Weber Fechner law

Weber Fechner law
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synonym Fechner's law (Fichner's law) generally refers to Weber Fichner's law
Weber Fechner law is a law that shows the relationship between psychological quantity and physical quantity. German physiologist Ernst Heidrich Weber It is found that the difference amount of the same stimulus must reach a certain proportion to cause different feelings. This ratio is a constant, expressed by the formula: Δ I( Difference threshold )/I (standard stimulus intensity)=k (constant/Weber fraction), which is Weber's law The minimum perceptible difference (continuous difference threshold) is taken as the unit of sensory quantity, that is, every increase of difference threshold, the psychological quantity increases by one unit. Perception vs physical quantity The logarithm of is proportional to the value, that is, the increase of sense quantity lags behind the increase of physical quantity, and the physical quantity is Geometric series Growth, but psychological quantity arithmatic series The empirical formula of growth is called Fichner's law or Weber Fichner's law. Suitable for medium intensity stimulation.
Chinese name
Weber Fechner law
Foreign name
Weber-Fechner Law
Applicable fields
Multiple domains related to perception and stimulation
Applied discipline
Psychology, Biology, Physics

brief introduction

Fichner's law, also known as Weber Fichner's law, is a law that shows the relationship between psychological quantities and physical quantities. German physicists Psychophysics Founder G T. fechner And E H. Used to reveal the quantitative relationship between psychological quantities and physical quantities Laws This law is Weber's law It is developed on the basis of.

Weber's law


Basic Introduction

Weber's law That is, sensory Difference threshold Follow the original Stimulus quantity It changes with the change of, and shows a certain regularity, which is expressed by the formula: △ I/I=K (where I is the original stimulus amount, △ I is the difference threshold at this time, and K is a constant, also known as Weber's rate).


E. H. Weber is professor of anatomy at the University of Leipzig, Germany Two-point threshold And minimum perceptible error Psychophysics Founder of.
Before Weber, French physicist P Bugle He once made an experiment to measure the sensitivity of the eye to light. He constantly changed the relative position between the candle and the pinhole, so that the light could be cast on the distant screen through the pinhole. He found that in order to create a distinguishable shadow in the adjacent dark area, the brightness of the two must be at least 64:1 different. Bugel's research has no principle of special significance, but it is pregnant with“ Minimum perceptible error ”The idea of question has become a cornerstone of epoch-making research work in Weber's hands.

The whole research

Weber started his research from "muscle sensation". He wanted to know how much muscle sensation can distinguish between different weights. He experimented on four subjects with three sets of weights with different weights, and found that the discrimination was not determined by the absolute value of the weight difference between the two weights, but by the ratio of this absolute value to the standard weight value. Under the optimal conditions, the difference between the weights can be clearly detected at about 29:30. Later, Weber carried out similar experiments on other sensory channels and got the same results, that is, the ability to distinguish two stimuli does not depend on the absolute value of the difference between the two, but depends on the difference Relative value In his experiment, he also found that the "minimum perceptible difference" can be expressed by a fraction, although this fraction Subjects His sensory channels are different and varied, but they are constant for certain sensory channels. Therefore, he believes that we can determine the constant score of "minimum perceptible difference" for each sense.

research meaning

Weber's experiment made the physiologists at that time realize that it is feasible and important to explore some purely psychological problems that have always been ignored in the laboratory. Weber's question attracted people like Hermann Von Helmholtz fechner While waiting for a group of talented people, he also delved into many such problems and pointed out ways to systematically study them.
Later, Weber's former students University of Leipzig Fishner, a professor of physics at the University of California, transformed Weber's research results into mathematical form: Δ I/I=K, which is now familiar to people Weber's law In this formula, Δ I represents the minimum perceptible difference of stimulus (J.N.D.), I represents the intensity of standard stimulus, and K is specific Sensory meatus Is also called Weber's ratio Or Weber score.
Weber's law provides us with an important indicator of comparative discrimination. If you want to compare the discrimination of a certain sensory tract of different individuals and use different standard stimuli, you cannot use Difference threshold The absolute value of is compared with Weber's ratio. On the other hand, since the reciprocal 1/K of Weber's ratio can be used as Receptivity So we can also compare the receptivity of different sensory channels through Weber's ratio.

Fechner's law


Basic Introduction

German physicists Psychophysics Founder G T. fechner The law named after is used to reveal the quantitative relationship between psychological quantity and physical quantity.


youth fechner In Leipzig, he received systematic medical, physical and chemical training, which made him believe that nature is orderly and can study the spiritual world of human beings like nature, but "how can quantitative science teach us to study human spirit in the relationship between human spirit and the universe? How can those sophisticated methods that have been successfully applied at the intermediate level of natural science turn to help the study of the inner world? How can we see the soul under direct and reportable observation? " These problems puzzled Fechner for a long time, and he tried to find a way to determine the relationship between physical and mental activities. On the morning of October 22, 1850, Fishner lay in bed and suddenly had an idea. He found that there was a quantitative relationship in daily life arithmatic series When growing, the stimulus seems to be Geometric series Growing. If one bell is ringing, adding another one will give us a much stronger impression than adding one more bell to 10 rings; If 4-5 candles are glowing, lighting one more can only make a slight difference, while if only two candles were lit, it will have a considerable impact. The effect of stimulation is not absolute, but relative, that is, it is related to the existing sensory quantity. fechner Feeling that he might be in the spiritual world with Material world A simple mathematical relationship was found in. So he started a series of brightness experiments, weight lifting experiments and visual and tactile distance experiments to verify his hypothesis about the relationship between sensory intensity and stimulus intensity. Shortly after the experiment began, he stumbled upon Weber's work more than 20 years ago. Weber has proved that there is a relationship between stimulus intensity and the ability to distinguish between two stimuli. This relationship is governed by a certain rule: "minimum perceptible difference" is the constant fraction of standard stimulus. Fishner summarized Weber's discovery with formula surface Δ I/I=K and named it Weber's law He noticed the relationship between Weber's law and his own hypothesis. He grasped it, made full use of it, and did a lot of experiments to confirm it. however fechner There is still a big difference between Weber's hypothesis and Weber's research. Weber is concerned about "the minimum perceptible difference", while Fishner is concerned about obtaining a Material world Description of the relationship with the spiritual world.

The whole research

fechner from Weber's ratio See the possibility of measuring suprathreshold sensation in. stay Weber's law Δ I/I=K, Δ I represents Difference threshold , also called minimum perceptible error. From this point of view, Fechner believes that each minimum perceptible difference can be regarded as a minimum change in sensation, and assumes that the subjective quantities of each minimum perceptible difference are equal. For example, if Weber's ratio of weight lifting is 0.03, the subjective weight difference of any weight, whether a toothpick or a bag of cement, is equal as long as the original weight is increased or decreased by 0.03 times. Fishner proposed a method to calculate suprathreshold sensory quantity, that is Absolute threshold The minimum perceptible error of upward number. If a stimulus is 10 minimum perceptible differences from the absolute threshold, the amount of sensation caused by the stimulus intensity is 10 units.
If R is used to represent the change of minimum sensation, the above formula is differential It is assumed that the suprathreshold sensory quantity is equal to the sum of many minimum sensory quantities, so integrating the above formula can get that the suprathreshold sensory quantity is R:
This is it. fechner Of Law of logarithm , referred to as Fechner's law. It indicates that the psychological quantity is Stimulus quantity Of Logarithmic function , that is, when the stimulus intensity is Geometric series When increasing, the intensity of feeling arithmatic series Increase. Fichner's law was once used Differential threshold method Made Isometric scale Support. Put the data of this isometric scale in Semilog coordinate By drawing above, a linear psychometric function can be obtained.

concrete content

Fechner's law is a simple law, whose formula is S=KlgR, where S is the sensory intensity, R is the stimulus intensity, and K is a constant. In short, this law explains all human feelings, including vision, hearing Skin sense (including pain, itching, touch, temperature), taste, smell, electric shock, etc., all follow the principle that feeling is not proportional to the strength of the corresponding physical quantity, but rather to the strength of the corresponding physical quantity Common logarithm Proportional. This law is a 19th century German psychologist fechner (Gustav Theodor Fechner, 1801-1887) was founded on the law of his cousin and teacher Ernst Heinrich Weber (1795-1878), so it is also called Weber Fechner's law, Psychophysics Was established as a new discipline.

Practical examples

We can give a few practical examples of the application of Fechner's law below.
Measuring sound loudness :
The unit of use is "Bel" (Bl). We usually use 1/10 of it as the practical unit, that is, "decibel" (dB). The loudness of loud speaking is 6.5dB, which is 6.5 times of the 1dB loudness of rustling leaves, so the intensity difference between the two is 10 times (6.5-1), about 316000 times.
Measure the pitch of the sound:
One apart octave The two tones of Vibration frequency The difference is twice, but the human ear will think that the difference is an octave. We divide an octave into twelve half intervals, so each half interval is at the bottom of two logarithm 1/12 of.
Measure the visual brightness of stars:
User“ Apparent magnitude ”。 The magnitude difference is 5 and the brightness difference is 100 times.

Acoustic Applications

To judge different pitches or intervals, human hearing follows a sense rule called Weber Fisher law. This law states that the increase of sensation is equal to the ratio of stimulation. The octave of pitch feels like a 2:1 Frequency ratio To sound loudness There are two judgments of“ Limit point ”: Audible valve and sense of pain Valve. If the sound intensity at the limit point of the auditory valve is considered as 1, the sound intensity at the limit point of the pain valve is 1 trillion. According to Weber Fechner law Loudness level yes logarithm Based on the strength ratio of 10:1, this is known as 1 bel. The sense range of loudness is divided into 12 large units, and the increase of 1 dB is divided into 10 smaller increases called decibel, that is, 1 dB=10 dB. The difference of 1 decibel loudness is about the smallest change that can be felt by the human ear for our hearing in the middle sound area.
About loudness Perception: the intensity range of audible sounds in the human ear, the true number logarithmic relationship between objective intensity and subjective loudness (Weber Fechner's Law), and the different intensities of sounds in different sound areas may be perceived as the same loudness subjectively( loudness Curve), the influence of homophony continuity on loudness sense, these aspects have accumulated more reliable data.

Marketing Application

Weber- fechner (Feiler) Law is a law in marketing that studies the buyer's perception of price difference. The so-called sense of price difference refers to the psychological cognition of buyers when facing price adjustment, change or different prices. If consumers can make a rational judgment on the price difference, then when the absolute price difference is the same, the same behavior should occur. However, both practice and experimental results show that buyers have different responses to the same price difference. Here are two experiments under different assumptions:
Experiment A: Suppose that the price of the calculator in the stationery store you visit is 20 yuan, while someone tells you that the price in other stores is 15 yuan.
Experiment B: Suppose that the price of the calculator in the stationery store you visit is 120 yuan, while someone tells you that the price in other stores is 115 yuan.
So, in which case would you change to buy in other stores?
The result of the experiment is that in experiment A, about 68% of the people will buy from another store, and in experiment B, about 29% of the people will be willing to buy from another store. Does the result of this experiment have any special meaning? As long as we carefully analyze the price difference between the two groups of experiments, we will find that the price difference between the two groups of experiments is actually the same (both are 5 yuan), so the difference of the experimental results is that if shoppers are rational economic people, why are their behaviors so different in the face of the same economic losses? Further analysis shows that although the actual savings of shoppers in both experiments are 5 yuan, in A, 5 yuan is a large number relative to the total price; In B, 5 yuan is insignificant relative to the price. This is the famous Weber Fechner's law in marketing: the buyer's perception of price is related to the level of the basic price, and the buyer's perception of price depends more on the relative value than the absolute value.
According to Weber Fechner's law, the buyer's perception of price change depends more on the percentage of change than the absolute value of change; And there is a boundary above and below the product price. Adjusting the price beyond the price is easy to be perceived by buyers, while the adjustment within the boundary is often ignored by buyers. [1]