
Poets of Tang Dynasty
zero Useful+1
Jia Dao (August 27, 779-843), a native of Tang Fanyang (now southwest of Beijing), is known as Langxian, once known as Langxian, and named himself "Jieshi Mountain Man". [1] Poet of Tang Dynasty, known as“ inferior poets ”。 [33]
Around the ninth year of Zhenyuan era (793), Jia Dao became a monk in Hengshan Mountain, the northern mountain, because he had no livelihood. There is no law name, but the law name is Jieshi Mountain people. It is said that Jia Dao wrote poems and complained when he was in Luoyang because he was ordered not to go out in the afternoon Han Yu Discovered talent, persuaded by Han Yu, around the seventh year of Yuanhe (812) Return to vulgarity , and participated for the first time imperial examination , but finally failed. After tiredness, I can't win the first place. September, 837, was demoted for libel Suizhou Changjiang County (Today Suining City Daying County Registrar Therefore, it is called "Jia Changjiang River". In September of the fifth year of its inauguration (840), it moved to Puzhou Sicang joined the army In the third year of Huichang (843), Jia Dao was in Puzhou public building Death.
Jia Dao lived a miserable life and wrote poems. His poems mostly wrote about desolate and desolate places. He was good at five laws and stressed words and sentences. And Meng Jiao Equal fame, later generations“ similar poetic conception ”It is a metaphor for his poetic style. Author《 Yangtze River Collection 》。 [1]
(Reference for overview drawing [51 ]
Full Name
Jiashou Island inferior poets
Langxian, Langxian
Jieshi Mountain People
the tang dynasty
Ethnic groups
Han nationality
one's native heath
Fan Yang
date of birth
Date of death
August 27, 843
Main works
Yangtze River Collection, Shige, etc

Character's Life


Becoming a monk in his early years

Jia Dao's portrait
Jia Dao was born in 779, the 14th year of Dali. [36] Jia Dao lived in a poor family in his early years Fangshan stone Yukou Shicun. [9]
In 788, the fourth year of Zhengyuan era, Jia Dao left his hometown. [36]
Around the ninth year of Zhenyuan era (793), Jia Dao became a monk in Hengshan Mountain, the northern mountain, because he had no livelihood. There is no law name, but the law name is Jieshi Mountain people. [9] [36] Later, he lived in Luoyang Stone Tower and Songshan Mountain. [49]
Around the beginning of the 17th year of Zhenyuan (801), Jia Dao arrived from the Buddhist temple in Fanyang Luoyang, East Capital Longmen Xiangshan Temple Be a monk. In March, they went to poem Han Yu, from which they met and made friends. In November, I followed Han Yu to Chang'an Qinglong Temple [36]

Returning to common customs

Around the spring and summer of the 18th year of Zhenyuan (802), Jia Dao and Han Yu Returned to Luoyang together and left this year Xiangshan Temple , go back to the hometown of Fanyang, live in a Buddhist temple and prepare for study The imperial examination [36]
During the spring and summer of the first year of Yuanhe (806)《 Tou Zhang Taizhu 》Poetry to Zhang Ji In autumn and winter, go to Chang'an《 Accompanied by Zhang Ji and Han Yu with new literary attainments 》Poems meet Zhang Ji and Han Yu. Thus Zhang Ji Met, then met again Meng Jiao In November, he returned to Fan Yang and continued to live in a Buddhist temple to study for the imperial examination. [40]
In the spring of the fifth year of Yuanhe (810), Jiadao went to Luoyang《 Invest in Li Yi 》Poetry visited Li Yi , and with their friends Wei Zhizhong Zhuge Jue Jointly created in Tianjin Qiaonan《 One sentence for each question in the south mountain of Tianjin Bridge 》Poetry. [10] [40] After that, he returned to Fan Yang and continued to study in Buddhist temples to prepare for the imperial examination. [40]
In the spring of the seventh year of Yuanhe (812), Jia Dao made《 Pisces Ballad 》Poetry. In autumn and winter, I went to Chang'an from Fan Yang by Yishui Fu《 Yishui Nostalgia 》Poetry. After arriving in Chang'an Longevity extending Li , neighboring Zhang Ji. Around this year, Jia Dao returned to the secular life and failed in the imperial examination for the first time. [40]

Social intercourse

About Yuan and eight years (813), Shen Yazhi Returning to the east after losing the first place, Jia Daozuo《 Send Shen Xiucai to the East 》Send off poems. [40] In the same year《 Yanshouli Jingshe Residence 》Poetry. [11]
The ninth year of Yuanhe (814), Chen Shang A successful candidate who will leave Beijing to take up his post, Jia Dao《 Send to Chen Merchants 》Poetry. In August, Meng Jiao died and Jia Dao wrote《 Cry Meng Jiao 》《 Hanging Mencius in Harmony 》Poetry. [12] [40]
In August of the tenth year of Yuanhe (815), Shouzhou Assassin Li Wentong Participate in pacification Huaixi Rebellion , written by Jia Dao《 To Li Wentong 》Poetry is a gift. December, Monk Huaihui At the end of Zhangjing Temple, Jia Dao wrote《 Zen Master Cries Boyan 》Poetry. [12]
In September of the 11th year of Yuanhe (816), Li Zhengci He was demoted to be the governor of Jinzhou, and Jia Dao wrote《 To Li Jinzhou 》Poetry is a gift. [13]
In the spring of the 13th year of Yuanhe (818), Jiadao lived on the north bank of Qujiang River Leyouyuan , for《 Send Qian Shuzi 》Poetry delivery Prince Youshuzi Money badge In spring and summer, go to Weibo to visit Yao He In the autumn of the same year《 In autumn night, I look up to Qian Meng's two male zither guests 》Poetry. In autumn and winter, when I returned to Beijing, I wrote a poem "Reward Yao to School" and sent it to Yao He by way of Liyang. [41]
In the 14th year of Yuanhe (819), Jia Dao wrote《 To Han Chaozhouyu 》《 To Han Xiang 》Poetry. [14]
In the autumn of the 15th year of Yuanhe (820), Jia Dao wrote《 Investment fund doctor 》Poems cast on Ancestral Temple Doctor zhen In autumn and winter, I cultivated in Wenyu Hall of Chang'an Ci'en Temple due to illness《 Yu Mansion, Ci'en Temple 》《 Superior Courtyard of Ci'en Temple 》《 Reward Master Wenyu of Ci'en Temple 》Etc. [14] In the winter of the same year, Han Yu After returning to Beijing, Jia Dao, who had just recovered, went to congratulate him. [41]
Changqing Jia Daozuo in the spring of the first year (821)《 Presented to Hanlin 》The poem was presented to Yuan Zhen, a scholar in the Imperial Academy. In the autumn of the same year Zhu Qingyu Gu Feixiong Li Xuan . Wannian County Lieutenant without a Master Yao He Home, work《 Su Yao Shaofu Beizhai 》《 Reward Shaofu Yao 》《 Reward Shaofu Yao 》Etc. [14] In summer and autumn, I traveled to Jingxiang and made《 To the martial arts master Yao 》Poetry to Yao He, the master of martial arts. [41]
In the second year of Changqing (822), Jia Dao was admitted as a Jinshi in Chang'an《 Sick cicada 》Poetry satirizes the minister, and Ping Zeng When they are demoted at the same time, they are called the ten evils of lifting. [15] [41]
In the third year of Changqing (823), Li Yu The Jinshi returned to Sichuan and Jia Dao wrote《 Send Li Yuji to Shu 》Poetry. In the winter of the same year, Han Xiang accept appoint a commoner to public office Go to the Jiangxi shogunate and work in Jia Dao《 Send Han Xiang 》Send off poems. [15]
In the summer of the fourth year of Changqing (824)《 Huangzipi Shanghan Official Department 》Poetry to Official Ministry Attendant Han Yu. In the early autumn of the same year, he went boating several times with Han Yu, Zhang Ji and others in Nanxi. [15]
Baoli Calendar In March of the first year (825)《 Send to Zhongcheng envoy Huihe Booki 》Poetry. About the same year《 Send customers to non bears 》《 Please see and send it to Shaofu Li Ku of Jiu County 》To Wei You for proofreading《 Old Man of Huai Boling 》Poetry. [17] [41]
In the second year of the Baoli calendar (826), he lived in Shengdaofang, Chang'an, and sang with Zhang Ji and Yao. In the same year, Zhu Qingyu And return home, Jia Daozuo《 Send Zhu Kejiu to Yuezhong 》Send off poems. About this year《 Return to Li Yichang 》Poetry is delivered to Li Yi. [18] In addition, he also made《 Qingmen Li Zuo 》Poetry. [9]
In May of the first year of Taihe (827)《 Send Judge Zhou Yuan Fan to Vietnam 》Poetry. In summer and autumn《 To Liu Qichu 》Poetry delivery Guiguan observer Liu Qichu [41]
In the autumn of the second year of Taihe (828), Wang Jian Out as Shanzhou Sima and Jia Dao wrote a poem to send off Sima, the King of Shaanxi. In autumn and winter《 Stay at Yaohe House to send Zhang Siye 》Poetry. In the same year, Luo Shaojing retired and returned home. Jia Dao wrote《 Send Shaofu Luo to Niuzhu 》Send off poems. [41]
In May of the third year of Taihe (829) Cangzhou Li Shangshu's poem was sent to the governor of Cangzhou Li You In the same summer, Yong pottery To enter Sichuan and work《 Send Yong Pottery to Sichuan 》Poems are delivered to each other. Later《 Vote for Pang Shaoyin 》Poem in Beijing, Zhao Shaoyin Pang Yan December, send Li Kuo Go to Jiannan field headquarters , wrote the poem "Send Li Kuo's Imperial Sword to Camp South". [41]
In the autumn of the fourth year of Taihe (830)《 He Pangshao, Yin Chutai, Chang Shaoqing 》Poetry. September, work《 Xiyong Taozhi 》Poetry. [41] In the same year, Zhang Ji died《 Cry Zhang Ji 》Poetry. [25]
In the fifth year of Taihe (831)《 Yongfu Lake and Yang Zhengzhou 》《 Cui Qingchi's Double Egrets 》《 Cui Qing, Crane on the Pool 》Poetry. [41]
In April of the sixth year of Taihe (832), Jia Dao went to Jinzhou to see Yao He, the governor of Jinzhou. [41]
The first month of the seventh year of Taihe (833), General Youjin Wuwei Wang Maoyuan Take office Lingnan Festival Envoy , written by Jia Dao《 To General Wang 》Poetry is a gift. June, Ling Huchu let minister of personnel , Calibration Right Minion Shooting , written by Jia Dao《 To Linghu's husband 》Poetry cast to Linghu Chu. November, for《 Send Changwu Zhu Shangshu 》Poetry. [41]
In the spring of the eighth year of Taihe (834), Yong pottery Jinshi and his return to Chengdu, Jia Daozuo《 Send Yongtao to Chengdu Ningqin 》Poetry. [26] In July, Yao He was appointed governor of Hangzhou, and Jia Dao wrote《 Send Yao Hangzhou 》Poetry. [41]
In the autumn of the ninth year of Taihe (835), I visited Hangzhou. In the same year《 To Piling Chegong 》《 Send Yan Shiyu to Tongzhou 》《 Above Xunshiweng Temple 》《 Cry Lu Tong 》《 Interview with Li Ganyuan 》Etc. [26]
In March of the first year (836), Jia Dao visited Kuaiji, just in time Nanzhuo After returning to Beijing and passing Kuaiji《 Send Nanzhuo back to Beijing 》Send off poems. In spring and summer, Cai Jing And back to Shandong, Zheng Shi And back to Lingnan, Jia Dao《 Send to Cai Jing 》《 Send Zheng Changshi to Lingnan 》See them off. [26] [41]

Relegation to Sichuan

In September of 837, Jia Dao was demoted to Changjiang County (Present Sichuan Suining City Daying County), so it is called "Jia Changjiang". [3] [26] Send the poem "Send Linghu to the Prime Minister in the Yangtze River" to the Prime Minister on the way Ling Huchu October, arrival Zizhou Dongchuan Festival Envoy Rushi Yang Calling him to watch the winter setting, he received great courtesy and Jia Dao made《 Watching Winter, Yang Shangshu from Dongchuan 》Poetry. From October to November, we arrived at Changjiang County, and then received the cold clothes sent by Linghu Chu, who wrote a poem "Thank Linghu's Minister for Nine Things to Give Clothes" to thank each other. [27]
In the first three years (838), Jia Dao served as the director of Changjiang County《 Send Dugu Ma Erxiu to study in Mingyue Mountain 》《 Mingyue Mountain Huai Dugu Chongyu Zhuo 》Two Poems. [42]
In the fourth year (839)《 Topic Yangtze River 》《 To Master Yuan 》Two Poems. [27]
Dongchuan envoy in the spring of 840 Zheng Fu Dredging Fujiang River , written by Jia Dao《 Zheng Shangshu Opens the Second Fujiang Opera 》Take notes. [27] [42] In September of the same year, the term of office of the director of Jiadao Changjiang County expired and he moved to Sicang of Puzhou to join the army. [27] After arriving in Puzhou, the governor of Puzhou, Lechan, wanted him to correct Cao Cao, but Jia Dao didn't agree and made《 Let Cao Cao be corrected to be a happy envoy 》Poetry response. In the same year《 Interview with Martial Nephew Jianxuan 》《 To Zong Yuan, Liu Sheren 》Two Poems. [28]
Monk in the first month of the first year of Huichang (841) Zong Mi Silence, written by Jia Dao《 Crying Sect Secret Zen Master 》Cry. [28] In the same year, the Cishi Lechan wrote The Purple Pole Palace Stele, written by Jia Dao, and Le Yanrong inscribe characters on the top of a tablet in the seal style [42]
In the summer of the second year of Huichang (842)《 Climb the South Tower on a Summer Night 》Poetry. In the same year《 Shangle used the emperor to save Kang Chenggong 》Jiang Ting and Tian Caizhou. [42]

The official residence died

The third year of Huichang (843) July On August 28, Jia Dao was in Puzhou public building Death. [28]
On March 17 of the fourth year of Huichang (844), his wife Liu followed his will and moved Jia Dao to Nangang, Yifeng Township, Anyue County, Puzhou. [28]

Main impacts


style of art

The Statue of Jia Dao in Sancai Tuhui in the Ming Dynasty
1、 Strange
For Jia Dao's poems, many poets have always had a "strange" evaluation. Jia Dao's remoteness is first manifested in the choice of poetic images. Jia Dao devotes himself to the description of trivial, obscure and even strange things, and reviews his poetry collection. Everywhere, he can see the images of barren banks, cave ants, hidden cicadas, abandoned houses, autumn fireflies, cold grass, Xinghong and other ordinary poets rarely enter into poetry. The images Jia Dao chooses are basically common things, but what he shows is that these things are decaying, sick, disabled, and disliked by people, such as broken ranks, strange birds, withered trees, horses, and tumors. Or things that people seldom touch and are not easy to get close to, such as snakes and insects. Jia Dao can keenly catch the correspondence between these images and his specific mood or circumstances, so they are used in poetry to convey deep feelings. [48]
Jia Dao's remoteness is also reflected in the use of sentence patterns. In order to avoid the flat narration of his poems, he often uses inversion, causal sentences, etc., which makes the sentence patterns curious and intriguing. Such as《 Ji Shan You Chang Sun Qiqiao 》"The crane is like a gentleman, and nothing happens. The wind blows and the rain blows all over the mountain." "The crane is like a gentleman," in fact, it is like a crane. The crane is a metaphor for the master's elegant character. However, Jia Dao deliberately reverses it. He compares the crane with the king and looks like the crane more than the king. This shows his painstaking efforts in making sentences. [48]
2、 Fresh
Poets of all dynasties have "Qing" comments on Jia Dao's poetry. Jia Dao himself often uses "Qing" to evaluate other people and his own works, and also uses "Qing" to summarize his own poetic style. The connotation of "Qing" is diverse. According to the situation of Jia Dao's poetry, the style of "Qing" should be more accurately summarized as fresh, with the following specific manifestations: [48]
One is that Jia Dao, under the influence of Zen thought, has constructed a static image full of Zen, which makes his works show an empty, clear, and transcendental temperament. Such as《 Climb the river pavilion and watch at night 》: [48]
Immersed in the misty cloud roots, the mist is not far away from the village. The bird returns to the sand with traces, and the sail passes through the waves without traces.
Look at the water to know flexibility, look at the mountain to tired soul. Indulgence is still in the way, and I want to return to dusk.
In the first couplet, the poet saw that the river was vast and the waves were beating the rocks on the bank; There is fog flowing on the distant mountain, and the villages on the mountain are submerged in it. In the couplet, birds have returned to their nests, but there are still traces of their claws on the beach. There are boats rowing across the river, but there are no marks left on the river. When the poet saw the birds returning and the sails passing by, he never remembered what had happened, and he never saw what would happen. It was full of philosophy. In the latter two couplets, the poet integrated himself with nature, immersed himself in the mountains and rivers, and realized the harmony in silence and the leap of life. The poet went from the tranquility of nature to the tranquility of spirit, thinking deeply about his understanding of the id of life. [48]
Second, the language is clear, concise and unconventional. For example, "To No One to Go":
Guifeng looks fresh after finishing, so send it to the people in the Thatched Cottage. Zhuwei left the temple with him, and he said goodbye temporarily.
Walk alone at the bottom of the pool and beside the tree. There will be a misty sunset, and the rooftop will be a close neighbor.
This was written by the poet who sent his younger brother Wukeshan people to Guifeng for cultivation. The first couplet was written and sent. The sky was clear after rain, and the poet sent his brother away. Jise presents people with fresh and indifferent colors, which is the same as the artistic conception of "Farewell to the White Emperor in the Morning". The couplets are written in the order of farewell. Whisk dust and his younger brother leave together, and temporarily leave their relatives in the sound of the crisp chirp of the cricket worm. The neck couplet writes goodbye and then walks alone. When I returned, I was alone and my figure was reflected at the bottom of the pool; At rest, only trees are around. These two sentences reflect the poet's understanding of Zen philosophy. The poet comprehends the relationship between non ego and id in the shadow at the bottom of the pool and the body beside the tree. The shadow at the bottom of the pool is just a phantom, and the one beside the tree is just a color body. In this case, why is it sad to leave? But after all, the poet could not completely eliminate secular feelings, so he made an appointment with his younger brother at the end of the couplet, "the roof is a close neighbor". [48]
The third point is that Jia Dao often expresses poverty and embarrassment in his poems. In the midst of hardship, he has the meaning of sticking to poverty, not changing his heart, and not falling into the blue. Such as《 Go hungry 》There is no rice and no firewood among the extreme writers, and they are hungry and cold. But at the end, "Hunger cannot reach other people, and the ancients have humble words" to encourage themselves.
Fourth, it refers to the clear, severe and bitter air often found in Jia Dao's poems. This is the psychological state caused by the poor life, the difficult experience of seeking promotion, and the failure of success. The objects observed in this psychological state are cold and sad. Such as《 Niyang Hall 》: [48]
Guests worry about where to get up at the same time, and send their old friends back at dusk. The abandoned hall is full of fireflies in autumn, and the empty city is cold and rainy.
The setting sun is white with dew, and the shadows of the trees sweep away the moss. Sitting alone and looking miserable, can not be lit by a single lamp.
The first couplet points out customers' worries. The poet's sorrow is still lingering, and he adds the sorrow of parting, sending people back in the twilight. The guest worries rise at the same time, because the guest sees off the guest, this is double the method, which makes the poet's guest worries more serious. The latter three couplets depict scenes to show the poet suffering from guest anxiety at night in the museum. The poet combined the images of "abandoned museum", "autumn fireflies", "empty city", "cold rain", "sunset", "white dew", "tree shadow", "moss", "solitary lamp", and so on, and covered all the scenes with dim colors to express the deep loneliness in the heart. [48]
5、 In terms of conception and artistic expression, we should abstain from being familiar and strive for novelty. Jia Dao devotes himself to this in his poems. Such as《 To Huashan Monk 》: [48]
Distant white stone chamber, pine and cypress hidden hazy. When the moon sets, look at your heart, and the clouds grow and close your eyes.
At five o'clock, ten thousand feet of water hung in the air. The moss rock socketed site is vaguely accessible.
This is the work of Ji Yuan. Every sentence in the poem depicts the scenery, but it sets off the image of monks everywhere. Pines and cypresses surround the residence, high mountains and waterfalls, and moss trails, all of which demonstrate the detachment and dedication of the Huashan monk. It is Jia Dao's most commonly used and best used way to describe people with scenery and combine reality with fiction. [48]
3、 Bland
In the evaluation of Jia Dao's poetic style, the most influential one is Su Shi's proposal of "thin in the suburb" in "Sacrifice to Liuzi Jade". For a long time, "thin" is considered to be the main style of Jia Dao's poetry. Now, with the in-depth study of Jia Dao, it can be concluded that "thin" can not generalize his overall style, and after careful investigation, it is found that Jia Dao's poetry is more accurate than "thin". [48]
Like Tao Qian, Jia Dao creates a plain and natural style of poetry with a painstaking attitude, which shows the following characteristics: in the creation of images, he uses the vision, ordinary things into poetry, and conveys feelings that are difficult for ordinary people to understand deeply and subtly. As Jia Dao has been stuck in Chang'an for many years, his life is difficult, resulting in his narrow vision of life. Things and things that are written in poetry are common in life, even ignored by people. However, Jia Dao is good at capturing the characteristics that touch poetic thoughts, and after deep speculation, it comes out tactfully. Such as《 Send Tian Zhuo to Huashan 》Write a poem saying goodbye to Tian Zhuo, and imagine a friend's life in the mountains. The couplet "The waterfall is five thousand feet high, beside the Thatched Cottage Waterfall." It writes about Tian Zhuo's residence. The waterfall is thousands of feet high, which means the mountain is high, and the waterfall is flying down, while the Thatched Cottage is simple and low. The scenery on both sides, one is grand, the other is short and simple, the other is flowing and flying, the other is silent, forming a sharp contrast. In contrast, it sets off Tian Zhuo's internal spirit of being independent and unyielding in the changing world. This couplet is not only about scenery, but also about people. [48]
Jia Dao seldom uses allusions. He often uses ordinary language to describe scenes and express his feelings. His language shows a natural and clean feature of "words go beyond words, meaning comes out unintentionally" (Send Monk Away). Such as《 To Han Chaozhouyu 》: [48]
This heart has been with the Mulan boat until the tide head of the south of the sky.
I came to Huayue across the mountains, and sent letters through Longliu.
The peak overhangs the post road, the clouds are broken, and the city roots are soaked in the sea in autumn.
One night, the miasma and wind swept away, and at the beginning of the moonlight, we went to the Langxi Tower.
This poem was written during Han Yu's demotion to Chaozhou. Jia Dao expressed his yearning with poems. The poem begins with "this heart", which is also the master of the whole poem. The poet of the first couplet is willing to accompany Han Yu with his sincere heart until he is demoted to Chaozhou. Three or four sentences describe the correspondence between the two people after parting. Five or six sentences describe the scenery of Chaozhou. The sea soaked old tree is not only a sketch of the scenery, but also a description of Han Yu's stubborn style. The language is extremely calm. The last two sentences remind the poet that one day, the wind blows clear and the moon shines on the west tower. It means that Han Yu's grievances will be cleared up and his loyalty and integrity will be revealed to the world. These two sentences express Jia Dao's sincere hope through the painting. On the other hand, they are also a portrayal of Han Yu's broad-minded mind. [48]
In Jia Dao's poetry collection, there are many beautiful lines describing the scenery, which mostly use line drawing techniques and are decorated by Jueyuan. Such as《 Yuanshangqiu Residence 》The last couplet: "Rely on the staff to chat and watch, the Tian family has not cut the grain". Write about the scenes of the rural life of the original people, express the comfortable and leisurely life of the countryside in plain and indifferent language, and comfort the poet's depressed heart. [48]

Later influence

Jia Dao was generally respected and loved in the late Tang Dynasty, which had a great influence. According to Li Zhiwen's "Jia Dao's Position in the Development History of Tang Poetry"《 Complete Poetry of the Tang 》Poets in the mid and late Tang Dynasty remembered Zhuihe and Jia Dao with 38 poems, which greatly exceeded the memory of Zhuihe Li Bai Du Fu , Han Yu and others. Weizhuang He once asked Jia Dao and other Jinshi to be awarded the title of "pick up the leftovers and fill the gaps", which best reflects the admiration of the scholars in the late Tang Dynasty for Jia Dao. It can be seen from the above that Jia Dao's poems had a wide influence on the thoughts, feelings and aesthetic concepts of the literati in the late Tang Dynasty. Poets in past dynasties have often acknowledged the fact that Jia Dao is an integral part of Tang poetry.
Jia Dao had an important influence since the Tang Dynasty. In the early Song Dynasty, Song poetry He has no style of his own. He has learned from the poets of the middle and late Tang Dynasty by inheriting the styles of the five generations Bai Juyi Li Shangyin The three sects of Jia Dao, Jia Dao has a wide influence. At the end of the Song Dynasty, Jiangxi poets blindly imitated the ancients by taking books as their poems. In order to change this habit of Jianghu poets, the Four Soul Poets advocated learning from Jia Dao. itinerant poets Liu Kezhuang Dai Fugu He also studied and praised Jia Dao and the poetic style of the late Tang Dynasty, and later turned to study under the influence of the national crisis Lu You
Late Ming Dynasty Jingling Sect Poet's Representative Zhong Xing Tan Yuanchun , for Gong'an Sect The tendency of archaism puts forward its own proposition: learn from the ancients, not from their ways, but from their "true spirit". Their so-called "true spirit", that is, the ancients' "deep feelings and single thoughts" and "strange interests and different reasons", tends to highlight Jia Dao and his poetry style in the late Tang Dynasty. Li Huaimin and Lu Wenchao [30]

Historical evaluation

Tang Dynasty litterateur Han Yu : ① The crazy words are in torrent, and the low words are comfortable. To wipe out the poor and become strange, we often make peace talks. (《 Send no teacher back to Fanyang 》) [20] ② Meng Jiao was buried in Beimang Mountain. Since then, the situation has been temporarily relaxed. Heaven feared that the article would be cut off and Jia Dao would be reborn. (《 To Jia Dao 》) [16]
Poets of Tang Dynasty Meng Jiao : The bones of poetry soar in the east, and the waves of poetry rush back. Sometimes they stagger, and people startle the crane and the teacher. It's a pity that Li Du died. (《 There is no script for drama gift (One of them) [21]
Officials of the Tang Dynasty Jiangsu : Air between male and long timbers, super simple and vigorous It is inscribed with the name of Jia Gong, and the legend is written by heaven. The crane is not in the cloud when the name is high. Early sound and light, high step out of the group. (The Tomb Inscription of Tang Gu Sicang Joining the Army and Jia Gongmu) [19]
Poets of Tang Dynasty Li Dong : ① There are relegated stars outside the crane in the Tang Dynasty, and cold Cangming is injected into the east of the Yangtze River. Search Songxue Immortal Island in the border and chant at the master book hall of Linquan. The moon is already dark, and the sky is far away. Every year, who does not climb the top, is not better than riding a donkey into the painting screen. (《 Go past the old place of Jia Langxian 》) ② Everyone gets it, sir. The humble position ends in Shu, and poetry occupies the Tang Dynasty. A new grave is small, and one's soul is far away from home. I came here for libation, and set up a stone as a mark. (《 Jia Dao Tomb 》) [29]
Poets of the Late Tang Dynasty Weizhuang : Poets and talents have left their talents from time to time. They don't commit themselves to sainthood, and don't hate bones for thousands of years. As far as I know, there are Li He Huangfusong Li Qunyu Tortoise shell Zhao Guangyuan wen tingyun Liu Deren, Lu Kui, Fu Xi Ping Zeng Jia Dao, Liu Zhixuan Luo Ye There is no obvious experience of, square and thousands of people. All of them have outstanding talents. They have beautiful sentences and clear words, which can be found everywhere in the mouth of the poets. Their grievances and hatred are the dust of the nether world. [29]
Poets of the Southern Song Dynasty Yan Yu : In terms of people, there are: Metamerite (Li Ling, Su Wu), Cao Liuti (Zijian, Gonggan), pottery (Yuanming), Xie (Lingyun) Jia Lang Immortal Body ......, Yang Chengzhai style (He first learned half a mountain, back a mountain, and finally learned quatrains from the Tang people. He has abandoned all the styles of various schools and created new ideas, which is the same as his own preface.). (《 Cang Lang's Notes on Poets and Poetry ·Poetic Style) [31]
Wang Yuan, an official of the Southern Song Dynasty: Lang Xian is famous for his poems. After the prosperity of Zhenyuan, Yuanhe and his articles, Meng Jiao died and cried for his poems. His poems and his suburbs were separated and galloped together, straight and deep. His emotions were restrained and his thoughts were sad in spring and autumn. Reading them made him love his work and pity his ambition. It was like listening to the sad songs of Yan and Zhao, the manning voice of moth eyebrows, the crying of Qin and Chu, and the crying of Jing Mountain. (Preface to Jia Changjiang Collection) [22-23]
Poets of Yuan Dynasty Fang Hui : ① However, there are different poetic schools among Han people( Xiang Si Zhang Ji School of; Yao He , Li Dong Square trunk However, Jia Dao's faction is also. (《 Summary of Ying Kui's Law 》Volume II) [30] ② Jia Langxian's five character regular poems are very ancient. Those who exert themselves to the utmost in life can't catch the seven character regular poems. (《 Ying Kui Lv Sui 》) [24]
Meta agent Wu Shidao : Lu Quanxiang is an old man, and Jia Dao is cold and astringent. He has his own family. (《 Wu Libu's Poetry 》 ) [30]
Poets of the Yuan Dynasty Xin Wenfang : The island looks clear and elegant, and talks about holding the Buddha in Xuan's arms. It is known to people outside the world. What's worse, the life is not good. (《 Biography of Tang Scholars 》) [2]
Ming Dynasty litterateur Li Dongyang : The four foot title of Qiong Zen is in, and the style of ci fu is more than eternal love. (Titles on Jia Dao's Tomb) [29]
Poets of Ming Dynasty Hu Yinglin : ① The ancient Dongye, the law of wave immortals, Changji Yuefu, and Yuchuan Singing House are all outstanding because of their talent. Like a desperate peak, deep streams and flowing springs, they have their own interests and do not follow each other. (《 A poetry den ·External edition) [19] ② Qujiang is clear and distant, Haoran is simple and plain, Suzhou is leisurely and graceful, and the wave fairy is secluded and strange. Although the tunes of early prosperity, middle and late Tang Dynasty are different, they are all made of five characters alone. (Volume IV of Shisou - Internal Compilation) [30]
Poets of Ming Dynasty Xu Xueyi : ① After the Dali period, the May 7th speech rule became exhausted, and Yuan and other princes gathered together to shake it up. Jia Dao Wang Jian Rakuten's creation of novelty has changed greatly. ② Although Jia Dao's seven character rule is rarely included in the list, it is fresh and steep. It is another kind, slightly different from the five character rule, but also slightly biased. (《 Poetic Source and Style 》) [24]
Chen Zhang, a poet of the Ming Dynasty, said that while the temple was still in the green mountains, there were no tiles in Chang'an. The flea has a poetic name that startles the officials, and urges them to add scarves and hats to become floating butchers. Looking back at Yao and Li Feng, it is not lonely to pick up Cen Wang Dao. I only love Junshi thin and healthy, and it takes time to think. (《 Jiadao Memorial Temple 》) [32]
Poets in the Late Ming and Early Qing Dynasties Costume As for Jia, although he was blind in chanting things, only his poems have good lines. Poetry of Zaiyuan [24]
Lu Wenchao, a collating scholar in the Qing Dynasty: ① Although the Yangtze River poems are not elegant, they still have a sense of antiquity. Reading them can be familiar with the habit of flattering. (Volume 13 of the Collection of Baojingtang Essays, After the Collection of Poems on the Yangtze River) ② I don't like Jia Shisu, especially because he is very famous in recent times. After being evaluated by He Yimen, I began to realize the depth of its meaning, and almost no words were left idle. In the past, people judged the island by its thinness. How could it be easier to be thin? Those who are fat and faltering are afraid that they cannot thin their ears. Jia is thin, so he can become a family. However, this is not popular in the pavilion, but can be enjoyed with people in the mountains and forests. (《 Collection of Scripture Hall 》Volume XIII After Retitling Jia Changjiang's Poetry Collection) [30]
Qing Dynasty litterateur Xu Yinfang : After Li and Du, the two men (referring to Meng Jiao and Jia Dao) avoided the wide range of families and took the narrow path of narrow paths, aiming to make their own faces, thus becoming a secluded and astringent combination. (Collection of Poems) [19]
Modern poets Wen Yiduo From the late Tang Dynasty to the Five Dynasties, the poets learning from Jia Dao were not counted. Except for a few distinct exceptions, they moved towards the artistic conception and vocabulary of words. The rest of the general poets, that is, the poets of the public, belong to Jia Dao. From this point of view, we can call the late Tang Dynasty and the Five Dynasties Jia Dao era. (《 On Tang Poetry 》) [29]
Director of the Teaching and Research Section of Ancient Literature, Shanghai Academy of Social Sciences Sun Qin'an : The seven laws of the wave fairy are steep and towering, but few people have smooth tones. Sometimes there are good sentences to pick up, but they are not as good as the five laws. Yao Yao He )Jia said that the five laws are the foundation, while the seven laws are different in style and character. Jia Zhuan is refining sentences, while Yao is active and free in chapter syntax. ("Tang Qilv Poetry Criticism") [24]

Anecdotes and allusions


The dust is still on

It is said that Jia Dao, 30 years old, had been elected several times, but failed. Frustrated, and forced to make a living, he became a monk, and his name was useless. Jia Dao became a monk with a lot of complaints, so although he was in Buddhism, he could not forget his earthly troubles. When he was a monk in Luoyang, the authorities stipulated that he should not leave the temple in the afternoon. If another monk is allowed to leave, he will not leave. There is no limit to the country of Buddhism. Where can we not cultivate our morality? However, he felt that freedom was bound and unbearable. So he sighed, "It's better to go home at dusk than cattle and sheep." [33]

A promise to return to the secular life

Jia Dao has a cousin called Wuke, who is also a poet. At that time, they became monks together. Jia Dao couldn't stand loneliness and killed the bullet; But Wuke is still closing his hands to Buddha. Jia Dao had an appointment when he returned to secular life, and he would still become a monk in the future, but when he fell into the dust net, he was covered. He had no choice but to write a poem to remind him not to forget the appointment. Jia Dao said, how can I forget? "I want to visit famous mountains all over the world, and I will arrive at Songqiu sooner or later."(《 Send it to nobody 》)"There will be a misty sunset, and the rooftop will be a close neighbor"(《 Send it to the invincible 》)。 He still yearns for the quietness of Buddhism. But to say that action is action, the two are full of contradictions. [34]

Examine the origin

Monk Knocks at the Lower Gate of the Moon
When he was young, Jia Dao settled down and became a monk, living in Congdi Shiwuke Chang'an Guifeng Thatched Cottage Temple. He is obsessed with poetry, and attaches great importance to refining words and sentences. He has become addicted to reciting hard. According to the History of the Tang Dynasty, Jia Dao returned from a visit to Li Ning, a hermit, one day and got a couplet: "Birds stay in the trees by the pool, and monks push (knock) at the door of the moon." He was still uncertain whether to use the word "push" or "knock" in the poem. He made gestures of "push" and "knock" from time to time during the chanting, which fascinated me. It happened that the minister, Wai Lang Han Yu, was passing by when he was out of town. Jia Dao couldn't avoid it. He ran into the third guide of Han Yu's bodyguard team and was stopped. The bodyguard took him to Han Yu. Jia Dao told him truthfully, "Because of the uncertainty of 'pushing' and 'knocking', he wandered around and didn't know how to avoid it." Han Yu didn't blame him after hearing this. After a moment of thinking, he smiled and said, "The word 'knocking' is good!" Since then, Han Jia is a close friend. [47] This story also gave birth to the word "pondering", which is used to mean that when writing an article or doing something, you should think over and over again, and keep improving to get the best results.

Take away the scroll and disobey Xuanzong

It is said that Jia Dao and his later residence methods cannot be abandoned. One day, Emperor Xuanzong of the Tang Dynasty went on a journey in disguise. When he came to the temple, he heard people chanting poems, and then went upstairs. Seeing the poem scroll on the case, he took it for browsing. Jia Dao was in the back and took it away with one hand. He didn't know Xuanzong of the Tang Dynasty, so he stared and shouted, "How can you understand this?" He was very nervous afterwards, and Fu Que was ready for punishment. The court gave him a small official who was the chief clerk of Changjiang County and demoted him from Chang'an. There are works of two poets in the Tang Dynasty, involving this matter. An Qi said in his poem, "Riding a donkey to rush the great Yin, robbing Xuanzong of his evil deeds." Li Kegong said in his poem, "When Xuanzong was exiled to do nothing, Han Yu knew that he had become famous." [34]

similar poetic conception

The two men, Meng Jiao and Jia Dao, are famous for their bitter chanting. Because their life experiences are roughly the same, the style of their poems is simple and sorrowful, secluded and desolate, the pattern is narrow and narrow, broken and hasty, and they pay attention to their bitter chanting and pondering, hammering and refining sentences, which often give people a sense of coldness and embarrassment, so they are called "Jiao Han Dao Shou" by later generations. The first person who made this comment was Su Shi "In the Yuan Dynasty, people are light and white, and in the cold country, people are thin" ("Sacrifice to Willow Jade") [35]

interpersonal relationship

Wife: Liu Shi. [28]
Younger brother: Wuke (the year of birth and death is unknown), a monk poet in the late Tang Dynasty. Fan Yangren. He became a monk and once lived in Qinglong Temple and Caotang Temple. Gongwuyan, poem name and Jia Dao Zhou He Qi, with Yao He, Li Xuan, Xue Neng Horse wear Many poets have returned their poems. It also works calligraphy, following the style of Liu Gongquan. There are two volumes of poetry. [52 ]

Main works

Written by Jia Dao《 Yangtze River Collection 》10 volumes, recording more than 390 poems. Passed by《 Four part series photocopy Translated from Ming Dynasty to Song Dynasty. Li Jiayan Changjiang Jixin School 》, using《 Complete Poetry of the Tang 》Collected Jia Shi as the base, and participated in the school Other books And relevant collections and selections, written in the appendix《 Jiadao Chronicle 》, "Jia Dao Making Friends Test" and the collected Jia Dao poetry review are relatively complete. [45] In addition, there are 3 volumes of small collections《 Poetic style 》One volume is handed down from generation to generation. [46]

Character controversy

Reputation and delegation of officials
Jia Dao Statue
In September of the second year (837), Jia Dao was granted the title of Master Book of Changjiang County, Suizhou. The historical records of the appointment of officials are ambiguous, which puzzled the people of the time and future generations. The New Book of the Tang Dynasty · Biography of Jia Dao records: "The island... failed to win the first place due to its tiredness. In Wenzong, it was slandered on the fly and demoted to the main book of the Yangtze River." The reason for its demotion is simply "slandered on the fly", but the truth is unknown. After Jia Dao passed away, my friend Jiangsu In the epitaph of Jia Sicang, it is said: "The public taboo on the island... when Yang failed to win, he was suddenly slandered. Xie Brown was awarded the chief book of Suizhou Changjiang River." But it is unknown why he was "slandered". [43]
Like history books and epitaphs Credibility history The rigorous style of Jia Dao is different, and the later unofficial history has a detailed interpretation of Jia Dao's criticism. Like five generations Wang Dingbao Think Jia Dao was demoted because of contempt Tang Wuzong As a result, Jia Dao was relegated in Tang Wenzong It was opened in 837, so it is not credible. Five generations He Guangyuan Think Jia Dao offended Tang Xuanzong As a result, Yuan Dynasty Xin Wenfang Work《 Biography of Tang Scholars 》This is also the case. He Guangyuan described this matter vividly in his "Record of Precepts", and even took out the imperial edict criticizing Jia Dao and the exact time below. However, Jianjie Lu was written by a novelist. Jia Dao died in the third year of Huichang (843) of Emperor Wuzong of the Tang Dynasty. It was impossible for him to have this experience, and he was obviously caught by a legendary man. [43]
According to the official selection system of the Tang Dynasty, Scholars and After that, officials can only be awarded after being examined by the Ministry of Officials. Jinshi takes off the brown and grants the ninth rank. Generally, he tries in Beijing proofread books Outside, he was the chief clerk and county captain. However, Jia Dao, who was "tired and failed in the first place", was praised for his criticism From Jiupin Tight on County Master Book In fact, the salary of a position is equal to that of a Jinshi. [43]
Modern scholars also hold different opinions on Jia Dao's censure and appointment of officials, but there is no final conclusion. [43]
Wang Dajin The article "Ancient Poems Miscellaneous Research on Jia Dao" made a new hypothesis about the reasons for Jia Dao's demotion. "But why did Jia Dao demote the main book of the Yangtze River? He didn't contradict the Emperor Wuzong or Emperor Xuanzong of the Tang Dynasty in the face as mentioned in the novel, but dared to write to offend the eunuch." However, the official and unofficial history of Jia Dao's writing offended the eunuch has no record, so Wang Dajin's statement is only a reasonable speculation. [43]
Du Jinghua He Guangyuan of the Five Dynasties recorded "Dazhong Ink (Emperor Xuanzong of the Tang Dynasty awarded officials in ink system) ", and then concluded:" I think, from the years Jia Dao served as an official in Changjiang County, if this time is changed to 'September 7th, the 8th year of Dahe', it should be the same. "Based on this, it was introduced that" Jia Dao actually served as a small local official in Sichuan for ten years "to accommodate his demotion. [43]
Yin Zhanhua He believed that "Jia Dao and Xuanzong are not false" as the novelist said. He believed that "it is true that Jia Dao met Xuanzong's misdeeds at the beginning of the second year of the reign of Wenzong Li Chen Not the emperor, but the king of light; The large, medium and ink system is also true. It was Emperor Xuanzong of the Tang Dynasty who pursued the book when he became emperor. " [43]
The house is clear every day In the article "A textual research on Jia Dao's selection of Jinshi and his demotion", he questioned the theory that Jia Dao failed to obtain Jinshi. "Jia Dao had already been promoted and slandered because of sudden arrest, or Under the Middle Book Gate Disqualification in reply. However, because of the fact that there is no basis for the slander, he was disqualified from being a Jinshi, which is different from failing to win at all. Although Changjiang County is not an evil county in a remote state, it is still remote, poor and desolate Main thin It means censure. " [43]
Shi Zhecun It is believed that Jia Dao may have higher official position than the main book before he was demoted. [43]
Time to return to secular life
According to the New Book of Tang Dynasty, Jia Dao was originally a monk, and his name was unknown. When he was in Luoyang, Jia Dao was dissatisfied with the order that the monks were forbidden to go out in the afternoon. He wrote poems to express his feelings. Han Yu knew that he loved his talent, so he persuaded him to take the exam and become an official. Therefore, Jia Dao is still popular. There are records about this matter in "Tang Poetry Chronicles", "Zhi Zhai's Book Records", "Jia Changjiang Collection". [50]
The record of Jia Dao in the Biography of Talented Scholars of Tang Dynasty is completely opposite to that in the New Book of Tang Dynasty. It is recorded that Jia Dao became a monk because he failed in the examination room and had no means of livelihood. It is also said in the book Jianjie · Jia Wu Zhi by He Guangyuan of the Five Dynasties. [50]
Because these historical data are different, it is a big question for a while whether Jia Dao should return to the secular life and become a monk because he failed in the exam. Li Jiayan Both Huang Peng and Huang Peng believed that the official history should be taken as the basis, according to the New Book of Tang. [50]
Bai Aiping The time and place of Jia Dao's becoming a monk and returning to the secular life has been analyzed in detail in "A Research on the Time and Place of Jia Dao's Returning to the Folk Life" by Han Yu and Meng Jiao: Han Yuyou《 Send no teacher back to Fanyang 》, Meng Jiao has《 There is no script for drama gift 》From the poem title, when Jia Dao joined Chang'an with Han Yu in the sixth year of Yuanhe (811), he was still a monk and did not immediately return to the secular life. According to Jia Dao《 Presented to Hanlin 》Poetry, we can see that its return to secular life should be selected no later than the seventh year of Yuanhe (812). Another scholar Shen Yazhi In the seventh year of Yuanhe (812), Jia Dao returned home and wrote poems《 Send Shen Xiucai to the East 》As a gift, Jia Dao returned to Fan Yang in November of the sixth year (811) of Yuanhe. This poem shows that Jia Dao has returned to Chang'an no later than the spring of the seventh year (812) of Yuanhe. The previous return to Fan Yang should be related to the restoration of customs. According to Bai Wen's analysis, Jia Dao was a monk before, and later returned to the secular life in the sixth year (811) or seventh year (812) of Yuanhe when he was 33 or 34 years old. [50]

Commemoration for future generations


Jia Dao Tomb

Anyue, Sichuan
After Jia Dao died, his body was buried at the foot of Anquan Mountain in the south of Anyue County, Sichuan Province. In the southern suburb of the county seat, Mount Anquan. Jia Dao's tomb is semi-circular, 12 meters long, 3 meters wide and 3 meters high. It is made of stone and surrounded by stone strips. During the reign of Emperor Qianlong of the Qing Dynasty, the county magistrate of Anyue Xu Guanhai Build "Thin Poetry Pavilion" in front of the tomb in the late Qing Dynasty Puzhou The county magistrate Fei Xianzhong rebuilt the memorial archway. [38]
Fangshan, Beijing
Jiadao Yiguan Tomb is located in Erzhan Village, Shilou Town, Fangshan District, Beijing. There is a stone pavilion in front of the tomb. There is a stone tablet in the pavilion, which belongs to the Ming Dynasty Hongzhi It was established in. Original Jia Dao Tomb Jia Gongci It was built during the reign of Emperor Kangxi in the Qing Dynasty. The temple faces south and enters the palace three times. There are two steles of Jiagong Temple rebuilt in the Qing Dynasty, which are cultural relics protection units in Fangshan District. [5]
Luoyang, Henan
The Records of Luoyang Prefecture and the Records of Luoyang County all say that the tomb of Jia Dao, the director of the Yangtze River, is located in Yique Dongshan, the tombstone remains ", also known as Yi Guan Tomb. [38]
Dangtu, Anhui
the Qing dynasty Chen Qiyuan Yong Leisure Room Notes 》Volume IV Jia Dao Tomb says: "Jia Dao Tomb, a Tang poet, is located in Gantang Village outside Taiping Mansion, Anhui Province." Modern scholar Li Jiayan According to textual research, this tomb is Jia Song's and not Jia Dao's. [38]
Fuping, Shaanxi
Shaanxi《 Fuping County Annals 》On: Jia Dao's Tomb Fuping County In Dajia Village, Gaoli, there is Jia Dao's tombstone with the inscription Liu Gongquan Handwriting, this is false graves [38]
Daying County, Sichuan
Fangyu Shenglan 》"Jia Dao was banished to the Yangtze River, and there was a tomb". [38]
According to the textual research of historians, only the Jiadao Tomb in Anyue County, Sichuan Province is a true tomb, and the others are memorial cloakwork tombs. [38]

Jia Gongci

Jia Gongci
Jia Gongci Located in Erzhan Village, Shilou Town, Fangshan District, Beijing, it was built in memory of Jia Dao. In the 37th year of the reign of Emperor Kangxi in the Qing Dynasty, Luo Zai, then the magistrate of Fangshan County, allocated 30 mu of land to build Jia Gongci in Erzhan Village, Shilou Town, which was demolished for historical reasons. In 2003, Beijing Hanjian Group raised 32 million yuan to repair it. The total floor area is 36188 square meters, and the building area is 3040 square meters. The whole pattern is built in the style of the Tang Dynasty. Completed in 2005. The rebuilt Jiagong Temple consists of two parts. The western part is a cultural reception area and a dual courtyard. The calligraphy and painting in memory of Jia Dao are displayed for people to enjoy. The east area is the focus of Jia Gongci, and the front half is the courtyard composed of the main hall and the east and west side halls. The main hall is called "Sao Altar Hall", with Jia Dao statue inside. [6] There are also murals of Jia Dao's life in Wuxiang Temple in Fangshan. The east side hall is called "Thin Poem Pavilion", in which there is a parallel statue of Jia Dao and another poet Meng Jiao. The mural shows the poet taking pains to recite poems. The west side hall is called "Yuexiazhai", which represents the story of "deliberation". There is a statue of Jia Dao and his life friend Han Yu inside. The murals reproduce the scene of "deliberation".

Jia Daoyu

Jiadaoyu is located in the northwest of Zhoukoudian, Fangshan, Beijing, more than 20 miles away from Fangshan Road. For“ Eight Sceneries of Fangshan ”One. [5]


Jia Dao Statue
There is a statue of Jia Dao in Zizhu Square in Anyue County, Sichuan Province. [39]


In 2012, Jia Dao Library was opened on the original site of Jia Gongci in Fangshan, Beijing. It is the first village level private library in the suburbs of Beijing. [7] On the morning of April 23, Fangshan District of Beijing welcomed World Book Day The opening of Jia Dao Library and Memorial Hall and the 17th "World Reading Day" Jia Dao poetry recitation in Fangshan District were held. [44]


On December 26, 2020, Jia Dao's hometown culture forum was held in Hanshan Village, Fangshan District, Beijing. [8]

Historical data index

Su Jiang's Tomb Inscription of Tang Gu Sicang Joining the Army [4]
Meng Xuan Ability poem ·Grievance IV [4]
Wang Dingbao Tang Zhiyan ·Volume 11 [4]
He Guangyuan Admonition record ·Volume VIII [4]

Artistic image

"Calling the Pavilion Jia Dao to Break the Wind Poetry", drama, see《 Maiwang Hall copied the school version of ancient and modern dramas 》It was written by an unknown person during the Yuan and Ming Dynasties, and it was four fold, Positive and negative Play Jia Dao. [37]
The Record of Luan 》, Legend, Ming Ye Xianzu Written by: You have Jigu Pavilion《 Sixty songs 》Ben, see Huang Zhusan Feng Junjie Edited《 Commentary on Sixty Kinds of Songs 》Twenty seven, External terminal Play Jia Dao. [37]
"Jia Langxian's Poems and Essays for Sacrificing the Sun", Zaju, Qing Dynasty Ye Chengzong By, see《 Drama of the Qing Dynasty 》Two episodes, single fold, Positive and negative Play Jia Dao. [37]
Jia Dao's Poems of Sacrifice, Zaju, Qing Dynasty Shi Yun Yu By《 Huajian Jiuzuo 》Seventh, see "The Master of Huayun Nunnery Filling in the Words". In one turn, the end (male role) plays Jia Dao. [37]