language development

Terminology in the field of literature
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language Development mainly refers to the ability of human individuals to master their native language within a certain period after birth process It is an important research topic of child psychology. Broadly speaking, language development also includes the mastery of written language. The development of children's oral language is also called language acquisition, that is, the acquisition of speaking and listening abilities.
Chinese name
language development
Foreign name
Language development
Refers to the process of mastering the native language within a certain period of time after the birth of an individual human being

Definition and overview

Language is a very complex structural system. According to its constituent elements, language includes three aspects: phonetics, grammar and semantics. In addition, language, as a tool of communication, and how to use it for effective communication, are subject to certain rules. Children must gradually master these basic rules to acquire the ability to produce and understand their own language. Therefore, language development is a very complicated process. However, all children with normal physiological development, even those with retarded intelligence, can successfully acquire the ability to listen and speak their native language within 4-5 years after birth without any formal training. The speed of its development is unmatched by other complex psychological processes and psychological characteristics. How can language development proceed so quickly and smoothly? What are the constraints? What is its development process and general mode? Since the 1960s, these issues have become the issues of general concern and heated discussion among developmental psychologists and psycholinguists.

Language development stage

Strictly speaking, language development begins when children say the first real word at the age of one. Therefore, the whole process is usually divided into two stages: language preparation period and language development period.

Language preparation period

Language preparation period is also called pre language period. It mainly includes the preparation of language production and language understanding.
The preparation for language production can be roughly divided into two stages, namely ① reflective phonation. When a baby is born, it cries loudly, which is the initial reflex sound to the environment. From about the fifth week, non crying reflex vocalizations were produced. First Articulatory organ Then he made many non crying sounds for the pleasure of moving his vocal organs. At first, it sounds similar to the post vowels а, о, u, е, etc., and then the consonants h, k, p, m, etc. These reflex vocalizations have no signal significance for children. ② Babbling. In the middle of the first year, sounds very similar to sounds appear, and consonants and vowels can be combined to produce continuously, such as ba ba, ma ma, da da and other similar "father" and "mother" Monosyllabic voice. In fact, these sounds are meaningless to infants. They just play games with sounds to get pleasure. At this time, babies can make many sounds, not limited to the voice of their native language. And different races, different Sociocultural environment All the babies growing under the roof have similar sounds. Even deaf children can babble like normal children during this period, because of their lack of hearing Feedback: Babbling stops earlier than normal children. Since the 9th month, the frequency of babbling has reached its peak. Babies can repeat the sounds of different syllables and can also produce different tones of the same syllable. Chinese children can now send Four tones Transformation, such as à - ju he - l ü - b ì, e n - é n - ě n, etc. At the same time, they have begun to imitate other people's voices, with more syllables similar to words, such as ji ě - ji ě (sister), m è i-m è i (sister, etc.). However, the pronunciation at this time is still meaningless and incomprehensible. From the beginning of the babbling period, children need to go through two complementary processes in terms of pronunciation: on the one hand, gradually increase the voice that conforms to the native language; On the other hand, it is necessary to gradually eliminate unnecessary sounds in the environment, so as to finally say the first word that can be understood.
The preparation of language understanding mainly includes two aspects: ① speech perception. Babies are very sensitive to verbal stimuli, and newborns born a few days ago can distinguish between voice and non voice. The researchers found that a 1-month newborn who was listening to an adult's speech had synchronized the pauses of muscle movement with the pauses in the adult's speech flow, and had the perception of speech category, and could distinguish the categories of "ba" and "pa" in terms of the change of absorption rate. One and a half months later, the two categories of "ba" and "ga" can be distinguished. ② Word understanding. 8. Nine month old infants begin to show understanding of language. When my father was there, I asked him where he was? The child can turn his head to his father, say "clap his hands" and "shake his head", and he will make corresponding actions. This action response is not the exact response to the words themselves, but the response to the whole situation including the words. It usually takes about 11 months for words to be gradually broken down from the complex situation and used as signals to cause corresponding responses. At this time, we began to really understand the meaning of words.

Language development period

The development of children's language in the language development period mainly includes the development of syntax, the use and understanding of words, and the development of pragmatic ability.
Syntactic development mainly refers to the development of sentence structure in children's spoken language.
The development of syntax includes the generation and understanding of sentences. The generation of sentences can be divided into incomplete sentences, complete sentences and complex sentences according to the integrity and complexity of children's sentence structure.
The development of incomplete sentences includes: ① Word sentences. Children begin to say meaningful words from the age of 1 to 1 and a half. For example, when they see their parents, they can call them "father" and "mother" respectively, and when they ask others to hold them, they will call them "hug"; Some people and things that are often contacted can be called correctly in different situations, showing a certain differentiation and generalization. But these words are just general signs of things or actions, and words and sentences appear soon after. Children use a word to express a richer meaning than the word, such as describing a situation or event, or expressing their own wishes and feelings. These are often the contents that adults can express only with one sentence, so they are called word sentences. Chinese children are used to using words and sentences reduplications , such as "ball", "hug", etc. When children say "ball", they may express several different meanings according to different situations, such as "this is the ball", "I want the ball" or "the ball rolled away". Children can sometimes use different intonation to express various pragmatic intentions such as description, request, question, etc. Words and sentences also have the following characteristics: First, they are closely combined with actions, and their words are often accompanied by actions and expressions; Second, the meaning is not clear and the pronunciation is not clear. Adults must infer the meaning according to the clues of nonverbal situation and intonation; Third, the part of speech is uncertain. The same word can be used as both a noun and a verb. ② Telegram sentence. It includes two word sentences and three word sentences. From about one and a half years old to two years old, sentences composed of two or three words appeared, such as "mother's shoes", "doll's row (sitting)", etc. This is the beginning of structured sentences. At this time, children mainly use nouns, verbs, adjectives and other notional words, rarely use conjunctions, prepositions and other function words. Although they express a meaning more clearly than words and sentences, the form of expression is intermittent, simple, and incomplete, like the telegraph style of adults, so it is called telegraph sentence.
About children in telegraph There are two main hypotheses for the formation of words in sentences: one is that M D. S. Blaine first proposed the theory of axial grammar. From the frequency and position of each word in the early language, he found that there are word ranges in the double words Narrow , with high frequency and fixed position, it is called axial word; The other kind of words has a wide range and low frequency, which is called open words. Four kinds of sentences are formed from these two types of phrases, namely axis+open; Open+axis; On+On; On. Supporters of this hypothesis believe that axis grammar is the basis for the development of children's grammar into adult grammar. However, in recent years, there have been many objections, mainly arguing that axial grammar ignores the meaning of sentences and cannot fully express children's knowledge. Thus, the second kind of interpretive telegram is generated Sentence group The hypothesis of word basis is the theory of semantic relationship. R. W. Brown and others believe that children use certain word order to express various semantic relations in telegraph sentences. For example, English speaking children, in the relationship between the agent and the patient, the agent is before the patient; In the relationship between the owner and the property, the owner is before the property. Most children arrange word order according to the role of each word in a sentence, rather than fixing a specific word in a specific position like axial grammar. Brown found that the semantic relations expressed in telegraphic sentences of children in many languages are highly consistent. The relations expressed in the double words are: naming, such as "that car"; Reproduction, such as "more sugar"; It does not exist, such as "biscuits are gone"; Agents and actions, such as "sister eating"; Actions and objects, such as "driving a car"; Agents and objects, such as "Daddy Ball"; Action and position, such as "chair"; Entity and location, such as "mother house"; Owner and property, such as "brother hat"; Entities and attributes, such as "big building blocks"; Indications and entities, such as "this book". These 11 semantic relations are based on children's early universal cognition of the relationship between external things. As for whether children really have the knowledge of the semantic categories of agent patient, owner property, etc. in this period, there is no sufficient factual basis.
In the process of children's language development, the appearance of complete sentences indicates that children have reached a higher level in syntactic development.
In words, sentences and telegraph In terms of the form of expression, children of all languages have a high degree of consistency in the sentence stage. However, in the later development of grammar, with the structural differences of various languages, there will be some differences in the syntactic mastery of children of different languages. Chinese Children's Oral Chinese Declarative sentence syntactic structure The development process of Modifier Of Simple sentence To simple sentences with modifiers, then to complex sentence Simple sentences refer to those with complete syntactic structure Single sentence , including without modifier and with modifier. Children aged 1. 5 to 2 years old are saying telegraph At the same time, you can start to speak simple sentences without modifiers with complete structure, such as Subject predicate sentence "He felt it", Subject predicate object The sentence "My sister studies", the subject predicate double object sentence "Auntie gives XX sugar", etc. At the age of 2, this kind of sentence has accounted for more than half of the total number of sentences, and by the age of 3, it is basically a complete sentence. 2-year-old children seldom use modifiers in sentences. Sometimes they seem to have modifiers in form, such as "old uncle" and "little white rabbit". In fact, they use the whole phrase as a noun. From about 2 and a half years old, a certain number of simple modifiers appeared, such as "two dolls play with building blocks", "I also want to play", etc. Around the age of 3, he has begun to use more complex modifiers, such as "de" sentence in the noun part of speech structure, "building blocks I play"; The prepositional "ba" sentence, "The children give the pen to the aunt"; And other more complex adverbials of time and space. 3 and a half year old children use complex Modifier The number of children aged 3 years increased the fastest, about twice that of children aged 3 years. From then on until the age of 6 years old, although it has increased year by year, the growth rate is not large. complex sentence Consisting of several structures connected or included with each other Single sentence There are three types of sentence patterns in Chinese children's speech: serial-verb construction : "The children will tell the teacher when they see it"; By a verb-object construction And a subject-predicate structure A series of sentences: "The teacher teaches us to play games"; The subject or object in the sentence also contains the subject predicate structure, "It's good for two children to play together.". The frequency of occurrence of the first and the second of the three categories is higher. But until the age of 6, except for the first category, the rest of the sentences did not reach half of the total sentences, which shows that the development of this kind of sentence structure will continue after school.
Compound sentence is a higher level of syntactic development. Chinese children say a few simple words from the age of 2 to 2 and a half Compound sentence At the age of 4-5, the development is fast. At the age of 5 Declarative sentence in Complex sentence It accounts for about 40%, mainly including joint complex sentences and subordinate complex sentences. Co ordinate sentences are the most frequently used in joint complex sentences, such as "Dad sits in rows and Yingying eats"; Secondly, there are continuous complex sentences, such as "After having a good meal, I play with Xiaohua for a while and then watch TV"; Add complex sentences, such as "I build things, I build bridges". In the subject subordinate complex sentence Causal complex sentence , such as "The car broke down, and it's not fun anymore". The complexity of complex sentences increases with age, but there is no obvious age difference in the distribution of sentence patterns. The most prominent feature of children's complex sentences is loose structure, lack of conjunctions, and only a few juxtaposition Single sentence form. A few conjunctions were used at the age of 3. Although they have increased year by year since then, there are still few sentences using conjunctions until the age of 6. The development of the use of conjunctions in complex sentences is not only reflected in the frequency of occurrence, but also in the richness and complexity of the vocabulary used. Children aged 3 to 4 use the most words such as "return", "also", "you", "later", "have to", etc. At the age of 5 to 6, there are "because", "for", "result", "otherwise", "if", etc., and there are also pairs of conjunctions such as "no... have to", "if... just", etc.
Sentence understanding is another aspect of syntactic development.
In the process of language development, sentence comprehension precedes sentence production. Children can understand the meaning of a sentence of a certain structure before they can say it. Children under one year old cannot say meaningful words, but they can understand some words spoken by adults and make appropriate action responses to them. After one year of age, when the words cannot be combined into two word sentences, they can already make corresponding actions according to the requirements of adults. For example, the instructions such as "beating the drum" and "kissing the baby" can be correctly executed. The nouns and verbs used in these instructions are different, and children can make different responses. It can be seen that at this time, children can not only respond to a word in the sentence, but also understand multiple word meanings in the sentence. Children aged 2-3 like to talk with adults, listen to short fairy tales told by adults, and remember their contents. At this time, children can not only understand the sentence content related to direct perception, but also understand the sentence content of things that are familiar but not directly perceived. Therefore, adults can use speech as a tool to impart knowledge and experience to children. Children aged 4-5 can talk freely with adults, but for some sentences with complex structures, such as passive Sentence sum Double negative sentence Is still not well understood. The study found that Chinese children can understand passive voice sentences well only when they are about 6 years old. The understanding of double negative sentences is about 7 years old.
Use and understanding of words.
Children begin to speak words at the age of one, and their vocabulary develops rapidly after the age of two. Nouns and verbs are the most frequently used parts of speech by children. About 70% of them are from 1 and a half to 2 years old, and about 50% are from 5 to 6 years old. Other parts of speech gradually increase with age. Adults do not give formal training or provide definitions for these words. How children acquire word meanings has attracted the attention of researchers in recent years.
① Common nouns. An object can often be called by different general level names, such as "animal", "dog"“ hound ”Children tend to call dogs by the name of "dog" at a medium level, rather than more general "animal" or more specialized "hunting dog". Early children's vocabulary generally shows excessive expansion of word meaning, which is often based on the actions, functions or external features of objects. For example, not only dogs are called "dogs", but also horses, cows, sheep and other walking animals Quadruped They are called "dogs". Sometimes the scope of expansion is very wide. For example, all kinds of round things are called the moon. On the other hand, there is also a situation opposite to excessive expansion, that is, the narrowing of the scope of the word meaning, which makes too strict distinction between things. For example, the word "table" refers only to your own square table, while "mother" refers only to your own mother. Some words with a high degree of generalization, such as "animal" and "vegetable", can only be applied to the most typical objects in this category. The reason for these two situations is that children have not yet reached an appropriate level of abstraction and generalization of the basic attributes of certain things.
② Pronouns. Personal pronoun "Me", "You", "He" and Demonstrative pronoun "This", "that", "this side", "that side", etc. are different from general nouns, and the objects they refer to need to be Language environment Children's mastery of these words needs a long process of development.
Children begin to know their own names when they are about 1 year old. At this time, they will only use their names to address themselves. After 2 years old, they will transition to mastering the pronoun "I". It is even later that "I", "you" and "he" can be correctly understood and used in various language environments. Chinese research has found that children aged from 2 and a half to 5 and a half, whether as bystanders when talking to others or in the three person conversation they actually participate in, have a better understanding of "I", followed by "you" and "he". Especially when they are the third party in the conversation, they can't understand the "you" and "he" that others talk about, even children around 5 and a half years old. At this time, people often interpret "you" as referring to themselves and "he" as another person.
When children around 3 years old understand the demonstrative pronouns "this", "that", "this side" and "that side", they first understand the "this" and "this side" close to themselves, and then understand the "that" and "that side". When he was about 5 years old, he was able to investigate from the perspective of others, but he was still unskilled. When he sat opposite the speaker and needed to make reverse conversion of the reference point for investigation, the error rate of understanding the four demonstrative pronouns was quite high.
③ Adjectives. The survey on the use of adjectives by Chinese children found that the number of adjectives used by children aged 2 to 6 and a half grew rapidly with age, and the highest growth rate was from 2 and a half to 3 and a half years old, which was basically consistent with the results of foreign studies. Children first used adjectives to describe the state of things; Secondly, it describes movement and body sense; Then it describes people's appearance, emotion and personality; The latest use is to describe the event situation. In terms of frequency of use, the earlier the use, the higher the frequency, and vice versa. Domestic and foreign studies on children's acquisition of spatial dimension adjectives have consistently found that the acquisition of spatial dimension adjectives such as big small, long short, etc. has a certain order. Chinese children's acquisition order is big small, long short, high short and high low, thick thin, thick thin, wide narrow, deep shallow. The acquisition of two adjectives in pairs is not necessarily the same. Chinese children in 11 pairs Spatial dimension Six pairs of adjectives are not obtained at the same time. Because the paired adjectives are not mastered at the same time, they are often confused between dimensions when the other end is not mastered, such as "small" for "short", and "short" for "short". In the use of adjectives, the same meaning of words as nouns expands and shrinks.
④ Quantifiers. The generalization and diversification of the use of quantifiers are the characteristics of Chinese. Chinese children Quantifier of matter The mastery of the three subcategories has a certain development order. Children aged 4-5 initially master Individual quantifier , followed by temporary quantifiers and collective classifier The use of measure words must follow the formula of "numeral+measure word+noun". Children aged 3 to 4 can only use a few high-frequency quantifiers "only" and "ge", and show excessive generalization of "only" and "ge". In fact, they have not paid attention to the collocation of classifiers and nouns. At the age of 5, he began to notice the collocation of the two, but he had not yet mastered the proper collocation method. He often adopted the following strategies: based on the action or function of the thing referred to by the noun, he used the verb equivalent words, such as saying "a bicycle" as "a bicycle"; Or use adjective equivalent words based on the state of the thing referred to by the noun, such as "a bucket of water" is said to be "full of water". Children aged 6-7 can use containers as the basis for determining temporary quantifiers, so the correct rate of using temporary quantifiers rises rapidly at this time.
⑤ Time vocabulary. It includes time nouns and time adverbs. The research on children's mastery of time nouns found that most children aged 3-6 years old first understood "today", "yesterday" and "tomorrow", and then developed to smaller time stage nouns such as "morning", "afternoon", "morning × hour" and "afternoon × hour", and to larger time stage nouns such as "this year", "last year" and "next year". In terms of understanding time adverbs, children's understanding of the three adverbs "being", "already" and "about to" is gradually extended to the past and the future from the present. First understand "being", then "already", and finally "about to". In general, children understand single time words such as "first" and "later" before compound time words such as "before" and "later". But the same word is difficult for children to understand because of its different contexts. When the order of the mover in the sentence is consistent with the order of the actual action, such as "the little doll goes first, and the big doll goes after", children can easily understand; However, when the order of the two is inconsistent, such as "big dolls go later, small dolls go first", it is not easy to understand.
⑥ Spatial vocabulary. The researchers found that there are three situations for Chinese children aged 2 to 3 to master (including understanding and producing) spatial vocabulary: first, the level of children's mastery of spatial vocabulary increases with age, with the fastest increase between 3 to 4 years old, and tends to balance between 5 to 6 years old; Second, the order in which children master spatial vocabulary is roughly: "inside", "up", "down" and "back", "front" and "outside", "middle", "side", "left" and "right". The words "left" and "right" were not basically mastered until the age of 6; Third, children's understanding of spatial vocabulary precedes its generation, and the younger the children, the greater the gap between understanding and generation.
Development of pragmatic competence
Pragmatic competence refers to the ability to effectively use language tools to communicate, including the ability of speakers and listeners. The speaker must apply different speech contents and expressions according to the intention of speaking, the situation of conversation and the conditions of the listener, and should also adjust his or her speech in time according to the feedback of the listener; The listener must be able to understand his/her intention from the direct and indirect words spoken by the other party, be able to judge and estimate the reliability and clarity of the information he/she hears, and be able to give feedback in time. In addition, in order to maintain the same topic and coherence of previous and subsequent utterances in conversation, semantic and syntactic information of previous utterances should also be used.
H. In 1977, M. Wellman and J.D. Lepper found that 2-year-old children had shown ingenious communication Ability. First, they are very sensitive to the situation of effective conversation. There are several types of people they choose to talk to: those who are talking to each other or playing together at that time; Having no contact with others at that time; Those who can see each other or are not far away while the other is looking at themselves; Both sides are close to the things they are talking about. Because they can choose the conversation situation more carefully, they can effectively attract the attention of the other party. The second is that children can perceive the difficulties of the conversation situation and make corresponding adjustments to the conversation. For example, when there are visual obstacles, they will speak more carefully than when the situation is smooth. Third, children can also make appropriate adjustments to the conversation according to the listener's feedback. When they find that the listener has not made any response, they will repeat the information in a certain way.
In 1973, M. Shatz and R. Gelman found that 4-year-old children could adapt to the ability of listeners to adjust their conversation content. When 4-year-old children introduce a new toy to 2-year-old children and adults respectively, the length, structure and voice of their sentences are different. For 2-year-old children, their words are short, and they often use words that attract and maintain the attention of the other party, such as "Attention!" and "Look!" when talking, they are confident, bold and straightforward. For adults, the discourse is long, complex, cautious and polite.
In terms of listening, young children are still unable to know whether they understand the information transmitted by others. In 1977, E.M. Markman taught children from grade 1 to grade 3 a game in the experiment, deliberately omitting critical information that could not be played without it. The results show that the first grade children are not aware of this important omission, but eager to start playing; Third grade children can quickly detect information gaps, M.E. Essen and A S. Shapiro found in 1980 that children aged 4 to 4 and a half can infer the speaker's intention even if the literal meaning of the speaker's words provides few clues. If a hollow circle is shown on a piece of paper, and there are two red and blue round papers, tell children not to fill the circle in red. 4-year-old children can understand that they are required to fill the circle in blue. As for the ability to understand the ironic intention in the discourse, and the ability to distinguish honest truth from sarcasm, teasing words and insulting words, it was quite late.
In terms of maintaining the same topic and coherence in front and back conversations, when children reach the age of 2 to 3, the number of words semantically related to the previous words increases significantly, no matter whether they are questions or statements in front. In the coherence of conversation, children usually use an ellipsis, that is, to take the previous words into consideration and eliminate redundancy regularly. For example, "Who sent you to the nursery today?" Most 3-year-old children answered "It was sent by their mother (father)". This kind of ellipsis is incomplete, but it meets the pragmatic requirements. It is different from children's word sentences or telegraph sentences in nature, which is not the result of eliminating redundancy.

Language acquisition theory

There are different explanations for why children can master extremely complex language in a few years. The typical ones are innate ability theory, environment theory and cognitive foundation theory.

Theory of innate ability

N. Chomsky puts forward the idea of congenital Language ability He holds that human beings have innate language ability, that is, innate and inherent grammar rule system. This rule system is based on limited basic language materials Language acquisition device It is not the result of acquired learning. Children can generate and understand a large number of sentences according to these rules, including those they have never heard before. This shows the creativity and uniqueness of human language acquisition process. E. H. Renneberger explains the innate language ability from the perspective of natural maturity of biology. He especially emphasized the biological basis of language development and believed that biological Genetic quality Is the determinant of language acquisition. In his view, the human brain has a language specific area that other animals do not have, so language is unique to humans. Language is the product of brain function maturity. When the brain function maturity reaches the ready state of a language, as long as there are appropriate external conditions to activate, the potential language structure state will be transformed into the actual language structure, thus Language ability Will be shown.
Whether they emphasize the innate language acquisition mechanism or the natural maturity principle, the congenital theorists deny the decisive influence of environment and learning on language acquisition.


Contrary to the innate theory, various propositions of the environmental theory emphasize the decisive influence of acquired learning on language acquisition. Some even think that syntax learning is not unique to humans, and primates may also learn it. The environmental theory mainly includes the theory of imitation Reinforce peace social communication Say three.
Mimetic theory of language development: to explain the mechanism of children's language acquisition and development by imitation. It can be divided into traditional imitation theory and selective imitation theory [1] According to the traditional imitation theory, children's language learning is only a mechanical imitation of adult language, and children's language is only a simple copy of adult language. This view was quite popular before the 1950s. In recent years, research has proved that mechanical imitation plays an important role in children Language ability When the level of mastering a certain grammatical structure has not been reached, even repeated imitation will not help. Children can only imitate syntactic forms that they already know how to speak. Children's imitation is not mechanical but selective, and they can follow the model sentence syntactic structure Express new content in new situations. This kind of selective imitation combines copying factors with creative factors.
Reinforcement theory of language development Behavioral learning theory Explaining language acquisition and development from the perspective of [1] New behaviorism B F. Skinner It is believed that speech acts, like other acts, are Operant conditioning Learned. He especially emphasized the role of reinforcement in language learning, and believed that children's speech was a verbal response to verbal or nonverbal stimuli in the environment. The correct response can be maintained and strengthened after being encouraged and rewarded by adults, and gradually form language habits; The wrong reaction will gradually fade away because it is not encouraged and rewarded.
language development social communication (social communication theory of language development): emphasizing the role of social communication in language acquisition and development [1] J. Bruner It is believed that children learn language not in an isolated environment, but in social interaction. He emphasized the importance of social interaction Language acquisition It is believed that if children are deprived of language communication since childhood, they cannot learn language. Moscowitz got the argument from the fact that a child with normal hearing and deaf parents learned language: the child could only learn language through television at ordinary times, and finally could not learn his own language because he could not communicate with each other and lacked due auditory feedback.

Cognitive Foundations

Cognitive base theory of language development: also called speech acquisition interaction theory. With J Piaget The school of cognitive structure is the foundation of language development. Children's language ability is only one aspect of general cognitive ability, that is, one of many symbolic functions. The formation and development of individual cognitive structure is neither imposed by the environment nor innate in the human brain, but the result of interaction between subject and object.


The above three theories of language acquisition have different degrees of desirable aspects, but they all have their own limitations and one-sided nature, and fail to fully explain children's language acquisition. Generally speaking, language has certain Genetic quality In the interaction with social environment, especially in the language communication with people and in the Cognitive Development Developed on the basis of. Children's language is creative, but imitation and learning Language acquisition China still plays an extremely important role. Creation must be based on a certain model. It is the generalization and re combination of existing models, the combination of new factors and imitative factors, and the specific manifestation of selective imitation. Selective imitation may be one of the important ways of language acquisition. Reinforcement theory It cannot explain all the facts acquired by language, especially the creativity of language. Chomsky's Innate Ability and Innate Language acquisition device Hypothesis is also a theoretical viewpoint lacking factual basis. Piaget School explains the development of children's cognitive ability and language ability from the interaction between subject and object, which has its reasonable aspects. However, they overemphasize that cognitive development is the basis of language development, while ignoring the reaction of language development to cognitive development, which is inevitably one-sided [2-3]