Yuxian County

County under Zhangjiakou City, Hebei Province
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Wei (y ù) County, subordinate to Hebei Province Zhangjiakou City Known as Weizhou in ancient times, it is one of the "Sixteen Prefectures of Yanyun". It is located in the northwest of Hebei Province, bordering Beijing in the east, Baoding in the south, Datong in Shanxi in the west, and Zhangjiakou in the north. The total administrative area is 3220 square kilometers. [12] As of January 2021, Yuxian County has a total population of 500000. [16]
Yuxian County is National Historical and Cultural City [24] During the Tang Yao period, Yuxian belonged to Jizhou. In the early Qing Dynasty, it belonged to Datong Prefecture in Shanxi Province. In the 32nd year of Kangxi's reign in the Qing Dynasty (1693), Wei of Weizhou was changed to Yu County (the name of the county began from then on), which was subordinate to Xuanhua Prefecture. In the first year of the Republic of China (1912), Yuzhou was under the jurisdiction of Zhili Shengkou Beidao. In the 17th year of the Republic of China (1928), it was included in Chahar Province. [2] After the founding of New China, Yuxian County was exclusively owned by Cha'nan, Chahar Province. In 1952, it was later put under the jurisdiction of Zhangjiakou Special District and Hebei Province. On July 9, 1961, Yangyuan County and Xuanhua County were restored, while Yu County was restored to its current jurisdiction. [2] As of October 2021, Yu County has jurisdiction over 11 towns and 11 townships [17] The County People's Government is located in Weizhou Town. [16]
In 2020, Yuxian's GDP, total fiscal revenue, general public budget revenue, per capita disposable income of urban residents, and per capita disposable income of rural residents will respectively reach 8.41 billion yuan, 920 million yuan, 600 million yuan, 35259 yuan, and 12803 yuan, up 1.0%, 0.2%, 7.4%, 4.1%, and 9.3% year on year. [12]
Chinese name
Yuxian County
Foreign name
Yu county
area number
one hundred and thirty thousand seven hundred and twenty-six [26]
Administrative Region Category
Zhangjiakou City, Hebei Province
geographical position
Northwest Hebei Province
3220 km²
Area under jurisdiction
11 towns and 11 townships
Government residence
Yuzhou Town
Area Code
Postal Code
climatic conditions
Temperate continental monsoon climate
population size
500000 people (Total population as of January 2021)
Famous scenic spot
Yuzhou Ancient City Nuanquan Ancient Town Xiaowutai Mountain Jinhe Scenic Area Flying Fox Valley Aerial Grassland Scenic Spot
License plate code
Ji G
8.41 billion yuan (2020)

Historical evolution

During the Tang Yao period, Yuxian belonged to Jizhou.
During the period of Yu Shun, China was divided into twelve states, and Yu County belonged to Bingzhou.
During the Xia Yu period, Yuxian County belonged to Jizhou again.
During the Yin and Shang Dynasties, Yuxian County was called the Dai State (the capital of today's imperial city), and it belonged to Jizhou.
During the Zhou Dynasty, Yuxian was still called the Dai State and belonged to Jizhou.
During the Warring States Period, it was the prefecture of Zhao.
In the 18th year of King Nan of Zhou (303 BC), Wang Wuling of Zhao granted his son Zhao Zhang the title of Anyang Jun. Anyang is a subordinate of the Dai State, and its administrative office is located in the village of Ding'an County.
In the 26th year of the First Emperor of Qin Dynasty (221 BC), the world was divided into prefectures and counties, and Yuxian County was called Daijun.
During the Western Han Dynasty, it belonged to Bingzhou, governing Sanggan, Dai, Daoren, Dangcheng, Gaoliu, Macheng, Ban, Yanling, and 18 counties such as Pingyi, Yangyuan, Donganyang, Shenhe, Pingshu, Lingqiu, Guangchang, bittern, and Xuanshi.
During the Three Kingdoms Period, it belonged to Youzhou, governing Dai County, Pingshu County, Dangcheng County, Sangqian County and Macheng County.
During the Western Jin Dynasty, it belonged to Youzhou, governing Daixian County (today's Daiwang Town of Yu County), Dangcheng County (today's Ding'an Village of Yu County), Pingshu County (today's Pingcheng Village of Guangling County), and Guangchang County (today's Laiyuan County).
In the second year of Tianping, Emperor Xiaojing of the Eastern Wei Dynasty (535 years), Weizhou was established (governing today's Weixian County). Eastern Wei Dynasty Wuding In the fourth year (546), it was set in Weizhou. In the first year of Dacheng in the Northern Zhou Dynasty (579), it was also set up in Weizhou, one of the famous "Sixteen Prefectures of Yanyun". Dachang County was set up in Lingqiu (today's Lingqiu County in Shanxi Province), under the jurisdiction of Yuxian County.
In the third year of the Sui Dynasty (607), Yanmen County was set up in Weizhou and became Lingqiu County of Yanmen County. At the end of Sui Dynasty, it was trapped in Turks.
In the sixth year of Tang Wude (623 years), Weizhou was rebuilt and Yangqu County was incorporated. In 631, the fifth year of Zhenguan in the Tang Dynasty, it broke the Turks, restored the old place, and moved to Lingqiu County, which belongs to Hedong Road. In the 12th year of the Kaiyuan era (724), Anbian County was established (governing today's Wei County). In the first year of Tianbao (742), Weizhou was changed into Anbian County, and moved from Lingqiu to Anbian City. In the second year of Zhide (757), Anbian County was changed to Xingtang County, and Anbian County was changed to Xingtang County. In the first year of the Qianyuan era (758), it set up Weizhou and Hengye Army, and governed Anbian County (today's Yuxian County, Guangling County, Yangyuan County), Feihu County, and Lingqiu County.
In the Liao Dynasty, it belonged to the Xijing Road, and the Zhongshun Army was set up. It governed Lingxian County (now the middle and west of Yu County), Ding'an County (now the east of Yu County, a small part of Zhuolu County, and a small part of Yangyuan County), Guangling County (now Guangling County), Lingqiu County, and Feihu County (now Laiyuan County).
In the Song Dynasty, it belonged to Yunzhong Road, and its jurisdiction over the county remained unchanged.
In the Jin Dynasty, it belonged to Xijing Road, with the Zhongshun Army, governing Lingxian County, Ding'an County, Guangling County, Lingqiu County, and Feihu County.
In the Yuan Dynasty, it belonged to Shunning Prefecture (Xuande Prefecture), Shangdu Road, and governed Lingxian County, Ding'an County, Guangling County, Lingqiu County, and Feihu County.
In the Ming Dynasty, it belonged to Datong Prefecture of Shanxi, governing Guangchang County (today's Laiyuan County), Guangling County and Lingqiu County, and Weizhouwei was the commander of Shanxi's capital. In the fifth year of Xuande in the Ming Dynasty (1430), it was changed to Wanquan Commanding Division (Wanquan Division).
In the early Qing Dynasty, it belonged to Datong Prefecture in Shanxi Province. In the 32nd year of Kangxi's reign in the Qing Dynasty (1693), Wei of Weizhou was changed to Yu County (the name of the county began from then on), which was subordinate to Xuanhua Prefecture. In the 22nd year of Qianlong's reign in the Qing Dynasty (1757), Yuxian County was incorporated into Yuzhou.
In the first year of the Republic of China (1912), Yuzhou belonged to Zhili Province Koubei Road In the second year of the Republic of China (1913), Yuzhou was changed into Yuxian. In the 17th year of the Republic of China (1928), it was included in Chahar Province. [2]
After the founding of the People's Republic of China, Yu County was exclusively owned by Cha'nan, Chahar Province.
After 1952, it was put under the jurisdiction of Zhangjiakou Special District and Hebei Province.
In October 1958, Yangyuan County was revoked and merged into Yuxian County; In November of the same year, Huashaoying in Xuanhua County was under the jurisdiction of Yu County.
On July 9, 1961, Yangyuan County and Xuanhua County were restored, while Yu County was restored to its current jurisdiction. [2]
On May 2, 2018, the State Council agreed to list Yuxian as a national historic and cultural city. [1]
Administrative Map of Yuxian County

administrative division

As of October 2021, Yu County has jurisdiction over 11 towns and 11 townships [17] The County People's Government is located in Weizhou Town. [16]
Yuxian County Administrative Division Details
Yuzhou Town
Xihehe Town
Baile Town
Nanliuzhuang Town
Songjiazhuang Town
Daiwang Town
Jijiazhuang Town
Nuanquan Town
Beishuiquan Town
Yangxun Town
Xiagong Village Township
Cypress Township
Yongquanzhuang Township
Nanling Village
Huangmei Township
Caogoubao Township
Nanyangzhuang Township
Changning Township
Yangzhuang Ke Township
Chenjiawa Township
Baicao Village Township

geographical environment


Location context

Yu County is located in the northwest of Hebei Province, bordering Zhuolu County to the east, Laiyuan County and Laishui County of Baoding City to the south, Guangling County and Lingqiu County of Shanxi Province to the west, Xuanhua District and Yangyuan County to the north. The total administrative area is 3220 square kilometers. [16]
Yuxian People's Government

topographic features

Yuxian County is located at the junction of Hengshan, Taihang and Yanshan Mountains. It is an intermountain basin in northwest Hebei Province. The rest of Hengshan Mountain flows from Shanxi to Wei, and is divided into two branches in the north and south. Huliu River runs through the west and east, forming three distinct natural regions: deep mountains in the south, rivers in the middle, and hills in the north.
Deep mountain area: 1141 square kilometers, with an average altitude of 1500 meters to 2000 meters, southwest northeast: Shimen Mountain - Lingxian Mountain - Luoshan - Yuquan Mountain - Cuiping Mountain - Heishiling - Lianhua Mountain - Jiugong Mountain - Matou Mountain - Yongning Mountain - Songzhi Mountain - Mati Mountain - Xiaowutai Mountain. Xiaowutai Mountain, the highest peak in Hebei Province, is 2882 meters high.
River area: 988 square kilometers, about 900 meters above sea level. Huliu River and its tributaries Qingshui River and Anding River pass through the middle. With flat terrain, abundant water sources and fertile land, Yuzhou Gongmi has always been the famous "Rice Valley" in western Beijing, and one of the four tribute rice in history, "Yuzhou Gongmi", is famous in China.
Hilly area: 1118 square kilometers, with an average altitude of 1000 meters to 1500 meters, and a relative height of less than 500 meters, the loess landform is particularly typical. It is suitable for developing forest and fruit industry and planting industry. [18]


Yuxian County has a temperate continental monsoon climate, with an annual average temperature of 6.5 ℃, about 6 ℃ lower than the capital Beijing, and about 2 ℃ lower than the urban area of Zhangjiakou, with a frost free period of 152 days; The annual precipitation of the whole county is 400mm, and the annual average sunshine is 2894 hours. [18]

natural resources


water resource

Yuxian County is located in the southern part of the intermountain basin in northwest Hebei Province, belonging to the Yongding River basin, with sufficient water resources. There are three perennial rivers, Huliu River, Ding'an River and Qingshui River, and a medium-sized reservoir. The total water resources of Yuxian County is 198 million m three The amount of surface water resources is 147 million cubic meters, and the available amount is 110 million cubic meters. The groundwater resource is 108 million cubic meters, and the exploitable amount is 82 million cubic meters. The average annual water consumption for industrial and agricultural production in the county is about 100 million cubic meters, and there is still nearly 100 million cubic meters of water resources utilization space. Huliuhe Reservoir, located in the west of the county, is a medium-sized reservoir with a storage capacity of 87 million cubic meters and a controlled drainage area of 1717 square kilometers. [18]

mineral resources

Yuxian is rich in mineral resources and is one of the 100 key coal producing counties in China. With a total area of 264 square kilometers, the proven reserves are 1.493 billion tons, and the prospective reserves are 2.4 billion tons. It is a relatively well protected coal field in Hebei Province. It has the advantages of shallow buried layer, gentle dip angle, less gas and small mine water inflow. Other mineral resources include iron, germanium, manganese, gold, fluorite, barite, marble, limestone, mica, asbestos and more than 30 kinds of metal and non-metal resources, which have not been exploited on a large scale. [3]

Wind energy resources

The southern mountainous area, northern hilly area and Nanshanyukou impact sector in Yuxian County all have good wind energy development conditions. The annual effective wind speed hours in the southern mountainous area are more than 7000 hours, and the wind direction is stable. It is the best area for wind energy resources, and can develop and build large-scale wind farms.


At the end of 2013, Yuxian County had a registered population of 500735. Among them, there are 264449 males and 236286 females, with a sex ratio of 111.9:100; [4] The agricultural population is about 418000, the birth rate is 16.09 ‰, the mortality rate is 8.38 ‰, and the natural growth rate is 7.72%. [5]
As of January 2021, Yuxian County has a total population of 500000. [16]




In 2020, Yuxian's GDP, total fiscal revenue, general public budget revenue, per capita disposable income of urban residents, and per capita disposable income of rural residents will respectively reach 8.41 billion yuan, 920 million yuan, 600 million yuan, 35259 yuan, and 12803 yuan, up 1.0%, 0.2%, 7.4%, 4.1%, and 9.3% year on year. [12]
In 2021, the GDP of Yuxian County will increase by 4.4% year on year, the general public budget revenue will increase by 9.3% year on year, the fixed asset investment will increase by 14.4% year on year, the added value of industries above designated size will increase by 14.1% year on year, the total retail sales of consumer goods will increase by 8% year on year, the per capita disposable income of urban residents will increase by 6.5% year on year, and the per capita disposable income of rural residents will increase by 11.9% year on year. [21]

primary industry

As of October 2018, the primary industry of Yuxian County has achieved an added value of 850 million yuan, up 4.5% year on year. [19]
In 2021, Yuxian County will complete artificial afforestation, replanting and construction of 188000 mu, more than 2500 mu of land for re greening, reclamation and relocation of villages, 44 mines for ecological restoration, and the greening rate of trees in the whole county will reach 51.2%. [21]

the secondary industry

As of October 2018, the secondary industry of Yuxian County has achieved an added value of 1.27 billion yuan, up 7.2% year on year.
As of October 2018, the gross output value of industrial industries above designated size in Yuxian County has increased by 13.7% year on year, and the added value of industrial industries above designated size has increased by 8.1% year on year. [19]

the service sector; the tertiary industry

By October 2018, the tertiary industry in Yuxian County had achieved an increase of 4.115 billion yuan, up 9.7% year on year.
By October 2018, Yuxian's retail sales of consumer goods had reached 3.49 billion yuan, up 8.9% year on year. [19]


The urban area of Yuxian County is 140 kilometers away from Zhangjiakou in the north, 220 kilometers away from the capital Beijing in the east, 180 kilometers away from Baoding, 250 kilometers away from Shijiazhuang in the south, and 160 kilometers away from Datong in Shanxi in the west. It is located in an important position of "one county connecting two provinces (Hebei Province, Shanxi Province), and three cities (Datong City, Baoding City, and Zhangjiakou City). It is an important hub connecting the west to the east, connecting the north to the south. The road network in Yuxian County extends in all directions, with national highways 109, G112 (overlapping G207), G239, Zhangjiakou Shijiazhuang Expressway, Beijing Weizhou Expressway, and Shawei Railway crossing the whole territory.
In 2021, Yuxian County will build 85 kilometers of rural roads. [21]

social undertakings



In 2010, there were 112 schools of all levels and types in Yuxian County, including 5 private schools. Including: 1 teacher training school; secondary vocational school 1, 2327 students; 2 ordinary high schools with 4978 students; 11 junior high schools with 20375 students; 96 primary schools (5 private schools) with 38251 students; There is one special education school with 27 students. There are 44 kindergartens (27 private kindergartens) in Yuxian County, with 14027 children in school. Yuxian has 4523 teaching staff (248 special post teachers), including 4089 full-time teachers.
In 2017, 135 Yuxian high school graduates went online, 16 more than in 2016. The county invested 40 million yuan to improve the Yuxian No. 2 Experimental Primary School and 12 of the 28 comprehensive thinning projects planned to be implemented. [20]

Science and technology

In 2010, there were 580 township and village science and technology service organizations in Yuxian County, and 50 science and technology demonstration villages and 1000 science and technology demonstration households were built. In Beishuiquan, Changning and other towns, a 15000 mu demonstration base for standardized cultivation of apricot flat and a 50000 mu technical radiation area have been built. Yuxian County has carried out science and technology popularization training in various forms, making the science and technology enrollment rate more than 97%.

medical and health work

In 2010, there were 43 medical and health units above the township level in Yuxian County, including 6 county level medical and health units and 22 township hospitals. hygiene Professional technicians 736 people, including 403 licensed doctors, 221 licensed assistant doctors, 464 registered nurses, 53 pharmaceutical staff, and 1140 beds in health institutions.
In 2010, 378000 people in Yuxian County participated in the new rural cooperative medical care, with a participation rate of 93.88%. 189.54 million farmers have received medical compensation of 7.0516 million yuan.
In 2017, there were two county-level hospitals in Yuxian County, which improved the hospital's total drug sales at zero margin of 55.3981 million yuan, and the people directly benefited 8309700 yuan. [20]

social security

In March 2010, 28510 people participated in pension insurance in Yuxian County, and the social payment rate of enterprise pension was 100%.
At the end of 2010, there were 19112 people with unemployment insurance. 552 new jobs were created, 153 laid-off and unemployed people were resettled, including 35 "4050" people, and the urban registered unemployment rate was 3.8%.
In 2017, Yuxian County added 2850 urban employees, resettled 354 laid-off workers and re employed 1440 rural labor, controlled the urban registered unemployment rate within 2.8%, and insured 258000 urban and rural residents in social endowment insurance, with a participation rate of 98%; 65.998 million yuan of urban and rural subsistence allowance was granted, benefiting 48700 people. The urban and rural medical assistance fund of 8.902 million yuan was distributed, and 1678 people in need were rescued; The temporary relief fund of 585500 yuan was issued. We accelerated the allocation of affordable housing and completed the allocation of 141 affordable housing units. [20]
In 2021, Yuxian County will invest 400 million yuan to implement 277 projects, and the per capita net income of the poverty-stricken population will reach 8825 yuan, up 14.5% year on year. [21]

Historical culture


Origin of place names

Wei, a word with many sounds, usually reads w è i, and place names and names read y ù. Taking geographical naming as an example, it is dedicated to two place names (Weizhou County, Weifen County) and two rivers (Weifen River, Weiru River). Yuxian County is named after Yuzhou.
The first statement
During the Warring States Period, Zhao Guolian received a letter from Wei Wen in the 15th year of Emperor Xiaocheng's reign (251 BC) for his repeated military exploits. Weiwen is the land of Weizhou. Yuzhou got its name from this. See the 13th section of Records of the Historian, Zhao Aristocratic Family: "In the 15th year of the reign of Emperor Xiaocheng, Wei Wen was granted the title of the Prime Minister Lianpo as the Prince of Faith and Peace." According to the note in Records of the Historian, Suoyin, "Wei Wen covers the place name. Or, Wei, an official; Wen, a name. It means that the place where Wei Wen ate was granted the title of Lianpo." Notes in Records of the Historian, Justice: "Wei Wen covers the land of Weizhou. Xin Ping, Lianpo is also called Lianpo."
The second statement
Yuzhou is named after the Weifen River (water).
The third statement
The name of "Yuzhou" is explained by its lush vegetation and natural beauty. This is similar to the explanation of the name of "Jiuzhou" in ancient China in Er Ya Zhu Shu of Yu Gong. This statement seems to lack historical evidence.

cultural relics and historic sites

There are more than 780 cultural relics left in Yuxian County, among which more than 580 are ancient buildings, including 21 national protection units, 20 provincial protection units, 25 county protection units, and more than 5600 cultural relics in Yuxian Museum. [8]
National key cultural relics protection units
Yuzhou has a long history, and there are many existing cultural relics and historic sites, which are rare in China. There are 21 key cultural relics protection sites in China, covering three categories of ancient sites, ancient tombs and ancient buildings. Yuzhou Lingyan Temple, Yuzhou Ancient City Wall Zhenwu Temple Changpingcang, Yuhuang Pavilion, Nan'an Temple Tower, Sakya Temple, Daiwangcheng Site, West Ancient Castle, Nuanquan Huayan Temple, Shappo Laojun Temple, Siezi Lingluo Site, Zhuangke Site, Sanguan Site, Jinhe Temple Hanging Temple Tower Group, Guandi Temple, Tianqi Temple, Chongtai Temple, Gucheng Temple, Yangyun Family Cemetery, and Bubeibao Yuquan Temple. [8]
Historic Towns of China
Nuanquan Town, Daiwang Town
Famous Historical and Cultural Villages in China
Beibeicheng Village, Yongquanzhuang Township, Shangsuzhuang Village, Songjiazhuang Town
Yuzhou Ancient City
The ancient city of Yuzhou was built in the second year of the elephant in the Northern Zhou Dynasty and rebuilt in the tenth year of Hongwu in the Ming Dynasty. The east gate is Anding Gate, the building is Jingyang Tower, the south gate is Jingxian Gate, the building is Wanshan Tower, the west gate is Qingyuan Gate, and the building is Guangyun Tower. There are five rooms on the third floor, three floors high. There are tall and majestic urn cities and moon cities outside the three doors. There is a moat more than three zhang deep and more than seven zhang wide outside the city. There are three gates outside the three doors, namely, Dongguan, Nanguan, and Xiguan. Yuhuang Pavilion, Nan'an Temple Tower and Sakyamuni Temple are built in the city. These ancient buildings with architectural styles of Liao, Yuan, Ming and Qing dynasties, reflecting the different cultural characteristics of Confucianism, Buddhism and Taoism, have become famous historical and cultural cities in Hebei Province. [8]
Yuzhou Castle
The ancient buildings in Yuxian County are mainly ancient castles, temples, theaters and folk houses. In ancient times, there was a saying of "eight hundred village castles", where there were villages, there were castles, and where there were castles, there were villages. They were numerous and widely distributed. The number of temples, palaces, temples, courtyards, nunneries, ancestral temples and pagodas in Yuxian County ranks first in Hebei Province. The ancient temples in Liao, Yuan, Ming, Qing, and the Republic of China are characterized by a complete range of types, unique structures, and exquisite color paintings. For every village and castle in the territory, there are ancient theaters with various forms and types. The ancient folk houses integrate folk customs, aesthetics, architecture and sculpture, and can be seen in quadrangles, quadrangles and nine linked courtyards. The West Ancient Castle in Nuanquan Town is a combination of ancient houses, temples, castles and theaters, which is in the shape of a urn. There are 180 Ming and Qing style residential houses, 5 large connected courtyards, and 49 regular quadrangles. [8]
Nan'an Temple Pagoda
Nan'an Temple Pagoda is one of the cultural relics in Yuxian County. In 2001, it was announced by the State Council as the fifth batch of key cultural relics protection units in China.
The ancient pagoda is a flat octagonal, solid thirteen story brick pagoda with dense eaves. It is about 32 meters high, and the tower base is made of stone strips in the form of Xumizuo. It is 2.5 meters high, and the brick tower base is placed on it. The tower is octagonal in shape. Beast heads are carved on four sides, east, west, north, south, and the other four sides are inscribed with "Fu, Lu".
There is a pagoda courtyard under the pagoda, which was rebuilt in the 45th year of Emperor Kangxi's reign in the Qing Dynasty (1706). The courtyard is about 17.4 meters wide from east to west and 24 meters long from south to north. The gate is located on the west side of the tower, which is a single eaved hard mountain top. The Dougong is three stepped Dougong, four in front and four in back. The main hall is three rooms wide and two rooms deep, with a single eave large hard hill tile roof. The dou arch is also a three step arch, with 8 capitals and 18 flat bodies. There is a main meditation room on both sides of the main hall. There are two lower meditation rooms in the east and west, both of which are hard mountain Buwa roofs (now reconstructed). Nan'an Temple Tower is located in the south of the tower yard. [8]
Yuzhou Academy
Nuanquan Academy, Weiluo Academy, Yuquan Academy, Wenwei Academy.
Yuzhou Ancient Temple
Nan'an Temple, Lingyan Temple, Lingyan Temple, Shuangsong Temple, Sakya Temple, Chongjiao Temple, Huayan Temple, Nanma Temple, Huangmei Temple, Jinhe Temple, Yuquan Temple, Shuangyang Temple, Luohan Temple, Fengshan Temple, Guanyin Temple, Jinjue Temple, Xiangyun Temple, Liugou Temple, Tieli Temple, Shangfeng Temple, Yuanjue Temple, Fayun Temple, Youjian Temple, Zhenguo Temple. The above 23 temples are all recorded in the Shunzhi edition of the Annals of Weizhou (1659). [8]

Intangible cultural heritage

Yuzhou Ancient City, Nuanquan Ancient Town, Ancient Castle, Ancient Folk Houses, Ancient Theaters, Yuxian paper-cut, New Year's Day Celebration, Shuhua, Mountain Worship, Shadow Play, Yuzhou Yangge, etc. have all been listed as national and provincial intangible cultural heritage.
Beat tree flowers
Playing trees and flowers is a traditional folk cultural activity of the Han nationality in Nuanquan Town, Yu County, Zhangjiakou, Hebei Province.
This distinctive ancient festival fire has a history of more than 300 years. It is poured on the wall of the ancient city with molten iron and forms thousands of sparks. It is called "tree flower" because it is like a canopy of leafy trees. Its spectacular degree is no less than fireworks. Later, it was the custom of "beating trees and flowers" in Nuanquan Town during the Lantern Festival. As an ancient skill, tree beating and flower making has become the "provincial intangible cultural heritage" of Hebei. [21]
Yuxian paper-cut
Yuxian paper-cut originated in the Ming Dynasty. This kind of paper-cut is not "cutting", but "carving". It is made of thin rice paper as raw material, carved with a small sharp carving knife, and then dyed with bright and gorgeous colors. Its basic production process is: design modeling, fumigation, carving, dyeing. On May 20, 2006, the heritage was approved by the State Council to be included in the first batch of national intangible cultural heritage list. [22]
Yuxian paper-cut is a folk handicraft created by many folk artists' hard exploration, drawing on the Yangliu Youth Painting and Wuqiang Woodcut New Year Painting. It has six characteristics: one is that the composition is balanced from top to bottom and symmetrical from left to right; The second is that the engraving is mainly made in the form of yin, supplemented by yang. The color is seen in the intaglio, and the sword work is seen in the intaglio. It is famous for its fine workmanship and rich colors; The third is the organic combination of spot dyeing, painting, halo dyeing, overdyeing, rendering and other techniques in dyeing, which is full of distinctive local characteristics and gives people a sense of harmonious and generous local flavor; The fourth is to deliberately portray the characters in order to make them vivid and beautiful (including the shapes of other animals and plants); Fifthly, the design of "more than one year in a row", "peace all the year round", etc., which symbolizes folk auspiciousness and happiness, gives people a sense of good luck and happiness; Sixth, in the paper-cut art dominated by intaglio, it is practical and bright without shading, giving people a vivid three-dimensional sense. [7]


Officially, Yuxian dialect is divided into Laifu small section in Baotang section of Jilu mandarin in northern mandarin, and its Laifu small section is distributed in central and western Hebei Province and Guangling in Shanxi Province. This small area is located in a mountainous area, adjacent to the Jinyu District. Including Laiyuan, Fuping, Yuxian and Quyang in Hebei. Yuxian dialect is unique and famous for its soft pronunciation, mild tone and euphemism. It is said in an article that the Yuxian dialect is "as low as the twitter of a swallow and as high as the antithesis of a thrush", and even the hawker's hawking voice on the street is "ups and downs and lingering for a long time", which is really amazing. [6]

famous scenery

Yuzhou Ancient City
Yuzhou Ancient City Scenic Spot, a national AAA tourist attraction, covers an area of 1.6 square kilometers and is now a famous historical and cultural city in Hebei Province. The ancient city was built in the second year of the elephant in the Northern Zhou Dynasty (580 years) and rebuilt in the tenth year of Hongwu in the Ming Dynasty (1377 years). It has been known as the "Rabbit City" and "Iron City" since ancient times. The perimeter of the ancient city is more than 3800 meters, the city wall is 11.5 meters high, and there are three city gates. The east is Anding Gate (Jingyang Tower), the south is Jingxian Gate (Wanshan Tower), the west is Qingyuan Gate (Guangyun Tower), four corner towers, 24 enemy towers, and more than 1100 piers. Outside the city gate, there are a barbican, a secondary barbican, and a moat. There are many places of interest in the ancient city. Temples, palaces, altars, pavilions, government offices, towers, and houses are scattered all over the city. There are nine national key cultural relics protection units, which have high historical and cultural value, folklore research value, and architectural art value. Due to historical reasons, although the ancient city has suffered some damage, the layout and names of streets and lanes dominated by "Feng" characters are also the same as before. The Yuzhou Office, Wanshan Tower and Drum Tower have been rebuilt, many historic sites have been restored, and the style and features of the ancient city of the Ming and Qing Dynasties still exist. The scenic spots opened in the first phase of the ancient city include Yuhuang Pavilion, Zhenwu Temple, Lingyan Temple, Yuzhou Office, Drum Tower, and Sakyamuni Temple.
Xiaowutai Mountain Jinhe Scenic Area
Xiaowutai Mountain Jinhe Scenic Area, a national AAAA level tourist attraction, is a strange and magnificent valley at the north foot of Xiaowutai Mountain, the highest peak of the Taihang Mountains. Yuxian Jinhekou Forest Park is located at the foot of Xiaowutai Mountain, covering an area of 330000 mu. It is the only primeval forest around Beijing, where there are more than 1320 kinds of plants and 137 kinds of animals. It belongs to the extension of Taihang Mountain, with the highest elevation of 2882 meters in Dongtai. [8]
Nuanquan Ancient Town
Nuanquan Ancient Town Scenic Spot, a national AAA tourist attraction, is a famous historical and cultural town in China, located in the west of Yu County, Hebei Province. The ancient town is called "Nuanquan" because it has springs with the same temperature throughout the year. The ancient town has a long history and is famous for its springs, markets, ancient buildings and folk culture. In the Ming and Qing Dynasties, it developed into "three fortresses, six alleys and eighteen villages".
Flying Fox Valley · Aerial grassland
Flying Fox Valley · Aerial Grassland Scenic Spot, a national AAA level tourist attraction, is located in the south of Yuxian County, on the top of Taihang Mountain. A meadow with an altitude of 2158 meters and an area of 30 square kilometers has suddenly been raised. This is Dianziliang, opposite to Jinhekou Forest Park. It is called "Aerial Grassland" because of its high and flat height. There are two kinds of flowers that are most attractive. One is Edelweiss, and the other is wild poppy. Feihu Valley is a mountain scenic spot and one of the famous "Eight Xings of Taihang" in history. [8]
Longhu Bay Scenic Area
Longhu Bay Ecological Tourism Scenic Spot, a national AAA level tourist attraction, is located in Jupo Village, Nuanquan Town, adjacent to the township road from the county seat to Nuanquan Town in the north, bordering on the Huliuhe Reservoir in the south, hills in the north, reservoirs in the south, shoals in the middle, and connected by water and land. It has a vast land area of 200000 square meters, water surface area of 600000 square meters, and building area of 21000 square meters.

Local specialty

Home of Benevolent Apricots
Yuxian began to plant almonds in the late 1960s. Apricot flat industry has gradually become one of the most prosperous industries in Yuxian County. The main varieties are Longwangmao, Youyi, Yiwofeng, Baiyu Bian, etc. Yuxian County was named by the State Forestry Administration as the "Home of Chinese Kernel Apricots", and by the Provincial Forestry Administration as the "Provincial High quality Kernel Apricot Base". In addition, Yuxian dried papaya and apricots are also famous in the surrounding areas for their large, fleshy, high sugar, sweet and delicious local characteristics.
Yuzhou Gongmi
The most famous one in Yuxian is Peach Blossom Millet. Peach blossom rice, also known as "nine root rice" or "Yuzhou yellow rice", is one of the "four famous rice" in China. It is named for its origin in Taohua Town, Yu County, and has been cultivated for more than 1000 years. According to the Chronicle of Events in the annals of Weizhou, "In August of the second year of Zhizhi, Weizhou presented Jiahe."
Yuzhou Snacks
Yellow cake, buckwheat noodles, rice, pea flour, mung bean flour, sugar sesame leaves, dried tofu, tofu tendons, etc.

Famous people

Wei Xiangshu (1617-1687), known as Huanxi and Yongzhai, was called Hansong Old Man in the evening, a native of Yuxian County. In the third year of Shunzhi's reign, he was selected as a scholar and a lucky man from the Imperial Academy. He has successively held the posts of the criminal division, the engineering division, the criminal division, the civil division, the imperial court, the imperial court, the Yin of Shuntian Mansion, the minister of Dali Temple, the minister of Hubu, the imperial court, and the minister of the criminal department. [9]
Zhang Su (1901-1988) was born in Yuxian County, Hebei Province in October 1901. Its original name was Zhang Xixian, and its former names were Zhang Bogao and Zhang Gengsheng. After the founding of the People's Republic of China, he was the chairman of Chahar Provincial People's Government, a member of the North China Bureau of the CPC Central Committee, and the vice president of the Supreme People's Court. [9]
Ma Baoyu (1920-1941) was born in Yuxian County, Hebei Province. One of the five heroes of Langya Mountain. The heroic feat of five soldiers, including the squad leader Ma Baoyu, quickly spread throughout the whole army of China, and was known as the "Five Heroes of Langya Mountain". [9]
Wang Laoshang (1890-1951), a native of Nanzhangzhuang Village, Yuxian County, Hebei Province, is a famous folk artist in China and the founder of Yuxian paper-cut art. His works are still popular among the people with traditional preservation projects. Regional culture is the cornerstone of folk art. [9]
Zhou Zhaoming (1935 -. [9]
Zhou Shuying (1964 -), a deputy to the National People's Congress, is the successor of Yuxian paper-cut national intangible cultural heritage. [23]

Honorary title

In April 2020, Yu County was selected as one of the outstanding sports counties (cities and districts) in Hebei Province in 2019. [10]
On June 30, 2020, Yuxian County was included in the "second batch of revolutionary cultural relics protection and utilization area and county list". [11]
On November 3, 2021, Yuxian County was named by the Ministry of Culture and Tourism as the "Hometown of Chinese Folk Culture and Arts" from 2021 to 2023. [13-14]
On December 2, 2021, Yuxian County was included in the 13th Hebei Model Cities (Counties). [15]
In October 2023, Yuxian County was selected into the sixth batch of counties (districts) meeting the national standard for water-saving society construction. [25]