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rule of grammar

Linguistic terms
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Grammatical rules are the habits that everyone must follow when speaking. They exist objectively, not stipulated by linguists.
Chinese name
rule of grammar
Linguistic terms


Grammatical rules are the habits that everyone must follow when speaking. They exist objectively, not stipulated by linguists. Linguists just summarize and sort them out, and choose appropriate ways to describe them.

Contents of grammar rules

Grammar rules include combination rules and aggregation rules.
1、 Combination rule It refers to the rules that language units combine one after another. It is realistic and exists in discourse. It includes the rules of morpheme combination into words and the rules of phrase combination into sentences. The former is called word formation, which together with the rules of word change is called morphology, and the latter is called syntax.
2、 Aggregation rules refer to the classification and change rules of grammatical units, which are latent and stored in people's minds. The aggregation hidden in the brain is summarized from the discourse. When speaking, the combination rule puts forward requirements, and the aggregation rule provides possibilities. The unit selected from the aggregation can replace the words that may appear in each position of the combination to create new sentences. [1]