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Datong Mansion in Xijing

Ancient Administrative Region
Datong Mansion in Xijing is one of the five capitals in the Liao Dynasty (Jin Dynasty, early Yuan Dynasty). It was originally located in the urban area of Datong, Shanxi Province. The Datong Mansion in Xijing was built on the original site of Pingcheng County in the Qin and Han Dynasties, the capital of the Northern Wei Dynasty, and the old city of Yunzhou (also known as the Datong Army) in the Tang Dynasty. The perimeter of the city (in Liao Dynasty) is 10 kilometers. It has defense facilities such as enemy towers, sheds and scuttles, and four gates, namely, Yingchun Gate, Chaoyang Gate, Dingxi Gate, and Gongji Gate. There are Tongwen palaces. There is a Xijing Lingering Department, which is also the governor of Datong.
Chinese name
Datong Mansion in Xijing
Former place
Today's Datong City, Shanxi Province
(Liaoshi) 10km
Set four doors
Yingchun, Chaoyang, Dingxi and Gongji
The Importance of Strengthening the Rule of the Western Region
Defensive facilities
Enemy buildings, sheds, etc

brief introduction

Datong Mansion in Xijing by Liao Wujing One, the place is now Shanxi da tong. Datong Mansion in Xijing was in the Northern Wei Dynasty Pingcheng And Tang Dynasty“ Datong Army ”Built on the original site of the old city, the city has a perimeter of 10 kilometers. It has defense facilities such as enemy towers and sheds, and four gates, namely, Yingchun Gate, Chaoyang Gate, Dingxi Gate and Gongji Gate. There are Tongwen palaces. There is a Xijing Lingering Department, which is the highest in the region executive
since Liao Xingzong In the 13th year of the reign of Emperor Chongxi (1044 AD), he arrived in Liao Dynasty one of the heavenly gods in certain Chinese religions In the third year of Baoda (1123 AD), da tong It has been 80 years as the alternate capital Xijing.


Site of Datong Mansion in Xijing
In November 936 AD, the great general of the Later Tang Dynasty Shi Jingtang take Youyun Sixteen Prefectures The area (now Hebei and northern Shanxi) was ceded to Qidan, who supported Shi Jingtang to establish the Later Jin Dynasty (the first emperor in history). Since then, Yunzhou (Datong) has been included in Liaoning. In the 13th year of the reign of Emperor Xingzong of the Liao Dynasty (1044 AD), Yunzhou was upgraded to Datong Mansion in Xijing. Datong Prefecture governs two prefectures and seven counties: Hongzhou (Yangyuan County, Hebei Province), Dezhou (Daihai Lake, northwest of Fengzhen Town, Inner Mongolia), Datong County, Yunzhongju, Tiancheng County (today's town), Changqing County (southeast of today's Yanggao County), Fengyi County (northeast of today's Datong City), Huairen County (today's Huairen East, 30 kilometers south of Datong), Huai'an County (today's Huai'an Town, Hebei Province).
So far, da tong Becomes Five capitals of Liao Dynasty (Shangjing Linhuang Mansion Tokyo Liaoyang Mansion Nanjing Youdu Mansion, Zhongjing Dading Mansion Datong Mansion in Xijing).
As early as Emperor Taizong of Liao Dynasty Accept what is enshrined in the Later Jin Dynasty“ Youyun Sixteen Prefectures ”At that time, it was convenient for "in November of the first year of Huitong (938), Youzhou was upgraded to Nanjing" and was set up in the most important gathering place of Han people provisional capital To strengthen the control of the southern border. And with Youzhou Yunzhou, an important military town, did not attract enough attention from the Liao rulers because of the relative calm in the west and the inferior economic and population development. However, during the reign of Emperor Xingzong, with the deterioration of Liao Xia relations, as well as economic development, population growth and other reasons, the rulers felt the importance of strengthening the rule in the western region. It was for this reason that Xijing was established. In addition to the Han nationality, some subordinate tribes in the west of Yunzhou were also included in the newly established Xijing Road, which was controlled by Xijing.
In terms of its own defense, the terrain around Yunzhou City also has a certain ability to defend. Datong area is a small basin surrounded by Baideng, Cailiang and other mountains, but the northern terrain is generally flat. Hengshan Mountain and Ningwu Mountains in the south are tall, which is a natural danger for guarding Xijing. Xijing with such a terrain is easy to defend and difficult to attack. Therefore, there are many government offices of the frontier defense army also built in Xijing City, such as the Department of Recruiting on the Southwest Road, the Department of pacifying envoys in the Southwest, the Department of Patrol Inspection in the Southwest, and the Department of Dupai on Shanbei Road. The northern half of the city is the political and military center, where most of the government offices and military camps are built. At the same time, Yunzhou is close to the northern grassland, and the northern terrain is relatively flat, without mountains, which is favorable for nomadic people Access. The mountains in the south can prevent the Central Plains from attacking. Liao chose here to establish a secondary capital, which can give consideration to the grassland outside the Great Wall and the ruling area of the Central Plains. According to the principle of capital construction in China's past dynasties, the location of the capital or alternate capital should overlap with the economic center of gravity as much as possible, or at least close to it, so as to meet the material needs for capital construction and facilitate administrative management. As a transitional area of the farming pastoral zone, with Yunzhou City as the center, a large number of prefecture and county cities are distributed around it, such as Wu (now Shenwu), Shuo (now Shuozhou), Ying (now Yingxian), Wei (today Yuxian), Hong (today Yangyuan), De (today Liangcheng), Fengzhou (today Fengzhen), Yunnei (without examination), Fengsheng (today Zhuolu), Guihuazhou (today Xuanhua) Hunyuan (today's Hunyuan), Guangling (today's Guangling) and other prefectures and counties together form a city circle. This circle has a large population, convenient transportation and high level of economic and cultural development, which can provide the central city (Yunzhou) with a large number of manpower and materials needed to ensure the normal operation of the capital. The establishment of Xijing is the embodiment of this principle.
With the establishment of the status of the alternate capital, the Datong Mansion in Xijing not only became the regional political center in the north, but also became one of the most important economic and cultural centers of Liao. It has effectively promoted the social progress in this area and accelerated the feudal process of the Qidan nationality.

The Jin Dynasty inherited the Liao Dynasty

At the end of Liao Dynasty, in the second year of Emperor Tianzuo's Baoda (1122 AD), Datong was captured by Jin soldiers. Jin learned the Liao system, and Datong is still the Datong Mansion in Xijing. Datong in the Jin Dynasty was 103 years as Xijing, from the first year of Wanyan Shengtian Society (1123) of Emperor Taizong of the Jin Dynasty to the third year of Zhengda (1226) of Wanyan Shouxu of Emperor Aizong of the Jin Dynasty. [1]