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Naked competition

Characteristics of Ancient Greek Sports and Olympic Games
Naked competition is Ancient Greek Sports Competition and Olympic Games A major feature of. Why did the ancient Greeks carry out nudist movement What about? In fact, in the first few sessions Olympic Games On the other hand, Greeks do not compete naked. Players should wear a dress called "crotch cloth" on their waists to cover their shame. However, in 720 BC, an unexpected event at the 15th athletic meeting led to the Greeks becoming addicted to naked sports. At that time, a young athlete named Orcius Persia Race He accidentally scattered the "crotch cloth" on the runway, but despite the laughter of the audience, he still insisted on running the whole distance. Gradually, people's laughter quieted down. The Greeks suddenly found that Orsippus, who was completely naked, showed muscular fitness and male charm. Everyone began to applaud him.
Chinese name
Naked competition
ancient Greek
Sports competition
Time of occurrence
720 years


In ancient Greece, people's clothing was extremely simple and seldom modified. Because it has a lot to do with their fascination for nature and their pursuit of the beauty of life.
The mild climate of the Greek Peninsula makes people's clothes simple all the year round, ancient Greek 30% of men usually wear one short sleeve Coat When it's cold, wrap it in a big gown. This is a simple rectangle plain white cloth , up to the knee. Shoulder Pin Don't wear a belt around your waist. If you still feel cold, add the same cloth. It looks like a cloak. image Aristotle Such big intellectuals usually wear white robes with purple rims and outer coats, but do not wear hats. Many people like to wear them naked Peduncle When heading out, some people wear shoes or slippers, and Socrates Only for dinner Loafers They can take off their clothes as soon as they raise their hands. They are absolutely not interested in being tightly wrapped around their bodies. When they walk or the wind blows, their bodies will be exposed. In short, the clothes of the ancient Greeks were loose, and they could not bind their free bodies. Once clothes become a burden on the body, such as doing heavy work or Fitness exercise Even in order to show their good physique, they would casually take off their clothes. It was a unique habit of the ancient Greeks to be naked, Sparta First implemented by people nudist movement After exercise, they wipe their bodies with olive oil. Spartan girls are also like men when they exercise, either naked or wearing a vest. However, they have their own separate gym.
Ancient Greek philosopher Pulina once said, "It is the unique habit of the Greeks to be naked all over." Their clothes are just loose for them Accessories You can throw it away in a moment as you like, without restricting your body. It is not like the feeling of shame that people take into account. In their country, in that historical period, this is a very natural and normal thing, which is beyond reproach.
It is said that at that time, except for Spartan young women who were almost naked when exercising, young girls in Dulian often participated in sports naked. Although the girls were indeed so openly naked, they never felt that there was anything improper. All their movements were full of serious attitude, and there was no lewd element. When Macedonia ruled Greece, it was like Alexander the Great Such an emperor, when he marches eastward Darius , via Asia Minor When I was with my partner Achilles The nude dance around the columns on the tomb shows respect for ancient heroes. It can be said that the traditional customs have made people have a more consistent view of nudity.


In the eyes of the ancient Greeks at that time, showing a vigorous body was an extremely pure and noble activity of worshiping God. It is said that at that time, there was a knowledge of human body posture and movement, called "Orgastik", which specialized in teaching people beautiful posture and god worship dance. Because of its influence, the Greeks regarded showing off the naked body as a supreme and elegant activity to comfort the gods. In ancient times Olympics Competitive Games This is the reason why "naked sports", which was popular for a time, has become a unique fashion of sports and has been widely praised and respected by people.

At the Olympic Games

In fact, in the first few Olympic Games, athletes did not compete naked. Legend in the first few sessions Olympic Games On the other hand, players wear something called "crotch cloth" on their waist during the competition. It is said that this is a custom handed down from Homer's time. The reason why“ Naked sports ”It is said that it was caused by an accidental event. At the 15th Olympic Games in 724 BC, the young athlete Orsipos of the city state of Mexico Race He accidentally scattered the "pocket cloth" tied on his waist, but he still insisted on playing. The naked Orsipos makes the audience refreshing. People see the muscular fitness from him, feel the unique male power, and leave a deep impression on people. People think that naked competition can better reflect the physical fitness and moving posture of athletes. From then on, athletes began to show up naked in the Olympic Games instead of wearing any clothes. Later, "naked competition" became a fashion, which became popular until Ancient Olympic Games At the end of the meeting. Because of the role played by Orcibos in the nude movement, in memory of him, someone specially wrote this event into a poem and engraved it on his coffin.
when Olympic Games At the time of the meeting, a large number of children of aristocratic families from all over Greece and even the farthest colonies came to participate. They made long-term preparations in advance, lived a special life and practiced hard. here we are Olympic Games On the court, in front of the thunderous applause of the audience, they would not mind being naked and participating in many competitive events. They regard it as the highest honor to show their vigorous bodies and win the competition.
However, "naked competition" is only suitable for some events. For other events, "naked competition" cannot be carried out. So in ancient Greece, Ancient Olympic Games Not all events adopt "naked competition", for example, horse racing and armed race must wear clothes.
Ancient Olympic Games
In fact, in the first few Olympic Games, the Greeks did not compete in nude. The players had to wear a dress called "crotch cloth" on their waists to cover their shame. However, in 720 BC, an unexpected event at the 15th athletic meeting led to the Greeks becoming addicted to naked sports. At that time, a young athlete named Orcibo accidentally scattered "crotch cloth" on the track during the race, but he insisted on running the whole race despite the laughter of the audience. Gradually, people's laughter quieted down. The Greeks suddenly found that Orsippus, who was completely naked, showed muscular fitness and male charm. Everyone began to applaud him. Since then, people have felt that naked competition can better reflect the fitness and moving posture of athletes. Athletes began to show their fitness and strength without wearing any clothes in the running events. This custom continued until the end of the Olympic Games.

Olive oil

When competing naked, athletes use Olive oil Wipe your body. It is said that doing so has several benefits: it can protect skin and prevent sun exposure; Denudable Bronze The skin glitters in the sun, which is particularly vigorous, beautiful, heroic and powerful, giving people a kind of enjoyment of beauty; At the same time, it can also make the skin smooth and the muscles flexible, Flexible , which is also conducive to the competition.


In the eyes of the ancient Greeks chest , flexible and strong arms, bearish body, and legs that can run and jump are the most beautiful people. The ideal person should not only have thought, will and knowledge, but also be a person of good blood, normal development, well-balanced physique, quick skills and good at sports. The ancient Greeks not only paid attention to using physical exercise To cultivate a healthy human body, we should pay great attention to the performance of human body fitness, and use nudity, the most natural form, to reveal human body fitness.
It was precisely because of people's understanding and pursuit of human fitness at that time that the ancient Greeks in the gym arena Even in solemn religious occasions, they are not ashamed of the naked body, so that they regard the display of vigorous body as an extremely pure and noble behavior. So, when Ancient Greece The athletes take off their clothes calmly Olympic Games Such places with certain religious rules and regulations are admired and admired by people freely and without fear or blame. But people can treat naked sports with an open and innocent attitude, and experience a healthy and pure beauty, which is difficult for later generations to do, because customs and psychological habits have changed. In a warm atmosphere, the athletes' movements are more simple, natural and pleasing to the eye, and people can better appreciate the beauty of vigorous and pure heroism.


The fashion of "naked competition" ancient Greek Human society cultural life Has had a certain impact, especially on the world-famous ancient Greek Sculpture art The development of has provided advantaged favorable conditions. Because it was precisely because the ancient Greeks had reached the peak of their worship of human bodybuilding that the body-building nude entered the world of art plastic arts An important part of the performance. When observing life and creating ideas, the ancient Greek artists did not follow God's instructions or authoritative arbitrariness, but started from real life, observed the world with their own eyes, analyzed right and wrong with their own minds, and studied nature and human beings with their whole body and mind. Therefore, their works have Realism Spirit, full of human feelings, and is beautiful. Naked Athletes These ubiquitous body-building nudes provide them with many, best and most realistic research objects to explore muscle movement and body curve. So they don't have to resort to modern anatomy Can create many amazing works of art. For example, the famous Greek sculptor Pollichlet's Men with Spears and《 An athlete with tight hair 》、 Milon Of《 Discus thrower 》His masterpieces, such as "The Athlete Who Scrapes Oil", are the treasures of the world's cultural and artistic treasure house, which not only show the level and realm of Greek sculpture art at that time, but also represent the heroic demeanor of the tree body competition at that time, and show people the eternal power of a healthy and harmonious human body.


nudist movement Originated in ancient times Greek civilization At that time, people believed that the human body was the most beautiful thing in nature and the best carrier for human beings to show their self-confidence and pride. So people not only Sports activities Naked bodies are used in festivals and celebrations artistic form To show and praise the nudity of human beings. This kind of concept and social practice continued to ancient times Imperium Romanum later stage. But in the Middle Ages under the rule of Christianity, because Christianity believed that the human body was the carrier of all greed and evil, and was anti God, the concept and practice of nudity were banned. here we are The Renaissance At that time, the original humanists began to advocate "the human body is beautiful" again, and began to use art forms to express and eulogize human nudity. Until the 19th century, this concept was once used by Christianity protestantism Sexual spirit Asceticism However, it always exists in European culture.


At the beginning of the 20th century, as European countries have gradually entered the industrialized society, some people began to put the "beauty of nudity" into practice, and began to practice nudity in some beaches or some sports activities, regardless of gender. the First World War Since then, people have felt bitter about the barbarism and cruelty of war, and have paid more attention to and pursued the beauty and nature of life. At the same time, people also increasingly feel industrial society For the suppression of individuals and personalities, they began to yearn for and appeal for returning to human beings natural state Therefore, the nude movement has received more responses and support from people, and a variety of open non-governmental organizations of nude movement have begun to emerge. They set up "naked camps" in some places, where they fully enjoyed the natural state of human beings on the one hand, and also expressed their resistance and rebellion against the industrial society on the other hand. They think that when we get along completely naked, nothing sexual happens Deviant behavior And those who are well dressed Upper class society People often commit adultery and go whoring, so nudists Sexual morality In fact, it is much more noble than those people.

Not pornographic

The essential difference between nude sports and pornographic nude performance is that the participants of nude sports do not intentionally show their naked bodies to anyone, let alone for commercial performance and profit. Therefore, the participants are voluntary and have no economic motivation.

female sex

The nude movement has been developing relatively smoothly in Europe and was introduced in the 1930s North America After the 1960s, international feminists injected new content into the nude movement. They especially emphasized that women also have the right to be naked, and they have launched some initiatives to fight for this right social movement Since the 1990s, western countries have given considerable tolerance to various nude movements that are not pornographic performances. Especially in Northern Europe In the country and northern Germany, non-commercial nudity is no longer subject to social sanctions. Of course, any nudity is restricted by such factors as time, occasion, the attitude of people around, and the social identity of people who may see nudity. Generally speaking, the local people are very interested in sun bath And nudity in sports activities. In addition, there are still many local people who are not naked or never naked under these circumstances.

Chinese sports

After the May 4th Movement in 1919, some young Chinese intellectuals began to understand and accept the Western style Nudism Thought. Learning from the West at that time Social ideological trend Under the impetus of, they also began to promote and implement nudity in China. In the 1920s and 1930s, some people in East China and south China Some seashores in Shanghai also organized nude activities, and there were also temporary nude camps, but they did not cause any great impact on the society and culture at that time. With the arrival of the War of Resistance Against Japan, it ended silently.