Cellular network

Mobile communication hardware architecture
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Cellular network (Cellular network), also known as Mobile network (Mobile network) is a kind of mobile communication The hardware architecture is divided into analog cellular network and digital cellular network. Due to the various communications constituting the network coverage Base platform The signal coverage of hexagon So that the whole network looks like a cell.
Common honeycomb Network type There are: GSM network (called pcs-1900 in some countries), CDMA network 3G network FDMA TDMA PDC TACS , AMPS, etc.
Composition of cellular network: cellular network mainly consists of the following three parts: Mobile station Base station subsystem Network subsystem Mobile station is the network terminal equipment , such as mobile phones or some cellular industrial control devices. The base station subsystem includes the mobile base station (big iron tower/signal tower) Wireless transceiver private network (generally optical fiber), numerous digital devices, etc. We can regard the base station subsystem as wireless network And Wired network Between converter
Chinese name
Cellular network
Foreign name
Cellular network
Mobile network
mobile communication Hardware architecture
Mobile station, base station subsystem, Network subsystem

Application reason

Cellular network
The reason why cellular networks are widely used is from a mathematical conclusion, that is, when the circle center is at Regular hexagon The center of each regular hexagon of the mesh, that is, when the center of the circle is located in the Lattice point The minimum number of circles is used. Although it is still an unknown problem to be solved even if nodes are required to be on a grid with translational characteristics like isomorphic lattice, it is usually reasonable to use circles to express practical requirements in communication, so in consideration of saving equipment construction costs, Triangular meshes, also known as simple hexagonal meshes, are the best choice. The network formed in this way is covered together and shaped like a cell, so it is called a cellular network.


The cellular network consists of the following three parts: mobile stations, Base station subsystem Network subsystem Mobile station is the network terminal equipment , such as mobile phones or some cellular industrial control devices. Base station subsystem includes mobile base station (big iron tower) Wireless transceiver private network (usually optical fiber), wireless digital equipment, etc. The base station subsystem can be regarded as wireless network Converter with wired network.
Cellular and Frequency reuse
Cellular network
Cell: divide a large area into multiple small cells, and use multiple low-power transmitters instead of one high-power transmitter transmitter General use Regular hexagon To describe the honeycomb shape.
Frequency multiplexing: Each cell uses one set of channels. If the two cells are far enough apart, the same set of channels can be used. Cluster: A cell group consisting of N cells, which uses all Frequency resources Frequency reuse factor: 1/N For hexagonal cells, N=i^2+i*j+j^2,i>=1,j>=1, When i>1, j ≥ 0 or when j>1, i ≥ 0. Therefore, N=3,4,7,9,12
Geometric representation of honeycomb
Honeycomb is usually represented by a regular hexagon. As for why it is a regular hexagon rather than a circle. Because vertex to Geometric center Equidistant polygon The possible geometry yes: square Equilateral triangle And regular hexagon. Among square, equilateral triangle and regular hexagon, regular hexagon has the largest area.
Use (i, j) to represent the coordinates of a cell. For example, the coordinates of cell A are (2,1)
Cellular Channel Allocation
FDMA system : Use the signal attenuation principle. Key: divide the spectrum into several channels (user channel carrier), and multiplex the channel when the distance is far enough.
Static channel allocation: Each cell allocates a set of fixed channels in advance, which is simple to implement.
Dynamic channel allocation : Base station from MSC Dynamic allocation For one channel, the cell can use all the channels, which reduces the blocking probability and is complex to implement. It requires real-time traffic detection and coordinated processing between base stations.

Network type

Common honeycomb Network type There are: GSM network (called pcs-1900 in some countries), CDMA network 3G network FDMA TDMA PDC TACS , AMPS, etc.

Type classification

Distributed cellular network
Cellular network
A distributed cellular network (100) provides Mobile station (102) Conducted wireless communication Multiple Base transceiver Network Components (104) is configured in a Wireless Media To communicate with a plurality of mobile stations (102), each of which Base transceiver station Both include a network interface At least one mobile station controller network component (108) includes a network interface suitable for coupling to the network (100). The system (100) is configured so that for efficiency Base station controller Communication between (106) and mobile switching center (108) Business volume conduct load balancing The invention has the advantages of low cost Transceiver (104) is combined with flexible deployment to achieve communication coverage in large areas at low cost.
A distributed cellular communication system , including: a network; One coupling To this network Public Switched Telephone Network ( PSTN ); Multiple Transceiver Multiple transceivers are geographically separated from each other, and each transceiver is configured to Mobile station Communication; At least one data processing system The at least one data processing system is configured to execute the computer program The computer program includes software suitable for enabling multiple transceivers to transfer data between mobile stations and between a mobile station and PSTN Function block These software function blocks include: a Mobility Management (MM) function block; One implementation VLR Visitors to the feature Location registration (VLR) function block; An implementation of CM function Communication management (CM) function block; Multiple implementations RR Functional Radio resources (RR) function block, the RR function includes switching the communication between multiple transceivers when the mobile station moves from one cell to another, so as to maintain the communication between the mobile station and the network.
The so-called cellular mobile phone refers to service area It is divided into several adjacent cells, each of which has a base station network structure Since each community is positive hexagon , and they are adjacent to each other. On the whole, the shape resembles a honeycomb, so people call it a "honeycomb" network. Use several Honeycomb The large and medium capacity mobile phone system that covers the whole service area in the community is called Cellular mobile telephone system , referred to as cellular mobile phone.
The biggest advantage of cellular mobile phones is that frequencies can be reused. As you may know, when using mobile phones for communication, everyone needs to occupy a channel, that is, the system needs to provide a channel for you to use. When there are more people talking at the same time, the limited channel may not be enough, and then communication congestion will occur. With the cellular structure, the same set of frequencies can be used repeatedly in several cells separated by a certain distance, thus saving money Frequency resources The purpose of. For example, we divide a city into 72 sub districts, and every 12 sub districts form a sub district group. Let them use 300 channels together. Then, we can divide 300 channels into 12 channel groups, with 25 channels in each group. Cell 1 of the first cell group uses the first group of channels, Cell 2 of the first cell group uses the second group of channels, and so on. After proper arrangement, channel groups of cells with the same number in different cell groups can be reused. Although these cell base stations use Radio frequency Same, but because they are far away from each other Scope of action Limited, they will not interfere with each other. In this way, a group of frequencies can be reused for 6 times. Originally, 300 channels can only allow 300 users to talk at the same time, but 1800 users can talk at the same time.
Cellular mobile telephone system Mainly by mobile station( Car phone , mobile phones, etc.), Wireless base station And mobile phones Switching center form. Each cell base station is connected to the mobile phone switching center to form a Cellular mobile telephone network Mobile telephone network It is also connected with the public telephone network in the city and the domestic International call telephone network Connection enables mobile phone users not only to communicate with mobile phone users in the network, but also to communicate with mobile phone users in a wider range Mobile user Talk to fixed users on the phone.


Cellular network
wireless Cellular network Improving wireless network Of Coverage Aspects play a key role. In broadband wireless MAN Reticular structure To achieve low-cost and efficient coverage in a large area. Mesh structure has many advantages, such as providing effective Circuitous route To ensure smooth communication; With special line or Daisy chain Compared with, it is more resilient and reliable, and the network has the ability of self configuration, self-organization and self-healing.
Tropos, Mesh Network and BelAir Network were the first companies to enter this market. In addition, Nortel Networks did not want to lag behind. Internet and FTTH FTTH )It's all cellular application area
For a long time, wireless network Believing in the central control mode also brings potential risks, such as transmission bottlenecks, legacy old systems or Single point of failure Etc. However, as another technology of wireless switching, wireless cellular network is rising. Grid organized by topological structure , from switch to Access point , cellular networks can allocate intelligence.
such topological structure The development of is in line with the computer industry Architecture The evolution process of. First, the computing environment is independent Host system , followed by Client /Server, then Peer to peer network Network architecture It will undoubtedly evolve into a distributed and dynamic wireless architecture.
Cellular network allows nodes or access points to communicate with other nodes without routing to the central switching point, thus eliminating centralized failures and providing self recovery and Self organization Function of. Although traffic decisions are made locally, the system can be managed globally.

Wireless expansion

The wireless local cellular network is based on 802.11a /B/g standards, but they can be extended to any RF technology, such as UltraWideband or 802.15.4 Zigbee. Because network intelligence is retained at each access point, there is no need for centralized switches - only intelligent access points and Network processor , exchange capability and system software.
Cellular network
Network on Honeycomb structure When connecting to each other in, first of all, the node's self discovery function must determine whether they serve as the access point of the wireless device or as the information content Of backbone network Or both.
Secondly, a single node uses the discovery query/response protocol to locate their neighbors. these ones here Network Protocol It must be concise, so it cannot increase the burden of information traffic, that is, they cannot exceed 1% to 2% of the available bandwidth.
Once a node recognizes another node, they calculate the path information, such as the strength of the received signal throughput , error rate and legacy old systems. This information must be exchanged between nodes, but it cannot occupy too much bandwidth. Based on this information, each node can choose the best path to its neighbor, so that Service quality Achieve the best.
Network Discovery and path choice The process of Recalculate Best path. Because if a node is disconnected from the network during maintenance, rescheduling, or failure, neighboring nodes can quickly reconfigure their information lists and recalculate paths to maintain information flow when the network changes. This self-healing feature or error correction capability is the combination of cellular structure and Hub The difference between radiation networks.

Node Discovery

Each node is Self management As part of an organized network, it can serve as a single entity from Center point Managed and configured. use SNMP protocol system administrator You can set up and monitor individual elements, nodes, domains, or the entire network. The discovery protocol simplifies the task of finding and locating nodes and displaying them on the management screen.
Because of honeycomb Network dependency In order to manage, control and discover information, they must ensure the security of their own traffic and user traffic. In band information is transmitted through encrypted tunnels to prevent eavesdropping or similar attacks. Standards based Security technology , such as 802.1x and Advanced Encryption Standard etc. Encryption technology , ensure that only authorized wireless network Devices and nodes can be connected and correctly encrypted.
Cellular network
Cellular networks are excellent when cabling is difficult or expensive Wireless technology The most common honeycomb in the commercial market Network architecture , is routed from the wireless link data packet To central cable Network composition Of. This architecture is useful for those who want to create Wireless broadband Cellular network, such as eight hundred and two point one one Hot spots to cover a wide geographical range of wireless Internet providers( WISP )It is the best choice. utilize eight hundred and two point one one This frequency band without government authorization, cellular network technique Can compare with existing Cellular technology A much lower cost to provide high bandwidth. This result will lead to future mobile phones Access to the Internet The cost of price level , thus bringing a new wireless device and service market, such as handheld media player Transmit video on.
In the enterprise market, cellular architecture enables IT departments to Wireless coverage It extends to areas without cabling infrastructure. In this case, the cellular access point wireless network Access point consolidation to extend Wi-Fi , covering areas that cannot be accessed by cable. It should be noted that honeycomb Network access point The increase of will increase the potential of the network. stay eight hundred and two point one one Environment, when data packet stay User equipment and Wired network Each wireless hop will increase the delay of 1ms~2ms during transmission between.
Therefore, when designing a cellular network, it is necessary to carefully consider the size of the cellular network and the type of application software used. Another concern is that cellular networks are privately owned. However, we are beginning to see that the standardization efforts are constantly being implemented, because some companies are based on the existing eight hundred and two point one one Develop the system technically. In fact, the IEEE eight hundred and two point one one At the working group meeting, a research group was established to establish an industry recognized standard for cellular network development. This is a significant step forward, as the use of cellular networks will evolve with the formation of standards. By expanding wireless network Beyond the existing physical boundaries, the cellular technology will be eight hundred and two point one one wireless Network system Provide a good supplement.


Cellular network
Since the 1970s Bell Laboratories Since the invention of the cellular concept, Cellular technology It is the foundation of mobile communication. Sometimes, people call mobile communication Cellular communication
The cellular concept includes several important parts, which is the basis of the development of mobile communication.
1. Frequency reuse. Limited frequency resources can be reused within a certain range.
two Cell division When the capacity is insufficient, the range of cells can be reduced, more cells can be divided, and the efficiency of frequency utilization can be further improved. [1]


The concept of honeycomb has solved mobile communication The problem of limited medium frequency resources has directly led to the great development of mobile communications since the 1980s. However, the concept of honeycomb has its limitations. The main problem is that cells cannot be split without limitation, which leads to the inability to further improve the system capacity, which hinders mobile communication Further development. [1]
4G/5G cellular Mobile network Increasingly popular, Analysis and prediction Cellular mobility network user More and more attention has been paid to the data usage of. Cellular mobility at present network data In terms of consumption forecast, statistics and depth are mainly used learning method To make predictions, a lot of statistics are needed Communication behavior The data usage of cellular mobile network varies greatly, and the statistics can only get average value And trend. If the cellular mobile network data usage varies greatly in the same tariff scheme, the statistical and deep learning methods will probably get a larger cellular mobile network data usage Estimation error [2]