
Tuberosperma Solanaceae
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Solanum L Dicotyledons Tuberosperma Solanaceae There are more than 2000 species of plants distributed in the tropics and Subtropical Area, a few of which reach temperate zone, mainly producing South America Tropical zone. There are 39 species and 14 varieties in China.
Chinese name
Latin name
Solanum L.
Distribution area
World tropics and subtropics

morphological character

herbaceous Botany Subshrub , shrubs to small trees, sometimes lianas. No thorns or thorns, no hair or single hair, Glandular hair , dendriform hairs, stellate hairs and petiolate stellate hairs. Alternate leaves , rare twins, entire , wavy or various splits, rare Compound leaf [1]
Flowers consist of terminal, lateral, axillary, pseudo axillary, axillary or opposite leaf Cyme Scorpion tail and umbellate cymes; Or umbrella Panicle A few are single students. The flowers are bisexual, all fertile or only in the lower part of the inflorescence are fertile flowers, and the upper pistil degenerates and tends to be male; Calyx usually 4-5 lobed, sparsely enlarged in fruit, but not enveloping fruit; Corolla Star shaped spoke, star shaped or funnel shaped spoke, mostly half white, sometimes bluish purple, light reddish purple or yellow, often folded before opening, 4-5 lobed, half lobed, deeply lobed or hardly lobed; Corolla tube short; Stamens 4 (4 for S. procumbens Lour.) - 5, inserted at the throat of corolla tube, with short filaments, sometimes one of which is longer, often anther The anther is short to several times, and the rare anther is long, glabrous or with pointed multicellular long hair on the inside. The anther is inward, long elliptic, elliptic or ovoid elliptic, and the top end is extended or does not extend into a pointed head, usually sticking to a cylinder, and the top hole is cracked, and the hole is outward or upward and sparse inward; ovary 2 rooms, ovule Most, styles simple, straight or slightly curved, hairy or glabrous, stigma obtuse round, rarely 2-lobed. [1]
Berry Large or small, mostly nearly spherical, elliptical, thin oblate to inverted pear shaped, black, yellow, orange to red Stone cell Grain exists or does not exist; Seeds are nearly ovoid to reniform, usually compressed on both sides, with reticulate pits on the outside. [1]

Distribution range

There are more than 2000 species of Solanum plants, which are distributed in the tropics and Subtropical A few reach temperate regions, mainly producing tropical South America. There are 39 species and 14 varieties in China. [1]

Search Table

  • 1. The plant has no thorns; Anthers shorter and thicker; The top hole is inward or upward, most of which are equal to the diameter of the drug chamber. It usually starts at the beginning and then cracks into a side seam. (2)
  • 1. The plant has thorns; The medicine is long and extends at the top, and the top hole is small, outward or upward. (22)
  • Underground branches form tubers; Leaves are Odd pinnate compound leaf , leaflets petiolate, alternate in size; Corymb At the beginning, it is near the top, and then lateral (planting). Potato
  • 2 No underground tuber; Leaves undivided or pinnately divided, lobes nearly equal; Inflorescences terminal, pseudo axillary, axillary or opposite leaf. (3)
  • 3 Herbs to subshrubs or small shrubs, erect, erect or climbing; The berry is small, with a maximum diameter of 1 cm. (4)
  • 3 Upright shrubs or small trees; The berry is larger, about 1.2-2.5 cm in diameter. (18)
  • 4 Erect herbaceous or shrubby, usually short; Cymes, scorpion tails or umbels (rarely cymose panicles) due to extreme contraction of the general axis. (5)
  • 4 trailing herbs or vine like subshrubs to small shrubs; Length correction; Cymes terminal or axillary, rarely cymose panicles. (8)
  • 5. Purple flowers, red mature berries; The two calyx teeth of the calyx are connected into an arc. Solanum villosum
  • 5-flowered white (light cyan purple); Mature berries are black; The two calyx teeth of the calyx are connected at an angle. (6)
  • 6 subshrubs; Inflorescence short scorpion tail or cymose panicle. Nightshade
  • 6 Annual herbs. Inflorescence umbellate or short scorpion tail shaped. (7)
  • 7. The plant is robust; Short scorpion tail usually bearing 4-10 flowers; Both fruit and seed are large. nightshade
  • 7. The plant is slender; Inflorescence subumbellate, usually bearing 1-6 flowers; The fruit and seed are smaller. Solanum nigrum
  • 8 Leaves usually 5-7 - (9) pinnately divided, lobes ovate, ovate long elliptic to lanceolate. (9)
  • 8 Leaves entire or entire to base (2) - 3-5-lobed, lobes entire or undulate toothed. (11)
  • 9 plants without hair; The lobes of the leaves are mostly oval in shape, entire. Nanqingqi
  • 9 plant coat; Leaf lobes ovate to lanceolate, entire or shallowly undulate. (10)
  • 10 Plants white with nodose pubescence; The lobes of leaves are mostly lanceolate, with a sharp apex. Chinese wolfberry
  • The plant is covered with glandular hairs and white knobby pubescence; Lobes of leaves subovate or lanceolate, apex obtuse or acute. Eggplant wormwood
  • 11 Leaves at least a few with (2) - 3-5-lobed at base. (12)
  • The leaves never split. (16)
  • The plant is glabrous or sparsely pubescent or nearly glabrous. (13)
  • 12. The stems and leaves are all covered with many nodes of villus, and the leaves are 3-5 lobed from the whole edge to the base. (15)
  • 13 Plants are hairless; The stem leaves are mostly 3-parted at the base, and the school leaves are lanceolate to ovate lanceolate, entire; The flower is large, about 2.5 cm in diameter (cultivated). Solanum jasminoides
  • 13 Plants subglabrous or sparsely pubescent; The flower is small, with a diameter of no more than 1 cm. (14)
  • 14 halberd shaped, middle lobe margin sometimes with irregular wavy teeth or shallow teeth. Opaline
  • 14 Leaves triangular lanceolate or ovate lanceolate, sparsely 3-lobed from the base, and the margin of the middle lobe does not have wavy teeth or shallow teeth. Wild eggplant
  • 15 Leaves mostly entire, heart shaped or egg shaped lanceolate, base heart-shaped, rarely 3-lobed from the base halberd. bittersweet
  • The base of most of the 15 leaves is halberd shaped to piano shaped, 3-5 lobed. Albino
  • 16 The plant is smooth and hairless; Leaves lanceolate to ovate lanceolate; Most of the flowers are white, and a few are purple. Solanum pittosporifolium
  • Plants puberulent, margin of leaves ciliate at least. (17)
  • 17 herbaceous, base lignified; Leaves ovate to broadly ovate, base broadly cordate or rounded; Purple flowers. Phosgene
  • 17 herbs; Leaves ovate lanceolate, with rounded base. Taibaiying
  • 18 small trees, densely covered with white capitate tufts; Cymes are multi flowered, forming near terminal cymose panicle flat topped inflorescences. Solanum erianthum
  • Shrubs, glabrous or young branches covered with dendritic tufts of villi; Cymes lateral, axillary or nearly opposite leaf, or scorpion tail terminal, axillary or nearly axillary. (19)
  • 19 Inflorescence and inflorescence scorpion tail; The plant is completely hairless. (20)
  • 19 Flowers mostly solitary, rarely scorpion tail shaped, fruit solitary; Hairless or young branches and veins below leaves often have dendritic clusters of hairs. (21)
  • 20 Inflorescences scorpion tail terminal, axillary or subaxillary; Corolla radiate, blue purple; Fruit elliptic long elliptic; Leaves 3-5-lobed from the base (cultivated). Australian eggplant
  • 20 Inflorescence spiral, opposite leafy or axillary exophyte; Corolla deeply 5-lobed, white; Fruit round; The leaves are narrow elliptic lanceolate and never split. Convolved eggplant
  • The whole plant is smooth and hairless. Coral cherry
  • The young branches and leaves are often covered with dendriform clusters of villi along the veins. Coralline bean
  • 22 The indumentum is simple (only under the leaves of S. khasianum C. B. Clarke, there are inconspicuous sparse scattered stellate hairs), filiform or pilose; The prickles on the stem are straight and sharp; Cymes are short and few flowered (S. sisymbriifolium Lam. is scorpion tail). (23)
  • 22 indumentum is stellate villi; The stem epithelial spines are various; Cymes are usually multi flowered, sometimes there are two kinds of inflorescences that grow side by side, with single fertile flowers and more sterile flowers. (26)
  • 23 flower purple; The fruit is inverted pear shaped, with 5 protuberances at the base (cultivated). Milk eggplant
  • 23 The flowers are white, and a few are bright purple; The fruit is round to oblate. (24)
  • 24 Stems and branches glabrous, with thin and straight prickles; The upper and edge of the leaf are more ciliated, and the lower part is glabrous or a few scattered cilia near the edge; The fruit is large, oblate and orange red when ripe. Beef eggplant
  • 24 The stems and branches are mostly mixed with long node bristles, short bristles and glandular hairs, or all of them are soft hairy glandular hairs, with broad and flat prickles or subulate prickles at the base; The fruit is small, round, and light yellow or red after ripening. (25)
  • The mature fruit is very red, and most of it is covered by the swollen persistent calyx; The leaves are pinnately parted. Garlic mustard eggplant
  • 25 Mature fruit is light yellow, and the persistent calyx does not expand the pericarp; Leaves are not pinnatifid. Cassia
  • Infructescence scorpion tail or cymose; Fruit round, smaller, with a maximum diameter of 2.5 cm. (27)
  • The fruit is solitary, with various shapes, and the smallest diameter is more than 3cm. (37)
  • 27 The leaf surface is covered with stellate indumentum with extremely unequal branches, one of which is extremely long and bristly; Stems and branches with prickles about 1-8 mm long; Inflorescence scorpion tail. (28)
  • 27 The leaf surface is covered with stellate villi and a few stellate hairs with unequal branches; Stems and branches with straight spines or broad and flat curved spines at the base; Various inflorescences. (29)
  • 28. Scorpion tail lengthens; Fruit glabrous, mostly covered by persistent calyx; The outside of persistent calyx is densely covered with small prickles of apical branches; Corolla blue purple. Prickly eggplant
  • 28 Scorpion tail does not extend; Pericarp stellate bristle, not covered by persistent calyx; Corolla white. Eggplant
  • 29 Cymes or cymose panicles. (30)
  • 29 Scorpion tail. (33)
  • 30 prostrate herbs; The stems and branches are densely covered with slender straight spines, about 5-20 mm long; Leaves sparsely branched with very short stellate villi; Corolla blue purple; The fruit is yellow when ripe. Nightshade
  • 30 Erect subshrubs to shrubs; Stems and branches with wide flat hooked spines at the base, 1-10 mm long. (31)
  • 31 Calyx with small needle prickles; Leaves ovate, usually 7-cleft, lobes margin undulate toothed; The corolla is purple. Cigars
  • 31 Calyx without small needle like spines; Leaves ovate to ovate long elliptic, margin wavy, lobed or 5-7 wavy hemilobed, lobes entire. (32)
  • 32 Corolla white; The pedicel and calyx are covered with stellate hairs and glandular hairs; The fruit is yellow after ripening, and the peel is dull after drying; The prickles are more than 5mm long. Water eggplant
  • 32 Corolla purple; The pedicel and calyx are covered with stellate hairs and never glandular hairs; The fruit is orange red after ripening, and the peel is bright after drying; The prickles on the stem are short, about 3 mm or less long, sometimes nearly absent. Nightshade
  • 33 Leaves are ovate, obovate to ovate and long elliptic, with the longest not more than 5 cm and the widest not more than 3 cm, and the margin is entire or 2-4 wavy shallowly lobed. (34)
  • 33 Leaves ovate, 2.5-5-10 cm long, 2-4-8 cm wide, margin 5-7 deeply lobed or 5-7 triangular lobed. (35)
  • 34 flowers purple, 5 numbers; The prickles on the stem are sparse and small; Leaves nearly entire. Sparse eggplant
  • 34 flowers white, 4 numbers; The stem is densely provided with hook shaped prickles at the base; The leaf margin is wavy and shallowly lobed. Hainan eggplant
  • 35 flower white; Inflorescence stalk and outside calyx without small needle prickles; The flower consequence handle is folded back. Bitter thorn
  • 35 The flowers are purple or white, with prickly prickles or small curved prickles at the base outside the peduncle and calyx; The flower stem does not fold back. (36)
  • 36 flower purple; The stem is provided with curved prickles whose base is wide and flat and longer than 5mm; The fruit is supported by the persistent calyx with acupuncture and outward folding. Solanum japonicum
  • 36 flowers white; The stem has small straight spines no longer than 4 mm; Most of the fruit is wrapped by membranous persistent calyx; Outside the persistent calyx, sparsely growing small and curved prickles with swollen base. Calyx eggplant
  • The fruit is round, the top base is compressed, the outer surface is ribbed, and it is orange red or orange yellow when mature. Red eggplant
  • 37 Fruit round, long, pear shaped or other shapes, without edges outside. (38)
  • 38 Calyx lobes acute, lanceolate, 10-20 mm long; The flower is large, about 2.5-7 cm in diameter. (39)
  • 38 Calyx lobes short, triangular and broad at base; Corolla is much smaller, about 1.7-3 cm in diameter. (40)
  • 39 Herbs to subshrubs, with calyx length of 10-15mm and corolla diameter of about 2.5-3cm. Eggplant
  • 39 Trees, calyx 15-17 mm long, corolla 6-7 cm in diameter (cultivated). Large flowered eggplant
  • 40 Pedicel quadrangular, corolla covered with gray long bristles. Philippine eggplant
  • 40 Pedicel cylindrical, corolla covered with stellate villi. Wild nightshade [1]

Description of the genus

Still available Narrow leaf eggplant (S. cornutum Lam.) [4] and Paradise flower (S. wendlandii Hook. f.) [5] 2. Alien species, which are not widely cultivated, are not paid. [2]

Category overview

Gulongkui Subg. Archaeosolanum Bitter
Solanum aviculare Forst
Solanum Subg. Solanum
Pseudo tobacco leaf group Sect Anthoresis (Dunal) Bitter
S. verbascifolium
Baiying Group Sect Dulcamara (Dunal) Bitter
S. boreali cinense
S. cathayanum
Oubaiying S. dulcamara
Taiwan Baiying S. hidetaroi
S. japonense
S. jasminoides
Guangmu Section Leiodendron (Dunal) C. Y. Wu
Qingqi Group Sect Polybotryon (Dunal) Bitter
S. kerrii
Qingqi S. septemlobum
Coral Cherry Sect Pseudo-capsicum (Dunal) Bitter
Coral cherry S. pseudocassicum
Solanum nigrum Sect Solanum
Red fruit Solanum nigrum S. alatum
Solanum nigrum
Solanum photeinocarpum
S. suffruticosum
Yangtaro Group Sect Tuberarium (Dunal) Bitter
S. Tuberosum
Solanum Subg. Leptostemonum (Dunal) Bitter
Solanum group Sect Andromonoscum Bitter
Wild eggplant Ser Incaniformia
Wild eggplant S. coagulans
Philippine eggplant S. cumingii
Solanum melongena
Ser Acanthocalyx
Big eggplant S. wrightii
Yellow eggplant Ser Xanthocarpa
Maoguo Group Sect Lasiocarpum (Dunal) C. Y. Wu
Eggplant S. ferox
Shaohua Sect Oliganthes (Dunal) Bitter
Ser Afroindica
S. deflexicarpum
S. indicum
Cigar S. nivalo montanum
Red eggplant Ser Aethiopica
Red eggplant S. integrifolium
Cryptocarpus sect Protocryptocarpum Bitter
S. barbisetum
S. griffithii
Garlic mustard eggplant S. sisymbriifolium
Single hair group Sect Simplicipilum Bitter
Kaxiga S. khasianum
Milk eggplant S. mammosum
Cow eggplant S. surattense
Water eggplant group Sect Torvaria (Dunal) Bitter [1]
S. macaonense
S. nienkui
Hainan eggplant S. procumbens
Water eggplant S. torvum
Note: still available Narrow leaf eggplant (S. cornutum Lam.) [4] and Paradise flower (S. wendlandii Hook. f.) [5] 2. Alien species, which are not widely cultivated, are not paid. [2]

Species list

Scientific name
Scientific name
S. alatum
S. villosum Miller [6]
S. aviculare
S. laciniatum Aiton [7]
S. barbisetum
S. boreali-sinense
S. cathayanum
S. coagulans
S. cornutum
S. cumingii
S. deflexicarpum
S. dulcamara
S. ferox
S. griffithii
S. hidetaroi
S. indicum
S. integrifolium
S. japonense
S. jasminoides
S. kerrii
S. khasianum
S. lyratum
S. macaonense
S. mammosum
S. melongena
S. nienkui
S. nigrum
S. nivalo-montanum
S. photeinocarpum
S. pittosporifolium
S. procumbens
S. pseudocapsicum
S. septemlobum
S. sisymbriifolium
S. spirale
S. suffruticosum
S. surattense
S. torvum
S. tuberosum
S. verbascifolium
S. wendlandii
S. wrightii
S. xanthocarpum