zero Useful+1


[cǎo yào]
Traditional Chinese medicine composed of plants
Herbal medicine is made from plant extracts and mainly uses its therapeutic value. Because most plants contain chemical substances Element, with physical therapy such as healing.
Herbal medicine is the oldest form of health care, which played an important role in ancient times. modern medicine At the moment of development, it was still unheard of technology.
Primitive humans make use of the vast space around them Flora With the maximum observation of animals, plants and their components, herbal medicine was finally born.
A study conducted by the World Health Organization shows that about 80% of the world's people still rely on herbs to treat certain diseases, and about 74% of the drugs used contain at least one botanical molecule.
For example, the use of traditional Chinese medicine ephedrine treatment respiratory system It still exists. Ephedrine still has most commercial prescription drugs, which can be used to alleviate asthma symptoms.
Chinese name
English Interpretation


Explain plants Bud It is a kind of traditional Chinese medicine composed of seeds, leaf stems and roots.
[Detailed explanation] Medicinal materials from common plants. For rare medicinal materials. Also refers to not seen in pharmacopoeia Folk medicinal materials.
Chinese Liu Xiang Shuoyuan Jianben: "Sharp stones and miscellaneous herbs are used to fight against suffering."
Song Shenkuo's "Dream Stream Writing · Medicine Discussion":“ time-honored methods Collect herbs Use February and August more often than not. But the grass has sprouted in February, and the seedlings have not withered in August. It is easy to recognize the ears of those who pick them, and the medicine is not good. "
clear Wu Minshu "Miscellaneous Sayings": "There is another number of herbs. It is said that the name of these herbs is not《 Herbal Classic 》It is especially effective to cure diseases. "
Lao She Four generations in the same hall 》May 8: "Old ma'am He also took two with Li Si Ma Individually owned We should gather our medical knowledge together and consider some herbs or folk prescriptions to give to Mrs. Cui. "


Traditional Chinese medicine mainly consists of plant medicine (root, stem, leaf, fruit) Animal medicine (viscera, skin, bone, organ, etc.) and Mineral medicine form. Since plant medicine accounts for the majority of traditional Chinese medicine, traditional Chinese medicine is also called Chinese herbal medicine.
There are two schools of herbal medicine: traditional Chinese medicine and western medicine. Although both Chinese herbal medicines have entered the western medicine, they still belong to folk herbal medicine.
The purpose of using herbs is not only to target a certain symptom, but to help the whole body and strengthen itself, although there is no scientific evidence. The herbal medicine has actually proved its healing effect, and the herbal medicine has been put into clinical trials to prove its value. Including the known lavender, which is used to treat cold St. John's wort ——For the treatment of mild depression (not used fluoxetine ), Hawthorne berries - help light during recycling heart disease
Herbs cannot directly replace modern medicines. Herbs are extracted from natural plants, and not all herbs can be used safely.
At the same time, medicinal materials are often only used for mild diseases. If the symptoms are serious, it is better to consult a doctor, who can tell you what is the appropriate dose and recommend the frequency at all levels.
Common sense tells us that herbal medicine has a history of more than 1000 years, but self diagnosis is not recommended.
Always keep in mind that drugs and traditional Chinese medicines are commercial drugs with side effects. Some people mistakenly believe that these are natural herbs, which are 100% safe. This is incorrect.

Drug guide



There are many Chinese medicinal "drug guides" that are more appropriate to take at the same time. "Drug guide" helps guide others Direct drug delivery Hospital, so that Chinese medicine can play a more full role.


Honey: Delicious Complement, Moisten intestines and relieve constipation , moisten the lungs and remove dryness, strengthen the spleen and detoxify, can be mixed with water, suitable for treatment Lung heat cough , chronic cough due to yin deficiency Habitual constipation Such as a class of traditional Chinese medicine.
Rice soup: suitable for Invigorate qi It can strengthen the spleen, stomach and intestines, diaphragm and pharynx Promoting fluid production and quenching thirst , diuretic and dehumidifying herbs to reconcile various drugs Coordination role It can also reduce the gastrointestinal irritation caused by minerals and shellfish drugs that are difficult to digest and absorb.
Ginger soup : "It can release lung qi, relieve depression and regulate the middle, clear the appetite, open phlegm and eat". It can stop vomiting, warm the middle and dispel dampness, and is suitable for treating wind and cold Superficial evidence Deficiency of lung Cough and asthma Deficiency cold of spleen and stomach , vomiting, hiccup and other functions of Chinese medicine. 3-5 pieces of ginger Water frying Take the soup.
Jujube soup : It tastes sweet and benefits the spleen, invigorates qi and nourishes blood, can ease drug properties, detoxify, promote fluid production, stop diarrhea, Invigorate the spleen Harmonize the stomach and enhance the function of spleen and stomach. Suitable for treatment Spleen and stomach weakness Insufficient middle air Chinese medicine with other functions. large Jujube Boil 5-10 pieces of soup.
temperature Yellow Wine : It can increase the medicinal power, because the effective ingredients of some medicines are alcohol soluble ingredients.

Medical knowledge


Boiled Traditional Chinese Medicine

Chinese wolfberry
The process of boiling Chinese medicine is to make the effective ingredients of medicine fully enter the soup, so casserole is often used. Even if it's fried Decoction medicine Temperature and time.
But it can be used Microwave Oven Stir the hot decoction when drinking it, and be careful not to burn it evenly when heated.
1. Select well Decoction Utensils
2. Make preparations
3. Accurately master the fire
4. Take good liquid medicine with proper medication
Traditional Chinese medicine decoction is one of the most commonly used dosage forms in traditional Chinese medicine. Because of its quick absorption, easy efficacy and easy addition and subtraction, it can comprehensively and flexibly adapt to various diseases. But if Decocting method Improper and unscientific medication methods will also affect the efficacy of drugs. In order to give full play to the therapeutic effect of traditional Chinese medicine decoction and avoid the occurrence of adverse reactions, we will discuss the container, times, temperature, directions, taboos and precautions after taking the decoction, Compare Detailed introduction.

Applicable utensils

Pottery, casserole stainless steel Utensils, etc., do not use Oil stain Pot Iron pan Aluminium pan And other metal utensils. Because the oil stain may contain carcinogens - 3, 4 Benzopyrene , will be right human health Cause harm; Iron can be used in the same way Tannin , oil, alkaloid anthraquinones coumarin The chemical reaction of its glycosides and other components will have adverse effects on human body after taking it.


Before decoction, check whether the medicine is damp Mildew Or worm eaten and deteriorated, and then soaked with cold water, after a few minutes, add appropriate amount of cold water to boil. The cold water must be clean and free of impurities. The amount of cold water put into the first decoction should be about two inches more than the dosage surface, and the amount of water for the second and third decoction should be reduced as appropriate.

Fire control

Ganoderma lucidum
When decocting a medicine, it is advisable to use an acute fire before the medicine liquid is boiled, and use a gentle fire after boiling to prevent the Chinese medicine from drying up quickly, and the effective ingredients in the medicine cannot be dissolved, which will affect the efficacy. It is better to stir frequently when boiling, so that the liquid medicine can be fully fried. Heat clearing Antidote The frying time should not be too long. Generally, the first frying should be boiled for 20 minutes, and the second and third frying should be boiled for 15 minutes. Tonics It should be cooked slowly for about 40-60 minutes.

matters needing attention

1. The decocted liquid medicine must be filtered with seeds. Each decocted liquid medicine is about 150-200 ml, mixed and taken in batches. If there is too much liquid medicine, the mixed liquid medicine can be boiled again and concentrated before taking. Never take decocted Chinese medicine. When the room temperature is high, it should be noted that the decoction of traditional Chinese medicine is easy to become rancid. In addition, the bowls and cups used for medicine should be cleaned in time.
2. Clean the scale in the pot immediately after each decoction.
3. In the medicament, where indicated“ Fry first ”、“ Rear lower ”, "melting"“ Chong Fu ”Special attention should be paid to the difference between "cloth wrapped" drugs: shells (such as Sea clam Class, Health Oysters Etc.), ores (such as Gypsum , raw oysters, etc.), toxic drugs (such as Sichuan bird, kusnezoff root, etc.), should be decocted for 10-15 minutes before other drugs are added; Medicines with fragrant and volatile smell (such as Amomum villosum Perrin Wait for 5 to 15 minutes before other medicines are decocted; Soluble drugs (such as donkey hide gelatin Antler gum Application of decocted liquid medicine solution or application of medicine Waterproof Evapotranspiration; Medications (such as Panax notoginseng powder borneol Can be taken with decoction; Package decoctions (such as Convolvulus Plantain seed It is better to wrap it with cloth and then put it into the pan for frying.

Valuable medicine

Valuable traditional Chinese medicines such as ginseng American ginseng , Cordyceps sinensis, Ganoderma lucidum, etc Fried separately , take longer, about 1 hour.


If there is no special Doctor's order It is better to take it orally twice a day (early, late) or three times a day (early, middle, late). The effect of three times is better. After three decoctions, the medicine soup still contains about 20% of the effective ingredients. Taking it three times a day helps maintain a certain level of drug concentration in the blood. Some drugs have gastrointestinal effects Irritant effect It is better to take it half an hour to one hour after meals, or take it several times intermittently after meals.

Distinguish true from false

According to the taste of Chinese medicinal materials to understand their special taste and taste, so as to measure and identify the quality of medicinal materials Oral test This method is simple and easy to operate, and has great applicable value for identifying Chinese medicinal materials such as root bark, fruit seeds, etc. For example: Coptis chinensis , Sophora flavescens and other medicinal materials have distinctive, pure and lasting bitter, sour, sweet, salty, hot and other tastes, and the stronger the general taste, the better the quality. However, for oral test identification, attention should be paid to: sampling should include Representativeness Take samples carefully for strong irritant and highly toxic medicinal materials to prevent poisoning. [1]

Toxic and side effects

Fructus aurantii immaturus
It is popular to say that traditional Chinese medicine has no toxic side effects. In fact, all "drugs" have certain side effects. Some are poisonous Chinese herbal medicine as Tripterygium wilfordii , Defensive Fish gall Mutong , magnolia officinalis, asarum, kusnezoff root, sophora flavescens Morning glory Long term application or overdose, traditional causes kidney Toxic reaction On September 28, 2012, caused by Chinese herbal medicine Renal injury 54 cases clinical observation It is found that some patients have different degrees of Polyuria Nocturnal urination Increase, dehydration, thirst, nausea and vomiting, fatigue or edema Oliguria or Anuria , Mild proteinuria Tubular urine hematuria , diabetes hypertension And other symptoms. Research shows that aristolochic acid contained in Akebia, Magnolia officinalis and Asarum can cause Renal tubule pathological changes.
Tripterygium wilfordii contains many kinds alkaloid And double Terpenoids Three ring chloride And cells Alkylating agent It is highly toxic and can cause multiple system diseases such as heart, liver, kidney and nerve. among Nephrotoxicity Can cause degeneration or necrosis of renal tubules Toxic nephrosis Interstitial nephritis Renal papilla necrosis acute renal failure In 214 cases Tripterygium wilfordii poisoning Among them, 64 cases died, of which 44 cases died of acute renal failure. It was reported that 7 patients who took more than 60 grams of Mutong died of acute renal failure within 7-10 days. Chinese patent medicine Caused by Anaphylactic reaction , with Allergic dermatitis Most common, mostly local itching, burning, or large red spots, even accompanied by fever Chest tightness , nausea, vomiting, restlessness, which can be caused in serious cases Arrhythmia , until Hemolytic reaction and Anaphylactic shock And death. Therefore, the toxic and side effects of Chinese patent medicines should not be underestimated.
Treatment course problems
Prunus japonica
Taking traditional Chinese medicine does not have a strictly defined course of treatment like taking western medicine. Generally speaking, the duration of taking traditional Chinese medicine should be based on the theory of syndrome differentiation and treatment of traditional Chinese medicine, the stability or progress of the disease, and the simultaneous use of Western medicine Therapeutic response And the patient's tolerance to traditional Chinese medicine. Short can be taken for several days, such as adjuvant chemotherapy During the period of nausea and vomiting to alleviate gastrointestinal symptoms of Chinese medicine treatment. It can be taken for several years. If the patient takes some tonic herbs during the recovery period, it is beneficial to prevent recurrence. Clinical reports, Intestinal cancer The patient takes continuous invigorating spleen after operation clearing away heat and toxic material Chinese medicine for 3-5 years can reduce recurrence. Reported lung cancer mammary cancer And child cervical carcinoma Patient, long-term auxiliary application of Fuzheng herbs survival rate It can be improved for 5-10 years.
Can traditional Chinese medicine be taken together with western medicine
It is better not to take it at the same time, because it is difficult to determine the complex relationship between western medicine, traditional Chinese medicine and Chinese patent medicine, and it is necessary to strictly prevent it from occurring after taking it Antagonism or Synergy cause Adverse reactions In order to make the medicine fully absorbed, it is usually used to separate the time of taking traditional Chinese medicine and western medicine.
Can you use drinks as“ Drug guide ”Delivery of Chinese medicine
General emphasis warm water Take Chinese medicine. Taking medicine with drinks, tea, etc. may reduce the destructive effect. For example, tea contains Tannins It will happen together with alkaline traditional Chinese medicine chemical reaction It can produce precipitation, reduce the effective ingredients, reduce the potency and affect the curative effect. Of course, there are exceptions, such as Jiang Cola (also known as Ginger coke )。
"The best way to decoct medicine is to talk deeply about whether it is effective or not. It all depends on this". predecessors have accumulated a lot of experience in decocting and taking medicine. Chinese herbal decoction Whether it is taken properly or not is related to the therapeutic effect. With this knowledge, it is conducive to communication between doctors and patients, and can also promote cooperation between doctors and patients.

Planting tips


Balcony herb

From a practical point of view, perennial herbs can be selected for balcony planting, although Growth period Slow, but the good thing is that it is evergreen all the year round, can be picked many times, and is simple and extensive in management.
Compared with the wild, the light and ventilation conditions on the balcony are limited, and the fragrant plants with medicinal value are not prone to diseases and pests, but the weak light conditions have a greater impact on the growth of these plants.
Therefore, some technical modifications can be made, such as putting a mirror on the balcony to enhance the light through reflection. Small pots evaporate quickly, while large pots evaporate slowly. Try to use some large and deep pots.
There are many kinds of herbs suitable for family balcony planting, including annual herbs (such as sweet basil Herba schizonepetae Etc.), and some are perennial (such as thyme rosemary Sage Herbs with mild medicinal properties and dual use of medicine and food are most suitable for balcony planting, such as Rehmannia glutinosa Astragalus membranaceus , North Sea Cucumber Ophiopogon japonicus , Salvia miltiorrhiza Agastache rugosa perilla frutescens crispa Etc. If you want to eat herbs, you must learn more about Chinese medicine, and ask professionals to identify and guide.

Herbs can be used for cooking

Herbs can be used for many medicines Private cuisine , such as Chicken wings barbecue When the rosemary leaf Mix the seeds together to get rid of fishy smell; use Lavender To make biscuits; do salad Add some freshness Peppermint leaf , or use Mint Wait to make Herbal tea , Production Perilla jam Etc

Name of interesting medicine

with Chinese Zodiac Naming - e.g Murine myxoid , Achyranthes bidentata Saxifraga (Golden Lotus Leaf) Rabbitgrass gentian Hedyotis diffusa Verbenae Root of sheep's hoof Hericium erinaceus , Spatholobus spatholobi, dog Ear Grass , Swine sand grass (purslane), etc.
With heaven, earth and people Sun, moon and stars Naming - such as Tiannanxing Exocarp . People are worried (also known as Blood distressed ), thousand day red, snow in June, stars in the sky, etc. drug Mingdao Characteristic and vivid.
with spring, summer, autumn and winter , named in the southeast, northwest and northwest -- Ruchun Xincao self-heal , Autumn chrysanthemum Winter anemone seed , Dongyangcao, Xichishao, Nansishi North Hemiptera Etc. The name contains seasons and prescriptions, which teach people to collect them in time.
It is named after the seniors and children and the immortal jade Buddha, such as Dandelion , Tripterygium wilfordii Motherwort Mother-in-law needle (cecum grass), sister grass (water grass head), grey god, agrimony, corn whisker Chayote Etc.
Name by color - e.g safflower Wampee leaf Radix Isatidis White thatch root Semen sesami nigrum , green and withered leaves perilla frutescens crispa Leaves, etc.
Name with numbers - e.g barbed skullcap Happy at first sight Dichromatic rattan (Honeysuckle), Panax notoginseng Four leaf ginseng Five eggplant skins, June snow Paris polyphylla , Babao, Jiulonggen( Polygonum cuspidatum )、 Mahonia leaves , lily, jack grass( Cowweed )、 Evergreen Etc.

plant extracts

plant extracts Plant extract refers to a substance extracted or processed from plants (whole plants or part of plants) by appropriate solvents or methods, which can be used for health promotion or other purposes.
The plant extract industry has been developed in the past 10 years, and it is also engaged in medicine Fine chemical industry A marginal industry between agricultural industries. It is defined as follows:
Plant extracts are extracted from plants according to Final product The purpose of physical chemistry extract separation process , directional acquisition and concentration of one or more plants Active ingredient , without changing the structure of its effective ingredients. Plant extract Product Concept Quite broad. According to the different components of extracted plants, glycosides, acids polyphenol , polysaccharides, terpenes, flavonoids, alkaloids, etc; According to the different properties of the final product, it can be divided into vegetable oil extract , powder Lens Etc.
Based on the legislative scope, concept and use of various countries, the concept of plant extract can be accepted and recognized by all countries, and it is also the common feature of spreading herbal medicine in all countries Expression Chinese plant extracts Exports As early as 1999, it exceeded the export volume of Chinese patent medicine. stay Europe and America Country, plant extracts and their products( Botanical medicine Or food supplement) has a broad market prospect and has developed into a Emerging industries
In general, plant extracts in China are intermediates, which are widely used, mainly as raw materials and excipients for medicines, health food, cosmetics, etc. There are also many kinds of raw material plants used for extraction, and more than 300 kinds of plants have been extracted in industry.

Ancient medicine

As we all know, in the history of human civilization, for most of the last 200 years or so, human beings have been relying on traditional medicines (more than 90% of which are plant medicines) to fight against diseases. Major enterprises country with an ancient civilization And people with a certain degree of civilization almost all have their own ethnomedicine Among them, China's traditional Chinese medicine system is the most complete and has made the greatest achievements. so to speak, Traditional Chinese Medicine in China System is the highest expression of ancient medical science.

Modern development

The progress of science and technology has created Chemicals And new Biological medicine the Second World War Later, the whole pharmacy, from research technology Production technology reach Professional management Great progress has been made in technology. At the same time, plant medicine, which had been relatively stagnant for a long time, has also gained new development with the progress of science, technology and management. There are three botanical preparations Development stage The first stage is the traditional pills, pills, creams and powders. The second stage is the extraction Rough treatment Technology and modern industry Chinese patent medicine is made by combining preparation technology. The third stage is to apply Modern separation technology and Detection technology Refined and quantified Modern Botanical Medicine The three stages of plant medicine only indicate that they are produced successively Chronological order It does not mean that the next phase will replace or cancel the previous phase. Just like chemicals can't be canceled Natural medicine Biological drugs can not be canceled like chemical drugs. But the latter level reflects or applies modern technology more than the former level.
Plant extract and modern plant medicine have overlapping meanings in the concept, and they contain part of each other. Modern plant medicine is largely based on extracts, which are the main raw materials and components of modern plant medicine; Some plant extracts are directly used as medicine. There is no unified definition of plant medicine in the world. But the West is used to calling plant medicine natural medicine. Natural medicine refers to all natural medicines used to treat diseases chemical treatment Chinese medicine, herbal medicine and botanical medicine should be included in its scope.
The modern plant medicine in Germany refers to the plant extracts selected in the treatment. It can be either the whole plant extract or part of the extract, usually a compound chemical material Germany has defined plant medicine as medicine since 1976. This definition has been adopted by the American Botanical Society.
European Community The defined botanical drug products are not only single medicinal plant , which can be compatible with various botanical drugs (HERBAL MEDICAL PRODUCTS), and contains specific Plant active ingredients Or plant extracts, plant medicine is the medical supplies that plants are used for medical purposes. Plant medicine and its products are considered as an active ingredient or Therapeutic effect The composition of is not very clear Pharmaceutical products Plant medicine preparation is to crush plants into powder, extract, color, grease or liquid, press plant juice, etc. to process and produce plants, purify or concentrate them, and separate single compounds or mixtures from plants. At this time, it is no longer regarded as plant medicine but as chemical medicine, such as atropine
Herbs have been developed into health care products for generations in Guangdong, Herbal tea So as to recuperate a part of the body. Especially in Hakka Capital Meizhou Around here, people who have minor illnesses or are sentenced to death by the hospital will go to the herbal medicine store for medical treatment. People there often cook Medicated soup Take care of your body, which can be seen in local hotels and restaurants. Local people pay more attention to conditioning and taboos.