purchasing behavior

Human action on purchase
zero Useful+1
Consumer purchase behavior It refers to the process activities in which people seek, choose, purchase, use, evaluate and dispose of products and services to meet their needs and desires, including consumers' subjective Psychological activities And objective material activities.
The purchase behavior of consumers is a complete process consisting of a series of links and elements. In this process, Purchase Decision In the core position; Whether the decision is correct or not directly determines the occurrence mode point And utility. Savings and investment are forward or inverse of spot purchase Consumer behavior Chain consumption is a kind of consumption behavior with Regularity Form of expression.
Chinese name
purchasing behavior
Foreign name
Purchase behavior
Human action on purchase
Areas involved
Sociology Management

Basic explanation

Consumer purchase behavior It refers to the decision-making process of purchasing goods that occurs when people purchase favorite products or services in order to meet the life needs of this person or family or the production needs of enterprises.
The purchase behavior of consumers is complex, and their purchase behavior is generated by the mutual promotion of internal and external factors Interaction Of.
Through the research on consumer purchase, enterprise marketing can grasp the laws of their purchase behavior, so as to formulate effective Marketing strategy , realize enterprise Marketing objectives
Consumer purchase behavior has Dynamic , interactivity, diversity Variability , impulsive, transactional and other characteristics. Strictly speaking, Customer purchase behavior It is composed of a series of links, that is, customer purchase behavior comes from the system Purchase Decision The process is affected by various internal and external factors. The complexity of customers' purchase behavior salesman More and higher challenges have been put forward. For an excellent salesperson, it is very important to master the customer's purchase decision-making process and understand the factors that affect the customer's purchase decision-making.

Purchase process

Consumer purchase is a more complex decision-making process, which can be generally divided into the following five stages, and the corresponding marketing strategy

Confirm the need

When consumers are aware of the need for a certain commodity, Purchase process It started. Consumer needs can be caused by internal factors or external factors. At this stage, enterprises must pass market research , identifying the specific factors that make consumers realize their needs, marketing activities should be committed to doing two things well: (1) exploring the driving force of consumption; (2) Plan to stimulate and strengthen needs.

Seeking information

In most cases, consumers also need to consider what brand of goods to buy, how much to spend and where to buy them. They need to seek information and understand Product information The information sought generally includes: product quality, function, price, brand, evaluation of buyers, etc.
Consumers' information sources usually include the following four aspects: commercial sources, personal sources, public sources and experience sources. The enterprise marketing task is properly designed Marketing mix , especially the product brand advertising strategy, to promote the quality, function, price of the product, so that consumers can finally choose their own brand.

Comparative evaluation

The purpose of consumers' comparative evaluation is to identify which brand and type of goods are most suitable for their needs. Consumers' comparative evaluation of commodities is based on the collected data and the attributes of commodities value judgment Consumers' evaluation of commodity attributes varies from person to person and from place to place. Some focus on price, some on quality, and some on brand or style. Enterprise marketing should first pay attention to understanding and strive to improve the popularity of the enterprise's products, so that they can be included in the range of consumer comparative evaluation, and then they can be selected as purchase targets. At the same time, we should also investigate and study the main aspects that people consider when comparing and evaluating certain commodities, and highlight these aspects of publicity, which will have the greatest impact on consumers' purchase choices.

Decide to buy

After consumers evaluate the available commodities and make choices Purchase intention Under normal circumstances, consumers usually buy their favorite brand. However, sometimes the purchase decision is influenced by two factors.
1. Attitude of others.
2、 Accidents Consumers modify, postpone or cancel a purchase decision, which is often affected by perceived risks. The "perceived risk" is determined by the purchase amount Product performance The degree of superiority and inferiority, as well as the confidence of buyers. Enterprise marketing should try to reduce this risk as much as possible to promote consumer purchase.

Post purchase evaluation

After a consumer purchases a commodity, the decision-making process of purchase continues, and he needs to evaluate the purchased commodity. Enterprise marketing must be given full attention, because it is related to the future market of products and the reputation of enterprises. Judge consumers Post purchase behavior There are two theories:
2、 Cognitive gap theory Enterprise Marketing Should Pay Close Attention to Consumers Feeling after purchase And take appropriate measures to eliminate dissatisfaction and improve Satisfaction For example, frequently ask for customers' opinions, strengthen after-sales service and guarantee, and improve Marketing work And strive to minimize consumer dissatisfaction.



Complex type

Great brand differences, Consumer involvement High degree of purchase behavior. When consumers first purchase expensive, less frequent, risky and highly self-expression goods, they are highly involved in buying. Due to the lack of understanding of the performance of these products, for prudence, they often need to collect relevant information extensively, and after careful study, generate beliefs about this product, form an attitude to the brand, and make a purchase decision carefully.
For this type of purchase behavior, enterprises should try to help consumers understand the knowledge related to this product, and let them know and be sure of the characteristics and advantages of this product in terms of more important performance, so that they can establish trust During this period, enterprises should pay special attention to purchase Decider Make an introduction book Product characteristics A variety of forms of advertising.


The purchase behavior with small brand difference and high degree of consumer involvement. Although consumers are cautious about purchasing goods with high prices but little difference in some brands, their attention is more focused on whether the brand price is favorable, whether the purchase time and place are convenient, rather than on collecting and comparing information between different brands Buying motivation The time between the decision to buy is short. Therefore, this purchase behavior is likely to produce a sense of discord after purchase: that is, after consumers buy a product, or because some aspects of the product itself are not satisfactory, or get better information about other products, they have regret or psychology that they should not buy this product out-off-balance In order to change such psychology and pursue psychological balance, consumers widely collect all kinds of favorable information about purchased products to prove the correctness of their purchase decisions. To this end, enterprises should adjust prices and the choice of sales outlets, and provide consumers with favorable information to help consumers eliminate negative Balanced psychology To strengthen their confidence in the products they buy.


Also called Seeking diversified purchase behavior The purchase behavior with large brand differences and low consumer involvement. If consumers buy products with different brands but low prices and many brands to choose from, they don't spend too much Time selection Brand focuses on a certain product, but often changes varieties. For example, the last time they bought biscuits Chocolates Sandwich, and this time I want to buy cream sandwich. The change of this variety is not to be dissatisfied with the last purchase of biscuits, but to change the taste.
In the face of this widely selected purchase behavior, when the enterprise is in a dominant position in the market, it should pay attention to occupying a favorable position on the shelf with sufficient supplies, and promote the establishment of consumers through reminding advertisements Habitual purchasing behavior When the enterprise is in a non market advantage position, it should reduce product price Free trial , introducing new products Unique advantages And encourage consumers to choose a variety of products and try out new products.


The purchase behavior with small brand difference and low consumer involvement. Sometimes consumers buy a certain product not because they prefer a certain brand, but because they are used to it. For example, vinegar is a kind of commodity with low price and little difference between brands. When consumers buy it, most of them do not care about the brand. Instead, they choose a brand based on the habit of multiple purchases and uses.
In view of this purchase behavior, enterprises should pay special attention to leaving Impressive The advertising of enterprises should emphasize the main features of this product Visual signs . Ingenious image conception wins consumers' attention Enterprise products The favor of. To this end, enterprises should strengthen their advertising Repeatability Repetitiveness to deepen consumers' familiarity with the product.

Impulsive type

Impulse buying It is often associated with unplanned and sudden purchases, accompanied by a strong sense of urgency and excitement (Rook 1987). It includes two core factors: A, lack of cognitive planning, understanding and detailed consideration of the products purchased; B、 Emotional Emotional response , this emotional response may be Unplanned purchase Was introduced at the same time or later (Wood 1998), such as pleasure, excitement and guilt; Rook and Gardner (1993) believed that emotional state (such as the mixture of happiness, excitement and power) will also trigger impulse buying behavior, and consumers may use impulse buying as a means to release tension and depression. Factor A is low involvement in products and Brand characteristics Or the difference does not distinguish the perceived performance, while the emotional stimulation and release brought by this purchase behavior in factor B is significant hedonism The performance of H belongs to hedonistic consumption.


Brand loyalty % of consumers may be willing to pay a higher price for the brand because they perceive the unique value contained in the brand that other brands cannot provide (Reichhold 1996). This uniqueness comes from the great trust in the reliability of the brand or the appreciation of consumers when using the brand (Chaudhuri and Holbrook2001). loyal purchaser Long term, continuous and repeated choices succedaneum The past consumption experience of a brand in China has made consumers very familiar with its "unique value" (high perceived brand difference). Individuals are more likely to buy loyally. Muncy (1990) also found the same findings, so we can say that perceived brand differences may be brand loyalty The most important Predictors one of.
At the same time, the extreme trust and special feelings of the brand make loyal consumers deeply believe in the unique quality of the brand, and will not think too much, pay attention to cognition when buying, and will not repeatedly evaluate and compare the brand (low involvement). In general, consumers continue to Repeat purchase Our products are all practical products.


Promotion response purchase behavior is the manifestation of both promotion tendency and value awareness. Consumers perform promotion behavior because of the double reasons of reduced price and increased value in the form of promotion. Under the effect of value awareness, consumers not only care about low prices, but also care about product quality Concern about whether it is worth the money. When purchasing promotional products, consumers are more likely to search for product quality and value information to learn more Product knowledge And price knowledge (Donald and Richard 1990), so it can be predicted that it is the performance of lasting high involvement and high perception of brand differences. In addition, consumers with promotional tendencies are most likely to find "undeniable purchases" (Hackleman and Duker 1980). Maybe they never use what they buy, so it can be assumed that consumers buy Promotional products It is not for practical use, but to get a psychological enjoyment from the process of purchasing promotional products, that is, hedonic value H.

Reduce maladjustment

The disorder originates from emotion Inconsistency with behavioral knowledge elements is also known as cognitive dislocation. decision-making process The greater the difficulty of judgment or the greater the decision, the stronger the imbalance effect will be (Harmon Jones 2002). In consumers Buy products Previously, many alternative brands of some products were often regarded as basically similar (such as carpets). Even though consumers would be deeply involved in understanding various characteristics of a product due to the price of the product, brand differences were really small and General consumers This similar concept will not change due to the limitation of professional level. But in fact, all brands cannot be identical. Even very similar brands have their own advantages and disadvantages.
This cognitive dislocation makes consumers discover the shortcomings of the brand or the advantages of other brands no matter which brand they buy, resulting in a sense of maladjustment. The maladjusted buyer will feel regretful, and then try to justify himself to complete the defective consumption.


In the influence type purchase behavior, the reason why consumers' purchase behavior is affected by external factors is that consumers lack understanding of products, and it is difficult to see and touch Commodity quality And the difference between brands (low Perceptual difference )At this time, the reputation of relatives and friends, experts Authoritative person The recommendation of or the publicity of the advertising spokesperson is regarded as very powerful evidence, which makes up for the consumer's Information knowledge Inadequate, leading to recognition and acceptance of a product or brand. Usually, it is functional and practical to consult the authority and buy products. We can also predict that consumers will be affected by external factors Desire to buy After that, they will continue to be deeply involved to understand the brand Functional characteristics

Type analysis

Purchase types according to consumers' purchase goals


It means that consumers have clear purchase objectives before purchasing commodities, and have clear requirements on the name, model, specification, color, style, trademark and price range of commodities. These consumers usually have Destination selection , take the initiative to propose the goods to be purchased, and put forward specific requirements for the goods to be purchased. When the goods can meet their needs, they will not hesitate to buy the goods.

Semidefinite type

It refers to that consumers have general purchase goals before purchasing goods, but the specific requirements are not clear enough, and the final purchase needs to be completed through selection and comparison. For example, the purchase of air conditioners was originally planned, but the brand, specification, model and style of air conditioners were unknown. After entering the store, such consumers generally need a long time of analysis and comparison to complete their purchase behavior.


It refers to that consumers have no clear or established purchase goal before purchasing goods. Such consumers enter the store mainly for sightseeing, leisure, aimlessly watching goods or casually learning about the sales of some goods. Sometimes they are interested in or suitable goods and occasionally buy them, sometimes they leave after watching.
Types of purchase according to consumers' purchase attitude


It refers to the frequent and repeated purchase by consumers due to their trust and preference for a certain commodity or a certain store. Because they often purchase and use these goods, they are very familiar with them and have a deeper experience. When they buy again, they often do not spend time to compare and choose, and their attention is stable and focused.


It means that consumers should study and compare the goods they buy carefully before each purchase. purchase Emotional colour Less, calm, prudent, subjectivity Strong, not easy to believe in advertising, publicity, commitment, promotion methods and salesperson's introduction, mainly by Commodity quality , style.


It means that consumers pay special attention to the price and respond to the price sensitively. The price is the first choice for buying high-end goods or medium and low-end goods“ Clearance ”, "blood based sales" and other low price promotions are most interested. Generally speaking, this kind of consumer is different from their own Economic situation of

Impulsive type

It refers to the purchase behavior of consumers who are easily stimulated by the appearance, packaging, trademark or other promotional efforts of commodities. Generally, purchase is based on intuitive feelings, starting from personal interests or emotions, like novel, novel and fashionable products, and is unwilling to make repeated choices and comparisons when purchasing.

Filter type

Refers to the introverted psychological feature , purchase with caution and doubts. The purchase is generally slow and time-consuming. It is often "think twice before you act". It is often hesitant to stop buying. After buying, it is also suspicious of being cheated.

pattern analysis

Consumer purchase behavior refers to the behavior of consumers to purchase and use goods to meet their own needs.
Some western scholars, on the basis of deep research, have revealed some commonalities or Regularity , and summarized and described in the mode. Among them, Engel Kollat Blackwell (EKB) model and Howard Sheth model are most famous.
l、 Engel Colat Blackwell model
The EKB model emphasizes the process of purchasing decisions by buyers. This process starts with the determination of the problem and ends with the solution of the problem. In this mode, Consumer psychology Become“ The central controller ”, external stimulus information (including physical characteristics of the product and social pressure And other intangible factors) into the "central controller"; In the "controller", the input content is combined with the "insert variables" (attitude, experience, personality, etc.) to get the output result of the "central controller" - a purchase decision, thus completing a purchase behavior.
Specifically, the EKB model describes a complete process of consumers' purchase behavior: under the effect of tangible and intangible factors such as external stimuli and social pressure, a certain commodity is exposed, causing consumers' perception, attention and memory, and forming information and experience storage, thus forming consumers' initial cognition of commodities. With the participation of motivation, personality and lifestyle, consumers' understanding of the problem becomes clearer and clearer, and they begin to look for the purchase object that meets their own wishes. This kind of search evaluation criterion , beliefs, attitudes and Purchase intention With the support of. after Product brand Evaluation and selection Programme evaluation In the stage, consumers make decisions on the basis of selection and evaluation, and then purchase and get the output results, namely goods and services. last Counter purchase After that, we will experience the results, draw a conclusion on whether we are satisfied or not, and start the next consumption activity process.
2. Howard Shays model
Howard and Shane believe that the main factors affecting consumer decision-making process are: Input variable Perceptual process learning process Output variable , exogenous variables, etc. The input variables (stimulus factors) in the model include stimulus, symbolic stimulus and social stimulus. Stimulation refers to the stimulation generated by the goods and trademarks themselves; Symbolic stimuli are defined as salesman Advertising media , trademark catalogue, etc; Social stimulus refers to the stimulus generated by consumers in their interactions with others, which is generally associated with providing relevant purchase information. Consumers selectively accept and respond to these stimuli.
Perceptual process is the process of completing information processing related to purchase decision; The learning process is the process of completing the concept formation. Both the perceptual process and the learning process are completed in the "dark box", through which the psychological activities output variables to the outside.
The above factors Continuous action This process is manifested as: after being stimulated by the uncertainty of external objects, consumers explore, attract attention, generate perceptual tendencies, and then stimulate motivation. At the same time, a certain purchase attitude is formed through the generation of selection criteria and the understanding of commodity brand trademarks, so as to firmly Purchase intention To facilitate the purchase.
The result of purchase will be fed back to consumers, and consumers' satisfaction with the goods will further affect their understanding of the brand of goods and the change of attitude.
External variables do not directly participate in the decision-making process. But some important exogenous variables, such as the importance of purchase Consumer personality Quality and economic constraints and social stratum Infection and culture Subculture The role of will have a great impact on consumers.
3. Differences between the two modes
The Howard Sheath model has many similarities with the EKB model described earlier, but there are also many differences. The main difference between the two models lies in the different emphasis. EKB model emphasizes the process between the formation of attitude and the generation of purchase intention, and believes that information collection and evaluation are very important aspects; The Howard Sheath model emphasizes the early stages of the purchase process: perception process, learning process and attitude formation. At the same time, it also points out that the links between various factors affecting consumer purchase behavior are complex. Only by grasping the interrelationship and connection methods between various factors can we reveal the general rule
Although EKB model and Howard model are complex and have many factors and variables, they can help marketing enterprises understand the generation of consumer purchase behavior Development trend And regularity, which provides a reference basis with clear context and clear thinking, so that enterprises can accurately grasp its regularity and make correct judgments and best marketing decisions in the ever-changing consumer purchase behavior.

behavior characteristics

Enterprises should market competition In order to adapt to the market and control the market, we must master the basic characteristics of consumer purchase.
1. Many and scattered buyers
Consumer purchase involves every person and every family, with many and scattered buyers. To this end, consumer market It is a market with a large population and a vast territory. Because of the consumer's geographical position Different, different leisure time, resulting in the purchase place and purchase time Dispersity
2. Few purchases, multiple purchases
Consumer purchases are made by individuals and families Number of consumers requirement purchasing power , storage location, goods quality guarantee period And many other factors Consumption needs , often purchase in small batches, many batches and frequently.
3. Big difference in purchase
Due to the influence of age, gender, occupation, income, educational level, nationality, religion, etc., consumers' demand for goods varies greatly Consumption habits Consumption concept The consumer psychology is constantly changing, which leads to the great difference of consumers' purchase.
4. Most of them are purchased by non experts
The vast majority of consumers lack the corresponding professional knowledge, price knowledge and market knowledge when purchasing, especially for some goods with strong technology and complex operation. In most cases, consumers are often affected by their feelings when buying. Therefore, consumers are vulnerable to advertising Commodity packaging , decoration and other promotion methods, resulting in purchase impulse.
5. High liquidity of purchase
Consumers must choose carefully when buying, and market economy Today, when the population is relatively developed, the mobility between regions is large, which leads to a large mobility of consumer purchases. Consumer purchases often flow between different products, regions and enterprises.
6. Periodicity of purchase
Some goods Consumer needs Perennial purchase and balanced consumption, such as food, non-staple food, milk, vegetables, etc Required Items Some commodity consumers need to buy seasonal or holiday products, such as seasonal clothes and holiday consumables; Some commodities consumers need to wait for commodities use value Re purchase after basic consumption, such as telephone And household appliances. This shows that there is a certain periodicity in consumer purchase.
7. Purchased temper of times
Consumer purchases are often subject to time spirit The guidance of social customs and customs, so that people have some new needs for consumption and purchase. as APEC Meeting in the future, Tang costume It becomes the fashion of the times, and then becomes popular; Another example is the society's emphasis on knowledge and talent requirement The demand for books and cultural goods has increased significantly. These show the characteristics of the era of consumer purchase.
8. Purchased Developmental
With the development of society and the people Consumption level Quality of life Improvement, consumer demand It is also moving forward. In the past, as long as we could buy goods, we pursued famous brands; Some people have consumed high-grade goods that they did not dare to buy, such as cars; The labor services undertaken by the labor service practitioners are undertaken, etc. This kind of new demand is constantly generated, and it is endless, which makes consumer purchase have the characteristics of development.
It is of great significance to recognize the characteristics of consumers' purchase, which helps enterprises to make decisions based on consumers' purchase characteristics marketing strategy , planning enterprise operating activities , for Market supply Better development of goods or services that consumers are satisfied with marketing management Activities.

Behavior change

sense of worth Changes in
The purpose of people's purchase of goods is not simply the function and value of the use of goods. This is particularly evident in the younger generation. Above the use value, the commodities that attach importance to additional psychological value are increasing. Goods that enrich people's minds, become beautiful, become happy, become new, and become precious are often favored. Clothing is a typical example. The selection criteria are not just warmth and durability, but more emphasis on its color, design style, popularity and other conditions. Apart from clothes, even watches are correct Durability Besides, it emphasizes fashion and fashion.
Manufacturers add brands to the finished products, good quality, strong advertising, etc. will enable consumers to buy goods continuously. If the goods that can be accepted by consumers distribution channel Combined, it is possible to ensure brand loyalty.
However, the differences between brands are getting smaller and smaller, New merchandise With the continuous listing, consumers not only seek the guarantee of quality and function in brands, but also seek psychological and emotional satisfaction. Therefore, people who continue to buy certain brands also tend to decrease.
Common Consciousness and Individuality
Because others have it and others are happy to use it, they also want to follow the consumption, that is, the so-called group psychology The popularity of mass communication makes most people feel the same stimulation. Everyone around them has bought it, but it seems uncomfortable that they haven't bought it yet. Once the income increases, they also hope to imitate the impossible consumption of the upper class, and feel more comfortable with the common people. This kind of mentality has a greater impact on ordinary life. For this reason, buy household appliances and furniture, and engage in the same leisure activities There are more and more people.
At the same time, due to the change of values, everyone also has different consumption characteristics, thus forming the diversification and personalization of consumption phenomena. However, even if it is personalized, there are few people who can completely live a life of independent consumption. Most people still choose products with only a few differences among similar products, and there are still a few innovative behaviors.

behavior analysis

The process of consumers' purchase behavior and their psychological changes.
Demand is the basis of consumer purchase behavior, which affects the whole process of consumer purchase behavior. The whole purchase process of consumers is divided into six stages. In each stage, there is a password that guides consumers to the next stage.
1. Know stage: This is the stage when consumers find the existence of products they really need. In this stage, a real product that can meet consumers' needs is the key. When advertising, manufacturers should sincerely spread true and effective commodity information to consumers to attract consumers' attention.
2. Realize stage: This is the consumer's personal understanding of the effectiveness of the product. The purpose of the consumer's purchase of the product is to use it to meet their own needs. To this end, he should really understand the effectiveness of the product. At this stage, the salesperson should skillfully demonstrate the use process of the product to consumers, and patiently introduce the actual utility of the product to consumers. The utility of products is the core factor to attract consumers.
3. Like stage: This is the consumer's personal good impression of the product. To make the product have a good impression in consumers' minds, consumers must pay enough attention to its appearance, performance and utility. At least, compared with other products, it has unique and eye-catching features that make people like it.
4. Partial stage: This means that consumers' personal good impression of the product has expanded to other aspects. This is a psychological change process of "love my house and love my dog". It is the result of the consumer's previous knowledge, understanding and liking of the product, as well as his positive attitude towards the salesperson's enthusiasm and sincerity in the previous stage.
5. Certainty stage: because consumers have a "preference" for products or salespersons and then have a desire to buy, he believes that buying is a wise choice, and constantly strengthens this concept.
6. Action stage: consumers turn their buying attitudes into actual buying actions, and always stick to the products they choose.
In the above six stages of KRLPCA, the process from the initial contact with a product of the manufacturer to the purchase behavior of consumers is a complete thinking activity process. The actual effect of each stage depends on three basic aspects of consumers mentality : Cognition refers to consumers' personal cognitive thinking about products; Heart refers to the emotional preference of consumers towards products or people selling products; Desire refers to the purchase motivation of consumers after they understand the effectiveness of products. We refer to Cognition, Heart and Desire as the psychological password for consumers to purchase, or CHD for short.
Factors influencing consumers' purchase behavior
The main factors influencing consumers' purchase behavior are psychological characteristics, commodity stimulation, utility stimulation and perception.
1. Psychological factors of each consumer. It includes such factors as personality characteristics, past experience and news, values and attitudes. Everyone has his own uniqueness in personality, so there are different needs, shopping motivations and reaction characteristics; Past shopping experience or experience, as a kind of perceptible (conscious memory) or imperceptible memory( the subconscious Memory), which affects consumers' purchase thinking and Behavior ; The independent attitude and values of consumers are a combination of everyone's concepts, information, habits and motivations. They are not only affected by the sales promotion of manufacturers, but also by actual experience, which affects consumers' purchase behavior.
2. The systematic stimulus of commodity information to consumers. The purchase behavior of consumers is the result of accepting the stimulation and influence of commodity information in the external sales environment. There are mainly two kinds of incentives generated by these commodity information: the first is Physical stimulation Consumers receive stimuli through sensory organs such as eyes, ears, mouth, nose, hands, etc; The second is Social Stimulation, consumer family demand, social moral Stimulation caused by the expectations of associations or friends. When the commodity information input to consumers does not stimulate consumers to the extent of "systematic, effective and timely", consumers will not have purchase behavior.
3. Product promotion Commodity utility Excitement of. Consumers buy goods to meet their own needs, so the generation of consumer motivation is affected by "demand excitement". When the demand is not met, he will have "demand excitement", and the personal internal system will show imbalance, feel uncomfortable (such as hunger, cold or wearing embarrassment), and then take action (such as buying food or clothing) Reduce this feeling. However, when the manufacturer's publicity on the utility of goods is not enough to stimulate Consumer attention The consumer will not choose the product.
4. Self reference criterion (SRC for short). This refers to the difference between manufacturers and consumers Value standard and cultural difference And become an important obstacle to consumers' purchase behavior. It includes the following aspects:
(1) Different between manufacturers and consumers Behavioral goal For example, the manufacturer's behavioral goal is X, while the consumer's behavioral goal is Y. There is no connection between the two.
(2) There are differences between the way manufacturers do things and the way consumers do things, each with advantages and disadvantages. When manufacturers do not actively communicate with consumers, consumers' purchase behavior will be affected.
(3) Improper cultural coordination. Manufacturers and consumers are different Sociocultural background Next, if the two sides do not learn from each other, establish a culture of mutual trust Value relationship , consumers can not take the initiative to buy.
(4) The flexibility of culture is not enough. Marketing is not only a kind of commodity exchange, but also a kind of cultural exchange Commodity sales If there is no behavioral adjustment and a bridge between cultures, how can consumption generate purchase behavior? 5. Consumer Personal perception Selection of. When the consumer's thinking system is stimulated, he will become active and alert, but every consumer will encounter various stimuli in the process of shopping, including language, text, graphics, physical advertising, etc. He will use the "comparative process" to selectively absorb or input stimuli. In the process of selection, an individual's past experience or experience will affect his purchase decision. Experience or experience will remind him what kind of stimulus is useful or useless for him, and then make his own purchase decision. In the process of choosing their own purchase decisions, consumers will not only evaluate the input data and the degree of stimulation, but also choose the most meaningful stimulus items for individuals. Perception is highly selective, and individuals are often willing to accept things that are integrated with their own values or attitudes.
The key to decipher the psychological password of consumers' purchase behavior
In the fierce business war, whoever can really understand consumers and crack the password of consumers' purchase behavior is the winner of the business war. According to my own observation and analysis, from the psychological changes in the process of consumer purchase behavior, the author puts forward the key to decipher the psychological code of consumer purchase behavior, which is "SMILE" or "smile". Smile is Interpersonal communication The first step is also the link between manufacturers and consumers. Meaning of this key:
1. "S" means "Serve". Marketing is service. High quality service can obtain the support of consumers, so that businesses can get more from old customers like snowballs New customers Therefore, we should pay attention to the mentality, quality and skills of service. A successful marketer should have a good working attitude and establish the awareness that "customers are always right". And good Service attitude From his understanding of the objective Marketing environment and customer need When this perception is higher than others, his work will appear more conscious and active than others. When talking with customers, he will observe and find out their distinctive features and characteristics, and praise them appropriately; After the customer buys, he will also thank the customer in due time; This courtesy a sexual behavior There will be significant impact
2. "M" means "mind", that is, reason and intelligence. Consumers have entered a mature state, which is reflected in the development of consumers from "quantitative consumption" to "qualitative consumption"; From caring about product function to caring about product quality and service; From the practicality of products to the taste, enrichment and beauty brought to life; From good or bad judgment to satisfaction judgment. The manufacturer is required to carefully understand the customer's Purchasing psychology , rationally analyze the needs of customers, talk with customers based on the real utility of products to customers, sincerely meet the changing needs of consumers, create new products according to their requirements, and continue to improve Service quality To take action to eliminate consumers' doubts and Distrust
3. "I" means "Information". In the marketing process, it is necessary to collect and screen customer information, whether developing new products or improving service mode All should be based on customer information. The new products developed by the manufacturer are for the use of customers, and the customer is the final step to test the quality and effectiveness of new products examination clerk
4. "L" means "Learn". We advocate mutual learning between manufacturers and consumers. As mentioned earlier, there are different value standards and cultural differences between manufacturers and consumers, which have become an important obstacle to consumers' purchase behavior. This obstacle can only be solved through mutual learning and communication. The main reason is that the manufacturer should take the initiative to Consumer learning First, learn the customer's position, opinion Mode of thinking , because we should stand on the customer's position and think about problems in the customer's way of thinking; The second is to learn what makes customers different Observability And sensitive analytical ability.
Through learning, manufacturers can find their own problems from the perspective of consumers, so as to improve their work, make up for the shortcomings when expanding new business, and improve customer stability. Secondly, guide consumers to learn, that is, adopt a certain way to make consumers accept information and change their ideas so that their behavior will continue to change. In fact, consumers' purchase behavior is a behavior of accepting information and adjusting. Consumers will often evaluate individual purchase decisions and purchase strategies, and then reuse or modify them.
5. "E" means "Evaluate Effect". That is, manufacturers should evaluate the real utility of products to consumers from the consumer's point of view, and on the basis of sorting out the statements on the product effect, evaluate the product effect according to the indicators that consumers think are important and satisfactory, instead of making self righteous estimates and analysis.
1. The post-80s buyers know. Some terms such as "post-80s", "post-80s phenomenon", "post-80s talk", "post-80s radio station", "post-80s clothing" are often popular in society. What does the post-80s generation mean? The "post-80s" literally refers to people born between 1980 and 1989. But it actually contains a kind of Cultural phenomenon Its substantive meaning is far more than the simple meaning of the words "post-80s".
In a narrow sense, "post-80s" refers to people born in 80-89 years. In another word, the essence of "post-80s" refers to one-child policy The generation after the introduction. In this generation“ After 50 ”“、 After 60 ”、“ After 70 ”It has its unique characteristics. At the same time, the "post-80s" are now the oldest 28 years old and the youngest 18 years old, and will be consumed by the whole market in the next 10 years Main force According to relevant data, 25-34 years old accounts for 33.4% of the total consumption, which is the absolute main consumption force, 80% of which are "post-80s".
The birth control policy The first generation of only child First, family structure Changes. With the new family structure of "trinity", parents only raise one child, so they can say that they spend more time, energy and money on their children. The post-80s generation is relatively rich both in spirit and material. Therefore, the saying of "little princess" and "little emperor" is popular in the society. Second, the education level is relatively high. Since the reform and opening up living standard The number of children is decreasing and the status of children in the family is rising. According to relevant data educational opportunities Today, one fourth of China's young people in their 20s have gone to college. Since the reform and opening up in 1978, more than 600000 people have gone abroad to study, of which 160000 have returned home. Third, individuality is "independent".
Of course, this "alone" means "alone". Because there is no brothers and sisters The love and potential competition between them, combined with rich material life, are more than the previous generation Self inflation , is a self centered generation. Therefore, we can often see some discrimination against the post-80s generation on the Internet. For example, "the ignorant generation", "the most selfish generation", "the least conscientiousness The most rebellious generation. But this is only a universal phenomenon, such as: born in 1980 NBA Basketball SuperStar Yao Ming Lang Lang, a piano genius born in 1982, and the world champion of hurdles born in 1983 Liu Xiang If we describe the post-80s generation more accurately, we should call it "personalized generation".
2. Factors affecting the purchase behavior of the post-80s generation. The purchase behavior of consumers refers to the behavior of individuals or families Living consumption The act of purchasing goods for the needs of. Consumer's Consumer behavior How was it formed and developed? On the surface, the observation is very complicated, but in fact, it is hidden behind the purchase behavior influence factor It can be traced. In general, the formation of consumers' purchase behavior needs to go through a process of generating needs, motivations, and then buying. In this process, there are many factors that affect consumers' purchase decisions and purchase behavior. These factors can be summarized into four categories: consumer factors social factors , enterprise and product factors. The purchase behavior of the post-80s generation is also mainly the result of the joint action of these factors.
(1) Consumer's own factors.
Economic status of consumers Economic status of consumers, that is, consumers' income, savings and assets, borrowing capacity, etc. The economic situation of consumers will strongly affect the consumption level and scope of consumers, and determine the demand level and Purchasing power
Consumer's personality and Self-concept Character refers to the psychological characteristics different from others. Since childhood, the "post-80s" have formed an independent and self styled personality at the core of their families. They are not satisfied with standardization and patterning. They have independent ways of thinking and values, and pursue individuality to show their uniqueness.
(2) Social factors
Social factors People live in society, so consumers' purchase behavior will be affected by many social factors. People's demand and consumption concept are increasingly affected by their social culture, education level, occupation and other factors. From the perspective of social factors, this paper analyzes consumers' purchase behavior from the following two aspects.
The social and cultural factors of the current "post-80s" are less affected traditional culture They are highly educated and can read books Newspapers and magazines Telephony , the network and other parties have received too much information. In addition, the development of transportation and communication has relatively shortened the geographical distance and promoted cultural exchanges. Therefore, cultural factors from different regions, nationalities, races and countries can be received by them, and also affect their thoughts, thus affecting their behavior.
Related groups Related groups refer to those who have direct or Indirect impact Organizations, groups, and people. The post-80s generation is less affected by family factors. Because they pursue fashion and like personalized things, and because the post-80s generation receives information faster, they are more likely to be affected by movie stars and sports stars. They have a strong desire to imitate.
(3) Impact of enterprises and products
product design Above: In order to cater to the "post-80s" consumers, enterprises have also spent a lot of effort on product design. Product life cycle It is getting shorter and shorter, the progress of science and technology is getting faster and faster, the updating speed of consumers' concepts is getting faster and faster, and the market competition is getting bigger and bigger. Only by constantly updating products can enterprises have a good development prospect. In our life, more than 25000 new products are launched every year. According to relevant resources: In order to meet the personalized needs of different users, Haier Air Conditioner has 6368 new products, and there are two new products every 50 yuan. What kind of air conditioner Haier needs can meet your needs.
Advertising: advertising Publicity effect , meeting the needs of young people.
In addition to the above factors, the purchase behavior of the "post-80s" is also affected by family factors, personal career, lifestyle, personal motivation, perception, learning and other psychological factors. In marketing activities, we should comprehensively analyze various factors that affect consumers' purchase behavior target market Only by mobilizing marketing strategies and guiding the purchase behavior of "post-80s" consumers can enterprises remain invincible in the market competition forever.

influence factor


Internal factors

influence Consumer purchase behavior There are many internal factors of psychological factor The age, gender, economic income, education level and other factors of buyers will greatly affect consumers' purchase behavior. This part has been included in the "Population Environment Analysis" and "Economic environmental analysis ”Conduct analysis. This paper mainly analyzes the psychological factors that affect consumers' purchase.
Consumer psychology It is the ideology of consumers in the activity of meeting their needs, which dominates their purchase behavior. The psychological factors affecting consumers' purchase include motivation, feelings, attitudes and learning.
1. The need for motivation. Need is people's demand or desire for something. As far as consumers are concerned, they need to obtain various Material needs and Spiritual needs Maslow's "five levels of needs" theory, namely Physiological needs Security needs social needs Respect needs and The need for self realization Need generates motivation, and consumer purchase motivation is formed by the combination of consumers' internal needs and external stimuli to generate a motive force for the subject.
2. Types of purchase motivation
The motive is to make Personal needs A drive and impulse to satisfy. Consumer purchase motivation refers to the desire and idea of consumers to purchase goods in order to meet certain needs. Buying motivations can be divided into two categories:
(1) Physiological purchase motivation Physiological purchase motivation refers to the purchase motivation generated by people's physiological needs, such as hunger Thinks about food , thirst for drink, cold for clothes, also known as instinctive motivation. include:
① Life sustaining motivation;
② Life protecting motor aircraft;
③ Motivation to continue and develop life.
Physiological motivation is regular habituation And stability.
(2) Psychological purchase motivation Psychological purchase motivation refers to people's purchase motivation Psychological needs And the purchase motivation. According to the Psychological activities As well as the research on the process of psychological activities such as emotion and will, psychological motivation can be classified into the following three categories:
Emotional motivation Refers to personal Emotions and emotions Purchase motivation caused by psychological factors. According to different feelings emphasis It can be divided into three consumer psychological tendencies: seeking novelty, beauty, and prosperity.
Rational motive It refers to the purchase motivation based on the objective understanding of commodities and after full analysis and comparison. Rational motivation has objectivity The characteristics of thoroughness. The psychology of seeking truth, honesty and security in purchase
Patronage motives It refers to the purchase motivation of repeated patronage formed by special trust and preference for specific goods or specific stores. This kind of motivation has the characteristics of regularity and habituation, which is manifested as a hobby.
People's purchase motives are different, and their purchase behavior is necessarily diverse and changeable. Enterprise marketing is required to deeply and carefully analyze various needs and motivations of consumers Hierarchy of requirements Design products and services different from the purchase motivation, and develop effective marketing strategy To achieve marketing success.
How consumers act when buying depends on how they respond to the outside world a stimulus Or the reflection of the situation, which is the impact of feeling on consumer purchase behavior. Feeling refers to people's feelings and perceptions.
The so-called feeling is the reaction or impression of people to external stimuli or situations through their senses. With the deepening of sensation, all kinds of sensed information are linked in the brain for preliminary analysis and synthesis to form an overall reflection of stimuli or situations, which is perception. Perception to consumers Purchase Decision Purchase behavior has great influence. When the stimuli or situations are the same, consumers have different perceptions, and their purchase decisions and behaviors are different. because Consumer perception Is a selective Psychological process (1) Selective attention. (2) Selective misinterpretation. (3) Selective memory.
The purpose of analyzing the impact of feelings on consumers' purchase is to require enterprise marketing to grasp this rule, make full use of enterprise marketing strategies, attract consumers' attention, deepen consumers' memory, correctly understand advertising, and affect their purchase.
Attitude usually refers to the personal evaluation of things, emotional feelings and action tendencies. As Consumer Attitude It has a great impact on the purchase behavior of consumers. enterprise Marketing personnel Attention should be paid to the study of consumer attitudes.
Consumer attitude comes from: direct contact Being directly or indirectly influenced by others, family education and personal experience. Consumer attitudes include beliefs, emotions and intentions, which have their own effects on purchase behavior.
1. Belief refers to what people think is certain and true. In real life, consumers do not buy based on knowledge, but on opinions and trust.
2. Emotion refers to goods and services in Consumer sentiment The reaction on, such as liking or hating commodities or advertisements. Emotion is often affected by consumers' psychological characteristics and Social norms influence.
3. Intention refers to the tendency of consumers to act in a certain way, whether they are inclined to take purchase action or refuse to buy. The consumer attitude is finally implemented in the purchase intention.
Learning is caused by experience Personal behavior Changes. That is, in the practice of purchasing and using goods, consumers gradually acquire and accumulate experience, and adjust their purchasing behavior according to experience. Learning is carried out through the interaction of driving force, stimulus, cue, response and reinforcement.
The "driving force" is the internal stimulating force that induces people to act. For example, a consumer attaches importance to status, and respect for needs is a driving force. This driving force is led to a certain stimulus - senior Famous brand suit When, the driving force becomes motivation. Under the control of motivation, consumers need to respond to the purchase of famous brand suits. But the purchase behavior often depends on the stimulus of the surrounding "prompt".
Enterprise marketing should pay attention to the role of the "learning" factor in consumer purchase behavior, and provide information to consumers through various ways, so as to strengthen incentives, stimulate the driving force, and stimulate people's driving force to the point of immediate action. At the same time, enterprises' goods and services should always be of high quality, so that consumers can learn to build a good reputation for Corporate brand And form the habit of purchasing the goods of the enterprise.

External factors

Related groups refer to individuals or groups that influence people's views, opinions, interests and ideas. Research consumer behavior Relevant groups can be divided into two categories: participating groups and non affiliated groups.
Participating groups refer to the groups in which consumers are involved. There are two types:
1. Major groups refer to individuals who are frequently affected by them Informal groups , such as family, close friends, colleagues, neighbors, etc.
2、 secondary groups It refers to that individuals are not often affected by it Formal groups , such as trade unions Professional associations Etc.
Non affiliated group refers to the group that consumers are outside but have an impact on purchase. There are two situations, one is the expected group, the other is the free group. The expectation group is a group that individuals hope to become a member of or interact with. The dissociative group is a group that is rejected or resisted by individuals and tries to draw a clear line.
Enterprise marketing should pay attention to the influence of relevant groups on consumers' purchase behavior; Use the influence of relevant groups to carry out marketing activities; It should also be noted that different commodities are affected by different groups. The stronger the visibility of goods, the greater the impact of related groups. The more special the commodity Purchase frequency The lower it is, the greater it is affected by relevant groups. The less knowledge about commodities, the more affected by relevant groups.
social stratum It means that a society divides its members into different levels of relative stability according to its social norms. People from different social strata, their economic situation sense of worth Reading, hobbies, lifestyle, consumption characteristics, leisure activities, acceptance Mass media And so on. These will directly affect their influence on commodities, brands, stores Buying habits And the way of purchase.
Enterprise marketing should pay attention to the division of social strata in the country, and provide appropriate products and services through appropriate information dissemination methods and appropriate sales methods in the appropriate places according to the requirements of different social strata.
Family status
There are about 244 million families in our country. We should pay attention to the important influence of families on purchase behavior in enterprise marketing. To study the role of different purchase roles in families, effective marketing strategies can be used to make the promotion measures of enterprises attract the attention of the purchase initiators and induce the main Marketers It can help decision-makers understand the goods, remove concerns, build confidence in purchase, and make it convenient for buyers to purchase. Research Family life cycle For the impact of consumer purchase, enterprise marketing can be based on the practical needs of different family life cycle stages, Develop products And the provision of services.
Every consumer is a member of the society, and its purchase behavior is bound to be affected by Sociocultural factors Cultural factors sometimes play a decisive role in consumers' purchase behavior. Enterprise marketing must be given full attention. In Chapter IV, Section III“ Sociocultural environment ”It has been analyzed.