Henan cuisine

Chinese Yujian Traditional Cuisine Originating from the Central Plains
zero Useful+1
Yu Cuisine (pronounced: y ù c à i), also known as Yu Yan [1] , generally referring to the Central Plains (Henan) cuisine [2] It is right to traditional culture Under the guidance of connotative cooking theory, the general name of dishes, pastries and banquets made with technologies and materials with the characteristics of the Central Plains. [3-4] Henan cuisine has evolved from the traditional Henan cuisine system represented by Kaifeng to the new Henan cuisine system centered on Zhengzhou, the provincial capital. [11]
Henan cuisine pays attention to the harmony of five flavors, with moderate quality and taste. "Medium" means that Henan cuisine is not sweet, salty, spicy or sour, but between sweet, salty, sour and hot; "Harmony" refers to the integration of east, west, north and south, combining sweet, salty, sour and hot in one pot, and seeking one flavor. [9]
Contemporary Henan cuisine is in the original Palace cuisine Official cuisine Municipal cuisine and Folk cuisine Based on the material conditions of the Central Plains, it has gradually accumulated and evolved.
And those who are called "the ancestor of cooking" and "the ancestor of Chinese cooking" Yi Yin He was born in Henan Luoyang Yichuan , say Kaifeng Qi County Empty mulberry )。 His "Five Tastes Harmony Theory" has been passed down for 2000 years, so Henan cuisine is also known as the "mother of eight cuisines". [9]
April 4, 2023, Henan Province“ Yujian Food ”A series of catering consumption promotion activities were officially launched. More than 20 catering key promotions covering urban and rural markets and online and offline scenes will set off a new consumption boom. [10]
Chinese name
Henan cuisine
Foreign name
Henan cuisine
Central Plains Cuisine Zhongzhou Cuisine Mid summer Feast Henan banquet, etc
Henan Cuisine Henan Cuisine
Middle taste

Development history

Founder of Chinese Kitchen and Henan Cuisine
As early as 4000 years ago in the Xia Dynasty, Xia Qi held a state banquet in today's Yuzhou, Henan Province, to entertain the four princes, which is known as the "Pavilion of Diaotai" in history. Yi Yin of the Shang Dynasty put forward the concept of "harmony of five flavors" and "delicious soup", which is the earliest cooking theory related to Henan cuisine theory [11] The formation of the flavor of Henan cuisine can be traced back to the late summer and early Shang Dynasty. Yi Yin, the famous minister of the Shang Dynasty who was born in Henan, was called the "Kitchen Saint" by later generations because of his excellent cooking skills. His "Five Tastes Harmony Theory", which has been inherited for 2000 years, is still the golden rule of Chinese cooking masters. [9]
The Basic Norms of Henan Cuisine, which was first published in 2007, states as follows: Henan cuisine is based on Kaifeng The traditional Henan cuisine system represented by the Zhengzhou The new Henan cuisine system.
Henan cuisine is centered in Zhengzhou and consists of four different taste areas: East Henan Take Kaifeng as the representative, scrupulously abide by the tradition, typical of grilled dishes, and middle taste; Western Henan With Luoyang as the representative, the water mat is a typical flavor with slightly sour taste; South Henan with Xinyang On behalf of, Stew Typical, slightly spicy; North Henan with Xinxiang Anyang As a representative, it makes good use of local specialties and has a strong taste.
Henan cuisine adheres to the basic tradition of harmony of five flavors and moderate quality and taste. Its prominent characteristics are harmony, moderation, and peace, palatability and non stimulation. All kinds of tastes should be compatible and harmonious basic principle
Yiyin cooking equipment unearthed in Henan
As the representative of cooking civilization in the Central Plains [5] , Henan cuisine originated from Kaifeng, although Southern Song Dynasty Later Chinese cuisine But because it is located in the middle of Jiuzhou, it has always adhered to the basic tradition of Chinese cooking: China and peace. "Middle" means that Henan cuisine is not east, west, south or north, but in the middle of the east, west, north and south; Not sweet, salty, spicy, or Metaacid Between sweet, salty, sour and hot, seek the middle, the flat and the light. "Harmony" refers to the integration of the east, west, north and south, and the integration of sweet, salty, sour and hot. Zhonghe is the foundation of the cooking culture in the Central Plains Chinese civilization The root of. From the Sage of Chinese Cooking Yi Yin (Kaifeng Qi County Empty mulberry Villagers) created the theory of harmony of five flavors 3600 years ago, so far Zhongzhou The place is convenient. When the weather is four seasons, the dishes are mixed with five flavors, and thousands of kinds of dishes are processed with dozens of techniques. The variety technology has a great impact on China from south to north, and the delicious dishes are popular. Henan cuisine is of the middle taste, with the strong points of the many families, and has both northern and southern characteristics.
from Shang Dynasty Zhou Dynasty Palace Three Soup 、五齑、 Zhou Bazhen , a grand banquet and a vegetarian banquet in Luoyang in the Sui and Tang dynasties, Northern Song Dynasty Bianjing (today Kaifeng )The palace market has all the beauty, without beauty, there is no beauty; For thousands of years, Henan's famous dishes have been filled with stars and brocade everywhere. The ancient charm of the Shang and Zhou Dynasties, the legacy of the Han and Tang Dynasties, and the Bianjing (Kaifeng) swansong are still strongly reflected in many famous products.
Baked Eggs with Three Delicacies in Iron Pot

Main features

Mao Zedong commented that Henan cuisine is perfect if it is spicy
The specialty of Henan cuisine is Chinese steak( Braised vegetables ), Xishui (water mat), Nanguo (pot chicken, pot fish), Beimian (pasta, stuffing rice). As far as cooking technology is concerned, Henan cuisine is characterized by rigorous selection of materials, fine workmanship and exquisite craftsmanship Soup making Moderate quality and taste. There are more than 50 cooking methods of Henan cuisine.
Deng Xiaoping in Kaifeng, the birthplace of Henan cuisine
Grilled, roasted, fried, fried, fried, fried, and fried have their own characteristics. Among them, braised dishes are more unique, known as "braised dishes do not thicken, and the soup is sticky". In addition, it is widely used in Henan cooking Wuhuo , hot pot cold oil, quick operation, crisp and tender texture, milky white juice color.
Today's Henan cuisine is not only traditional, but also innovative. Its materials are selected from all directions and unique Upswing , exquisite workmanship, excellent use of soup, and moderate degree of blending of five flavors. No matter dry, fresh, old or tender, stir fry, cook or fry, and enjoy all kinds of diners with one taste of color, fragrance, shape and utensils. Therefore, Henan cuisine is not fashionable or impetuous. It does not pretend to be gorgeous for a while, but to be mellow and peaceful for thousands of years.
Zhou Enlai Made Henan Cuisine a State Feast
Barbecue square ribs, lamb, fat duck, fried, fried, grilled, sauteed, sweet and sour Soft Fried Pork Yellow River Steamed Noodles with Carp , peony and swallow, white Braised Pork Tripe Deep fried purple crisp meat Stewed Tofu , emerald fish silk, Stewed yellow incense tube Dongpo's braised pork Cassia Pocket Hibiscus sea cucumber , juice lobster, Baked Eggs with Three Delicacies in Iron Pot , fried button Head and tail of black carp Unique taste Barreled chicken , the best in the world The first floor of Kaifeng Infuse soup Steamed Dumplings , sweet and pleasant Flowering bun , crisp outside and tender inside Egg filling cake , and Lamian Noodles Steamed buns Native bun , food box steamed dumpling Pan-Fried Meat Dumplings Pan fried dumplings Stewed noodles braised flat bread , Shuihua Sugar Cake and other delicious snacks can make people fully appreciate the breadth and depth of the cooking civilization in the Central Plains. From the Northern Song Dynasty to the present Kaifeng Gulou Night Market In the evening, people were still buzzing with voices, and the legacy of that year was also revealed.
Jiang Zemin in Kaifeng

special dishes


Top Ten Famous Dishes

1、 Fried Fish Noodles with Sweet and Sour Sauce , also known as Steamed Noodles with Fried Fish Steamed Noodles with Carp It is a famous historical dish of Henan cuisine. This dish is named after carp in Henan Yellow River For the benefit of the middle and lower reaches, golden carp is a treasure of all ages. "How can they eat fish? How can they eat carp in the river?" Fish on the market In the Song Dynasty, there was a saying that "one would not hesitate to hold a hundred gold coins to return home", which is very precious. The second is Henan cuisine Soft Fried Pork , famous for live juice.
Yu Feast
2、 Fried black carp head and tail This dish has been famous in the Central Plains since the end of the Qing Dynasty and the beginning of the Republic of China, known as "strange taste". With herring as the main material, the head and tail are skillfully cut, and the two ends of the grill plate are placed. The fish is cut into pieces and spread between the head and the tail. After frying on both sides winter bamboo shoots , shiitake mushrooms, scallions as ingredients, served with grate Soup Grilled on a brisk fire and served on a medium or small fire. The sauce is thick, the fish is transparent, and the color is bright red. Eating head Pork It is tender and mellow. In the early years of the Republic of China, Kang Youwei Study tour Bianjing After tasting this dish, he was praised for "cooking marquis mackerel in a delicious way". Kang Jun knew what he wanted to do, and he also wrote a fan, "Kang Youwei, a bosom friend in the sea," to give Huang Runsheng, a cook in another village, which became a good story of the intersection of literati and famous chefs.
Central Plains - Henan Cuisine
3、 Deep fried purple crisp meat , known as“ Race Roast Duck ”, this dish is pig hard streaky pork , soaked, boiled, pressed Flaky skin Treated with scallions, ginger, anise perilla frutescens crispa Leaves and spices Pickle Steam until cooked, then fry for forty or fifty minutes. For frying aromatic vinegar Repeatedly smear the meat skin until it is golden red, and the skin is also crisp. Slice and dish it with scallion a sweet sauce made of fermented flour Lotus leaf clip or Griddle Cake Auxiliary food , crispy, delicious, fat but not greasy, like Roasted Duck It is better than roast duck.
4、 Peony Swallow, original name Luoyang Agar Outside Luoyang, it is usually called plain oatmeal or Pseudo swallowwort , also Luoyang water mat of Head vegetable This dish is very delicate ternip Cut filaments, soak, air dry, and mix with good ones Mung bean Amygdale After steaming in the cage, put it into cold water and tear it away. Steam it to look like Bird's nest Zhisi. At this time Crab Fillet , sea cucumber Ham , shredded bamboo shoots, etc., steamed in cages, and then clear soup Add salt, MSG pepper Balsam oil Pouring is completed.
Henan cuisine
In 1973, Premier Zhou Enlai accompanied Prime Minister of Canada When Trudeau ate this dish, he saw Wang Beard, a famous chef in Luoyang, embellishing peonies carved and steamed on it, so he said:“ Luoyang peony is the best in the world There are flowers in the dish. "Since then, it has changed its name to Peony Swallow. [8]
5、 Braised Pork Tripe Guangdu has become a tribute in the Tang Dynasty, and gradually entered the wine shop in the Song Dynasty. They have been among the treasures for thousands of years. When this food is served, it needs to be served for seven minutes, cooked for three minutes, and grilled is the best. The grill of Henan cuisine is unique. For hundreds of years“ Braised vegetables It is the common standard and pursuit of cooks and diners to not thicken the gorge but stick to the nature. As the first dish of traditional high-end feast, braised pork belly is the standard
Paeonia suffruticosa
And pursuit. This dish is made of soft, white and bright tripe slices. After being killed for a short time, it is spread on the bamboo grill thick soup It is made by Xiao Wu's fire grill. The finished product is soft, tender, mellow and beautiful, and the soup is white, bright and smooth, so it is also called Braised Pork Tripe
Henan cuisine
6、 Bianjing Roast Duck Bianjing (now Kaifeng) Jiangbei Water City Reputation. So there is no shortage of duck dishes. Bianjing duck was a famous dish in the market in the Song Dynasty. It is because ashes of a stove The method of simmering and roasting was mature, and later evolved into the method of roasting fruit trees with open fire. The main method of curing ducks was to substitute roast duck for duck, Northern Song Dynasty Then it spread to the north. Bianjing Roast Duck has been popular for thousands of years without being abandoned. Its skin is crisp and its meat is tender Lotus-Leaf-Shaped Pancake , sweet sauce Chrysanthemum scallion , butterfly radish, bone soup Mung bean Noodles add flavor, which should be a big meal.
Henan cuisine
7、 deep fried chicken pieces , make a report of the dishes in the hall, and offer more witticisms. Henan Restaurant waiter "One Chicken Chop eight petals, fragrant, tender and beautiful "is one of the lyrics. The eight petal chicken has been crowing for more than 200 years deep fried chicken pieces This dish is made of four pieces of the little cock's legs and four pieces of the chicken's arm and breast in the end of autumn Ginger juice After marinating the hemp, put the oil in the pot under high heat, soak the mixture in the fire, heat it up and fry it again to make it crispy outside and tender inside. Serve with salt and pepper or Spicy soy sauce , extremely refreshing. This dish is Lu Xun One of the four favorite Henan dishes in those days, writer Yao Xueyin There is a praise saying that "I like the fried eight pieces in Henan best, fragrant and tender".
8、 Abalone in clear soup Abalone , also known as belly fish Cassia Meat pole Fresh and tender, but in the sea Treasures There were many restaurants in the Song Dynasty, and the cassia bag was a masterpiece. Abalone in clear soup, also known as braised abalone in clear soup, is a piece of processed abalone, green soya beans , ham slices, add Sea bowl Medium, use to exchange in Seasoning Pour it into a bowl. This dish is cooked in clear soup for a short time. The soup is clear and mellow, and the abalone is fresh and tender. It is a masterpiece with a very refreshing taste and a long aftertaste, which can explain that Henan cuisine is exquisite Soup making Use soup, which is light but not thin.
Henan cuisine
9、 Braised Mutton with Scallion , sheep are auspicious, historically noble Food. 72 main stores in Bianjing in the Song Dynasty mutton It is the main raw material. Mutton is warm and salty for all ages. This dish uses cooked fat ribs, cut into strips, and served with fried scallions Magnolia slice Spread it on the grate, add stock, and use it as the raw material Wuhuo Grilled, until the juice is thick, turn it into a plate. Stir the soup in the pan with running water and thicken it zanthoxylum oil Serve immediately after boiling and watering. The finished dish is soft, delicious and mellow.

Top Ten Noodles

Henan cuisine
1、 Henan steamed dumpling It is a famous stuffing in Henan Province. It is widely used in many places, and Caiji in Zhengzhou is the most famous. The skin of steamed dumplings is mainly Hot face It is made of pig hind leg meat and looks like it when wrapped Boiled dumplings , steamed over high heat, cooked in less time. The finished product has thin skin and soft tendons, tender and delicious stuffing, and the soup is filled with oil, which is delicious.
2、 Kaifeng soup dumplings Zi, also known as Kaifeng Soup Steamed Dumplings Son, there was business in the Song Dynasty. The wrapping is thin, the filling is large, the soup is full, and the filling is tender and mellow. There is a saying that "lifting is like a lantern, and putting it down is like a chrysanthemum". After 1922, Huang Jishan managed The first floor of Kaifeng It has become a famous steamed bun shop for filling soup. In the past 20 years, it has gained a great reputation in Kaifeng City card
Henan cuisine
3、 Double hemp fire , is Bianjing (now Kaifeng) baked cake of wheat flour usu. topped with sesame The store name products have continued to operate in Kaifeng until now. This pie Oil level Leather surface, Crisp noodles For the inside, combine the two into one, roll out the pieces and make cakes on both sides Brush water Dip in sesame, use first Griddle Roasting, then baking in the furnace, finished products Yellowish , crisp and burnt Five fragrances Thick.
Hot and Sour Tripe
4、 Egg filling cake It seems very simple to mix hot water with noodles, roll them, brush them with oil, and then pan them. But just when the cake is about to mature oil cake The key is to pour eggs into the mouth. It is required that the eggs should be filled evenly and fully. When they are ripe, the eggs should be burnt outside and mingled inside. They are delicious and delicious. Kaifeng Wangmo Head is the best old shop.
5、 Leek head vegetable box The so-called dish box is a vegetable filling with two pancakes wrapped in fresh leek heads Pan It is made from kang. finished product White cake The yellow flower is made of kang Facial Skin The bubbles are broken. The heat is well controlled. The flowers are even and slightly yellow. The entrance is soft and full of the unique fragrance of leek head.
6、 Ironing angle , hot face angle and steamed dumpling Similar, they are all made of scalded skin, but water consumption Different, the cooked degree and taste of hot noodles are different. The hot noodles have large water content and soft skin. The food comes from a certain flavor. Luoyang Xin'an County Pork and cabbage stuffing The hot face corner of is most famous.
Henan cuisine
7、 Sour Noodles It's polished Mung bean flour When the pulp is fermented to sour, add water, open it, lower it until it is ripe, and then remove it noodle , add some flour slurry Make it thick and mix the noodles. Use pepper oil capsicol Seasoning, celery Spinach It tastes hot and sour, and has a unique flavor Luoyang Jelly Noodles Has the greatest reputation.
8、 Flowering bun It can be traced back to the Jin Dynasty, when there was a cross shaped Steamed cake Commercially available. Today's flowering steamed bun is made by adding proper amount of sugar after the dough is fully fermented to a certain extent Rear lower Agent, forming and steaming. After ripening, the top of the steamed bun blooms evenly like flowers, so it is called the flowering steamed bun. It tastes sweet.
Yucai steamed bun
9、 fried dumplings , Henan fillings are classified very carefully, such as Water frying Package and Pan-Fried Meat Dumplings The basic operating procedure is the same, which is to put the dough crust into the pan, add water or thin paste, and fry it over high fire. However, the pot stickers need to be starched twice, and then connected into pieces when they are mature. The water frying package is made by pouring small grinding oil into it when it is ripe, turning over and frying again. The biggest difference is noodles. Fried buns are fermented noodles, pot stickers are water mixed noodles, and fried foreskins are more soft. Xinyang's fried dumplings and Kaifeng's potstickers are very famous.
10、 Shredded Radish Cake , use a certain amount of lard And pastry and leather noodles, wrapped with Shredded Radish The main ingredient is the filling, which is pan fried and baked up and down. The cake is crisp and delicious, and the filling is thick radish Fragrant taste is a common point in Henan banquet.

Top Ten Flavors

1、 Stewed noodles Henan noodles have many advantages, and stewed noodles are one of the representatives Han and Wei Dynasties Also called noodle soup After the Tang Dynasty, the name gradually changed, and the Bianjing food store in the Song Dynasty had "insert" Meat noodle The supply of "Great Olympics" Mutton Noodles The tendons are soft and smooth, and the soup is mellow and warm. Zhengzhou Braised Noodles It prospered in the 1980s, benefited from reform and opening up floating population The demand for food and beverage industry has increased greatly, first the mutton stewed noodles of the time-honored brand "Heji" have the lead, and then Xiao Ji's Braised Noodles with Three Delicacies A new force has sprung up and developed rapidly, which has not only become Zhengzhou With a bowl of city name card of catering in hand, the hearty stewed noodles have also become another style in Henan, Zhengzhou and Kaifeng.
2、 Blast furnace cake It is also a kind of Hu cake. The so-called blast furnace is Hanging furnace , also called Chicken nest stove Can be sold along the street, and then gradually fixed business, the pot on the top of the stove is no longer hanging. This cake is mostly made of fermented flour, rolled into pieces, cut flowers and spread them round, and then baked with sesame on one side. After ripening, it is crisp outside and tender inside, and can be eaten alone. However, most people in Henan regard it as frugal or sandwich Beef and mutton Or pinch food Deep-Fried Dough Sticks Sanzi Or pinch food Fried jelly , all delicious. Therefore, people in Kaifeng often use boxes to discuss baked cakes Go to relatives Sometimes I just pick up a few boxes Oil steamed bun
Vegetable bun
3. Steamed buns It is the largest stuffing in Henan, Puyang The traditional steamed buns weigh five jin each, the skin weighs two and a half jin, the stuffing weighs two and a half jin, and the diameter is more than one foot. Don't mention today. In the past, few people could eat one. Therefore, Kang steamed buns are mostly sold by cutting. mutton Steamed buns The stuffing is mostly meat Vermicelli , scallion preparation, and hot skin with 3/7 unleavened dough It is wrapped and fried in a frying pan. The finished product is tender, fat and delicious.
4、 Hydrocyclone Henan oil spinning is useful Hot face It also has warm water and noodles. So it is called "spinning", which means to roll or roll the flour mixture into thin strips and spread them with meat stuffing, scallions Ginger rice Wait for the seasoning, then roll it up and press it round like a spin, put it on the pan, first burn it on both sides, and then bake it in the furnace. This cake is burnt outside, crisp inside, fresh and fragrant.
soup with pepper
5、 soup with pepper It is available in all parts of Henan Province. Although the ingredients are different, the style is the same. Vegetable and Spicy Soup After the clear water is opened, rinse it gluten Ear forming, mixed with clear water of facial juice for facial tendon washing, master the concentration, and then add ingredients and condiments. Mutton Spicy Soup (Kaifeng area) is treated with broth. But no matter what kind, gluten should be used well, pepper should be used well, not used Pepper Instead of pepper, otherwise it's not soup with pepper It has no effect of pepper warming and appetizing.
Peony Feast
6、 Mutton soup All over Henan, it has become a favorite food for people of all walks of life in the past 20 years, not only breakfast Chinese food is also frequently patronized. Zhengzhou has many chain enterprises with mutton soup as their main product. Mutton soup has clear soup and white soup, and has lower ingredients and pure soup, each has its own advantages.
7、 beef broth beef It is slightly cool and has no obvious smell, so it is very popular with some people. Luoyang and Kaifeng have good beef soup.
Sheep double intestines
8、 Bowang Guokui , named after Nanyang region Fangcheng County Bowangtun. There are two legends starting from the Pre Qin Dynasty and the Three Kingdoms. this Crusty pancake The dough is divided into four parts Hairdo It is made by mixing six pieces of dead noodles with each other, and is baked on a small hot kang in a pan. It is characterized by a white bottom, a white surface and a white heart. It tastes crisp and sweet.
9、 Sheep double intestines It is named after the fine processing of the large and small intestines of sheep and the cooking of intestines and soup. The mutton intestines are plump and soft, and the soup is very mellow. Although it still has a fishy taste, it tastes extremely good when you eat it. It is a special item in Kaifeng snacks. because religious belief Relationship, Hui nationality Do not eat Mutton offal , so sheep waist Sheep Waist Sheep blood Sheep placenta They are also sold in Yangshuangchang Restaurant.
Hot and Sour Cuttlefish Roe Soup
10、 Fried jelly , fried bean jelly Mung bean Euryale ferox sweet potato First, it needs to be made Silt lump And then cut into long cubes and fry them in a pan. Fried Bean Jelly in Kaifeng When stir frying, it is required that the shape is not broken, and the local watermelon Bean paste The seasoning is unique and delicious.

Five Famous Soup

Nanyang Yellow Beef
1、 Hot and Sour Cuttlefish Roe Soup Mullet eggs Not eggs, but females Cuttlefish Of the egg glands, all of them lay along the coast, and there are many treatments. But it is unique to our Henan cuisine to mix it with clear soup. Master of Henan cuisine in the 1970s Hou Ruixuan Bring it in Diaoyutai State Guesthouse become State Feast Dishes this Vegetable soup Clear and mellow, small Restaurant I can't do it because I can't make a good soup. In addition, the seasoning should be accurate. The salty and fresh soup should be sour and hot, while the sour and hot soup should be light. If you grasp it well, it will be delicious and delicious, with moderate taste. This soup can be called the first soup of Henan cuisine.
2、 Tripe Shredded Soup , also called Hot and Sour Tripe Soup with pork stomach With pepper as the main ingredient, it is essential to change the taste and stimulate appetite at a banquet.
3、 Braised in three bags , three bags cooked with cattle Louver Slice and cut the tripe into pieces, put it in the pot with white soup, and then make it into thick white soup. Take it out when serving Sesame paste , chilli oil coriander The flavor is very mellow Soup dish
4、 Braised Pork Balls , fat three thin seven essence pork Add mixing and ingredients to make paste, and squeeze it into small red Jujube Of size Meatball In the pot, boil water and season it. The meatballs are soft and tender, and the soup is very refreshing.
Cream crab
5、 Hot and Sour Sweet Melilotus Soup Melilotus officinalis I.e sweet-scented osmanthus It is yellow in color. It is named after the sweet scented osmanthus flower shaped with fried eggs. The sour and hot sweet clover soup has a thick taste, which is used to sober up and appetizer at a banquet.

Five major braised dishes

1、 Kaifeng Barreled chicken A century old chicken, crisp outside and tender inside, round and barrel like, is unique to Kaifeng, Henan. Its founding name is "Ma Yuxing".
Fragrant venison kebabs
2、 Red-Cooked Chicken, Daokou Style , a famous historical food, is famous throughout the country, and its color, fragrance, taste, and rotten are four wonders“ Uprising ”It's authentic.
3、 Spiced Beef , all over the province. Red color, rotten meat, transparent Big stuff Fragrance.
4、 Spicy Sheep Feet Kaifeng's famous snacks, soft and fragrant, are popular, including salty, fresh Spicy Two flavors.
5、 Smoked tripe , stewed pork tripe, then fruit tree branches or pine The branches and sawdust are smoked. They are crisp, soft and fragrant. They are famous products in Anyang.

Famous dishes

Fermented tomato
Nanyang Yellow beef , which is more delicious than ordinary beef, with particular ingredients and production techniques Cold Dishes The yellow beef is cut into large pieces and thin slices. It looks bright red and greasy. The meat is delicate and delicious, and tastes very good.
Vinegar leavened cabbage This pickled cabbage with vinegar is cut into thin strips, so it is also very tasty. It is not very sour. The one with just good taste is even light.
Fried Lamb with Cumin Unexpectedly, there are also some in Henan restaurants Cumin Mutton, the cumin mutton here tastes just right. It is not mutton, but fresh and tender. It has a strong mutton flavor. With a gentle bite, the cumin scented mutton is tender and smooth as if it would melt in the mouth.

brand building


Henan Cuisine Brand Competition

Central Plains Henan Cuisine
To promote Henan cuisine, Henan The province holds a Henan cuisine brand competition every three years. During this competition, the fifth cooking skill competition and the second pasta special technology competition will also be held. "The competition will focus more on Henan cuisine Brand building The tilt of. " On May 20, 2010, Department of Commerce of Henan Province Henan Catering and Hotel Industry Association convene press conference It was announced that the 3rd Henan Cuisine Competition will be held on May 27 Luohe Hold? The relevant person in charge of the Provincial Department of Commerce said at the press conference that the revitalization of Henan cuisine has achieved initial results, the concept of Henan cuisine has been recognized by the industry, and the basic norms of Henan cuisine have also been first promulgated nationwide.
The 3rd Henan Cuisine Brand Competition, among thousands of families in Henan Province Catering enterprises More than 5000 technicians of all kinds have been selected to participate in the finals of various team competitions through more than one month of preliminary and trial competitions. More than 520 individual championship players participated in the finals of 8 events, including traditional and innovative Henan cuisine, traditional and innovative pasta and pastry.

Henan cuisine brand store

The Third Henan Cuisine Brand Competition
according to Department of Commerce of Henan Province Henan Catering Industry Association Notice on Printing and Distributing the Evaluation and Recognition Standards of "Henan Cuisine Brand Demonstration Stores" and "Henan Cuisine Flavor Brand Stores" in Henan Province( Henan merchants (Document No. 53 [2008]) Department of Finance , the Quality Supervision Bureau and other departments and bureaus as well as the provincial catering industry association Yellow River Guest House in Henan Province Luoyang Shizhen different hotels Kaifeng First Floor Co., Ltd 14 enterprises including (West Area Store) are among the first batch of "Henan Cuisine Brand Demonstration Stores" in the province; Zhengzhou Xiaoji Pasta Co., Ltd. Zhengbian Road Head Office Luoyang Laoluoyang Catering Management Co., Ltd Four enterprises including Laoluoyang Noodle Restaurant are among the first batch of "Henan cuisine flavor brand stores" in the province.
Attachment: I. "Henan Cuisine Brand Demonstration Stores (14)
List of Henan Cuisine Brand Demonstration Stores
Henan Cuisine Brand Demonstration Store
Zhengzhou Roast Duck Head Office of Zhengzhou Catering Co., Ltd
Zhengzhou Yishunxuan Catering Co., Ltd. Yishunxuan State Banquet Hotel
Henan Longxiang Hotel
Luoyang Zhenbu Hotel
Henan Ah Wu Cuisine Co., Ltd. Zhengdong New Area Shunchi Store
Kaifeng First Floor Co., Ltd. (West Area Store)
Henan A Qingsao Industrial Co., Ltd
Kaifeng Catering Co., Ltd. Youyixin Hotel
Zhengzhou Songshan Hotel
Luohe Yancheng Hotel
Zhengzhou Huanghe Hotel
Luohe Niujia Bailiang Catering Co., Ltd. Jinshagang Fishing Port
2、 List of "Henan Cuisine Flavor Brand Stores" (4)
Henan cuisine brand store
Henan cuisine brand store
Zhengzhou Xiaoji Pasta Company Limited Zhengbian Road Head Office
Garden Road Store of Zhengzhou Zhiqing Village Disuo City Co., Ltd
Zhengzhou Catering Co., Ltd. Heji Braised Noodles
Luoyang Laoluoyang Food Management Co., Ltd. Laoluoyang Noodles

Basic specifications

In 2007, the Department of Commerce of Henan Province proposed that the Basic Norms for Henan Cuisine drafted by the Henan Catering Industry Association had a clear official explanation of "Henan Cuisine":
Henan cuisine has evolved from the traditional Henan cuisine system represented by Kaifeng to the new Henan cuisine system centered on Zhengzhou, the provincial capital.
·Eastern Henan has a medium taste, and adheres to tradition, typical of grilled dishes, represented by Kaifeng;
·Luoyang is the representative of western Henan, and the water mat is a typical flavor, slightly sour in taste;
·In southern Henan, represented by Xinyang, stews are typical and slightly spicy;
·North Henan, represented by Xinxiang and Anyang, makes good use of local specialties and has a strong taste. [11]

Hot discussion event

Kaifeng Steamed Bun
On August 8, 2012, Zhongyuan Famous Food Website reported that Henan cuisine in Zhongyuan is really not one of the top 10 Chinese cuisines with thousands of years of history. Du Jie made famous Central Plains food go to the world and Henan cuisine go to the world.
On February 1, 2014, CCTV reported that, CCTV news According to the microblog, "Henan cuisine is the origin of all major Chinese cuisines" Authoritative person It is believed that Henan cuisine is Eight major cuisines The "mother" of. In fact, there is also some truth in saying that Henan cuisine is the "mother dish" of the eight major cuisines in China. It is said that those who are respected by later generations as "the ancestors of Chinese kitchen" and "the ancestors of cooking" Yi Yin , because he was good at cooking Shang Tang Wang attaches great importance to his creation of the "Five Tastes Harmony Theory" and "Heat Theory", which are still the same rules in Chinese cuisine. Over the years, many people in the culinary world also believe that Henan cuisine is the origin of China's major cuisines.
However, after the website report and microblog were sent out, Shaanxi food netizens directly challenged CCTV news, which has also been repeated For food The reputation of online and people debate. [7]