festival held on 3rd day of the lunar month in honor of the Grand Old Lady of the West Heaven

[pán táo huì]
Tiangong Festival in Journey to the West
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Flat Peach Club, also known as Peach party , the peach banquet and peach conference are China's Myth and legend It is said that March 3 is the birthday of Queen Mother Xi Queen Mother of the West The grand event Peach For the main food, the gods and immortals from all over the world were invited to attend the banquet, and they came to celebrate her birthday, which was called the Peach Panning Meeting. Flat peaches grow in the flat peach garden Seven Fairies It is mainly from the fairy novels of the Ming Dynasty《 Journey to the West 》。
Chinese name
festival held on 3rd day of the lunar month in honor of the Grand Old Lady of the West Heaven
Chinese folklore
The birthday party of Queen Mother Xi
The Queen Mother of the West
Journey to the West novel
the 3rd day of the third lunar month

Festival Introduction

festival held on 3rd day of the lunar month in honor of the Grand Old Lady of the West Heaven
In folklore, March in the lunar calendar The third day is The Queen Mother of the West On this day, the Queen Mother will hold a grand peach party in Yaochi to entertain all the immortals. The immortals will also be invited to the banquet as a symbol of honor and status. Therefore, the third day of the third lunar month has also become an important Taoist festival. [1]
The Queen Mother of the West is a female fairy leader in the Western Regions of China, commonly known as the Golden Mother, the Queen Mother, and the Queen Mother《 Inside Story of Emperor Wu of the Han Dynasty 》《 shanhaiching 》And《 Biography of Emperor Mu 》It has been recorded in ancient books such as Chinese nation An important part of culture. [2]

Festival legend

Monkey King Plays the Seven Fairies in the Peach Garden
Peach It is a peach food in ancient Chinese myths and legends Extended life And increase the mana. Journey to the West 》In the fifth chapter, he said: "There are 3600 plants: the first 1200 plants, with small flowers and small fruits, are three thousand years old First ripe People become immortal after eating, and keep fit; One thousand and two hundred plants in the middle, with sweet flowers and fruits, are ripe once every six thousand years. People will live forever after they have eaten the rosy clouds; One thousand and two hundred trees in the back, Purple stripe The Xiang core is once ripe in nine thousand years. People live as long as the heaven and the earth, and the sun and the moon are the same. " [3]
It is said that on March 3 Queen Mother of the West On the day of her birth, Queen Mother of the West held a grand party, where she feasted the immortals on flat peaches. The immortals came to celebrate her birthday. Therefore, it is called the Peach Blossom Club.
The peach party is grand and solemn. Low level immortals should pay attention to it behaviour Otherwise, it is easy to derail and be severely punished. For example, according to the fairy novels of the Ming Dynasty Journey to the West Roller shutter general Monk Sha )Just because he accidentally broke a glass cup at the peach party, he was punished to fall into the mortal world; and Marshal Tianpeng Zhu Bajie )Because of the sexual harassment after drinking, the number one socialite in Tiangong -- Toad Palace Chang'e Miss, I was sentenced to be reincarnated to the mortal world and became a pig due to misoperation. Great Sage of Heaven( Sun WuKong )He once upset a session of the Peach Blossom Club because he was not qualified to participate in the Peach Blossom Club, and was sentenced to death after being captured.
Unofficial History of Female Immortals 》A book describes in detail the the seating order The Queen Mother's Peach Blossom Association invites Buddhas, Bodhisattvas, Taoist Priests, God and all the great fairies. All the other immortal officials and officials, the island cave sanxian Bullfighting Palace Twenty eight nights, never with. The Jade Emperor gave first buddha All Buddhas and Sanqing Taoist Priests, the Queen Mother of the West, please take a seat. To the south is the center of Sakyamuni Buddha. On the left is the past Buddhas, on the right is the future Buddhas, on the front is the founder of Sanqing Taoism, and on the east and west are all great Bodhisattvas. Eastern Jade Emperor Southbound Sitting on the left is the first Xuanwu Emperor, and the following are all heavenly deities; Sitting on the right is Qinghua Emperor No. 1, and the following are all great Immortals. Sitting alone from west to south is Nanhai Tuan; Two buildings facing north, left Dou Mu Tianzun , right Nine Heavens Mysterious Girl To the east, the first god of ghost mother, to the west, the first sun woman weaver , I am Taiwei, Madam Zuo and other fairies. Queen Mother of the West accompanied the banquet. Each person has one flat peach, the Jade Emperor, Sanqing and Buddha have two each, and only the Buddha Buddha has three. [4]
Dong Fangshuo, a famous humorous writer in the Han Dynasty, once sneaked into the Peach Blossom Club, stole peaches and became an immortal.
The Empress Wang lives in Yaochi, so she is also called the Empress Yaochi. She opens a restaurant in the Yaochi peach We won the meeting and entertained all the immortals. Unexpectedly, we were Monkey King, the Great Sage of Heaven Messed up Peach party The flat peaches she planted are the most magical. The small peach trees are ripe once every three thousand years. After eating them, people can keep fit and become immortal; Ordinary peach trees are ripe once every 6000 years. People will live forever after eating them; The best rice is once ripe for nine thousand years. People live as long as heaven and earth, as long as the sun and the moon. She is the most respected female fairy in the heaven. She is in charge of entertaining all the immortals in the sky, and in charge of marriage and childbearing in the world.

Festival Source

The third day of the third month of the lunar calendar is for many nationalities in China traditional festival , where Zhuang nationality As a typical example, in ancient times, Zhuang young men and women gathered in the streets to sing songs and gather at the riverside for dinner. In Zhuang legend, March 3rd is the ancestor of Zhuang Buluotuo Birthday [5]
According to legend, the third day of the third month in the lunar calendar is also the birthday of the Queen Mother, the date of her peach party. There is a song in Beijing Zhuzhi Ci It is described as follows Pantao Palace Temple Fair Grand occasion: "The third spring in early March Positive length Flat Peach Palace Look inside and burn incense; Along the river The wind is blowing slightly, and the red dust is turning on the ground. " It is said that the Queen Mother of the West was the patron saint of a primitive tribe in western China. She has two magic weapons: one is to eat the elixir of immortality, the other is to eat the elixir of longevity peach of immortality ——Flat peach. Mythical Chang'e You just ate your husband Hou Yi The Queen Mother of the West elixir she got flew to the Moon Palace. Since then, in some weird novels, the Queen Mother of the West has been described as the god of longevity.
Therefore, "March 3" is also called "Queen Mother's Thousand Autumn Festival". The traditional folk custom of this day is to take a youth tour and climb mountains Visit temple fair , love songs. As a result, "March 3rd" Chinese traditional culture A festival in a unique sense.

Painting Peach Party

Flat Peach Club Painting (Part)
Queen Mother Peach Meeting Song (Yuan)· anonymous person Work. The Queen Mother of the West A peach party will be held to celebrate the birthday, and a group of immortals will be invited to the party. Flat peaches blossom in 3000 years, bear fruit in 3000 years, and mature in 3000 years. Supreme Immortal Officer Dongfang Shuo In 27000 years, he had eaten flat peaches three times. This time, when it was ripe, he wanted to eat them again. While the fairy guarding the peach was asleep, he turned into a crane and finally stole the flat peach.


The whole play has been lost, but《 Nanqu Jiugong Zhengshi 》The Nine Palaces and the Southern Law of Ci quoted three lost songs:· Chrysanthemum versus hibiscus 】Thick mist Fragrant In the shadow of water and clouds, the world is different. as if Jade Emperor Jinyuan, Treasure Record Fairy Palace. The flowers are full of immortals, and the spring breeze is full of laughter. Pantao Jiahui, especially from Jiangque, came here to meet.
empress Near word · Spring fills Huangzhou 】He lives in a secluded immortal cave, and he makes friends with the unintentional white clouds. The quiet and leisurely life is full of opportunities. Heard, Queen Mother Birthday , to celebrate a little bit. (He) At the entertainment place, a group of immortals set out to enjoy the Yaochi together. Front cavity replacement 】Come late and be pleasant. Seeing the auspicious clouds filled the sky, Scenery Xixi. fragrant mist , and the weather is late. It is appropriate to see flowers and trees spring before the court, and Lin Feng leaps over the fish and dragons to play. " These three songs were sung at the beginning of the Peach Blossom Festival. The first song was sung by the Queen Mother, and the last two songs were sung by the immortals attending the banquet, singing about the prosperity of the Peach Blossom Festival.