Jiang Shiquan

[jiǎng shì quán]
Dramatists and litterateurs in the Qing Dynasty
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Jiang Shiquan (1725-1785), known as "Xinyu", "Xinyu", "Tiaosheng", "Cangyuan", "Qingrong Jushi", "Dingfu" in his later years, a native of Yanshan, Jiangxi Province, and a dramatist and litterateur in the Qing Dynasty. [5-7]
Qianlong Twenty two years (1757): Jinshi, officer Imperial Academy Edit. In the 29th year of Qianlong's reign (1764), after resigning from office, he presided over Ji Shan Chongwen Chair of Anding Third Academy.
Proficient in opera, industrial poetry and ancient prose, less than Wang Ren Yang Xuan Zhao Youyi It is also known as the "Four Talents in Jiangxi". Poetry and Yuan Mei Zhao Yi Collectively“ Jiang Yousan ”。 Transverse out sharp in, vast and lush , take things as they are Huang Tingjian Influence, pay attention to bone strength; It also uses ancient words, elegant and upright; His words and ink are wanton, and he is a genius; Opera was also a great master in the Qing Dynasty. There are 25669 poems in Zhongyatang Poems manuscript There are thousands of unpublished poems and 49 kinds of opera creation, including Nine Kinds of Songs in Red Snow Tower.
Heart rest, heart rest, sweet potato [5-7]
Zangyuan, Qingrong Jushi, and Dingfu in his old age [5-7]
the Qing dynasty
Ethnic groups
Han nationality
date of birth
Date of death
Key achievements
And Yuan Mei Zhao Yi Syndication“ Jiang Yousan
Main works
Zhongyatang Collection, Nine Kinds of Music in Red Snow Tower, Bronze String Ci
True name
Jiang Shiquan

Character's Life


Early hard work

Jiang Shiquan, whose ancestral surname was Qian, lived in Zhejiang Huzhou Prefecture Changxing County (today Huzhou City Changxing County )Jiuli Long'an painted the head of the stream. end of the Ming dynasty Year A of Shen (1644) When his grandfather Qian Chengrong was nine years old, he was separated from his family and wandered with others to avoid war Qianshan County Yongping Town , was accepted as a descendant by Jiang, the head of the capital, and the Jiang family was inherited from then on.
Jiang Shiquan [1]
clear Yongzheng Jiang Shiquan was born in Jiangxi on the rainy night of October 27 (December 1) in 1725 Nanchang The old house in front of the Xiaojintai on Yuandong Street happened to be thundering, so it was nicknamed "Thundering".
His father, Jiang Jian, was a scholar He is good at serving as a chivalrous man, and is good at the study of names of punishment. He has the legacy of ancient martyrs, and has served in Shanxi for a long time Zezhou He has repeatedly fallen into mystery and is valued by the world. He has written four volumes of the Record of Surviving, two volumes of the Jinchang Prison, one volume of the Iron Case, one volume of the Poems beside the Sword, and one volume of the Collection of Calligraphy Guides.
His mother Zhong Lingjia He also knows books, knows rites, and is good at writing poems. He is the author of the Collection of Burnout Tours in Wooden Cars.
Shi Quan was born in a poor family, but his parents' knowledge of books and etiquette made him well received from childhood home education
When Jiang Shiquan was four years old, his mother cut bamboo strips for stippling, gathered them into articles, and taught them to read. When I grow up a little, I teach《 Four Books 》《 The Book of Rites 》《 Zhouyi 》《 Mao Poetry 》Waiting for scriptures enabled him to recite. The mother taught her son well, and the class supervisor was very strict. She was very tired in the heat and cold. Even when he was ill, he still wrote poems of the Tang Dynasty and stuck them on the walls. His mother walked around with a scholar and taught him Crooning It's a play.
When he was ten years old, his father worried that he would become an ordinary man when he was studying, and that he would become a man of letters, so he tied him to a horse's back and traveled with him through Yan, Zhao, Qin, Wei, Qi, Liang, Wu and Chu Xiaohan Letter The magnificence of Yanmen, the view of Taihang and Wangwuzhi Scenic spots , and then arranged for him to study at Zezhou Fengtai Qiumu Mountain Villa Wang's In the building. The Wang family in Fengtai is a rich family. There are hundreds of buildings and ten couplets of books. The family collection is very rich. Jiang Shiquan can read all his books here and lay a deep foundation in literature. At the age of 15, he began to work as a foreign teacher. He learned from Mr. Wang Yunsheng and completed the study of Poems, Books and Changes《 Three Rites 》San Zhuan, etc Nine meridians At the same time, he began to learn poetry.
Jiang Shiquan learned poetry at the age of 15 from Li Shangyin Started. Li Shangyin's poems are rich in style, beautiful in writing, and rich in romanticism Color catered to the needs of young Jiang Shiquan. He loved to read it and accumulated many imitations over the years.
In the autumn of 19, Jiang Shiquan was ill cough Can't lie, sitting alone one night light-weight folding rope chair When I saw the bright moon through the window, I thought sadly and suddenly realized something. So he forced the sick body to get up and light the candles, and found dozens of voluptuous and beautiful books hidden in the drawer Erotic poetry More than 400 pieces were burned in the court. He repented to Tiannishou and swore to get rid of delusions. Buy back the next day《 Zhuzi Genre 》, study and arrange Good schedule self-taught. After three months of self reflection, he actually recovered from his illness.
In September of the ninth year of Qianlong's reign (1744), Jiang Jian sent his family southward to be recruited as a scholar Nanchang Zhang's daughter married the next winter. After marriage, Jiang Shiquan followed his father back to his hometown in Yanshan and studied in the Zhang's School at the north gate of Yongping. This year Dian Zhuan Jin Deying When he came to Yanshan in Jiangxi Province as an inspector, he was surprised to read Jiang Shiquan's poems. He selected him as a disciple and commented on his examination paper like this: "The sound of hundreds of birds crowing, seeing this solitary phoenix, will be immeasurable in the future."
Since then, Shi Quan has learned from Jin Shi. "The window of the boat is used to arrange the room, and a lamp is used to wait on the side. Everyone who practices his own way to treat others, and has learned from ancient poetry and prose, has been assiduous and tireless." In one year, he traveled with Jin Shi Fuzhou Jianchang Ji'an Ganzhou , Nan'an Ruizhou In other places, Jiangxi celebrities were widely gathered, with great knowledge and gradually famous poems. Jin Deying He once wrote a poem praising him: "Jiang Sheng writes a wonderful poem about the world, and ten thousand horses visit and avoid Hua Liu Front I search for Luo Shiru, and De'er Shaojun is happy. "

To be an official and to be withdrawn

Jiang Shiquan
Jiang Shiquan was elected at the age of 22. On New Year's Eve at the age of 26, he had only five buckets of rice in his home, and his livelihood was at a loss. On the second day of the first lunar month, Poyang County Huang Di Village, the county magistrate, sent a letter to Jiang Shiquan's home with Gu Xichang, the county magistrate of Nanchang, asking him to act as《 Nanchang County Records 》He was invited to Nanchang. It took two years to complete the Annals of Nanchang County be published in book form , 28 years old, in Nanchang East Street Water outlet Xiang bought a house called "Zangyuan", which was moved here that year.
Jiang Shiquan went north to seek official position at the age of 23, but it was not always smooth. He went to Beijing for examinations three times, but failed to meet him. It was not until the 22nd year of Qianlong's reign (1757) that he was awarded the title of Jinshi at the age of 33. But at that time, when he was a Jinshi, he could not be granted an official right away. He had to be admitted Shuchang Hall by An ordinary and lucky man , three years end the day's sessions , can be delegated.
After three years of hard life in Shuchang Hall, he finally left the hall, took the first place and awarded Imperial Academy Edit. In the next four years, he held the Shuntian Rural Examination Same as the examiner And《 Continued general examination of literature 》The compiler has been working in the Imperial Academy for a long time and has not been promoted. His "I never wanted to be a minister, but upright official The wish of "death is enough" could not be realized, so it was convenient to resign in the 29th year of Qianlong's reign (1764) and return to the south.
Why did Jiang Shiquan resign in a hurry when he finally embarked on his official career? The reasons are not detailed in the books. In his self written Record of Qingrong Jushi's Visit to the Year, he said: "Qiu Shiying is recommended to join Jingshan Fill in the words for the inner actors, or they may be informed by the superior and refuse. In August, I begged for a holiday and drew a picture of safety in the boat. " Qiu Shizhi Qiu Yuexiu He was Jiang's Jiangxi compatriot vice minister of public works , to control the water well Qianlong Valuing, the recommended thing should not be false.
But Qiu, who is a fellow countryman, should know where Jiang Shiquan's interests lie, so as not to recommend him to "fill in the lyrics for the inner actors" for the possibility of "being known by the superior". Even if the recommendation is not what he wants, Jiang Shiquan may not resign due to "forceful refusal". After Qiu Yuexiu died, his family asked Jiang Shiquan to write an epitaph, but they still highly respected him. This shows the depth of friendship. Therefore, this statement may be an excuse, which is not evidence.
Jiang Shiquan's Dongpo Poetry Notes
And《 Qianshan County Annals 》It is reported that after Jiang Shiquan became famous as a teacher in Beijing, "there was a certain official who wanted to be respected, but Shiquan didn't care Gouge For fear of disagreement and disaster. Zhong Tai'an people are not happy to look up to the yellow dust, so they are presented to the south. " Who does a Xianhuan refer to? There is no record in any book. But Xu Ke Clearing barnyard grass banknotes 》And《 Unofficial History of the Qing Dynasty 》Jiang Shiquan: "Take Gang Jie as a guide Ho Shen However, Ho Shen's use of things after forty two or three years of Qianlong's reign may be based on speculation.
Current search Zhao Yi In the poem "Send Jiang Xinyu to Edit and Return to the South", there is a sentence that "agile poetry is like a horse's title, which can only be highly translated and slandered, and it is hard to be silent", and the self note says: "There are times when it is in the palm of the court, so that's why." Wang Wenzhi The poem sent Jiang Shiquan away from Beijing said: "There are also some high officials who have been reprimanded", "It is inevitable that the rumor will peck and add eyebrows". Zhao Yi, Wang Wenzhi and Jiang Shiquan Live Together Imperial Academy , an official editor said that he was attacked by rumours because he tried to scold a top official. It was not out of thin air.
In the same poem, Zhao Youyan said: "The world is called Douche If you can scold, I will help the officials to persuade the gentry《 Redords of the Grand History of China 》When a drunkard gets into trouble by abusing his position, he urges Jiang to leave in a hurry, and asks him to remember that. Obviously, there must be slander.
Jiang Shiquan was upright all his life, Ruan Yuan It is probably based on the fact that he "cannot be satisfied when he is met, even though the dignitaries cannot tolerate him.". The direct result of this personality is long-term depression and failure to promote. He once said in the words of "He Xinliang: A Farewell to Ji Xinzhai: Wearing a Paozhai": "Gungun princes came to the province. When they saw that there was no shortage, they had to be supplemented. Those who were not talented should go." It was clear that anger was expressed in words.
To sum up, Jiang Shiquan's resignation should be slandered in the charge court for the purpose of rebuking the officials, so he was depressed for a long time and felt that the officialdom was dirty and he begged to leave.

South Returned Lecture

After resigning, Jiang Shiquan did not return to his hometown in Jiangxi, but chose Jinling as his second hometown. This is because:
everything Plum Hill "There is no field to plough",
two Is the poet he admires Yuan Mei Living Jinling Jiang Shiquan and Yuan Mei 's engagement is quite good Dramatic Twenty years ago, Jiang Shiquan went to Nanjing Swallow Rock He once wrote two poems on the wall of Hongji Temple, with the word "Tiao Sheng" at the end. Yuan Mei went to Yangzhou, passed his temple and saw Monk Wall Inscribe a poem , thought it was perfect. After visiting for more than years, I heard Mr. Xiong Dizhai tell me that he took the surname of "Tiaosheng" as Jiang, who was also a talented person in Jiangxi Province. However, they had no chance to meet until Jiang Shiquan resigned and returned to Jinling. Later, Yuan Mei recorded this passage《 Criticism of Poetry from the Garden of Leisure 》。
three It is "Zhong Shan's surname is Jiang". He is willing to follow the example of his predecessors and leave the story of "six generations of Jiangshan and two fables".
Jiang Shiquan [2]
However, Jiang Shiquan's stay in Nanjing with Yuan Mei did not last long. In the 31st year of Qianlong's reign, he should Governor of Zhejiang Xiong Liancun was hired to teach in Shaoxing Jishan Academy. Here he is have a chance to Make friends with Ren Chuquan Liu Wenwei Waiting for Yuezhong poets, and“ Yuezhong Qizi ”He spent six spring and autumn here, seeking seclusion and seeking success, making poems and wine.
In the 37th year of Qianlong's reign, he was also an envoy of Yangzhou Zheng Dajin Appointed to preside over Yangzhou Anding Academy I got acquainted here“ Yangzhou Eight Eccentrics ”Middle Luo Pin He Huasheng Wang Shigu They talk about poetry and painting, chant mountains and rivers, exchange artistic ideas, and criticize social reality , created a large number of works.
Ten years of educational career is the harvest season of poets' creation and also the creation style of poets Maturity stage His poems range from "taking Changli of Shaoling as the patriarch" to "taking both Cynanchum ”At this point, we enter the "Take off the attachment and become my poem" New stage During this period, his opera creation also completed such important plays as Guilin Frost, Four String Autumn, Man in the Snow, Xiangzu Tower, and Linchuan Dream.
Due to the death of his mother, Jiang Shiquan left Yangzhou and buried his mother in Yanshan Ehu Mountain Next. During the decline of household service, he actively Qianshan County Yi Zai suggested that Wenfeng Tower should be built, Jiaoxi Dam should be opened, Zixi Huangbaiban Water Conservancy should be built, 6000 mu of farmland should be moistened, a trial hospital should be built, and the east two doors of the county should be opened to facilitate the communication between the people, which were all adopted and implemented.
In the 42nd year of Qianlong's reign (1777), Emperor Qianlong made a tour to the south and gave poems Peng Yuanrui Call Peng and Jiang“ Jiangyou Two celebrities ", and frequently asked about them. When the news came, the poet was grateful and broke down. So, at the age of 57, he became an official Academia Historica The compiling officer recorded his name to be supplemented by the imperial historian, and revised the "Founding Strategy", which is 14 volumes in total. 59 years old Wind arthralgia Half of the body is neglected“ Two vertical A sudden misfortune, a final illness medical attention. Since then, the right body has been abolished, and the language has become Eqa. "He stayed in Beijing for six years, and finally returned with sick words. In March, Yuan Mei visited. Before leaving, Jiang Shiquan asked Yuan Mei to do epitaph And asked Yuan to write a preface to his poetry collection. In the fiftieth year of Qianlong's reign (1785), he died of illness on February 24 (April 3) in Nanchang Tibetan Garden, aged 61, and was later buried in Jiangxi Wenjiaqiao, Yongping Town, Qianshan County, Sichuan Province.
In his later years, Jiang Shiquan also built Jiang's Ancestral Hall in Nanchang.
Jiang Shiquan wrote 43 volumes of Zhongyatang Anthology, including 12 volumes of essays, 27 volumes of poetry and 2 volumes of addenda, 2 volumes of ci poetry, and Southern and Northern Melodies Jiang Shiquan also wrote poems and essays. In addition, he was also an important opera writer. He wrote dramas Legendary Opera 16 species, all exist. Among them, there are 9 kinds, including Dream of Linchuan, Holly Tree, etc《 Nine Kinds of Songs in Tibetan Garden 》。
Together with Zhao Yi and Yuan Mei, they were called "Three Masters of Qianlong".

History of the Qing Dynasty

Jiang Shiquan, the word "heart", Plum Hill People. His family was poor, and he was four years old. His mother Zhong taught him how to cut bamboo strips for stippling, and then gathered them into clusters to teach calligraphy. Long, work for the text, like singing. By the Judge Zhongshu In the 22nd year of Qianlong's reign, he became a Jinshi and was taught editing. The name of the article is very popular, Qiu Yuexiu Peng Yuanrui And recommend their talents. Turn to beg for sickness. The emperor often inquired from Yuanrui. Yuanrui used to be a scholar and his mother was always right. The emperor gave the poem Yuanrui, which has the sentence of "two famous people in Jiangxi". Shi Quan was grateful to his family members, and was able to fill the official positions when he was ill. His name was recorded for the use of the imperial historian. Not long after, he still begged for rest because of illness, and then died at the age of 62.
Scholars are sentimental, In ancient times Wise people encourage themselves, and it is more urgent than that. The poetry is so outstanding that it can make readers cry. With《 Zhongya Hall Collection 》。 Less time and Wuning Wang Ren Nanchang Yang Xuan In order to make friends with younger brother Kun, you must accompany him when he goes in and out.

Personal achievements



Jiang Shiquan [3] According to the third year of Jiaqing in the Qing Dynasty Yangzhou The printed edition of Complete Works of Zhongyatang contains 2569 poems. He still has thousands of unpublished poems manuscript Medium.
Jiang Shiquan's Anthology of Zhongyatang Poems
The poems have a wide range of themes, some of which reveal social contradictions , poems that sympathize with the people's sufferings, such as《 Hungry people sigh 》《 Forbidden sand money 》The fourth of "Twenty four Commandments for Officials", "Chali Service", "Four Begging for People", and "Mi Gui's Inverted Pre rhyme" have a certain social significance, either to expose the government's plundering of money, or to criticize the officials' rampant behavior in the countryside, or to describe the hardships of life of the people at the bottom of society.
He also has some poems that reflect the social customs of the lower urban and rural society, such as the "Peking Yuefu Ci". However, most of Jiang Shiquan's poems are personal lyric works, as well as works of memorizing the past and making a tour.
He wrote poems and claimed to study at the age of 15 Li Shangyin , switched to school at the age of 19 Du Fu Han Yu , 40 years old, concurrently studying Su Shi Huang Tingjian After the age of 50, "I don't rely on the ancients, but my poetry" (Volume II of Zhongyatang Anthology).
He also emphasizes "spirit" and opposes poetry Front and rear seven sons The trend of retro simulation. He said Shen Deqian Weng Fanggang The malpractice of poetics is: "Later sages follow the door and imitate You Meng Rong Teaching physiognomy Admire. " (Four Characters)
He advocated learning from the Tang and Song dynasties: "Both the Tang and Song dynasties are great men, and each has its own generation of poetry", "sending a message A good scholar Both Tang and Song Dynasties are my teachers. " (Poem Debate) He abstained from following others and emphasized his temperament. "The article is based on his temperament, but not his face" (Four Words).
He said that poetry should be "original in nature and spirit, delete the common language, and keep the national style in comparison" ("Huai Yuan Shu On Two Poems"). But the understanding of "spirit" and Yuan Mei Different, and he emphasized "loyalty, filial piety and righteousness, gentleness and kindness", showing more traditional consciousness.
On the whole, his poems are written with tenacity. Wang Chang Pufushanfang Poetry 》It commented: "All styles are different, but ancient poetry is better than modern style, Seven words More than five words, vast and lush , do nothing as usual. " Yuan Mei's Preface to Zhongyatang's Poetry Anthology put great emphasis on him: 'When writing carefully, you can be sharp and penetrating. "The Five Ancient Journey to the Far East can represent his artistic style《 Come home at the end of the year 》, Qigu "Kaixian Waterfall", "Quwu"《 Wannian Bridge Starts the Moon 》"Floating Mother Temple", Qilu "Runzhou Small Berth"《 Plum Blossom Mountain Hanging History Pavilion Department 》Xiangwang Temple on Wujiang River, etc.

traditional opera

Jiang Shiquan's opera creation was first seen in Jiang's Home print In the series of "Four Kinds of Jiang's Family", "Red Snow Floor" was written. Later Spot printing It is a separate booklet, entitled《 Nine Kinds of Songs in Tibetan Garden 》In addition, there is a bookstore called Yugutang, which is called "Nine Kinds of Songs in Tibetan Garden". Its contents include《 Hollow grain fragrance 》《 Xiangzu Building 》Holly Tree《 Linchuan Dream 》A Piece of Stone《 Guilin frost 》《 Second monument 》Man in the Snow《 Four string autumn 》Nine kinds. Among the nine kinds of music, three are Zaju, and the other six are Legends. In addition to the two dramas "Fragrance of Empty Valley" and "Fragrance Ancestral Mansion" Realistic themes Other eight are Historical themes
Since then, Jiang Shiquan has successively created Caishiji and Caiqiao《 Lushan Meeting 》, compiled into Twelve Kinds of Words Filling in the Red Snow Tower. According to another Li Diaoyuan Rain Village Quhua 》It was said that Jiang Shi was ill with arthralgia in his old age, and his right hand could not write. In his illness, there were still fifteen kinds of songs written by his left hand that had not been published, but there was no Tibetan version handed down from generation to generation. Liang Ting's Quhua, also called the 16th year of Qianlong, congratulations Empress Dowager Wanshou, Jiangxi gentry and people wish Chungu Zaju four kinds, which are also hand made by Xinyu《 Leisure 》Travail to Heaven, Immortal Life Book《 Shengpingrui 》。
The play "Fragrance of Empty Valley" was written in Jining to Zhenjiang boat trip schedule It was on the way back to his hometown after two defeats that the poet had no reason to vent his grievances, and he had a voice to hold the jade instead of selling it. He had no reason to vent, and just met this problem, so his feelings poured out, and it became a wonderful article.
holly The play of Tree Southern Song Dynasty The historical story of extinction. The whole play known as a model of fidelity to the last Song sovereigns Xie Dieshan Taking the heroic deeds of martyrdom as the main line Tang Jue And other loyal and ambitious people have attacked Nocturnal inflammation The shameful act of traitors. According to historical records, the Yuan army captured the capital of the Southern Song Dynasty Lin'an Later, the Monk Commander of the Yuan Army Yang Lianzhenjia Led the Yuan army to excavate the tombs of Song emperors and empresses, plundered property, and abandoned human remains in the wilderness Tang Jue Collect the bones of the tombs and bury them, and plant holly trees as a token of recognition. element Tao Zongyi Record of quitting farming in South Village 》Record the matter. bright Bu Shichen Work《 Ilex 》Legends play their part. Jiang Shiquan interspersed "Faling", "Shougu", "Private Burial", and "Dream News" four □ in the play. His self preface: "As the saying goes," Know the cold before the cold. " Pine and cypress If you are two men, you will think that it is not suitable to be a holly tree ". Know the meaning of the author.
The Dream of Linchuan Dramatist Tang Xianzu story. Focal circulation Dramatization 》Load Tang Xianzu The Peony Pavilion 》After the print was handed down, Yu Erniang, a woman from Loujiang, loved her music very much and carefully reviewed it in small script. She was resentful before she was 20 years old. Someone showed Tang Xianzu with his interlocutor. Tang was filled with emotion and wrote two five character quatrains to mourn. Again Neijiang A woman, who reads "Resurrection of Soul" and is pleased with it, makes a visit to the West Lake and wishes to be a talented woman. Tang died in old age and the woman drowned. Jiang Shiquan did all these things to make this play.
Both "One Piece of Stone" and "The Second Stele" are performed Concubine Lou story. Concubine Lou is a Neo Confucianism Lou Lang Female, married King Ning Chen Hao is an imperial concubine, and the king of Ning plans to rebel. She repeatedly exhorts, but does not listen to her. She also wrote the "Painting of Woodcutter" poem, which says: "When a woman talks, the husband turns to listen. Picking a woodcutter must be light. Last night, the rain passed through the moss, so don't walk to the moss." Finally, she does not listen. Later Chen Hao was captured in rebellion, and the concubine threw herself into the river and died. The people of the state admire their merits and are fierce, and they bury them with great care.
Man in the Snow as Iron Beggar Wu Liuqi Military affairs. Wu Liuqi, a native of Chaozhou, Guangdong Province, lost his father and brother long ago and was fond of drinking, so he settled down in the Jianghu, wandered around the streets and begged for a living. People always hold a staff in their hands, and their mouth is like a piece of gold. My clothes are small and my stomach is not cold or hungry. Everyone is called Iron Beggar. Later, I became a postman and was familiar with the situation of Guanhe River. At that time, when the world was beginning to settle, the Qing army moved from Zhejiang to Guangdong, and the terrain was much unfamiliar. Liu Qi invited the commander to prepare for the situation in central Guangdong. He also said that there were thirty brothers who were loyal to each other, and that they supported the people and took control of the territory Determinable Shuai follows his words and deeds, and Guangdong knows the peace. Since then, he has been conquering Fujian and Sichuan, and he has made many outstanding achievements Tongsheng Surface commander This is the legend of Jiang Shiquan's "Man in the Snow".
According to Four String Autumn Bai Juyi Song of the Pipa 》Write poems. Bai Juyi wrote this poem, but he wrote his own meaning of decline. Ma Zhiyuan of the Yuan Dynasty《 Blue shirt tears 》I thought that I would meet her again when I saw her off in Jiangzhou. Later, Gu Daoxing wrote The Story of Green Shirts, the plot of which is a horse drama. Jiang Shiquan thought“ Destiny It is mean and despicable to use words ", which is based on" Pipa Xing "and Xiangshan's biography Xianzong Current affairs, don't fill in Four String Autumn Academician In seven days. When people praised each other, they thought that the previous play was ten thousand times larger.


Wang Chang On his poetry, it is marked as "the first of the contemporary era"; Li Diaoyuan rated his music as "No. 1 in recent times". Korean envoys once paid a lot of money for him Yuefu Poems To boast in the East. modern Liang Qichao He is said to be "the most proud person in the field of Chinese poetry and music". Japan Aoki Zhenger It is called "the palace in the history of Chinese opera". Today Qian Zhonglian The professor said, "Jiang Shiquan was fully recognized and highly praised by the famous critics for his achievements in poetry and music, which was the highest in the whole Qing Dynasty Literary history I'm afraid we have to refer to it as a unique family. "

Commemoration for future generations

Tomb of Jiang Shiquan
Tomb of Jiang Shiquan, located at Plum Hill Yongping Town Dongjiawu, west of Wenjia Bridge in Chenjiazhai, is located in the east by the south and faces lakes, mountains and fields.
The shape of the tomb is unique: in the middle is a circular tomb with a diameter of 1.3 meters, about 3 meters above the bluestone platform.
The tombstone is embedded in the stone niche at the rear, surrounded by 1m high bluestone, with the front end Drum stone 1 pair, with several stone steps below.
The tomb covers an area of about 16 square meters. Niches, railings sheathing The architecture of the niche is exquisite gable and hip roof , Erri: "Integrity article", couplet: "Lu Bu kowtows Su Gong and eight Ren Ket In a word, Shanyin With Lu Weng, he chanted ten thousand poems.
Embedded tombstone text:
Right: "On the eighth day of March, the fifty second year of Qianlong's reign Hitachi ”;
Middle: "Emperor Qing granted Chengde Lang the right to overthrow Jin Official doctor Imperial Academy Compilation is to use the imperial history to make a clear examination of the tomb of Jiang Gongxin's Yu Fu Jun ";
Left: "Sacrifice the examinee, who knows how to be honest, who knows how to be honest, who knows how to be honest, who knows how to be honest, who knows how to be honest, who knows how to be honest, who knows how to be honest, who knows how to be honest, who knows how to be honest, who knows how to be honest, who knows how to be honest, who knows how to be honest, who knows how to be honest, who knows how to be.
The tomb was built in 1959 Jiangxi Provincial People's Government Published as provincial Cultural relics protection unit In the 1970s, at the beginning of Yongping Copper Mine, an arch bridge with a span of about 80 meters was specially built, which was like a rainbow and led directly to the tomb, facilitating future generations to visit and pay homage.

Selected works



The heart of loving son is endless, and returning home is joyful. Cold clothes are densely stitched, and letters are fresh.
When I meet you, I feel pity and thin, and call my son to ask about hardship. I am ashamed of the son of man, and dare not sigh the dust [4]
[Returning late on the lake]
Wet clouds and crows carry heavy loads, and the wild temple is sunny again. The withered leaves retain the autumn air, and the cold bell beats the rain.
Half eaves are full of birds, deep trees are full of lights. When you walk out of the Long Causeway, the moon suddenly rises in the middle of the lake.
Don't attach importance to masculinity, but attach importance to eroticism, Traces I still admire the city. Lian Yi's life clogs, which is the sound of stepping through mountains and rivers.
[Painting Inscription]
If you don't write about the sunny mountain and write about the rainy mountain, it's like shining a mirror on a servant girl. Everything in the world is blurry and good, so the wind and cloud chariot will return.
[Wang Shigu's album of jade hairpins]
Low clumps with big leaves and green leaves, white jade Sao put a few branches on his head. It is ordered that the cool wind should be restrained frequently, and it should not be driven until ten minutes.
The shadow of the bridge is hanging in water, Fengshan Outside the gate is the city side. With a sword on one shoulder, I still check my cold clothes and ask for tax.
Seven miles of Yan Beach surround Fuchun, and the canopy is green and the mountain is heavy. The Tongjiang River is like a centrifugal curve, with the sound of thousands of sails.
[Tomb of Five]
The broken head can still be a ghost, and the spirit will walk away from the wind. To leave Blue blood Exclusive Bones, righteous people hate each other slightly.
[Narrating Huai]
Drunken dreams and empty voices can not live, and the hundred year potential is exhausted. Only by talking about how Taoism can deceive the world can Fang Yu dare to write books.
The tea purse is bitter and sweet, and the dung cicada is empty. After three years of poverty, I was so ashamed that I could not stand upright.
The order is difficult Four towns Strong, Gantong Horse leather Sink in Hunan. If you live without a monarch, you will prosper in the south. If you die, you will Dressed funeral mang
The green blood pretends to be more red, and the plum blossom people worship the earth and are fragrant. Jiuyuan If you meet Zuo Zhongyi, you will leave the capital to cry on the battlefield.
[Floating Mother Temple]
By chance, women and people are kind-hearted. What's wrong with not meeting Han Hou? Ghosts and gods silently look at the king and grandson of rice, and the king of Qi will not die King of Chu Death.
The report of a thousand gold coins is straight, and the food in the Old Mother Temple is still handed down today. Husbands are in various shapes, and hungry people are also pitiful.


I am a common life bird, all of them are pitiful. Tears are similar to the autumn river.
The bride in the building for ten years, the husband in the world for nine years, looks like the first Flying canopy
Years of sorrow and illness, mood parting. Chanting spring silkworms, suspecting summer geese, crying out in autumn.
A few see beads around, smiling sitting in the east wind. be enlightened Very emaciated, for me twice.
Read Liang Hong hard. Who knows the thousand miles, Each pair One light is red.

Publishing books

  • Author name Jiang Shiquan
    Work time 1989-5
  • Hollywood
    Author name Jiang Shiquan
    Work time 1988-6

Poetic idea

As for Jiang Shiquan's poetic ideas, the researchers' views are generally similar, which are classified as Spiritualism Poetics. Jian Youyi summarized Jiang Shiquan's poetry theory as eight points:
(1) Take literature as poetry to expand the realm of poetry;
(2) Poetry is spiritual, advocating gentleness;
(3) Poetry carries morality and advocates loyalty, filial piety and chastity;
(4) Poems follow Tang and Song dynasties and oppose plagiarism simulation;
(5) Poetry is good at using allusions to enrich poetic connotation;
(6) Poetry is simple, easy to reveal the truth;
(7) Poetry arranges verve and stresses that there is something in words;
(8) The style of poetry is repudiated, and the emptiness is avoided.