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Grammar is a science that studies the structural rules of language and its development laws. The types and theories of grammar research can be classified differently. Time limit can be divided into diachronic grammar and synchronic grammar; In terms of social purposes, it can be divided into normative grammar and descriptive grammar; In terms of educational purposes, it can be divided into research grammar and teaching grammar; It can be divided into traditional grammar, structuralist grammar, transformational generative grammar, systemic functional grammar, etc; In terms of scope, it can be divided into universal grammar and specific grammar. [1]
Chinese name
Foreign name
The science of studying the structural rules of language and its development laws
Genji story, grammar of industrial and agricultural system, grammar of service industry system.

School of grammar

Prescriptive Grammar [2] , also known as school grammar, standardized grammar. The grammar is divided into morphology and syntax, which is mainly based on morphology, the main basis for word division is morphological change, and the study of model written language is emphasized.
Descriptive Grammar [2] , also known as structural grammar, is based on the criticism of traditional grammar to distinguish language and speech, the consensus and diachrony of language, the belief that language is a structural system, and the emphasis on the hierarchy of language structure Direct component analysis Analyze syntactic structure. Using inductive method, this paper proposes to divide parts of speech according to distribution and replacement. Emphasize the practical use of language rather than the application method [2]
Generate Grammar It is also called transformational grammar or formal grammar, which distinguishes language ability from language use, divides language structure into deep structure and surface structure, and proposes grammar rules. Generative grammar is a theory proposed by Chomsky in the 1950s, which emphasizes the study of universal grammar (also known as UG) shared by human language [3]
functional grammar It is committed to clarifying the relationship between form and function. Based on the functional view of natural language, it focuses on the role of language in communication, distinguishes semantic functions from syntactic functions and pragmatic functions, and focuses on the concept, interpersonal, discourse three meta functions at the semantic level, and the monosyllabic category structure at the lexical and grammatical level.
Cognitive Grammar It denies that grammar is self-sufficient, believes that cognition and semantics are the internal causes of language forming its syntactic structure, and points out that human cognition has similarities and differences.

A Brief Introduction to Sociogrammar

Sociogrammar (Sociogrammar) is one of the most advanced branches of contemporary linguistics. It takes the social procedure of generating language as the research object, uses the non idealized introspection method, pays attention to the socialization and structural processing of natural language materials, and takes the procedure as the standard and interpretation as the research orientation.
Grammar is the social procedure of generating language. The shift of "suffering" verbs in the suffering sentence (such as "Wang Mian died his father at the age of seven") forces the main relevant elements of "suffering" to become the information focus at the end of the sentence. The generating procedure is the principle of ownership. A nickname is a semantic feature that expresses itself by means of morphology. Its morphological markers mainly include overlap, phonetic change, and affix. The generating procedure is the principle of highlighting. The construction of "old+X" is to increase the co potential quantity, and the generation program is to set the potential parameters. When a locality word is used to express social and cultural meaning, it is a social locality word, and its generating procedure is a social metaphor based on the iconicity principle. The modal particles in the sentence enlarge the formal distance between the relevant components, which symbolizes the expansion of interpersonal distance. The generating procedure is the principle of structural iconicity. The generating procedures of "de" phrase, "not+degree adverb", "you+bare noun" are ownership principle, potential parameter setting and face principle respectively. The contemporary female style of writing is "so scary" because of the weak psychological factors, and "then... then..." is the result of discourse logic. Disposition means "explicit disposal", which can increase the power. The generating procedure is the principle of structural iconicity. The generating procedure of the transformative sentence is "contextual iconicity agent". The sociality of discourse is discourse grammar. Conversation structure can be divided into three stages: "forming speech", "holding speech" and "dividing speech". The Chinese style cooperation principles include honoring words, good words, answering words and following words. The "meaning framework" of discourse takes contextual clues as its own representation.