the process of production Specific labor Create utility while transferring the value of the factors of production that have been consumed; Abstract labour The labor price is higher than the labor price New value The part that is greater than the labor price is surplus. Surplus is the part of the price created by workers in production that is greater than the labor price and occupied by capital.

The basic principle of preferential growth of means of production

(1) Means of production Production priority growth refers to: Total social product In the process of growth, Means of production Growth ratio of Consumer goods Production is growing faster. Specifically, the fastest growth is the production of means of production, followed by the production of means of consumption, and the slowest is the production of means of consumption.
(2) The reasons for the priority growth of means of production are technical progress and Organic composition of capital Improve.
(3) The priority growth of means of production is the priority growth under a reasonable proportion relationship with the production of means of consumption.

Capital of market economy

Attributes of capital
(1) Capital can bring surplus value.
(2) Capital as developed commodity economy The category of Production relations Properties of.
The productivity attribute of capital means that capital is a kind of production factors , with Value added and Sportiness
The production relationship attribute of capital means that capital has Social attribute It is a kind of social relationship embodied in things.
capital accumulation And factors affecting capital accumulation
Capital accumulation refers to transforming surplus into capital. Factors affecting capital accumulation include:
First, profitability. The higher the degree of profit, the more accumulated quantity.
Second, social labor productivity Horizontal. labour productivity The higher the level, the greater the accumulation.
Third, all capital and Capital expended The difference of. The greater the difference between the two, the more capital is accumulated.
Fourth, Prepaid capital The size of the quantity. The larger the amount of prepaid capital, the more capital can be accumulated.
Individual capital Ways to increase
There are two ways to increase individual capital: Capital accumulation and Capital concentration
Capital accumulation means that individual capital converts its surplus into capital through capital accumulation To grow up. It has two characteristics: first, under the condition that other conditions remain unchanged public wealth Limitation on growth degree; The second is to receive social capital Decentralized restrictions.
Capital concentration refers to the combination of various formed capitals, which is achieved through the annexation of small capitals by large capitals, or the combination of several small capitals into a few large capitals Individual capital Rapid increase. Capital concentration will not lead to the increase of social capital, nor will it be affected by wealth growth Limitations of. Its powerful leverage is competition and credit.
(1) Capital cycle refers to the transformation of three functional forms of capital through three stages (purchase stage, production stage and sale stage)( Monetary capital Productive capital and Commodity capital )The movement that adds value to itself and finally returns to the original starting point.
(2) Industrial capital The condition of normal circulation is that the three functional forms and three circular forms of industrial capital coexist in space and continue in time.
(3) The guiding significance of capital circulation theory to economic construction. The capital movement of enterprises must go through the three stages of purchase, production and sale smoothly, and the three functional forms and three circular forms of capital must coexist in space and continue in time, so as to improve supply and marketing. Only in this way, the enterprise's Production and operation activities Can be carried out normally.
Type of capital
(1) Constant capital It refers to the part of capital used by enterprises to purchase production factors. Variable capital It refers to the part of capital used by enterprises to purchase labor.
fixed capital Means by workshop , machinery, equipment, tools and other labor means Productive capital
working capital It refers to raw materials Auxiliary materials And the purchase of capital from labor.
(2) The division of fixed capital and variable capital is based on the different roles of different parts of capital in the production of surplus value. The division of fixed capital and working capital is based on the different ways of value turnover of different parts of capital.
(3) Division Constant capital and Variable capital Is to reveal the source of surplus; divide fixed capital And working capital to examine the impact Capital turnover speed Factors.
Capital turnover
(1) Capital turnover is repeated over and over again Capital cycle
(2) Factors affecting capital turnover include:
First, the proportion of fixed capital and working capital. The greater the proportion of fixed capital, the slower the speed of capital turnover; working capital The greater the proportion, the faster the capital turnover.
Second, Production time and Circulation time The length of. The longer the production time and circulation time are, the slower the capital turnover speed is. On the contrary, the faster the capital turnover speed is.
(3) The significance of accelerating capital turnover:
First, we can save money when we get the same amount of profits Prepaid capital Quantity.
Second, you can use the same number of Prepaid capital To gain more profits.
(4) Turnover theory has guiding significance for economic construction. The purpose of capital movement is to add value to itself. Enterprises must accelerate Capital turnover , use the same capital to produce more products to achieve Profit maximization target

Realization of social total product of market economy

(1) Research Total social product It is of great significance to the reproduction and circulation of total social capital.
Total social product refers to the total social product provided by social capital when it performs its functions every year Commodity capital investigate Reproduction of social capital The starting point of and circulation is the total social product, and the core issue is the realization of the total social product, that is, the realization of Value compensation and Compensation in kind (Substance replacement).
The realization of total social products plays an important role in the study of reproduction and circulation of social capital. On the one hand, the realization of total social products can compensate the value consumed in the process of social reproduction; On the other hand, it can make the society Reproduction process The material objects that have been consumed in are replaced, so that the reproduction and circulation of social capital can be carried out smoothly.
(2) Two basic principles of social capital reproduction theory in economics.
First, Total social product In terms of value Constant capital c, Variable capital V and the remaining m.
Second, the total social products can be divided into means of production and Consumer goods Two categories. In connection with this, Social production It is divided into two categories: Category I of means of production and Category II of means of production and consumption.
Simple reproduction Realization of total social products under
(1) Simple reproduction Capital owners use all the surplus personal consumption So that production can be carried out on the original scale.
(2) The realization of total social products under simple reproduction can be summarized through three major exchanges, namely:
(3) The basic conditions for the simple reproduction of social capital are:
The two derived conditions are:
(4) The above conditions indicate that only Two major sectors of social production Keep a reasonable proportion between production and consumption, social capital Simple reproduction Can be carried out smoothly.
Social capital of capitalist economy extended reproduction Under conditions Total social product Implementation of
(1) capitalist reproduction on extended scale It is the reproduction of capitalists who use part of the surplus value to add means of production and expand the scale of production.
(2) Social capital extended reproduction The preconditions are as follows: first, the means of production produced by Category I should be greater than those consumed by the two major categories; Second, those produced in Category II Consumer goods Which is larger than that of former workers and capitalists in the two major categories Purchasing power Consumption needs The sum of.
(3) To sum up, the realization of total social products under the condition of expanded reproduction should go through three major processes Exchange process , i.e.:
(4) Social capital extended reproduction The basic realization conditions of are:
Two extended conditions are:
(5) The above conditions show that under the conditions of expanded reproduction of social capital, a reasonable proportional relationship must be maintained between production and consumption within and between the two major sectors of social production, so that the expanded reproduction of social capital can proceed smoothly.

Wages in the market economy

(1) Wage is the price of labor.
(2) On market economy In Chinese, wages are the price of labor. In fact, workers sell labor and labor is a commodity:
First of all, labor is a commodity and has a price, which means that the price of labor is the condensation of labor Value from Labor volume It's a decision Tautology
Secondly, commodities should exist independently before selling, and labor only exists after the beginning of the labor process.
Third, labor is a commodity with price, which is not against Law of value Is a violation law of residual value
The above analysis shows that workers sell labor and wages are the price of labor.
(3) There are two basic forms of wages: Hourly wage And piece rate. The hourly wage is based on Working hours Long and short wages. Piece rate wage is the wage paid according to the number of products produced or the amount of work completed by workers. It is the conversion form of hourly wage.
(4) Be careful to distinguish Nominal wage and real wages Nominal salary (also called money wages )It is the amount of money that workers get from selling labor. Actual wages are what workers can actually buy with monetary wages Means of subsistence And various services obtained. The relative change between nominal and real wages depends on price level , rent tax burden service charge High and low, etc. But only the actual wages can represent the true living standard To show whether the material living conditions of workers meet Labor reproduction Normal conditions.

Average profit of market economy and formation of production price

(1) Average profit Formation of.
stay market economy At the initial stage of development, commodity price Formed directly on the basis of price Production department The profit obtained by the enterprise is roughly the same as that produced by the department surplus value Equivalent. After the development of free competition market economy to a certain extent, there is a trend of profit averaging among departments.
Profit averaging The trend is caused by competition between departments. because Organic composition of capital Different departments have different profit margins. The profit rate of departments with high organic capital composition is low, and the profit rate of departments with low organic capital composition is high. In order to obtain more profits, capital is constantly transferred from the department with low profit rate to the department with high profit rate. The free transfer of capital makes the profit rate of each department tend to be average, forming a roughly average profit rate. Average profit rate It is the result of dividing the total surplus of the whole society by the total social capital.
The profit obtained according to the average profit rate and the size of their respective capital is Average profit
(2) Production price Formation of.
After the average profit is formed, the price will be converted into the production price. The production price is Cost price And average profit. production Price formation After that, the products of each department are sold at the production price, which does not violate Law of value , because:
First, from the perspective of the whole society Total profit It is equal to the total surplus value, so the total production price is equal to the total price;
Second, from the perspective of commodities in all sectors, the price of commodities is still the basis for determining the production price.
Production price is the conversion form of price. After this transformation, the market price is not price centered, but production price centered Production price Fluctuate up and down.

Monopoly Profit and Monopoly Price in Market Economy

(1) Monopoly profit Means monopoly With its possession of capital and ongoing production, Circulation field A monopoly position of more than a high profit. It consists of four parts:
First, Average profit An equal amount of profit obtained by an equal amount of capital.
Second, Extra profit with Monopoly low price Obtained by purchasing means of production.
Third, general Excess profit Is produced by technical conditions It is obtained stably through monopoly.
Fourth, Monopoly excess profit Yes Monopoly high price Obtained by selling products.
(2) Monopoly profits are obtained through Monopoly price Acquired. Monopoly price is monopoly organization The price set by virtue of its monopoly position with the goal of obtaining high monopoly profits is Cost price And monopoly profits.
Monopoly profit The formation of, shows that the surplus of the whole society in favor of monopoly enterprises in the case of redistribution.

Loan capital, interest and interest rate in market economy

(1) Borrowing capital yes market economy In Interest bearing capital , which is temporarily loaned to enterprises for interest.
(2) Borrowing capital is derived from Industrial capital It is an independent form of capital, which has the following three characteristics:
First, loan capital is commercialized capital.
Second, loan capital is a kind of capital as property.
Third, loan capital is the most Materialism Capital of nature.
(3) Interest is a special form of transformation of surplus. It is a part of the surplus that enterprises give to lending in order to obtain the right to use money. It is surplus, which reflects the relationship between lending and industry to jointly distribute surplus.
(4) Interest rate Yes percentage Within a certain period Interest volume And the amount of capital lent.
(5) Interest rate changes are bounded. The highest limit of interest rate change cannot be equal to Average profit rate The lowest limit cannot be equal to zero.
In a market economy, the interest rate generally depends on two factors:
First, depending on profit margin With other conditions unchanged, interest rate and profit rate change in the same direction.
Second, depending on Borrowing capital Supply and demand. The loan capital is in short supply and the interest rate rises; The supply of borrowing capital exceeds the demand, and the interest rate drops.

Land rent in market economy

(1) Land rent refers to the land paid by agricultural operators due to the use of land owner More than Average profit That part of the surplus. It embodies Big Land The owners and agricultural operators jointly distribute Industrial sector Employee Surplus created economic relations
(2) There are two basic forms of land rent: Differential rent and absolute rent
The differential land rent is due to Tenancy Land rent of different grades paid for land of different quality. What constitutes a graded land rent entity is obtained from good and medium land and belongs to the land owner Excess profit The reason for the formation of differential land rent is the monopoly of management caused by the limitation of superior land in agriculture. The condition for the formation of differential land rent is the grade difference of land itself. The surplus labor of agricultural workers is Differential rent The source of.
Absolute land rent is the land rent that must be paid no matter what land is leased. The reason for absolute land rent is Land ownership Monopoly. Absolute land rent comes from agricultural products market price Above Production price The difference of. But in the final analysis, it comes from Social surplus Part of.

Surplus of market economy

Methods of increasing surplus production
There are two ways to increase surplus production: Absolute surplus value production and Relative surplus value production
(1) Absolute surplus production is produced by Remaining labor time Caused by the extension of. Absolute surplus value Is on Necessary labor time Without change, the surplus of production due to the extension of working days and the extension of remaining labor time.
(2) The relative surplus production is caused by the shortening of the necessary labor time, and the conditions for the shortening of the necessary labor time are: social labor productivity Improvement. Relative residual value , is the length of working days Invariant condition The surplus value of production due to the shortening of the necessary labor time and the corresponding extension of the remaining labor time.
(3) In addition, individual enterprises can take the lead in improving labour productivity To get Excess surplus value Excess surplus value, yes Production conditions The superior enterprise Individual value lower than social value And the residual value obtained. The pursuit of excess surplus value is capitalism The direct driving force for enterprises to improve technology and improve labor productivity.
(4) The difference and relationship between relative surplus and excess profit.
Each enterprise can obtain excess profits by improving technology and labor productivity.
In the process of pursuing excess profits, social labor productivity It is generally improved to produce Relative residual value
Relative surplus is the result of enterprises' pursuit of excess profits. The excess profit is obtained by individual enterprises, and the relative surplus is generally obtained by enterprises.
Surplus converted into profit
(1) Surplus is converted into profit.
The remainder is created by Variable capital However, the surplus is not only an enterprise Capital expended The product of Prepaid capital The product of. When the surplus is treated as the product of all prepaid capital, the surplus is converted into profit. Profit is surplus, which is surplus in essence.
(2) Residual value ratio Convert to profit margin.
The profit margin is the ratio of surplus to total prepaid capital. It is expressed in p '. The formula is: p ′=m/C. Residual value rate and profit rate are the same Residual value Different ratios obtained by different calculation methods. The profit rate is less than the residual value rate, which is the transformation form of the residual value rate.
The relationship between residual value rate and profit rate is different. The former represents the profitability of the enterprise, and the latter represents the appreciation of the total prepaid capital. The profit rate is always less than the residual value rate. It reflects the profitability of the enterprise.
(3) Main factors affecting profit margin.
The goal of the enterprise is to obtain the maximum profit with the minimum capital investment. The factors affecting the profit rate are as follows:
First, Residual value ratio If the surplus value rate is high, the profit rate is high.
Second, Organic composition of capital The higher the organic composition of capital, the lower the profit rate.
Third, the turnover speed of capital. Capital turnover Fast, high profit margins.
Fourth, Constant capital Savings. The more constant capital is saved, the higher the profit rate is.
(1) The law of surplus value is market economy Under conditions, Production surplus value Objectivity of Inevitability
(2) The law of surplus value is of market economy Basic economic laws This is because in the market economy law, the law of surplus value is dominance , plays a decisive role:
First, the law of surplus value determines the essence of production. The production purpose of enterprises is to pursue profits and increase wealth. All activities of an enterprise are to perform the function of capital.
Second, law of residual value Decide on each link of reproduction. Each link of production serves the production surplus and is determined by the amount of surplus obtained.
Third, the law of surplus value determines the whole process of the development of the internal contradictions of the market economy. The pursuit of profit drives enterprises to constantly improve technology and improve labor productivity, which aggravates and expands the contradiction between production and consumption, destroys the proportion of reproduction, and makes it difficult to realize products, leading to economic crisis , resulting in Market economy system development.
because law of residual value It reflects the essence of enterprise production, determines the purpose and means of production, determines all major aspects and processes of production, and determines the upsurge, crisis and development of production. Therefore, it is the basic economic law of market economy.