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Design value

Terms in the field of art
Design value refers to the activity process of conveying a plan, planning and assumption through visual form. Human beings transform the world through labor, create civilization, create material wealth and spiritual wealth, and the most basic and main creative activity is creation.
Chinese name
Design value
Imagination is conveyed visually
Creativity is creation
Pre planning of creation activities


Design is the pre planning of creation activities, and the planning technology and process of any creation activities can be understood as design. It means that designers carry out artistic creation activities with goals and plans. Most of the designs are commercial and a few are artistic. According to the definition of industrial designer Victor Papanek, design is a conscious and intuitive effort to build a meaningful order. In customer value analysis, there are two most important concepts: enterprise design value and customer perceived value.

brief introduction

Enterprise design value is a kind of utility or value that will be provided to customers in the product or service supplier's conception, or refers to the utility or value contained in the product or service that has been manufactured by the supplier according to the previous research and development design but still needs to be delivered to consumers through the market (that is, a value that has not yet been realized).
This is a measure given from a supply perspective. Therefore, it can be regarded as a purpose to meet Customer expected value The planned supply or potential supply of. The enterprise design value (EDV) obviously reflects the characteristics of the supply subject of products and services.
1: The common value of design and art: it improves people's aesthetic taste and conveys their yearning and pursuit for a better life.
2: Design is commercial, with a strong purpose and utilitarianism, so the things designed are not necessarily good, often become visual garbage, and the ultimate destination of most design products is also garbage cans or computer recycling stations.
And art is usually a series of beauty creation processes, such as expressing emotion, cognition, interest, artistic conception, aesthetics, etc., created by painters with their brushes after experiencing life. No matter how commercial paintings are, they all have their own sense of beauty.
Therefore, the value of design is the value of commerce and some value closer to the improvement and perfection of people's real life. The value of art is the truth, the good and the beautiful, which gives people a sublimated emotional experience at the spiritual level.


Value is the product of human subjective desire, demand and consciousness. The value system is the norm system of behavior, belief, ideal and norm, and the subjective norm system of sociality. "Human beings think, live and create in a certain value system."
The value in design is to grasp various phenomena and problems in reality, evaluate and select development goals and action plans based on value. The existence of design value shows that design is deeply influenced by the overall social values on the one hand, and by the value tendency of individual designers or groups on the other hand. Therefore, design is not a purely objective behavior. Design rationality is not only the combination of objective rationality and subjective rationality, but also the combination of theoretical rationality and practical rationality. It not only pursues objective truth, but also pursues happiness, beauty, justice, goodness and other things related to human emotion, experience, will, imagination and intuitive ability.