Sanmenxia Guoguo Museum

Museum name
zero Useful+1
synonym Guo State Museum (Guo State Museum) Generally refers to the Guo State Museum of Sanmenxia City
Sanmenxia Guo State Museum, located at Liufeng North Road, Hubin District, Sanmenxia City, is a special site museum built on the site of the tomb of Guo State in the Western Zhou Dynasty [1] , again National secondary museum In October 2000, Sanmenxia Guoguo Museum was opened [2] As of January 2018, Sanmenxia Guoguo Museum covers an area of more than 2100 square meters [3]
As of 2004, Sanmenxia Guo State Museum has a basic display of "Wind and Charm of the Kingdom of Zhou - Historical and Cultural Display of the Kingdom of Guo", which is divided into six parts: hunting in the flag of the Kingdom of Guo, auspicious gold, shining jade, rare treasures, rattling horses and chariots, and ancient tombs [1] The cultural relics in the Guo State Museum in Sanmenxia City include the bronze square Yi, Changbo "匜匜匜, Yangsui, etc [2]
Sanmenxia Guoguo Museum is the base of popular science education in Henan Province [4] Henan Civilization Scenic Area [5]
Chinese name
Sanmenxia Guoguo Museum
area covered
More than 2100 square meters
Thematic Site Museum
Opening Hours
Ticket Price
40 yuan/person
Liufeng North Road, Hubin District, Sanmenxia City
Time for Completion
White jade wall with dragon pattern, five huang jade pendant
National secondary museum
open time
October 2000

Historical evolution

Environment of Sanmenxia Guo State Museum
The Museum of Guo State in Sanmenxia City is a site museum built on the basis of the cemetery of Guo State.
In December 1996, the Guo State Museum in Sanmenxia City was prepared for construction.
In 1998, the main building of Sanmenxia Guoguo Museum was started.
In October 2000, Sanmenxia Guoguo Museum was opened [2]
On September 19, 2017, the Guoguo Museum in Sanmenxia City was fully closed and upgraded [6]
In January 2018, the reconstruction of Sanmenxia Guoguo Museum was completed [3]

architectural composition



Sanmenxia Guoguo Museum covers a total area of 148 mu, with a building area of 6200 square meters, an exhibition hall area of 4000 square meters, and a warehouse area of 500 square meters. It is divided into five areas according to functions: Gate View Square Area, Office Auxiliary Area, Cultural Relics Exhibition Area, Site Tomb Park and Development Transition Area.

Exhibition hall

The basic display of the Museum of Guo State in Sanmenxia City, "The Grave Site and Cultural Relics Display of Guo State", is divided into five displays: "The Spring and Autumn Period of Guo State -- A Brief History Display of Guo State"; "Treasures of the Guo Kingdom -- Exhibition of Cultural Relics Unearthed in the Graveyard of the Guo State"; "Charm of Liang Ji -- Exhibition of Cultural Relics Unearthed from Madam Guo Ji's Tomb"; "Cart rattling and horse fluting -- Exhibition of the ruins of chariot and horse pits in the State of Guo"; "Guo Jun Seeking Traces -- Exhibition of Guo Ji Tomb Site" [7]
  • Spring and Autumn Period of Guo State
Exhibition Hall of Spring and Autumn in Guo State
The exhibition hall of Spring and Autumn in the Kingdom of Guo covers an area of about 300 square meters. It introduces the origin of the Kingdom of Guo, the capital of the Kingdom of Guo, the territory of the Kingdom of Guo, the lineage of the Kingdom of Guo, and the excavation of the tomb of the Kingdom of Guo through various display forms such as words, pictures, sand tables, murals, and artistic modeling [2]
  • Guo Bao Picks up the Heroes
The Treasure of the Kingdom of Guo shows the cultural relics unearthed in the noble Zhaoyu area of the tomb of the Kingdom of Guo since the 20th century, including two tombs of the monarch, one tomb of the monarch's wife and one tomb of the prince. The exhibition hall covers an area of 1336 square meters, and 330 pieces (sets) of cultural relics are on display. The exhibition is divided into three units: "Bronze Treasures", "Jade Essence" and "Multiple Crafts" [2]
  • Liang Ji's Charm
The "Charm of Liang Ji" exhibition hall is about 200 square meters, which focuses on 134 cultural relics unearthed from Liang Ji's tomb (M2012), the wife of the monarch of Guo State [2]
  • The rattling of cars and the rustling of horses
Vehicle rattling and horse rustling exhibition hall
The exhibition hall of "The Sound of Cars and Horses" covers an area of 1344 square meters. It displays the ruins of the large chariot and horse formation in the State of Guo. The original display shows the chariot and horse pits buried with the emperor Guo Ji, his wife Liang Ji, and the prince's tomb. The exhibition hall is protected according to the original place, original object and original state, and the cleared cart and horse pit remains are displayed. There are three chariot and horse pits on display, namely, No.1 chariot and horse pit buried with the monarch of Guo State, No.2 chariot and horse pit buried with the monarch's wife, and No.3 chariot and horse pit buried with the prince of Guo State [2]
  • Searching for the King
The exhibition hall of "The Quest of the King" is about 400 square meters, and the tomb of Guo Ji, Chen Lie, and two aristocratic burial tombs and two horse pits are restored. Guoji Tomb (M2001) is 5.3 meters long from north to south, 3.55 meters wide from east to west, and 12 meters deep. The burial gear is a heavy coffin with a single outer shell and a large coffin cover. More than 3200 pieces (sets) of cultural relics of various funerary objects were unearthed in the tomb, including 9 categories of copper, iron, gold, jade, stone, pottery, bamboo, wood, leather, linen, etc [2]


  • Main cultural relics
The bronze Yi wine vessel, unearthed in the tomb M2009 of the aristocrat of the Guo State, numbered M2009:681, has a four slope roof shaped cover with handshaking on the top and buttons on the top. The four ridges of handshaking are decorated with a tiger shape, and the two sides of the cover have a dragon shaped edge. The abdominal wall is vertical. There is an edge on four sides and four corners respectively. There is a trapezoidal notch in the front and back of the shallow circle foot. The middle part of the lid is decorated with a wavy pattern, and the middle part of the abdominal wall is decorated with a leaf edge, and both sides of the edge are decorated with a dragon pattern. The lid margin, the upper part of the abdominal wall and the ring foot are decorated with an S-shaped invisible curl pattern. This object is a wine container or a vessel for mixing wine and water [2]
Bronze square Yi wine vessel
The "Changbo" Xuan is a bronze water utensil, which was unearthed in the tomb M2011 of the aristocrat of the Guo State. The serial number is M2011:165. The utensil has a straight mouth, square lips, straight abdomen, dragon shaped Xuan, narrow grooves, nearly flat bottom, and four flat feet below. The mouth is decorated with deformed cicada patterns, the belly is decorated with tile ridge patterns, the upper part is decorated with heavy ring patterns, and the flat foot is decorated with animal shaped patterns [2]
Yangsui is a tool that ancient people used sunlight to make fire. This Yangsui is made according to a piece of Yangsui unearthed from the tomb of the prince of Guo State and magnified by 25 times. The central pattern on the back of the sun flint is a pair of fierce tigers connected end to end, surrounded by the patterns of dragons and birds, which symbolizes the martial style of Guo State [2]
The iron sword with a jade handle was unearthed in 1990. It is made of jade. The handle is made of Hetian jade. Straight and round, it seems that the bamboo joint is like a gentleman's style, with copper as the core. The middle of the hilt is empty, and the copper core is inserted to connect the sword body. [10]
Iron Sword with Jade Handle

Honors won

In 2012, Sanmenxia Guoguo Museum was named "Henan Popular Science Education Base" by Henan Science and Technology Association [4]
In 2015, Sanmenxia Guoguo Museum won the title of "Henan Civilized Scenic Area" [5]
In April 2022, Sanmenxia Guoguo Museum was selected into the list of May Day Labor Awards to be awarded in Henan Province in 2022 [9]

Visit information


geographical position

Sanmenxia Guo State Museum is located in Liufeng North Road, Hubin District, Sanmenxia City.
Sanmenxia Guo State Museum

open time

9: 00-17:00 (ticket sales stop at 17:00) [8]

Traffic routes

  • Field
Sanmenxia Station It is 4.4 kilometers away from the Guo State Museum in Sanmenxia City, about 14 minutes' drive; Sanmenxia West Station It is 21.9 kilometers away from the Guo State Museum in Sanmenxia City, about 32 minutes.
  • Self driving
  1. one
    Drive along Liufeng South Road for 1.4km, turn right ahead and enter the roundabout
  2. two
    Drive along the roundabout for 250 meters, turn right at the second exit and enter Liufeng Middle Road
  3. three
    Drive 710m along Liufeng Middle Road and turn right into Jianshe Road
  4. four
    Drive along Jianshe Road for 130 meters, turn left and enter Liufeng North Road
  5. five
    Drive along Liufeng North Road for 1.0km to the destination (on the right side of the road)
  • transit
Take No. 6 bus from Sanmenxia to Guoguo Museum Station.

admission ticket

The ticket of Sanmenxia Guo State Museum is 40 yuan per person, and the ticket of Sanmenxia minor groups, active servicemen, disabled servicemen, retirees, journalists and tour guides is free; Half price discount for seniors, students and Guo (Guo) surnames with old age certificates [8]