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Detailed Design Specification

Program Design Specification
The detailed design specification can also be called the program design specification. The purpose of preparation is to describe each level of a software system program (Each module or subprogram). If a software system is relatively simple with few levels, this document may not be written separately, and relevant contents shall be incorporated Outline Design Specification
Chinese name
Detailed Design Specification
Program Design Specification
For details Design Content requirements of instructions



The content requirements of the detailed design specification are as follows:
1 Introduction
1.1 Compilation purpose
1.2 Background
1.3 Definitions
1.4 References
2 Organizational structure of the program system
3 Procedure( identifier )Design description
3.1 Procedure description
3.2 Functions
3.3 Performance
3.4 Inputs
3.5 Output items
3.6 Algorithm
3.7 Process logic
3.8 Interface
3.9 Storage allocation
3.10 Annotation design
3.11 Restrictions
three point one two test plan
3.13 Unresolved problems
4 Procedure 2( identifier )Design description


1 Introduction
1.1 Compilation purpose
Explain the purpose of compiling this detailed design specification and point out the expected readers.
1.2 Background
a. Name of software system to be developed;
b. The task proposer, developer, user and the computing center running the program system of this project.
1.3 Definitions
List the definitions of special terms used in this project and the original phrases of foreign acronyms.
1.4 References
List relevant reference materials, such as:
a. The approved plan assignment or contract of the project, and the approval of the superior authority;
b. Other published documents belonging to the project;
c. The documents referenced everywhere in this document, including the software development standards to be used. List the title, document number, publication date and publishing unit of these documents, and indicate the source of these documents.
2 Structure of program system
List the names of each program (including each module and subprogram) in this program system with a series of diagrams identifier And the hierarchical relationship between them.
3 Program 1 (identifier) design description
Starting from this chapter, the design considerations of each program in each level are given one by one. The outline given below is for general situations. For a specific module, especially a module or subroutine at a lower level, the contents of many entries are often the same as those of the corresponding entries of the module at the upper level to which it belongs. In this case, simply explain this point.
3.1 Procedure description
Give a brief description of the program, mainly explaining the purpose and significance of arranging and designing the program, and also explaining the characteristics of the program (such as resident memory or non resident? Is it a subprogram? Is it reentrant or non reentrant? Is there coverage requirements? Is it sequential processing or concurrent processing.....).
3.2 Functions
The functions that the program should have can be described in the form of IPO diagram (i.e. input processing output diagram).
3.3 Performance
Describe all performance requirements for the program, including requirements for accuracy, flexibility and time characteristics.
3.4 Inputs
Give the characteristics of each input item, including name, identification, data type and format, effective range of data value, and input method. Quantity and frequency, input media, source of input data, security and confidentiality conditions, etc.
3.5 Output items
Give the characteristics of each output item, including name, identification, data type and format, effective range of data value, output form, quantity and frequency, output media, description of output graphics and symbols, security conditions, etc.
3.6 Algorithm
Specify the algorithm, specific calculation formula and calculation steps used in this program.
3.7 Process logic
Use diagrams (e.g. flowcharts Decision table The logic flow of the program is represented with necessary descriptions.
3.8 Interface
Illustrate the module of the upper layer and the module and subprogram of the lower layer that this program belongs to, the parameter assignment and calling method, and the data structure (database, data file) directly associated with this program.
3.9 Storage allocation
Describe the storage allocation of this program as needed.
3.10 Annotation design
Program Notes
a. Notes added to the module header;
b. Notes added at each branch point;
c. Comments on the function, scope, default conditions, etc. of each variable;
d. Comments on the logic used, etc.
3.11 Restrictions
Describe the restrictions on the operation of this procedure.
3.12 Test plan
Explain the procedure Individual test Plan, including technical requirements, input data, expected results Schedule , personnel responsibilities, equipment condition drivers and Pile module And so on.
3.13 Unresolved problems
Explain the problems that have not been solved in the design of this program but that the designer thinks should be solved before the software is completed.
4 Program 2 (identifier) design description
Explain the design considerations of the second program and even the Nth program in a way similar to 3.