scale effect

Concept of development economics
zero Useful+1
synonym scale economy (Scale economy) generally refers to scale effect
Economies of scale are Development Economics Concept, is and embodiment gross domestic product Growth mode Economic scale Relatively speaking, the index reflects Economies Comprehensive benefit index of economic development degree. Macroscopically, economies of scale refer to an economy (usually a country) using human development index Social development index social welfare Index, people Happiness index To comprehensively measure the degree of economic development; On the micro level, economies of scale refer to the development index measured by products, enterprises, industrial added value, and comprehensive benefits. Economies of scale also refer to Economies of scale , which is formed through a certain economic scale Industrial chain Integrity Resource allocation Enterprises brought by the improvement of regeneration efficiency Marginal benefit Increase of. Micro scale economy can not be separated from macro scale economy, and macro scale economy restricts, promotes and guides micro scale economy. Whether Macroeconomy still Microeconomy Economic scale is not equal to economies of scale. The economic scale that can bring economies of scale is the indicator, goal and path of economic development.
Chinese name
scale economy
Foreign name
economies of scale
Production should reach or exceed Break even point


Scale economy is also called scale effect, which is caused by the increase of scale economic performance Improve. But if the scale is too large information transfer Slow speed, information distortion, bureaucracy of management and other drawbacks“ Diseconomies of scale ”。
Economies of scale and diseconomies of scale
Scale effect is a subject studied in economics, that is, production should reach or exceed Break even point , i.e Economies of scale The scale effect in economics is based on decreasing marginal cost Derived, the cost of the enterprise includes fixed cost and Variable cost Mixed cost It can be divided into these two kinds of costs. After the production scale is expanded, the variable costs will increase in the same proportion, while the fixed costs will not increase, so Unit product cost Will decline Sales profit margin Will rise.
Any production has costs, generally including fixed costs and variable costs. To be profitable, we must make sales revenue greater than production costs The fixed cost is constant, so the more production, the less fixed cost allocated to a single product, and the more profit.
Economy of scale refers to that when the output scale of an enterprise reaches a certain level production factors Of Organic combination The effect of 1+1 > 2 is produced, average cost There is a downward trend. Assembly line is one of the embodiment of economies of scale. Corresponding to economies of scale, after the output of enterprises reaches a certain scale, there will be the effect of mutual restriction of various factors and the increase of average cost.

External factors

This problem depends on many factors, and usually tends to Enterprise scale Treat as similar“ gross domestic product ”Such "results" are analyzed instead of being put forward as a "problem". The external factors that determine the scale of the enterprise are:
(1) Of the goods provided by the enterprise“ Market type
Roughly divided into three parts:
Scale effect of iron and steel industry
The first is infrastructure, such as Lucent (Lucent) or Nortel Network (NorTel). The price of each piece of equipment sold by such an enterprise is often millions of dollars, and the "economic scale" required by its technology is almost unlimited (compared with market demand ), so it is almost always Increasing returns to scale Stage;
The second category is Mass consumption , because the product will soon become saturated or outdated, and because the market Barriers to entry Low, the initial investment of "settlement" capital is small, which is caused by the settlement cost increasing returns The stage is very short, which is the easiest to enter Diminishing returns to scale Phased Market type
The third category is emerging areas, where the main risk is that the "standard" (or customer "taste") has not been established. On the one hand, enterprise size means high-risk On the one hand, it means participation lay down a criterion (or "taste"), so "scale" is one of the game strategies of enterprises, which only affects in a dynamic sense Resource allocation efficiency
(2) market development Stage of
It can be roughly divided into three parts:
Early stage, rapid expansion stage, late stage. These three stages form the "S" type of products and markets growth curve Enterprises can have very different optimal scales at different stages of the curve.
(3) Technical updates How
It is roughly divided into two parts:
The first is continuous evolution technology. For this kind of technical progress For example, enterprise size seems to help Knowledge accumulation And technological progress Risk allocation Therefore, large enterprises have more Technical advantages
Then there is mutation technology. For such technological progress, such as Harvard Business School Professor Christensen said that large enterprises tend to be bureaucratic and vested interests "Lock in" the success of existing technology, rather than enter the field of new technology, thus missing the precious "window of technological progress" and being eliminated in the next round of competition.

Internal factors


Analysis angle

After considering the above complicated "external factors", we can enter into the discussion of the more important "internal factors" that determine the size of the enterprise.
scale effect
When an entrepreneur sees clearly the external factors that determine the enterprise scale, he is faced with the problem of how to achieve the best enterprise scale based on the given external factors. That is, how to combine various production factors (Labor, capital natural resources )In order to achieve the best scale output. In this issue Field of discourse Li, Enterprise development The various strategies of Property transaction The contract of institutional economics From the perspective of "What scale can an enterprise develop to?" This question can be transformed into the question of institutional economics: "What output scale should and can be supported by various contracts signed between entrepreneurs and factor owners?" In this sense, it is also necessary to explore Entrepreneurship And the scale of the enterprise, and further point out the entrepreneur's system innovation ability Perhaps the most critical factor limiting the size of Chinese enterprises in the coming decades.

Supervision mode

The ability of entrepreneurs to limit the size of enterprises is actually the ability of entrepreneurs to coordinate those who participate in the division of labor through contract. modern system analysis It is emphasized that the way of contract (and thus the scale of the enterprise) is the result of social game. Given the entrepreneurial talent, different crowd qualities can lead to different ways of contract and scale of cooperation. This leads the discussion to Zhang Weiying The four aspects involved in the article.
These four aspects can be summarized as follows: it is the contract that determines the efficiency of the contract for organizing crowd cooperation Supervision cost , whereas contractual Supervision cost It consists of the sum of the costs of the three supervision modes of the contract.
"First party supervision" refers to the moral self-discipline discussed in the article;
The "second party supervision", namely the internal incentive system, is also called the "self execution mechanism" of the contract;
"Third party supervision" refers to the protection of private property rights by the government. What Zhang Weiying discussed“ Development speed ”The problem is corporate culture And Enterprise scale The relationship between them.

Problems faced by enterprises

scale effect
As far as China is concerned, the biggest challenge faced by enterprises in the coming decades is transnational corporations "Institutional advantages" based on long-term experience. Because the rules of the game are basically formulated in other people's society and "developed" into Chinese society. Enterprises must participate even if they enjoy local advantages (market, resources, culture) international market Competition.
The more important institutional advantages of western enterprises do not appear in Enterprise system It is implied in the corporate culture (such as HP Culture IBM Culture Microsoft Culture), the essence of this corporate culture is to stimulate employees to the maximum extent creative spirit Under the influence of this cultural essence Income distribution mechanism Basically, it can be summarized as "all profits belong to innovators", because innovators are Schumpeter The "entrepreneur" in question. Of course, in all innovations (technological and institutional), entrepreneurs Institutional innovation It has the most important impact on the size of the enterprise. The essence of entrepreneurs' institutional innovation is that entrepreneurs, based on their deep understanding of the quality of the people participating in cooperation, seek a contract mode that minimizes the sum of the coordination costs and technology costs of production. Paternal enterprise management (even "family" enterprises) may save the coordination cost of division of labor, but it often greatly increases the cost of technological innovation (for example, South Korea's family firm ); Overly dispersed management style It may greatly encourage the creativity of employees, but it often leads to too high coordination costs (such as“ Apple ”Computer companies).

Social realities in China

interpersonal relationship "Trust" crisis and governmental functions The latency of the conversion. The former leads to the "first party supervision" mode of the contract almost completely invalid; The latter leads to the high cost of "third-party supervision" of the contract. As a result, entrepreneurs can only implement institutional innovation aimed at reducing the cost of "second party supervision" within the enterprise, and without the support of the other two supervision methods, independent "second party supervision" is difficult to work. This situation itself constitutes the most serious challenge to Chinese entrepreneurs.
However, the small scale of Chinese enterprises compared with the international level, or the small scale of Hong Kong enterprises compared with the average level of Japan, or the small scale of Taiwan enterprises compared with the average level of the United States, does not mean that the efficiency of enterprises must be low. To a greater extent, the scale of an enterprise is proportional to the scale of the risks it bears. For example, statistics show that the "death rate" of enterprises is inversely proportional to the size of enterprises (Glenn Carroll and Michael Hannan, The Demography of Corporations and Industries, Princeton University Press,2000)。 Large enterprises can survive by shrinking their scale in the long-term "recession" stage, while small enterprises have no such room for shrinking. On the other hand, statistics show that it is easier to motivate in the recession than in the boom technical progress of an enterprise Taken together, these two aspects lead to a positive relationship between enterprise size and the probability of long-term technological innovation relevance
So the key question is: how do entrepreneurs shape their own corporate culture and excitation mechanism So as to stimulate people's innovative spirit to the maximum extent.

Needle factory experience

Adam Smith In his masterpiece《 A Study on the Nature and Causes of National Wealth 》He described his visit to a needle factory. What Smith saw between the workers specialized He was deeply impressed by the economies of scale it had brought. He wrote:
scale effect
One person pulls the wire, the other straightens it, the third truncates it, the fourth sharpens it, and the fifth polishes the top to install a round head. There are two or three different processes required for making round heads: balling is a special business, painting white needles is another, and even putting needles into cartons is a craft.
Smith said that because of this specialization, every worker in the needle factory produces thousands of needles every day. He came to the conclusion that if workers choose to work independently rather than as a team, "then they can't make 20 needles per person every day, or even one needle". In other words, due to specialization, large needle factories can achieve higher per capita output and lower per needle output than small needle factories average cost
The specialization observed by Smith in the needle factory is widespread in the modern economy. For example, if you want to build a house, most people will look for Builder Builders also employ carpenters, plumbers, electricians painter And many other types of workers. These workers specialize in a certain job, and this makes them do better than when they are general-purpose workers. In fact, the use of specialization to achieve economies of scale is one of the reasons for the prosperity of modern society.

Associated information


Industry background

scale effect
In just one year PC The position of the industry moved greatly. Subsequent to the middle of the year HP exceed Dell After becoming the first, the second quarter Acer More than association Become the third. At the same time of the change of the PC industry giants TCL Founder Gateway The rumor that the brand computer business was acquired came one after another. The so-called "no wind, no fire" has further verified the anxiety and anxiety of various enterprises in the new round of integration of the PC industry.
Analysts believe that the scale effect of the PC industry is more prominent, and it is an inevitable trend for the integration tide to appear again. The reporter found in the survey that the first tier manufacturers were reluctant to take over, the second tier manufacturers could not afford to take over and were cautious, and the seller was eager to divest its business due to its own operating pressure and competitive pressure, which was the main tone of this round of M&A prelude.

Change of position

HP is pulling away from Dell, and Acer has overtaken Lenovo. The winners are still accelerating, and the temporarily laggards are also struggling to overcome.
Since the second quarter market share After overtaking Dell, HP still acceleration Widen the gap with Dell. Mark Hurd Take office CEO After that, HP's Cost awareness Combined with its high-quality services, it has changed HP's image and naturally increased its market share. " CCW Research senior analyst Guo Chang said so about HP. However, a person familiar with HP believes that there are also some hidden worries in HP's high-speed development: "Mark Hurd's very refined management is different from the traditional extensive‘ HP way ’Different. Now everyone's task pressure is very high. Although we have completed the performance, it may also lead to some short-sighted situations. "
Hewlett Packard, the global PC leader, is worried about the competition with Lenovo in the Chinese market. "HP used to hire people from Lenovo at all costs. As long as Lenovo's people wanted to come, they would arrange a position, not because of lack of talent." An insider told reporters that HP targeted some front-line market personnel from Lenovo. In addition, HP has launched suitable products specifically for the Chinese market, and no longer has the impression of being expensive in China.
Dell's situation is not ideal, and there is no sign of improvement. "What Dell is currently facing Substantive The problem is Business model , what it insists on Direct sales mode Hard to cover developing country and Small and medium-sized cities If the direction and strategy of the enterprise do not change, even if Dell himself takes charge of the company again, I do not think it will bring much improvement. " Gartner Ye Lei, chief analyst of China's hardware market. Judging from the signs, Dell is still adhering to the direct sales model, and will focus on Control costs And development consumer market The reporter found in the interview that Dell, which has been losing talents, is entrusting head-hunting company Recruit people from multiple IT companies to supplement and replace their senior teams.
Lenovo's share of the Chinese market in the overall business is increasing. People familiar with the matter told reporters that the Chinese market supports Lenovo's global revenue and profits, but it holds the Chinese Wage level While the business in the United States is declining, it is enjoying the wage level in the United States. At the same time, China has developed well, but it has received increasing sales pressure to bear the shrinking region.
Scale effect of team cooperation
Insiders told reporters that after Lenovo acquired IBM, there was a relationship between Lenovo and IBM employees cultural conflict since William Amelio After changing jobs from Dell to Lenovo, the "Dell Gang" moved to Lenovo again, making it more difficult for the three parties to integrate. Liu Chuanzhi He once reminded Amelio on behalf of the shareholders that it is good to introduce talents, but the direction of introduction cannot be too single. " Lenovo hired Wei Jianglei, the director of HP's Chinese brand, to take the post Greater China The vice president in charge of strategy and operation, first, makes talents more diversified, and second communication skills Extremely strong, mainly responsible for communication between Lenovo Greater China and the headquarters.
Fortunately, Lenovo has realized the problem and has taken action: in early April, it announced the establishment of a new consumer unit Yang Yuanqing leader. On April 19, 2012, it was announced that 1400 people would be cut off globally, and some high cost positions would be moved to low cost areas. "They should move faster," Ye Lei commented.

Buy and sell

The sound of buying and selling is getting louder. Dell acquirer Zheng, Dell Hewlett Packard scrambled for TCL, Acer acquired Gateway in the United States, and the rumors of acquisition came one after another, and the parties were denying it again and again. The reporter found in the interview that, industry insiders They all hold the same view. The scale effect of the PC industry is more prominent. It is an inevitable trend for the integration tide to appear again. The strong will balance the strong. At this time, enterprises without absolute leadership in the PC field are under pressure to be sold; However, it is not necessarily the world's largest PC enterprise that has taken the initiative to acquire.
At the forefront of acquisition rumors, one of HP product manager Tell the reporter: "I haven't heard any news about the acquisition in the company yet. As an insider of the company, I think the acquisition is unlikely, because it doesn't help our domestic business much, and it is difficult to manage when the stall is large, unless it is to surpass Lenovo's domestic market share in the short term, but at present we don't have such a goal." Scale effect can affect people and an industry.
Considering the business model, the acquisition of Dell means the change of direct sales, that is, to give up direct sales, which has always been called its unique advantage. This decision is not easy to make, so Dell will be more cautious about the acquisition. "Globally, these types of enterprises have acquisition needs: first, they are not necessarily the first and second companies in the industry, but the third, fourth and fifth companies seem more likely, and they need to become bigger and stronger. In addition, complementary enterprises in global regions are more likely to acquire. For example, Gateway is strong in the United States, but weak outside the United States. Acquisition is the fastest and most effective way to enter new markets. " Ye Lei expressed this view.

Expert opinion

"The acquisition is not about buying brands and technologies, but about regions Coverage Sales ability , channel capability and local sales personnel. " Ye Lei summarized the important measurement factors of acquisition in this way.
scale effect
Who wants to sell? Ye Lei thinks that those PC businesses are not important in the whole company, and PC is not the only main business or non Main business 's company may want to sell more. In fact, the competition in the domestic PC industry is very cruel, and the survival pressure of the second and third tier manufacturers is very great.
Although there is a big demand for acquisition and integration in the industry, the acquirers have become more cautious. "You want to sell if you don't do a good job now. I need to make up the hole before I can consider the business problem. Do I have the ability to make up the hole, and I don't know where you have any secrets." Guo Chang believes that more equity participation and strategic cooperation Form of.
Guo Chang believes that "future acquisitions should not occur between domestic first tier and second tier manufacturers, because their Target customers Basically coincident, difficult to achieve 1+1 Greater than 2. International manufacturers are more likely to acquire domestic manufacturers. The acquirer may be Acer BenQ Such second tier enterprises have been unable to open up their domestic situation for a long time. It is more likely that the acquiree is an enterprise with PC non main business. "
First tier manufacturers are reluctant to take over, second tier manufacturers cannot afford to take over and are cautious, while the seller is eager to divest its business due to its own operating pressure and competitive pressure - this is the general situation.
The PC industry is experiencing another trend of great integration, but this time it is more urgent to sell than to buy.

Scale of ancient bridge


Condition of ancient bridge

A marketing expert told the manager of Beijing Guqiao Electric Appliance Co., Ltd. that the "old three pieces" in Beijing were silent, and the "new three pieces" in Beijing were also left behind by others. Your "ancient bridge" is selling well and can last for several years.
This is no joke. Beijing's new and old "three things" have fallen out of favor, while their counterparts have been doing very well. Unexpected Kelong More than 600000 refrigerators were dried in 1993, Meiling More than 500000 refrigerators have dried; The market of washing machines and color TV sets is almost dominated by southern enterprises. In 1991, when the smoke of the air conditioning war was just burning, more than a dozen brands of air conditioners immediately went north, and the slogan of "conquer Beijing, occupy North China" was shouted loudly. However, enterprises in Beijing are really facing great pressure due to their own untold sufferings.
scale effect
Seeing hundreds of millions of yuan investment projects One by one, one by one Star rated hotel The "Guqiao" people are not enthusiastic about the rise of similar factories. They have another idea in mind: Guqiao Air Conditioner 1991 Annual output 20000 sets, 50000 sets in 1992, and 80000 sets in 1993, still in short supply. The cars waiting in line for goods were waiting anxiously in the hot sun. The sales staff who urged the goods delivered the whole box of cold drinks to the workers who worked overtime in order to get more Guqiao air conditioners. Guqiao air conditioner is out of stock, relation between supply and demand The marketing theory of "Guqiao" makes anyone understand that "Guqiao" has the opportunity to make a big move quickly.

The way out of the ancient bridge

However, in order to achieve its own development, "Guqiao" had to wait for 8 years for the 40 million yuan of technical transformation funds. The scale of "ancient bridge" is obviously not its own advantage.
As the saying goes, if you walk, I will get on the bridge. General Manager Wang Zifan's words are full of philosophy: "scale can produce benefits, and scale can produce competitive strength, but this is not the only way to produce benefits technical content The improvement of product quality also brings benefits. In this sense, new technology and high quality are also scale.
Wang Zifan provided evidence for this view during his investigation abroad. He took the world famous Germany as an example“ Benz "The output of cars never exceeds 500000, but the sales price is higher than average Similar products It is 40% higher, and the product will continue to flourish. They don't sell the price of steel and iron. In fact, they sell the technology. It depends on how much your product technology covers.
This one is more skilled Enterprise manager , after investigating the domestic air conditioning market, he proposed his own unique competitive strategy
In the air conditioner output In the case of excess and increasingly stable sales, we should maintain a stable Market share stay Moderate scale To improve the technical level of products and obtain the same high Profit income Beijing investment environment It is different from other places. In addition, financial and material conditions cannot be very large, so“ Leading technology The competitive strategy of "first class quality" is advisable. We should seek benefits from technology, variety and quality, and use this means to compete with enterprises of the same scale.

Market positioning of ancient bridges

"Ancient Bridge" is positioned in the market in this way. With high technology and high quality, the ancient bridge takes root in the market and wins benefits.
"First class quality, leading technology, moderate scale, two markets" is the 16 word order of "Guqiao". Prince Fan said that the "ancient bridge" in Beijing was in the air conditioner market competition Won't be defeated
In 1993, "Guqiao" strengthened the ideological awareness of "quality first" of all employees, and did not simply compete for quantity, but looked inward to find the gap. They insist that the unqualified original parts will not be put on the machine, and the unqualified products will not leave the factory, so as to strictly control the quality. They came from coordination with foreign countries or with other units Purchase parts into the factory, strengthen inspection, and strictly follow the technology quality standard Handle affairs and immediately get stuck in case of quality problems. The introduction of this measure has improved the qualification rate. In order to prevent Production process There were quality problems in, and they sent some skilled conscientiousness Strong technicians and cadres go to the workshop to strengthen technology Quality Assurance Check every process, correct and solve any problems found immediately. In pursuit of product reliability, they purchased advanced Testing equipment It also stipulates the sampling inspection items arranged by the state, and the enterprise shall change them into mandatory inspection items. Air conditioner The pipeline system in must be exposed twice to ensure product quality It is absolutely safe.
In the summer, they held the ancient bridge in time in view of the chaotic installation team and low technical level in the society Air conditioner maintenance The installation knowledge lecture, in order to further improve the warm image of the ancient bridge air conditioner, the Technical Service Department has trained more than 70 technical personnel for the social maintenance department, and broadcast the ancient bridge Product reputation The seed of.

Competitive development

Without high and new technology, products will not be competitive. rely on Scientific and technological progress , keep sending Marketable , satisfied market demand Our high-quality new products are Enterprise development The key to.
The new products developed by Guqiao in 1993 are not only of high grade, but also marketable and have created considerable economic benefits. Please see the following data:
(1) KF-20GW (3) split wall mounted air conditioner was developed, which has novel design, beautiful appearance and complete functions, Cooling capacity Stable, delivered to the national testing center to pass the test once, and after being put on the market, it is deeply loved by the majority of users. In 1993, the production of more than 7000 sets was snapped up. According to preliminary calculations, the profit of this product alone was more than 2.8 million yuan.
Highlight of scale effect
(2) Using south korea For indoor units, Guqiao has also developed two new split air conditioners, KF-27 and KF-35, with a total of 3000 units produced throughout the year. After being put on the market, they are very popular, adding new varieties to Guqiao and bringing considerable economic benefits.
(3) The completion of the noise test room provides a good test facility for the development of low-noise air conditioners. The KCS-18J window type low noise developed in 1993 dropped to 49 decibels, much lower than national standard , which has been put into mass production.
(4) According to the market demand, KFR-20 split heat pump air conditioner KCF-20 window type one supporting two air conditioner has been developed and has been put into production. These new products have a high technical content, reflecting the superb skills and intelligence of the ancient bridge technicians.
Guqiao people worked hard for a year to make this company Total industrial output value Compared with the same period in 1992, it increased by 111.4%, its annual output increased by 59.2%, its sales revenue increased by 89%, and its profits and taxes increased by 13.9%, Total labor productivity 67.6% higher than the same period in 1992.

The success of the ancient bridge

The "Ancient Bridge" was successfully built. In the air conditioning war, Guqiao has become a leader in selling famous brands
Since the birth of the first "Guqiao" air conditioner in 1979, it has experienced ups and downs for ten years. It has developed from the only product in its infancy to a powerful family with five types and 55 models. With limited capital investment, the factory has carried out the fourth phase of technical transformation project, and now has seven Production line , three Assembly line , one stamping production line, one spraying production line, two heat exchanger The production line has developed from a simple production image of "playing the stall" in 1984 to a modern one using advanced assembly technology and computer networking management Production mode Now Guqiao Electric Appliance Company has advanced production and scientific research management model We have trained an excellent technical team and trained a large number of skilled workers. Today, advanced microelectronics technology Energy saving technology , noise reduction technology and other aspects have been in the leading position in the industry. fixed assets It has reached ten times of the initial stage of plant construction, Profits and taxes paid It is equivalent to adding four enterprises of the same scale to the country, and the economic benefits increase at the rate of 20% every year. The "Guqiao" air conditioner has won the municipal excellent, ministerial excellent and more than 20 other gold awards and the Beijing Excellent Management Achievement Award for many times.
According to the survey of relevant institutions, among the fierce competition among many manufacturers and the competition among the capital market's strong players, Guqiao accounts for 50.2%, winning the favor of consumers. The strength shown by "Guqiao" has become the leading enterprise in the production of air conditioners in northern China. This young tree is growing into a strong tree.

Future of Ancient Bridge

Scale effect or offset cost risk
Can the "Ancient Bridge" Competitive neutrality In an invincible position. Liu Xuguang, Secretary of the Party Committee, has a more sober understanding. He said that in March 1994 Sales peak season Before it came, the air conditioning war had already started. This is pressure and power for us. The key is to emancipate the mind and change ideas. Especially if we change market economy And traditional customs. For example, if the products sell well, we should not promote them. We can't "wait for the door", we should go out of the capital and cross Yellow River too Yangtze River , Ben Guangdong and Guangxi reach Hainan People are going north in a big way, and we are going south to fight. If you don't expand the market, how can you talk about occupying it. new product development And investment should also be greatly improved. Science and technology are the primary productive forces In today's era, whoever has high precision and sophisticated products can occupy the market. It is impossible to win if technology lags behind the market. Guqiao air conditioner Fresh air unit , window machine with one support and two air conditioners, low noise Energy saving air conditioner Wait to mount the horse. We should go all out to develop 3 and 5 cabinet style Heat pump air conditioner The heat pump split 25 wall mounted air conditioner, the new product should have the characteristics of small size, light weight, elegant appearance, low cost, high efficiency, and truly create the characteristics of the ancient bridge.
This young party secretary is not only describing the blueprint of the ancient bridge air conditioner, but also telling people the strategy of the ancient bridge in the moderate scale development. "Guqiao" has found a new way in the fierce battle of the air conditioning market. It may be useful for the development of small and medium-sized enterprises. The future of the ancient bridge is a constant law.

Academic literature

scale effect
1. Scale effect refers to modern industry The production of most of its products must reach a certain scale level to achieve an economic and reasonable output. The third feature is that the technology of modern industry is usually labor-saving. Accordingly, the distribution of factors is shown as capital-intensive
2. Scale effect means that small companies often perform better than the market average, that is Small-cap than Large cap stocks Yield High, which means information network Create a virtual learning environment So that teachers and students, students and students can electronic media Conduct interactive activities to promote learners' understanding of Understanding of knowledge And use, and realize the perfection of emotion and personality.
3. The so-called scale effect refers to the place where the production scale is larger production efficiency Higher product price The more reasonable, the typical industry of scale economy is electronics computer Industry and resource intergenerational compensation tax I. The connotation of intergenerational wealth transfer: intergenerational transfer refers to the free transfer of wealth from one generation to another.
4. Previous studies have shown that the so-called "scale effect" refers to stock market The excess return of small and medium-sized companies is higher than that of large-scale companies, which has been confirmed by many scholars.
5. The model of ideal expansion period is engineering construction There is also a phenomenon called "scale effect".
6. "Scale effect" refers to stock investment Yield It decreases with the increase of the relative size of the company, especially the stocks of companies with small market capitalization Return on investment The phenomenon of exceeding the market average is also called“ Small company effect ”(smallfirmeffect)。
7. "Scale effect" refers to the effect of Educational development The difference of regional economic development caused by the difference of degree statistical data It can be clearly seen that education investment and economic development ( gross domestic product Means) with significant positive correlation Relationship, correlation coefficient Both reached 0.
8. "Scale effect" refers to City size With many Economic indicators There is a concave or convex curve relationship which is homologous and symmetrical with the concave. Generally speaking, many economic indicators can have greater development only when the city size reaches a certain level.
9. "Scale effect" refers to that each member unit of an enterprise group maintains its scale through specialized division of labor and cooperation Continuity So that everyone can achieve Economic scale Effect produced.
10. A reverse relationship between returns and size is that the stocks of smaller companies tend to have higher returns in the same period of time, especially the smallest group whose returns are significantly higher than those of the second group and other groups. This effect is called "size effect".

China scale

Highlight of scale effect
Since the reform and opening up, China's economy Over 9% on average every year growth rate Continuous and rapid development, China's rise It is an indisputable fact. From a global perspective, the impact of China's rise on the world can be summarized as the scale effect in the following aspects.
everything Population size The effect of.
U.S.A Economic takeoff In 1870, there were 42 million people, accounting for only 3.16% of the world's population. In 1950, when Japan's economy took off, there were 83 million people, accounting for World population The proportion is only 3.3%, but when China's economy took off in 1978, Total population It has reached the scale of 960 million people, accounting for more than 22% of the world's total population at that time.
In the future, not only China but also India. The rise of such a huge population will also create a new golden age for the world's development. From a worldwide perspective, 1870-1913 was the first golden development period in the world economic growth rate About 2.12%; From 1950 to 1973, the world's second golden development period, when the world's economic growth rate was about 4.2%; Since 1990, if the rise of India and China is included, the global economic growth rate has reached 3%, which is based on World Bank According to the data, the world's third golden development period is likely to occur in the future, that is, 30 years from 1990 to 2020, which will create a period similar to the first and second golden development periods. Such a development period has a great relationship with the population size effect.
The second is the scale effect of employment creation.
In 1960, OECD (Organisation for Economic Cooperation and Development) high income country The total labor force accounted for 20% of the world, and by 2002, it had dropped to 15%. From the data of China, it has always accounted for 1/4 of the world total. But if you deduct Agricultural labor force In 1980, China's non-agricultural labor force accounted for only 6.5% of the world's total labor force, but by 2002 it had nearly doubled, more than 12%. according to Development trend If the proportion of labor force in OECD countries continues to decline and the proportion of non-agricultural labor force in China continues to rise, then we estimate that the total non-agricultural labor force in China will be equal to the total labor force in OECD high-income countries from 2010 to 2015. This shows that if the Human capital investment , keep relatively low Labor price It is inevitable that the world's jobs will move to China.
The third is the effect of super economic scale.
According to the latest prediction made by Madison, China will Economic aggregate It can surpass the United States, and believes that China's share in the total world economy can reach 23.1%. Of course, not only China, but also India will rapidly expand its share in the global economic aggregate, and this super economic scale will bring great opportunities to the world.
Fourth, the scale effect of opening markets and expanding trade.
When the US economy took off, its trade accounted for the total trade volume of the world rapidly. We can look at such data: China's export trade The total amount accounted for only 0.8% of the world total in 1978, 7.2% in 2006, and probably close to 10% in 2010. Of course, the impact of such exports on the world is multifaceted, both positive and negative. But on the whole, the increase of our exports has also led to the increase of our overall imports. It can be said that China's trade has considerable growth potential in the long run.
However, there are always two aspects of things. We should also see the negative side of China's economic growth, which is the scale effect of resource consumption and environmental pollution. With the world Economic aggregate The regional and national layout of Industrial layout Large transfer, including the change of export proportion. It can be seen that the United States and the European Union Primary energy The proportion of China's consumption in the world's total is declining rapidly. IEA( International Energy Agency )According to a recent report of energy consumption Will replace the United States. Of course, after 2030, they may change their order. This is from the perspective of primary energy consumption.
Let's look at the marginal resource consumption impact of China's rise. According to BP( BP )From 1994 to 2004, China's energy, coal, oil, steel world market It has a great impact, not only on the consumption of resources, but also on the world Resource price It has also had an important impact. According to the database of the World Bank to calculate the economic losses of natural assets in China and the United States, the United States' share of its GDP is declining, while China's is rising. From the above analysis, we can see that China has become the top three countries in the world, including Europe, America and Japan Economies Largest of stakeholder Therefore, China needs not only independent rise, but also open rise; Not only rapid rise, but also“ Green rise ”。