Lake Baikal

Lakes in Irkutsk State, Republic of Buriat, Russia
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Baikal Lake (Buriat: Байгалнуур, Mongolian: Байгалнуур, Russian: ОбероБайкал, English: Lake Baikal), located at East Siberia South, at Republic of Buriat and Irkutsk Within the territory, between 51 ° 29 ′~55 ° 46 ′ north latitude and 103 ° 41 ′~109 ° 57 ′ east longitude, the lake has a total volume of 23.6 trillion cubic meters (2015), with the deepest depth of 1637 meters (2015), making it the world's first deep lake Eurasia maximal Freshwater lake The lake is 636 kilometers long, 48 kilometers wide on average, and covers an area of 31500 square kilometers. It is formed by the collapse of the stratum fracture. The lake is 455 meters above sea level, with an average depth of 730 meters.
Lake Baikal, known as the North Sea in ancient China, has“ Siberia "Pearl", United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization In 1996, Lake Baikal was logged in as World Natural Heritage [1-2]
Lake Baikal has Selenge River 336 large and small rivers will be injected, with a catchment area of 557000 square kilometers. Yenisei River tributary Angara River From this, there are 27 islands in the lake the quaternary period glacier Covered, still retained in the lake Tertiary The famous freshwater animals are baikal seal Autumn whitefish Omer fish shark Etc. The lake is Siberia The important fishing ground has a great impact on the climate of the region. [3]
Chinese name
Lake Baikal
Foreign name
Briat: Байгалнуур
Mongolian: Байгалнуур
Russian: ОбероБайкал
English: Lake Baikal
geographical position
East Siberia south
31500 km²
Lake elevation
Storage capacity
23.6 trillion cubic meters (2015)
Average water depth
1637m (2015)
Lacustrine origin
Seismic fault subsidence lake
636 km
Lakeside line
About 2000km
Catchment area
560000 square kilometers




"Baikal Lake" is a transliteration of the word "baykal" in English. The Russian name "baukaji" comes from mongolian It is transformed from "saii" (rich) and "kyji" (lake), meaning "rich lake". It is named because the lake is rich in a variety of fish.
Baikal is in Ewenki It is called "la mi u" in Chinese, meaning "sea"; Mongolian Buriat It is called "baigal dali", meaning "natural sea"; yakut It is called "baikel", which means "rich lake". anthropologist It is believed that the current "baikal" comes from the Buriat language. [4]


The implication of Lake Baikal, the interpretation of "World Cultural and Natural Heritage Scene Realistic Map Version" is "a rich lake"; The Color Map World Cultural and Natural Heritage believes that: Briat It is called "Baikal Dalai", which means "natural sea"; However, the text of "World Wonders" is: "Baikal" is said to be named by Kurikan people who lived here about 1300 years ago, meaning "a lot of water". [5]

Historical name and affiliation

Chinese ancient books the north sea Baihai , Xiaohai, Juhai, Yunipi, Baihaier Lake, Baihar Lake, etc. The Baikal Lake area was first clearly recorded in ancient Chinese history books as《 Hanshu · Su Wuchuan 》。 [6]
historical period
Control the regime
Western Han Dynasty
the north sea
Eastern Han Dynasty, Three Kingdoms and Western Jin Dynasty
the north sea
The Sixteen Kingdoms Period of the Eastern Jin Dynasty
Yusini Dashui
Northern and Southern Dynasties
Yusini Dashui
Be first roen Controlled and later controlled by Turkic control
Sui Dynasty
the north sea
Tang Dynasty
Tang Dynasty Daoguligan in Imperial Guannei
Late Tang Dynasty
return Turkic , then back Uighur Jurisdiction
Song dynasty
Mongolian Bala Kubu Control
Yuan Dynasty
Ming Dynasty
Control of the Warabriya Ministry
Early Qing Dynasty
Baihar Lake, Beihai
Qing Dynasty of China
Middle and late Qing Dynasty
Baihaier Lake
Tsarist Russia control
Source: [5]

Formation and evolution

Lake Baikal was formed about 25 million years ago Indian Plate and Eurasian plate Strong earthquake after collision, lake basin It was formed 20 million to 25 million years ago.
Former Soviet Union Scientist Vereshagin based on ancient extinct life and geology Material speculation of, mesozoic jurassic period There was once a vast Outer Baikal Sea to the east of Lake Baikal at that time. Later, due to the crustal movement landlocked Lake Baikal. With the continuous addition of rainwater and river water, the salt water becomes weaker.
In the early 1990s, scientists did not find any information about mesozoic Things.
Some materials prove that there is no Mesozoic sedimentary layer, only Cenozoic era Of sedimentary rock The Baikal Lake area has been a land for a long time Crustal fault Formed in activities fault Lake, thus denying the view that the marine life in Lake Baikal is a regressive species. [7-8]
Earth expansion theory It is believed that after the formation of the earth 4.6 billion years ago, the water vapor in the air condensed into water droplets and fell back to the surface to form an ocean 3.9 billion years ago. At this time, the ocean covered the whole earth, with a depth of 12000 meters.
520 million years ago, due to the large expansion of the earth, the crust broke, and seawater flowed into the cracks in the crust. The seawater gradually withdrew from the mainland, and the mainland gradually emerged from the sea. Some marine organisms were left in lakes in low-lying areas on the mainland.
The sea water 520 million years ago was salty, so the lake water of Baikal Lake was also salty. However, due to a large amount of rainwater and river water constantly flowing into Baikal Lake, the lake water gradually faded. Some marine organisms living in the sea salt water have gradually adapted to the freshwater environment in Lake Baikal. [7]

geographical environment


Location context

Lake Baikal is located in East Siberia The south is the largest and deepest freshwater lake in the world, located in Republic of Buriat and Irkutsk It is located between 51 ° 29 ′ - 55 ° 46 ′ north latitude and 103 ° 41 ′ - 109 ° 57 ′ east longitude. It is long and narrow and bends in northeast southwest direction Mongolia The boundary is only 111 kilometers long, the lake is 636 kilometers long, the average width is 48 kilometers, the maximum width is 79.4 kilometers, the area is 31500 square kilometers, the average depth is 744 meters, the deepest point is 1637 meters, the lake is 456 meters above sea level, the shape is crescent, and the total water storage is 23.6 trillion cubic meters. [5] [9]
Location of Lake Baikal (China National Geographic)

geological structure

Lake Baikal rift And East African Rift Valley Same as in Regional geology structure The aspect is world-famous Schistosis One of the zones located in Central Asia The northern part of the continental internal deformation area is eurasia The largest active continental rift in the region. Along S-shaped the paleozoic era The suture zone extends more than 2000 kilometers in the Baikal Lake Rift Valley. The Lake Baikal area is Eurasian plate and Amurian Plate [10-11] In the rift area between the two plates, Lake Baikal is also expanding. Lake Baikal area is also earthquake In the frequently occurring area, on average, 2000 large and small earthquakes occur every year. [12]
The Baikal Lake area is in a nearly northwest stretching state on the whole, with a stretching speed of about 4.5 ± 1.2 mm/year. The stretching direction is northwest northeast, and the strain at the east and west ends is greater than that in the central area. The strain results show that the crust in the eastern part of the Baikal Lake is in a compression state, and the compression directions are north northwest and north northeast. The results of the earth rotation show that the northeast shows clockwise rotation, while the western and central regions show counterclockwise rotation. [12-13]

geological environment

There are 1000~2000 meters of cliffs on both sides of Lake Baikal, and the tectonic crevices are surrounded by mountains. There are many metamorphic rocks, sedimentary rocks and magmatic rocks around Lakeshore Every year, it is pulled to both sides at a speed of two centimeters. Lake Baikal is a typical feature of many oceans - unfathomable, huge reservoir, undercurrent, tide, strong storm, big wave, growing rift valley Geomagnetic anomaly wait. Baikal depression is asymmetric, and the slope in the west is steeper than that in the east.
From the perspective of geological structure, Lake Baikal is a concave part of a fault valley, a large rift that goes deep into 15~20 kilometers underground. Lake Baikal and its Catchment area It is a unique geological system in the world.
The terrain on both sides of the valley at the bottom of Lake Baikal is asymmetric, with steep slopes on the west bank and gentle slopes on the east bank. 8% of the lake bottom is shallow, only 50 meters deep. The total length of the zigzag shoreline is 2080 kilometers Proval Bay , as well as Ayaya small port and Floriha small port. Half of the islands on the east bank stretch into the lake, which is called Shengjiao Peninsula. There are 27 islands in the lake. The largest island is Orihonda Island (71.7 km long, 15 km wide at most, and 730 square kilometers in area). Greater Ushkarni Island covers an area of 8 square kilometers. [14]
Crustal movement is still going on. Occasionally, strong earthquakes occur Extinct volcano Ruins. Every year, there are about 2000 earthquakes in Lake Baikal, most of which are relatively small and can only be detected by seismometers. It will occur once every 10-12 years earthquake Every 20-30 years, a catastrophic earthquake of magnitude 7-9 will occur, sometimes magnitude It may be even higher. In 1862 and 1959, two major earthquakes occurred in the central lake basin. In 1960, the 9.5 magnitude earthquake reduced the lake bottom by 15-20 meters. The 10 magnitude earthquake in 1962 caused the estuary area in the north of Selenge to sink an area of 200 square kilometers, and formed the Proval Bay with a depth of 3 meters. Crustal fault New hot mineral springs are constantly emerging. [14]

Lake drainage system



There are 336 rivers flowing into Lake Baikal, with a drainage area of 560000 square kilometers, Selenge River It replenishes more than 50% of the lake water and forms the world's largest lake delta with an area of nearly 700 square kilometers at the lake inlet. [15-16]

Inflow into the river

Selenge River Originated in Mongolia Kusugur Lake South of China Tang dynasty It was translated as Xian'e River, Xian'e River, and Xue Lingge River in the Yuan Dynasty Ider River And Mulun River, which flows to the northeast Orhun River Confluence at Sukhbaatar Hereinafter, it is called Serenge River. It continues to flow north, enters Russia, turns east, and reaches Briat capital Ulan Ude From here, the river flows northward to Tatorovo, and then turns westward to flow through a Delta , into Lake Baikal. The total length is 1024 kilometers, and the drainage area is 945480 square kilometers. [2] [17]
Selenge River

Outflow river

Only Angara River Its annual average flow is only 1870 m ³/s. The river flows first to the north and then to the west Central Siberian Plateau South of, near the village of Streelka Yenisei River It is 1779 kilometers long. The drainage area is 1.04 million square kilometers. The main tributaries are Irkut River Oka River , Ilim River, etc.
Angara River

hydrographic features



The shoreline of Lake Baikal is about 2000 kilometers long, 636 kilometers long, 27~81 kilometers wide, and 48 kilometers wide on average. The lake has a surface area of 31500 km2, an elevation of 456 meters, and an average water depth of 730 meters. There are 30 islands, large and small, in the lake. The largest island is 725 square kilometers Orkhon Island The total volume of lake water is 23.6 trillion cubic meters (2015), with the deepest depth of 1637 meters (2015). It is the world's largest deep lake and the largest fresh water lake in Eurasia. [18]

water content

Baikal Lake belongs to the poor nutrition lake nitrogen phosphorus The content of other nutrients is low, and the total amount of phytoplankton such as algae is relatively small. [19] The lake alternates with seasons, and the water body in the lake basin will have two major cycles in a year, which is a double cycle lake. In such lakes, the oxygen content and water quality of the lake water do not change significantly with the depth. [20] The crystalline rock mass at the bottom of the lake is difficult to dissolve, and the compounds entering the water mainly come from atmospheric dust fall and surface runoff. 1200 chemicals from atmospheric dust fall every year Kiloton The salt content from rivers and streams along the coast is 6013 thousand tons, and the dissolved matter is 7809 thousand tons. The total particle concentration is 120 mg/L, of which, calcium carbonate 84% chloride and sulfide 7%, alkaline metal 9%. Due to strong flowing water mixing, the chemical composition is uniform. Therefore, the transparency of Lake Baikal reaches 40.5 inches, known as "the blue eyes of Siberia". [18]

Water layer

The water of Lake Baikal is roughly divided into three layers. The water below 0-50/70 meters is green water, and there are many photosynthetic algae. Below 50/70 meters, the water color suddenly becomes gray, and a large number of zooplankton appear. From 150 meters deep, the water becomes clear, and to 500 meters deep, the common creatures are all kinds of fish, shrimp and worms. From July to August, the lake surface temperature is about 4.2~16 ℃, and the lake shore temperature is 18~23 ℃, sometimes up to 28 ℃. [18]

water level

The water level of Lake Baikal shows obvious seasonal changes, which is due to the influence of climate. From January to May each year, the lake surface freezes, and the water level shows a significant downward trend, and May is the lowest water level. Since June, the temperature has warmed up, the increase in precipitation and the increase in the amount of Serenge River have led to the increase of the water level of Lake Baikal, and the highest water level appears in August, after which the water level generally shows a downward trend. The water level of Lake Baikal shows a significant periodic change with a period of 1 year. [21]
Statistics of Lake Height from 2008 to 2012
Average value/m
four hundred and twenty-one point nine zero four
four hundred and nine point seven nine five
four hundred and eighteen point six zero two
Source: [21]

Climatic characteristics

The area around Lake Baikal belongs to temperate continental climate The temperature difference is large. The average temperature in January is - 26 ℃~- 33 ℃, and the average temperature in July is 17 ℃~21 ℃. [9]
In winter, the average temperature around Lake Baikal is - 38 ℃. It begins to freeze in January every year and thaws after May. The ice layer is about 70-115 cm [22] The huge water body of Lake Baikal makes the temperature of its lakeside about 6 ℃ lower in summer and 11 ℃ higher in winter than that of the surrounding area, which has a marine effect, but is located in Siberia Baikal Lake is still very cold in winter. The average low temperature in January is - 38 ℃, but the water temperature under the ice layer is still between 3.5 ℃ and 4.5 ℃. In the 1870s, the ice melting of Lake Baikal began on May 10 every year. A study by Swiss scientists showed that between 1869 and 1999, the ice melting of Lake Baikal started half a day earlier every decade. Between 1869 and 1920, the ice melting time of Lake Baikal was about 3 days earlier every ten years. [23]
Since 1920, the melting time of the southeast lake area of Lake Baikal has been quite stable, and the formation time of the ice layer has delayed the time of the ice layer's existence, which is shorter than in the past. The data shows that since 1992 Since then, the formation time and melting start time of the ice layer in the middle and north of Lake Baikal have been postponed, and the ice layer has also been preserved for a longer time. The change of temperature causes the lake water to compress and expand continuously, which will form ice cracks. [23]
Satellite image of ice melting in Lake Baikal (NASA Earth Observatory)

natural resources


Biological resources

  • plant resources
There are about 1080 species of plants in Lake Baikal area. 33% of the plants in Poli Ali Hong grassland are rare species. The wood birch forest and the permafrost zone form a unique subalpine climate pasture with jungle characteristics. [1]
According to the Outline of Vascular Plants in Baikal National Park published in 2005, the vascular plants in 4173 square kilometers of the national park are systematically described, with a total of 118 families, 494 genera and 1385 species. In addition, there are Lichens More than 250 species and more than 200 species of mosses. the composite family Gramineae Cyperaceae 10 families (accounting for 8% of the total families), including 51% (254 genera) of genera and 59% (811 species) of species. These families are the major families in the region. Among 118 families, 67 families are single genus families, accounting for 57%, and 38 families are single species families, accounting for 32%. [24]
Soil classification of Lake Baikal
The forest tree species in Lake Baikal area are dominated by pine plants, larch plants Larix sibirica , pine, pine forest in Lake Baikal area Siberian Korean pine and Pinus densiflora Is an advantage. The vegetation in Lake Baikal area is typical temperate forest grassland vegetation, but the distribution of different vegetation types has obvious geographical differences. Vegetation in this area Tagarin Mainly, the forest coverage rate reaches 70%, the distribution altitude is between 500~1100 meters, and the dominant tree species are Larix sibirica Siberian Korean pine and Pinus densiflora At the same altitude Stipa Fescue Leymus chinensis meadow, which is dominant, appears subalpine meadow and mountain tundra as the altitude rises, while the lakeside belt of lakes and lakes between Lake Baikal or forest meadow shows Cyperaceae Ranunculaceae Rosaceae The marsh meadow dominated by plants is Potamogeton esculenta Ranunculus japonicus Black Sparganium Mainly aquatic vegetation. [24]
The difference of vegetation between north and south is also obvious. Taking forests as an example, in the south of Lake Baikal area Siberian Korean pine and Pinus densiflora The dominant pine forest has many tree species, including birch rose In the northern region Larix sibirica The dominant larch forest has a single species, almost pure forest. [24]
  • Animal resources
Baikal Lake is rich in aquatic biological resources, high in species diversity and unique in biota. About 80% of them are endemic to Baikal Lake. There are 2565 known animals (including subspecies), of which about 1/3 are large invertebrate [25-26]
The benthos flora of Lake Baikal is unique with rich endemic species. The long history of the formation of Lake Baikal has created its unique biota, especially the rich endemic species in the deep water area [27] stay Oligochaeta On the other hand, Lake Baikal is a separate flora from other regions, and about 80% of its species are endemic [28-29] There are about 260 species and more than 80 subspecies of hookfishes, and nearly 98% of them are indigenous species [30] Molluscs also have a large number of endemic species [31] There are more than 200 kinds of amphipods and more than 80 kinds of flatworms. [32] More than 1200 kinds of animals have been found in total, and 2/3 of them are unique, which are produced in Russia Rare Species In the most places, there are rare species Autumn whitefish ringed seal , Nordic ringed seals Mustache seal baikal seal Coregonus autumnalis Etc. [33-34]
Lake Baikal is rich in biological resources, which is the main part of Russia fishing ground one of. There are more than 2000 unique freshwater lake animals in the lake. Although the lake water is not salty, a large number of Seals shark lobster Sponge Conch And other marine animals [7] There are about 50 species of fish in the lake, belonging to 7 families. The largest number of them is 25 species of Duwenfish, and the important fish are: Duwenfish Salmon Fennel fish and Whitefish [32] There are special lake fish in Baikal Lake: Viviparous shellfish There are more than 320 kinds of birds in the lake area. [14] [35]

Freshwater resources

Lake Baikal
The water resource reserves and quality of Lake Baikal are second to none in the world. The total volume of water body is 23600km ³, equivalent to North America The Great Lakes The total amount of water, more than the whole the Baltic The absolute reserve of clean water accounts for 20% of the world's fresh water reserves, and the storage volume accounts for 85% of the total water of Russian lakes. [1] [36-37]
There are a large number of medical hot springs in the lakeside area. More than 300 hot springs have been found, and the amount of hot spring mineral water ejected in a day and night can reach 400000 cubic meters. [1]

mineral resources

The coal mining volume in Lake Baikal area accounts for 8.1% of the whole Russia, the power generation volume accounts for 6.9% of the whole Russia, and the crude oil output accounts for 4.0% of the whole Russia. The Lake Baikal area has unique oil and gas reserves. stay Irkutsk It contains more than 17 billion tons of geological resources and more than 10 billion tons of recoverable hydrocarbons. The largest natural gas field in the Far East of East Siberia, Koviking Gas Field, with a total reserve of 2 trillion cubic meters, has been discovered and proved in this area. The gas field is ready for exploitation. [38]
There are more than 700 kinds of underground mineral resources with proven reserves in the Republic of Buriat, including 247 gold mines (228 placer gold mines, 16 vein gold mines and 3 mixed mines), 7 tungsten mines, 13 uranium mines, 4 paragenetic metal mines, 2 molybdenum mines and 2 beryllium mines, and 1 tin mine and 1 aluminum mine. In addition, there are 8 fluorite mines that supply production raw materials to metallurgical enterprises in Siberia and the Far East, 10 lignite mines and 4 smoke mines that can meet the thermal energy demand of Briat for hundreds of years, 2 asbestos mines, many sources of nephrite and building materials, as well as apatite, apatite, graphite and zeolite mines. Republic of Buriat Zinc ore accounts for 48% of the balance reserves of Russian resource reserves, lead 24%, molybdenum 37%, tungsten 27%, fluorite 16%, asbestos 15%. [39]
zabaykalsky krai It is rich in a variety of industrial mineral raw materials. Iron ores are mostly concentrated in Nerchensk iron titanium vanadium ore, copper iron ore and Kruchensk iron titanium phosphorus ore. Industrial copper and silver are produced in the copper sandstone of Kararsky, and lead and zinc are produced along the Erguna River. In addition, there are many producing areas of molybdenum, tungsten, gold, rare metals and tin in the border area, and the reserves of uranium resources are huge. On this basis, the world's largest uranium production base has been built; The reserves of fluorite in the border area account for 36% of the total proved reserves in the CIS countries, the reserves of magnesite rank top in Russia, the reserves of refractory clay account for 42% of Russia, and the reserves of kaolin account for 12% of Russia. [39]

Coastal development



Lake Baikal area includes Irkutsk Republic of Buriat and zabaykalsky krai [38] There are four first-class cities in Russia around Baikal: Angarsk Irkutsk Ulan Ude Chita , where Irkutsk It is the largest industrial city, transportation and trade hub in Siberia. [9]
Irkutsk Built in 1651, it was originally a garrison station of Kazakhstan. After the 18th century, it gradually became a springboard for the expedition to eastern Siberia. Because it is rich in fur and ivory, it has gradually become a distribution center for fur goods in eastern Siberia. [40]
Overlooking Lake Baikal
Russian Far East and Republic of Buriat zabaykalsky krai and Irkutsk (referred to as the Far East and the coastal area of Lake Baikal for short) covers more than 5.37% of the total area of all countries in the world, and its population accounts for 0.16% of the world's population. The average population density is 1.4 people per square kilometer. The area has 2.7 hectares of agricultural land, 1.3 hectares of arable land and 26400m ³ of fresh water per capita. [41]
After the disintegration of the Soviet Union, the big cities in Russia experienced the phenomenon of anti urbanization. While the population in the Baikal region declined sharply, the urban and rural settlements experienced drastic changes, mainly manifested in the expansion of a few big cities and the abandonment of many rural settlements [42] As of the beginning of 2010, the total population of the Trans Baikal region of the Russian Federation was 2.08 million, the population density was 2.66 people/km2, the total economic volume was 9.028 billion US dollars, accounting for 0.8% of the total Russian volume, and the per capita monthly income was 423.3 US dollars. The urban and rural settlements in this area are mainly distributed in the Republic of Buriat and near the Siberian Railway and its branches in the south of Outer Baikal Border Region. In addition, some small cities and towns are scattered along the northern Beia Railway, and small cities and towns with more than 1000 people are also concentrated in the Bargujin River valley in the western part of the Republic of Buriat. [43]
Although Russia implements“ Shock therapy ”After the overall recession of the economy, the total economic volume of the Outer Baikal region has continued to grow since 1995. Republic of Buriat The growth rate of regional GDP has always remained around 5%, while that of the Outer Baikal Border Region has remained around 10%, of which the service sector; the tertiary industry (excluding transportation and communication) contributes more than 40% to the economic growth of the region. [43]
Administrative Map of Lake Baikal District

Industrial development

Cities around Lake Baikal
Siberian Railway Bei'a Railway It is the main railway line in the Outer Baikal region. In 1891 East Siberia Under the promotion of the Governor, the Trans Siberian Railway was started at both ends of Vladivostok and Chelyabinsk at the same time, and the whole line was opened in 1916 Ulan Ude Chita And runs through the southern area of Outer Baikal. [39]
In 1950, the Soviet Union built a 600000 kilowatt Irkutsk power station. In 1962, 4.6 million kilowatts of Brazik power station was built. stay Selenge River Start to develop Ulan Ude The industrial center of. Extensive logging and development in Lake Baikal basin Virgin land Expand fishery and animal husbandry production. From 1954 to 1956, it was decided to build a chemical plant on the shore of Lake Baikal, with the main products used for manufacturing fighter Tyres. In 1959, Serenger pulp mill was built, and in 1966, Lake Baikal was built pulp Paper making complex. [4]
1972 The Soviet Union began to build Lake Baikal to Amur River Railway trunk line [4] In 1984, the Soviet Union built Irkutsk Taishete passes through North Baikalsk and passes through the northern area of Outer Baikal to the pacific ocean coast Soviet port Bei'a Railway, to 2003 The whole line is open. [39]

environmental protection

In 1916, Russia The Bargujin Game Reserve has been established in the Baikal Lake area, ranking first in Russia. 1969 On January 21, Soviet Council of Ministers The Resolution No. 52 on Comprehensive Protection and Rational Use of Natural Resources in Lake Baikal District was passed, which defined the scope of protected waters, strictly controlled the use of natural resources, formulated special laws, and instructed relevant departments to immediately investigate and report the conclusions. [4]
On July 21, 1971, the Central Committee of the Communist Party of the Soviet Union and the Council of Ministers adopted No. 679 Decision on the Rational Use of Natural Resources in Lake Baikal, whose strategic goal is to stop discharging sewage into Lake Baikal and into the river by 1985, and control air pollution [4]
On March 25, 1992, Russian federation The President's Order No. 295 decided to formulate a comprehensive plan for the rational use of Lake Baikal and natural resources. In November 1994, the federal government approved the plan. The President's Order No. 23 confirmed that the Lake Baikal Natural Area was listed as a priority project of the national environmental protection and sustainable development strategy. 1994 On November 24, the federal government approved the No. 1306 federal comprehensive plan "Protecting Lake Baikal and Rational Use of Lake Baikal Resources". reach 2000 Waste and sewage discharge in Baikal Lake area decreased by 16.7% and 26.2% respectively [44] The Ministry of Natural Resources of Russia has set up a water resources management committee in Lake Baikal. On April 2, 1999, the State Duma passed the federal law on the protection of Lake Baikal. [4]
In 1996, the World Heritage Site Committee approved Lake Baikal to join World Natural Heritage Site Directories. [18] [45]
On July 20, 2011, the government of the Russian Federation adopted the long-term plan of "Protecting Lake Baikal and the Social and Economic Development of Lake Baikal Region from 2012 to 2020", which will allocate 48.5 billion yuan rouble Funding. Russia has established three Natural Reserve And 2 national parks, with a total protection area of 22802 square kilometers, including Barguzinskiy Nature Reserve built in 1916 and 1986 Irkutsk National Park is a member of the UNESCO Biosphere Reserve Network. [18]

environmental problems


Over development

In 1945 the Second World War Later, when the development of modern logging technology provided the possibility for large-scale operation of the timber industry, the number of driftwood increased significantly. As a large amount of wood drifted into the lake, the bark decayed in the lake water. In this process, 100 m3 of dissolved oxygen in lake water is consumed per square meter of bark. Many logs sank to the bottom, covering the fishing ground. It is estimated that between 1958 and 1968, 1.5 million cubic meters of timber were sunk into the bottom of Lake Baikal and nearby rivers. At the same time, more than 50 factories have been built along Serenge River, an important tributary of Lake Baikal, including meat processing factories and timber factories. Most factories and industrial cities Ulan Ude The untreated wastewater is directly discharged into the river. [46]
The phenomenon of deforestation even spread to the steep slopes around Lake Baikal, resulting in erosion of water and wind, mud and sand flowing into the lake, and most parts of the Baikal Basin lost the ability to regulate water volume, thus disrupting the chemical balance of the lake water Sulfite magnesium hydroxide and Nitrate The content of both showed an increasing trend. [46]

Species reduction

In 1957, the catch of carp in Lake Baikal dropped from 10000 tons to less than 5000 tons. Seals The number of seals in Lake Baikal has also decreased. By 2005, the number of seals in Lake Baikal had dropped sharply from 104000 in 1994 to 67000. [46-47]

environmental pollution

Five of the 41 most polluted cities in Russia are located in the Baikal Lake area Irkutsk In 1992, Irkutsk discharged 1.172 million tons of harmful substances into the atmosphere. Among them, electric power enterprises have the largest emissions, accounting for more than 40%; The chemical and petroleum industries are next, accounting for 20%. A monitoring result of the atmospheric environment of 22 cities in the state shows that, dust carbon monoxide hydrogen sulfide phenol chlorine Hydrogen chloride mercury Hydrogen fluoride formaldehyde The concentration of methyl mercaptan, benzene ratio and other heavy metals is 2 to 20 times of the maximum allowable value. [48]
Angara River It is the largest pollution source of Lake Baikal heavy metal phenol The concentration of such pollutants is 10-20 times of the maximum allowable value. A 1990 survey showed that, Sayansk Kiriansk Bratsk In other cities, the incidence rate of adults is extremely high, while that of women is higher than that of men. From 1983 to 1990, the incidence rate of these cities increased much more than that of other cities in the country. Among various diseases, the highest incidence is Respiratory diseases , followed by the blood circulation system, nervous system Digestive system diseases The incidence of kidney disease is also higher than other cities. [48]
In the cold war era, Soviet Union Start manufacturing Atomic bomb and Hydrogen bomb A vast Semipalatinsk explosion test zone was established 1000 kilometers north of Lake Baikal, and 26 nuclear explosions were carried out, which caused the greatest harm. According to the published information, the largest explosion was the first two. Take the second explosion on August 24, 1956 as an example Ulan Ude The radiation intensity has greatly increased, and the average daily radiation within a year is 100 times higher than the standard. From 1988 to 1991, the Soviet American delegation made a survey in Lake Baikal, and found that the cesium 137 measured on the south bank for many times exceeded the standard. [4]

Cultural tradition


Historical culture

The coastal area to the east of Lake Baikal was called“ another name for the Ruzhen ”。 Sushen expressed his commitment in the 11th century BC week Submission [49]
According to historical records, the Dingling people in Chinese history have scattered around Lake Baikal around the 3rd century BC [50] B.C At the end of the third century, Ding Ling cover Hun Conquer and become the ruled tribe of the Hun slave country [51-52] Palace buildings and urban sites of the Han Dynasty have been found near Abagan City and Ulan Ude City. The unearthed eaves tiles contain the words "The Son of Heaven will live for thousands of years, and the Changle will never die". The Shang culture generated and developed in the Yellow River basin of China has expanded to the Outer Baikal Lake area Yenisei River basin [53]
In the first century, the Han Dynasty exterminated the northern Huns, and with the help of the Han Dynasty, the southern Huns Huhanye Shan Yu Fu Li Ting ruled the Huns and their subordinate tribes in today's Karabalgasun on the west bank of the Orhun River, and wrote that the court asked the "Shishi Bao Sai" to be the Han Dynasty's guardian of the northern territory. The Huns became the Han Dynasty's subordinate, and the northern territory under its rule, including the Baikal Lake area, was the Han Dynasty's territory.
In the fourth century, Tuoba Xianbei Department was established in the Yellow River Basin Northern Wei Dynasty Political power, the Mongolian Plateau was thus transformed roen (That is, wriggle and ruru) "move to other places". In the north of Rouran High car (Ding Ling), nomads around Lake Baikal are called East Gaoche. [54-55]
In the middle of the sixth century, Turkic Rise in the Mongolian Plateau, Turkic tribes and Tungusian He is the master of the Baikal area. Ankara River Basin is a mixed place of three Turkic tribes collectively known as Uqiguyi, in the north Lena River The upstream is the hometown of Tungusians. [56]
Mid seventh century( 646 ), the tang dynasty Strike out Xue Yantuo Khanate. Tang Taizong Six prefectures and seven prefectures are set up in Huihe: Hanhai Dudu Mansion This is the official establishment of an administrative agency by the Chinese government in the east of Lake Baikal. The Xuanhua Prefecture (Yuwu Prefecture), which has a strong cadre, is adjacent to Lake Baikal, while the Jilu Prefecture of the Xijie Ministry, the Zhulong Prefecture of the Turub Ministry and the Gaowang Prefecture of the Xue Ministry are in the east of Lake Baikal. This is the official establishment of an administrative body in the Lake Baikal area by the Chinese government. [57]
From the 10th century to the early 12th century, most of the Outer Baikal lived a tribe named "Yuniang (Oulang) Gai". At the beginning of the 10th century, China Khitan nationality Rise Liao Dynasty , unified governance of northern China. From the east of Lake Baikal to the coastal area, it is also under the jurisdiction of the Liao regime. [39] [58]
At the beginning of the 12th century jurchen The rise and fall of Wanpo Department Liao , establish Jin Dynasty , followed Liao Dynasty to rule northern China. To the east of Lake Baikal, it reached the coastal area, which was under the jurisdiction of the Jin Dynasty. [59]
According to the medieval Mongolian historical data, the first Mongolian tribes to reach both sides of Lake Baikal are: the Ishiles (the Ehrigo), the Bugogaqin (the Bulagat), and the Koros (the Khorin) [60] , there will be some more in the future Mongolian They are integrated into them, for example, the Hungotor people, who finally settled in today's Irkutsk Alar Border Region Republic of Buriat Zakam, Tongjin and Okinburyat regions within the territory. At the beginning of the 18th century, Congol and Sardul people were integrated here. [56]
1206 (the sixth year of Taihe), Tiemuzhen Scale“ Genghis Khan ”, established political power, and soon unified the Lake Baikal region and Shileka River Watershed, here and there Jin Dynasty Subordinate territory, east of Lake Baikal Shileka River E Nen River The local nomadic Juniang Gai (Wu Liangha) Department has also become Jin Dynasty The genus of. [61]
Emperor Shizu of the Yuan Dynasty Kublai khan Settle the capital mostly Later, it was established in the Mongolian Plateau and Lake Baikal area to the north of the desert“ Lingbei and other places in the province ”, provincial government in Helin, Lingbei and other places, including the area east of Lake Baikal Heilongjiang Upstream, north of Great Khingan Mountains Heilongjiang Xunbei area, east and Liaoyang The provincial boundaries of provinces in the line are adjacent. The Yuan government also set up official pastures in the eastern area of Baikal Lake, which were led by the Taipu Temple of the central government. [62-63]
yuan dynasty At that time, the land owners in the Baikal Lake area and the Shilekha River area, in addition to Wu Liangha (Tsui Niang Gai) who was in the fire and bald, also had Buliatti tribe, Mao Mingan (Mao Mingan) tribe and tribe. [6] [62] [64]
The first map of Lake Baikal
fourteenth century element Death bright After the prosperity, Emperor Shun of the Yuan Dynasty managed to send Timur to the north and continued to be known as the Yuan Dynasty. He still controlled the east of Lake Baikal and reached the coastal area. the ming dynasty At the end of the year, the Manchu, a minority in northeast China, rose up. Their tribal leaders had unified the vast area west to Lake Baikal and east to the sea before entering the Shanhaiguan Pass to unify the whole country [65] [6] [66-67]
In the 15th century, the Principality of Moscow "recruited all the people to drive Mongolia", recovered the old land, and then Siberia Expansion. During this period, the long-term activities in the Buliyatiao Mongolia in the west of Lake Baikal gradually migrated to the east of Lake Baikal. [39]
In 1643, Yenisei River Regional Cossacks Kurbat Ivanov came to the Baikal Lake area. In 1653, the Cossack team led by Peter Berktov built the first military fortress in Baikal near the intersection of Ingoda and Chita River. In 1666, a wooden military fortress was built on the bank of the Uda River. [39]
In 1689 (the 28th year of Kangxi's reign), China and Russia signed the《 Treaty of Nerchinsk 》The boundary between China and Russia is from the Erguna River to the east along the Outer Khingan Mountains to the sea, and the Heilongjiang River basin belongs to China. [37]
Treaty of Kyakhta 》China and Russia in 1727 (Qing Dynasty Yongzheng Five years), which stipulates that the boundary between China and Russia in the middle section shall be divided from Erguna River At the beginning, it goes west to Sabinayi Ridge (i.e Sabindabaha )As the boundary, Russia goes to the north and China goes to the south.
In 1727 (the fifth year of Yongzheng's reign), China and Russia signed the Chaktu Treaty in Chaktu, which stipulated that the border between the two countries was from the west of the Chuku River (Russia called it "Chekuk kak о"), along the Bulgut Mountain to Boyishaling. along Angara River Region and Lena River A large area of Russian land appeared in the upstream area, which led to the loss of the original land scope of the Briat people and changed the economic basis of the indigenous people. For example, in the 18th century Briat The economic mode has been changed. The West Briat people have formed the agricultural animal husbandry economic mode, and the Briat people began to use Russians The same farming tools, learned the Russian way of farming. [68]
In 1701, the Cossack Lemissov drew a roughly correct map of Lake Baikal, which was the first in history. In 1729, Peter the Great Da Messerschmitt, a German, was sent to investigate Siberia. He made the first scientific expedition to Lake Baikal. At the beginning of the 20th century, scholars drew the first modern full map of Lake Baikal and measured its depth. Before the beginning of the 17th century, the tribes in the former Lake Baikal area were in the stage of disintegration of the tribal clan system. [4]
In 1740, Russia began to establish the "Prairie Public Bureau" to control the Buryats, who became a multi religious people, Buddhism The Orthodox Church and Shamanism The siberians who lived next to the russian peasants were christianized. At the end of the 19th century, Ignakiev, governor of Irkutsk Province, decided to remove the grassland Duma from the West Buriat people and replace it with the "Alien Management Office". [68-69]
From 1782 to 1783, Catherine the Great Reform the administrative divisions of Russia, and set up two governor areas in Siberia. Most of Outer Baikal is included in the Nerchensk State under the jurisdiction of Irkutsk Governor, and is divided into several county-level administrative regions. This organizational system lasted until the early 19th century. [39]
In 1851, Tsarist Russia set up provinces in Chita area to the south and east of Lake Baikal [69] , set up Outer Baikal State in Irkutsk Province, with Chita as the state capital, and its territory covers most areas of Garr in the future. The boundary between China and Russia in the Outer Baikal region was finally determined. [39]
At the beginning of the 20th century, Russia The land reform and the new land division policy have led to the reduction of the cultivated land, grass cutting land and grazing land of the Buryat people. Due to Russian colonization and khalkha The regional civil war caused the migration of Buryat residents, which led to the migration of Buryat people to the former Lake Baikal and the post Lake Baikal region, and formed new ethnic regional groups internally, including Baragansk, Ida, Kitoi, Katyug, Bayandi, Ehrit, Barguzin, Kudala and other Buryat ethnic regional groups. [68]
On February 16, 1918, the Soviet regime was established in Outer Baikal. In 1921, the Buryat Mongolian Autonomous Prefecture was established in the Far East Republic, and in 1922, the Mongolian Buryat Autonomous Prefecture was established in the Russian Soviet Federal Socialist Republic. On May 30, 1923, the two were merged into Briat Mongolia soviet The socialist autonomous republic belongs to the Russian Soviet Union. [39] [68]
In 1922, Outer Baikal State was renamed "Province". In April 1926, Outer Baikal Province was divided into Chita District and Sretensk District (Сретенскийокруг), belonging to the Far East Border Region. In May 1934, Chita Prefecture was established, which is subordinate to the Eastern Siberian Border Region. [39]
In 1937, Aga Buryat Autonomous Region was established in Chita State, and Ustyodenskiburyat National Region and Orihon Region were included in Irkutsk State. [39]
In 1958, the Buryat Mongolian Soviet Socialist Autonomous Republic was renamed the "Buryat Soviet Socialist Autonomous Republic", which was subordinate to the Russian Soviet Federal Socialist Republic of the Soviet Union. The disintegration of the Soviet Union Later, in 1992, it was renamed Russia Republic of Buriat [68]
In 2008, after the referendums of Chita and Agabuliad Autonomous Region, the proposal for the merger of the two regions was finally passed, and the Outer Baikal Border Region was officially established. [39]

national culture

Baikal Lake area is a place where Irkutsk ethnic minorities live, with the majority population of "Bulyat", a branch of Mongolian. [1]
Briat by Mongolia One part. genus Mongolian Siberian type, also known as "Buryat Mongol", also known as "Blat people". The total population of Briat people is about 436000, mainly distributed in Russia Mongolia and China Some places of. The Buryats in Russia are mainly distributed in the Russian Federation Republic of Buriat , partially distributed in zabaykalsky krai Irkutsk Wait, yes Siberia One of the larger ethnic minorities in the region. [68]
Used by Buryat people Buriat , which can be divided into eastern and western dialects Altaic Mongolian Branch From the 18th century, the Uighur and Mongolian characters were used. In 1931, the new alphabetic characters based on the Latin alphabet were created. In 1938, the new alphabetic characters were used Slavic alphabet Briat Original letter Shamanism The residents in the post Baikal Lake area are more confident Lamaism , nominal belief The Orthodox Church In fact, shamanism remains. [68]
The Buryat area was Russia After merger, live in the front Angara River And Lena River Upstream Briat Due to the influence of a large number of Russian residents coming to these regions, a great degree of Russification has been formed. The former Lake Baikal Buryat people are composed of several branches: Bragat, Ehrit, Honguoduoer and other small clans and tribes. Bragat people and Ehrit people are the two largest tribes in the former Lake Baikal area. They, together with Honguoduoer people and Huli people living in the post Lake Baikal area, form the main branch of the Briat nation. [68]


Around the 17th century, Tibetan Buddhism was widely spread in Buriat Mongolia and Hamonikan (south of Outer Baikal) in eastern Siberia. In 1818, the Tsar recruited Buryat people to translate the Mongolian version of the Bible. In 1819, missionaries began to preach on the east bank of Lake Baikal. Buddhism and the Eastern Orthodox Church have become the most widely spread and oldest religions in the Outer Baikal region. In addition, Shamanism, with nature worship as its core, still exists in a specific form within a certain range. [39]

Mysterious phenomenon

  • Black circle
The space station takes pictures of the huge mysterious black circle on the ice surface of Lake Baikal
June 2, 2009, reported on the website of Life Science, April The International Space Station For the first time, astronauts found and photographed a huge mysterious black circle on the ice surface of Lake Baikal. The black circle is located at the southern end of Lake Baikal. Experts believe that the methane rising from the bottom of the lake is the main reason for the black circle, resulting in the mystery of the "mysterious circle of Lake Baikal" debated by nature. [70]
  • Frequent accidents
On September 14, 1702, the storm overturned Usoriya A large sampan with money. In 1890, the steamer "Tsar Crown Prince" sank to the bottom of the lake in a storm. On October 4, 1900, the merchant Jilianov's open hold flat bottom cargo ship sank with its cargo in the storm. On August 9, 1903, the tornado "offered" 40 barges to the lake god within one day. stay Orihon Bay In one lake section, the patrol team of the Russian Ministry of Emergency Situations found 100 sunken speedboats and cars in 2003 alone. On June 30, 1908, 800 kilometers northwest of the lake the Tunguska event , affecting the forest near the lake. [71]

famous scenery



More than two-thirds of the scenic spots and historic sites in the Baikal Lake area of Irkutsk are located in the Irkutsk area. 99% of these places of interest belong to the category of cultural history, and only 1% belong to natural heritage. Archaeological relics are mostly concentrated in the Ali Hornsk area. In addition, some cultural relics are scattered in some villages along the South Baikal Lake. Most architectural relics are also concentrated in the Irkutsk area. [1]

Main attractions

  • Orihon Island
There are 22 islands in Lake Baikal, of which Orihon Island maximum. Most of the island is granite and gneiss, which is the only inhabited island near Lake Baikal. Half of the rocky island is virgin forest, half is grassland, and a small part is desert. [72]
Orkhon Island
  • Talitz Museum
Talitz Museum Located on the east bank of Lake Baikal, it shows the evolution process of residents' wooden houses. There are many Orients in the museum nomadic people Living facilities: Ewenki The furs and birch tents of the Buryat people, the yurts of the Buryat poor people, the wooden huts of the Russian ancient Buryat people, and the straw sheds, granaries, bathhouses, chicken houses, etc. [72]
Talitz Museum
  • Cape Habey
Cape Khoboy is a spectacular rock located in the northernmost part of Orkhon Island. This rock is inserted into the lake like a sharp tooth, and its outline looks like a woman's face from the sea, as if it is fixed ancient Greek A female sculpture on the bow of a warship. Locals call it Virgin Stone. [72]
Cape Habey
  • Kazansky Sobor
Irkutsk Kazan Cathedral It is the most exquisite church in Irkutsk. Kazan Cathedral is red, bright and gorgeous, and its dome and window frames are decorated with blue. [72]
Kazansky Sobor