Salamanca University

Spanish public universities
zero Useful+1
Salamanca University has been Europe The Spanish are proud to be one of the important academic centers of. Salamanca University is the oldest public university in Spain and one of the oldest universities in the world. Salamanca University Humanities and Social Sciences He is good at natural science and other fields. In 1218, Kingdom of Leon king Alfonso IX Order the establishment of Salamanca University; 1255, by Alfonso X The King and Rome the pontiff Alexander IV Jointly awarded the University Seal of Salamanca University. Since the establishment of Salamanca University Holy See With the strong support of the European upper class Law Humanities A comprehensive university with literature and linguistics as the main body educational system Numerous scholars, literati and politicians have emerged from it, The Renaissance Period famous School of Salamanca It started here. Developed around Salamanca University Salamanca Ancient City Castile culture and Spanish The place of origin of the United Nations grant World Cultural Heritage title.
Chinese name
Salamanca University
Foreign name
Universidad De Salamanca (Spanish)
University of Salamanca (English)
Time of establishment
Nature of running a school
Public University
School category
comprehensive university
School characteristics
Coimbra Group member
Current leaders
Daniel Hernández Ruipérez President
School setting
Department of Economics and Enterprise Science, Department of Linguistics, Department of Law, Department of Medicine, School of Nursing and Physiotherapy, etc
School motto
Omnium scientiarum princeps Salmantica docet [5]
37008 Salamanca
Well known alumni
Cervantes Adolfo Suarez Aristides Royo Holy Cross

History of school running

Salamanca University
Salamanca is a famous university town in Europe second only to Oxford Historic city It is a historical art textbook that gathers talents from all over the world who are engaged in various disciplines. Ancient Rome The city built by people has experienced Goths After the rule of Islam, it was recovered in the 11th century. In the 13th century, Spain was founded here The oldest university It is still thriving as the center of Spain's cultural and academic activities. Rome, Goth Baroque And Islamic style buildings, each in Spain Art History Shangdu occupies a very important position. Therefore, this treasure house of art works has become the leading tourist attraction in Castia. In 1988, Salamanca was the United Nations Selected by UNESCO as World Heritage Site City, 2002 Selected It is a European cultural city. Salamanca City, distance Madrid 200 kilometers, the transportation is very convenient. This city contains rich history and Cultural details At the same time, it is also a modern city, completely suitable for students' modern life needs. Salamanca University, founded in 1218, is the oldest university in Spain. Its long history and academic reputation can be compared with Oxford And the University of Paris. It is not only an important building in Salamanca, but also Spain The Renaissance One of the art treasures of the period. Salamanca University advocates Humanism , Yes Latin Model of early universities in language regions. Religious schools of all sizes have been here, leaving a rich and eclectic culture. Like many ancient universities, there is a priceless university here.

School running conditions



Salamanca University has 26 colleges:
National Police Training Centre
European Aviation Academy
Avila High Polytechnic
Samora Institute of Technology
Avila Education and Tourism College
Avila College of Nursing
Samora College of Nursing
Zamora College of Education
Samora College of Labor Relations
Academy of Fine Arts
College of Biology
Academy of Sciences
Academy of Agricultural and Environmental Sciences
College of Chemistry
Academy of Social Sciences
Law School
School of Education
nursing physiotherapy college
school of pharmacy
languages institute
School of Philosophy
College of Geography and History
medical college
School of Psychology and School of Translation and Documentation [3]
Salamanca University
Grado en Administración y Dirección de Empresas
Grado en Bellas Artes
Fine Arts
Grado en Biología
Grado en Biotecnología
Grado en Ciencia Política y Adm. Púb.
Politics and Public Management
Grado en Ciencias Ambientales
Grado en Comunicación Audiovisual
Audiovisual Media
Grado en Derecho
Grado en Economía
Grado en Educación Social
Grado en Enfermería (Zamora)
Nursing (Zamora)
Grado en Enfermería (ávila)
Nursing (á vila)
Grado en Enfermería (Salamanca)
Nursing (Salamanca)
Grado en Estadística
Grado en Estudios Alemanes
German Studies
Grado en Estudios Franceses
French Studies
Grado en Estudios Hebreos y Arameos
Hebrew and Aramaic Research
Grado en Estudios Ingleses
Grado en Estudios Italianos
Italian Studies
Grado en Estudios Portugueses y Brasileños
Portuguese and Brazilian Studies
Grado en Estudios árabes e Islámicos
Arabic and semitic Research
Grado en Farmacia
Grado en Filología Clásica
Classical linguistics
Grado en Filología Hispánica
Spanish Linguistics
Grado en Filosofía
Grado en Fisioterapia
Grado en Física
Grado en Geografía
Grado en Geología
Grado en Gestión de Pequeñas y Medianas Empresas
SME management
Grado en Historia
Grado en Historia del Arte
Art History
Grado en Historia y Ciencias de la Música
Grado en Humanidades
Grado en Información y Documentación
Grado en Ingeniería Agroalimentaria
Agriculture Food Engineering learn
Grado en Ingeniería Agrícola
Grado en Ingeniería Civil (Zamora)
Civil Engineering (Zamora)
Grado en Ingeniería Civil (ávila)
Civil Engineering (á vila)
Grado en Ingeniería Electrónica Industrial y Automática
electronics industry And automation engineering
Grado en Ingeniería Eléctrica
Grado en Ingeniería Geológica
Grado en Ingeniería Geomática y Topografía
Surveying and mapping Surveying engineering
Grado en Ingeniería Informática
Grado en Ingeniería Informática en Sistemas de Información
Information Engineering in Information Systems
Grado en Ingeniería Mecánica (E.P.S. de Zamora)
Mechanical Engineering (E.P.S. de Zamora)
Grado en Ingeniería Mecánica (E.T.S. de Ingeniería Industrial de Béjar)
Mechanical Engineering (E.T.S. de Ingenier í a Industrial de B é jar)
Grado en Ingeniería Química
Grado en Ingeniería de Diseño y Tecnología Textil
Design Engineering and Textile Technology
Grado en Ingeniería de Edificación
Construction Engineering
Grado en Ingeniería de la Tecnología de Minas y Energía
Minerals and Energy technology engineering
Grado en Lenguas, Literaturas y Culturas Románicas
Roman Language, Literature and Culture
Grado en Maestro de Educación Infantil(E.U. de Educación y Turismo de ávila)
Preschool education teacher training (á vila)
Grado en Maestro de Educación Infantil (Zamora)
Early childhood education teacher training (Zamora)
Grado en Maestro de Educación Infantil (Facultad de Educación)
Preschool Education Teacher Training (Education Department)
Grado en Maestro de Educación Primaria(ávila)
Primary education teacher (á vila)
Grado en Maestro de Educación Primaria (Zamora)
Primary Education Teacher (Zamora)
Grado en Maestro de Educación Primaria (Facultad de Educación)
Primary Education Teacher (Education Department)
Grado en Matemáticas
Grados en Medicina
Medical Science
Grado en Odontología
Grado en Pedagogía
Grado en Psicología
Grado en Química
Grado en Relaciones Laborales y Recursos Humanos (Zamora)
Labor relations and human resources (Zamora)
Grado en Relaciones Laborales y Recursos Humanos (Facultad de Ciencias Sociales)
Labor Relations and Human Resources (Department of Social Sciences)
Grado en Sociología
Grado en Terapia Ocupacional
Grado en Trabajo Social
Social work
Grado en Traducción e Interpretación
Grado en Turismo
Ciencias Empresariales
Enterprise Science
Educación Social
Enfermería – Salamanca
Nursing -Salamanca
Enfermería – Zamora (Centro Adscrito)
Nursing - Zamora (affiliated college)
Enfermería – ávila (Centro Adscrito)
Nursing - á vila (affiliated college)
Gestión y Administración Pública
public administration
Relaciones Laborales – Salamanca
Labor relations Salamanca
Relaciones Laborales – ávila
Labor relations - á vila
Terapia Ocupacional
Occupational disease treatment
Trabajo Social
Social work
Ingeniería Técnica
Technical Engineer
Ingeniero Técnico Agrícola. Especialidad:Explotaciones Agropecuarias
Agricultural technology engineering. Direction: development of agriculture and animal husbandry
Ingeniero Técnico Agrícola. Especialidad: Industrias Agrarias y Alimentarias
Agricultural technology engineering. Direction: land and food industry
Ingeniero Técnico Industrial. Especialidad:Electricidad
Industrial technology engineering. Direction: Power
Ingeniero Técnico Industrial. Especialidad: Electrónica Industrial
Industrial technology engineering. Direction: electronics industry
Ingeniero Técnico Industrial. Especialidad: Mecánica – Béjar
Industrial technology engineering. Direction: Mechanics - B é jar
Ingeniero Técnico Industrial. Especialidad: Mecánica – Zamora
Industrial technology engineering. Direction: Mechanics Zamora
Ingeniero Técnico Industrial. Especialidad: Textil
Industrial technology engineering. Direction: textile
Ingeniero Técnico de Minas. Especialidad: Sondeos y Prospecciones Mineras
Mineral technology engineering. Direction: mineral exploration
Ingeniero Técnico de Obras Públicas. Especialidad: Hidrología
Official technical engineering. Direction: hydrology
Ingeniero Técnico en Informática de Gestión
information management
Ingeniero Técnico en Informática de Sistemas
information system
Ingeniero Técnico en Obras Públicas. Especialidad: Construcciones Civiles
Official technical engineering. Direction: civil buildings
Ingeniero Técnico en Topografía
Surveying and Mapping
Maestros Especialidad
Teacher qualification
Audición y Lenguaje
Listening and Language
Educación Especial
Educación Física
physical education
Educación Infantil – Salamanca
Early childhood education Salamanca
Educación Infantil – Zamora
Early childhood education Zamora
Educación Musical
music education
Educación Primaria – Salamanca
Primary Education Salamanca
Educación Primaria – Zamora
Primary education - Zamora
Educación Primaria – ávila
Primary Education - á vila
Lengua Extranjera (Alemán)
Foreign Language Education (German)
Lengua Extranjera (Francés)
Foreign Language Education (French)
Lengua Extranjera (Inglés) – Zamora
Foreign Language Education (English) - Zamora
Lengua Extranjera (Inglés) – ávila
Foreign Language Education (English) - á vila
Ingeniero Geólogo
Geological engineer
Ingeniero Industrial (2o ciclo)
Ingeniero Químico
Chemical Engineer
Ingeniero de Materiales (2o ciclo)
Ingeniero en Geodesia y Cartografía (2o ciclo)
Geodesy With the Drawing Engineer (Phase II)
Ingeniero en Informática (2o ciclo)
Computer Engineering Division (Phase II)
Administración y Dirección de Empresas
Enterprise operation and management
Bellas Artes
Fine Arts
Bioquímica (2o ciclo)
Biochemistry (Phase II)
Ciencias Ambientales
environmental science
Ciencias Políticas y de la Administración (2o ciclo)
Politics and Administration (Phase II)
Comunicación Audiovisual (2o ciclo)
Audiovisual Media (Phase II)
Documentación (2o ciclo)
philology (Phase II)
Estudios de Asia Oriental (2o ciclo)
East Asian Studies (Phase II)
Filología Alemana
German linguistics
Filología Clásica
Classical linguistics
Filología Francesa
French linguistics
Filología Hebrea
Hebrew linguistics
Filología Hispánica
Spanish Linguistics
Filología Inglesa
English Linguistics
Filología Italiana
Italian Linguistics
Filología Protuguesa
Portuguese Linguistics
Filología Románica
Filología árabe
Arabic linguistics
Historia del Arte
Art History
Historia y Ciencias de la Música (2o ciclo)
Psicopedagogía (2o ciclo)
educational psychology
Teoría de la Literatura y Literatura Comparada (2o ciclo)
Literary Theory and Comparative Literature (Phase II)
Traducción e Interpretación

Teaching construction

Long history and profound cultural antecedents Undoubtedly, it is the biggest feature of Salamanca University.
Salamanca University
Salamanca University undertakes one of the eight tasks of Spain Spanish The important task of education and promotion has made great contributions to the teaching and research of Spanish for foreigners. With more than 30 years of Spanish teaching experience, more than 150000 students from around the world have studied Spanish in this university. Salamanca University offers Spanish language and culture courses at all levels, which can make students master Spanish well and meet the requirements and standards of college students.
The main entrance and bronze statue in front of Salamanca University
Salamanca University is officially approved by the Spanish government and is responsible for the formulation and revision of the Spanish Proficiency Level Examination (DELE). Including: Primary Certificate (CIE), Intermediate Diploma (DBE), Advanced Diploma (DSE)。 All kinds of Spanish courses at Salamanca University are specially designed for foreign students Learn Spanish And its culture based language intensive courses. This course is taught by a senior language and literature teacher in the university. After one year of Spanish study, students can basically master the basic knowledge of Spanish, which will lay a good foundation for studying professional courses in universities.
Salamanca University
In 1989, Salamanca University and University of Cambridge Association of Language Testers in Europe
  • Educational duration
Bologna process Before the reform, the Spanish school system was divided into three stages:
1. The first stage of education (short-term stage, namely "junior college stage", three-year schooling, and the degree obtained is Diploma). College graduates can continue their studies in the second stage of education in the same discipline, or they can enter the second stage of undergraduate courses directly or indirectly through other supplementary courses.
2. The first and second stages of education (the long-term stage, that is, the complete "undergraduate stage", five-year schooling). This kind of study is divided into Two stages However, passing the first stage does not mean that any diploma will be issued, nor does it mean that the students will complete their studies or have special Professional qualifications Only after completing all the two stages of study can students obtain the corresponding bachelor's degree (Licenciatura) according to their subject.
3. Only the second stage of education (that is, only the "two years after undergraduate education"). This kind of study lasts for two years, and the corresponding bachelor's degree (Licenciatura) can be obtained after completion. Students who have completed the first stage of their studies at a junior college or university level can enter this stage of their studies directly or indirectly by taking other supplementary courses.
4. The third stage of education (i.e. "doctoral studies"). Students who have obtained a bachelor's degree can enter this stage of study. After completing the corresponding doctoral degree study project and passing the doctoral dissertation, students can obtain the doctor's degree in the corresponding academic field.
After the Bologna reform, according to the Decree 1393/2007 issued on October 20, 2007, Spanish universities began to implement the 3-5-8 academic system commonly used in Europe.
5. The first stage of education, four years of schooling, needs to complete 240 ECTS Credits: Bachelor degree certificate (Grado)。
6. The second stage of education, one or two years of schooling, has completed 60 or 120 ECTS credits respectively, and obtained Master's Degree Certificate (Máster)。
7. In the third stage of education, students who have obtained a master's degree can enter this stage of study. After completing the corresponding doctoral degree study project and passing the doctoral dissertation, students can obtain the doctor's degree in the corresponding academic field.
  • graduate school
Institute of Educational Science and Biochemistry microbiology Research Institute, the former not only carries out research on pedagogy, but also offers independent courses to train master students in pedagogy; In addition to undertaking 13 scientific research tasks, the latter also cooperates with the Microbiology and Genetics Research Office to cultivate graduate students in biological science and doctoral students in the major of microorganism and plant and their relationship.
  • Featured courses
The International College of Salamanca University provides students with Spanish Courses (Spanish language and culture), and professional advanced Spanish courses for some graduates, students in the last year of Spanish major, and students with good Spanish foundation. Since its establishment in 1218, Salamanca University has been famous for its research and teaching of Spanish. Over the past three decades, there have been more than 150.000 International students Come here to learn Spanish.

Social evaluation

QS World University Ranking
two thousand and twenty-one
Ranking 601-650 [2]

Cooperation and exchange

  • Chinese students from Salamanca University presented Premier Wen Jiabao with oil paintings
On January 31, 2009, when Premier Wen Jiabao met with the staff of the Chinese Embassy and Consulate in Spain, representatives of overseas Chinese and overseas students in Madrid, he received a special gift - oil painting "Snuggle Up". This is an oil painting by a boy from the earthquake stricken area in Sichuan. Xu Jinjing, a Sichuan student studying in the art department of Salamanca University in Spain, learned that Premier Wen would visit Spain and spent two days painstakingly creating this oil painting for the Premier. This painting is based on Premier Wen's Beichuan Middle School When commanding the disaster relief, a picture taken by Xinhua News Agency reporter has just experienced Wenchuan, Sichuan Catastrophic earthquake The two little girls of News photos Created. As Xu Jinjing's university is far away from Madrid, he failed to arrive at the scene and hand deliver the painting to Premier Wen, University of Madrid Chinese students Wu Hua (Left) Helped him fulfill this wish.
Salamanca University
After receiving this special gift, Premier Wen called Xu Jinjing on the spot with his mobile phone to express his gratitude and pay New Year's greetings to Xu Jinjing. [1]
Salamanca University
  • Chinese students
Since 2006, Chinese students have successively gone to Salamanca University to study undergraduate courses, and the first batch of them are Zhao Bo (Liaoning) from the Department of Law, and Zhao Bo from the Department of Economics and Enterprise Science Wu Qiu (Shandong), Xu Jinjing (Sichuan) and others from the Department of Fine Arts [1] In 2008, under the organization and advocacy of the Education Group of the Chinese Embassy in Spain, based on the earliest group of overseas students Salamanca Chinese Students and Scholars Federation

school environment


Historical celebrities

Salamanca was named Elmandika when it first appeared in history. It is recorded that the city was Hannibal In an article about the fall of Carthage's army. The ancient Roman bridge in the city Stone cow (The surface of the city emblem is also decorated with the design of stone buffalo), which is the heritage of that period. They often graze animals on both sides of the Tolmes River. It is said that the ancient bridge itself is trajan The emperor built the bridge, but only 15 arches near the urban end can be dated back to the first century AD, and the rest were expanded in the 16th and 17th centuries after the bridge was destroyed by floods.
During the period from the collapse of Roman rule in the third century AD to the re influx of immigrants into the city in the 11th century AD, except for the Roman and medieval defenses Earth wall There is nothing important left beyond the remains, the ancient bridge on the Tolmes River and its stone cows.
Three figures contributed to Salamanca's prosperity in the Middle Ages. The first is Bernardo Del Capio, which is legendary hero Later, it continued to appear in Spanish literature. The second is Raymond of Burgundy, who facilitated the large-scale expansion of the city at the end of the 11th century Franks They immigrated to the city one after another, Feudal system Of Legal structure And the territorial structure were also clearly defined at the same time. The priest of Sid, Bishop Heronemo, was responsible for the church organization in the city and began to devote himself to the construction of the cathedral.
Salamanca University
Among many literary figures associated with Salamanca, two names have become household names, namely, Little Lazarus and Celestina on the Tolmes River. "Little Lazarus on the Tolmes River" is used by an unknown writer first person It was published in 1544. As his name implies, the independent and uninhibited hero was born on the bank of the Tolmes River, and his life was to try not to let himself live too tired due to moral problems or noble sentiments. This novel marks the birth of Spanish tramp literature, and has also become one of the sources of modern novels. As for "Selestina" or "The Tragedy and Comedy of Callisto and Melibeya" (1499), it is about the work written by Fernando de Rojas in Salamanca Bridging Of woman matchmaker Celestina, an unforgettable character, has become one of the most important pioneers of modern drama.

Architectural features

The preparatory medical school is a Gothic architecture The location was formerly the Raymond Mansion in Burgundy, so it is traditionally considered as Ancient Rome The site of the court. Parietal margin The ornate decoration of The Renaissance The style elements of the period: the god of agriculture and animal husbandry (one of them is busy with love activities), scroll decoration, leaf scroll decoration and strange human face decoration. Zongzuo University The door of the early 16th century also belongs to the decorative style. It seems that several branches are provocatively highlighting its grotesque figure Coat of arms The weirdness and complexity of round carvings. People can use the round sculptures of the Catholic kings of Spain in the lower part and some of the upper parts Heracles and Venus This is an amazing portrait of the Renaissance, and we can get a general understanding of the general picture of civilization in the Renaissance.
Salamanca University
What makes these buildings, as well as all buildings in Salamanca, converge is their building materials: a reddish gold rock produced in Mayor town area. Fry, a theologian, poet and philosopher, stands in the center of the inner courtyard of Zongzuo University· Louis de Leon The statue of Miguel de una-muno The following verses of icker The color of. " Entering the magnificent gate is the cloister, which is surrounded by teaching buildings and ancient university libraries (founded in 1254, the oldest in Europe Big Library )。
The classroom where Fry Louis de Leon usually lectured seemed to remain the same as the one he lectured in 1577. After he spent a long time in the prison of a religious judge, he greeted his students with the famous words: "Just as I said not long ago..." So he skillfully avoided the topic of persecution he suffered. The two rows of benches in the classroom are simply composed of wooden columns cut into four squares, while the opposite is a chair destined to be empty forever for the professor. Simple and unadorned, but with extraordinary charm.
Three centuries later, in the adjacent classroom, the principal and Franco General Millen Astley, a member of the group, fought with each other. The general shouted, "Kill intellectuals! Long live death!" The headmaster stood up and said, "This is the palace of knowledge, and you have desecrated it. You have the chance to win, but you can't be convincing, because if you want to be convincing, you also need something you still lack, that is reason and legitimate reasons." In a riot caused by his remarks, The soldiers had to keep him at home. It happened on October 12, 1936, three months after the civil war broke out, and the headmaster's name was Miguel de una-muno If we cast a last glance at the statue of Fry Louis de Leon bathed in the blue sky sunshine in autumn, leave the religious university and take the way Book market Street and Mountain Street, we come to the intersection of Partner Street, which is a treasure house of buildings, including the Priest (former theological college) and the Shell Palace in the early 16th century. The Shell Palace is a luxurious residence, whose facade pilgrim Of Scallop shell Sculptures are used as decorative patterns. The Baroque appearance of Monterey Palace stands in front of us after passing through the Benedictine Square, where many bloody events took place in Spanish history. Unamuno looked at the Monterey Palace from the window for a long time every day tower It was once described as follows: "These stones will be left to testify that in the face of nature, there were indeed human beings, civilizations and philosophies. They will be left to show that there was performance, order and balance in the world." In 1936 tragic On the last day of the year, Unamuno He died, but his statue, like the statue of Fry Louis de Leon, continues to loudly and clearly proclaim freedom of thought and Freedom of thought Rights.

Campus distribution

Salamanca University is divided into 6 campuses: Salamanca Campus, Avila Campus, Behar Campus, Bimayor Campus, Samora Campus and Virtual Campus. [4]

Well known alumni

Salamanca University has cultivated numerous outstanding talents, and countless scholars, scientists, theologians, jurists, etc. have studied, taught and studied here. The key points are as follows:
Cervantes Saavedra Miguel de (Miguel de Cervantes Saavedra, 1547-1616), Spain Literary giant , a famous writer in the Renaissance. Author of Tang Jike De. He studied at Salamanca University in his early years.
Abraham Zacuto (1452-1515) was a Jewish astronomer and mathematician. He studied astronomy in Salamanca and then taught at Salamanca University University of Zaragoza And the University of Cartagena. He provided key preparations for the voyage of Da Gama Nautical instrument , maps and many mathematical charts with instructions. Without his contribution, Da Gama would not have successfully completed this longest voyage, which was the first in Europe.
Antonio de Nebrija (1442-1522) was a European scholar in the Renaissance. He worked with university of bologna study. Most of my life is spent in University of Einaresburg teach Classical literature He became very famous in Spain Humanism In addition, he wrote the first book on Castilian Spanish grammar (published in 1492). Named after him Antonio de Nevriha University (Universidad Antonio de Nebrija) is one of the top private universities in Spain.
Luis de Le ó n (1527-1591) entered Salamanca University at the age of 15 Ecclesiastical law , Augustine of Spain in Renaissance Europe Revisionist society A monk, a famous poet and translator, who once Horace Poetic, written in Spanish in a classical style Ode His works were not published until 1631. He was famous as a teacher and a scholar of the Bible.
Louis de· Gongola I Argot (Luis de G ó ngora y Argote, July 11, 1561 May 24, 1627), Spanish poet. Born Cordoba A noble family, later became a priest. His poetry collection Homer's Poems in Spain was once banned. The long poem Loneliness, written in 1612, is his representative work, 2880 lines, unfinished. The poem is full of strange rhetoric, reflecting the poet“ Ostentation ”The creative style of.
Francisco Su á rez (1548 – 1617) entered the Salamanca University Law School in 1561. School of Salamanca Representative figures: poets, theologians and philosophers. It is known as the most important scholastic philosopher after Thomas Aquinas.
Holy Cross (San Juan de la Cruz, 1542-1591), whose real name is Juan de Yepes Alvarez, is Catholic Reformation The main character of, the Spanish mystic, Galmero Society Friars and priests. Studying at Salamanca University Theology and Philosophy cross John He is the reformer of the Galmero Society and is believed to have founded the Barefoot Galmero Society together with Saint Teresa of Avila. He is also famous for his writing. His poetry and his research on soul growth are considered to be the peak of Spanish mystery literature Spanish Literature One of the peaks of In 1726, Benedict XIII He was made a saint. He is listed as the 33rd Catholic Church Master one of.
Hernando Cortez (Hern á n Cort é s, 1485-1547), Spain Colonist To destroy Aztec civilization and conquer Mexico Guatemala Honduras It is famous for establishing colonies. Born in a small town in the Kingdom of Castile Medellin (Located in modern western Spain Estremadula A small noble family in Spain. He studied law at the University of Salamanca Law School. He abandoned school and joined the army at the age of 17, and then came to the New World in 1504 Spanish Island Cortez once worked as a farmer on the island, notary Later, he became a local squire. In 1511, Cortis joined Velasquez in the conquest Cuba The war. Velasquez was appointed Cuba governor Later, Cortez was appointed as the financial officer for meritorious service. He was later elected to Cuba Santiago The mayor of mother's youngest sister-aunt Marriage. From 1534 to 1535, Cortez went north North America West coast, exploring the south California And named it“ California ”(California)
Francisco de Victoria, Francisco de Victoria (1480-1546) was a theologian and jurist of the Spanish Renaissance. School of Salamanca The ancestor of modern international law.
Gaspar de Guzm á n y Pimentel (1587-1645) studied law and military affairs at Salamanca University. Spain Duke Spanish Crown Minister, who has dominated Spain's domestic and foreign policies for decades. Its family originated from Alonso Perez de Gusm ã o (1256-1309) of the Gusm ã o family, the lord of Sanl ú car de Barrameda in Andalusia. In 1445, King Juan II of Castilla granted the title of Juan Alonso Perez de Gusmao, the sixth generation of Senlucar lords Duque de Medina-Sidonia The Perez de Gusm ã o family became Spanish aristocrats. Duque de Medina Sidonia is one of the oldest titles in the Kingdom of Spain.
Jules Cardinal Mazarin (July 14, 1602 - March 9, 1661), also translated as Cardinal Jules Masarin, a French diplomat and politician, studied law at Salamanca University. King of France Louis XIV The prime minister (1643~1661) and the pivot of the period. End of term Thirty Year War And gained many important territories for France; However, in 1648, the Stonethrower Rebellion caused France, which was still fighting with Spain, to fall into internal trouble and foreign aggression, and its national strength was greatly reduced and temporarily became a second rate country. It was not until 1659 that the victory over Spain ended the war, laying a preliminary foundation for Louis XIV's hegemony.
Mateo Alem á n (Spanish: Mateo Alem á n, 1547-1614) is a European writer in the Renaissance. At Salamanca University Universidad de Alicante study. He was born in Seville and spent several years in Mexico. His Biography of Guzman de Alfarache (first published in 1599) is The Renaissance One of the greatest evil Han novels of the period.
Pedro Calderon de la Balka( Spanish Pedro Calder ó n de la Barca, January 17, 1600 - May 25, 1681), studying law at Salamanca University, Spanish militarist, writer, poet dramatist , an important figure in the golden age of Spanish literature. His representative work is the play Life Like a Dream.
Diego de Torres Villarroel , 1694-1770), professor of Salamanca University, famous poet, writer, doctor, comedian and mathematician.
Gaspar Sanz (1640 – 1710), born in Carada, Aragon, Spain, was a Baroque Composer, guitar musician, Organ Home and priest. Gaspar studied music, theology and philosophy at Salamanca University, and was later employed as a music professor. Baroque guitar written by him Pedagogy yes classical guitar Performance is still very important.
Pedro Gomez Labrador Pedro G ó mez Labrador, Marqu é s de Labrador, 1772-1850, Spanish minister and diplomat. Graduated from Salamanca University Law School. congress of vienna (1814-1815) Representative of Spain.
Manuel Belgrano (Manuel Belgrano, 1770 – 1820), graduated from Salamanca University Law School, Argentina Economists, lawyers, politicians, military leaders. He took part in the Argentine War of Independence. He is Flag of Argentina Designer of. He is regarded as one of the "liberators" of the country.
Unamuno (Miguel de Unamuno, 1864-1936) A famous Spanish writer, philosopher, former president of the University of Salamanca, and a representative writer of the 98 generation, "The trembling and uncertain thoughts and the bizarre and lengthy written expression, which created the rich and passionate sophistry, also marked his unique style." His representative works include novels: Mist, Abel Sanchez《 Martyr Saint Manuel Bueno 》; Philosophical treatise: The Tragic Consciousness of Life. Poetry anthology:《 Lyrical sonnet 》, Christ of Velasquez, From Fuette Bentura to Paris, Ballad of Exile, etc. It was awarded in 1928 The Nobel Prize in Literature Nomination, but failed due to the obstruction of the Spanish government at that time.
Pedro Salinas (1891-1951) was a Spanish poet and critic. Born Madrid , former University of Seville and University of Madrid Professor of Spanish literature, who has lectured in Europe and America. After the outbreak of the Civil War in 1936, he moved to the United States and taught in universities. Salinas' poetry inherits the beauty of Garcilaso, Becker and Simanes Lyric style , with Free verse Mainly. The main poetry collections include Prophecy (1923), Your Voice (1934), and The Reason of Love (1936). The late poetry collection Everything Is Clear (1949) expresses the poet's capitalist society The feeling of uneasiness, fear and sadness. His other works include the collection of essays "Happy Eve Before the Festival" (1926), satiric novel "The Incredible Bomb" (1950), literary treatises "Jorge Manrik or on Tradition and Originality" (1947), "The Poems of Ruben Dario" (1948) and "Spanish Literature in the Twentieth Century" (1949), etc.
Francisco El í as de Tejada y Sp í nola (1917-1978), a famous Spanish natural jurist and legal philosopher, is a professor of Salamanca University.
Esteban de Bilbao Egu í a (1897-1970) graduated from the Law School of Salamanca University. An important politician in Franco's time, he held important positions in the judiciary and other departments for a long time.
Aristides Royo (1940 -) Salamanca University Master of Law Panama ex-president.
Francisco J. Ayala (1934 -), an American Hispanic scholar, graduated from Salamanca University in 1960. Internationally renowned ecology And evolution biologist Currently in the United States University of California Irvine Ecology and Evolutionary biology Professor, Professor of Philosophy, Professor of Logic and Philosophical Science. He has profound attainments in biology, philosophy and other fields, and has a wide range of contacts. He has published more than 1000 research papers and 40 books. Professor Ayala enjoys a high reputation in the academic community, including National Academy of Sciences American Academy of Arts and Sciences American Philosophical Society Russian Academy of Sciences 8 academician titles from 6 countries, including the Spanish Royal Academy of Sciences. In 2001, he won the highest scientific award in the United States - the United States National Science Medal And won the Templeton Award in 2010.
Adolfo Suarez Gonzalez (Adolfo Su á rez Gonz á lez, September 25, 1932 - March 23, 2014), former Prime Minister and politician of Spain, Spanish Bourbon Dynasty Juan Carlos I Important officials of the period (1976-1981). Graduated from the law department of Salamanca University, the first democratically elected Prime Minister of Spain after democratization, and was elected in 1981 King of Spain Granted to Suarez The title of Duke has played a vital role in the process of Spanish democratization. On May 22, 2007, Spain's Antena 3 selected "the most important Spaniard in history", and he ranked sixth. He is often regarded as History of Spain The most distinguished Prime Minister.
Juan Zarate, the security assistant of the President of the United States under the Bush administration, currently works at CSIS( Center for International Strategic Studies )。
Manuel Antonio Baltison Mendes (1970 -) Guatemala Lawyer, politician, Doctor of Law of Salamanca University, leader of Liberal Democratic Revolutionary Party (LIDER), presidential candidate in 2010, is expected to become the next president of Guatemala.
Jos é Vicente Rangel Vale (1929 -) Venezuela front vice president Lawyers and journalists. Graduated from Salamanca University Law School.
Juan MANUEL Santos (Juan Manuel Santos Calder ó n, 1951 -), graduated from Cartagena Naval Academy, and later worked in Britain London School of Economics And the United States Harvard University Study economics. Columbia Politician, economist, current Presidents of Colombia